Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity



[This letter is being re-posted in an edited form. This letter was published for information purposes and publication does not implyCAFE’s agreement with all of political prisoner Schaefer’s opinions. Apparently, there has been a complaint to the Hamilton Police. CAFE emphatically does not condone violence. In our opinion, a plain reading of the letter does not conclude that it promotes violence. Nevertheless, to clarify our intentions certain passages have been removed. — Paul Fromm]


Dear Barbara,  Thank you so very much for your mail package which arrived here on Jan 2, 2019. Took over 1 month, from Nov 30. Things are moving extremely fast now as all the exponential processes catalyze each other leading to the inevitable super nova type event.

You wrote a great deal about Katyn. In the summer of 2017 I spent some time on the sailing vessel Mistral, as crew, sailing around the U.K.. For part of that trip we had a Polish professor on board, and this gave me the opportunity to have a lot of conversations with him about our history and what is happening in our world today. I talked about 9-11, he knew everything. Good. I asked him if he knew the Facts about Katyn. He said yes.

I asked him if he understands that Katyn was the systematic culling down of the Finest of the Polish men, the flower of the Polish people, the brutal murder of 22,000 of the Polish leaders, those men upon which the Polish people depend on for building the future?

Yes, he understood and knew that.  I asked him if he knew that the Germans had nothing to do with that, as had been taught to all the “western” populations until the 1990’s. Again – he knew that.

I asked him if he knew that it was not the Russians, as had then been blamed after the Germans could no longer be blamed for it.  Again – he knew that.  So – did you understand it was the Jews following their agenda “The best of the Goyem Deserve to be Killed.”  He knew that also. Then – the key question: You know that, you are a professor, but do the Polish People, do they know that?  Without even flinching, he replied, “Yes, the Polish People know that.” That entire sailing trip was worth it for that one conversation alone, and there were lots of other similar encounters & conversations along the way. In Ireland, Scotland, England.

These are the conversations that energize me and prove that things are going in our direction. Remember, I too was a zombie. I always ask people at what point in time did they understand which parts of this matrix of lies and manipulation. For so many people, they started understanding things parallel to myself, they just don’t have the means or ability to articulate this or present it.

However, that is normal at this point in time for the general Healing for our people, our race, and our planet.

Now Barbara, I am going to tell you why I am very happy where I am, in prison:

1) Monika is out and very good and very strong to tell the world.

2) Our/my imprisonment works as an enragement generator & amplifier.

3)The “new Germans” out of Syria, Palestine, Turkey & wherever, that I had been working with in the laundry always showed me what they are being taught in “integration school”. The lessons consist of infinite praise for democracy – so perfect, so precious. Democracy is so tolerant, even men who think that other men’s bums are good for sex are tolerated & all very happy. To keep our democracy healthy we must not tolerate homophobes, nazis, and certainly not Holocaust™ deniers. Because we know that in 1933 evil Adolf Hitler took power and steered Germany away from democracy and planned to take over the world & he did the Holocaust. The memorials in all of Germany’s cities & throughout the world prove that the Holocaust was real, and deniers will NOT be tolerated in our tolerant democracy. And of course racists & haters will not be tolerated.

So all of these people were sharing this information with the racist hater & holohoax denier Alfred. And these students started discussing this with their teacher, and demanded to know why they are being taught such utter nonsense. They told the teacher they will give this course material to Alfred because he wants to help others by exposing this communist garbage. Well, the teacher forebode them to give it to Alfred. (they all know me) I think the teacher panicked, was probably fearful of losing her job if she does not show dedicated subservience to her Jewish paymasters. Anyway, we had so many good laughs in the laundry department when reviewing the indoctrination lessons. …

4) The prison library has many good books, and fellow prisoners have made wonderful suggestions what I ought to read. Ernst Jünger who I never even heard of before, or Alexander Solschenizyn – Gulag Archipelego Vol 1&2, Day in the life of Ivan Denissowitsch and “Der erster Kreis der Hölle” – The first cycle of Hell. He hardly ever mentions the Jew, but we all now know, and he does mention the purging of any and all references to the Jew in Russian archives. Later on he did write “200 Years Together”, but that was predictably suffocated out of our awarenessss.

5) On the 11th of January I was given one hour to pack my stuff together to be moved into a different cell block. No more laundry work. Aw darn, I was having so much fun, and had lots of friends. But, maybe they saw that I need more time to write and wanted to help me. And there was a very very important subject I didn’t even want to mention lest it threaten a smooth running “operation”.

Before I go into this Barbara, your letter to me is PRICELESS. Thank you. You are one of my many Guardian Angels. Yes Yes – an investigation of 9-11. All we had so far was a fucking Coverup! Sorry to use foul language, but…

O.K. – take a deep breath – calm down. That’s what my new friend often told me. Dr. Thomas Dettmann CEO (Board of Directors) of Personnel for Audi Corporation. He was caught and tossed into this place in order to soften up Audi top level management in this latest round of EXTORTION! Yes, how to milk the fuck out of the Krauts!

Sorry, my foul language slipped out – please accept my apologies. I will try to keep myself under control.

All right, do you think for one moment that I would have had hours and hours of dialogue one on one with a German executive who reports directly to CEO Stadler were I not in prison? Who wrote this script? It can’t be true. It is true! To top it off Barbara, on 17 January 2019, I spent 90 minutes speaking with the Canadian Consulate so nothing is gained if (((They))) destroy this letter. This information is making the rounds. Is it not fantastic that your letter to me took so long? and then I was too involved to respond sooner, because today is the 18th of Jan. I could write an entire novel at this point, but I’ll keep it short. That cheap two-bit Jewish thug Larry Silverstein and his Jewish buddies defrauded Munich Re – or Münchener Rück for Billions of Dollars after (((They))) blew up WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7, which is not even mentioned in the 9-11 Coverup report that they thought would keep the traumatized Goyim quiet. Oh, Lucky Larry, that *** sorry, control myself.

On the computer that was “borrowed” from me by the German Police from Summer 2016 till April 2018, they (German Police) had 20 months to examine in detail what was on it. On the desktop of this computer easy to spot for any child who looked, was a 2 minute video of Lucky Larry gloating about the fact that he already had the plans for the new WTC underway in April of 2000. **April 2000 is 17 months before 9-11.** This gloating was as intelligent as the 5 dancing Israelis who were celebrating the Mass Murder of Americans on Sept 11, 2001 in New York – Documenting the “Event”.

Dr. Dettmann, when I finally managed to get him one on one, and he responded to my question of whether he knew Eustace Mullins with a solid YES, I knew we were half way there already.

Now do you understand why I am very happy to be in this place? As long as I don’t stay here for 6,000,000 years, its O.K.

This punishment is nothing at all compared to what all of our ancestors have suffered and what our people are suffering now as I write this. You know that, but the “Mitleser” or other readers need to know that.

Back to the Extortion of Audi. All these “Environmental Rules” are nothing more than part of an elaborate rigged game where we are being dealt marked cards, over and over again. The Jews will not stop doing this until they are stopped. Now they will be stopped! Dr. Dettmann from Audi understands all of this, so their attempt to “soften up a few heads” to extract a cool Billion or so may be their last game they played.

The Jews have us positioned within their matrix of extremely prejudicial laws that leave us without even the air to breathe. It is a death matrix. If we fail to now extricate ourselves from this death matrix, then we die. Our ancestors have dealt with these parasites before, and by God, we are up to it, easy, just have to wake up. That is the age we are in Barbara, the age of golden opportunity to do something for our people, something that ensures our survival. All the other races will love and respect us if we get this right. I could go on and on, but I’ll close this now and hope that it reaches you in less than one month.

Respectfully yours,

Alfred Schaefer

Dear Barbara,  Thank you so very much for your mail package which arrived here on Jan 2, 2019. Took over 1 month, from Nov 30. Things are moving extremely fast now as all the exponential processes catalyze each other leading to the inevitable super nova type event.

You wrote a great deal about Katyn. In the summer of 2017 I spent some time on the sailing vessel Mistral, as crew, sailing around the U.K.. For part of that trip we had a Polish professor on board, and this gave me the opportunity to have a lot of conversations with him about our history and what is happening in our world today. I talked about 9-11, he knew everything. Good. I asked him if he knew the Facts about Katyn. He said yes.

