Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson — Incremental Shoving Back Against the ‘Trans’ Insanity


Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson — Incremental Shoving Back Against the ‘Trans’ Insanity


I had a mind to drive for Pearson College, which is just around the corner from me in Metchosin.  It would have been a good gig … but their policy on GENDER DIVERSITY is so bad it’s laughable … insanity writ large.

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September 10 2019

Pearson College UWCAttention :
Tyrone Pile ; Deana Cuthbert ;  Shelley Seysener ; Susan Duffel-Warthe ; Reese Harrison

from : Gordon Watson
This is my notice that I hereby withdraw my application to be an on-call driver for the College.Having read the documents delivered by surface mail,  it is clear that my own position within the so-called “trans” controversy is antithetical to your  GENDER DIVERSITY POLICY    to the extent that I am not able to co-operate with such insanity.
I am a long-time political activist, lately on the front line of court actions to do with the “transgender” nonsense being pretext for outlawing freedom of expression.   I could submit a few hundred pages explaining why the whole “trans”  thing is a textbook example of mass hysteria, but one quick overview will suffice :   following by regular surface mail will be the essay   “Transgender is a fad worth rejecting”

I recommend that the College make  “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” by Charles Mackay,  required reading for all-concerned … it’s the classic work explaining how human beings go crazy in herds, then regain common sense one person at a time.

As King Solomon said “this too shall pass”.  Meanwhile,  the College better pay attention to the lawsuits now underway in which parents of children who suffered at the hands of quacks in the ‘transgender’ racket,  are suing those practitioners and also the institutions which enabled medical malpractice.    As I write this, a lawsuit is being prepared by parents of children who were in care of the BC Children’s Hospital with that cause of action.  Being in the place of a parent for its students,  Pearson College has the duty to inform thy-self as to ALL of the readily available information on this topic before presuming the science is settled ; it most certainly is not.  In light of expert opinion on the harms done to individuals who once did present as “transgender”, then regained their sanity,   the College ought to get professional legal advice re    counselling an indictable offence /  ‘criminal negligence’

Yours truly
Gordon Watson

The War Zone in Jasper by Monika Schaefer (former political prisoner)

The War Zone in Jasper

by Monika Schaefer (former political prisoner)

I have often said that we are in a war, not a war of our choosing, but a war that has been foisted onto us by the self-declared enemy of humanity. In the absence of bombs, most people do not realize that we are in a war. It is a war of infiltration, subversion, contamination, demoralization, destruction from within. They conduct Psychological Warfare, by way of deception, political correctness, criminalization of speech, and ritual defamation of truth-tellers.

The Jews (and their minions) in Jasper seem to be ramping up their war against this truth-teller. Perhaps they cannot abide by the fact that I am having success, nor can they abide by the fact that I keep on talking. In fact, they are getting quite hysterical.

Two incidents happened just yesterday.

I posted an item for sale on the Jasper AB, Buy, Sell and Trade Facebook site. Immediately someone showed interest. Next came a comment by Jessica Gomes, “warning” people that this seller is the same person as…”convicted holocaust denier…” then she linked to an article all about me being jailed. Someone else commented back something to the effect of

hey, she may be fucked, but she is just selling a cheap bike. Let her sell the bike.

Jessica Gomes immediately responded with a pack of lies, about me stalking her, calling her the little Jewess, playing [the violin] in front of her shop for hours, harassing and threatening her. I responded with a comment asking her if she always just made up random stuff like that.

I had no idea what this woman even looked like! I do not know her – so all of that was simply fabricated out of her sick imagination. Once again, a Jew reveals herself to me – according to her own comment.

As an aside, I do recall that about two years ago she wrote a letter called Hate begins with Words to the editor of a newspaper called The Jasper Local. I wrote about it in an article called “Local Letters: an Inquisition”.

Wanting to take a screen shot I switched from the small pop-ups of these comments to the main screen, but just then the comment thread disappeared. The site’s admin must have noticed the inappropriate conversation.

Tired of being the punching bag, I decided to take action and went to the RCMP to make a complaint. The officer took my statement and listened to my story. Later that day I received a phone call from him telling me that “she won’t be doing THAT again!” She had been venting her anger, she told him. Well I was just selling a bicycle and she can take her anger and park it elsewhere. The officer agreed. The file was now put to rest, but she had been warned.

