Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


Open Letter to Canadian Government RE: CBSA Modern-day Book Burning

Open Letter to Canadian Government RE: CBSA Modern-day Book Burning

17FridayJan 2020

Posted by Monika in CanadaCBSAFree SpeechjewsSchaefer – MonikaUncategorized


I spent a few hours putting together a comprehensive list of all 338 Canadian Members of Parliament E-mail addresses, as well as over 100 Senators (the house of sober second thought), and sent them the following open letter on 2020 January 16. For background to this story, please see my last article from September 2019 here, and within that article are links to earlier articles about this Orwellian saga.


RE: Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) theft of privately owned books at Calgary Airport


On 24 April 2019 upon my return from the USA to Calgary airport, five books were seized / stolen from me by the Canada Border Services Agency. I had been flagged, and was harassed and detained for three hours.

I wrote three letters, May 3rd, July 2nd, August 12th, 2019 plus an appeal October 18, 2019 to the CBSA, in an effort to get my books back.

Two out of five books were returned to me, and the others were deemed to constitute “hate propaganda”, prohibited under Customs tariff item 9899.00.00 pursuant to section 58 of the Customs Act.

The 3 books which are still in the possession of the CBSA are:

  • The Commission   by Richard Barrett
  • The Great Impersonation – The Mask of Edom   by Pastor Eli James
  • Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol. 1  by Eli James and Clay Douglas

The explanatory form that was sent to me had the following boxes checked off, indicating what the so-called “offence” was:

Alleging that an identifiable group:

  • is to blame for serious economic or social problems
  • manipulates media/trade/finance/politics/government to the detriment of society
  • is inferior/superior
  • weakens or threatens society

There was no indication that it mattered or not whether these forbidden allegations were grounded in truth. Truth is not relevant here. It only matters that certain things (the Truth?) are not allowed to be said or read.

Ultimately I was supposed to PROVE that the stolen books were NOT “hate” by providing evidence that they were not hate. The absurdity of the entire debacle reached a level not possible in a sane society. Allow me to quote from my third letter to the CBSA dated August 12, 2019.

First, the deadline for rebuttal is impossible to meet. Your letter, dated July 16, 2019, took 9 days to reach me.[…] Your letter stipulated that you must receive, by mail, my evidence and arguments within 14 days of the date on your letter[…]. If my letter took as long to reach you as yours to reach me, it would already have been too late, and would have allowed a negative amount of time for me to, in your words, ‘submit evidence, regarding the admissibility of the material […]’.

The more serious matter is that the onus of proof is reversed. You say I should provide evidence that these books do not constitute “hate propaganda”. If something does not exist, it is a moot point to prove it does not exist. If it does exist, then the person alleging that it exists should prove that it exists. The onus MUST be on the accuser to prove their accusation. Your logic is false.

The next flaw in your case against me is that you have stolen the evidence! You have taken away […] the books that you deemed offensive. How am I supposed to gather and submit evidence regarding the “admissibility of the material” when you have taken the allegedly-offensive books away from me???

I have not read the books. I do not have copies of these books in my possession. You seized them. Explain to me how I am to gather evidence about an object that you have stolen from me.  Would these books not be the very source of “evidence” with which I am supposed to prove that they are NOT something that you allege they are?

As any logical-thinking man or woman can see, it is an impossible situation. It is as sensible as breaking both legs of a runner and then telling him to go win that race. Would that be a fair race? Or is the outcome pre-determined.

I could avail myself of what appears to be the only option remaining, that of litigation against the CBSA. However, it is not worth my time and resources to participate in this game, a totally rigged system, to get my books back. I do not wish to feed the proverbial beast.

It would of course only be done on principle, as the books are worth far less money than the time and resources it would cost to litigate. As for winning, truth and righteousness are on my side, but the entire so-called justice system is so corrupted that my chances of success are about as good as the runner with the two broken legs winning his race.

The Canada Border Services Agency is de facto an arm of the government. It is at best a sign of moral and ethical bankruptcy and at worst it is treachery and treason for you, as so-called government representatives, to engage in such tyranny against the people who you are supposed to be serving. The government no longer serves the people, but is serving an enemy within.

It is interesting to note that the Talmud has not been stipulated as “hate propaganda”, yet this Jewish holy book calls the Gentiles cattle and calls for our total enslavement. This double standard on which books are “permitted”, demonstrates who you are really serving. Your “Act” which prohibits certain books (and thoughts and spoken words) is a modern day book burning.

I challenge every and any one of you government representatives to rectify this situation. Get rid of the “thought and speech laws”. Have my stolen books returned to me.

In the meantime, I can and have replaced the books through other channels. I am sovereign of my domain and can decide what I can and want to read or not.

I am compelled to publicize widely, this Orwellian act of treachery by an agency which represents Canada at our borders. We truly are living in interesting times.

