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Former Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer, President of Truth & Justice for Germans, Defends Florida Principal

High School Principal Fired over noncommittal answer about holocaust – open letter

What follows is an open letter from the Truth and Justice for Germans Society to board and staff members of Spanish River High, a school in Boca Raton, Florida which serves a large Jewish population. William Latson was the principal of that school before he was fired, re-instated but fired again because he replied to a parent in 2018 that he could not confirm whether the Holocaust really happened.

Here is a link to an article in the South Florida Sun Sentinal, for background on the story.

The Letter

2021, January 5

To School Board and Faculty, Spanish River High, Florida,

They say that TRUTH is the first casualty in war. Wars have often been triggered and fought on the basis of deceptions. It is, therefore, not unreasonable to expect that the history books about those wars also contain some truths, some half-truths and some lies and deceptions. Victors write the history books. Even the grade school teachers talk about that from time to time. When they tell us that the victors write the history books, they are not just talking about the choice of font with which they write the story.

We, at the Truth and Justice for Germans Society, are appalled about the case of William Latson having been terminated from his job as school principal, simply because he could not confirm the holocaust story. It must be noted that he did not deny it either. Apparently, for the Jewish community, this neutral stance is a serious enough crime to have this school principal fired.

What other event in history is so untouchable, that even a neutral stance on it will have a teacher dismissed for saying they cannot confirm that it happened? There is none. Why is this holocaust story so sacrosanct that there cannot be any discussion, debate, questioning, and now there cannot even be a noncommittal answer to the question?

For your edification, let us just examine one aspect of the official story, to put this story into perspective.

The 6 million number.

At Auschwitz, the main “extermination” camp according to the official narrative, there was a plaque which said 4 million died at the hands of the “NAZI MURDERERS” between 1940 and 1945.

That plaque was later replaced with this one, which lowered the number significantly.

Just as the 4 million figure was made up, the 1.5 million figure was also made up. According to the records the approximate number that died was 100,000, more Roman Catholics than Jews. Contrary to the popular story that the “Nazis” destroyed written records, that is not true. The Soviets seized the “Death Books” from Auschwitz at the end of the war, and these were released 45 years later following glasnost. Detailed records were kept for every prisoner that died, including Doctor-signed death certificates.

Let us look at the records for another of the “notorious” concentration camps. Here are the numbers, down-graded over time, for Majdanek.

Despite the changes to the official numbers killed at Auschwitz and Majdanek, amounting to a reduction of 2.5 + 1.9 = 4.4 million, the 6 million figure for the number of Jewish victims has not budged.


The changing numbers and mathematical impossibilities constitutes just one aspect of the problematic nature of the holocaust story. The official narrative is also not backed up by the physical, chemical, topographical, architectural and documentary evidence. I encourage you to visit or for more information.

Even if none of you individually wish to further educate yourselves on this topic, please consider the fact that when a teacher or principal of a school says that they cannot confirm a historical narrative, that leaves space for the student to think for themselves, to pursue information and seek answers on their own.

Here are some ideas for the curriculum: they could be taught that the “holocaust” is a controversial topic, and that many people have gone to jail for questioning the official narrative. They could be taught that evidence is illegal [see this article for example] in some “holocaust trials”. They could be taught that the numbers of “holocaust survivors” keep going up instead of down as might be expected over time. They could be taught about methods of social control, such as Ritual Defamation, which is applied to anyone who does not go along with “political correctness”, on this topic and many other topics too.

We should be encouraging students to engage in the thoughtful pursuit of knowledge, instead of spoon-feeding or force-feeding them one single narrative – no discussion and no debate allowed – forever more.

Do not bow to the pressure of lobby groups. Please do the right thing and reinstate William Latson into his position, with full backpay and compensation for damages.


Monika Schaefer
President of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society

The War Zone in Jasper by Monika Schaefer (former political prisoner)

The War Zone in Jasper

by Monika Schaefer (former political prisoner)

I have often said that we are in a war, not a war of our choosing, but a war that has been foisted onto us by the self-declared enemy of humanity. In the absence of bombs, most people do not realize that we are in a war. It is a war of infiltration, subversion, contamination, demoralization, destruction from within. They conduct Psychological Warfare, by way of deception, political correctness, criminalization of speech, and ritual defamation of truth-tellers.

The Jews (and their minions) in Jasper seem to be ramping up their war against this truth-teller. Perhaps they cannot abide by the fact that I am having success, nor can they abide by the fact that I keep on talking. In fact, they are getting quite hysterical.

Two incidents happened just yesterday.