I asked him if he understands that Katyn was the systematic culling down of the Finest of the Polish men, the flower of the Polish people, the brutal murder of 22,000 of the Polish leaders, those men upon which the Polish people depend on for building the future?

Yes, he understood and knew that.  I asked him if he knew that the Germans had nothing to do with that, as had been taught to all the “western” populations until the 1990’s. Again – he knew that.

I asked him if he knew that it was not the Russians, as had then been blamed after the Germans could no longer be blamed for it.  Again – he knew that.  So – did you understand it was the Jews following their agenda “The best of the Goyem Deserve to be Killed.”  He knew that also. Then – the key question: You know that, you are a professor, but do the Polish People, do they know that?  Without even flinching, he replied, “Yes, the Polish People know that.” That entire sailing trip was worth it for that one conversation alone, and there were lots of other similar encounters & conversations along the way. In Ireland, Scotland, England.

These are the conversations that energize me and prove that things are going in our direction. Remember, I too was a zombie. I always ask people at what point in time did they understand which parts of this matrix of lies and manipulation. For so many people, they started understanding things parallel to myself, they just don’t have the means or ability to articulate this or present it.

However, that is normal at this point in time for the general Healing for our people, our race, and our planet.

Barbara, over time & space, this dark point we now find ourselves in will be similar to when you catch a nasty flu. As your body is besieged by the disease, you feel like you are going to die, everything hurts, you feel hopeless. However, once your white blood cells figure out what the problem is, they develop a strategy, and they deal with the problem. There is no sentimentality here. Do or die. If they do – after they are done, you are healthy and stronger than before because of a new resistance to this disease.

By the way, I know not of a single case of white blood cells inquiring about the feelings of the bacteria that they need to deal with. And not one cell in your body asks, “where did all the bacteria go to?”

During Monika’s and my Inquisition I explained all these natural processes during my final words, and the so called judges – Jews of course – chose to ignore reality and in their infinite hubris think they can hide the truth. In fact, all the energy that (((they))) now invest into trying to keep the lies going, will provide the energy we need for the healing. A word comes to mind – Reciprocity.

After the “shock and awe” of understanding the history and the agenda of the Jew and us, the emotional condition develops that is a prerequisite for the Healing.   Eustace Mullins had predicted a “biological response” to what is happening. He articulated this over 20 years ago.

[time chart showing the curves of “Awareness of Jewish Crimes against Humanity”, followed by “Emotional Energy growth required for healing”]

The biological response that Eustace Mullins was talking about would be similar to how your body deals with bacteria. No sentimentality. Only understanding the problem and resolving it.

Now Barbara, I am going to tell you why I am very happy where I am, in prison:

1) Monika is out and very good and very strong to tell the world.

2) Our/my imprisonment works as an enragement generator & amplifier.

3)The “new Germans” out of Syria, Palestine, Turkey & wherever, that I had been working with in the laundry always showed me what they are being taught in “integration school”. The lessons consist of infinite praise for democracy – so perfect, so precious. Democracy is so tolerant, even men who think that other men’s bums are good for sex are tolerated & all very happy. To keep our democracy healthy we must not tolerate homophobes, nazis, and certainly not Holocaust™ deniers. Because we know that in 1933 evil Adolf Hitler took power and steered Germany away from democracy and planned to take over the world & he did the Holocaust. The memorials in all of Germany’s cities & throughout the world prove that the Holocaust was real, and deniers will NOT be tolerated in our tolerant democracy. And of course racists & haters will not be tolerated.

So all of these people were sharing this information with the racist hater & holohoax denier Alfred. And these students started discussing this with their teacher, and demanded to know why they are being taught such utter nonsense. They told the teacher they will give this course material to Alfred because he wants to help others by exposing this communist garbage. Well, the teacher forebode them to give it to Alfred. (they all know me) I think the teacher panicked, was probably fearful of losing her job if she does not show dedicated subservience to her Jewish paymasters. Anyway, we had so many good laughs in the laundry department when reviewing the indoctrination lessons.

The Palestinian guy thought it is too bad that I was in jail for making videos. I should have taken a knife and stabbed some Jew, because then we would have one less Jew, and for me it would have made no difference, since I am in jail for videos anyway. I told him, no no, my videos have sewn a lot of seeds, and soon 7,000,000,000 people will all have a deep desire to stab some Jew, and then they will all disappear anyway. (that is the biological response)

4) The prison library has many good books, and fellow prisoners have made wonderful suggestions what I ought to read. Ernst Jünger who I never even heard of before, or Alexander Solschenizyn – Gulag Archipelego Vol 1&2, Day in the life of Ivan Denissowitsch and “Der erster Kreis der Hölle” – The first cycle of Hell. He hardly ever mentions the Jew, but we all now know, and he does mention the purging of any and all references to the Jew in Russian archives. Later on he did write “200 Years Together”, but that was predictably suffocated out of our awarenessss.

5) On the 11th of January I was given one hour to pack my stuff together to be moved into a different cell block. No more laundry work. Aw darn, I was having so much fun, and had lots of friends. But, maybe they saw that I need more time to write and wanted to help me. And there was a very very important subject I didn’t even want to mention lest it threaten a smooth running “operation”.

Before I go into this Barbara, your letter to me is PRICELESS. Thank you. You are one of my many Guardian Angels. Yes Yes – an investigation of 9-11. All we had so far was a fucking Coverup! Sorry to use foul language, but…

O.K. – take a deep breath – calm down. That’s what my new friend often told me. Dr. Thomas Dettmann CEO (Board of Directors) of Personnel for Audi Corporation. He was caught and tossed into this place in order to soften up Audi top level management in this latest round of EXTORTION! Yes, how to milk the fuck out of the Krauts!

Sorry, my foul language slipped out – please accept my apologies. I will try to keep myself under control.

All right, do you think for one moment that I would have had hours and hours of dialogue one on one with a German executive who reports directly to CEO Stadler were I not in prison? Who wrote this script? It can’t be true. It is true! To top it off Barbara, on 17 January 2019, I spent 90 minutes speaking with the Canadian Consulate so nothing is gained if (((They))) destroy this letter. This information is making the rounds. Is it not fantastic that your letter to me took so long? and then I was too involved to respond sooner, because today is the 18th of Jan. I could write an entire novel at this point, but I’ll keep it short. That cheap two-bit Jewish thug Larry Silverstein and his Jewish buddies defrauded Munich Re – or Münchener Rück for Billions of Dollars after (((They))) blew up WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7, which is not even mentioned in the 9-11 Coverup report that they thought would keep the traumatized Goyim quiet. Oh, Lucky Larry, that *** sorry, control myself.

On the computer that was “borrowed” from me by the German Police from Summer 2016 till April 2018, they (German Police) had 20 months to examine in detail what was on it. On the desktop of this computer easy to spot for any child who looked, was a 2 minute video of Lucky Larry gloating about the fact that he already had the plans for the new WTC underway in April of 2000. **April 2000 is 17 months before 9-11.** This gloating was as intelligent as the 5 dancing Israelis who were celebrating the Mass Murder of Americans on Sept 11, 2001 in New York – Documenting the “Event”.

Dr. Dettmann, when I finally managed to get him one on one, and he responded to my question of whether he knew Eustace Mullins with a solid YES, I knew we were half way there already.

Now do you understand why I am very happy to be in this place? As long as I don’t stay here for 6,000,000 years, its O.K.

This punishment is nothing at all compared to what all of our ancestors have suffered and what our people are suffering now as I write this. You know that, but the “Mitleser” or other readers need to know that.

Back to the Extortion of Audi. All these “Environmental Rules” are nothing more than part of an elaborate rigged game where we are being dealt marked cards, over and over again. The Jews will not stop doing this until they are stopped. Now they will be stopped! Dr. Dettmann from Audi understands all of this, so their attempt to “soften up a few heads” to extract a cool Billion or so may be their last game they played.

The Jews have us positioned within their matrix of extremely prejudicial laws that leave us without even the air to breathe. It is a death matrix. If we fail to now extricate ourselves from this death matrix, then we die. Our ancestors have dealt with these parasites before, and by God, we are up to it, easy, just have to wake up. That is the age we are in Barbara, the age of golden opportunity to do something for our people, something that ensures our survival. All the other races will love and respect us if we get this right. I could go on and on, but I’ll close this now and hope that it reaches you in less than one month.

