Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity


The War Zone in Jasper by Monika Schaefer (former political prisoner)

The War Zone in Jasper

by Monika Schaefer (former political prisoner)

I have often said that we are in a war, not a war of our choosing, but a war that has been foisted onto us by the self-declared enemy of humanity. In the absence of bombs, most people do not realize that we are in a war. It is a war of infiltration, subversion, contamination, demoralization, destruction from within. They conduct Psychological Warfare, by way of deception, political correctness, criminalization of speech, and ritual defamation of truth-tellers.

The Jews (and their minions) in Jasper seem to be ramping up their war against this truth-teller. Perhaps they cannot abide by the fact that I am having success, nor can they abide by the fact that I keep on talking. In fact, they are getting quite hysterical.

Two incidents happened just yesterday.

I posted an item for sale on the Jasper AB, Buy, Sell and Trade Facebook site. Immediately someone showed interest. Next came a comment by Jessica Gomes, “warning” people that this seller is the same person as…”convicted holocaust denier…” then she linked to an article all about me being jailed. Someone else commented back something to the effect of

hey, she may be fucked, but she is just selling a cheap bike. Let her sell the bike.

Jessica Gomes immediately responded with a pack of lies, about me stalking her, calling her the little Jewess, playing [the violin] in front of her shop for hours, harassing and threatening her. I responded with a comment asking her if she always just made up random stuff like that.

I had no idea what this woman even looked like! I do not know her – so all of that was simply fabricated out of her sick imagination. Once again, a Jew reveals herself to me – according to her own comment.

As an aside, I do recall that about two years ago she wrote a letter called Hate begins with Words to the editor of a newspaper called The Jasper Local. I wrote about it in an article called “Local Letters: an Inquisition”.

Wanting to take a screen shot I switched from the small pop-ups of these comments to the main screen, but just then the comment thread disappeared. The site’s admin must have noticed the inappropriate conversation.

Tired of being the punching bag, I decided to take action and went to the RCMP to make a complaint. The officer took my statement and listened to my story. Later that day I received a phone call from him telling me that “she won’t be doing THAT again!” She had been venting her anger, she told him. Well I was just selling a bicycle and she can take her anger and park it elsewhere. The officer agreed. The file was now put to rest, but she had been warned.

As if one daily adventure isn’t enough, my busking hour provided yet more entertainment – more than just music. The busking spot is in a small open square surrounded by shops on three sides and a passenger-pick-up zone in front. It has generally been an excellent spot for busking. On this day, I felt something was different. It felt strange. It felt as though there was an invisible hand at work, causing a state of unease. People walked by in zombie state, or veered away, evaded looking at me, as though I was not there. Except for children. They turned towards me, tugging at their parents hands. A few tourists crossed over from the other side of the street to greet me and chat, and those were absolutely normal and natural in their responses, just like any other day.

At the end of my hour, as I was packing up getting ready to leave, I spotted “the problem”. A very animated guy was talking to the tourists on the park bench near me, pointing at me, telling them

she is a convicted Nazi, she went to jail… bla bla bla


So this is how it is now! These Locals simply cannot stand it that I might be earning a penny or two – I have observed many a local leering at my open violin case full of money that the appreciative tourists have happily thrown in.

Mr. busy-body-animated-guy from yesterday unfortunately has no name – in my astonishment I forgot to ask him his name. A loud confrontation ensued. Many people stood transfixed; even the shop-keepers stepped out to see what the commotion was all about. The guy probably thought I would be embarrassed by what he was telling the tourists and that I would try to deny it and slink away. No such luck! I loudly questioned him,

is this the kind of world you want to live in, where people go to jail simply for speaking? Is this the kind of world you want to live in where we cannot talk about history, we cannot have discussion and debate, we cannot examine evidence, without risking incarceration? If so, we are all enslaved!

Then I marched right over to where he had sat down, and loudly challenged him to a debate. I asked him if he still believed the official story about 9/11 and the 19 Arabs with box-cutters. He blew up at that!

I have noticed this phenomenon recently that when you ask a Jew about 9/11 (I am assuming he is a Jew, or at the very least a Jew-helper – to put it mildly), they get really mad! It was the second time in two days that I encountered that anger when I brought up 9/11. Is it because they all KNOW that we ALL have that one figured out? And that we know that they know that we know…? ha ha, they just get angry!

He then shouted in my face,

Do you believe that 6 million Jews were gassed in the holocaust?

Laughing, I replied that there were not even 6 million Jews living in all of Europe at the time! He turned, as though victorious, to the crowd and screeched at them,

London Forum - Alfred Schaefer - 1907 Did six million Really Die? montage

See?! She doesn’t believe that 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis!!!!!

He thought he had a “gotcha” moment, the way he was grandstanding hysterically. He pretended to win a big victory. Wow. It would be hilarious if it was not so serious. They paint me as the hater and the nutcase. If ever there was a demonstration of both those lovely characteristics, he certainly outdid himself yesterday. I think the last laugh was on him.

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