$104 million lawsuit update, Whatcott & homofascists factums

Postby Bill Whatcott » Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:21 pm

“The crime?” Depending on who you talk to different people are perceived as criminals and wrong doers in this video. When Smitherman, Hudspeth and their homofascist lawyer Doug Elliott look at this video they think the Christian activists disguised as “gay zombies,” are committing the crime by handing out truthful Gospel literature condemning the homosexual shame parade, the homosexual lifestyle, and charitably offering a way out of it. In fact they believe Bill Whatcott and his supporters should be forced to pay $104 million in damages to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario, and everyone who marched in the parade or who received the Gospel package cleverly disguised as a “zombie safe sex package.” pray1

On the other hand if you ask Bill Whatcott who the criminals are, he will tell you it is the naked homosexuals exposing their genitals to adults and children on the parade route. Bill will also tell you the Liberal politicians who are in power are criminals for pushing the homosexual agenda, voting to lower the age of consent laws, and because all of the taxpayer’s money they have stolen from hard working citizens to fund this exercise in debauchery, perversion, self indulgence and anti-Christian hate speech. angry4

The hearing that will determine if the courts will order Bill Whatcott to give up the names of his friends and supporters in an effort to financially ruin them and intimidate anyone else from ever speaking out against the homosexual shame parade and lifestyle again will be Tuesday, November 15th at the Ontario Superior Court on 393 University Ave, Toronto. Keep this day in your prayers!!!!

To read the factum of the homofascist plaintiffs George Smitherman and Christopher Hudspeth attempting to compel Bill Whatcott to give up the names of his friends and supporters so they can financially ruin them go here:
https://www.luminpdf.com/viewer/gNuFYpG … 68e7f4a6d4

To read the factum of Bill Whatcott’s legal team resisting this unjust order and seeking the dismissal of the case go here:
https://www.luminpdf.com/viewer/QvaAHg3 … 2491682cca

Fighting for freedom of speech, so that one is able to accurately comment on homosexual shame parades from a Biblical and medically based factual perspective isn’t coming cheap. The Whatcott legal team’s bill is currently over $50,000. So far we have raised $25,000. Please consider donating something!
https://gogetfunding.com/help-christian … n-lawsuit/

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
James 1:27

Help Christian Activist fight $104 million lawsuit

Help Christian Activist fight $104 million lawsuit

Fundraising campaign by Bill Whatcott


Dear Friends,

I have been hit with a $104 million dollar lawsuit seeking to destroy, intimidate, and silence me, my wife, and any friend who helped me with my subversive, charitable, health and truth promoting Gospel ministry to the Toronto Homosexual (unGodly) Pride Parade.

Rather than give too much of my own commentary I will let you the audience look at the lawsuit (Statement of Claim), my own account of my charitable and truthful activism. You can look at the photos of my “Crack Christian Top Secret Commandos” disguised as “gay” zombies. You can listen to the homosexual activists and their lawyer accuse me of lying and talk about my alleged malice and all the harm I allegedly caused them. You can see our literature and photos of the “gay” pride participants who Were allegedly victimized by us and you can see the media coverage and decide for yourself if this lawsuit is anything close to just, meritorious, or proportional to any alleged offense that we committed.

If you agree with me this lawsuit is unjust and if you would like to help please do so. We seriously need a lawyer to help defend ourselves against these well funded and tyrannical homosexual activists and their army of lawyers……

1.Top secret Christian commandos disguised as gay zombies subversively delivering Gospel literature to the homosexual pride parade. On this link you can read Bill Whatcott’s entire account of his and his zombies’ participation in the parade and at the bottom you can read the flyers that we delivered disguised as “zombie safe sex” packages:

http://www.freenorthamerica.ca/viewtopic.php?f=16&…2. Here are the homosexual activists and their lawyers at a press conference announcing their lawsuit against me and my supporters in their own words:

3. Here are some media articles regarding the $104 million lawsuit against me, my wife and my friends.

http://www.freenorthamerica.ca/viewtopic.php?f=16&…4. The Statement of Claim against Bill Whatcott, his wife and any friend who helped him:


Proceeds to go to a lawyer willing to defend us against this “gay” activist sledgehammer…..

In Christ’s Service Bill Whatcott

“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Romans 14:8

Whatcott hit with $104 million lawsuit by sodomite activists

 Whatcott hit with $104 million lawsuit by sodomite activists
The homosexual agenda has never been about “rights”. It traces itself back to the Frankfurt School of Cultural Communists who sought to destroy Western society and pave the way for a new order of mixed race, rootless confused people — easy to manipulate and control. [Interestingly, we see this agenda at work in the fact that the recent Gay Pride parade in Toronto invited as its special guests the radical anti-White Black Lives Matter group, who promptly turned on them, sat down and blocked the parade until a blackmail list of demands were agreed to. Serves the homosexuals right.] A key target has been the family. Two prongs of the attack on the family are radical (mostly Jewish-led) feminism and the homosexual movement, with its ever changing names  —  Gay Pride, Pride, LGBTQ. The homosexual agenda involves suppression and destruction of freedom of speech and all opposition. Notice that the clear intention is the destruction and silencing of the persistent Mr. Whatcott. He uses humour in trying to win over and confront homosexuals. The politically correct are bereft of humour and HATE Whatcott’s zany promotion of Christianity.
George Smitherman, a former Liberal provincial politician, cabinet minister and failed mayoralty candidate (2010), makes it quite clear that the goal is to destroy Mr. Whatcott. No “inclusiveness” or “diversity” for Christian believers. Daily XTRA (August 12, 2106) quotes Smitherman as joining the lawsuit as a way  “to stamp this hateful individual out.” The lawsuit seeks, as well, to expose and potentially beggar Whatcott’s supporters:  “The lawsuit seeks in part to determine the identities of those who marched with Whatcott and those who financially supported the political stunt through subpoenaed documents.