Respectfully yours,

Alfred Schaefer

Dear Barbara,  Thank you so very much for your mail package which arrived here on Jan 2, 2019. Took over 1 month, from Nov 30. Things are moving extremely fast now as all the exponential processes catalyze each other leading to the inevitable super nova type event.

You wrote a great deal about Katyn. In the summer of 2017 I spent some time on the sailing vessel Mistral, as crew, sailing around the U.K.. For part of that trip we had a Polish professor on board, and this gave me the opportunity to have a lot of conversations with him about our history and what is happening in our world today. I talked about 9-11, he knew everything. Good. I asked him if he knew the Facts about Katyn. He said yes.

I asked him if he understands that Katyn was the systematic culling down of the Finest of the Polish men, the flower of the Polish people, the brutal murder of 22,000 of the Polish leaders, those men upon which the Polish people depend on for building the future?

Yes, he understood and knew that.  I asked him if he knew that the Germans had nothing to do with that, as had been taught to all the “western” populations until the 1990’s. Again – he knew that.

I asked him if he knew that it was not the Russians, as had then been blamed after the Germans could no longer be blamed for it.  Again – he knew that.  So – did you understand it was the Jews following their agenda “The best of the Goyem Deserve to be Killed.”  He knew that also. Then – the key question: You know that, you are a professor, but do the Polish People, do they know that?  Without even flinching, he replied, “Yes, the Polish People know that.” That entire sailing trip was worth it for that one conversation alone, and there were lots of other similar encounters & conversations along the way. In Ireland, Scotland, England.

These are the conversations that energize me and prove that things are going in our direction. Remember, I too was a zombie. I always ask people at what point in time did they understand which parts of this matrix of lies and manipulation. For so many people, they started understanding things parallel to myself, they just don’t have the means or ability to articulate this or present it.

However, that is normal at this point in time for the general Healing for our people, our race, and our planet.

Barbara, over time & space, this dark point we now find ourselves in will be similar to when you catch a nasty flu. As your body is besieged by the disease, you feel like you are going to die, everything hurts, you feel hopeless. However, once your white blood cells figure out what the problem is, they develop a strategy, and they deal with the problem. There is no sentimentality here. Do or die. If they do – after they are done, you are healthy and stronger than before because of a new resistance to this disease.

By the way, I know not of a single case of white blood cells inquiring about the feelings of the bacteria that they need to deal with. And not one cell in your body asks, “where did all the bacteria go to?”

During Monika’s and my Inquisition I explained all these natural processes during my final words, and the so called judges – Jews of course – chose to ignore reality and in their infinite hubris think they can hide the truth. In fact, all the energy that (((they))) now invest into trying to keep the lies going, will provide the energy we need for the healing. A word comes to mind – Reciprocity.

After the “shock and awe” of understanding the history and the agenda of the Jew and us, the emotional condition develops that is a prerequisite for the Healing.   Eustace Mullins had predicted a “biological response” to what is happening. He articulated this over 20 years ago.

[time chart showing the curves of “Awareness of Jewish Crimes against Humanity”, followed by “Emotional Energy growth required for healing”]

The biological response that Eustace Mullins was talking about would be similar to how your body deals with bacteria. No sentimentality. Only understanding the problem and resolving it.

Now Barbara, I am going to tell you why I am very happy where I am, in prison:

1) Monika is out and very good and very strong to tell the world.

2) Our/my imprisonment works as an enragement generator & amplifier.

3)The “new Germans” out of Syria, Palestine, Turkey & wherever, that I had been working with in the laundry always showed me what they are being taught in “integration school”. The lessons consist of infinite praise for democracy – so perfect, so precious. Democracy is so tolerant, even men who think that other men’s bums are good for sex are tolerated & all very happy. To keep our democracy healthy we must not tolerate homophobes, nazis, and certainly not Holocaust™ deniers. Because we know that in 1933 evil Adolf Hitler took power and steered Germany away from democracy and planned to take over the world & he did the Holocaust. The memorials in all of Germany’s cities & throughout the world prove that the Holocaust was real, and deniers will NOT be tolerated in our tolerant democracy. And of course racists & haters will not be tolerated.

So all of these people were sharing this information with the racist hater & holohoax denier Alfred. And these students started discussing this with their teacher, and demanded to know why they are being taught such utter nonsense. They told the teacher they will give this course material to Alfred because he wants to help others by exposing this communist garbage. Well, the teacher forebode them to give it to Alfred. (they all know me) I think the teacher panicked, was probably fearful of losing her job if she does not show dedicated subservience to her Jewish paymasters. Anyway, we had so many good laughs in the laundry department when reviewing the indoctrination lessons.

The Palestinian guy thought it is too bad that I was in jail for making videos. I should have taken a knife and stabbed some Jew, because then we would have one less Jew, and for me it would have made no difference, since I am in jail for videos anyway. I told him, no no, my videos have sewn a lot of seeds, and soon 7,000,000,000 people will all have a deep desire to stab some Jew, and then they will all disappear anyway. (that is the biological response)

4) The prison library has many good books, and fellow prisoners have made wonderful suggestions what I ought to read. Ernst Jünger who I never even heard of before, or Alexander Solschenizyn – Gulag Archipelego Vol 1&2, Day in the life of Ivan Denissowitsch and “Der erster Kreis der Hölle” – The first cycle of Hell. He hardly ever mentions the Jew, but we all now know, and he does mention the purging of any and all references to the Jew in Russian archives. Later on he did write “200 Years Together”, but that was predictably suffocated out of our awarenessss.

5) On the 11th of January I was given one hour to pack my stuff together to be moved into a different cell block. No more laundry work. Aw darn, I was having so much fun, and had lots of friends. But, maybe they saw that I need more time to write and wanted to help me. And there was a very very important subject I didn’t even want to mention lest it threaten a smooth running “operation”.

Before I go into this Barbara, your letter to me is PRICELESS. Thank you. You are one of my many Guardian Angels. Yes Yes – an investigation of 9-11. All we had so far was a fucking Coverup! Sorry to use foul language, but…

O.K. – take a deep breath – calm down. That’s what my new friend often told me. Dr. Thomas Dettmann CEO (Board of Directors) of Personnel for Audi Corporation. He was caught and tossed into this place in order to soften up Audi top level management in this latest round of EXTORTION! Yes, how to milk the fuck out of the Krauts!

Sorry, my foul language slipped out – please accept my apologies. I will try to keep myself under control.

All right, do you think for one moment that I would have had hours and hours of dialogue one on one with a German executive who reports directly to CEO Stadler were I not in prison? Who wrote this script? It can’t be true. It is true! To top it off Barbara, on 17 January 2019, I spent 90 minutes speaking with the Canadian Consulate so nothing is gained if (((They))) destroy this letter. This information is making the rounds. Is it not fantastic that your letter to me took so long? and then I was too involved to respond sooner, because today is the 18th of Jan. I could write an entire novel at this point, but I’ll keep it short. That cheap two-bit Jewish thug Larry Silverstein and his Jewish buddies defrauded Munich Re – or Münchener Rück for Billions of Dollars after (((They))) blew up WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7, which is not even mentioned in the 9-11 Coverup report that they thought would keep the traumatized Goyim quiet. Oh, Lucky Larry, that *** sorry, control myself.

On the computer that was “borrowed” from me by the German Police from Summer 2016 till April 2018, they (German Police) had 20 months to examine in detail what was on it. On the desktop of this computer easy to spot for any child who looked, was a 2 minute video of Lucky Larry gloating about the fact that he already had the plans for the new WTC underway in April of 2000. **April 2000 is 17 months before 9-11.** This gloating was as intelligent as the 5 dancing Israelis who were celebrating the Mass Murder of Americans on Sept 11, 2001 in New York – Documenting the “Event”.

Dr. Dettmann, when I finally managed to get him one on one, and he responded to my question of whether he knew Eustace Mullins with a solid YES, I knew we were half way there already.

Now do you understand why I am very happy to be in this place? As long as I don’t stay here for 6,000,000 years, its O.K.

This punishment is nothing at all compared to what all of our ancestors have suffered and what our people are suffering now as I write this. You know that, but the “Mitleser” or other readers need to know that.

Back to the Extortion of Audi. All these “Environmental Rules” are nothing more than part of an elaborate rigged game where we are being dealt marked cards, over and over again. The Jews will not stop doing this until they are stopped. Now they will be stopped! Dr. Dettmann from Audi understands all of this, so their attempt to “soften up a few heads” to extract a cool Billion or so may be their last game they played.

