END THE LOCKDOWNS Rallies & Meetings in the Okanagan
Greetings, Freedom Lovers!
Great news! Our numbers are growing! On Sunday, there were 38 participants [in Penticton]! That’s up from 26 on the previous Sunday. It’s also more than triple the number we were averaging before we set a goal of increasing our numbers at every rally. It really pays to set goals. We can congratulate ourselves for the momentum we’ve created by going out there every Sunday, rain or shine.
(Psst. The goal is to ask 2 people to join us every week. )
And we’re just getting started!
Check out what else is happening!
1. Upcoming Rallies and Events (There’s another big one on May 15!)
2. Penticton Activists Meetings
3. 3. Action4Canada Business Campaign and training
4. 4. Other training
1. Upcoming Rallies and Events
· Penticton – Sundays, noon to 2 – meet on Warren Avenue across from Cherry Lane Mall – rally on the highway after a brief meeting in the small park there.
· – Kelowna – Saturdays, noon to 2 or 2:30 – Stuart Park – rally on the highway just north of the bridge
· – May 15 – World Wide Rally Day – Kelowna is again one of the cities featured as part of the World-Wide Freedom Rally. Meet at Stuart Park, Kelowna starting at 11:30 a.m. with music by Jacquelyn Rose, presentations noon to 1, then march the streets of Kelowna and rally near the bridge, ending at 2:30 or 3 p.m.
· – Artists for Freedom Events – Thursday, July 1 – times and locations to be announced. Join the Artists for Freedom group on Telegram and/or watch for more details in upcoming emails. For more information, to volunteer and/or to participate as an artist/performer, contact Bettina.Engler@live.com
Come on out and have some fun saving the world.
Bring friends!
2. Volunteer and Activists Meetings
· Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Volunteers and others interested are invited to meet at the regular meeting place across from the Cherry Lane Mall on Warren Avenue for updates on current projects, goal setting for the week, and discussion of possible new projects.
· – Monday, March 17 – meet at Wild Scallion Restaurant, 75 Front Street. You are encouraged to join us for dinner at 6:45 or 7 p.m. followed by a meeting inside from 8 to 9, and the option to stay and make yourself some signs and posters for upcoming rallies.
Get involved! You’ll make a real difference, meet new friends, develop new skills, and have a blast while you’re at it.
3. 3. Our Action4Canada Business Support Campaign
At last Sunday’s rally, Wayne Llewellynn got the ball rolling on the Business Campaign to provide support for our local businesses.Thank you, Wayne.
Please contact Judy for survey kits and information. She will also be keeping track of the businesses each of us is visiting to avoid duplications. Her number is 250-420-1807 and her email address is JudyPotvin@outlook.com
If you are interested in volunteering, please register for Boots on the Ground business campaign training on Zoom Wednesdays at 6 p.m. (5:45 if it’s your first time). Register here as a volunteer: https://action4canada.com/volunteer-registration/
4. Other Training
Increase your knowledge and confidence while role-playing what to do and say when confronted with those who would limit your freedom of movement and your freedom of choice. Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Pacific – Darlene Ondi’s Stand in Your Power on Zoom:
https://zoom.us/j/8135697454 pw FREEDOM
TTFN: See you Sunday. Miracles happen when you show up!
~ Mary Lou
Mary Lou Gutscher
CLEAR Penticton