As if one daily adventure isn’t enough, my busking hour provided yet more entertainment – more than just music. The busking spot is in a small open square surrounded by shops on three sides and a passenger-pick-up zone in front. It has generally been an excellent spot for busking. On this day, I felt something was different. It felt strange. It felt as though there was an invisible hand at work, causing a state of unease. People walked by in zombie state, or veered away, evaded looking at me, as though I was not there. Except for children. They turned towards me, tugging at their parents hands. A few tourists crossed over from the other side of the street to greet me and chat, and those were absolutely normal and natural in their responses, just like any other day.

At the end of my hour, as I was packing up getting ready to leave, I spotted “the problem”. A very animated guy was talking to the tourists on the park bench near me, pointing at me, telling them

she is a convicted Nazi, she went to jail… bla bla bla


So this is how it is now! These Locals simply cannot stand it that I might be earning a penny or two – I have observed many a local leering at my open violin case full of money that the appreciative tourists have happily thrown in.

Mr. busy-body-animated-guy from yesterday unfortunately has no name – in my astonishment I forgot to ask him his name. A loud confrontation ensued. Many people stood transfixed; even the shop-keepers stepped out to see what the commotion was all about. The guy probably thought I would be embarrassed by what he was telling the tourists and that I would try to deny it and slink away. No such luck! I loudly questioned him,

is this the kind of world you want to live in, where people go to jail simply for speaking? Is this the kind of world you want to live in where we cannot talk about history, we cannot have discussion and debate, we cannot examine evidence, without risking incarceration? If so, we are all enslaved!

Then I marched right over to where he had sat down, and loudly challenged him to a debate. I asked him if he still believed the official story about 9/11 and the 19 Arabs with box-cutters. He blew up at that!

I have noticed this phenomenon recently that when you ask a Jew about 9/11 (I am assuming he is a Jew, or at the very least a Jew-helper – to put it mildly), they get really mad! It was the second time in two days that I encountered that anger when I brought up 9/11. Is it because they all KNOW that we ALL have that one figured out? And that we know that they know that we know…? ha ha, they just get angry!

He then shouted in my face,

Do you believe that 6 million Jews were gassed in the holocaust?

Laughing, I replied that there were not even 6 million Jews living in all of Europe at the time! He turned, as though victorious, to the crowd and screeched at them,

London Forum - Alfred Schaefer - 1907 Did six million Really Die? montage

See?! She doesn’t believe that 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis!!!!!

He thought he had a “gotcha” moment, the way he was grandstanding hysterically. He pretended to win a big victory. Wow. It would be hilarious if it was not so serious. They paint me as the hater and the nutcase. If ever there was a demonstration of both those lovely characteristics, he certainly outdid himself yesterday. I think the last laugh was on him.

Salim Mansur Introduces Maxime Bernier & Thunders “Free Speech is the Mother of Our Freedoms”

Salim Mansur Introduces Maxime Bernier & Thunders “Free Speech is the Mother of Our Freedoms”


MISSISSAUGA, July 24, 2019. Before an enthusiastic crowd that frequently leapt to its feet applauding, Salim Mansur delivered a ringing defence of free speech as he introduced People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier who unveiled his party’s immigration programme.

“Free speech in the mother of all freedoms,” the retired associate professor of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario thundered. “There is a crisis of courage in Ottawa,” the author of several books critical of radical Islam argued.


“Until a few weeks ago, I was the Conservative candidate for London North Centre. On June 10, I was informed that the party leadership had disallowed my candidacy. There were no reasons given. There was no hearing. Apparently, the party leadership viewed me as a liability because of my criticism if Islamism. My candidacy was disallowed due to political correctness.” The first person to call offering his support was Maxime Bernier, an old friend, who promptly asked him to be the People’s Party of Canada candidate in London North Centre.


“Our political system has turned into an  empty shell full of politically correct slogans,” he said. Today, the views of Sir John A. Macdonald, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Louis St. Laurent and John Diefenbaker are disallowed  as politically incorrect by our leaders. “We will not accept these measures by those who would censor us, Freedom of speech is the foundation of our liberal democratic society. Under Maxime Bernier’s leadership, freedom of speech will be the first order of business.”


A practising Moslem himself, Professor Mansur warned that, in efforts to appease the Muslim Brotherhood, Justin Trudeau seeks to censor any criticism of Islamism. Globalism and Islamism are like Siamese twins. Islamism is dedicated to imposing sharia law. Globalism is the ideology emanating from the UN and the European Union.” If globalism and Islamism prevail over our Canadian national identity, “we will be ruled by shadowy unelected ideologues in New York, Brussels and Geneva.”

