$104 million lawsuit update, Whatcott & homofascists factums
“The crime?” Depending on who you talk to different people are perceived as criminals and wrong doers in this video. When Smitherman, Hudspeth and their homofascist lawyer Doug Elliott look at this video they think the Christian activists disguised as “gay zombies,” are committing the crime by handing out truthful Gospel literature condemning the homosexual shame parade, the homosexual lifestyle, and charitably offering a way out of it. In fact they believe Bill Whatcott and his supporters should be forced to pay $104 million in damages to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario, and everyone who marched in the parade or who received the Gospel package cleverly disguised as a “zombie safe sex package.”

On the other hand if you ask Bill Whatcott who the criminals are, he will tell you it is the naked homosexuals exposing their genitals to adults and children on the parade route. Bill will also tell you the Liberal politicians who are in power are criminals for pushing the homosexual agenda, voting to lower the age of consent laws, and because all of the taxpayer’s money they have stolen from hard working citizens to fund this exercise in debauchery, perversion, self indulgence and anti-Christian hate speech.
The hearing that will determine if the courts will order Bill Whatcott to give up the names of his friends and supporters in an effort to financially ruin them and intimidate anyone else from ever speaking out against the homosexual shame parade and lifestyle again will be Tuesday, November 15th at the Ontario Superior Court on 393 University Ave, Toronto. Keep this day in your prayers!!!!
To read the factum of the homofascist plaintiffs George Smitherman and Christopher Hudspeth attempting to compel Bill Whatcott to give up the names of his friends and supporters so they can financially ruin them go here:
https://www.luminpdf.com/viewer/gNuFYpG … 68e7f4a6d4
To read the factum of Bill Whatcott’s legal team resisting this unjust order and seeking the dismissal of the case go here:
https://www.luminpdf.com/viewer/QvaAHg3 … 2491682cca
Fighting for freedom of speech, so that one is able to accurately comment on homosexual shame parades from a Biblical and medically based factual perspective isn’t coming cheap. The Whatcott legal team’s bill is currently over $50,000. So far we have raised $25,000. Please consider donating something!
https://gogetfunding.com/help-christian … n-lawsuit/
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
James 1:27