Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


German Thought Criminal, 81, Returns to Prison, April 19, 2017

German Thought Criminal, 81, Returns to Prison, April 19, 2017
Even a German, appeals court judge worries that Mr. Mahler drew a 10 year sentence for thought crime — “holocaust denial” — harsher than the sentences of many convicted of rape or muer in Germany
Although quite ill and having lost part of a leg to amputation, Mr. Mahler is being returned to serve three years more — the rest of his sentence.
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Horst Mahler – last public appearance before returning to prison

Hoax Letter Sent to Lesbian Councillor on Eve of YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing

Hoax Letter Sent to Lesbian Councillor on Eve of YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing

                  Two weeks before a long delayed Board of Review hearing into the cancellation of YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine’s mailing rights, out of the blue an anonymous person, naturally, sends an anti-homosexual letter to Toronto lesbian councillor Krystyn Wong-Tam. So, what? Don’t people have a right to experss themselves. Unfortunately, the anonymous writer left a real return address — the oft-vandalized offices of YOUR WARD NEWS.
                  Wong-Tam was triggered into typical victimhood. City News reported (April 12, 2017): ““I think it’s really important for us to recognize that when language that is used is hateful and discriminatory, it actually creates a climate of fear and violence,’ Wong-Tam said. ‘It can lead to violence, and I don’t want people to feel unsafe.’ ,,, The Councillor says the note has left her staff on edge. ‘I think they were quite alarmed, and they were almost dislodged,’ Wong-Tam explains.” Oh, the drama!
                     “The letter was sent on a day where millions around the world are marking The Day of Pink, a movement against bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia and transmisogyny. The councillor says there’s a responsibility on her end to identify hate speech, especially as someone sitting in a position of privilege,” City News continued. Fact is, not everybody likes homosexuals and their need to parade and push themselves before the public. “Hate speech” — what about just a different opinion? And, by the way, just what is “transmisogyny” in that rapidly expanding politically correct catalogue of opinions we can not hold?

                       But, is the letter real, or is it part of a campaign to smear YOUR WARD NEWS? We wouldn’t put it past the homosexual lobby or those who’d like to silence YWN to have written this letter themselves. This spring has seen a number of hoaxes. Remember the 125 or more Jewish synagogues or community centres in the U.S., New Zealand and even Calgary, Alberta that received bomb threats. Oh, dear, the Nazis are back in town. It’s all Trump supporters or the AtlRight. Even President Trump got snookered into denouncing the “anti-semitism” Well, it turned out that the FBI identified some 19-year old Israeli computer nerd as the perpetrator for reasons unknown of these 125 threats. It wasn’t the Nazis, the AltRight or Trump supporters. That boo=hoo story got dropped pretty quickly

                       Victimized YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears quickly sent out a statement making it quite clear that YWN had nothing to do with the letter.

 Leroy St. Germaine and I were made aware of this letter via Twitter posts earlier today.  We chose to ignore it as, obviously, neither myself, nor
Leroy St. Germaine, nor to our knowledge anyone associated with either The New Constitution Party of Canada or Your Ward News, were behind the
letter.  The fact that it was written anonymously yet contains our return address, was written in a very inflammatory manner, and was timed to be
mailed a mere two weeks before a Board of Review into our mailing rights, makes the letter appear to be a “hate crime hoax”.  Furthermore, the fact
that Councillor Wong-Tam published the letter’s return address rather than wait for police to review the matter, makes me suspect that either she is
complicit in the hoax, or she saw an opportunity to use it for political theatre. — Dr. James Sears, Founder and Leader New Constitution Party of Canada

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Senator Punished for Defending Residential Schools

Senator Punished for Defending Residential Schools
 So firmly is Ottawa in the hands of the Cultural Marxists of political correctness that even a senator can be punished for deviation from politically correct group think. The all-party line is that the residential schools whereby many Indian students were educated was a case of “cultural genocide” : Indians good; White people evil. Apologies and megabucks in compensation for having been educated are in order.

