Godspeed Elon Musk! In Your Battle With the ADL
The richest man in the world takes on the most subversive group in the world
By James Edwards
We are witnessing what could turn out to be one of the most important battles in American history—Elon Musk vs. the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). I want to stress that while this could possibly be a pivotal point in American history, there’s certainly no guarantee of that. There is a very real risk that Elon Musk will cave in, or that the corrupt judicial system will sell him down the river to save their own hides.
The controversy began in late August, with calls by users on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, to ban the ADL for maliciously lying about and arguably defaming Musk and his free speech policies. Musk began to chime in on the trending topic, #BanTheADL, offering insight into the subversive nature of the ADL and its efforts to harm the financial success of the platform by organizing advertising boycotts and smear campaigns following Musk’s takeover.
Musk noted that Twitter revenues are down by billions of dollars due to the ADL intimidating corporations into pulling their ads from the social media platform. I want to focus on how high the stakes are for the future of free speech and the ability of the ADL to dictate what can and cannot be discussed in the modern day public square—social media.
The ADL claims to be a “civil rights” organization, but it’s just a viciously anti-white hate group that exerts tremendous control over business, politics, and culture in America. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly brazen with ever-escalating demands for censorship of opinions it doesn’t like. For anyone who wants an in-depth look at the history of this sordid outfit, a good place to start is the books by the late, great AFP writer, Michael Collins Piper.
If not for the fact that the ADL works to promote Jewish interests while masquerading as an “anti-hate” civil rights group, the government might have long ago declared it a criminal organization, seized its assets and locked up its executives. Many observers say that the ADL is essentially an extortion racket. In just one example, last year when NBA player Kyrie Irving tweeted his approval for a movie the ADL doesn’t like, the ADL demanded “consequences.” Almost immediately, Irving’s team suspended him. He was only allowed to play again after “donating” half a million dollars to the ADL and issuing a public apology.
Many Americans are just now learning about the ADL, thanks to the #BanTheADL campaign. They’re shocked at what they’re discovering from men like Irish YouTuber Keith Woods on Twitter, but trust me, the current scandal is only the tip of the iceberg.

Most Americans under the age of 40 have no idea that “hate crimes” are a novel concept in jurisprudence. They just assume that crimes motivated by “hate” have always received harsher sentences. They would be shocked to learn that there was no such thing as a “hate crime” until the late 1980s when the concept was invented by the ADL. That’s no exaggeration; they boast about inventing the concept of “hate crimes.” It was part of their war on white people. “Hate crime” charges are rarely pursued against non-whites, although they are oftentimes genuinely warranted.
The ADL never stops seeking to portray white people as monsters who are always on the verge of lynching a black person or burning down a synagogue, and are only stymied in their efforts by the constant vigilance of the ADL.
More recently, every time President Trump did anything to restrict immigration, the ADL immediately went to court and filed paperwork seeking to have a federal judge declare his efforts unconstitutional—and they almost always got their way. The ADL paints white Americans who oppose mass immigration as “Nazis,” while at the same time defending Israel’s extremely race-based immigration policies.
The ADL is also a gigantic and Orwellian surveillance outfit. Author Matt Taibbi once described Goldman Sachs as a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” The ADL does the same thing to truth, freedom, and Christian culture.
Did you know that for decades, when many U.S. Representatives and Senators received letters from “right-wing conservatives,” they would forward the letters to the ADL so they could “keep an eye on” them? Did you know that many newspaper editors across America used to do the same thing? Even more incredibly, PayPal recently gave the ADL access to its database to search for transactions from groups it doesn’t like. This isn’t a secret; PayPal admits it. Every American should be up in arms over this, but nobody seems to even be aware of it.
The ADL is the #1 enemy of free speech in America. In 2012, after Pat Buchanan appeared for the third time as a guest on my radio program, the ADL demanded that MSNBC fire him, and MSNBC complied. The media-manufactured controversy made national news, and Buchanan was asked by National Public Radio if he regretted associating with someone the ADL refers to as an “anti-Semite” and “white supremacist.”
Buchanan responded, “I think there’s an awful lot of smearing being done by the Anti-Defamation League, frankly, over the years of individuals who simply disagree maybe with U.S. policy towards Israel, and a lot of name calling.”
The ADL’s subversive activities do not stop at smearing its political opponents. They dictate to Amazon what books they’re allowed to sell. They tell Facebook what opinions users are allowed to post. They demanded that Fox News fire Tucker Carlson—the most popular host on the network by far—and Fox News complied shortly thereafter! When Elon Musk bought Twitter, the ADL told big brands to stop advertising on Twitter, and Twitter’s revenue dropped by tens of billions of dollars in a flash.
And one more thing: The ADL says that saying “Christ is Lord” is anti-Semitic, demonstrating their hostility towards Christians and traditional Christianity.
I’m supporting Elon Musk, even though I was banned from Twitter after he took it over, along with several other honorable men, including Paul Fromm, Kevin MacDonald, and Tom Sunic. I am supporting Musk because it was almost certainly to please the ADL that we were banned in the first place. The fact that he’s finally standing up to this powerful hate group bodes well for more free speech in the future for us and other truth-tellers.
I’m also proud to say that I’m a supporter of the man who started the #BanTheADL movement on Twitter, Keith Woods. Keith and I were both speakers at last month’s American Renaissance conference and he is the rarest of combinations—an absolute genius and an effective pro-white activist.
Keith got the #BanTheADL movement started, and he got the attention of the world’s richest man, who has a long and difficult journey ahead if he has the courage to stick to his convictions.