A Big Thank You to each and every one of you who are helping to get Druthers newspapers into the hands of freedom fighters and the “just curious” out there.
In this issue:
– Rallies
– BC Interior Convoy January 28
– Let’s Get Political – Council and School Board Meetings
– National Citizens’ Inquiry – Yes, again!
– Conscience Buying – Global Walkout Step # 16
– Recall David Eby Campaign – canvassers needed
o First step: Complete a canvasser application.
o Second step: Set a date to go canvassing. Buddy up for more fun.
o Third step: canvas for signatures in David Eby’s riding – Vancouver-Point Grey
o Celebrate wins as you gather more signatures and cheer other canvassers on
– Worth a look – Dr Charles Hoffe and Freedom Rising Newsletter
– January Druthers are now available at our rallies and online (and perhaps even at a retail outlet in your own town, especially if you make it happen. ;D Contact us if you’d like to help).
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Sunday, January 29th, 1 to 3 p.m. 2020 Main Street, Corner of Main & Warren, Penticton.
Special Guest Speaker: Donald Lee – Author of “What the Hell Is Going On? – The Web of Fraud That Is Enslaving Everyone and How We Can Escape to Freedom”. Recently interviewed by Ted Kuntz on the Vaccine Choice Canada weekly podcast. More info on Donald’s website. And Kudos for his book Here.
Surprise speakers are a common occurrence at our rallies.
Miss a week and you miss a lot!
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Potential speakers & topics – dates TBD: – Sean Taylor – fired Head Nurse with a powerful story – Lindsay Gabelhouse – Journalist and Consultant – Steve Merrill – Sun City Gold and Silver (or a local hard currency specialist) – Understanding cryptocurrencies – experienced cryptocurrency traders and users Suggest a topic and a speaker, and we’ll be happy to follow up to find an expert to share knowledge with us. OTHERS’ REGULAR RALLIES · Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – *** Change in schedule*** Now held ONLY on the 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna – Next rally – February 4. · Oliver – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. · Penticton – Tuesdays noon to 1 pm, in front of Richard Cannings’ Office – 301 Main Street · First & Third Tuesdays, head to the Penticton Council meeting at 1. City Hall, Penticton. · Action4Canada Planning Session – Tuesday, February 7 at 4:30 pm at the Winepress Church ——————————- o0o————————————- Freedom Convoy 2023 January 28th https://penticton4freedom.com/events/freedom-convoy-tribute-2023/ |
Convoy Route:
NOTE: Approximate times only
Meeting Place for South Okanagan Convoy Participants:
8:00am – Convoy participants from South Okanagan to meet at the corner of 2020 Main Street (NE corner of Warren Avenue and Main Street) in Penticton. (Please arrive ON TIME as we could be delayed by 20 minutes due to construction on Hwy 97 just north of Summerland. It is important for the convoy to leave at 8:15 am sharp!) If you aren’t able to join the convoy but would like to give us a send-off, bring your flags and appropriate signs and cheer us on in front of the South Okanagan Events Centre on Eckhardt Street. Arrive no later than 8:10 am to join the fun.
Arrive: 8:30am – McCurdy Mall Kelowna (Hwy 97 & McCurdy) – Leave: 9:10am.
Salmon Arm, Vernon, Armstrong & Kelowna convoys to meet us here
Arrive: 9:45am – Superstore – West Kelowna 3020 Louie Drive (turn Right on Butt Road) Osoyoos/Penticton convoy to meet us here – Leave 10:15am
Take the Connector to Merritt
Vehicles will proceed slowly to permit catch up, then resume highway speeds
Washroom Break – Loon Lake Road (Left side of highway)
Arrive: 11:30am – Gravel Pit – Merritt (At traffic light at bottom of hill coming off the connector, go straight and take the second left into Godey Pitts) – Leave 12:00pm
Tour through Merritt
12:30 pm – Leave for Kamloops
Arrive: 1:30pm Petro Canada Copperhead Exit Kamloops – Leave 2:10pm
Arrive: 3:15pm Salmon Arm – Mall – Leave 3:30 pm via Hwy 1 East to Hwy 97B, turn Right, Junction Hwy 97B and 97A, turn RIGHT onto Hwy 97A to continue through Enderby and Armstrong
Arrive: 4:30pm – Vernon – travel straight through
Arrive: 6:00pm – McCurdy Mall Kelowna – End and socialize.
