Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, July 16-17: Kelowna (Mega Rally), Vernon, OK Falls, Penticton

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Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over

We will not get boosters every nine months!


July 16, 2022


ELOWNA is rising up – Ocean 2 Ocean

On July 16th, 2022 we come together as one against Government Tyranny, Travel Ban and the strictest Mandates in the World.

Join us and we will see you at Canada’s largest wave of FREEDOM Rallies ever.


Kelowna FREEDOM MEGA MARCH @ 12:15 p.m. followed by speakers

Anita Krishna Former news producer with Global News on COVID-19 corruption in the newsroom

Ted Kuntz Vaccine Choice Canada with recent updates

Nadia Podmoroff Freedom successes in the Kootenays


Thrive Potluck

When the majority of society is in the grips of chronic mass hysteria, what can you do while you wait for them to wake up? Attempting to have logic-based conversations is usually an exercise in futility. The Plandemic has been a long-term investment for these people with no return on capital except for the mirage on the horizon that remains out of reach. Your logical information is a rude wake-up call that they don’t want to acknowledge.

So, the year 2020 tested the population with the mask. 2021 introduced the “cure” with the vax. Now it’s 2022 and we know we’re in for a “rinse and repeat” scenario. It’s old, it’s tedious and although we must keep standing in truth and freedom, we must also get on with our lives. There’s a great article in the June issue of Druthers titled “The Stay Sane Approach: Respecting People and Recognizing Paranoia.” Those who are awake need to simply continue living life in a “parallel reality.” We live (and by golly, we actually Thrive) WITHOUT masks and WITHOUT jabs. If you wear a mask, stop now. If you got a jab, don’t get any more. We were supposed to be dead from COVID-19 a long time ago. But here we are, still walking this earth. It’s hard to kill people who have functioning immune systems with a so-called virus that has a 99.74% survival rate.

But it’s not enough to just “exist.” We should be living life to the fullest and there is a world of possibilities out there for those who won’t settle for anything less. Those who have chosen to live in perpetual fear will get exhausted and they will eventually notice the greener grass on the other side. The world we live in now sucks and it’s falling apart – yeah! It’s extremely satisfying to watch the elite ding dongs of the world self-sabotage because they think they are more powerful than God. Lunacy is certifiable and we’ve got front-row seating to the propaganda clown show.

Check out the two Thrive documentaries to view our world “outside the box.” Thrive Okanagan was started as a movement to encourage people to live in a parallel reality that is not subject to the current corrupt establishments designed to enslave us. We are creating community where we value each other. By making connections and building a new network of like-minded people, we will have a solid foundation and support-system in place when the walls start crumbling down. Join us for our monthly potluck on Friday, July 15th and get on board with our new Thriving family. We’ve got your back!

Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? –

Thrive II: This is what it takes –



Hidden dangers of QR and digital codes

Examine just some of the private and personal information that will be available should these become mandated into law.

If you have no privacy, you have no rights and freedoms.


New study links COVID vaccines to 25% increase in cardiac arrest for both males & females

June 1, 2022



Trudeau Panics as his Government reveals the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February


Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning, the UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths since April, 90% of which were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”




July 16, 2022

+30° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


July 16, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


July 16, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 16, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 16, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


July 17, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

FREEDOM RALLIES IN THE OKANAGAN, JULY 9, 10 & 16 — Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, Osoyoos, Oliver

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over

We will not get boosters every nine months!


Just a reminder for our upcoming Ocean2Ocean and CLEAR MEGA Rally on July 16, 2022

Includes the downtown Kelowna FREEDOM MEGA MARCH @ 12:15 p.m. followed by speakers

Anita Krishna – Former news producer with Global News on COVID-19 corruption in the newsroom

Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada with recent updates

Nadia Podmoroff – Freedom successes in the Kootenays

All weekly rally info is at the end

KELOWNA is rising up Ocean 2 Ocean

On July 16th, 2022 we come together as one against Government Tyranny, Travel Ban and the strictest Mandates in the World.

Join us and we will see you at Canada’s largest wave of FREEDOM Rallies ever.


Knowledge is Power!

We all know that we are fighting an Information War. The enemy (aka government) has mainstream media at their disposal spewing disinformation and misinformation non-stop for over two years now. So many people still remain under the spell of propaganda. How do we reach them? We fight fire with fire. By providing people truth-based information, we give them a different point-of-view to consider. Like David Lindsay has mentioned in the past, it was a flyer in his mailbox that changed the course of his life over 30 years ago. A seed was planted!

In the book “From Dictatorship to Democracy” by Gene Sharp, he states that one of the sources of political power is “Intangible factors, psychological and ideological factors that may induce people to obey and assist the rulers.” On Saturdays at the rallies, we can only reach those who come to us. The ones we NEED to reach are the ones who NEVER come to the rallies. The mandates are temporarily lifted so people are more relaxed right now and possibly more receptive. NOW is the time to spread the truth while we still can. Let’s take advantage of this window of opportunity to educate the masses so they are not so compliant again this fall when Bonnie Henry issues her next “order.”

