Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Clear Cut Bias of the Zionist Press in Canada: Case In Point, The Hamilton Spectator

Boycotting the Hamilton Spectator for its contempt for Palestinian life 

While the Middle East coverage by the Hamilton Spectator has never been good, two incidents in recent weeks demonstrate that it is truly hateful toward Palestinians:

  1. On Thursday, Nov. 23 , the Spec REJECTED an ad listing the names of the 5600+ Palestinian children who had been killed by Israel and calling for a ceasefire.  The ad was sponsored by CJPME and the Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton.
  2. Yet less than two weeks ago, on Nov. 11, the Spec PUBLISHED a full-page ad about the Israeli hostages held by Hamas, showing each of their pictures and calling for their release.

That the Spec would refusing an ad expressing sympathy for Palestinian victims, yet publish another ad expressing sympathy for Israeli victims shows that the Hamilton Spectator is NO LONGER WORTHY OF OUR BUSINESS.

Tell the Hamilton Spectator that you’re done with it!  Please take 30 seconds to tell the owners and leadership at the Hamilton Spectator that you will henceforth 1) refuse to ever buy any issues of the Spec, 2) refuse to ever buy or place ads in the Spec, and 3) instruct your friends and family to do the same.

Antifa Terrorists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college 

Antifa Terrorists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college  


Cowardly administrations & and the anti-free speech terrorists. Antifa Terrorists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college .

As a publicly funded institution, Mohawk should provide space and security for such an event. If the threat is beyond them, call the police. Let the cops get out from behind their revenuing photo raadar and do their real job of ensuring law and order!


Evan Balgord of the wildly anti-free speech Canadian Anti-Hate (anti-free speech) Network says Mohawk College shouldn’t have rented space for the event. Au contraire, as a publicly funded institution if must not and should not discriminate. We are all taxpayers.



BREAKING: Activists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college

BREAKING: Activists threaten to shut down Dave Rubin and Maxime Bernier event at Canadian college

It appears that Dave Rubin’s event with Canadian candidate for Prime Minister Maxime Bernier may have its venue cancelled. This development occurred after local threats against the venue by Antifa, as well as the publication of a bizarre and defamatory op-ed in The Hamilton Spectator.

“It appears that my event with [Maxime Bernier] on September 29th has been cancelled due to threats from Antifa and this insane piece in the local paper. The school is now demanding 10 times the original security costs and could demand more before showtime,” Rubin tweeted this evening.

Dave Rubin


It appears that my event with @MaximeBernier on September 29th has been cancelled due to threats from Antifa and this insane piece in the local paper. The school is now demanding 10 times the original security costs and could demand more before showtime: 

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The op-ed, written by Evan Balgord, states that Rubin is a “far-right YouTube personality and a significant part of a radicalization process ushering people into the neo-Nazi movement.”

Rubin has recently interviewed three Democratic presidential candidates on his popular YouTube show, The Rubin Report. The notion that a moderate, classical liberal talk show host who advocates for ideological diversity and free speech is “ushering people into the neo-Nazi movement” is beyond insane. One has to wonder how this opinion piece got past the editors at The Spec.

The Post Millennial reached out to Rubin who said, “I don’t know where these threats came from, nor who the ‘journalist’ who wrote this ridiculous piece of fiction is. I was looking forward to talking to Maxime about freedom and liberty in front of hundreds of good people. I intend to be at the event as expected.”

That journalist’s bio lists him as the Executive Director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. This is a group that also convinced a Winnipeg gallery to cancel a People’s Party of Canada event, in coordination with Winnipeg anti-fascist groups and the arts community.

Rubin says that at this point they are unsure if they will need to seek out a new venue or if the matter can be settled, but he has already committed to waiving his speaking fee to put toward the security costs that the venue is now attempting to enforce. Rubin has made a career of open dialogue and debate.

Dave Rubin


Hi @ebalgord, can you point out my far right cred? Or how I’ve led anyone to the neo-Nazi movement? I lost family in the Holocaust and grew up around survivors you sniveling, pathetic, weasel of a human…

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Dave Rubin


I have just offered to cover the 10x security fee myself. cc: @BarrettWilson6 @GadSaad @MaximeBernier

722 people are talking about this

The fact that a popular talk show host and a legitimate candidate for Canadian Prime Minister could be labelled as hateful figures is preposterous enough. But now they have now been targeted by far-left ideologues to the point where their speech is in danger of being silenced. This is unacceptable and Canadians must not stand by and let it happen.

