Police State Fines Speaker $1,200 at END THE LOCKDOWN Rally of 500 in Steinbach, Manitoba

Police State Fines Speaker $1,200 at END THE LOCKDOWN Rally of 500 in Steinbach, Manitoba

Ticket handed out to speaker at Manitoba anti-mask rally


Danton Unger Editorial Producer – Digital

1:56PM CST Last Updated Saturday, November 14, 2020 5:22PM CST

anti-mask rally

An anti-mask rally in Steinbach drew a large crowd Saturday afternoon. (Source: CTV News/Danton Unger)


WINNIPEG — Hundreds of Manitobans gathered in Steinbach to protest COVID-19 restrictions implemented across the province, which led to at least one of the rally’s speakers being handed a $1,200 ticket for violating the very orders they were protesting.

On Saturday afternoon, an estimated 500 people gathered for a ‘Hugs over Masks’ car rally in Steinbach, a city that is currently experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases. According to provincial data, the Southern Manitoba city has 263 active cases, and has reported 14 deaths – the highest number of any area in the Southern Health region.

CTV News has previously reported that Steinbach has one of the highest infection rates in the country. Three kilometres away from the rally is Bethesda Regional Health Centre, which is also currently dealing with spiking cases.

Lewis Weiss, the elected Reeve for the RM of La Broquerie, was among the speakers at the rally.

“It seems very strange that our loved ones are being allowed to die when there are medicines available that very quickly and easily can cure this,” he said.

Weiss was joined at the rally by a number of speakers including a pastor, a former chiropractor, and other community members.

Minutes after the rally ended, a provincial conservation officer handed Weiss a ticket of $1,296 for violating public health orders. This is the maximum amount an individual can be fined under current orders in Manitoba. 


Conservation officers wrote Lewis Weiss, a speaker at the rally and Reeve of La Broquerie, a ticket. (Source: CTV News/Danton Unger)

Weiss told CTV News he believes he “put a target on my back” by speaking out.

Rally attendees responded by yelling, honking and berating the officer, surrounding provincial personnel and media. A person at the rally appeared to back their car into one of the responding provincial officers.

A spokesperson for the province told CTV News enforcement officials were on the scene and issued tickets, saying Manitoba Justice will provide more specific information once all the tickets have been processed.

“Our government finds it particularly disappointing to learn that excessive verbal abuse was directed at enforcement officials who were on site and issuing tickets,” they said. “These enforcement officials should be commended for doing their part to help keep Manitobans safe from the kind of irresponsible behaviour that was on display today.”

They did not say how many tickets were issued.

“Each person here in this country is so incredibly important, and I have nothing but compassion for everybody here, regardless of what side you are on, regardless of your beliefs,” said Kayla, one of the attendees at the rally.

“What we’re seeing here is people gathering from all different races, nationalities, backgrounds, careers and they all just want one thing, and that is freedom.”

Not all those in attendance at the rally were there to support the group.

Bambi Bertholet, a resident of Steinbach, was at the rally and had decorated her car with messages urging people to follow public health orders, including wearing a mask.

“Honestly, it does make me angry and it makes me really sad, and I feel like it is a huge disrespect to healthcare workers right now,” she said. “It is scary right now and I don’t know what they don’t get?”

Bertholet said she was told to leave by RCMP officers who were at the rally.

She was not the only one at the rally who was against the anti-mask movement. 

“I’m really quite alarmed, discouraged by the ability of large groups of people to act against science and against the best interest of the public all in the name of personal freedom,” said Dennis Hiebert, a professor of sociology at Providence University College and a resident of Steinbach. 

“I think it is very troubling.”

Speakers at the rally continued to call out the media for how it has covered the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming local news organizations covering the rally were spreading government “propaganda” and said, “media is the worst virus of them all.”

“The mainstream media has abandoned the people,” said former chiropractor Gerry Bohemier, who was speaking at the rally. 

Following the rally, an organizer berated the local media who were covering the gathering. 

Open Letter to Mayors and Councils of McBride, BC and Jasper, AB From Freedom Fighter Monika Schaefer About the COVID Craziness: “Resistance to tyranny is obligatory”

Open Letter to Mayors and Councils of McBride, BC and Jasper, AB From Freedom Fighter Monika Schaefer About the COVID Craziness

Earlier this year I wrote an open letter to the Mayor of Jasper, copied to the Mayor of McBride and Councillors in both communities, in which I asked many questions about the Corona Virus and the lockdowns. I did not receive any answers. Answers are not forthcoming, I would guess, because the answers to my questions about masks, isolation, vaccinations, lockdowns, 5G, inflated death counts, and tests are not in line with the official narrative about the Corona Virus.