‘Those who paid for his airfare or donated Aeroplan miles to get him to Toronto, those who put him up in Toronto, the people who paid to print the pamphlets: anyone who helped him in any way could be on the hook for $100 million dollars.” says [homosexual lawyer Douglas] Elliott, whose firm Cambridge LLP is handling the lawsuit.

Christians had better pay attention. The homosexual agenda is totalitarian and intent on silencing its critics. Free speech IS the issue.
Paul Fromm

Inline image 1

Lawyer Douglas Elliott (left) and former politician George Smitherman at an Ottawa press conference announcing a class action lawsuit against anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott. Claire Wählen/Daily Xtra

I hope this class action lawsuit against me and those who choose to stand with me wakes Christians and others up to the reality of what is happening in the west. As homosexual activism and other libertine and anti-Christian movements gain power in Canada, freedom and truth are dying and those cherished principles are being replaced with falsehood, censorship and tyranny.

I have no intention of divulging the identities of anyone who has chosen to help me. My advice for my Christian friends is be wise and courageous. Pray and do what you can to stand against this tyranny. Also if you sent me some some cash, offered me a bed, or helped make a Gospel condom, keep your mouths shut if these vengeful homosexual activists come snooping. Ask your friends to keep their yaps shut too. If the Ontario courts are corrupt enough to go along with this and if they put me in jail for not cooperating with this witch hunt, just send me the occassional $20 for prison canteen, so I can enjoy some potato chips and continue to write God pleasing commentaries from my jail cell. As much as possible, I don’t want anyone to make it easy for these homosexual activists and lawyers to silence debate or attain any sort of a financial reward at my or my friend’s expense.

Bill Whatcott

$104-million lawsuit filed against Toronto Pride parade crashers
Bill Whatcott and his ‘gay zombies’ face possible legal injunction
Published on Fri, Aug 12, 2016 8:40 pm.
http://www.dailyxtra.com/toronto/news-a … ers-203986

Prominent gay lawyer Douglas Elliott has filed a $104-million class action lawsuit against anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott for crashing the 2016 Toronto Pride parade.

Elliott is also seeking an injunction from the court to prevent Whatcott and his associates from crashing anymore Pride parades in Canada.

Whatcott and several unidentified allies suited up in neon green body suits and disseminated anti-gay literature at the July 3 Toronto parade, calling themselves “gay zombies.”

The lawsuit seeks in part to determine the identities of those who marched with Whatcott and those who financially supported the political stunt through subpoenaed documents.

“Those who paid for his airfare or donated Aeroplan miles to get him to Toronto, those who put him up in Toronto, the people who paid to print the pamphlets: anyone who helped him in any way could be on the hook for $100 million dollars.” says Elliott, whose firm Cambridge LLP is handling the lawsuit.

Bill Whatcott and his assistants wore green bodysuits to sneak into Toronto’s Pride parade on July 3, 2016.

The two main representatives of the class action suit are well known in the gay community, Christopher Hudspeth, who owns Pegasus Bar in Toronto’s gay village, and former MPP George Smitherman, Ontario’s first openly gay provincial representative and first openly gay cabinet minister.

Both marched in the parade on July 3, 2016 — and in the case of Smitherman have marched in every parade dating back to 1986. Smitherman says he joined the suit to “do all we can to stamp this hateful individual out.”

“Too often, religion is used as the justification for the vilest of homophobia. From my life on the inside of the fundamentalist movement, I know that promoting homophobia is a great way to raise money from other fundamentalists,” explains Hudspeth, who was raised in a fundamentalist Pentecostal home and spoke of the experience at the Aug 12 press conference in Ottawa announcing the lawsuit.

“There is no doubt in my mind that some fundamentalist group, either here or in the United States, is backing these activities. We need to smoke them out.”

As a gay father, Smitherman says he is deeply offended that Whatcott is once again equating homosexuality with pedophilia.

“My outrage and disgust at the duplicitous means by which Whatcott and his so-called zombies will go to to interrupt this place where love is supposed to be safe and to use the most defamatory statements possible, to regurgitate the most untruthful and disgusting stereotypes with respect to gay and lesbian people, means this [lawsuit] is the right thing to do,” Smitherman says.

Toronto Homosexual Pride Parade in the 1970s. Sodomite activist George Smitherman sues Bill Whatcott, accusing him of speaking
falsehoods and stereotypes, yet the Toronto shame parades prove what Bill is saying is true!

“We need to get right to the heart of the matter, which is the financial resources that allow for this disgraceful person to continue his act, which is hurtful to the thousands and thousands that it has impacted.”

When reached by Facebook, Whatcott tells Daily Xtra that he should have been welcomed into the Pride parade, not sued for participating.

“I just read the statement of claim. It seems to me the poor homosexuals are angry at God and the Gospel. They should have welcomed me in their parade as a much needed truth teller and indeed I was far less disruptive than BLM [Black Lives Matter]. Not sure why the homosexual activists aren’t suing them,” Whatcott writes.

Angry at God and the Gospel: A Homosexual in the 2016 Toronto sodomite parade puts Jesus on his crotch and has profanities
directed at Jesus on his behind

If the class action is certified, Elliott says he intends to ask for a summary judgment.

“Where a case is clear cut, there is no point in going through the expense and delay associated with a trial, [so we can] bring a motion to the court for a summary judgment and get it over with, quickly and inexpensively,” Elliott says.

However, they still need to serve Whatcott who, without a permanent address, has been difficult for them to track down, the plaintiffs say.

Whatcott is well known to courts and tribunals in Ontario, Saskatchewan and British Columbia as an anti-gay activist for previous protests, both at parades and on university campuses.