Along comes Northwest Ontario Senator Lynn Beyak who had the temerity to tell the Senate that many good things happened in these schools and the largely religious staff were self-sacrificing well-meaning people. “I speak partly for the record, but mostly in memory of the kindly and well-intentioned men and women and their descendants — perhaps some of us here in this chamber — whose remarkable works, good deeds and historical tales in the residential schools go unacknowledged for the most part and are overshadowed by negative reports.” (National Post, April 7, 2017) Interestingly, many Indians agree that they were given a start in life and placed on the road to a rewarding career by the education they received in the residential schools, “In particular, she focused on statements made by Cree playwright Tomson Highway, who told the Huffington Post in 2015 that “I have a thriving international career, and it wouldn’t have happened without that school.” (National Post, March 20, 2017)

“Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde has also called for Beyak to be removed from the committee.” Rona Ambrose, the interim leader of the Conservative Party hopped to the minority demand and promptly stabbed the knife into her fellow Tory and removed her from the Senate Aboriginal Affairs Committee. “‘Ms. Ambrose has been clear that Sen. Beyak’s views do not reflect the Conservative party’s position on residential schools,” said Jake Enwhistle, Ambrose’s spokesman. (Huffington Post, April 7, 2017)

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Senator Beyak is not apologizing, nor does she intend to resign for expressing her opinion, as some critics have urged.

Instead she struck back, arguing political correctness is stifling discussion. The Toronto Star (April 6, 2017) reported: “Sen. Lynn Beyak says her removal from the Senate’s committee for indigenous people is ‘a threat to freedom of speech,’ and claims she is supported by a ‘silent majority’ of Canadians. … In a statement Thursday, Beyak bemoaned how it is becoming ‘difficult’ to have a ‘balanced, truthful discussion’ about all issues in Canada. ‘Political correctness is stifling opinion and thoughtful conversation that we must be allowed to have if we are to truly improve our great country,’ the statement said. ‘Too often, on a broad range of issues, a vocal minority cries foul and offence whenever a point of view is raised that does not align with their own.’

The duty of a member of the Senate is to discuss freely the issues of the day. Not so according to an Indian MP, NDPer Romeo Saganash: “Free speech does not apply to ‘people that celebrate genocide,'” he told the National Post (April 7, 2017) Of course, Senator Beyak wasn’t celebrating genocide, just trying to offer some perspective on what has become an Establishment guilt binge.



Don’t ever let them get away with saying Canada is a land that protects free speech. Tell that to political prisoners Brad Love or Arthur Topham punished under the “hate law”,  the notorious Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Tell that to the editor and publisher of YOUR WARD NEWS, a satirical Toronto newspaper that flays Zio-Marxism and political correctness. The dull dog neo-Puritans of political correctness cannot abide humour.

There are other ways a freedom-hating state can gag you. After several years of complaints by professional anti-racists, homosexual activists and that chronic minder of other people’s business and self-appointed monitor of what you should or shouldn’t be able to say in print of on the Internet, Richard Warman, Judy Foote, Minister of Supply and Services issued an interim prohibitory order against YOUR WARD NEWS Editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine. They could not legally use Canada Post at all. Their right to use the service and near-monopoly taxpayers have subsidized since Confederation was arbitrarily stripped away.

However, they were entitled to a “review” of the order. Here’s how a slow repressive system chokes rights. Justice delayed is Justice denied. The prohibitory order, halting the distribution by mail of YOUR WARD NEWS was issued May 26. Now nearly 10 months later a three person review board has been struck. Its members are Fareen Jamal, Elizabeth Forster and Peter John Loewen

Members of the public have until Friday, March 31 to sign up to make a submission during a hearing that will review the federal government’s interim order to stop delivering controversial east Toronto-based tabloid, YOUR WARD NEWS.  The right to review the order falls under subsection 43(1) of the Canada Post Corporation Act.