The Jews have us positioned within their matrix of extremely prejudicial laws that leave us without even the air to breathe. It is a death matrix. If we fail to now extricate ourselves from this death matrix, then we die. Our ancestors have dealt with these parasites before, and by God, we are up to it, easy, just have to wake up. That is the age we are in Barbara, the age of golden opportunity to do something for our people, something that ensures our survival. All the other races will love and respect us if we get this right. I could go on and on, but I’ll close this now and hope that it reaches you in less than one month.

Respectfully yours,

Alfred Schaefer

Whatcott vs. Globohomo Mafia [PREVIEW]

Whatcott vs. Globohomo Mafia [PREVIEW]

This is a preview of the upcoming short documentary ‘Whatcott vs. Globohomo Mafia’. Bill Whatcott is the first person in Canadian history to be put on trial …

Bill Whatcott is the first person in Canadian history to be put on trial for “hate speech” for witnessing to the traditional Christian view of human sexuality and denouncing the highplaced politicians promoting the LGBTQ agenda. . He is also being sued for $104 million dollars in a class action lawsuit for handing out Bible scripture at a gay pride parade in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The media has barely mentioned these historical cases, churches throughout Canada have been largely silent, and alleged “free speech activists” such as Jordan Peterson have not said a word about any of this. Bill Whatcott is potentially facing up to $100,000 or more in fines from the BC Human Rights Tribunal. He is accepting donations to help cover his legal fees and keep a roof over his family’s head during this time of hardship:… You can contact Bill Whatcott by posting on his web forum at: An article with more details about Bill Whatcott’s persecution:…

  David Icke refused entry visa to Australia



David Icke refused entry visa to Australia

by Editor, cairnsnews

Veteran political commentator and conspiracy researcher David Icke, 66, has been refused entry to Australia to conduct a speaking tour.

Already the left wing of the ABC and terrified Liberal and Labor politicians have thanked the quisling Liberal Home Affairs Minister David Coleman for banning entry to Icke.

Terrified ALP and Liberal politicians are worried international speaker and political commentator David Icke will spill the beans on their illegalities.

Dvir Abramovich, the chairman of the Jewish Anti-Defamation Commission who launched the campaign to revoke Mr Icke’s visa, praised the Government for “declaring in a loud voice that anti-semites and Holocaust deniers will never find a home in Australia.”

Labor’s immigration spokesman Shayne Neumann, favourably regarded as an intellectual pygmy, said the Government has made the right decision in this case.

Never mind the ALP and Liberals have admitted into the county thousands of Islamists with allegiance to Allah as well as being adherents of extreme Sharia law which permits polygamy and child sex.

Minister Coleman obviously prefers this type of immigrant whose culture is incompatible with this nation and is nothing new to the Jews.

Icke blew the whistle on Israeli secret service Mossad’s involvement in 9/11 along with US intelligence agencies and the Bush family.

Labor too is terrified Icke could tie their home-grown Marxists and socialists to the Communist Chinese party and reveal illegal union donations of millions of dollars to some pollies.

What a motley, ragtag bunch of unintelligent politicians we have in charge of our government. Is it any wonder Australia has become the laughing stock of the world?

Christian activist willing to go to jail on LGBT hate crime charge: ‘I’m standing for Jesus’

Christian activist willing to go to jail on LGBT hate crime charge: ‘I’m standing for Jesus’

Featured Image

TORONTO, February 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Ontario’s attorney general is proceeding by direct indictment against a Christian activist charged with criminally inciting hatred against “the gay community.”

Bill Whatcott, 52, was in court again Thursday to answer to the Criminal Code charge, which carries a punishment of up to two years in jail.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Nancy Spies scheduled a judicial pre-trial — an in-chambers meeting to discuss trial procedure — for March 19.

His lawyer, Daniel Santoro, is asking that Whatcott be tried by judge and jury.

“My alleged crime is preaching the Gospel and sharing accurate information on the dangers of homosexuality at the Toronto homosexual Pride Parade in 2016,” Whatcott said in a live Facebook post before his court appearance.

“I’m very prepared to pay the price. I’m certainly prepared to go to jail,” he added.

“I am standing for Jesus here.”

“Misplaced hope” in Doug Ford Tories

He and his supporters had a “misplaced hope” that Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government would drop what he says is a “politically motivated” charge, Whatcott told LifeSiteNews.

Liberal Attorney General Yasir Naqvi authorized the hate crime charge two months before losing his seat in Ford’s landslide June victory.

Since then, 54,143 people have signed a CitizenGo (here) and LifeSiteNews (here) petitions asking Attorney General Caroline Mulroney to drop the charges.

Instead, Mulroney’s office authorized the Crown on January 21 to proceed by direct indictment, ministry spokesman Brian Gray told LifeSiteNews in an email, adding that he could not comment further on a case before the courts.

“The direct indictment removed Bill’s right to discover witnesses and have the case adjudicated for sufficiency of evidence at a preliminary hearing,” Santoro told LifeSiteNews in an email.

“We also confirmed on the record the election of judge and jury as mode of trial, and I will be requesting further disclosure of the Crown,” he said.

“Zombie safe-sex”

The charge dates back to 2016, when Whatcott registered in the Toronto Pride Parade under the pseudonym Robert Clinton on behalf of the Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association.  

He and several others marched in the parade disguised in skintight green bodysuits and face masks, and distributed 3,000 kits on “Zombie Safe Sex” that included a flyer warning of the physical and spiritual dangers of homosexual activity.

“Natural law is clear, homosexuality is incompatible with human nature. Disease, death and confusion are the sad and sordid realities of the homosexual lifestyle,” it read.

The flyer featured images of anal warts, a mottled corpse described as an “AIDS fatality,” and another of “genital warts in the mouth” set next to a headshot of an open-mouthed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

It excoriated the “homosexual activism” of Trudeau, former Liberal Defence Minister Bill Graham, and former Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

After a two-year investigation, Toronto Police Service issued a Canada-wide warrant for Whatcott in May 2018, and he turned himself in to Calgary police in June.

After a weekend in a Toronto jail, Whatcott was released on $5,000 bail with several conditions, including he surrender his passport.

Whatcott was also subject to a $104 million defamation class action lawsuit launched by lawyer Douglas Elliott.

An Ontario judge threw out the case in March 2017 but ordered Whatcott to disclose names of fellow “zombies” and “unidentified financial backers.”

That order is on hold pending appeal.

Canada turning into a “Nazi, communist state”

The Supreme Court of Canada in 2013 upheld a decision by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission that two of Whatcott’s pamphlets on homosexuality were “hate speech.”

While a crippling blow to free speech, the top court was ruling on whether Whatcott breached the province’s human rights code – not that he had committed a crime.

Canadians should be alarmed at what’s happening to Whatcott, said Pastor Art Pawlowski, founder of Calgary’s Street Church.

“We’re turning Canada into a Nazi state, into a communist state, where if you voice your politically incorrect views, you will be attacked by the forces of the government,” he told LifeSiteNews in an earlier interview.

Meanwhile, the Canada Anti-Hate Network (CAN) has lauded the hate crime prosecution, describing Whatcott as a “notorious homophobe,” and “a leading figure in the dissemination of homophobic hate propaganda in Canada for years.”

Whatcott is also waiting for a ruling from the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal on a discrimination complaint filed by transgender activist Morgane Oger, formerly Ronan Oger, which was heard over five days in December.

Whatcott, who lives in Alberta with his wife and two children, says he lost his job as an oilfield bus driver as a result of the hate crime charge, but he doesn’t regret his actions.

“Unworthy as I am, I think the Lord wanted me to do it,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Somebody had to speak out. My flyer simply told the truth from a Christian perspective.”

Whatcott’s fundraising page to cover his legal fees can be found at wife Jadranka Whatcott’s GoGetFunding page here.