In 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld part of a 2005 Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal against Whatcott, for distributing flyers targeting gay and lesbian Canadians.

Before infiltrating the Toronto Pride parade in 2016, Whatcott had similarly faked his identity in 2014 to march along with the Vancouver Pride parade, that time under the disguise of fictitious Calgary Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, to distribute anti-gay leaflets disguised as condoms.

Whatcott disguised as Matthew Davidson, the “gay” high priest of the Calgary Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster giving hugs and
delivering thousands of desperately needed Gospel condoms to homosexuals and their messed up allies, telling them to keep their pants
on and turn their lives over to Jesus so they can have their sins forgiven

Whatcott told Daily Xtra that he and six of his supporters distributed 3,000 flyers at the Toronto Pride parade, including to parade goers, that warned of risks allegedly associated with gay sex.

A Crack Christian Commando from the top secret Christian Truth Activist Gospel Counter Intellegence Unit disguised as a “gay zombie” in a tutu poses with an unsuspecting leatherman at the Toronto Homosexual Shame Parade

The two-page flyer featured graphic photos of anal warts and a dead body described as an “AIDS fatality.” A second page criticizes the “homosexual activism” of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and former Liberal defence minister Bill Graham.

They, among other Liberals, are being listed as a subclass to the class action suit, as having been targeted by the content of the pamphlets and singled out for their political affiliations. The two main classes of the suit are those marchers who legitimately signed up and marched in the Pride parade, and those who received copies of the flyer at the parade.


To see the flyers that were distributed at the Toronto homosexual shame parade by the “Gay Zombies” and to stand in solidarity with Bill Whatcott and further distribute these truthful “Zombie Safe Sex” messages before the homosedual activists get them banned download them here!

Front of Flyer
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Ol-X … sp=sharing

Back of Flyer
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Ol-X … sp=sharing



Congratulations to the endlessly creative Christian missionary Bill Whatcott. He and his supporters infiltrated Toronto’s orgy of Homosexual Pride. Here are pictures of exhibitionist nudity and vulgarity — carefully screened out by Pravda West — the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Of course, the parade featured the first sitting Canadian Prime Minister marcher – Trust Fund Kid, Justin Trudeau — and  Ontario’s raging lesbian premier (forcing perverted indoctrination into the school curriculum for tots) and Toronto’s wimpy Red Tory Mayor John Tory.
The Trust Fund Kid — loud representative of Moslems, Sikhs, the transgendered, feminists and all manner of the sexually unusual but not Majority Canadians — will introduce more repressive anti-free speech legislation in Parliament to protect the transgendered from criticism.
Toronto’s “Pride” (pride in which orifice you penetrate?) march was heavily promoted by collaborationist banks. Would TD and BMO, gushing over “diversity”, “inclusion” and homosexual pride celebrate healthy heterosexual families or Christmas? Ask your bank manager.
Big laugh: Black Lives Matters, chronic protesters disrupted and blocked the Gay Pride Parade until they’d shaken down its organizers for some money and special privilege for sexually unusual Negroes and the banning of any police floats in the parade. [Actually, most  Blacks are not very receptive to the homosexual agenda. Most Negro Caribbean countries still consider buggery a criminal offence.]
Paul Fromm

Whatcott Christian Commandos infiltrate Toronto Shame Parade

Postby Bill Whatcott » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:43 am

Here is my Elite Top Secret Special Forces Crack Christian Commando Anti-Sodomite Counter Intellegence Unit leaving the Sherbourne Subway Station disguised as the “Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association” to infiltrate and strike the dark forces of the Toronto Homosexual Shame parade and bring about a glorious victory for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by delivering 3,000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages to the parade goers.To the the front of the “Zombie Safe Sex” package click here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Ol- … c4RXd5V0U4
To see the back of the “Zombie Safe Sex” package click here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Ol- … VmTlRWaE5R

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12

Here is me with two of my top secret activists at our staging area at Ted Roger’s Way and Bloor Street

Here we are still waiting to get moving. A Black Lives Matter protest erupted in front of the parade and delayed our march by about 2 hours.
It appears the Black Lives Matter activists held up the entire parade and demanded money, affirmative action for black sodomites, and a banning of
all police floats from future homosexual shame parades. Apparently Mathieu Chantelois , the Executive Director of the Toronto unGodly
Pride Committee decided all of the demands were “reasonable” and approved them on the spot.

Here is me with a leather man

My activist trying to look dignified as a naked sodomite talks to her

Eventually the parade got moving and me and my Christian commandos got to work delivering our “Zombie Safe Sex” packages

Here is one of my commandos delivering Biblical, medical and sociological truth on the harms of homosexuality. Sadly,
in order to deliver this much needed truth he had to disguise himself as a “gay” zombie because the parade was too
intolerant to accept him as an “out of the closet” Christian man who speaks the truth about homosexuality.

Bill Whatcott handing out “Zombie Safe Sex” packages

Bill Whatcott marching in the parade

A spectator on the sidewalk photographs our successful truth assault from within the parade

“Now Joshua the son of Nun sent out two men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.”
Joshua 2:1

The parade had a massive police and security presence this year. However, we had no problem with either police or
security. The “Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association” was embraced by the parade and police. We had no opposition
to our delivery of the much needed 3000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages, which contained accurate truth on the harms of the
homosexual lifestyle and the good news that Jesus died for the redemption of homosexuals! At least until 11;00 pm Sunday
night when the first lesbian called and swore at Bill Whatcott after she read her “Zombie Safe Sex” package.

Gospel infltration of the parade completed! Police officers smile as we depart on the subway…..