Furthermore, he warned: “We cannot discuss immigration or national security, if we cannot discuss Islamism.” Concluding to wild applause, Professor Mansur said: “The People’s Party of Canada is the only party to resolutely oppose globalism and Islamism and the UN-driven globalist agenda.”

Radical trans activist hits Christian with $35K ‘human rights’ complaint for injured ‘dignity’

Bill Whatcott. David Cooke via YouTube
Calvin Freiburger Calvin Freiburger Follow Calvin


Radical trans activist hits Christian with $35K ‘human rights’ complaint for injured ‘dignity’

PETITION: Tell Rights Tribunal to THROW OUT cases of trans ‘woman’ demanding females wax his genitals Sign the petition here.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian trans activist who has drawn global headlines for demanding female beauticians wax his male genitals and attempting to organize LGBT “swim parties” for children is now going after Christian activist Bill Whatcott for publicly referring to him as male.

Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv is a man who “identifies” as a woman. He recently rose to prominence for filing 16 complaints against local beauticians who offer bikini waxes to actual women but have refused to wax his male genitals, then for seeking permission from the Township of Langley, British Columbia, for “LGBTQ2S” groups to hold topless-optional swimming parties for “all people aged 12+,” with parents and guardians barred from attending.

Whatcott is a Christian social conservative activist whom the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal fined $55,000 in March for distributing a flyer identifying trans activist and former political candidate Ronan “Morgane” Oger as a “biological male,” which the court deemed an affront to Oger’s “dignity, feelings and self-respect.”

In a post Tuesday at the Free North America forums, Whatcott revealed that Yaniv is seeking $35,000 for “gender identity or expression” discrimination for publicly referring to him in sidewalk preaching and a flyer as a “biological male” and a “transvestite deviant” looking to “prey on vulnerable biological women.”

The complaint alleges that by stating the facts of Yaniv’s gender and expressing a negative opinion about his public activities, Whatcott has caused him “immense injury to dignity and self respect,” “incited hatred towards myself,” and “clearly intended to injure and, regardless of his intent, did injure the my privacy, dignity, and economic interests by calling attention to my sex and gender identity in a hateful manner.”

“God has created two sexes, and your gender identity should align with reality,” Whatcott declares in the video the complaint highlights. “If you choose to believe something fake, if you choose to believe you’re a woman when in fact you were born a biological male, I feel sorry for you. But you have no right to impose that falsehood on me. You have no right to impose that falsehood on other Canadians.”

“Really, these so-called human rights complaints are all an offense to real democratic principles and when it comes to complaints involving so-called transgender complainants the process is an offense to reality itself,” Whatcott responded to the complaint. “What is clear to me is if these frivilous (sic) and vexatious complaints continue (and all indicators are the BCHRT is happy to spend taxpayer’s money entertaining them) the ability to use peaceful speech to challenge the mostly fraudulent claims of the LGBT agenda, especially as it pertains to so-called gender theory will be gutted.

“No doubt Yaniv and the BCHRT would be really happy if I incurred the cost of another lawyer and expended all sorts of energy to defend myself,” he continued. “I believe we Christians have to do something different and indeed we have to work to reform our country and remove the ability of cultural Marxists and malcontents to use the power of the state to silence our speech.

“Beyond pointing to Christ as our ultimate answer, I have no solution as to how to Canadians can regain our freedom,” Whatcott lamented. “I think the judgments I am facing and the ordeal these 16 female estheticians have faced at the hands of a sick predator and a corrupt human rights tribunal is clear evidence our courts and political system is corrupt and I see no mass uprising on the horizon of outraged Canadians demanding to have their freedom back.”

Apart from the transgender ideology issues at play, some speculate Yaniv may simply be a male heterosexual predator using “gender identity” as a pretext to prey upon women and girls (he identifies as a lesbian, indicating he remains sexually attracted to the people he wants to wax his genitals and share locker-room space with).

The Daily Caller reported that Yaniv has a record of disturbing texts about being in locker rooms with girls as young as age 10, asking questions like, “If there’s like 30 girls in the change room, how many of them would you say are out there changing freely with their vaginas and tits out?” and, “What are some things that girls do like in the bathroom stall and in the change room that I should be doing to make myself more a girl,” specifying that he was asking about “the gross stuff.”