Paul Fromm on the 74th Anniversary of the Dresden Holocaustwar crime, bombinmh

Paul Fromm on the 74th Anniversary of the Dresden Holocaust
February 13 – 14, 1945 was the war crime ordered by Churchill which bombed and burned to death 300,000…

February 13 – 14, 1945 was the war crime ordered by Churchill which bombed and burned to death 300,000 to 600,000 Germans when the war was all but won anyhow. Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression at  

Inaugural Robert Faurisson International Prize 2019 Awarded to Ursula Haverbeck  Rr


Inaugural Robert Faurisson International Prize 2019

Awarded to Ursula Haverbeck  


– a report from France by Michèle Renouf


In the historic city of Vichy, the French spa town in central France – once host and HQ for the wartime pro-Third Reich French government – an inaugural event took place on what would have been the 90th birthday of an English-born man of international significance.  Robert Faurisson, born in Shepperton, West London on 25th January – a half-Scots half-French Classical academic – was acknowledged, even by his powerful enemies, as Europe’s foremost historical Revisionist scholar.  For 40 years, he devoted his powers of deducing from small forensic detail the veracity or otherwise of the fabled “Holocaust of 6 millions European Jews by an unique industrial mass-murder weapon”.


His name and historical exactitude method is carried forth via the inaugural Robert Faurisson International Prize – an idea brought to fruition by the Italian tenor Joe Fallisi, a veteran of the Gaza humanitarian aid flotilla.


CAPTION: Joe Fallisi and Lady Michèle Renouf (who together with Guillaume Nichols were the adjudicators for the 1st Robert Faurisson International Prize) present the award to Ursula Haverbeck’s Berlin attorney Wolfram Nahrath.


On what would have been the 90th Birthday of Professor Faurisson, a prestigious luncheon in Vichy on 25th January was held.  Prominent personalities and 60 well-wishers from around Europe applauded Senor Fallisi and his two invited adjudicators for awarding the 2019 Prize to Ursula Haverbeck “the grand German heroine of Truth and Justice”. Her Prize was accepted, on his client’s behalf, by Berlin attorney Wolfram Nahrath.  Frau Haverbeck – the rolemodel lady of elegant measured eloquence – is currently detained behind prison bars in the German city of Bielefeld for the next three years, having commenced her sentence in her 90th year.  


Those presenting their congratulations for her Award included Jerôme Bourbon the editor of the journal Rivarol, and during his keynote address, Joe Fallisi read a tribute sent by Vincent Reynouard the French revisionist in exile. Addresses delivered in French, German and English were simultaneously translated, including Attorney Nahrath’s by Günter Deckert; and your reporter’s by the late Professor’s personal assistant Guillaume Nichols.  In due course Telling Films will release the day’s events, which began with a respectful visit to the unmarked graveside (as he willed it) of the legendary Robert Faurisson.


What was the ‘crime’ of Frau Haverbeck and why do Classicists prize it?  It is nothing more than querying historical orthodoxy by asking normal questions in a courteous manner when investigating any alleged murder even mass murder. She asks:  Where are the remains?


Just who is Robert Faurisson and what of him, remains?


Dr. Faurisson was professor of modern and contemporary French literature at the Sorbonne in Paris and the University of Lyon. He specialised in the “critical appraisal of texts and documents (literature, history, media).”


In the course of his independent research into the standard story of “The Holocaust” Prof. Faurisson discovered (by detective-method questioning of the archivist), on 19th March 1976 in the Auschwitz State Museum, the building plans of the camp complex’s morgues, crematoria and other installations.  Robert Faurisson was the first to make known those documents, which had been kept hidden since World War 2, and to point out their vital significance.  In two articles printed by the prestigious French daily Le Monde in December 1978 and January 1979 he succeeded in revealing his findings on “the problem of the gas chambers” to the French-reading public.


In 1979 Prof. Faurisson, who strove to apply virile Latin exactitude quite normally to historical source criticism, was permanently banned from teaching.  Why? In the international “Guidelines for Teaching The Holocaust” on page 11: “Care should be taken not to give a platform for deniers [sceptics]…nor seek to disprove their position through normal historical debate or rational argument”.  Your present reporter, being a former secondary school teacher and university lecturer, one is bound to say that such a dictate contradicts our classical teaching traditions, once the hallmark of Western civilisation.  One is bound to say…yet nowadays at one’s peril.


In February 1979, the Spanish magazine “Interviu” published the canny sleuth-minded half-Scotsman’s discovery of these Auschwitz concentration camp drawings.  Three decades later the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had the chutzpah of the conman to flourish these documents before the United Nations General Assembly and swindle-speak that they proved the existence of mass homicidal gas chambers. At a conference on Holocaust in the European Union parliamentary building in Brussels, during question time, your present reporter held up that Spanish magazine to contradict Netanyahu. In fact those were building plans denoting only small and normal delousing chambers suitable for clothes, hair and other lice-infested items.  Although on the drawings there appears the label “gas chamber” the areas thus clearly designated are incapable of accommodating human beings.


As per the Professor’s experience at German wartime concentration camps when speaking up publicly, I was advised to depart the E.U. building (and Brussels) very swiftly! Belgium is among the 20 countries to adopt debate-denying disdain of the four inseparable Classical Virtues to, instead, institute laws in grotesque submission to the Allied victors’ 1945-46 Nuremburg Court Trial legal farce, and later on in 2000 its allied International Guidelines for Teaching the Holocaust on the equally subjective terms of a religious faith as opposed to objective forensic science. In both the Nuremburg Trial-founding laws and the “Holocaust” Teaching Guidelines, each suppress the norms of defence where evidential exhibits in defence of the Accused’s case are denied their free and fair submissions before court or classroom.  


Trials in modern-day Europe still occur where one’s lawyer risks prosecution if the judge asserts he/she is “defending an historical revisionist client too well” and thereby breaking the still reigning Allied victor-oriented, specifically anti-democratic, anti-National Socialist state laws. Two decades of firsthand experiences while reporting on these Alice and the Queen of Hearts, stacked pack of Cards-like courtroom parodies yet one never gets over seeing that it’s ‘First the Verdict’ in sovereign-less Germany; and in so-called secular France the State Prosecutor prays openly to “Yahweh to protect the court from his evil lips”(as eye-witnessed in Faurisson’s trial in Paris 2007). In each place there are kept no courtroom transcripts of revisionist trials.


Robert Faurisson interviewed outside court during one of his many Paris trials


In rare cases, only those who attend in the public gallery have any chance of hearing the Defence submissions if permitted by the judge.  In the recent case in Munich of the Schaefer siblings, Alfred Schaefer – (now in prison for the next three years for non-threatening lecture videos and raising his arm in a harmless Roman salute) – was permitted by the judges to screen his de-conditioning teaching videos – but!  The judge ruled that note-making in the public gallery was forbidden and sent in police officers to supervise. Any report would have to rely on direct access to the Defence team. And the Defence team must dance on the wire when giving his/her observations since judges are required to be on the lookout for lawyers acting (for revisionists) too enthusiastically. Lawyers are prosecutable if seen to be too much on the side of their client! In normal nations where citizens have sovereignty over who frames their laws, lawyers are presumed by obligation and by all to act enthusiastically in the interests of all their clients.  The world needs to take an interest in this politicized anomaly.


Professor Faurisson had great difficulty in France to find a lawyer brave enough to represent him.  At his trial in Paris in 2016 where your reporter acted as his sole defence witness during the case against him for his speech made over 10 years ago at the Teheran Conference 2006, afterwards his barrister Maitre Damien Viguier suffered accusations threatening his practice.


In consequence of the ventured exposé ‘behind enemy lines’ at the EU parliament, Dr. Zuroff the Head of the nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Centre certified that “Renouf is dangerous for she puts an attractive face on an ugly movement”. So now we know: It is they who put an attractive facade on their ugly anomaly – for a swindle-speaker deploys projection of his own intentions upon his prey. That being so, then the empowering gentile aspirations of the inseparable four Classical Virtues: Temperance (measure); Justice (unbiased); Wisdom (with scientific attitude); Courage (born of empathy versus vainglory) are a truly emboldening shield …seen as threatening by such Jews. For decades, French government agencies under pressure from influential private bodies have waged a concerted campaign to silence Prof. Faurisson.  Even his unmarked grave (as per his will made as a precaution by him long ago in 1997) is regularly vandalised of its floral tributes. Yet Robert Faurisson remains the calm deep eddying exponent of those Classical Virtues. His influential Latin “exactitude” towards all areas of history without exceptions thus persists with the Robert Faurisson International Prize.


What was it that these vandals strive, by every brutal means, to silence?