“I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.”
1 Corinthians 9:22, 23

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Bill Whatcott
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Re: Whatcott Christian Commandos infiltrate Toronto Shame Pa

Postby Bill Whatcott » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:08 am

Here is some of what is wrong with the parade. The Toronto Pride mission statement says “Pride Toronto is a not-for-profit organization with a
mission to bring people together to celebrate the history, courage and diversity of our community.” Aside from biting the hand of their most
faithful supporters, the police; and getting rid of diversity amongst the ranks of the police by arbitrarily banning all police floats, I fail to see
any “courage” or “celebration of diversity” with this group of marchers. The one marcher on the left has a picture of our Lord painted on his crotch.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgance promote hate and show a level of disrespect towards Christians that would get Christians charged with a “hate
crime” if we were to emulate their nastiness and behave in a similar fashion towards homosexuals or any other minority.Image
Two small children being exposed to the disordered sexuality on display at the shame parade

Another small child exposed to homosexual depravity at the Toronto shame parade

“He said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.”



Canada’s courts are dominated by judges holding to a Cultural Marxist ideology. In their world, people are divided into “vulnerable minorities” who must be protected from criticism and oppressors. Near the very top of their “vulnerable minority” hit parade are homosexuals and the whole LGBTQ-alphabet soup of the sexually unusual. A strong critic for over 20 years of the homosexual agenda is Bill Whatcott. Beggared, jailed, fined, ruined by a homosexual led boycott of his carpet cleaning business, Mr. Whatcot t is nothing if not a fighter.

He won a libel action against the CBC for their deliberate distortion of his words. Good for him. However, the short-lived victory, was substantially reversed with an additional punishing kick in the kidneys, saddling him with the CBC’s costs.

The Saskatchewan Court of Appeals upheld the finding of libel but slashed the $30,000 award to a measly $1,000 and essentially cancelled it by awarding costs against Whatcott. An appeal can run $10,000 – $40,000 easily. So, even in winning, partially, Mr. Whatcott, the real victim, loses.

The decision written by Neal Caldwell concluded: “There is simply no evidence upon which to quantify or begin to assess the level of damages in this case. For this reason, although the Chambers judge’s finding of defamation attracts a presumptive award of damages, the absence of evidence of the effect of the defamation that occurred here limits that to an award of nominal damages only. The appeal is allowed in part. The finding of defamation is not subject to appellate reversal. The judge’s findings with respect to the extent of publication and actual malice are set\ aside, as is the award of aggravated damages. The award of compensatory general damages is reduced to the nominal amount of $1,000. Since the CBC was substantially successful, it shall have its costs in this appeal in the usual manner.”

The Court of Appeals is advancing the novel proposition that it is hard to know how big an audience CBC News has or what influence, if any its stories, have. Thus, so the bowel twister of an argument goes, there is no proof Mr. Whatcott suffered any damage. If the CBC really has such a small audience and so little influence, this is a sad commentary on decades of taxpayer $billion+ annual subsidy for this leftist propaganda agency.

Interestingly, in the CAFE/Fromm’s libel case, where we were sued for defamation by Richard Warman for, among other things, calling him “the high priest of censorship”, the Court gladly awarded $40,000 in damages, even though our words were circulated on relatively obscure websites, not blared over Canada’s national news network. In that case, Judge Monique Metivier seemed convinced that Warman’s reputation had been damaged by our merely uttering these words. It’s flattering but not convincing to believe that our writings are more powerful than the multi-billion dollar foghorn of the CBC. Actually, this is just another case of our leftists courts beating up on a pesky Christian; namely, Bill Whatcott.

The National Post (February 26, 2016) provides more detail to the story: In Saskatchewan, “he province’s top court has significantly cut the amount of money the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has to pay for defaming anti-gay crusader Bill Whatcott. Originally ordered to pay Whatcott $30,000, the CBC is now on the hook for only $1,000 after a partial win before the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal.
“While I find no cogent basis to set aside the finding of defamation, I would nevertheless intervene and reduce the general damages awarded in this matter to a nominal amount,” Justice Neal Caldwell wrote on behalf of the court. ….

The issue dates back to October 2011 when the CBC published a report on The National and its website about a case involving Whatcott that was before the Supreme Court of Canada. It stemmed from a Saskatchewan Court of Appeal ruling regarding Whatcott’s battle with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission over anti-gay pamphlets he distributed in Saskatoon and Regina in 2001 and 2002.

The CBC report included a pan of one of Whatcott’s pamphlets — but not the one that was at issue in the human rights case. Rather, it was one Whatcott had distributed in Alberta in 2008. The CBC showed the side of the pamphlet with lyrics to a song that Whatcott had modified to read, “Kill the Homosexual.” On the reverse side, which the CBC didn’t show, “Whatcott had purported to disclaim or exculpate himself from liability for its inflammatory content, suggesting that he did not truly advocate the murder of homosexuals,” the decision notes.
(Don Healy / Leader-Post)Bill Whatcott handing out flyers at the University of Regina on March 6, 2013.

Whatcott sued, claiming that CBC’s depiction of the pamphlet would cause viewers to believe he advocated murdering homosexual people.
In January 2015 Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Richard Elson agreed, finding the CBC had misrepresented the pamphlet in its four-minute news segment. He awarded Whatcott $20,000 in general damages and an additional $10,000 in aggravated damages after finding the broadcaster had acted with malice.
The CBC appealed, arguing Elson had made several legal errors.

The mere fact the CBC had published a defamatory news segment does not serve to increase the measure of general damages or to justify an award of aggravated damages.

“While the defamatory nature of the news segment is open to some interpretation, I cannot conclude that the judge’s interpretation of it as defamatory was either unreasonable or borne of an error of law,” wrote Caldwell in a decision made unanimous by Justices Ralph Ottenbreit and Maurice Herauf. Elson had found the CBC’s focus on a single, offensive phrase conveyed the impression Whatcott’s activism was more extreme that it actually was and would “tend to lower the plaintiff’s reputation in the eyes of a reasonable person.”