Persons wishing to make submissions to the Board have until this Friday, March 31 to advice the Board. The Board will meet April 10 to discuss these requests and other organizational matters
The Board will then determine applicants’ standing to participate and will notify those selected no later than a month before the first hearing date, which has yet to be determined.Anyone who believes they are affected or anyone with an interest in the matter must  send a letter (maximum one page in length) summarizing the submission they wish to make to Board of Review, c/o Fareen L. Jamal, Jamal Family Law Professional Corporation, 2010 Winston Park Dr., Ste. 301, Oakville, ON, L6H 5Rl or by email at

CAFE has already sent in a request for interested party in these proceedings.

In a March 27 letter to the Board CAFE Direector Paul Fromm noted:  ” Freedom of speech and expression, which are our mandate, are very much at the heart of the matters to be decided. As well, your Board must consider issues of fairness and natural justice in the exercise of the Minister’s powers in the matter affecting the publication YOUR WARD NEWS.

CAFE has over 30 years of experience intervening in tribunals and court cases on issues of freedom of expression and this expertise may be of some assistance to the Board of Review.”

Dear Arthur: The world owes you an Apology and a great big Thank-You.

Dear Arthur: The world owes you an Apology and a great big Thank-You.

First the Apology. For ten years of harassment, invasion and intrusion, and a giant legal battle. All for telling the truth. In a world where truth and lies are inverted, in a world where everything is turned upside-down, your truth-telling has been deemed a crime.

Now the Thank You. Your principled and valiant truth-telling , unwavering in the face of huge obstacles, has been momentous! You have enlightened and inspired untold many of us. The ripple effect of your work will grow into a tsunami of Light and Truth.


Great Truth Teller Silenced, but Message is Unstoppable

Arthur Topham of Quesnel B.C. has been sentenced to silence for now, after a 10 year legal battle. His crime is that he fearlessly wrote about the state of the world in his online website, and that was just too much for the Zionist Powers to bear.

Those who feel threatened by a peaceful man expressing his views online are obviously very nervous and afraid. If there was nothing to hide and if these online publishings were so erroneous as they would like us to believe, this group would not feel threatened. Arthur Topham would simply be ignored. The reaction alone should be enough to trigger people to question: what is it that is so taboo to say?

Trying to stop the truth from coming out is as futile as if you were trying to drink the lake dry to prevent drowning in it. Even the modern-day book burnings cannot succeed in vaporizing the truth. The truth is emerging at an exponential rate, and these desparate attempts by the Powers-That-Be to silence truth-tellers are a show of their panic.


Harry Abrams and Richard Warman are the two men who initiated the legal assault against Arthur Topham. Those are their names. Arthur was not allowed to ever mention their names during those years of legal battle because somehow they feared it might bring danger to their lives. Now what about the danger they posed to Arthur, endlessly defaming him?!

In a trial by jury in October-November 2015, Arthur Topham was found guilty on one count and not guilty on another count of exactly the same charge, namely, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to section 319(2) of Criminal Code of Canada. The identical two charges were for different time periods.

In the Canadian court of law, the burden of proof switches to the defense to affirm that there was no ‘hate’ under CCC  section 319(2). The prosecution need not produce victims of the alleged hatred. What is ‘hate’ but an emotion? How does anybody know what is in someone else’s head?

One of the defenses is 319(2)(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true. Again, how can anyone prove that Arthur Topham did not believe what he was writing? Are they mind-readers?

For an interesting commentary of the extraordinary trial and background, please see this article by Eve Mykytin. She is an American lawyer who attended the second week of the trial. She covers, for example, the story of Len Rudner who was established as an expert witness for the Crown. His written expert opinion was identical to the written expert opinion submitted by Bernie Farber who was originally supposed to be the Crown’s expert witness. (Farber pulled out of his commitment when he learned that he would not be permitted to appear via video-link.) Yet Len Rudner told the court that he himself was the author of his “expert opinion”. Rudner also had tried to have Arthur Topham’s website shut down before the trial. Conflict of interest, is it not? Still, he was permitted to be an expert witness. Very strange, to say the least.

