The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents

Paul Fromm

Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994

     The Wrecking Crew Tries to Remake Canada 

 *  Trashing the history of Canada’s European founding/settler people

*   Toppling statues

*  Cancelling Canada Day

*   The new passport

Talk given in Hamilton, Ontario, August 6, and Toronto, Victoria, Regina, and Winnipeg



Scarborough–Guildwood by-election

On July 27, 2023 ELECT
The FREEDOM CANDIDATE!  Paul’s qualifications B.A., B.Ed., M.A. Director or the Canadian Association for Free Expression Winner of the “George Orwell Free Speech Award” (1995) Former Educator & Former School Trustee Longtime supporter of the Canadian Wildlife Federation & Ducks

It is time to boot the bootlickers out of Queen’s Park.

Don’t like “the gang of three”?
There are other alternatives!
Scarborough–Guildwood Meet Your Candidate Paul Fromm PaulFromm@

Scarborough–Guildwood (CANADA)
Polling Day: July 27, 2023
How to Vote

Electoral District Number: 095
Elections Ontario Info.   Paul Fromm grew up in central Etobicoke. He attended High Power High School and served a term as a school trustee. With a B.A., M.A., and B.Ed., Mr. Fromm was an English instructor for25 years. Since 1997, he has been the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s foremost free speech advocacy group. Last Fall, he lobbied the Ontario Legislature opposing an anti-Christian piece of legislation which would criminalize expressions of opposition to abortion near abortion clinics or abortion providers.    He has lectured on free speech issues across Canada and the U.S. and in Australia, the U.K., Italy and Germany. Mr. Fromm has a nightly radio show devoted to politics and is co-host of “the Trump Phenomenon” on    Our federal and provincial politics are entirely top-down. Leaders make policy and MPPs have to fall into line. We need more independents who owe their allegiance to their constituents whom they regularly consult than to their party leaders. A vital issue for all of Toronto is the costly, debilitating traffic gridlock which is slowly choking traffic. MPPs should be demanding that Ottawa halt the immigration influx which is making traffic grind to a halt in Toronto and Vancouver and which is making housing all but unaffordable for young Canadian families.    Leadership and courage are needed on the part of MPPs to demand that the federal government fund the massive transportation costs to accommodate the people we already have here or stop the influx.      Thanks for voting.
Voters Echo – Paul Fromm’s take on freedom of speech and the Charter of Rights! 09 February 2016

My Twitter Account Was Suspended; CAFE Retains Legal Help

My Twitter Account Was Suspended; CAFE Retains Legal Help

The new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, has made a name for
himself opposing censorship and promised to free Twitter from
political censorship. He now has a chance to prove it. On April
24, I learned that my Twitter account which I have had for over a
decade had been suspended. I quickly learned that mine was not
the only one. Accounts belonging to fellow nationalists
broadcaster James Edwards, authors Professor Kevin
MacDonald and Dr. Tom Sunic, and the American Freedom
Party were suspended the same day, interestingly the same day
popular populist broadcaster Tucker Carlson was purged from
Fox News.

This was Twitter’s message: “After careful review, wedetermined your account broke the Twitter Rules. Your account
is permanently in read-only mode, which means you can’t Tweet,
Retweet, or Like content. You won’t be able to create new
accounts. If you think we got this wrong, you can submit an
appeal.”All five of us appealed. Mr. Edwards and I sent in threeappeals. Both Mr. Edwards and I have had our accounts for over a
decade and encountered no troubles. We asked what Twitter
Rules we had broken.
My appeal read: “My suspension came as ashock. I am not aware of breaking any Twitter rules. I wish to
know how I offended and ask that my account be restored. I
protest the denial of due process, any sort of a hearing or dialogue
or proper notice of exactly in what way I broke Twitter rules.”
There has been no response from Twitter to the various appeals.

