Greetings! The following press release is being sent out later today, but we want our loyal supporters to receive the news here first: Free to Fly Canada, through retained counsel Umar Sheikh of Sheikh Law, has filed a Class Action lawsuit against the Canadian government on behalf of aviation employees harmed as a result of vaccination mandates. We have developed a comprehensive and methodical approach to holding the government responsible and bringing justice to thousands of impacted workers. Plaintiffs Greg Hill, Brent Warren, and Tanya Lewis are representative of a proposed class of those subjected to tortuous harm by Transport Canada’s “Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID-19, No. 43“. This Order mandated vaccination for those within the transport community in 2021. In so doing, it induced employers to violate contractual agreements for thousands of Canadian employees, violated rights guaranteed by the Charter, and interfered with free and fair collective bargaining. This is the first time a case of this type has been brought in Canadian Courts and we are proud to help chart this course. The class action is open to any unvaccinated employees who have been adversely affected by Transport Canada’s Interim Order 43. This could be reflected through termination of employment, coerced early retirement, or suspension. These suspensions were often called a leave of absence by employers, but given their involuntary nature were not thus, by definition. We have been failed by our government, unions, and employers, and this proceeding is a means to fight back. To read the full pleading and get more information on signing up or supporting, please use the link below. We’ll be sure to keep you updated and appreciate any and all support in moving this cause forward! Greg & Matt |
Tag Archives: Greg Hill
Brilliant Analysis of the Sorry State of Canadian Liberties
Brilliant Analysis of the Sorry State of Canadian Liberties
C3RF Update, 04 Nov 2022 – Cattle drive

Remarque! La version française suit un peu plus bas
View! Review and participate in Version 15.0 of C3RF’s “One Stop Tyrant Shop”
Read! Declaration for the promotion of truth
The round up
If a “round up” can be defined as corralling a collection of animals into enclosures for a particular purpose then Canadians can easily imagine themselves as the new livestock. It’s an easy analogy to make given the past almost-three-years of incessant whining by authorities of all stripes to “follow the science” as they concurrently prod us away from each other and into enclosures dispensing one-size-fits-all vaccination programs. It’s this or suffer the consequences of your, supposedly, uncoerced choices and lose your job, your ability to travel or even your kids as you obstinately put the public good and the public health at risk. To make matters worse, those livestock that have the temerity to wander off away from the cattle drive are left defenseless as attempts to justify their well-considered, but contrary, ways are met with obfuscation and outright ad hominem attack by controlling authorities and agencies alike. These strays are cancelled and belittled.

Some “strays” in present-day Canada refuse to be corralled
The fact that the roundup has been continuing apace for some time now is evidenced by C3RF’s own “One Stop Tyrant Shop”. This chronicling of overreaching dictates, edicts and mandates that work to carve out traditional, freedom-minded citizens from the herd of their more pliant counterparts is compiled from C3RF “Update” observations extending from 2018 to the present day. The current version, version 15, is a stunning 42 pages long and is growing as we speak. Indeed, the latest additions to this ever-expanding compilation of draconian measures and insults aimed at everyday Canadians include:
- a move by a federal court judge to divorce the Canadian legal system from its “supreme” laws by dismissing the need to vet the constitutionality of vaccine travel mandates by declaring the issue “moot”; and
- a recognition of the fact that, according to both Saskatchewan and Alberta officials, the Emergencies Act was invoked illegally as the declaration lacked the required consultations with provincial authorities.
For the strays that refuse to be rounded by self-declared wranglers for whatever reason, the size and accelerating growth of the “One Stop Tyrant Shop” comes as no surprise. They believe what their own eyes see and have long recognized the current Canadian regime to be unconstrained by any check or balance. They see their executive, legislative and judicial bodies arrayed against them to pursue political power over and above any need to enable a “representative democracy”. They see a juggernaut that has lost all respect for the individual Charter rights of a formerly free people. For those moving along in the midst of the cattle drive, the mere size of the “Shop” comes as a shock to the system as, like a frog in pot of gradually heated water, they are beginning to see bubbles roiling around them.

Is it too late for the Canadian frog in a pot?
Canadian authorities have tried to play the long game by gradually cranking up the heat on Canadian civil liberties. In doing so, they likely perceived it was the best way to achieve the desired outcome of moving the country away from the individual liberties, meritocracy and free markets characteristic of a Western liberal democracy towards one that is centrally controlled by an “expert” class. This process has been facilitated by the creation of a supporting superstructure of legislation girded by judicial pronouncements that act to curtail any opposition, let alone debate. And so we see Bills C-11, C-18 and C-261 promulgated to curtail and shape what you can say in the public square even as the authors of such legislation give themselves the arbitrary power to define just what is acceptable when it comes to thinking and communicating. As if this wasn’t bad enough, the same NDP-sponsored government is floating a new law by way of Bill C-23 that would see climate cops given the power to conduct warrantless searches and seizures in the name of protecting the environment. Is it all becoming just a little too obvious? Even to those in the midst of the cattle drive?