Arthur’s Crime

It can be fairly assumed that Arthur Topham’s parody on the infamous book Germany Must Perish was the item which caused the jury to give a guilty verdict, as the publishing of that parody fell within the “guilty” time period. Germany Must Perish was written in 1941 by an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, and it was generally praised and promoted at that time by the mainstream media (MSM).

The sheer monstrosity of the book is breathtaking, and even more shocking is the fact that it was not condemned when it appeared in 1941. Theodore Kaufman concocted a sick plan to annihilate the German people, the stated goal being that Germany must perish. The plan was to hire thousands of surgeons to sterilize all German men of reproductive age, and voilà, no more Germans. Gone Forever.

The hateful book was subsequently almost forgotten, until Arthur Topham found a provocative way to bring attention to the hideousness of that genocidal text. He reproduced portions of the book word for word, except that he replaced “Germany” with “Israel” and “Germans” with “Jews”. Germany Must Perish became Israel Must Perish, and so on. The two texts, original and parody, appeared side by side on his website.

In a trick of Orwellian Doublespeak, B’nai Brith Canada now tells the world that Arthur Topham called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized. No context, nothing. It is crazy making! It is just another glaring example of how B’nai Brith and the MSM engage in deliberate deception to turn reality 100% on its head. Unless someone has been following the case very closely, the uninformed general public has no reason to doubt the story they are told about how Arthur Topham called for sterilization of the Jews. People cannot even check for themselves, because the website has been taken down, as part of sentencing.

In these times of universal deceipt, the messenger who seeks to warn us about the villain, is himself labelled the villain. 

Perhaps the members of the jury did not understand the meaning of satire or parody. Or perhaps the convoluted court proceedings or the instructions given by the judge curtailed their ability to perceive it this way. The jury members are also not immune to the mind-contaminating effects of all the toxic lies and atrocity propaganda we have been subjected to since birth. We have been programmed to respond in specific ways to certain words, these words being the number one weapon in the psychological warfare being conducted on us without most of us realizing it.

Judge Admits There Was No Incitement

He does not call for violence; his views were political satire. It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence.

~ the judge said during the sentencing proceedings.

By these words, does the judge basically exonerate Arthur Topham? Methinks so. 

Topham told the court,

I felt that I had a duty as a Canadian citizen to alert the general public of an imminent threat… the interests of the Jewish lobby.

He also expressed gratitude that his concerns had been brought to the record.

B’Nai B’rith Very Disappointed

From the Times of Israel article: B’nai B’rith was not satisfied with the sentence, tweeting that it “is very disappointed by lenient sentence for Arthur Topham, convicted of promoting #antisemitism.”

The CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, Michael Mostyn, said that

the timing is especially disturbing, as Canada’s Jewish community reels from a series of bomb threats against our community centers, inspired by the same hateful ideology that drives Mr. Topham. [He] is a committed and unrepentant Jew-hater, who persisted in publishing lurid anti-Semitic content on his website throughout this legal process. Canada’s laissez-faire approach to hate crimes continues to fail minority groups and puts them at increased risk of attacks against their lives or property.

This is interesting in light of the news that an American-Israeli Jewish teen has just been arrested in connection with a series of bomb threats against Jewish institutions on several continents. Good timing Mr. Mostyn, very disturbing indeed.

 Canada’s Hate Speech Laws – Who Do They Serve?

Well said Arthur! If some things are not permitted to be said, then we do not have freedom of speech. Period.

I have heard seemingly intelligent people repeat the mantra which has been programmed into their heads “but hate speech is not the same as free speech”! I say to them, who determines what “hate” speech is? Who controls the Mass Media? Who controls Hollywood? Who controls our law-makers?

Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth.

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. ~ Voltaire

THANK YOU ARTHUR TOPHAM for your service to humanity! Enjoy the imposed quiet time. The torch is being passed forward. There are countless torch carriers.

Mehr Licht!