I posted an item for sale on the Jasper AB, Buy, Sell and Trade Facebook site. Immediately someone showed interest. Next came a comment by Jessica Gomes, “warning” people that this seller is the same person as…”convicted holocaust denier…” then she linked to an article all about me being jailed. Someone else commented back something to the effect of

hey, she may be fucked, but she is just selling a cheap bike. Let her sell the bike.

Jessica Gomes immediately responded with a pack of lies, about me stalking her, calling her the little Jewess, playing [the violin] in front of her shop for hours, harassing and threatening her. I responded with a comment asking her if she always just made up random stuff like that.

I had no idea what this woman even looked like! I do not know her – so all of that was simply fabricated out of her sick imagination. Once again, a Jew reveals herself to me – according to her own comment.

As an aside, I do recall that about two years ago she wrote a letter called Hate begins with Words to the editor of a newspaper called The Jasper Local. I wrote about it in an article called “Local Letters: an Inquisition”.

Wanting to take a screen shot I switched from the small pop-ups of these comments to the main screen, but just then the comment thread disappeared. The site’s admin must have noticed the inappropriate conversation.

Tired of being the punching bag, I decided to take action and went to the RCMP to make a complaint. The officer took my statement and listened to my story. Later that day I received a phone call from him telling me that “she won’t be doing THAT again!” She had been venting her anger, she told him. Well I was just selling a bicycle and she can take her anger and park it elsewhere. The officer agreed. The file was now put to rest, but she had been warned.

As if one daily adventure isn’t enough, my busking hour provided yet more entertainment – more than just music. The busking spot is in a small open square surrounded by shops on three sides and a passenger-pick-up zone in front. It has generally been an excellent spot for busking. On this day, I felt something was different. It felt strange. It felt as though there was an invisible hand at work, causing a state of unease. People walked by in zombie state, or veered away, evaded looking at me, as though I was not there. Except for children. They turned towards me, tugging at their parents hands. A few tourists crossed over from the other side of the street to greet me and chat, and those were absolutely normal and natural in their responses, just like any other day.

At the end of my hour, as I was packing up getting ready to leave, I spotted “the problem”. A very animated guy was talking to the tourists on the park bench near me, pointing at me, telling them

she is a convicted Nazi, she went to jail… bla bla bla


So this is how it is now! These Locals simply cannot stand it that I might be earning a penny or two – I have observed many a local leering at my open violin case full of money that the appreciative tourists have happily thrown in.

Mr. busy-body-animated-guy from yesterday unfortunately has no name – in my astonishment I forgot to ask him his name. A loud confrontation ensued. Many people stood transfixed; even the shop-keepers stepped out to see what the commotion was all about. The guy probably thought I would be embarrassed by what he was telling the tourists and that I would try to deny it and slink away. No such luck! I loudly questioned him,

is this the kind of world you want to live in, where people go to jail simply for speaking? Is this the kind of world you want to live in where we cannot talk about history, we cannot have discussion and debate, we cannot examine evidence, without risking incarceration? If so, we are all enslaved!

Then I marched right over to where he had sat down, and loudly challenged him to a debate. I asked him if he still believed the official story about 9/11 and the 19 Arabs with box-cutters. He blew up at that!

I have noticed this phenomenon recently that when you ask a Jew about 9/11 (I am assuming he is a Jew, or at the very least a Jew-helper – to put it mildly), they get really mad! It was the second time in two days that I encountered that anger when I brought up 9/11. Is it because they all KNOW that we ALL have that one figured out? And that we know that they know that we know…? ha ha, they just get angry!

He then shouted in my face,

Do you believe that 6 million Jews were gassed in the holocaust?

Laughing, I replied that there were not even 6 million Jews living in all of Europe at the time! He turned, as though victorious, to the crowd and screeched at them,

London Forum - Alfred Schaefer - 1907 Did six million Really Die? montage

See?! She doesn’t believe that 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis!!!!!

He thought he had a “gotcha” moment, the way he was grandstanding hysterically. He pretended to win a big victory. Wow. It would be hilarious if it was not so serious. They paint me as the hater and the nutcase. If ever there was a demonstration of both those lovely characteristics, he certainly outdid himself yesterday. I think the last laugh was on him.

A Year and a Day — Monika Schaefer Reflects on A Year of Shunning & Persecution in Jasper, A Small “Inclusive” Town Driven Mad by Her Holocaust Heresy

A Year and a Day — Monika Schaefer Reflects on  A Year of Shunning & Persecution in Jasper, A Small “Inclusive” Town Driven Mad by Her Holocaust Heresy

Inline image 1

It is the one year anniversary since I went through a door. I was very well aware that once through this door, there was no going back. My life changed on June 17th, 2016, with the release of the “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” video, followed a few days later with the German edition “Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft”.


