Jim Rizoli Interviews Truth Seeker Monika Schaefer
MONIKA SCHAEFER: has been a life-long activist for the environment, peace and justice. She is a musician and a former National Park Warden. In recent years Monika started learning that what we have been told about World War II is full of lies and distortions, and that the Hollywood version of the so-called “holocaust” is false. This awakening was preceded by her learning that 9-11 was a false flag event designed to trigger the fraudulent “War on Terror”. Monika is very happy to be working on the side of truth in spite of some of the “ritual defamation” consequences of her actions. “The truth will set you free” is apt, and Peace and Love is what motivates her.
JIM RIZOLI: Cofounder, producer/interviewer (Fred Leuchter and Assistant, Diane King) of the Series, LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY REVISIONISTS. This also entails seeking out UNSUNG HEROES and German survivors of Allied atrocities – The German Story, The German Way. Hard core historical revisionist, Jim and, his brother, Joe moved from combating the illegal immigrant hordes in their cable shows to dealing with the fundamental and pervading issue of the holocaust. Their immigrant battles led them to the plight of Ernst Zundel in Canada, being prosecuted for having reprinted *Did 6 Million Really Die*! Thus Jim and Joe’s efforts and cable shows also turned toward the issue of the holocaust. That’s when their troubles accelerated. In 2002 – 2003 they began producing numerous (1000s of videos) dealing with many issues and 100s of videos about the holocaust. Consequently, YouTube videos (700) under the name of Jim Rizoli were banned. His name was banned on Facebook. In 2010, their cable shows were suspended. They returned and then were permanently removed in 2014. We are back to provide a venue of/freedom of, telling the story for tried-and-true revisionists and Germans throughout North America, Europe and Australia.
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Jim Rizoli – Monika Schaefer Interview, Sept 2016