We always have something at the CLEAR booth that you can take a bundle of for distribution. Right now, we have HUNDREDS of Druthers and Pandemic Papers, as well as Mask/PCR pamphlets and Chris Schaefer’s mask brochure. Soon, we will also have CLEAR Rally cards with catchy messages and links to entice people to get informed. Make this part of your Saturday routine. Grab a bunch of resources, then, sometime during the week, go for a walk in your neighbourhood (or different neighbourhoods each time) and drop these off in people’s mailboxes. I cannot over-emphasize how incredibly important this is! If you have kids, pay your kid a stipend to make deliveries!

We all live in different parts of town so we have the ability to reach a wide geographical range. And remember, you never know who might live in that house. They could be a business owner, a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Councillor, an MSM Reporter or a regular Joe who’s questioning the narrative but doesn’t know we exist. Every flyer delivered is a seed planted.

See you at the CLEAR Booth!

A picture says a1000 words!


As much as I am vocal opponent of political parties, I find it interesting that Elections Canada’s CEO Stephane Perrault, is has recommended that the Federal election law be changed to allow for deregistration of parties that are “deemed hateful”.

The use of the word “deemed” is frightening as this is a form of a legal fiction which, in this case, will permit the Gov’t to arbitrarily decide something is hateful even it if isn’t, simply to prevent parties from running against them. It will allow them to “monopolize” representation in the House of Commons. This will be all the more reason to support my upcoming initiative this fall to place only independents in the House.

If anyone is opposed to globalism, you are considered a hater.


Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino suggested that ArriveCAN, a controversial app required at points of entry into Canada, could become permanent.


Despite having the highest vaccination rates in Europe at over 85%, and virtually no one left to vaccinate, Portugal continues to have the highest COVID-19 count as well.


Interesting…CBS reported in 2009, that the pharmaceutical giant Merck, was caught creating a hit list for doctors who criticized VIOXX, and included creating fake journal and paid ghostwriters.


Uruguay – judge orders Pfizer to provide the ingredients of its vaccines to the court, as well as copies of the contracts.

Uruguay stopped administering COVID-19 vaccines to children under 13 until the documents and information are provided.




Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Back to Normal

July 9, 2022

Next CLEAR Freedom Rally

+25° – Partly Cloudysubject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


July 9, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


July 9, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 9, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 9, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


July 10, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Okanagan Freedom Rallies, June 25-26: Vernon, Kelowna, Osoyoos, Oliver, Penticton

Rally’s and Events

Anita Krishna is confirmed for the Ocean2Ocean and CLEAR MEGA Rally on July 16, 2022!

Ted Kuntz from Vaccine Choice Canada is also scheduled to speak!

We will update with featured speakers shortly.

This will be our summer message to the City of Kelowna, Provincial Gov’t and Federal Gov’t, and the public, that we are not negotiating and we are continuing to demand all rights and freedoms back – with the recognition that this was wrong and it will NEVER happen again!

We will be having our MEGA March downtown first. Bernard is closed to vehicles, and we will be walking down the streets first and talking to those on the boardwalk to get them to come and hear our speakers.

More updates as we get closer!

It Ain’t Over


Communism Pays!

Canada’s top Communist Health Officer Theresa Tam not only was just appointed for another three year term, but also received……..get this……a whopping 22% pay increase of $59 000.00…from $265 – $325 000/year. A cool million + in her greedy Communist little hands for letting her bosses know that she will continue to steal our rights and freedoms from us in the future.

Make no mistake – Theresa Tam should be in jail.


Recently we noted that the Federal Government continues to force travelers to wear masks on planes and trains, despite the US Courts ruling this is unconstitutional, and other countries around the world have eliminated this useless requirement.

Transport Minister Alghabra stated on July 19, 2022:

Masks continue to prove to be an effective tool at reducing transmission. Our science and data have proven and continue to prove that,” he said.


Well, here is a copy of my recently filed (June 23, 2022) Access to Information request:

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra stated: “Masks continue to prove to be an effective tool at reducing transmission.  Our science and data have proven and continue to prove that,” he said.”  Global News, June 19, 2022, “Mask mandates on planes, trains a ‘minor inconvenience’ to protect others: minister

1.  I am requesting a copy of all the said “science and data” Minister Alghabra claims is being relied upon in this statement, to prove that masks continue to be an effective tool at reducing transmission, (of the SARS-CoV-2, aka COVID-19 virus).

It will be interesting to eventually see just what ‘garbage science’ that the Feds paid to get, that they are now relying upon. I suspect that they will reply with either huge fees in an attempt to dissuade me from acquiring this material…or they will claim someone else asked for it and it was provided for or denied.

Likely if provided for, it was not the exact same request and they will be covering this up because Alghabra is only quoting from his aids who wrote this nonsense for him and there really isn’t any science and data at all.

If it was denied in the past, they will try and do so again, claiming some inapplicable exemption again, in the hopes I will go away, or simply that they will delay this as long as possible.