Lead Car: Lou
Tail Car: Sarah
Looking forward to seeing everyone there! For those coming from Kamloops/Shuswap area, please contact us so we can set up meeting points for everyone so no one is left behind. (Contact Ruth at BCSolidarityMovement@gmail.com ) If you cannot make it, or cannot car pool, etc. please hit the highway and wave your flags! HONK HONK!!
“Yeah, breaker one-nine
This here’s the Rubber Duck
You got a copy on me Pig Pen, c’mon?
Uh, yeah, Ten-Four Pig Pen, fer sure, fer sure
By golly it’s clean clear to Flag Town, c’mon
Yeah, its a big Ten-Four there, Pig Pen
Yeah, we definitely got the front door, Good Buddy
Mercy sakes alive, looks like we’ve got us a convoy”
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City of Penticton Council Meetings
First and third Tuesday of each month
Visit Here to learn more
Participate Electronically
Members of the public and the media can view or participate in Council Meetings and Public Hearings by watching the live stream or via ZOOM webinar by clicking the link on the website home page right before the meeting is to start. Note the link will not work in advance of the meeting start time.
Public participation (Q and A) in Council Meetings and Public Hearings is only permitted in relation to items on the agenda. These are not forums for the public to comment on unrelated issues.
Watch or participate in person.
Regular Council Meetings and Public Hearings are held in-person in Council Chambers, City Hall, 171 Main Street beginning at 1:00pm.
The public can participate in-person or electronically for the question period and public hearing. The meeting participation details can be found on the City of Penticton website on the day of the Council meeting.
School District 67 School Board Meetings
Begin at 6:30 p.m.
Have a question?
The Board appreciates your interest in the proceedings and if you have a question regarding an agenda item, please submit your question prior to the meeting via email to: boardofeducation@sd67.bc.ca. Please include your name and affiliation or partner group and contact information. A staff member will read your question to the Board and if your question is not answered during the meeting, a written response will be provided.
More Details Here
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· Support the National Citizen’s Led Inquiry – Sign the Petition!! |
Support for the National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) is increasing among Canadians. Over 46,000Canadians have signed the petition in support of a truly independent public inquiry into all federal and provincial COVID-19 policies. HELP INCREASE THOSE NUMBERS BY SIGNING YOURSELF, AND SHARING WITH OTHERS THE IMPORTANCE OF SIGNING THAT PETITION, TOO. We can’t trust the Canadian Political Establishment to create truthful, unbiased inquiries nor to hold themselves accountable for the harm they are doing. A Citizen led inquiry is the only way to get at the truth, and to provide a road map for the freedom movement and communities at large for preparing for the future. |
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STEP 16 OF THE GLOBAL WALKOUT IS TO START PRACTICING THE ART OF ‘CONSCIENCE BUYING’. BEFORE SPENDING MONEY, CONSIDER…WHERE IS IT GOING? WHO IS IT GOING TO? Tips: If you have to buy something online, purchase a pre-paid credit card USING CASH. Then your online spending is entirely anonymous. If you’re buying online. Utilize the big marketplace websites to find what you want, then look for it directly from the suppliers/producers. If you find an item in a big department store you want, try to find the producer and buy directly from them. No one can be expected to do this with every little thing, but try it with big items at least |
——————————- o0o————————————- SPECIAL BULLETIN! The Campaign to Recall David Eby is in full swing! Dozens of Okanagan Canvasser volunteers have already officially registered to collect signatures and support the campaign in other ways. – The signature gathering period is from January 17 to March 20. – A Canvasser can be any BC registered voter, but the signatures must be registered voters in David Eby’s riding – Vancouver-Point Grey. – Any signatures gathered by anyone not officially registered as a canvasser will NOT be counted. – The target for signatures is 25,000! to make the official signature requirement is met. Organize your own dates and accommodations for heading to Vancouver-Point Grey and if you are looking to share rides with a few others, let us know so we