Though I had a sense of a serious transition in my life, I really had no idea what would follow. The intensity of reaction, both positive and negative, took my breath away. The video was translated with subtitles into 3 languages within the first 4 days. Spanishswedish and french. A transcript was made. The view count shot up. Within a month there were 60,000 views, and currently it has over 133,000 views on one channel alone only in English.

Apparently the video struck a chord. Who would have guessed it would resonate with so many people? Many have had similar experiences as I did – reproaching or resenting their parents for being part of a generation of monsters, only to find out that everything had been turned on its head. For those who reached similar conclusions as I had reached after much research, there was deep gratitude, relief and appreciation for the simple message in my video.

For those still stuck in the matrix of lies, the video came as a shock and surprise. For those whose identity and interests were threatened, I became a grave threat and was pronounced the enemy. I learned all about Ritual Defamation in a town which boasts tolerance, inclusiveness, and “embraces diversity”.

Victims of ritual defamation become ostracized, shunned, humiliated, and isolated. An attempt is made to destroy the victim economically as well as socially. Mental poison is injected into the community, and it infects many well-meaning people.

Organizations and political parties stepped over each other to make a public show of expelling me. The Alberta Society of Fiddlers, the Jasper Environmental Association, the Alberta Green Party, the Green Party of Canada, all gave me the boot, and put it loudly into the record. The media dutifully reported, using weaponized words to trigger the programs that had been drip-fed into people’s brains to react in a predictable manner. “Neo-nazi holocaust denying hater!” What do those words actually mean? Nothing!

I wonder how many of my former friends took even twenty minutes, or perhaps three hours of their lives to view one or two or all three of the recommended videos at the end of my 6 minute video, before throwing away our friendship. Why would they not want to look into why I was making controversial statements which went contrary to everything we have been told all our lives about “the holocaust”? Do they really believe that I had suddenly lost my mind? Or were they afraid of what they might learn?

Many have told me outright that they will not discuss this topic, they refuse to look at it, refuse to debate it, refuse to question anything about it which would run contrary to what we have been told all our lives. It seems clear to me that this refusal to even look is the result of the psychological warfare that has been conducted against us. Do the weaponized words frighten us into submission? Does it make sense to ostrasize and shun a dissenter while refusing to look into the subject?

Why would there need to be laws to defend their holocaust if it really happened? They could show the evidence instead. Only lies need to be protected by laws. If the event was so rock-solid like they always tell us it is, they would not fear investigation. To me, the existence of laws against questioning “the holocaust” is enough to tell me there is something wrong with the story. I can never understand the mentality of people who tell me “you see Monika, the laws prove that you are wrong!” instead of recognizing the absurdity of the need for a law to protect a story.

It strikes me that real genocides are suppressed while the fictitional one is stoked up with a fury which seems to grow stronger every year. Real genocides such as the Holodomor are hardly known while Jewish “holocaust studies” are becoming mandatory curriculum in many places around the world.

This short introductory video to the “Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust” website is one of the so-called crimes which caused Professor Anthony Hall to be suspended from his tenured position at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. Any thinking person should recognize that there is something deeply wrong when a history professor is persecuted for saying we should be able to examine our history.

No Regrets

The old saying “the truth will set you free” is really true. In spite of some hardships, I have a deep sense of peace and serenity. This stems from the clarity in my mind and heart and soul, that I have truth on my side. We are at the core of the peace movement when we seek to tell the truth. Lies and deceptions are what bring us wars and turmoil. Remember the Mossad motto: By way of Deception, thou shall do war.

There are “red-pilled” people everywhere. That I have learned for sure, as I have heard from many of them. They are in every little town, village and hamlet. The people are waking up in droves, every single day. The rate of awakening is explosive. There is no doubt in my mind that truth and light will prevail.

The fact that there is such a ferocious attempt to stifle dissent proves that Jewish Power depends on mass deception. An awakening will destroy that power. Why else would they need to silence anyone who steps out of line? Why else would they feel so threatened by truth revealers, if their power did not depend on keeping the people deceived, deluded, distracted and demoralized? If their power did not depend on us being asleep, they would not be in such a panic when some of us wake up.

For that reason, I know there is hope! I also know we have our work cut out for us, as the demoralization runs deep. Each and every one of us really has no choice but to do everything in our own power and ability to contribute to the ripple effect of the grand awakening. We must educate ourselves and educate others. Many many people are doing just that, and that includes Jews as well as Gentiles.

I, for one, will not stop!

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