I will keep you in the loop as to their replies.


45,316 Dead 4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths

See the breakdown of these stats below:


Legal update:

On June 10, 2022, another legal action was brought in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

A B.C. medical professional, Dr. Hsiang and two other doctors, filed a Petition with the Court seeking a declaration that the Nov. 18, 2021 Order of Bonnie the Commie (Bonnie Henry, PHO) insofar as it applies to health care professionals, should be reviewed and subsequently set aside.

In my opinion, this is a very well drafted Petition to the Court. All supporting facts are listed to show that this Order is no longer required and simply has no reasonable effect anyway. It is, even if it once was – which is denied – not applicable at this time.

Excellent references are made circa para. 177-184, confirming not only the supremacy of the individual in our common law as I have articulated for years, but also the various SCC case law confirming our supremacy over our own bodies, and that medical treatment cannot be forced upon us without informed consent.

Considering that this Petition is 38 pages and some 250 paragraphs, it is clear that long documents can be accepted by the Court, despite the arguments made by the Crown in the A4C case a few weeks ago.

Bonnie the Commie has until July 4, 2022 to file her reply.

I will keep you all updated on this proceeding.


Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been in court for a three day trial for feeding the homeless when the City of Calgary refused to do so last year. Rebel News has been covering this case.

Interestingly, the Calgary Herald, who was so quick to jump on the bandwagon when Pastor Artur was charged, has had no coverage on its website. I suspect if an injustice occurs and Pastor Art is convicted, they will have pages of articles. If he is found innocent as he should be, I suspect you will either not see a word mentioned in the paper, or maybe just a little note tucked away on the last page.

To see all of Rebel News coverage of Artur’s fight for religious freedom and free speech, and to make a tax-deductible donation to offset his legal fees, please visit


A little late as this happened after last week’s newsletter. But better late than never. Congratulations to one of Canada’s premier freedom activists and heroes: Tamara Lich for her recognition at the George Jonas Freedom Award in Toronto on June 16, 2022. Here is an excerpt of her acceptance speech as well.

Please keep in mind those freedom activists who remain languishing in jails in this country because of the Communists presently in power.


A recent global poll of 94 432 people, shows that only 29% of people believe the media is free from undue political influence.


Words of Inspiration from Vaccine Choice Canada:


From our friends in Vernon –

Live on the Air!

We are officially entering our second month of broadcasting with the North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio. We are super excited about the progress of the radio and for the community stepping forward to help with its evolution. We have lots of people providing great content. A big shout out to Penny, Tal, Jacquelyn and Haley for the amazing interviews! Thank you to William and Tal for the use of their studios, for William’s expertise and Tal’s willingness to learn! We are looking for more regular content producers and musicians, or any other show ideas.

The link to access our Freedom Radio is posted below. We have a technique you can use if you’d like to skip through shows you’ve already heard. Hit the play arrow, turn down the volume and let it cycle through (i.e.7 hours). It will capture all the content , so then you can go back later to scroll through to shows you want to hear. This is the best we can do for now. We have plans for future improvements.

Below is the current looping order of programs, which will change regularly as new content is added.

  • Wayne and Marlin Christian hour.mp3
  • William Brookfield – Singer Songwriter.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Lucas Show 2.mp3
  • Tal and Darren 3rd show.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Tal And William interview.mp3
  • Radio 3 Focus is Food.mp3
  • What’s Goin On final – Hi Guitar.mp3
  • Alan Brough with JCN.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • M Willis Ted Kuntz.mp3
  • Brad Weston Interview.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Beatrice Interview.mp3
  •  Wayne and Marlin 2nd .mp3
  • Teach Only Love.mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3
  • Jeff Gaudry Interview 2.mp3
  • Druthers Obsurd .mp3
  • Rock ID.mp3




Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Back to Normal

June 25, 2022

Next CLEAR Freedom Rally

+26 ° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


June 25, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


June 25, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


June 25, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


June 25, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


June 26, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

C.L.E.A.R. BC Freedom Rally, May 28, 2022

Click here to read in browser 

Rally’s and Events

Please Forward

It Ain’t Over

At this time, it cannot be forgotten that the COVID-19 Communist takeover scam continues. Criminals in our gov’ts appear to have given us a break – all the while admitting that they will be back in the fall.

This break has not prohibited these Gov’ts from continuing to falsify charges against and prosecute innocent people who simply refuse to comply. These criminals continue to promote masks/vaccinations at various locations such as hospitals as well. Our goal for the absolute return of our rights and freedoms, will and must continue. Do not be led to believe that it is all over. It is not – far from it.

We urge everyone to obtain a copy of the book, “The Politics of Obedience” by Etienne de la Boetie, written over 400 years ago to obtain an excellent understanding of the power we have by simply exercising our Constitutional right/power to peaceful civil disobedience.

This Constitutional right/power originates from the breach of the Coronation Oath contract with the Monarch.