Moreover, Oger himself has accused Yaniv of “outrageously inappropriate acts, some towards children who are tweens and teens,” spanning 2013 to 2018.” Yaniv is alleged to have attempted to solicit phone numbers from teenage girls online, and to have taken photographs of underage girls at a beauty pageant without permission.

For his part, Whatcott says he may be willing to sit down with Yaniv for mediation, noting that while he doesn’t have the money for the damages Yaniv seeks, “I have Good News that I can share and a treasure more long lasting and beneficial to his well being than money.”

All Aboard with Transgender Ideology

All Aboard with Transgender Ideology


 BC Ferries—steering a course set by the transgender lobby and its political agents

On Thursday night I attended a Campbell River meeting of the Freedom Defence Council, a growing grass roots made-in-Vancouver Island group of some 200 social conservatives.. The meeting was intense, informative and geared for action. The discussion moved from the broader picture—the demolition of our Christian heritage and culture and the war on free speech —to the immediate threat posed by the aggressively imperialistic transgender lobby, insatiable in its appetite for more public spaces to occupy.

Specifically, it was about the alarming imposition of LGTBQ posters and banners and flags on city owned facilities, and the implementation of a trans-friendly curriculum in schools.  To give you a measure of these conquests,   on Pride Day, the public library even hosted a Drag Queen Folk Tales event for children! Lesbian sex toys were  on full display at a nearby waterside public park—with  children in close proximity! Dolls are apparently passé. Dildos are the rage now.

The conclusion is inescapable.  Children are being sexualized with few ‘safe’ spaces to find refuge.  One powerful lobby group has claimed the public space.  Their message:  Move over or go home—and shut up.  The media and the politicians are on our side and the BC Human Rights Tribunal stands behind us.

Hmm.  This sounds pretty alarmist. Are things really that bad? Are the barbarians really at the gates, or inside them?  The answer came soon.

When I took the returning ferry to Quadra Island, I noticed that the ship was flying the rainbow Pride flag,  17 days after Pride Day! This is on  a taxpayer subsidised ship! Which made me think that it would be appropriate if the BC Ferries Corp. was renamed the” BC Fairies Corp”.  Should that change transpire, I may one day feel compelled to do something I would never have dreamed of doing.  I may have to run to catch a fairy. But I will be damned if I’m ever made to ride one! I’d rather swim.

If the BC Ferries Corp was indeed to become the BC Fairies Corp maybe the CEO should be replaced in favour of a Rear Admiral, eg. Svend Robinson. After all, every vessel in the fleet can unload at either end, although docking can be problematic at times.   Since most ships are referred to as “she”, as in “there she blows”, it is certain that this sexist practice will be soon come to an end when our progressive provincial NDP-Green government realizes that the fate of the nation depends on its immediate termination.  Every ship must eventually be referred to using a non-binary pronoun, or maybe a traditional pronoun with a gay male connotation, as in “there he blows”.

 Perhaps BC Fairies vessels could be gender fluid. They could leave one terminal as a ‘she’, and arrive at the destination terminal as a ‘he’, depending on the fluctuating mood of the non-binary captain who was hired to meet the new quota targets. “ The Queen of New Westminster” could leave the Tsawassen terminal at 11 am and be received 90 minutes later in Swartz Bay as “The King of New Westminster”.  Alternatively, the vessel could simply be called the “Drag Queen of New Westminster”, a venue for reading Queer Folk Tales to children with or without parental approval or supervision. Tsawassen-to-Swartz Bay and back could then become a world class trans-portation route.

 If the vessel should collide with another, take on water and begin to sink, the “women and children first” protocol would have to be changed to a “gender dysphoric children and gender fluid mothers first” rule. Biological male passengers eager to claim a seat on a lifeboat would not need to offer proof that they are actually women–they need only declare that they presently ‘identify’ as a woman. Any ship officer or crew who would challenge such an assertion would be subject to immediate dismissal and a BC Human Rights complaint adjudicated by political hacks.  To hammer that point home, vessels would be re-christened to honour the contributions of trans activists who have contributed so much to our progressive and tolerant society, especially in the area of free speech. How does “MTV Morgane Oger” sound? It would be designated as the Mother Ship of the fleet, but It wouldn’t need a wide berth owing to the fact that it can’t give birth.

