Look at the Questions Doug Ford Is Asking

Look at the Questions Doug Ford Is Asking

by John Adams/Randy Hillier MPP, NoMoreLockdowns – February 3, 2021 https://www.nomorelockdowns.ca/questions

Campaign Research, Doug Ford’s chief pollsters, are asking the people of Ontario how they feel about present and possible new restrictions in the fight against COVID-19.

This is terrifying.

Suspending civil rights and liberties? Vehicle and pedestrian checkpoints? Police removing people from their homes? Jailing and fining those who hold dissenting opinions?

Did we suddenly wake up in North Korea?

Doug Ford, the Premier of Ontario, CANADA, is asking for approval to remove our Charter Rights.

Thanks to the courageous whistleblower who shared these screenshots with No More Lockdowns Canada and all the major media outlets in Ontario on Friday, it appears Anthony Furey was the only one to talk about it. (https://torontosun.com/news/national/furey-pandemic-civil-liberties-abuses-most-popular-among-liberal-voters-poll-shows)

These questions our government is asking are very serious and very concerning; it is abhorrent to say the least. How could we even consider these actions in our free country? It is time to speak out.

If you live outside my riding with a PC MPP, send them these screenshots, if you are a constituent, consider reaching out to the Premier and ask:

“Why is your government contemplating removing my rights and liberties? Why is your government talking about forcefully removing citizens from their home and setting up Soviet-style check points?”.

Ask via email, phone, letter, and social media. If you share on social media be sure to share with me and the press. You can find your Member of Provincial Parliament and their contact information here: https://www.ola.org/en/members

This should NEVER be acceptable, the public’s hesitancy for dissent on the current restrictions is what lets our elected officials think that this would be ok, that they can get away with this. Let them know they are wrong. Speak out, ask questions, and help spread the word.

These were shared to me from NoMoreLockdowns.ca, be sure to sign their petition and request a lawn sign.   Randy Hillier

Profile of Ontario Independent MPP & Anti-lockdown Freedom Fighter, Randy Hillier

Ontario’s Randy Hillier stands athwart Ford and the lockdowners

The Western Standard’s Ernest Skinner spoke with Hiller about his opposition to lockdowns, mandatory-masking, and why he is putting his neck on the line to fight them.


Published 3 days ago

on December 12, 2020

ByErnest Skinner

Rogue Ontario MPP Randy Hillier doesn’t mince words. He never has. The Tory-turned-independent from the notoriously populist-conservative Ottawa Valley has always been on the outside looking in, even when he was on the inside of the PC Caucus. In November 2020 he was charged for leading an anti-lockdown protest at the Ontario Legislature.

The Western Standards Ernest Skinner spoke with Hiller about his opposition to lockdowns, mandatory-masking, and why he is putting his neck on the line to fight them.

1.  Who is Randy Hillier, the MPP?

Well, I’m an independent member the legislature and the provincial Parliament for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. I’ve been in elected office since 2007. My political views don’t always get met with enthusiasm as I am a bit of a maverick you could say. Besides that, I’m a dad, a husband, a father of four kids, and have 6 grandkids.”

2. Would you consider yourself an outlaw or bohemian in the realms of your political views at times?

“Well, listen, I’m a very independent-minded person, and I speak my mind, regardless of what others may or may not think, and that often has me swimming against the currents of political correctness and accepted dogma. I’ve often been in the penalty box, but I have an absolute foundational view that to be in elected office, one must be truthful and honest at all times, regardless of the consequences.”

3. We all know that you’re against the lockdowns. Can you comment on your findings regarding deaths and collateral damage as a direct result of them?

“Yes, the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms released a report today (December 3) that lays out an exceptionally strong case of the evidence that the lockdowns and this social experiment that we have undertaken as a result of COVID[-19] have led to substantial and significant harm, injury and fatality for those who were never at risk of COVID. We are seeing at least a 50 per cent increase in deaths in these other areas such as the suicides, addiction, overdoses, etc.”

4. How would you assess Chief Health Medical Officer Dr. Theresa Tam’s handling of COVID-19 and her advice to Canadians since March?

“Professionally, I’d have to do use some diplomatic language, and just call her incompetent. This is the same person who suggested that masks could not stop the spread of COVID at the height of the threat, and then in July thought they were the most wonderful thing. She also said you should wear them when you are having sex, and one of the ways we can reduce the spread is by engaging in masturbation instead of intimate relations.”

5. What are your thoughts on Doug Ford and how he has used his powers since the start of the pandemic?

“He should be singled out for derision. He came into office with a mandate of open economy, that Ontario is open for business, that he is for the little guy. He’s also the one we’ve seen throughout this, telling people that it was too dangerous to go to the cottage; we find he’s going to his cottage. He tells people it’s unsafe to have a wedding, and he’s going to weddings. It’s been an endless contradiction. He told us we have to have a broad-based provincial approach to this and then of course that changed to a regional approach. He’s been flying off-thecuff for nine months and everybody in Ontario has been harmed by this ineptness.”

