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Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan in January: Kelowna, Penticton, & Vernon Common Law Fundamentals Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship Let’s begin by first announcing two extremely important rallies upcoming in the next few weeks. Regular rallies are listed at the bottom as per usual. Your support and presence, especially at these next two rallies, is critical to maintaining our exposure to the world, of the gov’t and media corruption. ![]() |
World Wide Rally and MEGA Rally is coming to Kelowna!
January 22, 2022
Stuart Park 12:00 Noon
Including downtown Kelowna march, and Hwy Rally to follow!
Hosted by Singer/songwriter Jacquelyn Rose
Christy Derksen – From Vancouver singing O’Canada
Presently scheduled speakers:
Marcus Ray
Supporting and rallying local businesses for freedom
KGH nurse, forced to be vaxxed unwillingly, Jennifer will discuss the life altering side effects of this vaccine assault
Ted Kuntz
One of the most inspiring speakers in Canada on vaccines, and co-founder of Vaccine Choice Canada
Blackout Mainstream Media Rally
Ongoing lies, misleading comments, omission of material facts, admissions that the B.C. Gov’t have told media to not give people who love freedom or are opposed to Bonnie the Commie a “platform”, libelous and defamatory statements, and representing freedom lovers as the enemy, has required more vigilant activities to expose the media fraud in the Okanagan.
Colin Dacre of Castanet has been one of the more vocal criminals in this regard, intentionally portraying freedom activists as conspiracy theorists and other false labels. Many of his comments truly amount to nothing less than pure libel. Other reporters have reported in a similar manner.
Almost all rallies in Canada have been peaceful, yet the media continues to falsely label us being associated with racist and violent groups and spreading misinformation. No one is immune, as Maxime Bernier has learned.
We would not be in this position had the media asked the appropriate damning questions of our Governments and Bonnie the Commie right from the beginning. The primary reason for the destruction of our rights and freedoms, and the ignorance of Canadians, lies directly with the compromised media.
We would not be here if the media correctly reported that the problems at hospitals lie not with the number of cases, but with the number of nurses and doctors who have quit or resigned rather than be vaxxed.
Lies include:
that the injection is a vaccine when in fact it has no actual viral particles in it – it changes your DNA
that activists are violent right-wing people, who are racist and extremists. Nothing is further from the truth. We never see pictures of violence at Canadian rallies – just peaceful marches and demonstrations
reporting gov’t press releases with no verification of statistics – most of which are direct lies or lies by omission
that we need to wear masks, when it is physically impossible for masks to prevent viral transmission (and not telling the public Bonnie the Commie has admitted this under oath)
refusing to inform the public that the PCR test is not the gold standard for COVID-19 testing, but fool’s gold, does not test for live viruses and has a 97.5% false positive rate at gov’t testing cycles
that vaccines do not prevent viral transmission, but, if and when they work, only reduce the symptoms
deaths are reported as COVID-19 even if people die from other causes
hospitals have been routinely seen to be empty – not overfilled
any problems at hospitals are because medical personnel are quitting en masse, rather than be subject to the experimental jab
that we don’t believe in science, when everything we promote is scientifically based and in fact, we do believe in science, just not their junk science….and…
Castanet has criminally published letters from people advocating those infected with COVID-19 to come to our rallies and intentionally infect people!!
…and on it goes
CASTANET 11:00 a.m.
455 Lawrence Ave. Kelowna
Bring your signs exposing media corruption.
Bring your A4C media Notices of Liability to serve on Castanet.
Keep on Trucking!!

Following on the heels of the Quebec Government’s decision to back off from firing all non-vaccinated nurses, and the New Brunswick Government’s decision to back off their threats prohibiting all non-vaccinated people from shopping even for food, the Federal Government has now retreated from its decision that all truckers had to be vaxxed before January 15, 2022. With at least 12 000 truckers refusing to vaccinate, the Federal Government had no choice but to retreat or face serious supply chain problems.
Next time you see them on the road, or at your diner or hotel, thank your truckers!!!

