Speech Repression in Germany


Speech Repression in Germany

The bastards keep making the laws, mainly § 130 more strict. If you mention any Jew as a Jew critically that is now punishable. The BRD is full-fledged Marxist-Zionist dictatorship. One AfD politician was charged just for mentioning that Boris Becker’s son is a half-Negro. Actually, he is only a quarterbreed. (“Quadroon”)

We ought to issue traveler’s warnings at the airport. ONe Japanese couple gave the Roman salute in front of some building in München and were arrested and charged under § 86, which bans all NS symbols and forms of greeting. All communist and Zionist symbols are ALLOWED. Poland did ban the communist symbols.

The authorities in some places have taken this so extreme as to even ban license plates with “covert” NS symbolism like 88 for “Heil Hitler” or 18 for Adolf Hitler or HJ, SS, SA, etc.



The “BRD-Stasi“ is always brazen !! (Monika Schaefer arrested in Germany) 2018.01.03

The Radical Press
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″


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The “BRD-Stasi“ is always brazen !! (Monika Schaefer arrested in Germany) 2018.01.03
 5. January 2018

Dear Madam or Sir,

Today, 58-year-old Canadian Monika Schaefer visited the political show trial of Sylvia Stolz, accused of Holocaust denial. Ms. Schaefer, who lives overseas, was visiting her brother Alfred Schäefer, who lives in Germany.

For the first time, she was noticed by a video from 2016 in which she publicly apologized to her parents for not believing their stories about National Socialist Germany, which are contrary to today’s “official“ portrayal! After some research into the story, Ms Schaefer came to the conclusion that the Holocaust, in her opinion, could not have taken place, as she expressly said in her video!

Well, the sole “non-belief“ in this event is, as most people already know, a punishable offense in Germany, as long as one expresses this “non-belief“ publicly. This “crime“ is prosecuted under section 130 of the StGB “Volksverhetzung“ and severely punished!

Ms. Schaefer was until the publication of this three-minute video a respectable woman who has no criminal record! Her only crime is to be in “doubt“ of a historical event, which is like no other, “legally“ protected by the state! She has not hounded or offended any people in this statement. I do not know if this video is still online. But for “criminal“ reasons, I will understandably not post it here!

Ladies and gentlemen, our “judiciary“ not only introduces Stasi methods, but even surpasses them, is an unspoken secret. The fact that GSG9 intervenes with unpredictable people with infantry, enters their doors and condemns them to prison sentences for non-violent expressions of opinion is also already known! Even if you have to fly these “criminals“ especially from abroad, without passport and papers and thus illegal, as happened in the case of Gerhard Ittner!

It is also known that disgusting show trials are held in the FRG against 90-year olds, because they worked in wartime in a concentration camp as an accountant or guard and who can not even prove the concrete participation in a crime!

Alone the above paragraph should, if you have a limited understanding of the law, freeze the blood in your veins! The Inquisition is literally chasing cavalry all over Germany to arrest even the last “Nazi“, even if he is 99 and is already on his deathbed.

It is also accepted that these people, some seriously ill, die during these nerve-wracking trials, as happened in the case of Reinhold Hannig. Later, to make matters worse, it is not regretted that the accused, who in his life did not personally harm a fly, was “legally“ tortured to death, but complained that he had the nerve to die before that Judgment became final. You have to let that melt on your tongue !!

But now one resorts to such perfidious and disgusting means that one can say without doubt: The Russian Bolshevism has finally arrived in Germany! If you do not know what that is, in Russia under Stalin harmless people were politically persecuted, tortured and murdered for their mere expression. The “noble statesman“ managed to eradicate in this way approximately a quarter of his own people and it was him, as the present “FRG justice“ does not matter, whether it was men, women, old people or even children!

If you want to experience this here and now, then I can reassure you: if we keep quiet now and do not finally stand up against such barbaric methods, then we may have made it there by next year! And our own children will sincerely thank us if their lives are destroyed just because they once thoughtlessly expressed a thought! In this specific case, Ms Schäefer was arrested during the process break, without warning from out of nowhere by police officers (ie the friends and helpers of the German people) and immediately arrested! She is now in custody and will receive her detention order tomorrow! Amazing how quickly the law’s mills grind in the case of a “crime of opinion“ while taking months or even years and 5000 proofs to arrest a convicted, partially documented and proven guilty violent criminal. Assuming, of course, you are prosecuting your crime!