The majority of the world’s population remains unvaccinated!

Bonnie Henry’s stats are lies!


As noted below for our Rallies updates, there is a Canadian “Ocean2Ocean” rally this coming June 4, 2022.

Speakers will be announced.

CLEAR will be partnering with Ocean2Ocean, featuring our CLEAR MEGA Rally on this date, including our MEGA March in downtown Kelowna.

Please join us on June 4, 2022 for our national opposition to the entire COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns, Federal and Provincial.

See below for details and speakers!


Trucker Freedom

Convoy and the

Collapse of

Liberalism in


This is one of the best overviews I have seen in relation to the trucker convoy. Discussing over 24 issues and exposing the documented lies from our Governments, all supported with excellent research and documentation, this work is a must read for everyone who simply could not keep up with the daily Government lies to us in relation to the trucker rally.

Ray McGinnisAuthor 

Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored.


Kelowna UNITYhas excellent information and statistics opposing the Gov’t narrative on COVID-19, including excellent science on the RAPID tests and associated dangers, and a 38 page Pfizer report on Adverse Events data.

A wonderful brochure is also available on their website providing information and links to other groups and sources of information.


See also:


Odessa, at, provides an informative interview here with Ken Drysdale, author of “Investigation into Criminal Allegations Concerning COVID 19 Pandemic Response”. There is an incredible amount of statistics and information confirming the criminal activity of gov’t officials, and supported by their own statistics!

See Odessa’s interview with Ken Drysdale, one of the authors of this incredible book of statistics in Canada.


Jagmeet Singh, de facto Liberal supporter and Communist, publicly announced on May 20 that he believes that most Canadians support mandatory vaccine passports – and for those who refuse – “…there would be consequences for those who are not able to or not willing to do that and we can look at what those consequences are.”

I think we should look at what the consequences are for breaking your Oath of Allegiance to HMTQ and promoting Communism, and criminal assaults upon people, instead of our Christian common law.


On a personal level:

Due to the paranoid COVID-19 situation, a B.C. dad was legitimately upset when only one (1) child appeared to his son’s birthday party!

A Vernon B.C. man in hospital, noticed Bonnie the Commie in a video plea that made him feel as if he was back in Communist Chile under Augusto Pinochet, due to prohibition on visitors, leaving him in isolation from his own family.

His comparison of this situation to torture is, sadly, an accurate portrayal of the results of The Commie’s Orders.


Here are some excellent studies and reports in this article, including an interview with Mark Steyn, discussing the statistics confirming the dangers associated with the COVID-19 experimental injection vaccines.


The WHO’s chief now claims that Omicron can re-infect over and over again.

What is held back from people is that though variants can transmit easier, they are always less severe.

Now the push of course, is being set for the demand this fall for future COVID-19 experimental injections and boosters.


A Joint Statement, representing 17,000

Physicians and Medical Scientists to End

the National Emergency, Restore Scientific

Integrity, and Address Crimes Against



“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded—and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”

F. A. Hayek


Not that I am a supporter of the Catholic Church in any way – however, a recent announcement by an Archbishop has excellent overlap with our common law principles and Coronation Oath of the Monarch, that we cannot let others tell our Governments and Monarch what to do, as we surrender our sovereignty to these bodies that we have no control over. It is a criminal offence to do so and we should immediately withdraw from the UN and WHO.





In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules, including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.

Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that Parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual Nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the Agenda 2030, which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.”





Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s


Back to Normal

May 28, 2022

Next CLEAR Freedom


+20° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

MC: The Okanagan’s very own:

Jacquelyn – Rose


May 28, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


May 28, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


May 28, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


May 28, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


May 29, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

For those who believe and demand that our gov’t hire back the incredible nurses that they terminated for refusing to be vaxxed, we urge you to go to this site and support these nurses get their jobs back!


Work Of Art Pottery Studio

1544 Harvey Avenue


Kelowna, BC V1Y 6G2

Fri, 3 Jun 2022, 6:00 PM PDT



Anita Krishna Former 20 year Control Room News Cast Director – Global News

Dr. Robert Johnson Salmon Arm Dentist

Ted Kuntz Vaccine Choice Canada Co-founder and leading source for accurate information in relation to vaccines, including for COVID-19

Bettina Engler Ocean 2 Ocean

Reiner Fuellmich Grand Jury Update

David Lindsay CLEAR – Common Law Education & Rights

All followed by the Kelowna Downtown MEGA MARCH!


Freedom Events in Penticton This Week & Going Forward


Dear Penticton4Freedomites,

The worldwide freedom movement has been experiencing a lull in attendance because of the lifting of mask mandates and some of the international parliamentary and judicial decisions to declare the pandemic over, Canada being the exception. So, we like many other freedom organizations across the country are taking advantage of this fact to develop stronger structures, clearer strategic objectives, and better methods for collaboration.