However, the court did determine Elson erred in other findings.
Caldwell said the judge had no evidence about the scope of the publication so erred in assessing damages. The court said Whatcott was responsible for making his case, and “it was not for the judge to fill in the gaps with speculation.”

Whatcott had also failed to provide proof of actual malice, and Elson had made inferences based on “scant evidence,” said Caldwell.
“The mere fact the CBC had published a defamatory news segment does not serve to increase the measure of general damages or to justify an award of aggravated damages,” wrote Caldwell.”

Calls for Acquittal & Compensation for Abuse-by-Process Victim Arthur Topham



Whatcott commentary on Arthur Topham “hate speech” trial

Postby Bill Whatcott » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:06 pm

Arthur Topham, Publisher and Editor http://www.radicalpress.com/

Whether one agrees with Arthur or not, Canadians should be very concerned this guy could wind up in jail for promoting his conspiracy theories. Whether one agrees with his conspiracy theory or not, that should not be the litmus test to decide whether what he said is “hateful” or not. Actually the law is not even qualified to know what is “hateful.” My medical facts and theological arguments against homosexuality were found to be “hateful” and notwithstanding a handful of homosexuals have found Christ and repented of the homosexual lifestyle thanks to my ministry the courts over my own vigorous protestations decided I was “hateful” and saddled me with a $7500 fine, lifetime speech ban, and six digits worth of court costs that I couldn’t hope to pay off if I tried……

Sodomite, NDP Director of Communications Shawn Dearn on the other hand wrote: ““Memo to CBC & All media: Stop calling the misogynist, homophobic, child-molesting Catholic church a ‘moral authority.’ It’s not.” (March, 2013) he also wrote in 2010, “Dear Pope Benedict — go f— yourself.” Not only was Dearn not charged with “hate speech” for writing these things, he was allowed to keep his job as Mulcair’s Director of Communications when his nasty social media came to light. In my view Dearn is hateful, but in politically correct Canada where the media and judiciary is firmly in the grips of the left (Arthur would say the Jews) hell would freeze over before Dearn was held criminally liable for his so-called “hate speech”……

Arthur in my view isn’t “hateful.” I’ve read most of his articles on his site (http://www.radicalpress.com). Arthur is a bit of a publicity hound (most activists are) and he believes he has a calling to save the world from Jewish Bankers and Zionism and fight for free speech in Canada.

I corresponded with the guy via e-mail a little bit and without actually meeting him, I decided overall, I like the guy…..

Though Arthur should not only be acquitted, but indeed compensated for facing unjustified state harassment, thanks to the Whatcott decision I hold very little hope that Arthur will be acquitted. I predict he will be in jail and the media will portray him as a vicious Nazi…..

Few social conservatives and almost no liberals will cry foul that a harmless, perhaps eccentric, man was unjustly put in jail. The last time I spoke on the unjust jailing of a holocaust denier a lawyer and so-called “friend” of 5 + years promptly e-mailed me that he was disassociating himself from me and dropping my cases (they were practically dropped the day he took them anyways) and then after giving me a pompous lecture on “racism” blocked me from contacting him. Meh…….

Politically correct tyrants and cultural Marxist race baiters even have some alleged social conservatives trained to be their lapdogs, and hence why Canada is not so free anymore. Anyways, unless someone can actually read Arthur’s site for themselves (Canada’s media is not a reliable source of information when you are trying to find out about the Bill Whatcotts & Arthur Tophams of this world) and get back to me with an intelligent reason as to why he should be in jail, I will continue to publicize his persecution and call it unjust, even if Amnesty International and so-called conservatives who claim to support free speech in Canada decide he is expendable………

Bill Whatcott


Christian fired for refusing to drive homosexual shame bus

We have warned that Christians are increasingly under attack in Canada. The cultural Marxists who own the Supreme Court of Canada and dominate many other institutions “hate” Christianity. Notice there is no talk of “diversity” or “inclusion” or “reasonable accommodation” of the Christian views of Mr. Rau.
Catering to the homosexual agenda and the otherly sexed means Christians are targetted for silencing and suppression. After the Jewish anti-free speech lobby, the homosexual lobby is the biggest menace to free speech in Canada.
I attach evangelist Bill Whatcott’s excellent commentary below. Mr. Whatcott, himself, was impoverished and denied a living by the same Christian-hating forces that targetted Mr. Rau.. He is now in exile in the Philippines.
Paul Fromm

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:27 pm

Jesse Rau and his wife and children

I’m not surprised at what happened to this righteous man. Jesse Rau is fortunate that he has a church and Pastor who supports him. Still losing a good union job with a pension is huge, especially in Alberta’s new economy where thousands of people are out of work now. I pray God helps Jesse and his family to not only recover from this unjust job loss but to prosper.

I never did fully recover from the loss of my nursing career and I really hit the poverty line when the homosexual activists ruined my carpet cleaning business. It is sad that Canada’s public sector employers are absolutely beholden to the promotion of sexual deviance and that good family men like Jesse Rau have to either compromise and pay homage to Sodom or forfeit their employment. This is more evidence that the homosexual agenda is not really about acceptance, it is about imposing a level of conformity where all will meekly accept the falsehoods put forward by Sodom and where one will surrender their children to homosexual mandated brainwashing. The so-called “Pride bus” was only one cog putting forward the false message that homosexuality is normal and to be celebrated. Canadians are now also expected to embrace the pro-homosexual messages being pushed in our schools, in our workplaces (especially government workplaces), and in our media. The option of just being quiet and hoping to not be noticed is becoming less tenable.