In case you did not see my earlier letter or would like to reread it, here is a link:https://freespeechmonika.wordpress.com/2020/06/01/open-letter-to-jasper-town-council/

Since then, so much more evidence has emerged, pointing to this plandemic being a scam. 

I am appealing to you to stop participating in the fraud called Covid-19. It is a tool being used to impose medical martial law. Many of the recipients of this letter are well aware of this, or at the very least, your gut tells you something is deeply wrong with the story. Yet, you are going along with draconian lockdowns, isolation, masks, contact tracing and you are trying to prevent us from exercising our natural and God-given rights to assemble and to breathe freely. This madness is destroying our souls, our economy, our entire society.

Your reasons might be: “we will lose our grant money”, or “I will lose my job”, or “I am afraid of…x, y, or z… if I do not obey the higher authorities”.  

None of those excuses will matter if we do not put a stop to the tyranny. All those things which you are afraid of losing will cease to exist if we carry on allowing this insanity. We will have nothing left worth protecting. 

People are now being encouraged to snitch on each other. An application can be made for the arrest of someone who you think might be infected. Do you understand the implications of this?

We the people have the power to stop this. We the people have the power to take back our lives, our freedoms, our beautiful world. We the people refuse to be muzzled. Keep in mind, you work for the people, not the other way around! And the people are waking up in droves.  

Please restore your power to reason, do some basic research and come back to your natural senses. It is imperative that you ignore the orders and impositions of those who are perpetrating the fraud. I am appealing to each and every one of you to immediately cease participation in this tyranny. Use your power at the local community level and announce a re-opening of everything. End the anti-social distancing mandates, end the mask mandates. Terminate the special position of “Covid by-law officer”.

Think about your children. Think about what kind of world they are inheriting. It will be a dystopia that even George Orwell would marvel at. 

Children are being told that if they don’t obey the mask and distancing rules, they could be responsible for the death of their grandparents. This can traumatize them for life! Imagine how they would feel if one of their grandparents happens to die during this time (of any cause – but Covid appears on the death certificate even though it was NOT the cause of death – that is exactly what is being done), and that child then suffers false guilt because they had visited with their loved ones. 

If you still suffer the mistaken belief that there is a serious threat from a virus which is so “dangerous” that most people who test positive for it do not even know they are sick, I encourage you to disabuse yourself of the lies and deceptions that are being foisted on us. It is incumbent upon you to learn and understand what is really going on. 

Implementing harmful orders from authorities who have no legitimate authority over us is wrong!

Following is a short list of considerations, accompanied by just a few links to videos or articles for your convenience. There are countless more sources, and there are thousands of whistle blowers in all walks of life and professions. But censorship is extreme, and that alone should raise questions. Why is free and open information so dangerous?


Donning a mask to stop a virus is about as effective as stopping mosquitoes with a chain link fence. Masks are completely useless at best, and harmful – sometimes even deadly – at worst. But they do serve to impact our whole society, both psychologically and physically. People are reacting to each other with fear and distrust. In addition, masks can cause permanent brain damage, especially in children. 

Please see the following video and article.https://www.technocracy.news/german-neurologist-on-face-masks-oxygen-deprivation-causes-permanent-neurological-damage/


There are serious problems with the reliability of tests, thereby giving false numbers of so-called Covid-19 cases. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests can be manipulated in order to bring about positive results by increasing the amplification cycles of the genetic material being tested. It is interesting to note that the media talks about “cases”, confusing positive results with sick people. Adding to the confusion is the declaration that these healthy people could be “carriers” of the disease. It is also interesting to note that flu deaths have decreased, while so-called Covid deaths prevail. 

The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test was never designed to test for a virus. The inventor of PCR, Nobel Chemistry Prize winner Kary Mullis,  said: “With PCR if you do it well you can find almost anything in anybody” and “it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick”. 

Please see video:https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Kari+Mullis+PCR&&view=detail&mid=05768204A865D14D014905768204A865D14D0149&&FORM=VDRVSR

Predictive Programming and the Plandemic:

Have you heard of Event 201? That was a planning exercise which took place over a year ago, simulating exactly what then came about.

See: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Event+201+plandemic+Amazing+Polly&docid=608025807346140031&mid=8B7EAD22D054C7807F608B7EAD22D054C7807F60&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
See also: Olympic opening ceremonies, London England, 2012  https://vimeo.com/408121823

There are more examples of the prediction of the pandemic. Could it be that it was a plan rather than a prediction?

Contact Tracing:

The ramifications of monitoring, following, and tracing every individual in our society in the name of keeping us healthy, based on the fraudulent “science” of this plandemic, are profound indeed. These measures will completely nullify our every freedom, take away all our God-given rights, and will serve to control our every move. Last I checked, this is pure communism. And that is not good. In case you were unaware, tens of millions of people were murdered, starved, tortured and enslaved by the communist Bolsheviks in Russia during the previous century.