Like a smarter greyhound who cuts straight to the chase (not round the designated track), Faurisson went directly to catch his query.  A distinction was being conjured, so he suspected, to render all other wartime murder of an enemy since the dawn of human recollection, incomparable with “The Holocaust” by an alleged uniqueness relying upon an upstaging industrial mass murder weapon. He sought to nail this difference by examining the scientific feasibility of that unique weapon (and was not diverted down a track about a “holocaust by bullets” which is not at all unique in modern history).


The statement published in Le Monde on 21st February 1979 and signed by 34 French historians confirmed his suspicions that the existence of this unique mass weapon was intended to rely upon a scandalous acceptance by faith alone:

“It is not necessary to ask how, technically, such a mass murder was possible. It was possible technically since it took place. That is the necessary point of departure for any historical inquiry on this subject. It is our function simply to recall that truth: There is not, there cannot be, any debate about the existence of the gas chambers”.


Authenticating disputed texts, the Professor became an authority on the 20th century novelist, Louis-Ferdinand Céline.  We are reliably informed by Michael Hoffman (who reported on the Zündel Trials from the press gallery) that Céline’s friend and factotum, Albert Paraz, the chemical engineer turned writer, penned an introduction to Rassinier’s The Lie of Ulysses, which led Robert in 1980 to turn to a cache of Céline’s letters published by the distinguished Gallimard press in Paris as Lettres á Albert Paraz. In one of these, reproduced on p. 276 of the book, Céline wrote the following: “(Rassinier) tends to cast doubt on the magical gas chamber. That’s quite something!”


This seemingly minor quip set the sleuth-hound racing.  Intuitively, he had already suspected that there was some fabulous superstition at the “holy of Holies” heart of the homicidal gas chamber allegations.  Faurisson tells us that this led him to examine an actual gas chamber at San Quentin prison in California, where he was to contrast the “submarine-like door” on this monumental gassing apparatus there, with the flimsy wooden door on the Auschwitz “mass murder chamber”.  With his nose for the telling little details in eyewitness testimonies, the Prof. sought to discover the extraordinary, hours-long measures for safely decontaminating the chamber, with the alleged gassing facility and casual behaviour of the operatives whom testimonials alleged carried out industrial mass murder at Auschwitz-Birkenau while smoking and eating as they handled the toxic bodies.


Prof. Faurisson played several leading roles in both of the Ernst Zündel “Holocaust trials” in Toronto, Canada (1985 and 1988).  Owing to this method of real world facts-testing, one of his legendary contributions to Zündel’s defence in 1988 – as praised by Michael Hoffman – was to introduce the participation of Fred Leuchter, an American gas chamber execution specialist. The foxy Prof was also instrumental in arranging for Leuchter’s unbiased forensic examination of alleged mass homicidal gas chambers in Poland, and in publishing this American expert’s groundbreaking conclusions. At that 1988 trial the expert witness submission of the Leuchter Report as forensic evidence was a groundbreaking first. It was to undermine those deferential 34 French historians – who shut their door marked “obvious” subjective orthodoxy.


A decade later and Faurisson had seen his chance to challenge such “obviousness” as nonsense when in 1984-5 the Toronto Zündel trial began. It was Faurisson who provided much of the ammunition with which to arm the “battling barrister” Douglas Christie for him vicariously to demolish “the Jewish doyen of Holocaust historians” Dr. Raul Hilberg’s unsubstantiated standard claims.  During this unique cross-examination, as a witness for the Prosecution Dr. Hilberg admitted that he was “at a loss” to provide a single document or proof that there had been an order for “extermination” as alleged in his book: The Destruction of the European Jews.  This leading expert “Holocaust historian” – on the witness stand for the first time and ‘never again!’ – concluded that the “industrial mass murder of 6 million European Jews” was carried out by “a consensual mind-reading” – a world first “bureaucratic” telepathy commensurate with a “magical” instrument which needs no forensic proof of its existence.  Hilberg refused to attend the second Zündel trial in 1988 claiming it would be too stressful for him to answer “trivial questions”.


Since the farcical victor’s ‘justice’ of the immediate post-war Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, the Zündel Trials were the first where the world ever heard the cross-examination of so-called eyewitnesses to the “mass homicide gas chambers” confess to using “poetic licence” in their testimonies.  Again, Faurisson was instrumental in mobilising the defence material with which Doug Christie confuted – as Michael Hoffman witnessed – the neurotic fraudulence of the standard “homicidal mass gas chamber” eyewitness. David Irving referred to these as “psychiatric cases” – a fact which got him banned from Austria for sixteen years (and later on a sentence of three years for those words he uttered sixteen years before to an undercover honey-trap journalist).  Mere questions and opinions. In France, on 13th July 1990 the Gayssot Law was enacted specifically to gag one man (Faurisson) to discontinue his human right plus scholarly impulse, to question.


How did the “traditional enemies of free speech” (as the British historian David Irving identifies them) strive so brutally to silence “Holocaust heretics”?


Like Irving, Faurisson has had to defend himself many times in court for his forensic-backed writings and statements. After Irving’s case in Austria (2006-2007), where his Viennese attorney Dr. Herbert Schaller succeeded on Appeal to win the early release of Irving from a three years’ sentence, the Austrian authorities passed into law that no-one in Schaller’s field could henceforth practice after age 70 (though by then this outwitting strategist was aged 85!).


In the case of Faurisson, he was convicted in France on numerous occasions under an anti-Revisionist law especially drafted against him in July 1990 called the Fabius-Gayssot Law. He has suffered at least ten physical assaults, one of which was a near successful attempt at murder by self-proclaimed (yet never convicted) “Sons of Jewish Memory”.  His only book in English “Just Who is Robert Faurisson?” informs that he had seen his bank account frozen and had visits to his home from court officials who threatened him and his wife with seizure of their belongings to cover damages imposed by civil judgments against his “heretical” publications. His family life had been repeatedly disrupted and thrown into turmoil by such harassment. His health had suffered terribly with chronic nerve pains in his face in consequence of those cowardly assailants the “Sons of Jewish Memory” having kicked this harmless senior citizen so repeatedly in the face and chest. Despite all this, the indomitable Classicist has permitted nothing to influence his own gentlemanly conduct.  Neither siding with Left nor Right, Jew nor Gentile, regardless of race or creed, Prof. Faurisson sustained his vigilance against prejudicial judgment in his strictly objective application as his aspirational work method. He lived what he taught his students right up to the day of his sudden death.


Having spoken with sparkling lucidity during his triumphant 90 minute swansong at a private Shepperton Conference organised in the UK at his own request – on returning to Vichy on 21st October 2018, the Prof collapsed and died instantly in his hallway of a fatal heart attack.  Admittedly, the nearly aged 90 yet ever-sharp Professor was not in the best of health. After all, his half a life-long legal Kafkaesque court battles to silence him from nailing down the “Holocaust” mass murder facility had taken their toll, along with the 10 physical beatings which had hospitalized him, requiring facial reconstructive surgery leaving his facial nerves in chronic trauma. Yet the added stress of such a sabotage act (instigated by a vengeful sycophant who had criminally diminished him as senile under video platforms comments) must have drained him. Indeed (speaking about the person who was in concert with the sycophant) he said this “insistence” to wear him down had “exhausted” him during the three days before his flight.


Yet he rose to deliver a masterful 90 minutes’ speech, reminding his attentive audience of 70 personally invited guests that:


In a December 1980 interview with the French radio network Europe No. 1, Faurisson summed up the results of his study of “the Holocaust” in a sentence of about 60 French words. In English it reads: “The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the Palestinian people in their entirety.”
 “That sentence,” he declares 38 years on at Shepperton, “needs no changes.”


Ursula Haverbeck in court with her attorney Wolfram Nahrath


In summing up the Prize Day, one could do no better than to cite the words from Attorney Nahrath’s acceptance speech on behalf of the winner Ursula Haverbeck of the inaugural Robert Faurisson International Prize, when he declared:


“The first awarding of the new Prize shows the magnanimity of the judges.  The special aspect about it is the fact that the award is given to a German lady. A fine lady of the people, a defender of her nation against wrong-doers – generous, full of life and vitality, loving to laugh, full of benignity, and full of courage”. This Award, a step “towards peace and justice”.  A triumph of the “Virtus”.


All sensed at that Vichy haven the Prof’s contentment.