Iconoclast Roy Albrecht Defends Paul Fromm & Free Speech

Iconoclast Roy Albrecht Defends Paul Fromm & Free Speech


An Open Letter to Hamilton City Council, the Hamilton Spectator and the Citizens of Hamilton:

1)  The Hamilton Spectator is the Worm Hole Central Plexus of disinformation in the Region of Hamilton Wentworth that is overwhelmingly controlled by Zionist Jews.

2)  According to many peer reviewed sources…,
not the least of which is Prof. Emeritus, Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s authoritative best seller, The Culture of Critique…,
Zionist Jews have been documented as instrumental in the World Wide push to eliminate Indigenous European Rights in their own nations since the early 1960’s.

3)  Paul Fromm, has been Canada’s leading voice for the indigenous White European peoples of Canada for nearly HALF A CENTURY!

4)  Hamilton City Council is under EVERY OBLIGATION to allow Mr. Fromm to express views that Jewish Lobby Groups are keen to censor because they fear that Mr. Fromm’s Truth Telling may derail their hidden agenda of White Christian Hatred and their goal to replace Canada’s founding settlers of European Heritage with low skilled imports from Third World Nations.
5)  The fact that the Spectator frames their argument, against allowing Mr. Fromm a voice due to “…White Supremacy…” is proof positive of the underhanded and insidious tactics that Jewish Lobby Groups will go to in order to increase and maintain their present overwhelming control of Canada’s economic climate.

6)  I have personally known Paul for over twenty years. He is professional, honest, unbiased, and on the side of the little guy time and time again.  Paul has even supported the rights of Natives and Metis to exercise their right to speak freely on whatever topic they choose, even if he personally disagrees.

Paul trusts that the people of Canada are smart enough to decide for themselves whom they will or will not believe.



More Support For Free Speech & Common Sense in Hamilton

More Support For Free Speech & Common Sense in Hamilton
To Chad Collins [councillor]
Hi. I read about this today and am very disappointed by council. Paul Fromm is an advocate for freedom of expression and such freedom is ours granted by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and as such is the supreme law of the land. Further spelling out what this means is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which Canada is a signatory. Especially pertinent is article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Also relevant is article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. 

The city and council have acted appallingly of late. The considerable outlay of time and effort to craft by-laws that are clearly designed to block individuals from exercising their Charter rights is inexcusable. The dismissal of a city employee who performed his duties faithfully at the behest of demands for his removal by Marxist hatemongers is no less objectionable. Because of activities the employee may have engaged in on his own time, although entirely within the law, may indicate that he holds or held political views that are not currently fashionable merits his dismissal or coerced resignation makes the city of Hamilton look like a grim Marxist satrapy in the old Soviet Union – only missing a show trial with pro forma confessions of the purged apparatchik.
From these two episodes I was interested in asking just who is driving this Marxist anti-constitutional agenda the city has chosen to pursue and just what is it about these hate-driven steerers of city governance that makes council feel compelled to follow their dictates but today I read of the motion you and councillor Merulla put forward that was unanimously backed by council. I am unimpressed by your virtue signalling although it was predictably favourably painted in the Spec. That is because it is merely doubling down on the same pattern of dismissing the Charter rights of some citizens simply because they hold differing political opinions. In other coverage, the Marxist saturated Spectator lies outright or is deliberately deceptive in their reporting and it seems like many on Council take the narrative as presented by Spec writers as accurate. It is not. Just as an example, the often mentioned clash that happened in Gage Park between Christians and masked Antifa terrorists only descended into violence after the LGBT militant side assaulted the Christians. The Spec first reported the opposite and I wrote to them to correct them referring to the best video recording of the event. I don’t believe my words alone were persuasive to them but in the mentions since then, the Spec doesn’t claim that the Christians started the violence but their phrasing is slick and gives this impression to a reader who does not know better, and so is still deliberately deceptive. You should go and speak to people in the city to get a better idea of the prevailing street level opinions people have towards masked Antifa criminals as well as the rapid influx of 3rd world populations into our communities for which we have not been asked for our consent. If you and council see fit to turn away a citizen who advocates for the founding stock of white Europeans who created a nation, Canada out of the wilderness that was here before them, then in fairness you should also turn away all special interest groups including black lives matter movements, LGBTQ+ groups, and every ethnic group present here. To reserve this shabby treatment for only a backer of rights for whites and no one else is evidence of the racism prevalent in the current Marxist orientation. In fact, Marxism is inherently racist – against whites. Quit it immediately and move to push overt Marxists out of city governance for the reason that their calls to violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of this country are incongruous to any role serving city residents. 


