The Canadian Red Ensign


Yes Antonia, There is a Threat to Canadian Freedom of Speech

Antonia Blumberg, the Associate Religion Editor for the progressive liberal disinformation site that some consider to be the online equivalent of a newspaper, the Huffington Posthas come to the defence of the anti-Islamophobia motion that Iqra Khalid, the Liberal MP representing Mississauga-Erin Mills has introduced into the Canadian Parliament. In doing so she has lived down to the stereotype, popular here in the Dominion of Canada, of the Yankee who spouts off about things of which she knows nothing.

Regardless of whether it is a non-binding motion or a bill, there is a very real threat to freedom of speech here, of which anyone familiar with the Liberal Party’s long war on the traditional rights and freedoms of Canadians would be well aware. There are many parallels between what the Liberal Party is doing now and what it did in the 1970s under the leadership of the father of the present federal premier. Then, as now, it decided that it was the government’s place to combat ideas and attitudes that the Liberals considered to be unacceptable. At the time it was racial and religious prejudice in general, and anti-Semitism in particular that the Liberals were going after. Warning Canadians that the threat of a potential Canadian Fourth Reich existed if these attitudes were not drummed out, stomped down, and extirpated with extreme prejudice, the Liberals, bereft of any sense of irony, established a Canadian equivalent of the Gestapo and the NKVD/NKGB/MGB/KGB in the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Although progressives will undoubtedly sputter with offence and rage at the comparison in the last sentence it is entirely apt and valid. The difference between the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the secret police of the Nazi and Soviet totalitarian regimes is one of degree not of kind. If the Canadian Human Rights Commission brought you before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal you would not end up facing a firing squad or being shipped away to a forced labour camp. At most you would be fined an exorbitant and crippling amount of money, slapped with a lifetime gag order, and have your career and reputation completely and utterly destroyed. Nevertheless, the Canadian Human Rights Commission exists for the same reason its Nazi and Soviet equivalents existed – to track down and punish those considered guilty of what, in Orwellian Newspeak would be called crimethink. It was negative thoughts about those designated as “vulnerable minorities” that the Trudeau Liberals considered to be crimethink, rather than negative thoughts about the regime itself, as was the case in the Third Reich, Soviet Union, and Orwell’s 1984, but it was crimethink all the same, and those charged with crimethink found that there was very little in the way of defence available to them. More perhaps, than was available to the unfortunate victims of the totalitarian regimes, but much less than has been traditionally available to the free subject-citizens of one of Her Majesty’s realms. The Liberals were able to get away with this by classifying the legislation – the Canadian Human Rights Act – which the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunal enforced as civil rather than criminal law. Civil law does not come with the same legal protections of the rights of the defendant that exist under criminal law. The progressive supporters of the Canadian Human Rights Act and its enforcing bodies deceive themselves, however, if they think this legislation exists to help people settle disputes among themselves, and not to punish people whose thoughts are considered criminal by the “Natural Ruling Party of Canada” as the Grits so arrogantly designate themselves.

Blumberg, citing the CBC, quotes Justin Trudeau as saying, in defence of Khalid’s motion “You’re not allowed to call ‘Fire!’ in a crowded movie theater and call that free speech.” This is not a valid comparison however, no matter how many times freedom-hating, totalitarian dolts make it. When you yell “fire” in a crowded movie theatre, you can create a panic in which people hurt or even kill people in their rush to get out. It is the act of mischief that is proscribed by law, not the idea expressed (“there is a fire in this theatre”). Indeed, if that idea were true, if there actually was a fire in the theatre, we would want that information to be conveyed, albeit in a more orderly fashion.