In the fabulous New Year’s Eve for “Merkel’s guests“, our “friend and helper“ could not take action when it was a psychological and physical threat to hundreds of women who, thanks to the skills of the executive, will now be traumatized for a lifetime! And even if the public media are blaring and gagging that once again a “refugee“ has killed a German girl, the borders remain open and the “guests“ will continue to be generously funded by the taxpayer!

I openly ask you now: Which kind of offender do you feel more threatened by? The unpunished “opinion criminal“ who believes his parents‘ stories more than the narratives of the media? Or the violent felon? How is it that the first one is punished the harder? It does not matter what you believe or what I believe! This is basically a way such as called “law and law“, which should actually serve to protect the people, is implemented and exercised !?

I urge you for your help! Spread this judicial crime, because otherwise I can not label it, in your blogs and videos! The German people must learn to what means is seized here and by what standards is spoken here right!

Do not let it go so far, as the poor Russians under Stalin’s blood-soaked hands had to experience for themselves and make your contribution! If you think that’s overdone, think again. Even then in Russia there was a “harmless“ beginning. Even if this is no longer harmless, but at most scary! We are Germany, the land of poets and thinkers! And how did Walther Rathenau say so beautifully? “Thinking means comparing!“ You listen to things, you take a look at the one and the other side and then draw your personal conclusions, taking into account “all“ arguments.

That much must be allowed !!! 

“A German Girl”



A l’attention de la prisonnière politique
Monika Schaefer
Attachments area


Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
January 5th, 2018
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Centre Block
Suite 449S
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Dear Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould,
RE: Illegal arrest and detention of Canadian citizen Monika Schaefer in Germany on January 3rd, 2018
I am writing to you regarding the above noted injustice which the foreign nation of Germany has perpetrated upon a dear friend and colleague of mine, Monika Schaefer, of Jasper, Alberta.
I am certain that by now you will have received a number of other emails from supporters of freedom of speech, both nationally and internationally and that you may already be aware of this travesty of justice that has taken place affecting an indigenous Canadian who has no criminal record and has been an exemplary example of someone standing up for all citizens of Canada who believe strongly in their country and the freedoms that it offers to its citizens; in particular, those which are enshrined in our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It is doubtless, given your distinguished position as Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, that you are fully aware of the contents of the Charter and, as concerns the matter which I am writing to you about, Section two, titled “Fundamental freedoms” which contains Sec. 2(b) and states that all Canadian citizens are guaranteed “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication”.
Given that on your official Facebook page you have chosen as your Cover Photo the following graphic (see below) which celebrates the 35th year since the enactment of the Charter I cannot imagine that your heart and soul are not deeply ingrained with these fundamental principles that make Canada what it is today.
17191952_1005341379567401_8612075645205015755_o copy.jpg
As a strong supporter of one of Canada’s most cherished and fundamental human rights, i.e. freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, I can only assume that you, in the esteemed office that you now hold, will give your immediate attention to the plight of one of our fellow Canadians who has been wrongly arrested and incarcerated by German authorities for no other reason than that she exercised her rights as a Canadian citizen and expressed her thoughts, beliefs and opinions on a controversial historic matter.
We are aware that every sovereign nation has the exclusive right to determine its own laws and to enforce those laws upon its citizenry. But we are also cognizant of the fact that there are foreign nations who don’t honour and respect the values that we, as Canadians, do. That is why the vast majority of the world’s nations have endorsed International agreements such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which was adopted in 1948 and, like our own Charter, is celebrating its 70th Anniversary in 2018.
The UDHR, of which Canada is a signatory, states in Article 19. Freedom of Expression. “We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
That, in essence, Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, is precisely what Monika Schaefer did in her full and correct belief that, as a Canadian citizen, born on Canadian soil, she has the right to make up her own mind on questions of history (or whatever else she deems of importance to herself) and also the right to express what she thinks and to share her ideas with others be it via the written word, spoken word or the medium of video or the Internet.
Given the reality of the aforementioned documents and Canada’s intimate relationship with them it behooves you, Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, to look into this matter as soon as possible and do everything in your power to negotiate with the German authorities the immediate release from prison of Monika Schaefer and a guarantee that she will be able to freely leave Germany and return home to her native soil unharmed.
I believe that it is also in your power to instruct Canada’s Ambassador to Germany, the Honourable Stéphane Dion, to promptly and expeditiously begin negotiations with German authorities and resolve this tendentious breach of international justice as soon as humanly possible. With that in mind I shall also send a copy of this letter to the Honourable Stéphane Dion at his Berlin address. Concomitantly I will send copies of my letter to the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Germany’s Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Werner Wnendt.
In closing Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould I want to stress once again the importance of protecting our citizens from the unjust laws that presently exist in other sovereign nations around the world, especially laws of such a draconian nature that one normally only associates with the more violent, rogue regimes that still exist today. Please do the honourable thing for Canada and uphold our Charter for the sake of all Canadians. Free Monika Schaefer and bring her home.
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”
Hardcopy to follow via Canada Post
CC: Honourable Stéphane Dion, Honourable Chrystia Freeland, German Ambassador Werner Wnendt, assorted media outlets & concerned Canadians.