To that end, we’ve formed a volunteer five-person Member Support Team, who were introduced at our April 24 rally, and we are in the process of improving communications with you and the outside world through our fledgling website at Check out our events calendar there as frequently as you wish. We will be posting appropriate events as we hear of them, so you don’t have to wait for the next email to find out.

This week’s Round-Up email looks a bit skinny for images because we have had complaints about the size of the graphics in a standard email format. While they may look pretty, they take up a lot of space in your inbox and frequently do not display properly on certain email sites. So, we will be using our website to display whatever images we’ve been sent for the events we list, and you can see them by clicking on the specific event of interest in our online calendar.

Watch for further improvements as we go along. These things require a lot of TLC, and we are grateful to those volunteers and sponsors who have stepped up to make it all happen. Meanwhile…

  Don’t miss these important dates! And Remember to bring two friends with you!    PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES   Thank you, Vlado Z. for the photos of Penticton on April 24th       We’ll post Marcel’s video as soon as we have the link.   ——————- o0o ——————-  image.png

PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY   We have a great reputation out there in the public speaking world because of how welcoming and enthusiastic we are as a group. Sometimes our special guest speakers only come to our attention at the last minute, and we’ve had some amazing ones! Witness the surprise visit of Chris Schaefer who, with less than 24 hours’ notice, agreed to share his knowledge with us the past Sunday. All we can say is: Miss a week and you miss a lot! And remember to Bring Two Friends!   –       Next Sunday’s speakers: To be announced in our Weekend Update edition on Friday.   Our regular Sunday agenda: –          Table and stage setup – 12:30 – Music starts as soon as the sound is set up –          Updates and guest speakers 1 to approximately 1:40 –          1:40 to 3 – out on the sidewalk inviting passers-by to join us! –          3 to 3:15 – Clean up, pack up and leave the site cleaner than we found it.    OTHER ATTRACTIONS Come visit our friendly volunteers at the tables. Informative handouts. Druthers and other independent journals. Check out the other cool items at the table: Bumper stickers, key chains, Pocket size Canadian Charter and Bill of Rights and Freedoms, and many surprise items. We’ll have the latest edition of Druthers there next Sunday. Pick up your copy and a few extras for your friends and neighbours, and to leave them behind when you do business with shop-owners and restaurants.   RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  

 Planning Meeting- Stay tuned for dates. You’ll be excited about what’s in store.


Vaccine Choice Canada president, Ted Kuntz will be our headline speaker once again, along with an exciting line-up of special guest speakers. Let’s make this a MEGA Rally to remember!

Email your suggestions for topics and potential speakers and any other ideas you may have. And thank you for your donations to upgrade our sound system. We will have our own Big Booming Sound System in place for this day.  Thanks and wishes for success in his future endeavours go out to Marty, and thanks to Michael for all his assistance in making sure we had sound whenever it was needed.

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Are you wondering what other communities are up to?

Check out the Penticton4Freedom events calendar.

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National Citizen’s Conference: Victoria, BC / May 28, 29

Dear Freedom Family, (a message from Ted Kuntz, President, Vaccine Choice Canada)

In recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a National Citizen’s Conference will be held in Victoria, BC to assemble a coalition of leaders, including the Honourable Brian Peckford, to discuss the future of democracy in Canada. This gathering to Reclaim Canada will take place from May 28th to May 29th and will be jointly hosted by We Unify Canada, Taking Back Our Freedoms, Vaccine Choice Canada, Freedom Rising and many others.

The conference will focus on peaceful action as well as the principles that embody fundamental individual liberties. Our goal is to bring together Canadians from across the country to explore a national strategy to advance our democracy and repair the damage that stems from political and societal dissonance.  We see this as a historic event as Canadians endeavour to reclaim our democracy, our rights and freedoms, and our country. We welcome your ideas and contributions to rectifying the current situation in Canada and globally.

More information about this event is available at:


This week’s call to action – seeking evidence of police violence

Police4freedom has a section on their site for the collection of Police Violence reports from Ottawa and ANY other incidents involving unlawful police violence or coercion against peaceful, law-abiding citizens.  If you or anyone you know has witnessed any such events, please send any photos, videos, or evidentiary texts to Police4Freedom at


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And on a lighter note, remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Okanagan Freedom Events & Initiatives, April 23-24, 2022 — Kelowna, Penticton, Osoyoos, Victoria

Don’t miss these important dates! And Remember to bring two friends with you!    PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES   Thank you, Vlado Z. for the photos in Penticton on April 17th     Planning Meeting Dates will be announced soon.   Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Every Tuesday at noon

Meet at his office   301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square).  ——————- o0o ——————-   PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY  image.png

Miss a week and you miss a lot!   –       This Sunday’s speaker: To be announced in our Weekend Update edition on Friday.   OTHER ATTRACTIONS Come visit our friendly volunteers at the tables. Informative handouts. Druthers and other independent journals. Check out the other cool items at our table – books, bumper stickers, key chains and… Pocket size Canadian Charter and Bill of Rights and Freedoms booklets. Fits purse or pocket, easy reference right at your fingertips!   The local chapter of Action4Canada will have its own tables there for information, too.   RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  

OK FALLS – Saturday, April 23, 11:30 AM across from the Esso Station

 OLIVER EVENTS- Saturday, April 23 Town Hall 12 Noon Oliver Town Hall

  OSOYOOS EVENTS- Saturday, April 16 Town Hall ***NEW TIME 11 – 12 NOON
KELOWNA EVENTS Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. MEGA Rally @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- followed by a MEGA March and highway rally Because it ain’t over! Guest speakers: Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada Chris Schaefer – world expert on masks David Lindsay – CLEAR (Common Law Education and Rights) Emcee : Jacquelyn Rose 



Please share with family and friends!