Rob Janosevic

The Poisonous HAMILTON SPECTATOR Claims Freedom for Itself but Urges City Council to Prevent Paul Fromm Speaking as a Delegation

The Poisonous HAMILTON SPECTATOR Claims Freedom for Itself but Urges City Council to Prevent Paul Fromm Speaking as a Delegation

[The Hamilton Spectator is a far left fake news smear sheet So out to lunch is it that while it practises freedom of the press with impunity — in fact, for all the smear stories they’ve done on me in the past year, they have only once ever called me for an interview –.it wishes for Hamilton City Council to deny me the right to speak for five minutes as a delegation later this month. In Ontario, local councils and school board set aside time at the beginning of their meetings for “delegations”. Normally, a person or group with a concern registers to get on the list and is assigned five minutes to air their views. Back in August, I sought to apply to be heard as a delegation in order to air my concerns as Director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression in light of Council’s instructions to staff in May to explore plans to prevent “hate groups”  (the Yellow Vests and Christian pastors critical of the LGBTQ crowd) from holding protests on public property. This was actually being suggested for Hamilton, not Havana.


Here the Spectator says I should be silenced. The two Ottawa incidents to which they refer involved access to the Parliamentary Press Gallery. I had twice booked the Parliamentary Press Gallery for a half hour news conference. I have done this many times. On these two occasions, I was banned entry to the Parliament Buildings where the Press Gallery studio is located. Jason Kenney, the loyal Zionist waterboy was acting on a complaint by the pro-censorship group B’nai Brith. — Paul Fromm]

Editorial: When a white nationalist comes knocking …

Hamilton city council needs to take very seriously its deliberations about whether to allow infamous white nationalist Paul Fromm to delegate at an upcoming meeting.

Opinion06:14 PMHamilton Spectator, September 4, 2019



Hamilton city council is under no obligation to allow Paul Fromm’s views a soapbox in a public meeting, held in a space owned and paid for by taxpayers. – Rene Johnston , Toronto Star file photo

Governments at all levels and of all stripes need to be very careful that they don’t abuse their positions of trust, including their commitment to be open, responsive and accessible to citizens. That’s central to their commitment to the democratic process and civic engagement.

That is why Hamilton city council needs to take very seriously its deliberations about whether to allow infamous white nationalist Paul Fromm to delegate at an upcoming meeting. Apparently, Fromm is worried about council’s proposed hate-prevention policies. Not surprisingly, he argues they limit free speech. “I don’t think it’s up to city council to play referee on various points of view,” Fromm said in an interview with The Spec’s Andrew Dreschel. “I was shocked I was hearing this in Hamilton, not Havana.”

Fromm knows very well there are already limitations on free speech. For example, your right to say what you want becomes illegal once you use it to make hateful comments about other people or groups. This, among other things, is what Fromm and groups he’s been involved with have done over a long career of far-right activism.

Fromm was a supporter of Ernst Zundel, who denied the Holocaust. Back in 2007, then-Conservative MP Jason Kenney successfully moved a motion to deny Parliamentary admission to Fromm and an associate “to preserve the dignity and integrity of the House.” The same thing happened in 2016 when Fromm tried to call a news conference in Parliament.

These setbacks didn’t deter Fromm. He ran for mayor in Mississauga when he lived there. He later moved to Hamilton and ran for mayor here in the 2018 municipal election. He has been an executive with white supremacist organizations. He has ties to former Ku Klux Klan members David Duke, Don Black and Mark Martin. The National Post described him as “one of Canada’s most notorious white supremacists.” In 2009 he participated in a White Pride march organized by the Aryan Guard, a neo-Nazi gang in Calgary.