On January 3, Monika Schaefer was arrested at a court in Munich where she was attending the trial of lawyer Sylvia Stolz, who was being charged for comments she made in Switzerlaand — that’s right, another country — several years ago. Monika was taken away in handcuffs and sent to a maximum security prison,
Her brother Alfred reports: “Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3 2018  while attending, as an observer, the bizarre inquisition hearings against the courageous Sylvia Stolz. This “trial” was for illegal words that Sylvia Stolz had spoken at the “Anti Censorship Coalition” (AZK) in Switzerland in 2012.  About 45 minutes into the inquisition the “State Prosecutor”  called for a surprise break, which was then used to arrest my courageous sister Monika. The only thing Monika did was watch quietly as the inquisition was dealing with Sylvia Stolz.  These people had us under close observation and figured it was a good opportunity to demonstrate their “power”, and intimidate us. 
A person identified as a “State Prosecutor” accompanied by three heavily armed thugs handcuffed Monika and dragged her away. When my sister protested that she is a free person from Canada and had done nothing wrong, the “State Prosecutor” told her: “If you wanted to stay free you should have stayed in Canada”. 
Now they have moved Monika Schaefer to the high security prison in Munich and will keep her there indefinitely. Monika is accused of making an apology to her own dear mother. The title of the video was “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust“. 
A German lawyer has been retained to help Monika.
What you can do
Free speech supporters around the world must help free Monika.
1. Please write her a short letter or note. Let her jailers know that free men and women are watching this shameful arrest and detention  of a Canadian citizen.

Monika Schaefer

Schwarzenbergstr. 14

81549 München,


2. If you are a Canadian, 

* Write to the Canadian Ambassador to Germany, The Hon. Stephane Dion and ask him to intervene and free Monika Schaefer. She is Canadian-born and a Canadian citizen and deserves and needs his assistance.

The Honourable Stéphane Dion
Ambassador to Germany
Canadian Embassy, 

* As well, write to the Canadian Consul General in Munich. Ask him to visit Monika and to insist that the German Government  free her. 

Consulate of Canada – Munich

Tal 29

80331 München, Germany

Tel.: (+49 89) 21 99 570
Fax: (+49 89) 21 99 57 57
Email: munic@international.gc.ca

* Also, write to Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and urge her to protest Monika’s arrest to the German Government and urge her to press for Monika’s immediate release.


Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Telephone: 613-992-5234
Fax: 613-996-9607

* Write to the German Ambassador to Canada and protest Monika’s arrest and demand her immediate freedom. You might observe that such an arrest tarnishes Germany’s image as a country committed to democracy and freedom of expression.

 Mr Werner Wnendt

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany,

1 Waverley Street
Ontario K2P OT8
P.O. Box 379, Postal Station “A”
Ottawa, ON K1N 8V4

* Phone or FAX the Canadian Consulate in Munich and urge them to visit Monika and demand her immediate release.

Tel.: (+49 89) 21 99 570
Fax: (+49 89) 21 99 57 57

3. If you are not Canadian,

* Write to the German Ambassador in your country and protest Monika’s arrest and demand her immediate release.


Mr. Peter Wittig,

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany,

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

4645 Reservoir Road NW

Washington, DC 20007

Phone (202) 298-4000

* Write or call the Canadian Consulate in Munich and express your concern for Monika and demand that they intervene to free her. (See contact information above.)


1. Germany is six hours ahead of EST.

2. Do not discuss or debate the so-called “holocaust”. This is a freedom issue. Don’t debate WW II. Keep your comments brief and to the point. Keep your tone respectful. We want to free Monika, not just mouth off.