Accordingly, CAFE reached out and obtained the assistance of a
prominent California lawyer to take our appeals further up the
food chain and, hopefully, directly to Elon Musk. — Paul Fromm

Musk’s Free Speech Schizophrenia

Musk’s Free Speech Schizophrenia

Realist ReportLeave a comment

“Censor not, lest ye be censored,” Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of Twitter, tweeted recently. Since purchasing Twitter, Musk has been vilified by the far left and liberal activist community for pledging to restore free speech on the platform, ostensibly allowing more conservative and right-wing voices space on one of the world’s largest and most influential social media sites.

That very same day, Monday, April 24, several notable right-wing dissidents were unceremoniously deplatformed and banned on Twitter with no explanation given. Popular talk radio personality James Edwards, the longtime host of The Political Cesspool, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, one of the leading dissident intellectuals who edits The Occidental Observer, Dr. Tom Sunic, a Croatian-American former diplomat, academic, and author, along with countless others had their increasingly popular Twitter accounts permanently banned.

Edwards explained to this reporter:

I had been on Twitter since 2016 and never once received a prior warning or reprimand. This wasn’t my second or third strike. This was an online assassination that went straight to a permanent ban. No reason was given.

I conduct myself professionally and have always been sure to responsibly present our arguments. I don’t quarrel with individuals on social media and have never even used profanity or crude rhetoric.

Simply put, by no reasonable standard of measurement could it be argued that I violated even the most ambiguous terms of service. This was just another case of naked censorship.

Dr. Kevin MacDonald noted he simply received an email with a subject line that read: “Your account is permanently suspended.”

The email continued:

After careful review, we determined your account broke the Twitter Rules. Your account is permanently in read-only mode, which means you can’t Tweet, Retweet, or Like content. You won’t be able to create new accounts. If you think we got this wrong, you can submit an appeal.

No reason was provided for the permanent ban, and no explanation was provided detailing in what specific way any Twitter Rules were violated.

“No reason was given and that’s also the case with James,” MacDonald told this reporter referring to the permanent ban. “We have appealed, asking for reasons but I rather doubt anything good will happen.”

Sunic, meanwhile, noted that the Twitter ban didn’t surprise him at all, arguing “that the censorship in the U.S. is continuing where the Soviet Union left off.”

Sunic wrote following his ban:

I know what I am talking about. My family and I were all proscribed in communist ex-Yugoslavia for several decades. My father, an ex-lawyer, even served prison time for “hostile anti-communist literature.”

Now we are witnessing the same intellectual purges, albeit adorned with fancy and demonic euphemisms such as “hate speech” and “ethnic sensitivity training” in the U.S. and EU—akin to the ex-Soviet People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs, i.e., the NKVD.

Several other dissident commentators were purged recently as well, including Andrew Anglin, editor and lead writer for The Daily Stormer, easily one of the most censored websites in the world. Paul Fromm, a Canadian free speech activist and occasional contributor to this newspaper, was also banned. It remains unclear what specific rules any of these activists, writers, and commentators broke, if any.

In addition to the recent censoring of popular dissidents, many other content creators and political activists have been permanently banned for months now. Mike Peinovich, Joseph Jordan, Warren Balogh, and others associated with the National Justice Party (NJP), a burgeoning political movement dedicated to advocating “for White civil rights, the working and middle class, and the traditional family against our corrupt and illegitimate institutions,” have been shut down and censored on Twitter. Links to the organization’s website are also banned from even being shared on the platform.

Patriotic Alternative, a similar right-wing political movement based in the UK, and its leadership and affiliated organizations are also permanently banned on Twitter. Additionally, Nick Fuentes, a leading political commentator and organizer based in Chicago, is also banned on the platform.

Laura Towler, a leader with Patriotic Alternative, recently pointed out:

Twitter censorship is worse under Elon Musk than it ever was before. Not only are most of our accounts suspended still/again, but so are URLs to websites like Patriotic Alternative and NJP. This makes it almost impossible to share any [public] activism, direct people to solutions, or even recruit people to sign up. People are able to lie about us and we have no ability to defend ourselves.