Rather than suggesting one video or one article about the devastation brought about by the Bolsheviks, I recommend that you put some words such as “Bolshevik murder millions” into your search engine and choose from among many sources to research this yourself.


How can there be a vaccine for something which has not been isolated and identified?

See this article: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/10/jon-rappoport/the-smoking-gun-where-is-the-coronavirus-the-cdc-says-it-isnt-available/

That is just the tip of the iceberg, but should be enough to prompt a person to question the official story. 

What have governments done? 

As Sir Charles Walker MP (UK) puts it: 

“We have criminalized freedom of association, the freedom to go about one’s business, the freedom to travel, and the freedom to protest…. [we are] criminalising parents for seeing their children and children for seeing their parents… The freedom to protest is the oxygen of democracy…” ~ Sir Charles Walker

Bi-law officers and police officers around the country are engaged in implementing mandates through intimidation and fear. Bi-laws and mandates are not worth the paper they are written on. Any laws that are being passed regarding lock-down measures are themselves unlawful and unconstitutional. These measures, mandates, by-laws, bills and statutes go against Natural Law and Common Law. 

We are being herded into enslavement. Please, have courage, and stop participating in this madness! We can stop it all tomorrow if we want to. Shed your fears about what “might happen” if you go against the orders from your higher-ups in government. If you are not working for the people, you are part of the tyranny. Follow your conscience, not these illegitimate orders from unaccountable so-called authorities.

Resistance to tyranny is obligatory.


Monika Schaefer McBride, BC

Halloween Is Over. Take Off Your Mask

Halloween Is Over. Take Off Your Mask

Unless the Government Of Canada can produce substantial evidence that public demand exists for mandatory masks, the Canadian Nationalist Party will not comply.

By Travis Patron Post date

If and when the Government Of Canada attempts to mandate medical facemasks on the population, in public spaces there must be lawful grounds to do so. The local authorities cannot enforce masks on the citizens unconditionally without the public’s approval or consent. As it stands right now, neither has been earned by the Government Of Canada.

In March of this year, the Canadian Nationalist Party served the Provincial Government Of Saskatchewan a notice of objection to their declared state of emergency regarding COVID-19 due to having “a high probability of causing undo suppression of our economic conditions – especially in rural areas of the province.”

We believe those words to be self-evident today.

This declaration of emergency was unnecessary to begin with. It may or may not remain that way, but ultimately the cost of such an alarmist reaction can be seen and felt on the streets of our towns and cities – where small business has taken the greatest hit and many storefronts have been boarded up and closed down. Meanwhile, the Globalist Elite buy up properties for a fraction of the price they would otherwise fetch on an open market, unrestricted by these very COVID-19 emergency measures.

Unless the Government Of Canada can produce substantial evidence that public demand exists for mandatory masks, the Canadian Nationalist Party will not comply.

  • Tags

By Travis Patron

Canadian Nationalist Party Leader

The END THE LOCKDOWN Freedom Protest Spreads: 2,000 Rally in Aylmer, Ontario

2,000 people march through Aylmer, Ont., to protest COVID-19 health measures

Many came from outside the town, a move public health officials say is dangerous

Kate Dubinski · CBC News · Posted: Nov 07, 2020 8:10 PM ET | Last Updated: November 8

Hundreds of people stand by the side of the main street in Aylmer, Ont., before a rally and march to protest public health measures. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)

Chanting “Rise up!” and “Freedom is essential,” at one point up to 2,000 people marched through the streets of Aylmer, Ont., calling for the end of public health measures such as mask wearing and physical distancing that say encroach on their rights. 

Supported by other groups who have held similar rallies in Ottawa and Toronto, the protesters held signs that said “Facts over fear” and “No new normal.” 

The marchers included many people from the town’s large religious communities. 

“I am here to standing up for freedom. Freedom not to have the government overreach, freedom of assembly with those we love, freedom to go where we want to go,” said Herma Van Meppelen Scheppink, who came from nearby St. Thomas, Ont., to show her support. 

Protesters in Aylmer, Ont., held up a variety of signs. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)

The event came the same day Ontario reported a new single-day record of 1,132 COVID-19 cases.

With a population of 7,500, the town of Aylmer, has the highest case rate of any surrounding community and the highest in its health region, even though Southwestern Public Health includes two counties and two larger cities. Public health officials in the region and surrounding areas called the rally dangerous, saying the combination of a large crowd and not wearing masks could be disastrous for the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

The rally was organized by Kimberly Neudorf, an Aylmer mom with backing from the controversial Church of God pastor Henry Hildebrandt, who has fought against public health measures and shutting of his church since the beginning of the pandemic. 