Monika Schaefer

Free Speech Director Paul Fromm Harassed by CBSA  

Free Speech Director Paul Fromm Harassed by CBSA
MISSISSAUGA. November 30, 2019. I arrived bleary-eyed this morning at 5:30 on Air Canada after short, amazing vacation in South America. However, I would have to put up with an intrusive nearly hour and a half of harassment by Canada Border Services Agency agents. As former New York Yankees’ catcher Yogi Berra used to say: “It was deja vu all over again.” For over 20 years, I have been subjected to on again off again harassment by Customs Canada, now Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for my political views.

In the late 1990s, I had two book bags containing over 90 titles including  Irish Myths seized and held as possible “hate propaganda”. In the end, I got almost all the titles back. In 2008, Customs Canada stole by laptop because I would not provide them with the password so they could snoop. [The law has now changed and gives the CBSA snoops the right to rifle through your cellphone or laptop. So much for the “right to privacy” government agencies love to invoke to hide information THEY don’t want their taxpayer employers to have!].
On arrival nearly a week before in Latin America, that country’s border force subjected visitors to a quick swipe of their passport, a photo and an impression of their thumbprint before welcoming them with: “Enjoy your stay in ….”


​On arrival back in my own country, I proceeded with passport and customs declaration in hand to an area where there is a bank of machines. You insert your passport. The machine reads it. Then, you insert your customs declaration and the machine reads it and shoots you back a photocopy. At least, that’s the way it’s supposed to work. The machines are temperamental. I tried three several times each without success. I then headed in a line to present my failed paperwork. I was sent on to an inspector at a wicket. As I arrived to line up, a couple ahead of me had just been cleared by the 25-ish male agent. I headed up to the wicket. Oozing attitude and authority, he snapped: “Get back. You’re supposed to wait to be called.” I’m a veteran traveller. This must be some new rule he invented after an unhappy Friday evening with his girlfriend. I rolled my eyes and took two dramatic paces back. I was then told I could come forward. He scanned my passport and scribbled some numbers on my declaration sheet.
I had an uneasy feeling that as proof of his power Attitude Guy was sending me on to secondary inspection. After I had retrieved my suitcase from the luggage carousel, I headed to a final check where you present your customs form to an agent. Sure enough,  I was being sent on to secondary inspection. I spent about 15 minutes waiting to see an agent. Others at secondary inspection seemed to have bulging suitcases perhaps with contraband. One had two pets and their paperwork. She was seen by several agents, sent inside for some further processing and cleared. I seemed to be the last weary traveller standing. At last, I was summoned by a short totally bald agent — the Bald Guy. In this “transparent” open society none of these bureaucrats has names. It must be for their own security!

The Bald Guy scanned my passport, stared and stared at the computer screen, and then began a laborious series of questions: Where had I been? How long? Where had I stayed? He kept returning to this question. Firstly, as a Canadian citizen, I had an absolute right to return. The only real issue would be whether I was carrying any contraband — endangered animal parts, currency over $10,000 in value (I wish), “hate propaganda” (whatever that is) or goods in excess of the duty free limit. [In my case, a mere $55 worth!] Frankly, where I stayed — at a hotel, at a hostel, in a packing crate under a bridge — was none of this man’s business? It was part of the psychological warfare, though, Then, more questions. What do I do?  I told him I was a director. Of what? “The Canadian Association for Free Expression.” He wrote that down, but got the name messed up. What does it do? I gave him a brief description of our work. But what does it matter, I wondered?
He then took my camera and rapidly went through the pictures. “You have a lot of pictures,” the Bald Guy observed. [It’s a camera. That’s what it’s used for, I thought.] Ah, ha. “Where was this picture taken?” he demanded. I asked him to turn the device so that I could see, “Was it in Thailand?” I wasn’t there. “I think it was in Japan,” I told him. Some dozen pictures later, he saw more Oriental writing. “Where was that taken?” In Japan, I told him. Somewhat later, he found a picture of me and a woman. “Is that your wife?” No, I replied, a friend. And on and on. All of this time wasting interrogation was utterly irrelevant.
Next, the Bald Guy turned his attention to my laptop. He looked at the icons on the screen and some photos. Ah, ha! Another discovery. There was a video I had recorded: CBSA Harasses Canadian Traveller. What was that about?” he demanded. [The sort of thing you’re doing now, I thought to myself.] In my role as a director of a free speech organization, I had been phoned by a young man who had some teeshirts seized on his return from Germany. They were heavy metal teeshirts from bands he’d heard. “What did you do?” he insisted. “I told him what his rights were.” “Were they Nazi teeshirts?” he quizzed. “I don’t know,” I told him. “I never saw them.” [Again, what did any of this third degree matter?]
Now, it was on to my bag of reading material. He pawed through a number of newspaper clippings. Then, he discovered two old Spanish textbooks. “Are you learning Spanish?” Sherlock Holmes asked me. “I’m trying to,” I answered.