Mama Bears Presents a six-part Mental Health Program to help our youth and parents navigate through the challenges of life, especially the difficulties faced over the last couple of years. Please join us for the first session hosted by Eric Kussin and Theo Fleury Founder and Celebrity Alliance Founder of the SameHere Movement. They will show us how the beauty of life is not how perfect it ‘should be’, but what can emerge after coming through a difficult time. The most unfortunate variable is when the victim is a child or teen, as it is difficult for them to understand this enough to seek help – even if they live in a loving and safe environment. Learn how to start the conversation with your child to understand how they are feeling and why, and most importantly how you can help them feel better. 

Happy 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms! 

Charter Website:

Saving Democracy with Brian Peckford:

We invite all Canadians to unite as one at the Provincial Capital in British Columbia to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Charter:

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher

780-908-0309 p4f logo.jpgsignature.png

Freedom Rallies & Activities in Toronto & Area

Freedom Rallies & Activities in Toronto & Area

There are 2 protests/rallies this Saturday: Dundas Square and Queens’s Park both at 12noon. Joel and Margaret will speak at Dundas Sq. A few of us will go tomorrow (Dundas Sq) to stand with a banner, hand out info and perhaps start some conversations.

Here is a slew of info and actions some of which you probably have seen but please share with your networks!



The next level of collaboration at Freedom Rising is to bring together individuals and groups that are action & issue specific.  The idea is to share knowledge and best practices across organizations. The following individuals have agreed to facilitate the coordination of these conversations. If this is an area of passion/expertise for you, please connect with the working group coordinator.

Economic Team – Travis MacDonald –

Political – Tony Bolla –

Legal – Tony Bolla –

Medical Team – Canadian Health Alliance –

Business Team – Vlad –

Stillbirths Team – Dr. Mel Bruchet –

Home Schooling Team – Kelly Barnes –

Prepping Team – Kelly Barnes –

Social Media Strategy – Alan Brough –

Treatment Options/Protocols Team – CCCA –

THRIVE – Lorin –

If there is an issue or topic not listed that you are passionate about or are willing to convene the conversation, please email Tony at


RFK Jr. will be joining Dr. Julie Ponesse, the pandemic ethics scholar at The Democracy Fund, for a wide-ranging conversation about the pandemic, touching on everything from vaccine mandates to the failures of Big Pharma to the propaganda of the news media. A good way to support the Democracy Fund and gain important information. To register: 

          3.     CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT

With the lifting of most masking and vaccine mandates, now is the time to connect with others. We need to use this window of opportunity with better weather and reduced fear to re-build our community relations. Organize a party, potluck, day in the park, or a game of baseball. Share your joy, exercise your freedom, and live your values. Have those courageous conversations about the state of Canada today.

4.     CITIZEN’S CONGRESS – MAY 27- 29

In recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a national conference will be held to bring together a coalition to discuss the future
of democracy in Canada. What the last two years have revealed is the fragile stage of our democracy and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It’s time for Canadians to stand up and defend our rights and our country. Save the date in your calendar. Details to follow.


The digital ID is more than about convenience. It is intended to monitor and control our behavior. Avoiding vaxxine passports and a programmable digital ID is necessary to stop the advancement of totalitarian control. This document outlines 22 steps to opt out of the control agenda.


a.     Canada Marches –     Global Walk Out – To learn more and to register –

Ted Kuntz, on behalf of Freedom Rising

Lastly, reminder of our meeting on Sunday, let me know if you can attend.

In solidarity,

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, March 19-20 — Kelowna, Penticton, Osoyoos, Enderby, Oliver, Sicamous, Revelstoke, Kamloops — Convoy Support Rally; World Wide Rally for Freedom

Don’t miss these important dates! And Remember to bring two friends with you!    PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES     WORLD WIDE RALLY Sunday, March 20th Penticton at 1:00 PM– Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up! Music. Fun. Guest Speakers Come visit our literature table. Our supply of the latest Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains, other literature, too.   BRING FRIENDS! They will leave inspired!   Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada – Author of Dare to Question Vicki Lightfoot – Learning Pods for Child Education – Free our Children from Government Schools   Surprise Guest Speaker – As soon as you see who it is, you’ll start cheering!!   Music   Liam’s Food Truck – Yay! Featuring, among other delicious dishes, the newly created Little Potato Poutine. Marty will share the story of this dish intended to poke fun at Justin Trudeau. Hilarious!     RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  


  OSOYOOS EVENTS- The Okanagan Slow Roll and Cross-Border Osoyoos Event continues!!image.png
Vernon to Osoyoos and the border – Join in along the way! Saturday’s Convoy Vehicles from Salmon Arm will link up with the Okanagan Freedom Convoy in Vernon, then leave Vernon heading south at 9:30 a.m. The first vehicles are expected to reach Penticton before 12 noon.