“I’m here to voice my opposition to a tyrannical government. I want to show support to this community. People are here for masks, I’m here for freedom,” said Catherine Carter, who came from Windsor, Ont., and has gone to Ottawa to similar rallies. 

“I have been watching this movement grow in the last six months. The louder people are, the better people will hear us.” 

Up to 2,000 people marched through the streets of Aylmer, Ont., angry about masks and physical distancing rules put in place by the provincial and federal governments. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)

When news of the protest, and those from other cities, spread in Aylmer, the mayor declared a state of emergency, freeing up more resources for the police. 

Aylmer Police and Ontario Provincial Police officers stood by during the rally at the East Elgin Community Complex and the subsequent march through town. 

Those who support public health measures in the town held their own small rally in the morning, and some lined the streets watching the protesters walk by. 

“This is my home. The majority of Aylmer is adhering to the mask requirements, but we have this small group of people who are bringing in hundreds and hundreds of people from outside the community, encouraging them to shop in our stores,” said Anastasia Gelinas. “And the virus will surely spread, and they just don’t care.”

Aylmer resident Anastasia Gelinas says those who oppose public health guidelines in the town are the minority. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)

“They’re spreading terror through this community. I’m worried about the town and the businesses in the town. Some have quit their jobs because there are so many people coming in without masks. I’m embarrassed. The town, the vast majority, is not like this.” 

Mike Moore stood amid the large number of protesters holding a sign that read “Respect your neighbours, wear a mask!” 

“I believe we’re in a pandemic with the coronavirus and we need to take it seriously. The government mandated masks for a reason,” he said. “I’m embarrassed. I’ve never seen anything like it here in this quiet community.”

Aylmer resident Mike Moore says he is embarrassed about the people in his town who are protesting the public health measures and angry at those from outside the community who came to protest. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)
Protest organizer Kimberly Neudorf speaks to the large crowd. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)

My Family Had the COVID — From A Doctor Friend in the State of Washington

My Family Had the COVID — From A Doctor Friend in the State of Washington

Second week of Coronavirus

The second week of my family’s isolation was uneventful. No one was particularly sick although minor symptoms seem to linger and linger (light cough, sporatic diarrhea, tiredness, loss of appetite). Kids are all normal. No one had a temperature after that first day, two weeks ago. Whether or not any of this is contagious is anyone’s guess. I have heard some people have such vague symptoms for many months. 

The suggestion that people need to isolate until 14 days after the last symptom, like Fauci’s 12-foot social distancing, Fauci’s goggles, or the University of Washington-Bothell recommendation of ear coverings, is impractical. And quickly forgotten.

In Washington State, the Public Health Department commands that after testing positive three things will take place immediately: (1) contact tracing; (2) medical briefing; and (3) briefing on financial aid available. None of that was done. (The only financial aid discussed for people with coronavirus was $100 million for illegal aliens.) All these measures are just window dressing. Everything they congratulate themselves on is imaginary. They just send people home to recover or die, on their own.
We are all back to normal.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ford

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ford

Nineteenth century Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson is remembered mostly for his novels Treasure Island, featuring the pirate Long John Silver, and Kidnapped.   Almost as well-known as these, and probably far more influential in terms of the number of imitations it has inspired and adaptations that have been made, is a shorter work, published in 1886, the same year as Kidnapped, entitled Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1).  

The story is about a physician, Dr. Henry Jekyll, who like everybody else, struggles with the inner conflict between his base instincts and urges on the one hand and his ethical standards on the other.   Unlike everybody else, he, being a scientist, tries to find a scientific solution to the problem, which he sees more in terms of the need to protect his reputation than to suppress his vicious desires.   He invents a serum that transforms him into Mr. Edward Hyde so that he can indulge the latter without damaging his reputation.   The potion, however, also produces a division in his moral character, basically separating all the wickedness into the persona of Mr. Hyde and all of the goodness into the persona of Dr. Jekyll.   The consequence of all of this, is that Mr. Hyde is left with no inner constraints on his wickedness, and becomes a thoroughly depraved, sadistic, sociopathic, murderer.   Dr. Jekyll, who by contrast becomes more upright, humane and saintly, eventually loses control over the transformation process and starts to transform into Mr. Hyde involuntarily, at first in his sleep, later when he is awake.   Then, running out of the serum that reverses the transformation, and being unable to produce another batch that will work, he realizes that he is about to become his evil alter-ego permanently, and commits suicide.

After the story was published and became widely known, the names of the character became more or less synonymous with the kind of dual personality in which a person can be sweet, gentile, and charming one minute and the exact opposite of that the next.

I have been reminded of this story every time that Doug Ford, the current premier of Upper Canada, or Ontario as those who like to keep up with the times prefer to call it, has appeared in the news in the last eight months and especially the last two.

