Brad Love Letter from Prison
As usual, I still receive receipts that you, Michelle E, and Diane King have sent me. [Letters seized by prison censors and not given to Mr. Love.] Why so much attention devoted to me here in Nowheresville in beyond me.
In Toronto, on June 11, a Tibetan immigrant who set a Chinese girl on fire on a bus at the Kipling subway station is sent to a looney bin. After what China did to Tibet, wasn’t this a revenge-motivated hate crime. No one brought that up. Or would this upset the swell cultural mosaic where only Whites are capable of hate?
NEWS FLASH: Guards on the weekend handed me a Stolen Auto Report Form — say what?. So, I try calling my brother [in Ontario] for hours in a panic. Sure enough, a moved out former housemate [in Fort McMurray] returned and drove off in my Hyundai. My landlord called the cops. So, the Fort Mac RCMP are hot on the trail. Yeah, I’ll bet. Shit, Just what I need to interrupt my already interrupted sleep in here. I was almost through an 11 month term without any personal losses, but now, shit! I had no theft insurance on my car and my insurance was up last week. So, I had by brother call in to pay the $850 yearly for me and they REFUSED to let him pay it. Stupid, eh? But no more stupid than their refusal to call out the massive auto theft problem as an “immigration problem” as the media tells us clearly that it is. Duh! This country is digging its own grave. — Brad Love