Thanks to AT and others who have compiled this information.

Paul Fromm



AfD Politician Censored Under New German Hate Speech Law For Anti-Muslim Tweet

AfD Politician Censored Under New German Hate Speech Law For Anti-Muslim Tweet
January 2, 2018
Beatrix von Storch, a leading figure in the Alternative for Germany party, is one of the first hit by new hate speech laws on social media. Critics say the legislation opens the way for censorship by internet companies.

A top lawmaker from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was blocked from Twitter and Facebook on Monday after slamming the Cologne police for sending a New Year’s tweet in Arabic. The incident caused the AfD to lash out further and criticize censorship as a controversial new German social media law known as NetzDG went into effect January 1 in a bid to clamp down on online hate speech.

The Cologne police tweeted New Year’s greetings and linked to information on celebrating safely in a series of messages in German and other languages, including Arabic. Cologne was the scene two years ago of mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve in which most of the suspects were described as young men of North African and Arab origin.

“What the hell is happening in this country? Why is an official police site tweeting in Arabic? Do you think it is to appease the barbaric, gang-raping hordes of Muslim men?” wrote Beatrix von Storch, the deputy leader of the AfD’s parliamentary group.

The tweet was later deleted after Twitter froze von Storch’s account and informed her she had violated hate speech rules. Her account was shut down for 12 hours. The Cologne police said on Monday that they had filed a criminal complaint against von Storch for hate speech.

Von Storch undeterred

The lawmaker then upped the ante, writing a sarcastic post once her account was reopened. She also announced that her Facebook account had been “censored” due to a hate speech complaint.

“Facebook has also censored me. That is the end of the constitutional state,” she wrote, showing the message she received from the social media giant.

Due to the Cologne police criminal complaint, she wrote that state prosecutors would have to investigate lifting her parliamentary immunity, then indict her and go through a court process to finally convict her.

“My knees are shaking,” she wrote of such an unlikely scenario. “But Facebook has already issued a judgment.”

New year, controversial new law

The AfD has branded NetzDG as a “censorship law.” But they are not alone in criticizing a law that requires companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google to remove content that advocates violence or slander or face fines of up to 50 million euros ($53 million).

Internet activists and journalist organizations have also raised objections, not least because the government has deliberately left the task of deleting content or blocking users to the internet platforms themselves, rather than having courts make decisions.

The AfD appears to want to make the new social media law a major issue by testing boundaries and provoking a response from social media companies and law enforcement authorities.

AfD parliamentary group leader Alice Weidel wrote on Facebook and Twitter defending her party colleague and lamenting what she called the “censorship law,” while sharing the text of von Storch’s deleted tweet and repeating her complaints, while referring to “migrant mobs” instead of Muslim men specifically.

Cologne police later said on Tuesday that they had received criminal complaints against Weidel

My Censors Are the Real ‘Holocaust Deniers’ — Alison Chabloz

My Censors Are the Real ‘Holocaust Deniers’ — Alison Chabloz


Looking back over the past 12 months, it’s hard to describe my year as being anything other than eventful. Thank you to all my followers, readers and donors – your support has enabled me to continu…




Excellent, dear Paul; and so are the viewers’ reactions (you won’t be surprised to be informed that this video has also been made “unavailable” in my country too…). I didn’t like the ambiguous viewer’s comment on “not hiding”.

Kind regards,



Your film has been censored Zionist totalitarian Merkelstan  (Germany).



Paul Fromm’s Winter Solstice in Germany


Paul Fromm returned from a very moving outdoor winter solstice gathering in Germany with a bonfire. Paul is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) since 1983, at: http://cafe.nfshost.com/.
His playlist of over 100 videos is: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list

Paul is also the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at: http://canadafirst.nfshost.com/

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994.

Co-host of “The Trump Phenomenon” Radio Show on RBN (week nights, 9:00 p.m. EST)

You can join Paul’s email list by contacting him at paul@paulfromm.com .

To encourage peace and prevent war, the Brian Ruhe channel has a stunning high standard of truth and bravely raises awareness about the Rothschild, Zionist, Talmudist powers. If you love this content, love that it’s free for everyone, please donate monthly at https://gogetfunding.com/brian-ruhe-i

Paul Fromm returned from a very moving outdoor winter solstice gathering in Germany with a bonfire. Paul is the Director,…