Two summers ago, when the Progressive Conservatives led by Doug Ford, won a majority of 76 out of the 124 seats in the provincial legislature, I breathed a sigh of relief for our neighbours to the east.   They had suffered under Grit misrule for fifteen years, first under Dalton McGuinty and then under Kathleen Wynne, who were in my opinion the two worst provincial-level Liberal leaders in the entire history of the Dominion.   The election that put Doug Ford in the premier’s chair, also reduced the Grits to seven seats, the worst defeat they have ever suffered in that province, which was itself even greater cause to rejoice than the Conservative victory.

When Doug Ford became leader of Upper Canada’s Progressive Conservatives in the lead-up to the provincial election of 2018, I knew little about him other than that he was the brother of the late Rob Ford, who from 2010 to 2014 had been mayor of the city which had been known as York before political correctness prompted its being rechristened with the Indian name of Toronto in 1834.  During the years in which Rob Ford was mayor, he was constantly under attack by the CBC and the rest of the mainstream progressive media, which only strengthened me in my conviction that, as I said at the time, Rob Ford, drunk and on crack, ran his city better than any other sober mayor in Canada, including and especially our own here in Winnipeg.   That would have been Sam Katz back then, and Mayor Duckie (2) who has since replaced him is even worse.    

The same corrupt left-wing media that had relentlessly pursued the destruction of his brother, went after Doug Ford during the 2018 election.   They shamelessly dug poor old Rob up from his grave – he had passed away from cancer two years previously – and began whipping and crucifying his corpse.   Since Ford was using populist rhetoric in his campaign, they naturally compared him to Donald the Orange who through populism and nationalism had become president of the American republic in 2016.    Now, just to be clear, since my politics happens to be the royal-monarch-as-defender-of-the-Church kind of Toryism from which the Conservative Party has been lamentably drifting for decades – or rather centuries – populism and nationalism are actually lower in my own estimation than they are in that of the progressive media.   Forced to choose between the former and the latter, however, I would gladly chose the populists any day.   So it was that this progressive assault on “Ontario’s Trump” raised his stock considerably in my books.

Despite the media’s amusing attempt to use his populist rhetoric to hang the “far right” label on him – neither populism nor what the media considers to be “far right” is right wing at all, let alone extremely right wing –  Doug Ford was basically a mainstream, centre-right, Progressive Conservative.   His platform consisted mostly of tax reductions, infrastructure improvement, de-regulation, and cleaning up the mess that McGuinty and Wynne had made of the province’s school system.   While there was much that was lacking in this platform, it was a major improvement over what the former governing party had been offering.   After Ford won the election, the first year and a half of his premiership were fairly impressive.   He stuck it to the provincial bureaucrats with a salary-and-hiring freeze, and went to war with the environazis who were determined to make life more miserable and unaffordable for everybody because of their superstitious belief in a climate apocalypse extrapolated through a computer simulation from the pseudoscientific theory of anthropogenic global warming.   This included standing up to Captain Airhead, whom we are unfortunate enough to have as the Prime Minister of Her Majesty’s government in Ottawa, and who was threatening to impose a federal carbon tax on all provinces that did not voluntarily adopt one of their own.   Shortly after the election, the new Minister of Education announced that the province would repeal everything the outgoing government had done to turn the schools into indoctrination camps for brainwashing young children with sexual perversion and gender identity politics although there have been reports that the follow-through on this was less than spectacular and that all they really did was make a few minor adjustments.   (3)

The qualifying remarks in my last sentence aside, Ford had gotten off to a fairly good start for a contemporary, mainstream, Progressive Conservative premier.

Then the Chinese bat flu arrived in Upper Canada.    When that happened, Doug Ford underwent an almost-overnight metamorphosis into a despotic, bullying, COVID-monster, and became the darling of the media that had been demonizing him for the last two years.

Of course, something similar could be said about every premier in the Dominion.   Our own Progressive Conservative Premier here in the south-east corner of Prince Rupert’s Land, Brian Pallister, declared a state of emergency and put our province into a most draconian lockdown before there was any significant outbreak, gave that – in my opinion – power mad goon Dr. Brent Roussin a blank cheque for imposing restrictions, no matter how stupid, self-contradictory, and outright harmful they were, and only the other day doubled the fines for people who violate these arbitrary regulations.   Pallister, however, has long been known to be a jerk.   The only reason I welcomed his re-election the other year is that the other option was the truly odious Wab Kinew.   Doug Ford, on the other hand, had given us every reason to expect much better of him, before he turned around and started acting like a squirt bottle used for cleaning the orifices of the nether regions of the body.