Saturday, March 19 – Meet at 11:30 to show your support for the convoy at the end of the Parkway Channel, immediately west of the bridge. If you have ever tubed the channel, you’ll recognize that this is where you get off the rafts. We’ll park there and cheer on the convoy as it goes by, then CARPOOL from there. (Why pay any more carbon tax than necessary, anyway.)



Featured speakers – Kelowna:

MC: Jacquelyn-Rose

Vernon Kids & Youth Here freedom from the youth!

Ted Kuntz Vaccine Choice Canada

Dr. Charles Hoffe B.C. Medical Doctor

Speakers will be followed by our CLEAR Freedom MEGA MARCH, and Hwy Rally!



Bear Hug Routes – Part of Freedom Convoy 2022

Come out and support this convoy coordinated by the same group of leaders that led the peaceful, massive convoy to Ottawa, January 29, and who continue to do a great job of coordinating this initiative. Places to meet to cheer on the Bear Hug group are Revelstoke, Sicamous and Kamloops, staying overnight in Kamloops on Saturday.



Bill S-233 and C-223 What is the PLAN? Take Action to make it our plan, not theirs!!!   This is before the senate and needs YOUR attention!! Please read the bill and consider sending the emails to all MP and Senators. 1)    Read the Bill here 2)    The attached document below gives a choice of two letters to send and 2 email lists in blocks to avert being rejected as spam.
Simply copy and paste one block at a time into an email, insert your message and send. Repeat until all MPs and Senators are notified.



This is a Freedom Rising initiative, hosted and administered by Take Action Canada. Volunteers are needed to man phones and for other important tasks in support of Canada-Wide initiatives.  Visit the Volunteer page here:

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher

780-908-0309 p4f logo.jpgsignature.png

Freedom Events in the Okanagan (Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos), March 17-20: Worldwide Rally for Freedom Day & Slow Roll Through the Okanagan


Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


Thank you, Marcel Irnie and Vlado for the Photos in Osoyoos on March 12th and Penticton on March 13th.

Planning Meeting


Thursday, March 17th – 5:30 pm Potluck dinner. 6:30 pm to 8 pm Meeting

 Agenda: Convoys, rallies, literature tables, volunteer opportunities, weekly actions, Common Law report, updates on current initiatives, and new initiatives. Please contact Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 if you want a spot on the agenda.

Code of Conduct Meeting                                                                                                    

Thursday, March 17th – 3:30 pm then stay for 5:30 pm Potluck dinner and the planning meeting.

A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities or proper practices of an individual or an organization.

As our group grows bigger and bigger, we are wanting to discuss what a code of conduct can look like for our group. We invite you to send us a message to let us know you will attend. Looking for engaged, peaceful, forward-thinking individuals.

WORLD WIDE RALLY Sunday, March 20th Penticton at 1:00 PM– Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up! Music. Fun. Guest Speakers Come visit our literature table. Our supply of the latest Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains, other literature, too. BRING FRIENDS! They will leave inspired!   Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada The Red Pill Rapper   Maria Chirdaris – Police for Freedom BC Provincial Coordinator   And more! (We seem to attract surprise speakers, so if you miss a rally, you miss a lot!)  image.png

RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  


  OSOYOOS EVENTS- The Okanagan Slow Roll to the Osoyoos Border continues!!

Vernon to Osoyoos and the border – Join in along the way! Saturday’s Convoy Vehicles from Salmon Arm will link up with the Okanagan Freedom Convoy in Vernon, then leave Vernon heading south at 9:30 a.m. The first vehicles are expected to reach Penticton around 12 noon or shortly after and could take an hour or more to pass completely. Updates as we receive them.  

MEETING PLACE FOR PENTICTON SUPPORTERS Saturday, March 19 – Choose to either stay for our World Wide Rally in Penticton this week or to follow the convoy. (Fingers crossed on that one.)   Stay to cheer on the convoy as it passes, then either head south or back into town for great speakers, great music, and lots of honks for freedom.   Either way, meet at 11:30 to show your support for the convoy by cheering them on at the end of the Parkway Channel.     

KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies – with David Lindsay. Visit for Kelowna and other city updates. Featured speakers – Kelowna for this World Wide Mega-Rally: MC: Jacquelyn-RoseVernon Kids & Youth Here freedom from the youth! Ted Kuntz Vaccine Choice Canada Dr Charles Hoffe B.C. Medical Doctor Speakers will be followed by our CLEAR Freedom MEGA MARCH, and Hwy Rally!