Jesse Rau’s case shows Canadians are expected to forfeit their liberty in deference to pro-homosexual political correctness. Those who fail to conform will face job losses, vilification, and if they are too outspoken a myriad of courts and tribunals to grind them down. Jesse is not alone. Christian teachers have lost their jobs in Canada for not wanting to indoctrinate children into embracing homosexuality. In Ontario one can no longer practice law if they graduate from a Christian University that does not have a pro-homosexual code of conduct.

The Ontario College of Physicians has made it a policy that doctors must refer for abortions even if they believe the practice is the murder of an innocent human being. The college reasoned this policy change upholds the patient’s “human rights.” In reality this move violates not only the unborn child’s right to life, but it also violates the medical professional’s conscience and once again makes it impossible for Christians who believe in the sanctity of human life to work in the medical field.

Can Christian doctors, teachers and bus drivers hope to bring their stories to Canada’s “free press” to find justice? Forget it, beyond LifeSite News all of Canada’s media is completely beholden to the homosexual agenda and Culture of Death. The only hope for Canada’s increasingly persecuted Christian minority is to hope in God and find strength to endure the increasing persecution that is coming to Canada, or Christians will have to consider moving elsewhere.

In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1, 2

BREAKING: Christian bus driver fired after refusing to drive Calgary ‘Gay Pride bus’
Pete Baklinski
Sept. 11, 2015
https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/break … ry-gay-pri

CALGARY, Alberta, September 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) — A Calgary bus driver who is a faithful Christian and married father of two children has been fired from his job after stating publicly last week that he would refuse to drive a city bus decked out by his employer to promote the city’s Gay ‘Pride’ festival.

“They called me in and read me a statement saying that I would no longer be working for them,” Jesse Rau, former Calgary Transit Authority employee, told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview.

Two weeks ago Calgary Transit unveiled a “Pride Bus” it had specially decorated with a rainbow paint job to promote the city’s Calgary Pride Festival. A large banner on the side of the bus states: “Ride with Pride” and provides the dates for the celebration of homosexuality, something that Christians believe is a deviation from God’s plan for human sexuality.

Rau came out publicly last week saying that he would refuse to drive the bus if it were put on his route since he wanted no part in promoting what he said was a “very radical sexual movement” that went against his Christian beliefs.

“As a Christian I believe in the Bible as being the Word of God, and it teaches that sexual immorality is sin. I don’t want to have any part in promoting behaviors and lifestyles that put people in more trouble with God than they already are, and that create more brokenness and despair in their lives,” he said at that time.

Rau says Calgary Transit questioned him for 5 hours on Wednesday with what he called “very trapping questions.”

“They were trying to trip me. For 5 hours I played the game because I wanted to keep my job. But they had obviously already made their decision. And the next day (Thursday) around noon early in the morning, they fired me.”

He said the meeting felt more like an interrogation where he was asked questions unrelated to work duties, but rather relating to his personal beliefs and even the opinions of others who had commented on his Facebook wall.

At a meeting yesterday, Rau said he was accused by his employer of misleading the public into believing that he could be fired from his job for refusing to drive the ‘Pride bus’ and for posting what his employer called — according to Rau — “anti-fascist” pictures on his personal Facebook page.

“One picture was directed against the ‘rainbow flag’ movement, indicating how it had turned into a fascist movement, and they didn’t like that,” Rau said.

Rau said he was “shocked” at the reasons given for him being fired.

“None of their concerns related to my work. On the contrary, prior to this issue, I was told that, due to my good work performance, I was supervisor material. To go from awaiting promotion to facing joblessness simply for standing for my Christian faith in a supposedly free country is horrible,” he said.

Click “like” if you want to defend true marriage.

Rau told LifeSiteNews that he has no chance of appealing the decision since he was nearing the end of a year-long probation period that he had not yet completed. But he is not wavering in his trust in God, he said, but is turning to God for strength to get through this time. He already sees God working through this difficult situation with a prophetic message for Canadians.

“I think this has become a very beautiful opportunity for Canadians to see just how this sexual ideological movement is pushing its views on people, and how Christians and others who have different views are now the victims. This movement is now taking measures that are offensive to almost everyone to force compliance with this movement,” he said.

Artur Pawlowski, Rau’s pastor, told LifeSiteNews that what happened to Rau indicates how the homosexual movement brooks no dissent when it comes to differing views.

“Yesterday they were coming for the politicians, judges, and doctors, today they are coming for the bus drivers, clerks and bakers,” said Pawlowski who comes from Poland and runs Street Church in Calgary.

“Believe me, I grew up in a country (Poland) like ours has become, and I can tell you tomorrow the communists/fascists/dictators are coming for you. Will you let them?”

A vigil for Rau and his family organized by Street Church is scheduled for October 10 in Calgary. Those interested in financially supporting Rau and his family during this time can make a donation through Street Church’s website using Paypal. Donations should be tagged with a note “Support for Rau and his family.



REGINA. December 22, 2014. Christmas came early for evangelist and activist Bill Whatcott in a Regina courtroom today. He and U.S. activist Peter LaBarbera were acquitted on a charge of “mischief” for having set up a table to hand out literature and discuss traditional Christian teachings about homosexuality and abortion with University of Regina students earlier this year.
The Regina Leader-Post (December 22, 2014) reported: “Anti-gay activists Bill Whatcott and Peter LaBarbera were found not guilty of mischief in Regina Provincial Court on Monday.

Whatcott uttered “thank the Lord” after Judge Marylynne Beaton delivered her verdict.

“I’m very happy with the judge’s decision … and of course I believe she’s correct,” Whatcott told reporters.

LaBarbera, who lives in Illinois and heads Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, was not present, but “I’m sure he’ll be relieved,” said Whatcott.

LaBarbera and Whatcott were charged with mischief on April 14, after distributing flyers and displaying placards with pro-life and anti-gay messages at the University of Regina campus. They were asked to leave, refused and were arrested.