Now, some might come to Doug Ford’s defence by saying that his province was hit particularly hard by the bat flu.   Granted, out of all the provinces its number of deaths was exceeded only by those of Lower Canada.   This hardly constitutes justification of his actions, however.   It is only to be expected that in a country-wide outbreak, the two provinces of Central Canada would have the most deaths.   They have the most people, after all.   There is more to it, however, than just that.   The bulk of the deaths in those provinces took place in long-term care facilities, which, again, is predictable from the fact that the only people who are at any sort of  statistically significant risk from the  Chinese bat flu are those who are really old, with two or more complicating health conditions.   In Upper and Lower Canada, the situation in the nursing homes got so bad that the Armed Forces had to be sent in to take the place of the staff who had either contracted the virus themselves or deserted in fear of doing so.    They sent back to their superiors reports of the horrendous conditions they found there – conditions such as cockroaches, rotting food, bedding left soiled for days on end, and worse – caused not by the bat flu but by neglect and abuse on the part of the administration and staff.   While Ford is hardly to blame for such conditions, for in many of these places this sort of thing had been going on for years prior to his premiership, the fact of the matter is that had he done the common sense thing at the beginning of the “pandemic” and taken measures to provide extra protection for the people most at risk, rather than listening uncritically to the imbecilic advice of medical experts who, themselves regurgitating nonsense cooked up by the World Health Organization to serve the nefarious ends of the Chinese Communists and the pharmaceutical conglomerates, recommended a universal quarantine on the young and healthy instead, this sort of thing could have been dealt with much earlier, and steps could have been taken which might have prevented the outbreaks in the nursing homes from getting so bad.  Jumping on board the lockdown bandwagon, prevented him from pursuing other, sounder, options, and made the situation even worse.

When the World Health Organization screamed “pandemic”, Ford traded in his tired old populism and common sense for a shiny new superstitious belief in the infallibility of international health organizations and other medical experts, and imposed their recommendations with a particularly heavy hand.   When people with legitimate concerns about the erosion of their rights, freedoms, livelihoods and businesses under public health orders and who likely largely overlapped the people who had voted Ford into the premier’s office two years ago, began to protest against social distancing, lockdowns, and the like, he dismissed them all as yahoos.   In July, he rammed Bill 195 through the legislature, a bill which gave him two years’ worth of emergency powers which he could exercise without consulting the legislature.    This was a province-level equivalent of what Captain Airhead and his Liberals had tried to sneak into an emergency spending bill in Parliament in March, but which Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition had mercifully thwarted.   Ford punished the members of his own party who voted against this bill, such as Belinda Karahalios, the MPP representing Cambridge, by expelling them from the caucus.

On Monday, September 28th, Ford held a press conference in which he announced that his province was officially in the “second wave” of the bat flu, and that it “will be worse than the first wave we faced earlier this year.”    As with all the other claptrap about this so-called “second wave” this was a cunning form of sleight-of-hand.   That day, Upper Canada had seen the highest number of new cases recorded in a single day since the beginning of the pandemic.  It had not seen a commensurate spike in the number of people gravely sick, being hospitalized, put in intensive care, and dying.   Indeed, the new cases were mostly among age groups which were not at any significant risk from the disease.   This has been more or less the case everywhere throughout this so-called “second wave”.   My province, which seen the number of deaths multiply since the beginning of September – we were at fourteen at the beginning of September and are now at forty-seven, is not an exception.   These deaths are, like those which more populated provinces experienced in the spring, almost entirely among those who are both extremely old and extremely sick, because this is Manitoba’s first wave, the entire misguided and totalitarian “flatten the curve” strategy having merely delayed it, while causing a whole lot of unnecessary other harm in the process.  

Even before Ford made this announcement, he had lowered the number of people allowed to meet socially in Toronto, Peel Region, and Ottawa to ten, slapped a $10 000 fine on anyone who organized an event that broke this rule, and a $750 fine on anyone who attended.   It is difficult to decide which is more ridiculous, the limit of social gatherings to ten in a country where assembly and association are two of the officially recognized fundamental freedoms, or the insanely high amounts of those fines.  (4)  Certainly, the late Rob Ford, who was well known for his love of large social gatherings, must be spinning in his grave over all this party-pooping, and the whole general way in which his brother has turned into a piece of rotting Communist excrement.

My unsolicited advice to Ford is to find the serum that will turn him back to his original self and to do so quickly.   Nobody, except the media progressives, who want everybody to spend the rest of their lives, hiding under their beds in their basements, curled up in the fetal position, sucking their thumbs, afraid to go out lest the SARS-Cov-2 Bogeyman get them, likes this new version.

(1)   Stevenson deliberately left out both the definite article and the periods after the abbreviations for doctor and mister from his title.   His original publisher followed his whims.   Most subsequent publishers have not.  