Finally, it was my suitcase’s turn to be searched. I had two small tins of tea. He showed no interest. They might have hidden cocaine. I had two carefully packaged wine bottles. He showed no interest. There were some clothes, as you’d expect.
I could see he was bored. He told me to close up the suitcase. He handed me back my passport. “You’re good to go.” I had been detained an hour and a quarter with the Bald Guy.

The interrogation had served no purpose except to delay me and harass me. Ernst Zundel told me customs agents would regularly detain him for three hours every time he returned to Canada. It’s all part of the soft tyranny imposed by our government that is eager to welcome back and “rehabilitate” ISIS fighters. — Paul Fromm

Monika Schaefer Gets Some Books Back from Customs Censors Thieves, Some Must Be Appealed

Monika Schaefer Gets Some Books Back from Customs Censors Thieves, Some Must Be Appealed 

CBSA Notice of Determination: Some Books Good, Some Books Bad

Two of the five books seized from me at the Calgary airport back in April have been returned to me, along with a Notice of Determination. What follows is my letter of appeal.

2019 June 26

Prohibited Importations Unit
Canada Border Services Agency
c/o CBSA Mail Processing Unit
2215 Gladwin Crescent, Entrance C
Ottawa Ontario, K1A 0L8

RE: Seizure of personal books at Calgary YYC Airport on 2019/04/24
This is my SECOND written correspondence.

Regional control No. 2019-7011-K19-0001; PIU No. 2019-0041

I have received two of the five stolen books back, thank you very much. A Notice of Determination was sent with the books, as well as a copy of the Notice by mail. I am hereby appealing the Notice of Determination.

The returned books are:
⁃ Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” by Germar Rudolf
⁃ Government by Deception by Jan Lamprecht

The books remaining in your (temporary) possession are:
⁃ The Commission by Richard Barrett
⁃ The Great Impersonation – The Mask of Edom by Pastor Eli James
⁃ Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol 1 by Eli James & Clay Douglas

I am asking, nay, telling you to send back the latter three books immediately. The seizure of those books constitutes theft. I did not consent and I do not consent to the theft of my books.

It is nobody else’s business which books I choose to read. I did not write these books. I wished to read them. They were my personal property. I did not have commercial quantities; they were single copies, not for sale. The attempt to control what I read or do not read constitutes thought control.

Singling me out at the airport in Calgary was an attempt at intimidation and pure harassment.

It is of great interest to me that the Notice of Determination has, as part of the generic form, a list which outlines exactly that which the “identifiable group” is guilty of. Why else would there be such a detailed and precise list? It proves the point, that there is such an “identifiable group” guilty of exactly those things!

The following is on the official classification (D9-1-15) form, with check boxes beside each item.


Alleging that an identifiable group:
▪ is to blame for serious economic or social problems
▪ manipulates media/trade/politics/government to the detriment of society
▪ is inferior/superior
▪ weakens or threatens society

Who is the judge of truth? Could it be that the very group which is implied by “identifiable group” is guilty of all those things, and that they have cleverly made it an offense to talk or write about it? Just a little food for thought for the servants of the system.

I insist that my books be sent to me without delay, at your expense. I also insist on receiving a copy of your entire report in this file.


Monika Schaefer

Che Okay but Not HH: Another Victim of Political Censorship at the Border

Che  Okay but Not HH: Another Victim of Political Censorship at the Border
WINNIPEG.August 31, 2108. Brandon resident Scott McDonald and a friend were detained for secondary inspection by Canada Border Services Agency on a trip back from Germany. In what was clearly political harassment, Scott’s luggage was searched and teeshirts and stickers to the value of over 200 Euro ($300) seized. His cellphone was stolen as well. His goods have been sent to Ottawa to the Prohibited Importations Unit — it was HIS cellphone, not an import — for investigation as possible “hate propaganda”.
Scott and his friend were wearing teeshirts with 88 on them. Some people interpret this as HH ( or Heil Hitler). That’s an interpretation. Otherwise they are just numbers. One wonders whether Scott would have excited any attention if he had worn a Che Guevara teeshirt. Guevara was a murdering, Negro-hating communist revolutionary. But probably such a teeshirt would not have been a problem nor should it be.
“This is not fair,” Scott says. “None of the stickers or teeshirts preached hate against anyone.”
While CBSA, under orders from Ottawa, is utterly unable to stem the flood of illegals across the Quebec border, they seem Johnny-on-the-spot to harass Canadians with possibly politically incorrect ideas.
Mr. McDonald approached CAFE for advice. Regretably, CAFE has had considerable experience over the past 30 years with Canada Customs and CBSA’s repeated anti-free speech campaigns.

Canada Border Services Agency — Political Police & Censors

Canada Border Services Agency — Political Police & Censors

Paul Fromm Appears on Voters’ Echo

* Exposes mail opening and harassment by Canada Border Service Agency
* two and a half hour harassment; opening laptop and cellphone; total invasion of privacy

See More

VoteFrederick Fromm's photo.

Voters’ Choice Host Bahman Yazdanfar with guest Paul Fromm, Director of the

Canadian Association for Free Expression

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