Standing Up for Monika Schaefer — People Rally to Her Cause

Standing Up for Monika Schaefer — People Rally to Her Cause

On Saturday, February 2. CAFE posted Monika Schaefer’s account of the way she’d been humiliated and denied photocopying services  by Sonja Dickey owner of the 3 Sheets Stationary Store & Laundromat in Jasper, Alberta. Miss Dickey refused to do some photocopying because Monika was a “hateful” person.

It is heartening so see the torrent of support from Britain, Europe and across North America admonishing the small town snowflake Dickey and backing Monika.

Well done, free speech supporters.

Here’s just a sample of the e-mails sent thus far.

Paul Fromm




Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

February  2, 2019

Sonja Dickey
P.O. Box 2098,

Jasper, AB,

T0E 1E0

Dear Miss Dickey:

I read on the Internet about a recent incident in your store where you refused to provide service — running off photocopies —  to local musician Monika Schaefer because you believe she’s a “hateful” person.

You are in the business of serving the public, not running a private club. You are obligated to serve anyone who behaves and can pay her bill. Your treatment of Miss Schaefer may well be a violation not only of her rights but of provincial statute. I have asked our in- house counsel to review the law so that we might advise Miss Schaefer further.

I do a nightly radio show entitled “The Fighting Side of Me”. I invite you to be a guest on my show to explain your actions. I heard Miss Schaefer speak recently in Toronto, as part of a cross-Canada tour. Her treatment at the hands of some people in Jasper — shunning, banned from the Legion, subject of a smear campaign to ruin her violin lesson business — was disgusting. Jasper sounds, at times, like a bigoted, judgemental small town right out of some old movie.

I hope you’ll reconsider your treatment of her and consider coming on my show. We can hook up by Skype.

Sincerely yours,

Paul Fromm



Dear Ms. Dickey,

Along with Monika Schaefer I would like to know what you meant when you said you did not want to serve someone ‘who hates’.


According to the Merriam – Webster dictionary the definition of the verb ‘to hate’ is:

1to feel extreme enmity toward

2to have a strong aversion to


Do you think ‘hate’ should be quantified on a scale of, say, 0 to 100 according to which 0 means no hate, that is, no dislike or aversion and 100 means complete hate, that is, total and complete dislike or aversion?

In my view, on such a scale Monika’s forthright regard and search for historical truth along with her honorable exercise of the valuable principle of Freedom of Speech merit her an award of 0 on that scale.

What level of hate would you assign to Monika, and for what?

Because of the unprincipled way you treated Monika, I would award you a value of 70 or 75 on that scale.

Now that you know that I feel some dislike of, and disrespect for, what you have done, do you now hate me?  If so, at what level?


Rudy List, Ph.D. (Mathematics)

P.S.  If I come to Jasper, would you be willing to discuss this with me?

Dear Sonja,
Recently, you refused service to a brave Monika Schaefer. You need to know that Monika does not hate anyone, as you fervently believe, but stood up for the right to disagree on something – that is not hate – it is our right to debate – to disagree – to challenge – any and all ideas – in Canada so far – to scare people like yourself to keep quiet. You are fearful and obedient to the idea that someone who simply states that she does not believe the official story about something must be run out of town and destroyed – this is the despicable act you and your friends have done – shame on you.
You seem to not understand that your very business depends on free speech – the right to print free ideas. Try that in old Soviet Union, or North Korea or Cuba – you will go to jail for expressing free speech – you could not run your little printing business there – did you know that? Canada is so far not there but you need to understand that Monika stood up for you and me and 35 million Canadians to protect that right. So you can run a business that operates on the principle of free speech that people like Monika Schaefer are willing to fight for on your behalf – and for that you stab her in the back?
The obvious subject is Holocaust gas chambers which has been proven wrong by scientists and engineers – most people, myself included, and many politicians, scientists, academics, lay people, see the Holocaust as a big lie – these were work camps – nothing more – there was and is not any evidence of anything sinister happening there. All Monika did was express her belief that the Holocaust never happened – that is not hate – that is simply a belief and our Canadian right to do so.
Unfortunately you have been drawn into the fear of speaking for yourself and maybe thinking for yourself. Speaking about any subject is not hate speech. It is about questioning the official story. I know for a fact that Monika Schaefer does not “hate” as you put it – she simply reserves the right to express her opinion which I wholly agree with as do millions of others.
By disallowing Monika to use your services you are making a strong statement that you agree that free speech must be killed and stifled if someone does not like your point of view. Well, that is a dangerous thing – I may not agree with you, for example, but I don’t prevent you from running your business or conducting your life. We discuss. We disagree. But we walk away agreeing we disagree – but we do not chastise or disenfranchise each other. Jasper has bullied Monika shamefully. I hope you are proud.
Because Monika stood up for her convictions she was imprisoned in Germany. She was brave and she stood up for principles of free speech, the most fundamental right humans have in a free society. Jasper should be ashamed for victimizing a wonderful productive peaceful soul. In Medieval times people like you watched accused people tied up and burned at the stake and I’m sure you would have been right there watching, cheering and happy at someone being killed for some idea that others disagreed with – is that the world you want? I do hope you have a deep serious think on your actions. I hope you and your fellow Jasperians have a reflection on how you treated a fellow citizen for simply standing up for basic Canadian rights.
Maybe one day you will actually get some guts and conviction and realize that the free speech Monika stands up for is more than you and your many fellow Jasperians have done except condemn someone for protecting what you don’t even know you have. I am sad for you and your friends – you have lots to think about.
Al Majauskas

Dear Ms. Dickey:
It has come to my attention that you have a customer who is a friend of mine: namely, Monika Schaefer who lives in your beautiful town of Jasper.
Monika reports that you recently asked her to leave your store because you believed she was a “hateful” person.  This seems very curious to me.  A very odd and inexplicable story.
I know that there are always two sides to everything, and I would like to hear yours.
I am a native Texan who lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, but I have lived all over and was once offered a job at the University of Calgary and then another at the Royal Tyrrell (I didn’t take either of them because I was afraid of the winters—but that was before global warming really set in, I guess…).  Anyhow, I love the Canadian Rockies and the province of Alberta and have had great friends up there throughout my life, Banff, Calgary, Edmonton, Drumheller, Fort Macleod, Lake Louise…. so I don’t feel I am a total stranger to the setting… I think Canada is a lovely place and I have always had very special affection for the Canadian people…..
I am writing as a great fan of Monika Schaefer to ask whether you would like to appear on my extremely informal podcast talk show, either with Monika or alone, and explain to her, to my audience, and the world, why you think Monika Schaefer or her work embodies or represents any kind of hatred?
I suppose we are all (all of Monika’s friends and admirers) wondering why you would see fit to exclude a civil rights heroine from your store, to refuse to do business with her.
Won’t you explain, please?  To me privately if not to the world.
I happen to find Monika to be one of the kindest and gentlest, sincerest and truest people I know on earth.  To me, Monika Schaefer and her brother Alfred stand for LOVE and TRUTH above all.  If you disagree, I would like you to tell me, and the world, why.
If you think that the world is an exceedingly simple place, of black and white, I’d like to know how you can possibly put Monika Schaefer in among the forces of darkness.
My invitation is quite real and sincere and my podcast (based in New Orleans) is very informal.  You would not be embarrassed or “trapped” by any of my questions, but I think if you believe sincerely that Monika Schaefer is wrong about something—you should tell her “to her face” in a public forum…..

I hope that you will consider accepting my invitation to speak about why certain people should not be allowed in your store….. why you think their money would “taint” you or your equipment…..
I absolutely believe in freedom of association, and I certainly respect every person’s right to have opinions and even prejudices, but if these opinions are based on a perception different from mine, I am always very interested in hearing it.
To my mind, Monika Schaefer is just a superior person in every way.  But we should never be trapped inside our own worlds, unable to see through other people’s eyes.
Won’t you please explain to me why you would treat this lovely lady so badly as to order her out of your store?
I really want to hear YOUR side of this story… and I think a lot of other people would also…

Charles Edward Lincoln, III

“Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint, und das mit recht, 
denn alles was entsteht, Ist werth daß es zu Grunde geht.”
Deo Vindice/Tierra Limpia

Telephone: 504-777-5021 

This is what I emailed:  (Joe Rizoli)

I just read this incident that you had with Monika Schaefer and I really have to say this, how could you hate somebody so much to refuse their business? Its incomprehensible that people can act like this in this day and age.