(2) Brian Bowman looks like Jon Cryer, who, prior to his role as Alan on Three and a Half Men, was best known as “Duckie” in John Hughes’ 1986 “Brat Pack” teen rom-com, Pretty in Pink.   An interesting bit of trivia, although as completely irrelevant as this entire footnote, is that Charlie Sheen, Cryer’s co-star in Three and a Half Men (and earlier in Hotshots), was the original choice for the role of Blane, “Duckie”’s ultimately successful rival for the affections of Andie (Molly Ringwald) in this film, a role that ended up going to Andrew McCarthy.

(3)   See this article from The Interim.  It is worth noting that a serious effort to clean up the schools would have to involve more than just repealing Kathleen Wynne’s curriculum.   I was in Toronto for a wedding almost ten years ago, while Dalton McGuinty was still premier.   On the ride back to Pearson International, my driver, a recent immigrant from somewhere in the Middle East, struck up a conversation.   When he found out I was from Manitoba, he told me how lucky I was to be living in a rural, conservative, province, where I did not have to put up with the likes of Dalton McGuinty, who was making the schools teach sexual perversions to young children.   I didn’t have the heart to break the news to him, that the NDP which was governing Manitoba at the time was just about as bad, although they had not taken the schools quite that far.   My point, however, is that this conversation could not have taken place when it did, had McGuinty not already started the schools along the path down which Wynne would take them much further.

(4)  Of course there are those who have gone even further than Ford in this absurdity.    Dr. Brent Roussin has limited social gatherings to five in Winnipeg and the surrounding region.  Back in Ford’s own province, Patrick Brown, his predecessor as PC leader and currently the mayor of Brampton, imposed fines of up to $100 000 on those not practicing “physical distancing” as far back as April.   An orchard owner in neighbouring Caledon was threatened with a fine that large by the Ontario Provincial Police in late September for letting people pick their own apples on his farm.

Covid 1984 and The Emperor’s New Clothes

Covid 1984 and The Emperor’s New Clothes

Parallels With Children’s Tale That Warns of Mass Deception.

The emperor who gets scammed by a pair of con-artists is a cautionary children’s tale about a swindle which, like all scams, relies upon the psychological manipulation of the target. It is a story in which the swindle permeates down from the king, through his courtiers and into the general population. When the truth is revealed by a boy crying, “Look, the king is as naked as the day that he was born!”, the people snap out of the mass hypnosis.

The Covid1984 psyop is a darker version of the classic fable in which the king (emperor) and his advisors fall prey to a scam. The scam being that only he and his cohorts are capable of appreciating a tailored set of clothes which do not factually exist. In the tale, the swindlers emphasise that only those with intelligence can see the garments.

In the UK’s Covid1984 version of the fable, the lies of the false narrative are peddled by the majority of the 650 members of parliament via press conferences and a compliant media that simply regurgitates the lies. All of it is to the detriment of the people’s psychological health. This is deliberate. 

It is psychological manipulation, #GasLighting – whereby the target (the people) is slowly but surely being driven mad by the lies of the psychotic perpetrator (UK ‘gov’ who are under the instruction of the ‘tailors’, those who stitch together the material falsehoods of the narrative that there is a ‘pandemic’).

Matt Hancock, Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings, Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty are those courtiers who perpetrate the lies of the shadowy ‘tailors’. Whenever any of those mouthpieces for their globalist masters opens his mouth he ignores the facts and spouts on oblivious to the truth. In a way, it is a form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NDP), a pathological mental condition that requires a fake narrative, as produced by the mind of the narcissist himself. It is a fake state of mind in which the individual falsely believes his understanding is correct and not open to any kind of healthy debate. 

Who are the tailors? In the case of Covid1984, it is a case of following the money. The international banks are behind the lockdown and the masquerade. For the perfect exemplar, the president of Belarusia was apparently subject to a bribe from World Bank, IMF : introduce these measures and you will qualify for a ‘loan’ of over $900m: 

“Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus: 

• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”

• force them to wear face masks

• impose very strict curfews

• impose a police state

• crash the economy

Source: ZeroHedge

Inevitably, the House of Rothschild has it extensive tentacles all over it. From their total dominance of the financial systems to their apparent patenting of the Covid1984 testing kits: 


In the words of Henry Makow PhD, who likens it to another children’s of cruel deception:

Time to grow up and face reality. The West has been totally subverted by a satanist cult of pedophiles installed by the Rothschild banking cartel. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Our feckless ancestors handed over the national credit cards to our worse enemies, bankers who happen to be Freemasons (Cabalists, Satanists.)

Most of our political and cultural leaders are witting or unwitting shills for the Rothschilds. They are traitors.

The Rothschild’s goal is to extend their monopoly over credit creation (currency) to a worldwide monopoly over everything: Power. Wealth. Culture. Thought. Behaviour. We’re talking about total control. This is the essence of Communism and the NWO.