6. Why do you think that “experts” such as Dr. Tam, Dr. Fauci, and others keep staying on the same path even when they reverse course and contradict themselves? Can you also talk a bit about the wearing of masks.

“Well, I see them as bureaucrats; they’re not engaged in practising medicine even though at some point they may have had a medical degree. We all know that if you are going to wear a mask the benefits have to outweigh the consequences. We know very clearly now that the asymptomatic spread is not an issue. If you are going to contract the virus it’s going to be because you are in a confined space with proximity to infected people for a prolonged period of time. Many studies tell us that” 

7. Have you personally spoken with experts in the field of vaccines and viruses that disagree with the lockdown and mandatory-mask approach?

“Today, [December 3] I’ll be speaking with Dr. Roger Hodkinson who has been slammed by big tech and social media for speaking out at an Edmonton city council meeting. I’ve spoken with Dr. Matt Straus, Dr. Kulvinder Kaur, Dr. Stephen Malthouse and these are credible doctors. Tens of thousands across the world have signed on to the Great Barrington Declaration,stating unequivocally that this social experiment of masking and lockdowns in isolation and confinement is not a solution. Another thing is social media has been engaged in actively suppressing dissenting views, and we’ve also seen it from our mainstream media CTV, CBC, anybody who has a dissenting opinion – is disregarded as some sort of conspiracy theorist. We had Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, the Chief Medical Officer of Health in Montreal state it’s like a bad flu season, and even our own Minister of Long Term Care stated categorically that it was like a bad flu season; but both the MSM and our social media have been active in suppressing that information and knowledge to the general public.”

8. Regarding your colleagues in the legislature; are there others that you know of that agree with your thoughts and views on COVID-19?

“A great many. These are people that I know in the NDP, the Liberal Party, the CP, who all share my views and my sentiments or a great many of them. They are fearful of speaking out. They’re fearful of being removed from their caucus, being kicked out of their parties, fearful of losing the added perks and benefits of being a parliamentary assistant or a minister.”

9. What would be your overall personal assessment of what people in general are feeling, and the ramifications for the ones in charge of steering the ship?

“People are living in fear, because they have not been exposed to alternative views and dissenting opinions. They are not aware of the facts and evidence that show beyond a reasonable doubt that this situation is exaggerated. At the end of the day – as more and more of these exaggerations are dispelled – people will come to realize that we made some very horrible and tragic decisions during COVID[-19] and there is going to be a price to pay for those officials who failed to do their jobs”

10. What advice would you give to people that are confused by the contradictions and questionable advice that our leaders are giving us? 

“There’s an individual whose name is Dr. Michael Yeadon. He’s a former chief scientist for Pfizer. He has put out a video which is about  30 minutes long. It is an astonishing, all-encompassing video that covers things such as masks. It covers clearly why the tests that we’re doing are creating so many false-positives and that we ought not to be basing our public policies on a test that is faulty, and faulty to such a high degree. He would be a good one to go to for people that have very limited time to investigate on their own.” 

Ernest Skinner is the WestRock Columnist for the Western Standard

Randy Hillier as part of ‘nomorelockdowns.org’ 3

Randy Hillier as part of ‘nomorelockdowns.org

Our fundamental rights and freedoms are under attack and must be defended. It’s not enough to be found not guilty of violating these unlawful measures, I am determined to have these unlawful #COVID19 laws struck down, never to be implemented again. They will not hold up in court, and we are going to prove it.Nomorelockdowns.org has started a legal defence fund to help fight these authoritarian lockdowns in court.

’m thankful for everyone who has helped me fight in the court of public opinion, but now I need your help to fight in the court of law

consider making a donation at NoMoreLockdowns.org/Legal_Defence to help put an end to these intrusive and unconstitutional lockdown measures.Together we will assemble a top notch legal team to beat the government in court, restore our businesses, bring our families back together, and return Ontario and the country back to normal.#onpoli#cdnpoli#nomorelockdowns#fordfailedthepeople

The Vengeance of the Medico-Stalinists In Queen’s Park– MPP Randy Hiller Fined for Orgamizing a Rally

“Do we want to live in a country where people are not free to gather?” MPP Randy Hillier ticketed for organizing a rally. Welcome to Medico-Stalinist vengeance. “If you follow unjust laws, you’re an asshole.” “I’ll go to court & I won’t be wearing a mask.” https://facebook.com/MikeySchweinst

Cornwall March for Freedom, Saturday, November 21. Noon. Eastern Ontario Health Unit, 1000 Pitt St.

Cornwall March for Freedom, Saturday, November 21. Noon. Eastern Ontario Health Unit, 1000 Pitt St.

This Saturday, November 21st 2020, join Pastor Henry Hildebrandt and me, along with other freedom-oriented Canadians in Cornwall for a March for Freedom. Once again I will be joining a group of fellow freedom-loving Canadians to test Premier Ford’s unjust COVID laws.