publish that. Our rallies are the best place to coordinate events with other interested participants. AirBnB has many properties available at better than hotel prices, including everything from a bed to sleep in, to a full home that can sleep up to 6 people. Registered Canvassers will receive updates and instructions by email directly from RecallDavidEby@protonmail.com INSTRUCTIONS 1. Register as an authorized canvasser here: https://elections.bc.ca/docs/rcl/recall-petition-canvasser-registration-application.pdf a. Complete the canvasser application form with all your own information. b. The proponent is Salvatore Vetro. You may type in his name or leave it blank to be filled in by Salvatore himself. c. Salvatore must sign every application and submit it for the canvasser to qualify to gather signatures. 2. Print a copy of your completed application and sign it. 3. Scan your signed application. 4. Email your scanned document to RecallDavidEby@protonmail.com 5. Save your original application as a precaution. 6. Find more information at http://www.recalldavideby.ca/ The new website will be up by noon, January 11. While you’re there, sign the petition against Bill 36. IF YOU HAVE LIMITED COMPUTER, PRINTER OR SCANNER CAPABILITIES… please get in touch with Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 for help. IF YOU WANT TO FILL OUT THE FORM AND HAVE SOMEONE ELSE TAKE CARE OF THE REST FOR YOU… Show up at a Sunday rally at 1 p.m. at Main Street and Warren Avenue, Penticton where we will have blank printed Canvasser applications for you to complete and sign. We will then scan and email your application for you. Organize your own dates and accommodations for heading to Vancouver-Point Grey and if you are looking to share rides with a few others, let us know so we publish that. Our rallies are the best place to coordinate events with other interested participants. AirBnB has many properties available at better than hotel prices, including everything from a bed to sleep in, to a full home that can sleep up to 6 people. Registered Canvassers will receive updates and instructions by email directly from RecallDavidEby@protonmail.com OTHER THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP TOSS DAVID EBY OUT ON HIS EAR 1. Make signs that say RECALLDAVIDEBY.CA and use it at the rally or put one up on your front lawn or both. 2. If you wish, you can add something else to the sign such as “Scrap Bill 36.” and/or “We need healthcare workers.” 3. Check the electoral district map at https://www.elections.bc.ca/images/map/by/Vancouver-PointGrey.html a. If you have contacts in or near the riding, get in touch and see if you can work together canvassing. b. It’s also good to find a place to stay for a few days while you are actively canvassing. 4. Although we generally advocate moving away from major social media because of censorship, it’s important to use the opposition’s tools to defeat them wherever possible. With that in mind… a. Recall David Eby has a group on Facebook and on Instagram. If you have accounts with either or both, please repost and encourage others to participate. 5. Have a magnetic vehicle sign made and spread the word that way. Use it in the January 28 BC interior convoy. (Convoy details in our Penticton4Freedom emails and on our website.) 6. Sign the petition to Scrap Bill 36. Many volunteers have sign-up sheets. Come to our Sunday rally at 1 p.m. at Main & Warren, Penticton to sign the petition. |
Please Note. This template, which is found at RecallDavidEby.ca has an error in the section “Why is Bill 36 concerning for you?” Where it says “S5506”, it should be S506. Please correct any copies you may have picked up, before handing them out. We have alerted the website administrator to the problem, so check online before printing more. |
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“What the truckers began, the doctors must finish.”
Dr. Charles Hoffe spoke at the “Heroes Take Action” event that kicked off the ‘Recall David Eby’ Campaign. He said: “What the truckers began, the doctors must finish.” Listen HERE – Only 16 minutes |
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FREEDOM RISING Newsletter #31 – Freedom Convoy Anniversary |
This newsletter contains the latest information and actions of the week. Please read, then share with your family and friends. HERE |
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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom Friends
Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!