The popular image of Communism as defender of the poor is nonsense. Communism was financed by the Rothschilds to blackmail plunder and destroy their rivals.” Source

The king is naked.

Those who see through it are akin to the boy in the story who calls out the naked emperor for a fool and all those duped ‘grown-ups’ who have gone along with the fake narrative. The exposure of the lie that there is such a thing as CovidNineteen is the same. As more and more see through it the cry goes up that the controllers are naked. 

What do Johnson and the others complicit in the swindle do? They try to cover up the lie with another lie, or deflection: thus we see the fake rise in rates as a result of a fake test, more local draconian measures and a mandatory mask wearing. However, if one owns one’s own body, how could mask wearing ever be mandatory? The psyop is saying, ‘Put a veil over your face, you are a disgrace.’

Unsurprisingly to those who are paying attention, Whitty and Vallance are being well-rewarded for their playing their part in the Covid1984 psycho-drama:

 The false narrative has always been dependent upon the incidence of ‘Covid Cases’. This is the way the cycle of lies goes:

  1. Set up a testing centre in a town or city.
  2. Encourage people to go and get ‘tested’ even if they are asymptomatic.
  3. Publish the fake results (93% false positives)
  4. Impose draconian local lockdown.
  5. Rinse and repeat.

This photo is of one such (fake) testing centre in Nottingham:

The fake narrative is one of ‘increased Covid1984 cases’, which are used to justify the tyranny. The reality is thus:

The fabric comes apart on the examination of the facts – namely, the ’emperor is naked’. It is not the truth that causes the suffering; it is the lies of those who ‘tailor’ the narrative for the benefit of the swindlers.

On a positive note, those responsible for the perpetration of the fraud against the people are being held to account by way of a Private Criminal Prosecution:

“I have major progress to report. A senior barrister who specialises in private criminal prosecutions for fraud asked for a telephone appointment this afternoon, to talk about taking on the pandemic fraud case against all the MP’s who didn’t vote to end the Coronavirus Act 2020.

Having already read the summary of the case, as well as the Notice of Intended Private Criminal Prosecution they were all served last week, this is an emphatic indication that they recognise that the arguments have merit. Otherwise, it would have been a polite “thanks, but no thanks”.

In the event they take the case, they will first have to agree to take instructions from myself, rather than a firm of solicitors, which is the non-negotiable condition of the complainant’s engagement of their services.

However, the case is very simple to understand and prosecute – each MP intentionally relied upon [and then caused the People to rely upon], a series of false statements, which caused the deaths of untold thousands, destroyed the economy and enabled unaccountable and tyrannical government, in breach of section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006, the Treason Felony Act 1348 and articles 1 and 2 of the Bill of Rights 1689.

Watch this space for further details as they unfold and rest assured that when [not if] these allegations are presented in a criminal court, there is no jury that wouldn’t convict every MP, as charged.”



Paul Fromm on Radio Free South Africa on the COVID Hoax, the White-hating Marxist Led BLMs & How We Can Fight Back

Paul Fromm on Radio Free South Africa on the COVID Hoax, the White-hating Marxist Led BLMs & How We Can Fight Back

Radio Free South Africa with host Schalk van der Merwe and guest Paul Fromm. Paul and Schalk discuss the Covid hoax, the destruction of the World’s economy, the White-hating BLM revolutionaries and the way we can fight the “fake news”.

Radio Free South Africa with host Schalk van der Merwe and guest Paul Fromm

BLOGTALKRADIO.COMRadio Free South Africa with host Schalk van der Merwe and guest Paul FrommOn Wednesday 19th august, 2020 Schalk has a tremendous interview with veteran free speech advocate, our good friend Mr Frederick Fromm. You really should listen to this one. Paul and Schalk discuss the Covid hoax, the destruction of the World’s economy and the way we can fight the “fake news”. http:…

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier hammers the hysteria & panic in Ontario’s ruinous lockdown. Offers some advice to angry Ontarians.

Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier hammers the hysteria & panic in Ontario’s ruinous lockdown. Offers some advice to angry Ontarians.

The government is constantly moving the goal posts with COVID, however it’s important to keep things in perspective and remember how and why we got where we are today, with a limited democracy, stunted economic activity, and stifling of our rights. I discuss some of the facts that have emerged now that we have more information and contrast them with the predictions that were used to justify shutting down our economy, preventing us from living fulfilling social lives and ushering in governments by decree that are not accountable to the public. If you believe our government policies are unreasonable and disproportionate to reality and need to consider this new information give the Premier a call, call the Minister of Health and contact your local MPP and tell them what and how you expect them to represent you.

Premier: doug.ford@pc.ola.org or premier@ontario.ca If his email bounces back, here is his phone number: 416-325-1941 Find Your MPP: https://www.ola.org/en/members