A law prohibiting so-called “hate speech” is not like this. If the Liberal Party passes a motion condemning Islamophobia and saying that the government must do everything in its power to combat Islamophobia, a hate speech law will be the next step they take. There is abundant evidence in their past track record to show this to be the case. It is the way they think. Such laws exist for one purpose, and one purpose only, to say “you are not allowed to think this or that.” The argument that says that “hate speech” also hurts people like yelling “fire” in a theatre because it can inspire someone to commit acts of violence is spurious, specious and downright mendacious. If one person expresses a negative view of a race, religion, sex or whatever, and another person who has heard this commits a violent act against a member of the group in question, it will not be an immediate, automatic, response like the panic in the theatre. It will involve someone thinking about the negative view expressed, deliberating on it, and concluding that violence is the right way to act on this information. Such a conclusion suggests that there was something wrong in this person’s head already, long before he heard the “hate speech”. Which is why “hate speech” is much less likely to produce a violent crime than calling “fire” in a theatre is likely to produce a panic. It would be more defensible, perhaps, to argue that speech that explicitly calls for a violent response, of the general “kill the ——-s” type, ought to be proscribed, but the “hate speech” that is prohibited by such laws is never limited to just this, and at any rate, this sort of thing was already covered by the laws against incitement that have been around since long before someone dreamed up the idea of laws against hate and which are far better laws being designed to protect everyone and not some designated group.

What the Liberal Party has done in the past in the name of combatting racism and protecting “vulnerable minorities”, however worthy we may or may not consider these goals to be in themselves, is completely unacceptable in a country like Canada. It is now 150 years since men like Sir John A. MacDonald established Canada as a self-governing Dominion under the British Crown, with legislative and judicial institutions grounded in the tradition attached to the Crown, including all the rights and freedoms of the Common Law. The right way to protect “vulnerable minorities” in our country, would have been to do a better job of making sure that the full protection of these rights and freedoms was enjoyed by all of Her Majesty’s citizen-subjects in our free Dominion, whatever their race, ethnic origin, etc. might happen to be. Instead, the Liberal Party opted to give special protection to “vulnerable minorities” and to abridge the traditional rights and freedoms of all Canadians to do so, while doing everything in their power to undermine our British heritage and the tradition from which those rights and freedoms sprang.

It is evident to every patriotic Canadian who loves his country, its true heritage, and its traditional freedoms, and is aware of what is going on that the Liberal Party is preparing to do more of the same, even if an ignorant Yank writing for a silly left-wing trash site is completely clueless as to what is going on.



Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-566-4455; FAX: 905-566-4820


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

I am shocked to see these organizations supporting such taxpayer-funded indoctrination.In a healthy democracy, respecting our TRADITIONAL individual rights, governments should not be engaged in propagandizing people.

The campaign against Islamophobia is a serious threat to freedom of speech. The term “Islamophobia” literally means fear of Moslems. Is that necessarily a bad thing.? Moslems have repeatedly invaded and occupied parts of Europe for 1200 years. Radical Moslems today engage in terrorist acts of bombing and killing in the name of their faith. Canadians are perfectly justified in wanting to know the beliefs and intentions of all newcomers.

People should also be free to criticize and question other religions. This is not an Islamic state. There should be no immunity from criticism for any gRoup or religion.

Please reconsider your support for such totalitarian measures.

Paul Fromm


[The Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) was founded in 1983 and incorporated as a non-profit educational organization in the Province of Ontario. It s Canada’s major free speech advocacy group and has intervened over the years in numerous court cases and human rights hearings.)


[It should be noted that “anti-racism” is a code word for anti-White. Governments are already riddled with anti-White pro-minority “employment equity” programmes. Anti-racism programmes are taxpayer-funded White bashing and propagandizing. Traditional Canadians who oppose immigration that would men their replacement would, of course,  be dismissed as “racists”]


“At the provincial level, we call for:

  1. All provincial governments to create an Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD), similar to that of the province of Ontario, which examines issues of systemic racism within the government’s mandate, as well as work to create and support public education campaigns on related topics.
  1. All Ministries of Education to commit to creating a mandatory course on systemic racism at the secondary school level which explores xenophobia, anti-Black racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobiaand their impacts on our society. Further, ministries should ensure that adequate resources and funding is available to provide ongoing training and resources for educators on these topics.