Is Canada’s descent into despotism getting just too obvious?
The rising
The rising sense that all is not going in accordance with “rule of law” principles that purport to dispense justice equally is being fuelled by a consistent barrage of biased and divisive actions foisted upon the public, and individual citizens, by the powers-that-be. The sheer number of these edicts, mandates and decrees, many of which escape any legislative process as noted in the “One Stop Tyrant Shop”, prompts the question: is it all about rewarding friends and punishing enemies? What to think when:
- Tamara Lich is shackled and denied bail for “mischief” charges related to the Freedom Convoy 2022 protests while the return from Syria of alleged ISIS terrorists is celebrated by Canadian media and public safety officials. Tamara is chopped liver while the latter have Charter rights and must be removed from “sub-human conditions” in Syria;
- Ex-Minister Bev Oda was harassed into resigning from office for hotel costs and a $16 orange juice while the same chattering classes poo-poo efforts to draw back the curtain on $6000 hotel rooms claimed by government officials during the Queen’s funeral proceedings; and
- The Canadian legal and political systems move heaven and earth to patriate a self-confessed terrorist from American POW detention, and then award him $10.5 million in the name of Charter rights, even as these same systems can only muster efforts “at the margins” when it comes to judicially reviewing the constitutionality of pandemic measures.
It would seem that Canadian governance systems are operating on a divide and conquer basis to favour certain voting blocs while intimidating others into submission. This might be a good way to secure power and control over the short term but, as more and more Canadians become aware of the discriminatory measures at play, a backlash looms. How long will Canadians stand by and allow Section 1 of their Charter to be ignored? The section that demands limitations on their fundamental rights be “demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society”.

Shackles for Tamara, dollars for the more-favoured when it comes to Charter rights?
The fact that some Canadians have come to see the writing on the wall when it comes to the evaporation of their civil liberties is now playing out as an embarrassing exodus. C3RF stalwart, Debbie, has chosen to rise up and vote with her feet by packing up her Canadian possessions, selling her house and hitting the road for Mexico. She now reports that she is at a U.S./ Mexican border town where other Canadians are amassing and coordinating a united crossing. Other Canadians are looking closer to home for relief from government and “expert” overreach and moving to provinces that are more amenable to protecting their individual rights and freedoms. Top of the list is Alberta under its new Premier, Danielle Smith. She has promised to push back against such unsupported tyranny and has already apologized to the unvaccinated for the discriminations they have suffered in her province until now. All this in conjunction with nurses moving en mass to free regimes, such as Florida, to get away from a Covid-only medical system that is resulting in “negative outcomes” for patients. Should it be a surprise when good people move away from oppressive jurisdictions to better their lives? Wasn’t that once the calling card for those seeking to land on the shores of a “strong and free” Canada?

Canadians surging to Alberta for a better chance of securing their civil liberties?
Not all Canadians are voting with their feet though. Some, like Greg Hill, have accepted the gauntlet thrown down by bullying governments and “cancel culture” to declare “fight’s on”. Greg lost his job as a Canadian airliner pilot due to vaccine mandates and is now a Director at the “Free to Fly Canada” organization. Free to Fly has expanded rapidly to comprise more than 2000 aviation professionals and 40,000 passengers all dedicated to retrieving lost mobility rights guaranteed under the Charter. They note that such restrictions may have been “suspended” but that they stand to be re-initiated in line with predictions from our own Prime minister. As part of his in-place fight, Greg has penned a “Declaration for the Promotion of Truth and Individual Rights and Freedoms”. This avowal proposes that Canadians of all stripes commit to legal, civil disobedience measures to resist the onset of tyranny in Canada.

Greg Hill, Director at Free to Fly Canada declares, “fight’s on”
The reckoning
Try as it might, the efforts of governments, courts, the media and “cancel culture” to obscure and justify the dissolution of individual rights and freedoms in Canada, both through fluffed up emergencies and legislation, cannot escape eventual judgement by the public-writ-large. This will be a certainty as the alternate outcome, in the form of a deep dive into the loss of all such rights, is just too depressing to even consider. The process brought to bear will need to be independent in nature given the enormity and power of the agencies and authorities, both public and private, that have been involved in the lifting and restricting of civil liberties over the course of the Wuhan virus pandemic. As it stands now, the failure to enact such a review and move on its recommendations ensures the same will happen over and over again until the very nature of Canadian society is irrevocably impacted to leave a hellscape for our progeny.