At the time, U of R provost Thomas Chase called the materials “graphic” and “disturbing.”

But “the validity of (their) beliefs are not in issue,” Beaton wrote in her decision.

“I find that the purpose of (their) attending the University of Regina was to communicate information and their actions were passive and non-aggressive,” Beaton wrote. “The university’s response was disproportionate to the peaceful distribution of flyers.”

Whatcott said he plans to return to the U of R in January — “you can count on that, unless I get hit by a car” — with a “flyer special for this occasion.” He aims to visit the University of Calgary campus on Saturday.”

Mr. Whatcott commented on his website: “The judgement is 27 pages, I cut and pasted a pertinent section to help you understand Justice Beaton’s reasoning.  Ms Patton is the head of campus security and Dr. Chase is Vice President of the U of R. When the judgment refers to “The Policy” it is talking about the University of Regina’s “Respectful Workplace Policy,” a document the university has been using as its pretext to silence debate on the issue of homosexuality:

Read complete judgment here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Ol-X … sp=sharing

Ms. Patton and Dr. Chase both testified to the effect that the decision to remove Mr. Whatcott was made to prevent students from feeling discriminated against. This is a sufficiently pressing and substantive objective. Freedom of expression is not an unqualified right. As stated again in the Pridgen decision at para. 124:

The University must be able to place reasonable limits on speech on campus in order, for example, to maintain a learning environment
where there is respect and dignity for all.

[68] The means used to prevent students from feeling discriminated against was the removal of Mr. Whatcott and Mr. LaBarbera. I do not accept that the accused’s removal, in order to protect students from the accused’s message, represented a minimal impairment on freedom of expression,” — In this case, the University’s response was disproportionate to the peaceful distribution of flyers and was not reasonable and demonstrably justified.

[69J In summary, I find that the Charter does apply to the University of Regina in this situation. I also find that Mr. Whatcott’s and Mr. LaBarbera’s actions were protected by s. 2(b) of the Charter and that the infringement on this right cannot be permitted under s. 1 of the Charter. Given my findings, Mr. Whatcott and Mr. LaBarbera were acting with legal justification pursuant to s. 429(2) of the Criminal Code.

Colour of Right

[70] The Crown has argued that it would be unreasonable to believe that the right existed, as Mr. Whatcott had been asked to leave by campus security several times over the last few years and was denied space by the University of Regina Student’s Union. He therefore knew that his form of communication was not welcomed at the University.

[71] However, Mr. Whatcott’s testimony left me with no doubt that he believed that he had a right to protest at the University of Regina under s. 2(b) of the Charter. Given that he had been successful before various courts in the past, I have no doubt that this belief was reasonable. His testimony also left me with no doubt that he does not think that the Policy applies to him, or perhaps to anyone. He testified clearly that the Policy is “rubbish” and that several universities, including the University of Regina, have abused their rights to exclude people and so do not have that right. However, if his belief that s. 2(b) of the Charter protects his speech is correct, then the Charter would overrule the Policy. Mr. Whatcott understands this principle.



While, of course, we agree with this judgement, it is frightening that the university seems unable to distinguish between “discriminatory” behaviour and the expression of an opinion. Neither Mr. Whatcott nor Mr. Barbera were providing goods or services and, thus, in any position to “discriminate.” They were offering opinions and discussing with interested students those opinions. And, by the way, isn’t that what a university is supposed to be — a place where ideas are discussed and debated, not an indoctrination centre for the cultural communist views now so in fashion among the intelligensia?

Paul Fromm

Anti-gay activists LaBarbera, Whatcott found not guilty of mischief

Bill Whatcott and Peter LaBarberaAnti-gay activists Bill Whatcott and Peter LaBarbera demonstrate outside the Regina provincial courthouse ahead of the start of their trial on mischief charges on Oct. 30, 2014.

Whatcott Winds Up Free Speech Tour

Whatcott Winds Up Free Speech Tour

EDMONTON. November 16, 2014. Author and evangelist Bill Whatcott wrapped up a weekend speaking tour sponsored by the Canadian Association for Free Expression here today. The tour took Mr. Whatcott to Vancouver and Edmonton. His topic was “The War on Christianity: Can Traditional Christians Still Witness to the Truth in Politically Correct Canada?”
The veteran of several dozen arrests for counselling people outside Toronto abortuaries but within the prohibited gag zone or “bubble” zone, Mr. Whatcott reflected on the “double standard” of Canada’s justice system. He recalled one inmate who had received 30 days for numerous counts of shoplifting and Mr. Whatcott getting the same sentence for protesting outside an abortion clinic.
He described being jailed in Toronto’s notorious Don Jail. Political  prisoners “were always treated  more harshly.” At one point, he was put in cells with delusional or violent people. At another time, he was denied socks or blankets. When he got free speech supporters to call the prison and protest, the authorities told the prisoners on his range that they were losing their television privileges because of Whatcott. A prisoner punched him in the face. “They were clearly trying to make prison so terrible and dangerous to me that I would stop protesting,” he explained.
Whatcott Winds Up Free Speech Tour

EDMONTON. November 16, 2014. Author and evangelist Bill Whatcott wrapped up a weekend speaking tour sponsored by the Canadian Association for Free Expression here today. The tour took Mr. Whatcott to Vancouver and Edmonton. His topic was "The War on Christianity: Can Traditional Christians Still Witness to the Truth in Politically Correct Canada?"

The veteran of several dozen arrests for counselling people outside Toronto abortuaries but within the prohibited gag zone or "bubble" zone, Mr. Whatcott reflected on the "double standard" of Canada's justice system. He recalled one inmate who had received 30 days for numerous counts of shoplifting and Mr. Whatcott getting the same sentence for protesting outside an abortion clinic.

