I Supported & Probably Still Do Support Tanya Granic Allen for PC Leader of Ontario
On Friday, February 23, I received this invitation from Tanya Granic Allen, a Grey County-based social conservative who has denounced the Red Tory policies of ex-leader Patrick Brown: specifically, his support for an offensive sex-ed curriculum at least partially designed by a man since convicted of possessing kiddie porn (and once a close advisor to then-Education Minister Kathleen Wynn); his support for a punishing carbon tax based on junk science; his support for the police state anti-free speech bubble zones around abortion clinics and abortion practitioners., She was aggressive and articulate and did well on the February 15, TVOntario debate.
So, when I received this request, I tweeted my endorsement and mailed her off a cheque for $100!

“PC” stands for “politically correct” and is suggestive of a sort of censorship that currently afflicts the western world.
By coincidence, P.C. are also the initials for Progressive Conservative, the name of the largest “conservative” political party in Ontario.
One of my main reasons for running to be the PC Party leader is my opposition to “PC” as political correctness. And my inspiration for the fight against “PC” politically correct censorship is Ontario’s very own Jordan Peterson.
Although he is a tenured professor at the University of Toronto, Jordan Peterson knows about grassroots Canadians. He grew up in a farming community. And he hasn’t abandoned his commitments to common sense and plain-speaking.
Thank goodness.
And thank goodness for Lindsay Shepherd, a 24-year-old Wilfrid Laurier University grad student. Lindsay Shepherd was taken to task by the university administration for playing a recording of Jordan Peterson’s talking good, common sense about culture, families and human nature.
But on our university campuses and too often in the broader culture, good common sense about culture, families, and human nature is all too UNCOMMON.
Our universities – once bastions of free speech in Western society – have become dens of political correctness. Dens in which anyone who speaks principled, common sense is thrown to the lions!
Jordan Peterson and Lindsay Shepherd are bona fide, Ontario free speech heroes. They inspire me to speak plainly on behalf of families, children, and seniors, against the flood of warped cultural madness.
That is why in the TVO debate I spoke very plainly without dancing around the truth.
That is why as PC Leader I will tell you the unvarnished truth, and hold to common sense commitments about human nature, families and culture.
I want to be the PC Party leader who will oppose “PC” (politically correct) censorship.
That is why as a PC Party Premier I will bring implement policies in support of these commitments.
And that is why I need your support and your vote in this leadership election.
Conservative. For a Change,

Tanya Granic Allen
Candidate for Ontario PC Leader
To SUPPORT Tanya, click HERE
Then, this misleading blast appeared and the Toronto Star (February 25, 2018) did a story and got no comment from the Granic Allen campaign. That was the right approach. Candidates aer in the business of trying to win over support and voters. It hardly makes sense to turn away a supporter. As to campaign policy, that’s for Mrs. Granic-Allen to speak to. I never pretended to suggest I spoke for her campaign.

Just to set the record straight, the Klan hasn’t existed in Canada for over a decade. In its ups and downs in the late 70’s, 80s, and 90s, I never joined the Klan, was asked to join the Klan or wanted to join the Klan in Canada. As for Representative Dr. David Duke, who is a dear and longtime friend of mine, he hasn’t been in the Klan since he was 23 — well over 40 years ago!
Not surprisingly, that reddest of Red Tories, establishment parachute candidate Caroline Mulroney weighed in:

So, White nationalism — putting the European founding/settler people of Canada first — is racist and wrong. What does that make Zionism — putting Israel first? Anti-racist actually means putting OTHERS first. Her father Brian Mulroney was a big Zionist. He played a big role in continuing the massive Third World demography-changing immigration policies followed by his Liberal predecessor Pierre Trudeau. I’m not surprised she opposes White nationalism. What a constipated view! Mulroney doesn’t even want me to vote or be a member of the party.
Here one might have hoped for some of the leadership Tanya had promised — standing up against political correctness and censorship.
But, no! On Sunday, her campaign veered into full panic mode. She did not call me to inquire if the smear from a rabid anti-free speech, far leftist group which would NEVER support her was correct. Instead, she tweeted out a near hysterical denunciation:
Actually, as already explained. I’m not a “KKK guy” and she was panicked into denouncing someone her campaign had approached for support and who had never been given a chance to refute the lies of the anti-White left. Her behaviour was disturbingly “politically correct”.
Well, I still have a soft spot for her and hope she can learn from Donald Trump who never succuumbed during the campaign to the mugs game of denouncing his own supporters.