Anti-White Activists Target, Seek to Censor Billy Roper’s books

Anti-White Activists Target, Seek to Censor Billy Roper’s books

In a clear indication of who will be burning the books this time, anti-White activists and their Communist, Anarchist, and LGBT allies have teamed up to lobby Amazon to remove all books by author Billy Roper. This is a follow up to the recent Jewish (successful) attempts to have books discussing the history of the Holocaust or the Second World War removed by Amazon, as well.

At the moment, anti-Whites are placing dozens of false book reviews on Amazon, in order to lower the rankings of such books as ‘The Big Picture’, as can be seen here.

Even if they are successful in having Amazon remove Billy Roper’s books, however, they have all already been republished through a different publisher, so they will remain available independently through Racial Observer Books.

Anti-Whites have also publicly announced that they are lobbying their local libraries to not carry books by Billy Roper.

There are three ways that supporters of free speech can counter this deceitful, dishonest censorship.

  1. Purchase a copy of ‘The Big Picture’ and other books by Billy Roper, to demonstrate to the retailer that their bottom line interest is in continuing to carry his books, as well as to make sure that you get a copy before further censorship efforts are carried out more successfully. This also supports the author under attack and lets them know that they are not carrying on the fight for truth alone.

2. Place a positive review of ‘The Big Picture‘ and other books by Billy Roper in the comments section for reviews at Amazon and elsewhere, to counterweight the false negative reviews.

3. Use your copy of Billy Roper’s books to slap an anti-White liberal in the face. Hard. On both sides. Repeatedly.

Zionist-connected Judge Recuses Herself, Crown Takes Over Prosecution & Singer Alison Chabloz Case Adjourns Until June

Zionist-connected Judge Recuses Herself, Crown Takes Over Prosecution & Singer Alison Chabloz Case Adjourns Until June
LONDON. Satirical chanteuse and song-writer Alison Chabloz’  case  seems to be a test as radical Zionist censors seek to create a precedent in Britain for gagging critics on the Internet. She is charged under a hazy law the Communications Act of 2003, which was meant to regulate commercial broadcasting, for You Tubes of satirical songs about the holocaust.  She was charged for improper use of the public communications network for having broadcast “grossly offensive” material in such songs as (((Survivors))) with lyrics such as, ‘Now Auschwitz, holy temple, is a theme park just for fools, the gassing zone a proven hoax, indoctrination rules.”
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Initially, Jewish complaints were dismissed by the Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) as non-actionable. Then, the well-funded “charity” the Campaign Against Anti-semitism initiated a rarely-used private prosecution complete with pricey Jewish lawyers. In December, Alison Chabloz was gagged by way of bail conditions that forbad her posting any racist or anti-semitic or “grossly offensive” material on the Internet or naming her tormenter complainers, Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Anti-semitism. [Canadian political prisoner Arthur Topham was similarly prohibited from mentioning the names of those who complained and dragged him into court and inflicted tens of thousands of dollars of costs on this intrepid Internet warrior. The court-coddled complainers were Victoria B’nai Brith operative Harry Abrams and chronic complaint filer Richard Warman.]
Miss Chabloz’s legal team then raised the issue of “reasonable apprehension of bias” on the part of the judge, Baroness Emma Arbuthnot. She had been part of a paid trip to Israel along with her husband, a former Tory MP, who headed Conservative Friends of Israel (a cheering team for another country). The day before the trial, Baroness Arbuthnot quietly withdrew and was replaced by an experienced jurist Judge Zani.
On March 7, after prolonged Zionist lobbying, the CPS took over the prosecution. Now, a whole new team of lawyers was seized of the file. Almost predictably, despite having had the Chabloz file for months, the CPS sought an adjournment on the eve of the trial, needing more preparation time. The adjournment was granted on March 22 — two days before the trial was to commence.
On June 23, there will be purely legal arguments. One key argument deals with jurisdiction. The impugned posting was made in Switzerland. Do U.K. courts even have jurisdiction?
Should rulings on June 23 go against the defence, Alison Chaloz’s trial will proceed on July 17.

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