At the federal level, we call for:

  1. All members of parliament to support Motion 103 (M103), tabled by Iqra Khalid,Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Erin Mills, which calls on the federal government to study ways in which the government can reduce or eliminate systemic racism and religious discrimination in Canada, including Islamophobia. Full text below*.
  2. That January 29 be declared by Parliament as the NATIONAL DAY OF REMEMBRANCE AND ACTION ON ISLAMOPHOBIA.


 L’Assocation musulmane québécoise (AMQ)
 The British Columbia Muslim Association (BCMA)
 L’Association musulmane québécoise (AMQ)
 Canadian Association of Muslims with Disabilities (CAM-D)
 The Canadian Association for Muslim Women in Law (CAMWL)
 Canadian Centre for Deen Studies
 Canadian Council of Imams (CCI)
 Canadian Council of Muslim Women – National (CCMW)
 Canadian Council of Muslim Women – Montreal (CCMW)
 Canadian Muslim Alliance (CMA)
 Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association / Association canadienne des avocats musulmans
 The Canadian Muslim Vote (TCMV)
 Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec (CCIQ)
 Collective of Muslim Feminists of Quebec
 DawaNet
 Downtown Muslim Professional Network (DMPN)
 Federation of Muslim Women
 Islam Care Centre
 Islamic Association of Saskatchewan (Regina Branch)
 Islamic Family and Social Services Association (Edmonton)
 Islamic History Month Canada (IHMC)
 Islamic Shia Ithna ‘Asheri Jamaat (ISIJ) of Toronto
 Islamic Society of North America – Canada (ISNA-Canada)
 Islamic Social Services Association (ISSA)
 LaVoieDesFemmes
 London Muslim Mosque (LMM)
 Muslim Association of Canada (MAC)
 Muslim Coordinating Council of the National Capital Region (MCCNCR)
 Muslim Council of Peel
 Muslim Society of PEI
 Muslim Link Newspaper
 National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM)
 North American Spiritual Revival (NASR)
 Ottawa Muslim Association (OMA)
 Own It Institute of Canada Ltd.
 3Own: Muslim Youth and Family Services
 Think for Actions
 Windsor Islamic Association
 Windsor Islamic Council



Freedom to Offend: Support Free Speech, Not Sharia (Re Motion M-103)

Canada is on the verge of passing what amounts to Islamic blasphemy laws.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Government is quickly proceeding to address unproven increases of “Islamophobia”— and he’s going to do it by curbing the right to free speech.

The government’s anti-Islamophobia initiative began in the form of a seemingly innocuous online petition presented to Canada’s House of Commons. Citing no evidence whatsoever, the petition made a bold claim that Islamic terrorism has been used as a pretext for a “notable rise of anti-Muslim sentiment in Canada”.

The petition called upon the House of Commons to recognize that terrorists are not real Muslims by condemning all forms of Islamophobia, with no exact definition of what they meant by the term.

That request — with no evidence, not a single case of Islamophobia cited, virtually no public input, and zero attention from the mainstream media — received unanimous consent by Canadian MPs.

The petition was followed in rapid-fire fashion by a second motion sponsored by Liberal MP Iqra Khalid which called for the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage to produce findings and recommendations within 240 calendar days of the motion’s acceptance. Titled “Systemic Racism and Religious Discrimination,” the Motion M-103 demands that the government not only condemn Islamophobia in word but that it also develops a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating Islamophobia.

Motion M-103: That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear; (b) condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it; and (c) request that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could (i) develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia, in Canada, while ensuring a community-centered focus with a holistic response through evidence-based policy-making, (ii) collect data to contextualize hate crime reports and to conduct needs assessments for impacted communities, and that the Committee should present its findings and recommendations to the House no later than 240 calendar days from the adoption of this motion, provided that in its report, the Committee should make recommendations that the government may use to better reflect the enshrined rights and freedoms in the Constitution Acts, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

And so, it’s anticipated that legislative remedies — legal options — will be front and centre in the Committee’s efforts going forward.