Warren Balogh also powerfully argued that censorship under Musk is even more extreme than it was previously, noting that Musk purchased “the most important social media platform in the world for political discourse, with the promise to restore free speech, then [has made] it more restrictive than it ever was for dissident individuals and parties in the West at the wishes of the ADL [Anti-Defamation League.—Ed.].”

Balogh explained:

This is what we get living under the arbitrary rule of an oligarchy of degenerate billionaires. This whole system has to go, including oligarchs like Musk who think they are gods, and the world and all our most fundamental freedoms are their playthings, that they can amuse themselves with or discard when they get bored.

Shortly after purchasing Twitter, which was a long, drawn-out process fraught with controversy and conflict, Musk openly stated that, under his watch, the platform would allow all speech that the First Amendment specifically protects.

“By ‘free speech,’ I simply mean that which matches the law,” Musk tweeted on April 26, 2022. “I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law.”

Musk’s mixed messaging and outright schizophrenic thinking on free speech matters continues to grow. While denouncing censorship on his personal Twitter account, which receives millions of views, his underlings at the social media behemoth censor legitimate and responsible right-wing dissidents that have long been in the crosshairs of organized special interest groups like the ADL, who work overtime to cancel and shut down their opposition.

NB: This article was originally published by American Free Press on May 17, 2023. Subscribe to America’s last real newspaper today!

CAFE Joins Freedom Fighter Rally in Oakville

CAFE Joins Freedom Fighter Rally in Oakville

OAKVILLE, ONTARIO, May 13, 2023. Over 300 people, many veterans of last last year’s Truckers Freedom Convoy rallied here this evening. There was great fellowship, dancing and renewed commitment to fight tyranny, mandates and Globalism, and, above all, the totalitarian regime of Justin Trudeau.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm

Alternative Forum Celebrates It’s 45th Anniversary

Alternative Forum Celebrates It’s 45th Anniversary

It stared back in January, 1979, For 45 years, the Alternative Forum in Toronto has held a monthly meeting (except during part of the COVID madness lockdowns) featuring a speaker or film on freedom related issues. Our first speaker was Prof. W. Harding le Riche of the University of Toronto. We have had MPs like Conservatives Don Blenkarn and the Hon. Alvin Hamilton and Liberals like Roseanne Skoke. We have had writers and lawyers.

We celebrated our 45th anniversary with Director Paul Fromm’s talk:

The Red Chinese Threat to Canada’s Economy, Elections & Security

* Wholesale espionage

* That secret Winnipeg lab infiltrated by Chinese scientist — Trudeau’s coverup

* Those 11 federal ridings targetted by Red Chinese money in 2019 — Trudeau’s coverup

* Red Chinese police stations in Toronto & Vancouver — yes, really!

CAFE Participates in Weekly Victoria Freedom Rally in Front of B.C. Legislature

CAFE Participates in Weekly Victoria Freedom Rally in Front of B.C. Legislature

CAFE Participates in Weekly Victoria Freedom Rally in Front of B.C. Legislature

“|Victoria is now my 18th city,” said CAFE Director Paul Fromm as he joined the weekly Saturday Freedom Rally in front of the B.C. Legislature. “This is the 18th city, in two provinces, where I’ve joined End the Lockdown/freedom rallies since April, 200,” he added. Several CAFE associates regularly attend the Victoria rallies.

“It is such a joyous atmosphere. People hug old friends and complete strangers,” Mr. Fromm added. “And not a mask to be seen anywhere!”

Two carloads of people came down from Nanaimo. A Chinese man who is a strong supporter of Taiwan comes over every weekend form Vancouver. One man handed out peanut butter and jam sandwiches to anyone who wanted one.

Members of the same group picket the offices of CHEK, the local Fake News television channel, every Wednesday.