Freedom Events in the Okanagan, April 9 & 10 & Vancouver Protest Against Globalist Bill Gates’ Visit
We heard that these Newsletters take up to much space/data. Soon (very soon) we will have a website and newsletter system to spare you from this problem. Thanks for the feedback 🙂
Thank you, Vlado Z. and Marcel Irnie for the photos and video in Osoyoos and Penticton on April 2nd and 3rd
Penticton4Freedom: Change is Coming!
“Democracy only works in a moral society.” Brian Peckford, is the only living signatory to the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
We now realize that we must create that moral society from the ground up to replace the broken health, legal and financial systems and the corrupt, tyrannical government we currently have in Canada. For Penticton4Freedom, that means getting our own house in order first by being more specific about where we fit in the world of freedom organizations and focusing on our highest contribution to the movement, to our supporters, and to our country.
Our aim now is to complete the five key projects listed below:
1. Identify Our Shared Values as a principled foundation for all of our actions
2. Declare Our Vision – what we envision as a positive future society to live in
3. Clarify Our Mission – the specific actions we take as our contribution to that broader vision
4. Agree upon a Code of Conduct for our rallies and other public events
5. Create a more inclusive Decision-Making and Organizational Structure and choose those to administer it
– RSVP if you wish to be included in the planning process for these foundational projects. Further discussion on Zoom tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6 from 6:30 to 8 pm.
– Please include your initial thoughts on any or all of the items above as well as where your primary interest lies.
AND A BIG THANK YOU to Julia for putting together our first iteration of these goals, to all who have already contributed to the building of this organization through voluntarism and to the idea pool to kick off these projects. Sending love!
Planning Meeting
Thursday, April 14th – 5:30 pm Potluck dinner. 6:30 pm to 8 pm Meeting
Agenda to follow. Lots of volunteer opportunities, a chance to have your say, and to propose your own initiatives. Please contact Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 if you want a spot on the agenda
Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Every Tuesday at noon
Meet at his office 301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square).
He is NOT representing the individual rights of his electors, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but violating them with his public announcements and votes in the legislature. Bring signs with appropriate messages. No foul language.
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Miss a week and you miss a lot! – This Sunday’s speaker: To be announced in our Weekend Update edition on Friday. OTHER ATTRACTIONS Come visit our friendly volunteers at the tables. Informative handouts. Druthers and other independent journals. Check out the other cool items at the table. Coffee and other beverages, thanks to Vicki and Joel and the Summerland Home Schoolers. Snacks and home-baked goodies thanks to Carole. NEW! Pocket size Canadian Charter and Bill of Rights and Freedoms. Fits purse or pocket, easy reference right at your fingertips! Remember that local chapter leaders, Wayne and Derrick will be there with current initiatives from Action4Canada, too. RALLY LOCATION –Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall |
OK FALLS – Saturday, April 2 11:30 AM across from the Esso Station
OLIVER EVENTS- Saturday, April 2 Town Hall ***NEW TIME 12 NOON****
OSOYOOS EVENTS and possible Okanagan Slow Roll – Watch for more in Friday’s weekend update email. KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies! Visit for Kelowna and other city updates. |
Great Canadian Convoy to Protest Bill Gates
For those that would like to “Convoy” the tentative plan on Sunday, April 10, 2022, is to go for the day:
Bring appropriate signs.
Let’s make this week AMAZING!!
~ Mary Lou Gutscher