In short: The Canadian government is preparing to silence anyone who criticizes Islam.

Their anti-Islamophobia motion (which will, in all likelihood, be voted on during this parliamentary session) resembles a kind of blasphemy law in favour of one preferred religion above all others. If this motion passes,

If this motion passes, Canadians can be persecuted for expressing any criticism of Islam, even when warranted.

This unfounded anti-Islamophobia legislation flies in the face of our Constitution and its embedded Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Sharia law and it’s related speech codes are not a reasonable limit on my freedoms.

According to our charter of rights and freedoms — we’re all equal. Every individual (not a belief system or ideology) is equal before and under the law. We all have equal protections and benefit equally from the law.

Muslims do not get special treatment or protections.

Join me in demanding that this motion is rescinded and exposed for what it is: A blatant attack on free speech, and so an assault on the very cornerstone of our Canadian democracy.

The government is not going to proactively ask for your opinion or let you have your say before they vote on this motion.

Considering they voted unanimously in support of the petition that started this sharia creep in our federal legislature, there’s a damn good chance this thing will pass — that is, of course, unless we make our voice heard.

If you agree, please sign my petition below and remind our politicians that it’s their job to defend our Constitution — our rights and freedoms.


This is Democracy, Spanish Style — Prison, Crippling Fines & Bookstore Shut Down

This is Democracy, Spanish Style — Prison, Crippling Fines & Bookstore Shut Down

Pedro Varela is a Spanish publisher and revisionist. You think there’s free speech and democracy in Spain? Pedro is stark proof that much of Europe is a cultural Marxist dictatorship and freedom of speech is severely limited by a new secular elite viciously imposing the new religion  of holocaust with the same fanaticism the Inquisition in that land used to try to stamp out herresy.
In July, 2016t, Spanish police raided the Libraria Europa (Europe Bookstore) bookstore of on Seneca Street in Barcelona. The bookstore carries a wide variety of literature with special emphasis on National Socialism. The bookstore and publishing company were closed for “hate speech” and “racial discrimination” — in other words, dissent.
A huge quantity of books were seized and are being investigated by the police. Owner Pedro Varela who has already served time for his political views in Spain. The state is seeking two years in prison for Mr. Varela plus a crippling fine of 70,000 Euros while the seizure of the stock of 15,000 books means the business is, essentially, out of business for the moment.
Mr. Varela reports.
“The trial about the supposed rights of selling  Mein Kampf took place last Thursday February the 2nd.
Our lawyer was good, but the prosecutor was hard. He is asking for 2 years prisón and a bill of 11.000 euros plus  60.000 euros suposed damages. The judge is not deciding at the moment.
The bookshop is still judicially closed by the police.  Libreria Europa and the Ediciones Ojeda Publishing House cant work at all at the moment, since I am free after payment of 30.000 €..
The investigation should have been finished after 6 months, but now they are asking for 18 months more investigation, since there are too many books to be read..
The Mayor’s office in Barcelona is trying to avoid the re-opening of the shop and pressuring the owners of the building to cancel  the contract
So we may have to keep fighting a longer time, as always.”
Conferencia de Pedro Varela sobre el Holocausto, las supuestas “Verdades Oficiales” y la futura Ley Mordaza dentro de la Jornada de la Primavera Madrileña de… v=2b-Qn79I1AM

Conferencia de Pedro Varela titulada “La verdad sobre el sistema que nos esclaviza” en Madrid el día 6 de Noviembre de 2016.
Inline image 1

Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday

Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday
Admirers from across Europe and even two from Canada arrived in Vichy, France for a surprise birthday party for French revisionist giant Prof. Robert Faurisson on the occasion of his 88th birthday.
“On Wednesday, January 25, 100 guests gathered at the Aletti Palace, Vichy for a surprise luncheon in honour of Prof,. Robert Faurisson, complete with musical interlude in company of entertainers tenor Giuseppe Fallisi and Alison Chabloz. … Mr. Fallisi delighted the hall with his sumptuous musical compositions of poems by Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rimbaud. (Faurisson first became known to the French public because of his work on Rimbaud.) …
In France, the situation is drastic as far as freedom of speech is concerned. Professor Faurisson awaits March 4 when — upon non-payment if a fine for revisionism (his views of history and his rejection of the elite’s new religion of holocaust) — the authorities are due to cart the 88-year old academic off to prison or, at the very least, equip him with an electronic bracelet.
As well as risking a spell behind bars, Professor Faurisson will also be at the Court of Appeal to contest another conviction for his 60-word phrase, uttered at the 2006 conference on the holocaust in Tehran.
During the Professor’s birthday celebration, … he told the guests that Paris Appeal Court Judge Sophie Portier, has ruled that the professor and his barrister Damien Viguier, will each be given no more than 10 minutes to speak — contrary to the status guaranteed to citizens by French law. The ignorance of French magistrates might be pardonable, but not when this ignorance is relied upon in order to justify convictions pronounced with eyes and ears tightly shut — result of these same magistrates’ refusal to take into consideration the living, changing evolution of historical research.” (The Next Step (February, 2017)

Report to THE EVENING STANDARD of Antifa Efforts to Shut Down London Forum, Feb. 4

Report  to THE EVENING STANDARD of Antifa  Efforts to Shut Down London Forum, Feb. 4
Dear  Sir,
 Whilst in Central London on Saturday anti-Trump protesters were making full use of their liberty of expression by demonstrating  against President Trump, another set of demonstrators dressed in black and wearing balaclavas have received much less attention; they were trying to deny the liberty of expression to those they didn’t agree with, by trying to close down a legal, peaceful, orderly  meeting of British and European nationalists, identitarians and independent thinkers – often bracketed as ‘alt-right’, which was being held at The Holiday Inn.   Speakers  came to ‘The London Forum’ meeting   from across Europe and as far afield as Canada and Iran.   
 Unbeknownst to most of those at the meeting the antitfa movement, with the usual  sprinkling of ‘Hope Not Hate’ supporters,  were putting intense pressure  on the Hotel management  to close the meeting down; the pressure was applied by blockading the hotel entrance, harassing hotel staff and  prospective patrons of the hotel, letting off smoke bombs, chanting and generally disrupting  and terrorizing anyone who wasn’t wearing a balaclava.  (See Ruptly TV news clip on youtube below)  It was made clear to management that if it wanted the disruption to stop it had better break up the meeting.  
Around 2pm  the hotel manager, police and the meeting chairman met to discuss the situation and to raise concerns regarding the safety of hotel patrons and other members of the public.  After some discussion, and to the credit of the Hotel Management an agreement was reached to allow the meeting to continue and for it to finish at its scheduled time.  The police eventually issued a Dispersal Order to the demonstrators and once the meeting had finished were again on hand to provide security as the meeting attendees left.  I have nothing but the highest praise for the actions and conduct of the police and hotel staff, for without ‘safe spaces’ to hold political meetings of all persuasions of what use is democracy?
As for the masked demonstrators it will be recalled that in  early January the Home Secretary banned ‘National Action’ labelling them a terrorist group for doing nothing more than wearing balaclavas whilst carrying out public protests.  The law should be applied justly, evenly and fairly, is it therefore not time that the Government also banned the masked thugs of  ‘antifa’?
Yours truly,

Adrian   Romilly  

French revisionist and political prisoner Vincent Reynouard interviewed by Paul Fromm

French revisionist and political prisoner Vincent Reynouard interviewed by Paul Fromm

Vincent Reynouard tells Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, about his life as a revisionist. Persecutions, searches of the Police, prison, exile, grievous loss of his family (two times…). Amazing!