Fromm is also, in his own estimation, a bit of an expert on semantics. All of these past activities don’t make him a racist or white supremacist. Rather, he argues, he is a white nationalist, committed to ensuring the “founding peoples” of Canada are not washed away by “waves of mass immigration.” (He’s not referring to founding Indigenous people, by the way. Only the white European ones.)

So, does any of this mean Fromm shouldn’t be welcome as a delegate to city council? The short answer is yes.

Odious as he and his views are, they are not illegal. He is free to hold them, and even to talk about them, provided he can do so in a manner that doesn’t promote hatred against identifiable people or groups.

But city council is under no obligation to allow those views a soapbox in a public meeting, held in a space owned and paid for by taxpayers. To do so would imply a degree, even if only a small one, of legitimacy to opinions based in bigotry.

Back in 2007, Kenney said this about his motion which successfully stopped Fromm from claiming Parliament as his podium: “If they want to get a soapbox and go out in front of the Parliament buildings in this free country, they’re welcome to do so, but this House isn’t going to let them use public, taxpayer-funded resources.”

Kenney was right 12 years ago and city council would be wise to make the same determination about Fromm’s delegation.

ANATOMY OF THE FAKE “NEWS” MEDIA SMEAR — Paul Fromm Accused of Hate Speech after Posting NZ Shooter’s Manifesto YOUTUBE.COM Paul Fromm Accused of Hate Speech after Posting NZ Shooter’s Manifesto Brian Ruhe’s guest is Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression

ANATOMY OF THE FAKE “NEWS” MEDIA SMEAR — Paul Fromm Accused of Hate Speech after Posting NZ Shooter’s Manifesto
Brian Ruhe’s guest is Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression



One of the great contributions of President Donald Trump is to undermine and expose what he calls the lying media or the “fake news” media. Much of North America’s media is in the control of the Cultural Marxists or minority special interest groups.  News, as I have argued for years, is not really news — that is,. the facts about what is happening, like the scores of last night’s hockey game — but, in fact, a soap opera, where there are good guys and bad guys and few in betweens. And, guess what, we in the nationalist or pro-freedom or populist movement are always the bad guys. Whatever the specific story might be, through labels and selective presentation of details, our side is presented as evil The reader or viewer is not presented with objective facts from which he or she can then form an opinion.

Here is a textbook example of soap opera false news journalism — a recent smear on me by the HAMILTON SPECTATOR, which, I would more properly dub as the EXPECTORATOR.

Paul Fromm




Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 289-674-4455;


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director


March 25, 2019


Mr. Paul Berton, Editor-in-Chief,


44 Frid St.,

Hamilton, ON.,

L8N 3G3


Dear Mr. Berton:



On March 19, THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR printed an article by Teviah Moro entitled “Paul Fromm investigated for posting of New Zealand shooter’s manifesto.”


The entire article is defamatory, misleading to the point of falsehood and utterly unprofessional. I demand a complete retraction.


The article has three elements: I posted Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto; there was a complaint about this; the Hamilton Police “hate crimes unit” is investigating.


I am the main focus of this article. Many details are given about me, all of a negative nature. However, I was never interviewed or asked to comment.


The headline itself clearly suggests that I agree with the shooter. Otherwise why would I post the manifesto.


The opening paragraph strengthens that impression by labelling me a “White supremacist”, The accused shooter has also been widely identified as a “White supremacist.” Interestingly, when one accesses this story on the SPECTATOR’S website, there is a link to an article announcing my candidacy  for mayor last year correctly identifying me as a “White nationalist” (“Self proclaimed White nationalist Paul Fromm running for Mayor of Hamilton”). There is a profound difference. A nationalist wants to promote the interests of his people, in this case, the European people. A supremacist seeks to rule over or dominate others. I emphatically reject the “‘White Supremacist” label, as your reporter would have learned had she contacted me.


What is missing in the story is the vital information that I wrote an introduction before posting the manifesto and made it quite clear that I reject violence. I largely agreed with Tarant that European people are being replaced in their own countries by massive Third World immigration and that this is a bad thing. I urged peaceful discussion but pointed out that, in many Western nations, we are restricted by “hate laws” and other legal barriers. I warned that, when you silence the man of the pen, you must deal with the man of the sword. I attach the introduction as it appears on the CAFE website.