Seriously, as one speaker at the meeting said, “Things are moving so fast that if we don’t soon get off our butts, organize and ACT now, it will be game over….for one thing, we need the ability to call upon a quick response group to counteract Antifa and LGBT bully groups who show up to shout us down…..of those in our congregations who feel as strongly as we do, many feel too intimidated to stand up to them……as a result, our children are being abducted by this evil cult, made ever more powerful by the ardent support it receives from local council, the provincial government, and the local media…. (words to that effect).

The issue here is not just about free speech, but the flagrant transgression of the formerly respected boundary between ideology and state.  The former is the privilege of the elected custodians of the state, and the latter is, or should be, a neutral instrument employed impartially for the benefit of all taxpayers regardless of their political orientation.  In an authentically democratic nation, civil servants, public sector employees and the institutions they work in should be politically neutral.  In Canada, neither the RCMP, nor a City Hall, nor a public school, nor a public library, nor a publicly subsidized ferry—to cite a few examples—should dare display a political message that promotes a given ideology no matter how many citizens there are who may ascribe to it.  That’s basic Canadian Civics 101.

But in the emerging soft totalitarian society, the Party that controls the state, feels little compunction in using public resources to propagate a partisan line and commandeering  state property for use as a platform for that same purpose.  In this case, they frame their shameless display of rainbow flags and posters as an acknowledgement and celebration of the ‘diversity’ that exists in our society. But they celebrate cultural or sexual ‘diversity’  to the utter neglect of the ideological diversity that is as much a reality in the community as anything else.  The Left is keen on the diversity of people, but not on the diversity of ideas.  They are all for “inclusion”, but their inclusion is not inclusive of ideas and views they detest.

 They assume that all taxpayers are on the same page. They pretend that Christians and social conservatives do not exist, or if they do, are too marginal and too out of sync with the times to warrant consideration. In their eyes, conservative thought or expression is an atavism that needs to be suppressed, silenced and ignored, until its aged proponents  pass into the dustbin of history. The implication is clear.  Bigots pay taxes, but they do not deserve representation—or an audience for that matter. Consequently, our entreaties and LTEs are ignored.

 Soon, it seems, the rainbow flag will be a permanent feature of every flag pole every day of every week in the calendar. The most worrisome part of this story is, as a few speakers pointed out, the active dissidents are predominantly male, white and over 60, and the pastors are too timid and ostrich-like to lead them or rally younger parishioners to the cause.  They choose to ignore the fact that if the bullies continue to have their way,  ten years hence their churches may be on life support. If that.  The window is rapidly closing and having feasted on blood,  the sharks are circling ever closer. We need the younger generation to step up and pick up the torch. That was the consensus.

Tim Murray

Monika Schaefer Gets Some Books Back from Customs Censors Thieves, Some Must Be Appealed

Monika Schaefer Gets Some Books Back from Customs Censors Thieves, Some Must Be Appealed 

CBSA Notice of Determination: Some Books Good, Some Books Bad

Two of the five books seized from me at the Calgary airport back in April have been returned to me, along with a Notice of Determination. What follows is my letter of appeal.

2019 June 26

Prohibited Importations Unit
Canada Border Services Agency
c/o CBSA Mail Processing Unit
2215 Gladwin Crescent, Entrance C
Ottawa Ontario, K1A 0L8

RE: Seizure of personal books at Calgary YYC Airport on 2019/04/24
This is my SECOND written correspondence.

Regional control No. 2019-7011-K19-0001; PIU No. 2019-0041

I have received two of the five stolen books back, thank you very much. A Notice of Determination was sent with the books, as well as a copy of the Notice by mail. I am hereby appealing the Notice of Determination.

The returned books are:
⁃ Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” by Germar Rudolf
⁃ Government by Deception by Jan Lamprecht

The books remaining in your (temporary) possession are:
⁃ The Commission by Richard Barrett
⁃ The Great Impersonation – The Mask of Edom by Pastor Eli James
⁃ Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol 1 by Eli James & Clay Douglas

I am asking, nay, telling you to send back the latter three books immediately. The seizure of those books constitutes theft. I did not consent and I do not consent to the theft of my books.

It is nobody else’s business which books I choose to read. I did not write these books. I wished to read them. They were my personal property. I did not have commercial quantities; they were single copies, not for sale. The attempt to control what I read or do not read constitutes thought control.

Singling me out at the airport in Calgary was an attempt at intimidation and pure harassment.