Does a hellscape await a Canada disinterested in its descent into despotism?
Another C3RF stalwart, Barry, has joined the conversation on the matter of a Canadian drift into a dystopic future by noting that it is being promulgated by an “overbearing central government devoid of principle or restraint intent on controlling our behavior and thoughts, even on-line”. Certainly, if we are to shut down such overreach now and into the future we will not only have to take Greg Hill’s Declaration to heart but go beyond such civil disobedience measures to make some concurrent structural changes. We have to realize that we got to where we are now, a country operating at odds with the principles that so many have fought and died for before us, through a dearth of checks and balances required to slow down, let alone halt, such illiberal excursions. Barry suggests that the problem lies in the fact that cultural and societal changes have taken us to a place where we have outgrown our British-style parliamentary system.

Has Canada outgrown its British-style parliamentary system?
As Barry also notes, “Canada’s British style parliamentary system only works so long as the central government acts with reasonable prudence and restraint”. Unfortunately, and in a day and age that lacks the servant-leaders required to propel such an honourable enterprise forward, we are left with a governance system that affords far too much power to a select few. We see this full force in the Canadian parliamentary system where the Prime Minister has the power to handpick his or her executive in the form of a Governor General and Cabinet and then go on to appoint, through a proxy Governor General, Senators and Supreme and Federal Court judges. In the hands of an individual driven by modern-day ideologies that lionize “the end justifies the means”, the nation can easily find itself being held hostage by a “kid in a candy store”. Is it any wonder that Canadians see their liberties being zapped by the legal and political ministrations of a system crafted to suit a person at the center of the power structure – a person who suffers no constraints from a compliant media or political opposition in the form of NDP-type support. If any country needed structural change to its governance systems, perhaps in the form of recall and term limit legislation, it would be Canada. Either that or vote in a slate of servant-leaders capable of measuring up to the required standard of integrity and honour demanded by a parliamentary system?

Does Canada need more servant-leaders and less “end justifies the means”?
Thanks for your continued support
Your patronage makes a world of difference in the ability of C3RF to educate, advocate and act in service of preserving the individual and fundamental rights of all Canadians. It is truly unfortunate that such efforts are required but the fact remains, these rights and freedoms are coming under increasing attack from all quarters including our own legislative, judicial, media, academic and security authorities. Please know that the funds you so generously donate go directly into campaigning, events, bookkeeping, technology costs and legal advice. When these basic services are met, we use excess funding to assist other groups in advancing the cause of Canadian individual rights within a strong and free Canada. We also contribute to related legal proceedings and charitable activities when able. If you missed the call, click here to support C3RF today!
And while you’re considering making a difference, please follow C3RF on Facebook, on Gab, on Parler, on Gettrand on our web site and share with friends our great content and a realistic outlook on the continuing battle for Charter Rights in Canada. You can also review our social media feed here and view our videos on YouTube, on Rumble and on Odysee.

Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d)
President and CEO, C3RF

US State Requests Canada be Added to Religious Freedom ‘Special Watch List’
US State Requests Canada be Added to Religious Freedom ‘Special Watch List’ The Ohio State House of Representatives voted this evening to formally request Canada be added to the United States’ Commission on International Religious Freedom’s Special Watch List. We would be joining the likes of Iraq, Cuba and Kazakhstan on this list. This is a sad, but incredibly newsworthy move. It speaks volumes to the state of religious freedom and freedom in general in our nation. It also gives insight into how grave the situation is, given overt concerns from our southern neighbors. An outline of the resolution and testimonies can be found here. Given the Canadian government’s complete disregard for religious freedom over the past year and the denial of almost all requests for religious accommodation in regards to vaccine mandates, this is a welcome development. Please contact your elected representatives and ensure they are aware. Various members of the Canadian public provided testimony, including students, lawyers, pastors, pilots, military members, medical professionals, and even an OHL hockey player. The Rev Michael Thiessen, Founder of Liberty Coalition Canada, and Greg Hill from Free to Fly gave in-person testimony at the committee hearing a couple of weeks ago, which can be found at the link below, starting at minute 2:00. We are grateful to our American friends for their efforts on behalf of Canadian freedom, especially the sponsors of this resolution, Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus and Rep. Timothy Ginter. |
Join Maxime Bernier in Two Rallies in Toronto & Mississauga, January 22 as Part of Worldwide Freedom Day
The freedom fighters are back!
This Saturday, January 22nd I will be at Queen’s Park in Toronto with Dr. Rochangné Kilian, lawyer Knia Singh, Greg Hill from Free2Fly, and independent MPP Randy Hillier.
I am excited to be back in Toronto to speak out against the corrupt political establishment and champion our rights and freedoms.
We will start with a rally at Queen’s Park, then march to CBC HQ where there will be additional speeches in neighbouring Simcoe Park. Later in the day, I will also be making an appearance at Port Credit Memorial Park in Mississauga.
Join me this weekend at Queen’s Park to make your voice heard!
Where: Queen’s Park, by the King Edward VII Equestrian Statue
110 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON M7A 1A2
When: Saturday, January 22 @ 12pm (Noon)
Where: Port Credit Memorial Park
40 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga, ON L5G 1S4
When: Saturday, January 22 @ 5pm
I hope to see you there!