He described being jailed in Toronto's notorious Don Jail. Political  prisoners "were always treated  more harshly." At one point, he was put in cells with delusional or violent people. At another time, he was denied socks or blankets. When he got free speech supporters to call the prison and protest, the authorities told the prisoners on his range that they were losing their television privileges because of Whatcott. A prisoner punched him in the face. "They were clearly trying to make prison so terrible and dangerous to me that I would stop protesting," he explained.

At one rally of pro-life supporters at Toronto's Queen's Park in the late 1990s, about 30 members of the violent Anti-racist Action attacked the Christians with baseball bats and clubs with spikes in them. The police fought the goons off and arrested several. However, while peaceful pro-life picketers were repeatedly charged, the charges against the ARA thugs were dropped by Crown Attorney Michael Leshner, a well known homosexual, who was among the first in Ontario to "marry" another man.

Somewhat later, Mr. Whatcott, then working as a nurse, cared for one of the ARA goons who admitted that he knew little about "racism" or "pro-life" but really just like to beat people up and hurt them. The goon was also a regular in the OCAP (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty) rent--a-mob which regularly staged violent protests.

Mr. Whatcott had also been a supporter of Jim Harding, a Lutheran layman charged under Canada's notorious "hate law" -- Sec. 318 of the Criminal Code -- for distributing flyers highly ciritical of Moslems and their being granted a prayer room at Weston Collegiate Institute. Radical Somali Moslems showed up outside the court and threatened Mr. Harding with death. "There is a double strandard," Mr. Whatcott emphasized. "The Somalis were not charged for threatening death but Mr. Harding was charged and eventually convicted for expressing his opinion."

Mr. Whatcott was promoting his new autobiography, Born in a Graveyard: One man's transformation from a violent, drug-addicted criminal into Canada's most outspoken family values activist. The book sold briskly at both meetings.

You can order a copy of   Born in a Graveyard:  {$25 plus $10 postage} from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada.
At one rally of pro-life supporters at Toronto’s Queen’s Park in the late 1990s, about 30 members of the violent Anti-racist Action attacked the Christians with baseball bats and clubs with spikes in them. The police fought the goons off and arrested several. However, while peaceful pro-life picketers were repeatedly charged, the charges against the ARA thugs were dropped by Crown Attorney Michael Leshner, a well known homosexual, who was among the first in Ontario to “marry” another man.
Somewhat later, Mr. Whatcott, then working as a nurse, cared for one of the ARA goons who admitted that he knew little about “racism” or “pro-life” but really just like to beat people up and hurt them. The goon was also a regular in the OCAP (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty) rent–a-mob which regularly staged violent protests.
Mr. Whatcott had also been a supporter of Jim Harding, a Lutheran layman charged under Canada’s notorious “hate law” — Sec. 318 of the Criminal Code — for distributing flyers highly critical of Moslems and their being granted a prayer room at Weston Collegiate Institute. Radical Somali Moslems showed up outside the court and threatened Mr. Harding with death. “There is a double standard,” Mr. Whatcott emphasized. “The Somalis were not charged for threatening death but Mr. Harding was charged and eventually convicted for expressing his opinion.”
Mr. Whatcott was promoting his new autobiography, Born in a Graveyard: One man’s transformation from a violent, drug-addicted criminal into Canada’s most outspoken family values activist. The book sold briskly at both meetings.
You can order a copy of   Born in a Graveyard:  {$25 plus $10 postage} from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada.

Tremaine Free; Christian Evangelist Bill Whatcott “A Security Risk”?

Tremaine Free; Christian Evangelist Bill Whatcott “A Security Risk”?
VICTORIA, BC. October 18, 2014. This morning I received a call from political prisoner Terry Tremaine who had just been freed from his vindictive 30 day sentence imposed AFTER he had purged his contempt; that is, removed or asked to be removed (by STORMFRONT) several dozen postings that had been complained of by his longtime tormentor Richard Warman.
Mr. Tremaine had commented to me several days before his release for civil contempt against a law that Parliament has repealed (Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act): “Those characters is judges robes were determined to give me a custodial sentence. There is terrible overcrowding in Saskatchewan prisons. They were transferring inmates from the crowded jail in Saskatoon to Regina. This was clearly a punitive, political sentence. They should have given me a suspended sentence or an ankle bracelet.”
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Political prisoner Terry Tremaine
Political prisoners are clearly treated more harshly in Canada, expense to the taxpayer be damned.
Meanwhile, activist and evangelist Bill Whatcott wanted to visit Mr. Tremaine in prison, partly in support of free speech and partly as the imperative of his Bibilical duty to comfort the afflicted and visit the imprisoned. Unlike many who talk a lot about religion, Mr. Whatcott actually practices what he proclaims. So, he applied to the prison to visit Mr. Tremaine. Mr. Tremaine duly signed an authorization accepting a visit by Mr. Whatcott.
However, no visit ever took place. “Saskatchewan Corrections turned me down as a ‘security risk’,” Mr. Whatcott told CAFE. “I’m not going to break the guy out. He’s only serving 30 days,” he scoffed. “I am not a drug pusher.”
Authorities regularly invoke “security” to justify bullying and repression. Visitors see the prisoners behind a plexiglass barrier.  The notion that the 50ish evangelist would somehow be a danger to Mr. Tremaine or the prison is ludicrous. The “security threat” assertion becomes even more inane when we consider that Mr. Whatcott and I both visisted another political prisoner, Brad Love in Lindsay in May. Ontario’s prisons seemed to have no problem with Mr. Whatcott visiting Mr. Love or another female political prisoner, anti-abortion campaigner Linda Gibbons, then incarcerated in Milton in the Vanier Centre for Women. — Paul Fromm
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Evangelist Bill Whatcott