It is of great interest to me that the Notice of Determination has, as part of the generic form, a list which outlines exactly that which the “identifiable group” is guilty of. Why else would there be such a detailed and precise list? It proves the point, that there is such an “identifiable group” guilty of exactly those things!

The following is on the official classification (D9-1-15) form, with check boxes beside each item.


Alleging that an identifiable group:
▪ is to blame for serious economic or social problems
▪ manipulates media/trade/politics/government to the detriment of society
▪ is inferior/superior
▪ weakens or threatens society

Who is the judge of truth? Could it be that the very group which is implied by “identifiable group” is guilty of all those things, and that they have cleverly made it an offense to talk or write about it? Just a little food for thought for the servants of the system.

I insist that my books be sent to me without delay, at your expense. I also insist on receiving a copy of your entire report in this file.


Monika Schaefer

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (429) Paul Fromm – Not Enough Free Speech And Too Much Immigration

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (429) Paul Fromm – Not Enough Free Speech And Too Much Immigration


On today’s show I was joined by Paul Fromm to discuss, “Not Enough Free Speech And Too Much Immigration.”

We discussed: Paul’s background; how he was fired from his teaching post in 1997 after suffering years of attacks by the Jewish lobby; how he has been warning for decades about the attack on free speech which we are now experiencing; how all the laws in White nations elevating Third World immigration above White Race immigration, were introduced in 1965; why politicians in White nations keep telling us diversity is our greatest strength; and many other topics.

Click Here To Listen To The Show

Click Here For Paul’s, “Canadian Association For Free Expression,” Website

Click Here For Paul’s, “Canada First Immigration Reform Committee,” Website

Click Here For The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show Archive Where You Can Listen To Or Download All My Shows



Jim Rizoli interviews Paul Fromm, Aug 18, 2017, discussing the Tribute to Ernst Zundel and the manufactured crisis that is called CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, violence compliments of the Alt-Left.

Captain Airhead Strikes Again!


The Canadian Red Ensign



Captain Airhead Strikes Again!

It has been almost two years since a gullible Canadian electorate was duped into giving the Liberal Party a majority government in the last Dominion election. This means that that government, headed by Captain Airhead, is approaching the half-way point in its four year mandate. It has recently been reported that the Grits have passed less than half the legislation in that time than the previous Conservative government had. This is not surprising. The Prime Minister has been far too busy flying around the world, handing out money, and looking for photo-ops, all at the taxpayers’ expense, to actually do the job of governing the country. John Ibbitson, writing in the Globe and Mailmade the observation that “the amount of legislation a Parliament creates matters less than the quality of that legislation.” As true as that is, the quality of the bills the Trudeau Grits have passed is enough to make one wish that they had, the moment they were sworn in, called a term-length recess of Parliament and sent every member on a four-year paid Caribbean vacation.

One example of this is Bill C-16, which passed its third-reading in the Senate on Thursday, June 15th and which was signed into law by the Governor-General on Monday, June 19th. Bill C-16 is a bill which amends both the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code. To the former it adds “gender identity or expression” to the list of grounds of discrimination prohibited by the Act. To the latter it adds the same to Section 318, the “hate propaganda” clause of the Code. The Canadian Human Rights Act and Section 318 of the Criminal Code were both inflicted upon us by the present premier’s father in his long reign of terror and it would have been better had the present Parliament passed legislation striking both out of existence rather than amending them to increase the number of ways in which they can be used to persecute Canadians. When, a century and a half ago, the Fathers of Confederation put together the British North America Act which, coming into effect on July 1, 1867, established the Dominion of Canada as a new nation within what would soon develop into the British Commonwealth of Nations, their intention was to create a free country, whose citizens, English and French, as subjects of the Crown, would possess all the freedoms and the protection of all the rights that had accumulated to such in over a thousand years of legal evolution. The CHRA and Section 318 do not belong in such a country – they are more appropriate to totalitarian regimes like the former Soviet Union, Maoist China, and the Third Reich.

The CHRA, which Parliament passed in 1977 during the premiership of Pierre Trudeau, prohibits discrimination on a variety of grounds including race, religion, sex, and country of origin. It applies in a number of different areas with the provision of goods and services, facilities and accommodations, and employment being chief among them. Those charged with enforcing this legislation have generally operated according to an unwritten rule that it is only discrimination when whites, Christians, and males are the perpetrators rather than the victims, but even if that were not the case, the very idea of a law of this sort runs contrary to the basic principles of our traditional freedoms and system of justice. It dictates to employers, landlords, and several other people, what they can and cannot be thinking when conducting the everyday affairs of their business. It establishes a special police force and court – the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunal respectively – to investigate and sit in judgement upon those private thoughts and prejudices. Those charged do not have the protection of the presumption of innocence because the CHRA is classified as civil rather than criminal law.