As Ford and many Premiers across the country begin threatening further lockdowns, it becomes more important for peaceful civil disobedience like this March for Freedom. I hope you will join us at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, 1000 Pitt St in Cornwall at Noon. It will be a peaceful, family friendly march to show our public opposition against lockdowns and restrictions that are destroying families, communities, healthcare, and local businesses.

If you cannot attend, make your voice heard by supporting NoMoreLockdowns.org, they have been doing great work distributing lawn signs against lockdowns all across the province. Contact them to get a sign of your own or volunteer to help them out.

I hope you will come out, speak up, and be heard. Your voice goes a long way in preventing further lockdowns and returning to normal. See you there!

Randy Hillier

NO MORE LOCKDOWNS.ORG — A New Organization Plans Freedom Lawn Signs Across Ontario

NO MORE LOCKDOWNS.ORG — A New Organization Plans Freedom Lawnsigns Across Ontario

A new initiative has been launched, NoMoreLockdowns.org. This is a grassroots organization composed of many credible people who require anonymity because of their professions, such as those in public service, and government contractors.

No More Lockdowns will escalate and amplify the pressure on our government, and you can help them send the message. They are fighting for a sole cause, to stop Premier Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau from imposing more destructive and unjust lockdowns on the people of Ontario and Canada.Many of you have asked what is the best way you can help me. You can do that by joining and supporting No More Lockdowns.

Their first effort is a province-wide lawn sign campaign that demands “No More Lockdowns”, so you can publicly demonstrate your support for our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If you would like a lawn sign and/or to become a depot you can do that here. They expect delivery of their first lawn signs to begin in the second week of November.

I hope you can now help No More Lockdowns share the message that our freedoms matter. It’s an important endeavour this group is undertaking; they are speaking for all of us, and I hope you will support them and encourage all Canadians that we need to get back to normal.Again you can find them at their website:
NoMoreLockdowns.orgYou can sign their petition:
NoMoreLockdowns.org/petitionGet a lawn sign and/or become a depot:
NoMoreLockdowns.org/lawn_sign_requestAnd volunteer:

Randy Hillier
P.S. While I know my efforts enjoy support from across the country, and indeed the world, this initiative is exclusively for Ontario. If you’d like to start a similar initiative in your province, and need some guidance, I suggest you reach out to them at info@nomorelockdowns.org

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier at A Gathering Defying Lockdown Limits at Queen’s Park (also People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier & lawyer Rocco Galati) http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=4727

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier at A Gathering Defying Lockdown Limits at Queen’s Park (also People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier & lawyer Rocco Galati)

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier & Federal People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier challenge Premier Ford’s unconstitutional limits on public gatherings.

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier & Federal People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier challenge Premier Ford’s unconstitutional limits on public gatherings.


Independent MPP Randy Hillier & Maxime Bernier Challenge Ford’s Lockdown Tyranny

Independent MPP Randy Hillier & Maxime Bernier Challenge Ford’s Lockdown Tyranny

No mask? No problem — not for 2019 Prime Ministerial candidate Maxime Bernier and his friend Randy Hillier, an independent MPP from Kingston who was removed from the PC caucus last year.

The dynamic duo attracted dozens of supporters to Queen’s Park on Wednesday, where they formed a maskless crowd on a lawn outside the legislature.

Members of the group listened intently and cheered as Hillier called Ontario Premier Doug Ford a “coward” and a “yahoo.” The group had gathered explicitly to challenge the Ford government’s COVID-19 social gathering restrictions, which Hillier has called “unlawful.”


The MPP actually stood up in parliament yesterday to announce his plan of going to Queen’s Park and purposefully challenging the law, which carries with it a fine of $10,000 for people hosting outdoor gatherings of more than 25 people and $800 for all attendees.

“Tomorrow I will host and gather with more than 25 friends, an offence under these authoritarian laws,” said Hillier on Tuesday.

True to his word, Hillier spoke alongside Bernier to what looked like far more than 25 people on Wednesday.

Ford addressed the situation during his daily pandemic press conference on Wednesday after announcing a new round of funding for mental health services targeting children and youth.

“Well, we live in a democracy — I’ve told people ‘you want to protest? come down to Queens’s Park. They’re welcome to protest,” said the premier when asked about what happened.

“What I do ask is not to be violent, and I hear there was a little bit of violence out there today, and that’s unacceptable.”

Ford went on to reiterate that he doesn’t have a problem with people protesting outside the Legislature.

“It’s about freedom of speech. If they want to go out there, do cartwheels, jump up and down, hold signs up, shout and scream, that’s fine,” he told reporters.

“But violence is where you cross the line and we won’t tolerate that for a second,” Ford continued. “You’re violent with the security folks here, our Toronto Police or OPP, it’s not gunna end well for you.”