Vincent Reynouard tells Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, about his…


Whatcott off to Toronto to face lawsuit and other updates!

Postby Bill Whatcott » Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:19 am

It’s true. In Whackadoodle “Gay” obsessed Canada it is possible to get sued for $104 million dollars for handing out Gospel packages with accurate information on the downside of homosexuality while disguised as a “gay” pot smoking zombie.Dear Friends,

I am now at the Vancouver airport heading to my two day hearing for the $104 million lawsuit. My crime that I am being sued for being infiltrating the Toronto Perverted Sex Celebration and unGodly Pride parade, disguised as a zombie and sharing 3,000 redemptive Gospel packages disguised as “Zombie Safe Sex” packages.

The hearing will be held at
Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON
The trial will be from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm both days and the hearing will apparently be taking place in the Osgoode Hall Courtroom

Demonstration in defense of religious freedom and free speech!
Wednesday, February 8 and Thursday, February 9, 2017 from 9 – 10 am

10,000 flyers containing a defense of Christian liberty and the editorial cartoon “Trudeau’s Chopper of Rights” will be delivered between February 5 – 10. I believe the organizers (not me) are looking for volunteers for this work. The excellent editorial cartoon can be seen here:

If you would like more information on the above prophetic witnesses please call me at (306) 861-6140 or e-mail me at:
billwhatcott @

A Toronto radio station 88.3 FM CIGQ is discussing the lawsuit. A friend e-mailed me the interview here. It can be heard live at noon on Sunday, Febrary 5th. … Tl5d18zbmM

Sadly the Toronto homosexual perverted sex and unGodly pride parade rejected my request to march as an open heterosexual Christian in their 2017 parade and banned me from all parades after that.

From Pam Paulsen
Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 9:07 AMThis email represents our acknowledgment of receipt for email issued to – Subject: Bill Whatcott’s request to march in the 2017 Pride Parade as an Open heterosexual Christian – on February 1, 2017.

Be advised, as communicated in August 2016, the Board has banned Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association and Bill Whatcott from participation in the Pride Parade in 2017 and beyond.

Pam Paulsen

So much for diversity and acceptance! thumbdown

Ursula Haverbeck — German Free Speech Champion

Ursula Haverbeck — German Free Speech Champion

At 88 years-plus, Ursula Haverbeck is an incredibly brave woman. With firm resolve, she has repeatedly challenged the Hollywood version of World War II, where the Germans are cast as the genocidal arch-villains. She says: ““It becomes clear that the Holocaust is the greatest and most enduring lie in history. It was needed in order to finally complete the centuries-long struggle for world domination by the Zionists, World Wars I and II were merely a preliminary stage for this achievement…»

Last year, she was sentenced to four years in prison for challenging Germany’s new secular state religion of “holocaust”, which has crippled a once proud people with debilitating debt. The thought crimes sentence and conviction is now at the first of four levels of appeal, another jailed dissident teacher Gunter Deckert explained. The process could take years.

Ursula Hedwig Meta Haverbeck-Wetzel is a German author and historical revisionist from Vlotho, Germany. Since 2004, she has also been the subject of publication offences for sedition relating to Holocaust skepticism.

Ruddy cheeked and spry, she greeted Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Paul Fromm at a January 28 gathering in Bonn to hear dissident traditional Catholic prelate Bishop Richard Williamson.

Asked by Mr. Fromm for her e-mail, she replied in good English: “I don’t have one. The police want me to get one. I don’t want to make their spying job easier,” she smiled with a conspiratorial twinkle in her eye.

Lady Michele Renouf, who introduced the Bishop, marvelled at Frau Haverbeck: “She fairly springs and dances when she walks.”

Image may contain: 7 people, people standing, suit and outdoor
Ursula Haverbeck & Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor
 Lady Michele Renouf