There are more protections for defendants under Section 318 because it is part of the Criminal Code but it is still a bad law. Incitement of criminal violence was already against the law long before Section 318 was added. It is not, therefore, the incitement of criminal violence per se that Section 318 was introduced to combat, for the existing laws were sufficient, but the thinking and verbal expression of thoughts that the Liberal Party has decided Canadians ought not to think and speak.

Bill C-16 takes these bad laws and makes them even worse. By adding “gender identity and expression” to the prohibited grounds of discrimination the Liberals are adding people who think and say that they belong to a gender that does not match up with their biological birth sex to the groups protected from discrimination. Now, ordinarily when people think they are something they are not, like, for example, the man who thinks he is Julius Caesar, we, if we are decent people, would say that this is grounds for pity and compassion, but we would not think of compelling others to go along with the delusion. Imagine a law that says that we have to regard a man who thinks he is Julius Caesar as actually being the Roman general! Such a law would be crazier than the man himself!

Bill C-16 is exactly that kind of law. Don’t be fooled by those who claim otherwise. The discrimination that trans activists, the Trudeau Liberals and their noise machine, i.e., the Canadian media, and everyone else who supports this bill, all want to see banned, is not just the refusing of jobs or apartments to transgender people but the refusal to accept as real a “gender identity” that does not match up with biological sex. Dr. Jordan Peterson, a professor at the University of Toronto who has been fighting this sort of nonsense at the provincial level for years, and who testified against the Bill before the Senate committee that reviewed it, has warned that it could lead to someone being charged with a “hate crime” for using the pronoun – “he” or “she” – that lines up with a person’s birth sex, rather than some alternative pronoun made-up to designate that person’s “gender identity.” Supporters of the bill have mocked this assertion but we have seen this sort of thing before – progressives propose some sort of measure, someone points out that the measure will have this or that negative consequence, the progressives ridicule that person, and then, when the measure is passed and has precisely the negative consequences predicted, say that those negatively affected deserved it in the first place.

Indeed, progressive assurances that Peterson’s fears are unwarranted ring incredibly hollow when we consider that the Ontario Human Rights Commission has said that “refusing to refer to a trans person by their chosen name and a personal pronoun that matches their gender identity” would be considered discrimination under a similar clause in Ontario’s provincial Human Rights Code, if it were to take place in a context where discrimination in general is prohibited, such as the workplace. Bruce Pardy, Professor of Law at Queen’s University, writing in the National Post, explains that this new expansion of human rights legislation goes way beyond previous “hate speech” laws in its infringement upon freedom of speech. “When speech is merely restricted, you can at least keep your thoughts to yourself,” Pardy writes, but “Compelled speech makes people say things with which they disagree.”

It is too much, perhaps, to expect Captain Airhead to understand or care about this. Like his father before him – and indeed, every Liberal Prime Minister going back to and including Mackenzie King – he has little to no appreciation of either the traditional freedoms that are part of Canada’s British heritage or the safeguards of those freedoms bequeathed us by the Fathers of Confederation in our parliamentary government under the Crown. For a century, Liberal governments have whittled away at every parliamentary obstacle to the absolute power of a Prime Minister backed by a House majority. The powers of the Crown, Senate, and the Opposition in the House to hold the Prime Minister and his Cabinet accountable have all been dangerously eroded in this manner. Last year the present government attempted to strip Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition of what few means it has left of delaying government legislation. The motion in question was withdrawn after the Prime Minister came under strong criticism for behaving like a spoiled, bullying, petty thug in the House but it revealed his character. These Opposition powers are a necessary safeguard against Prime Ministerial dictatorship but Captain Airhead, the son of an admirer of Stalin and Mao, regards them, like the freedoms they protect, as an unacceptable hindrance to his getting his way as fast as he possibly can. Years ago, George Grant wrote that the justices of the American Supreme Court in Roe v Wade had “used the language of North American liberalism to say yes to the very core of fascist thought – the triumph of the will.” This is also the modus operandi of Captain Airhead and the Liberal Party of Canada.

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