If Monika was gay, black, an immigrant, Jewish or anything else this would be front page news.

Monica is a wonderful person and for you to treat her in this way is really disappointing to me…or better yet, shameful…

Joe Rizoli
Framingham, Massachusetts USA


(My email, Diane King)
Dear Ms. Sonja Dickey:

I just learned about what happened to my dear friend, Monika, in her attempt to acquire services at your copy business. I’ve visited Canada for years and am continually astounded at the increasing restrictions and soviet-style prohibitions imposed on regular Canadians for what? AND what did she do to you? I can only conclude that you must have received word from the higher-up soviet-style elite to tell you what to do or like she said, that you ARE afraid of consequences to doing normal business with her.

I do understand the concern about retribution (though I doubt you fully understand other than what someone MIGHT have told you about her), but I don’t accept the ‘ caving’ into their thugocracy.

We of those who cherish freedoms are appalled at your behavior and truly, you SHOULD be ashamed. You owe her an apology at the very least and some free service for her trouble. You can fix this.


Diane King
Nacogdoches, TX, USA

Dear Sonja,

I hope this email finds you inundated with comments regarding your refusal to serve Truth Warrior, Monika Schaefer based on spurious allegations flung at her by a certain international group of trouble makers who have a significant nest in Jasper.  Refusing someone a service which you advertise you will perform for recompense based on lies, innuendos, and ignorance is not a very good way to conduct business.  Especially not in a nation where free speech is still valued; albeit seriously under attack by the entity you no doubt are aware of and who likely contacted you and scared the bejeebies out of you.  In my opinion, you are a coward and stand contrary to the Canadian Bill of Rights.  If you are a Canadian citizen, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Sincerely, Gertjan Zwiggelaar, B.A., B.Ed. &c.

(Richard Edmonds)
Dear Ms. Dickey,

I write to you as a Briton who as a young man lived in Canada. In the 1960s I lived in the province of Ontario and worked in the smelter of a nickel-mining company at Falkenbridge, Sudbury.

I learn that you have refused to serve in your store a woman whom I have got to know, Monika Schaefer. As you might know Monika Schaefer was recently released from a jail in Germany where she had been incarcerated for eleven months for the “crime” of expressing her non-violent opinions. All shame on the German judicial authorities that their law-books make Free Speech a criminal offence. Thank goodness that we Britons and including Canadians, of course, enjoy Free Speech in our lands.

All that said, I cannot understand your refusing to serve Monika Schaefer and your talk of “hatred”. Monika Schaefer, a music teacher and resident of your town of Jasper, is a pleasant, mild mannered middle-aged woman who takes a lively open-minded interest in the world. Surely we can all rub along and leave talk of “hatred” behind us ?

Yours sincerely, Richard Edmonds


Dear Ms. Dickey,

Well said, Mr. Richard Edmonds!

Good grief, your ill-treatment of dear Monika, a sweeter person of non-hatefilled disposition one could ever hope to meet!   
A shop-keeper who cannot allow herself to recognise her own personal experience of Monika’s firm but sweet nature – a personal experience which should over-ride that shop-keeper’s evidently media-emboldened, hate-indoctrinating prejudice.

Talk about turn-speak!
Bravo Monika Schaefer for standing your ground as always with role-model courteous dignity; shame on any media-gullible, hate-compliant shop-keeper.
Yours truly,  Lady M. Renouf


Subject: to Sonja Dickey in Jasper, Alberta: regarding your treatment of Monika Schaefer
To: <>

Hello Sonja,

As a defender of free speech I’m dismayed at the way you treated Monika Schaefer. Please consider that when it comes to being turned into an outcast for speaking your mind she is historically in good company. You can go back into early Greek society where you find the philosopher Socrates who had to drink poison because his opinion did not agree with that prevailing among the people of Athens. Others that come to mind are Galileo and Martin Luther. A Czech religious leader, Jan Huss, was burned at the stake for proposing a change in the creed of his time – and there are many more.


Why are you giving support to what we call the “Politically Correct”? That is the tyranny of the ruling oligarchy that has produced one war after the other. Why are so many people acting like

brainless sheep? In the end they will all be led to the slaughter. Why don’t people start to think on their own rather than relying on the opinion of others? All it requires is to inform oneself beyond the

mass media and read some books that certain people try to suppress? Of course, Sonja, it is much more convenient to follow the herd than to do your own research. What else can I say? I feel sorry for you for having been brainwashed.


Chris Klein, President,

Coalition of Victims and Survivors of World War II


Anti-Free Speech Bigotry in Jasper: Shop Refuses Photocopy Service to Monika Schaefer

Anti-Free Speech Bigotry in Jasper: Shop Refuses Photocopy Service to Monika Schaefer

The owner of a small-town local business in Jasper Alberta refused to provide a simple service today the 31st of January 2019, based on the idea that she did not want to serve a person who “hates”.

download3 Sheets Jasper Inc. triples as a Stationery, Print shop and Laundromat. Upon my entry, Sonja L. Dickey asked me what she could do for me. I said I needed something photocopied. She replied that she needed to see what it was first. I asked if she was controlling and censoring everything first, before providing service. Is that how she runs her business, I queried.

There is a back story. About two years ago when I had brought in a two-sided color book review of Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil by Gerard Menuhin, to have copies made, she stared trance-like at it for a long time until I wondered whether she had had a stroke. She then informed me she did not want to “participate” in this. She refused to make copies. Since that time however, I have been in the shop on several occasions to make purchases or have other things copied. I was always friendly and even cracked jokes with her. I thought that dispute we had over the copy refusal had been somewhat amicably resolved. She was certainly willing to take my money for subsequent services and purchases.

Upon my protests today regarding her refusal to provide service in exchange for a fee in a shop which advertises this service, she stammered some incoherent things which made no sense to me. She said she did not want anything to do with something that might involve the police. I explained to her that she should never think we actually live in a free country with freedom of speech if this is the kind of fear she feels. She retorted:

I am NOT afraid.

I explained that if you have a shop, there is a simple exchange of goods or services for money, and that is what I was there to do. I dropped the document on the table and invited her to look at it. It could have been my mother’s kitchen recipes for all she cared at this point, because she did not even look at it. She simply declared that she did not want me there, she would not serve me and that I must leave. I remained standing. She declared, with glowering eyes, she did not want to serve someone…

who hates!

Oh gosh! What does that mean, I asked. She could not answer. They can never answer. She showed me the door. When I did not move quickly enough for her little tantrum, she threatened to call the police. I said go ahead. I laughed and went on my way.

Here is Sonja Dickey’s contact information.
Phone: 780-852-3151
snail-mail: P.O. Box 2098, Jasper, AB, Canada T0E 1E0
facebook: 3 Sheets Jasper Inc

If you write or call, please remain polite and informative, and do not resort to smear or insults, as that is what hasbara trolls do and we are not them.

Despite A Meeting Venue Being Cancelled, Monika Schaefer Addresses A Packed Meeting in a New Vancouver Location. Here is Monika’s talk.


Despite A Meeting Venue Being Cancelled, Monika Schaefer Addresses A Packed Meeting in a New Vancouver Location. Here is Monika’s talk.

On Friday, January 25, the cowardly management at the Best Western Capilano [here’s their number —  (604) 987-8185 ]  got a few critical phone calls and cancelled our meeting without notice.  We secured a new venue and had a standing room only meeting Sunday afternoon.

Hear Recently Released Political Prisoner, Monika Schaefer — MY STORY: MY TRIAL, MY  “CRIME” & 10 MONTHS IN A GERMAN JAIL — Vancouver, Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents  

Monika Schaefer  “Unbowed & Proud

* Violinist, environmentalist, former Green Party candidate

* Free Speech activist; holocaust & 9/11 skeptic

* Videographer; former political prisoner in Germany (10 months for her video, Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the holocaust)


My Story: My Trial, My “Crime” & 10 Months in a German Jail


On Jan. 23, 2019 Diane Chase and I were in downtown Vancouver, Canada interviewing people about how the Internet has changed people’s views on Adolf Hitler when I got attacked. A masked man on a bike stole my sign, then stole my camera. I grabbed his bike to get my camera back and he punch me in the head and took off. We then made a police report. We filmed this video with my cell phone right after this happened.
Donate for another camera:
CAFE is raising money to buy him a new camera. Send credit card or cheque to CAFE, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3 or phone 416-428-5308

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