Did you reporter even look at the online post? If so, she’d have seen the story changing introduction: I do not support violence. If she didn’t look at the post, she’s incompetent and should be fired. If she did, she’s a deliberate liar by suppressing vital information and should be fired.  Another media outlet, Global did interview me and got the story essentially correct,


The article is about me but never quotes me once. Whatever views I might have are explained by hostile sources. A paragraph in the version of this article that appeared in the Toronto Star quotes an American group, the Southern Poverty Law Centre. This group is discredited and notorious. It raises hundreds of millions of dollars from liberal donors by spreading hyperventilating accusations of “hate” against many people and groups on the right of the political spectrum. It has been successfully sued by its victims on a number of occasions. It recently fired its co-founder and longtime board member Morris Dees for persistent sexual harassment of Centre employees. Yet, the Star version of the article quotes the SPLC as saying the Canadian Association for Free Expression of which I am the Director defends “anti-Semites, racists and Holocaust deniers.” Yes, we support anyone whose rights to free speech are being impinged. Over the years, we’ve also defended Little Sisters bookstore in Vancouver which was being harassed by Canada Customs for importing homosexual and lesbian publications. We opposed efforts by pro-censorship groups to keep Minister Lewis Farrakhan out of Canada for a series of talks, some years ago. Again, fairness involving an interview with me would have provided a different perspective.


The article reeks of bias. I am described and defined only through the words of mortal enemies of free speech.


The only details about me in the article are those calculated to be negative, with no balance provided by a reaction or explanation I might have made, had I been asked.


The article is a defamatory hatchet job. It is utterly unfair to me and misleading to the HAMILTON SPECTATOR’s readers.


I demand a retraction and want to hear from you by week’s end.


Sincerely yours,




Paul Fromm




[For years, I have warned human rights tribunals and others: “When you silence the men of the word, you will have to deal with the men of the sword.” When debate and dissent are silenced by “hate laws” you make violence almost inevitable. Sadly, that seems to be what happened in New Zealand with  the alleged shooter’s killing of some 49 Moslems at two Christ Church area mosques.


Such repression has choked immigration and historical debate in almost all West European nations and, of course, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Canada has its notorious “”hate law” — Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code, which saw Don Andrews, an immigration critic, jailed in the 1970s. Brad Love got 18 months for writing fierce but non-threatening letters to 20 MPs and other public officials. Most recently, a humourless Toronto judge in the fine Puritan tradition of banned in Boston, found Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine guilty for satire targetting Jews and radical feminists. This vile  hate law was enacted after years of Jewish lobby pressure. Jewish lobby groups have stoutly supported it and other anti-free speech measures in Canada. I have seen the human wreckage caused by Richard Warman’s use a decade ago of SEC. 13 (Internet censorship) of the Canadian Human Rights Act — fines, bank accounts looted, lifetime gags and even jail time. Oh, yes, and truth in such “human rights” cases was no defence — only the feelings or perceived possible hatred or contempt directed at privileged minorities.


 Many European countries, especially Germany, have laws criminalizing criticism of the Hollywood version of World War II — or the new secular religion of holocaust. Dissent from Islam in Saudi Arabia and you can get lashed and/or imprisoned; dissent from the new religion of holocaust in Germany and you can be beggared and jailed.


Here is the manifesto of Brenton Terrant, the alleged shooter in New Zealand. His analysis of the crisis we face is cogent. In Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, we ARE being invaded and replaced by Third World aliens. This is not the result of having lost a war. It is the result of the cold blooded, White-hating policies of our political elites.  The European indigenous people of Europe and the European founding/settler people of North America, Australia and New Zealand are being replaced by policy. This is planned genocide and will see its fulfillment before the end of this century. Hate laws in Canada have made this mortal threat to us as a people hard even to discuss. Critics of our genocidal immigration policies have been marginalized. Our trust fund kid prime minister who has never passed a Gay Pride Parade without participating refused to meet with a truck convoy of protesters in February because they included some members of the Yellow Vest movement which had criticized our immigration policies. One of several reasons Trudeau reneged on his 2015 election promise to change our electoral system to the more representative proportional representation model was the far of having some White nationalists elected to Parliament. Thus, a significant segment of Canadian political opinion is silenced, marginalized and unrepresented BY POLICY.


When you silence dissent, you invite violence.


I disagree with the violence indulged in by the shooter. It is not the way to go, but our vile elites have made it all but inevitable

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