Bill S-233 and C-223 What is the PLAN?  Take Action to make it our plan, not theirs!!!   This is before the senate and needs YOUR attention!! Please read the bill and consider sending the emails to all MPs and Senators. 1)    Read the Bill here 2)     The attached document below gives a choice of two letters to send and 2 email lists in blocks to avert being rejected as spam.
Simply copy and paste one block at a time into an email, insert your message and send. Repeat until all MPs and Senators are notified.


Bear Hug Routes – Freedom Convoy 3.0!!

This is the plan from the Ottawa truckers arriving in Vancouver on March 20, to start BC Convoy plans on March 21. Follow the progress on the following link.



This is a Freedom Rising initiative, hosted and administered by Take Action Canada. Volunteers are needed to man phones and for other important tasks in support of Canada-Wide initiatives.  Visit the Volunteer page here:

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES — Freedom Rallies & Slow Roll Convoy Through the Okanagan


Don’t miss these important dates!
And Remember to bring two friends with you!    PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES   Thank you, Marcel Irnie for the Photos in Penticton on March 6th.     Survey Results

Thank you to everyone that participated in the survey that was sent out. We have read all the comments and appreciate the input. If you are interested in the results, please view them here. Of course, we will keep the comments private.      

RALLY Sunday, March 13th Penticton at 1:00 PM– Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up! Music. Fun. Guest Speakers Come visit our literature table. Our supply of the latest Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains, other literature, too. BRING FRIENDS! They will leave inspired!   RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  

Rally at Richard Cannings’ office
Tuesday, March 15, 12:00 Noon – meet at his office   301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square).
Let’s show Mr Cannings that his public comments denying us a voice are unacceptable and his accusations are not fact-based.  He is NOT representing the individual rights of his electors, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but violating them with his public announcements. Bring signs with appropriate messages. No foul language.     Planning Meetingimage.pngThursday, March 17th – 5:30 pm Potluck dinner. 6:30 pm to 8 pm Meeting
 Agenda: Convoys, rallies, literature tables, volunteer opportunities, weekly actions, Common Law report, updates on current initiatives, and new initiatives. Please contact Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 if you want a spot on the agenda       Community-Wide Prayer Location: Penticton War Memorial (besides the courthouse) When: Every Sunday 7 pm   Who: anyone who would like to pray towards a peaceful resolution to the current state of Canada, our freedoms, our leaders and our legal system (everyone is invited). Please bring a candle in a jar. If you play an instrument, please come prepared with appropriate songs for reflection and worship.    image.png

Sunday, March 20, 1:00 pm

More information to follow 😊

Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada

The Red Pill Rapper

Special guest speaker from Police4Freedom

And more…Be there or be square! (Does that tell you how old I might be?)


 Visit where there is a live tracker and a blog. Jump on the website and see what you can do to support James.   Thank you to Marcel for the great coverage, great videos of James Topp’s Journey through the South Okanagan. Click the links provided below.    
OLIVER EVENTS   Saturday, March 12th at 1 PM in front of Town Hall.  Bring friends, your enthusiasm, and signs!!!

  OSOYOOS EVENTS- image.png 
  Let’s do this Osoyoos/Oliver!!    KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies – with David Lindsay. Visit for Kelowna and other city updates.


 Saturday, March 12, 2022 – The Okanagan Slow Roll to the Osoyoos Border is back!!

Vernon to Osoyoos and the border – Join in along the way! Saturday, March 12. Vehicles from Salmon Arm will link up with the Okanagan Freedom Convoy in Vernon, then leave Vernon heading south at 9:30 a.m.
The first vehicles are expected to reach Penticton around 12 noon or shortly after and could take an hour or more to pass completely. Updates as we receive them. Follow on the Zello app.


Saturday, March 12 – Meet at 11:30 to show your support for the convoy at the end of the Parkway Channel.  There is lots of parking there immediately west of the bridge. With gas prices climbing, it’s a good place to make new friends, CARPOOL and share the trip costs. If you have ever tubed the channel, you’ll recognize that this is where you get off the rafts. We’ll park there and cheer on the convoy as it goes by, then any who wishes can join the convoy at the end of the line.

Those who can’t make it to the meeting spot can still join the convoy from wherever you have an entry point directly into the shoulder lane so you can avoid having to cross lanes of traffic to join up.

Make as good an estimate as you can of when the convoy might be coming by your chosen resting spot.   IS CRYPTO THE ANSWER?  image.png

  We are all concerned about the safety and stability of our bank accounts and preserving the value of our personal assets given the actions of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government. We recognize the value of cash and investing in precious metals such as gold and silver, but most of us are unsure of the role of cypto currency in securing our assets. To help explain the basics and where the opportunities might be, we have invited a panel of experts for a National call this Thursday, March 10th at 7:00 PM EST. Join us for this very important and timely discussion about an option we should all learn more about. To register:  

We’ll see you later this week!

Mary Lou Gutscher