Anti-Vax Tax
Recently Quebec Premier Legault, pictured demonstrating the size of his brain, has declared that it will impose a tax upon the unvaxxed. In politics nothing happens by chance. Less that one day before Quebec announced its recent health tax, the Minister of Health, who clearly knew this was coming, resigned.
In other words, if you don’t agree to let your employer or the State commit the criminal offence of assaulting you, they will tax you for refusing to be assaulted.
Our concern is that these types of cases begin in Quebec, under their civil code. Then the adverse judgments are applied in all common law provinces. For example, in response, Ontario has recently declared, that they will not follow suit.
British Columbia will not follow Quebec, the province’s Health Minister, Adrian Dix, said on Tuesday.
“I can say, definitively, we will not be proceeding with a similar measure in B.C.,” he told reporters at a briefing.
Alta has recently opined that it will not follow La Belle Province either.
In Manitoba, in a carefully crafted statement, the Gov’t said: “We’re certainly not looking at something like that now.” The implication is clear – it will be coming just not right now.
These and other provinces are merely waiting to see what happens with the inevitable Quebec challenge under the civil code, to then comply with adverse court rulings, passing the buck onto the courts. It won’t be the last time during this falsified pandemic, that gov’ts have stated a position only to reverse it months if not weeks later. This time, they will simply claim they had to follow the court’s decision.
Quebecers need to oppose this unequal tax on your right to choose what goes into your body.

Constitutional Creep – Declare all provincial offences to be administrative and charge fees to defend yourself
Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship
The common law principle above herein, could not be more appropriate to the present situation in our country – on all fronts. Constitutional creep is now the new norm. Beginning in 2013, Alta. began this administrative creep by denial of court protections for drinking and driving. Now they are expanding this to all driving tickets. YOU will be presumed guilty and have to pay to challenge these tickets!!! And if you lose…more administrative penalties. The Alta. Gov’t further intends to expand this to all provincial offence tickets. Drinking was easily sold to the public due to the effects this caused which meant all of us had to forego some of our rights and liberties, (appropriate for China maybe).
Instead of an independent judge, you appear before a gov’t appointed biased adjudicator, with significant limitations on what evidence you can submit, and no appeal process only a limited judicial review. And YOU have to pay for this hearing!
Make no mistake, judges are one of the foremost lobbying force behind these changes. They simply want to see these ‘piddly’ little cases taken out of the courts so they don’t have to deal with them, though the publicly stated reason is to: “make …roads safer while restoring justice system capacity.” Please tell us how stripping you of your fundamental procedural and Constitutional rights to natural justice and procedural fairness, will make the roads safer? By having less people win in court?
This is a cryptic way of stating that due to gov’ts in the past penalizing every action on the highway, mismanagement, judicial laziness, and COVID-19 fear mongering, the courts were backlogged.
Every time changes are made for expediency or for ease, or safety, YOU lose your fundamental Constitutional and/or procedural guarantees. NEVER forget this. It’s like a new menu at your favorite restaurant – you just know the prices are going up despite any new products being offered. Menus are not changed, with corresponding costs, for nothing. Similarly, changes to the system only occur for your detriment. When was the last time you read a statute and said to yourself: “Wow, I’ve just gained more rights or liberties!”?
Don’t think for a moment this won’t come to your province. All courts are backlogged in every province and they will use this as a scapegoat to screw you and make YOU pay up front for it.
CLEAR Telegram
With over 600 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness. This is a private group for trusted people and friends only. Our rules are simple:
Rallies and events
Freedom is a multi-generational struggle. Our objective is to retain more rights and freedoms each year for our children.
Our attendance is our display to the world, of our belief and commitment to freedom.
Weekly Rallies
Bring at least two friends who care about freedom!
Saturday January 15, 2022 12:00 Noon Stuart Park
Join the largest Freedom rallies in the Okanagan!
Dress Warm – We will be going back to the Highway this weekend!!
Sunday January 16, 2022 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Main & Warren St.
Say hi to Mary-Lou, supporting the largest Freedom Rallies in the South Okanagan!
Saturday January 15, 2022 12:00 Polson Park
Say hi to Darren, supporting the largest Freedom Rallies in the North Okanagan!