Maxime Bernier Celebrates Huge Success of the 1 Million March 4 ChildrenThe line in the sand has been drawn

Maxime Bernier Celebrates Huge Success of the 1 Million March 4 ChildrenThe line in the sand has been drawn

This week’s protests against radical gender ideology were an amazing success!

Far left extremists can try and transform our society, but indoctrinating our children crosses a line.

On Wednesday, the 1 Million March 4 Children saw tens of thousands of concerned Canadians take to the streets in cities across the country!

Canadians of every religion, background, and age proudly marched together. Chants of “no more silence” and “leave the kids alone” echoed through the streets.

I was in Ottawa where the turnout was amazing! 10 thousand people by my estimate. By far the biggest protest we’ve seen since the Freedom Convoy.

The protest in Toronto saw a similar turnout, and the support for the PPC was obvious!

And that was just the tip of the iceberg! Thousands more came out in Saskatoon, Vancouver, Halifax Montreal, and many more cities from coast to coast!

It was a beautiful day that helped restore my faith in Canada. But that was just the start of the week!

On Friday, I joined my friends Josh Alexander and Billboard Chris in Toronto for their second Education Over Indoctrination protest.

Hundreds showed up to continue to push back against radical gender ideology, far outnumbering violent ANTIFA counter-protestors.

As the lunch bell rang, students poured out of school and joined in our protest, it was beautiful to see!

A common question at both protests was: Where is Pierre Poilievre?

Despite his grassroots supporters passing a resolution rejecting gender ideology at the CPC policy convention just weeks earlier, Poilievre refused to support or even acknowledge these important protests.

In fact, he issued a memo to all of his MPs requiring them not to speak to the media or even post on social media about either of the protests!

The truth is, Poilievre does not want to speak about this issue.

He does not care about what the organizers and volunteers in his party want.

He does not care about the overwhelming grassroots movements growing.

He does not care about doing what is right.

He only cares about one thing: power, and his out-of-touch leadership team is too afraid of losing support from leftists in big cities or smears from the mainstream media to take a stand on this issue.

He won’t take any risk to defend parents and children.

He will continue to do the bare minimum on this issue, saying as little as possible and only when forced to.

But do you trust him to do anything about it if he were to win power?

I sure don’t.

I have been speaking out against radical gender ideology for years now, and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

Not until the medical transition of minors is made illegal!

This is the biggest child abuse scandal in our nation’s history. The mainstreaming of gender ideology is having a profound impact on a generation of children, the full impact of which we won’t know for years to come.

I will continue to defend the rights of parents and the innocence of children.

I don’t care what the media says about me. I don’t care what downtown Toronto leftists think of me.

This is the right thing to do and it is a battle I will fight until the end.

A society that doesn’t protect the innocence of children is lost.


Maxime Bernier

FREEDOM EVENTS IN THE OKANAGAN, September 23 – 30: Million March marches on, Retired Law Enforcement Officer speaks at Sunday P4F Rally and more


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

ALERT: Check your spam and junk folders from time to time. Some of our regulars are finding our emails in those folders. It could be a fluke, or it could be that certain Internet Service Providers or email systems are playing with the ability of freedom groups to reach their audiences. Either way, miss a week and you miss a lot!

Index of Important Updates In this issue:

–      Rallies and local events

–      1MillionMarch4Children – Where Do We Go From Here? – Zoom meeting – Thursday, September 28 at 7 p.m.

o   More details further down the email

o   RSVP by email, phone or text for a link to the zoom

–      Geo Talk Zooms – Third Tuesdays

–      An Evening with Maria Ho – Cannery Brewery – October 8

–      NCI Interim Commissioners’ Report – now online

–      A Powerful and Compelling Speech from Pastor Art

–      Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 56 – Legal Updates

–      Druthers call to help! The September edition is online And now available at our rallies!  Donations are always needed.

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****Location Change****

We are back to the NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue where we will welcome the sun again during the colder seasons.

FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

COMING UP THIS SUNDAY, September 24>>>

In addition to 1MillionMarch4Children reports and future initiatives, we have a special GUEST SPEAKER!


============================================= Guest speaker: Chuck – a 32-year veteran of law enforcement with many years as a criminal investigator. Topic: The Politicization of Policing in Canada, and in particular, the effects of that on the Freedom Movement. Come prepared with lots of questions.   One of Chuck’s personal goals in retirement is to focus on the protection of children in our society. That, and moving to the warm Okanagan from chilly Manitoba. That’s why he showed up at our Million March and agreed to join us this Sunday.  Let’s be there early to welcome him because he intends to show up early, too. Like – 12:30. He loves to chat!    Future dates: October 8 – Donald Lee, author of “What The Hell is Going On? (the Web of Fraud that is Enslaving Everyone and How We Can Escape to Freedom) is touring BC in October and will be stopping by to share new insights from his time on the road this past year. Miss a week and you miss a lot!  image.png
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ EVENTS   ·      
Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna  ·       
Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. ·       
Local A4C – Every Tuesday at Noon Protesting with Purpose: Richard Cannings 301 Main Street Penticton ·        Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately. ——————————————- o0o————————————————- EVENTS Million March for Children Report and Next Steps   REPORT   About 120 of us gathered at Gyro Park at 9 a.m. and with Mary Lou as emcee, many members of the audience came to the mic to share their stories. There was a counter-protest group from SOS Pride who tried to drown us out with their loud singing and chanting, but we prevailed. Some reasonable individuals from both groups spoke with each other, and in some cases, found that we have some of the same concerns, in particular, the protection of our children. One big difference between those who are well-meaning on both sides is in who and what we see as the threat to those innocents. Another big difference is in where our funding comes from. Pro-SOGI groups receive funding and support from governments with money extorted from taxpayers, and those unions providing support and extorted funds from compulsory membership dues. Our rag tag groups depend on the donations at rallies and through individual contributions to specific freedom groups and initiatives like Druthers, Vaccine Choice Canada, Action4Canada and the other hundreds of worthy causes we become aware of almost daily. Two local reporters showed up at our Million March event. Thank you to Joe Fries (Penticton Herald) and Gord Goble (Penticton NOW) for fair and balanced reporting. WE MADE THE FRONT PAGE OF THE PENTICTON HERALD!image.png

Thank you to Joe Fries, (Penticton Herald) and to Gord Goble (Penticton NOW) for fair reporting.

Here is how the local media presented it:

 Penticton Herald – Sept. 19, the day before: the mayor’s views

September 21: The day after the event:

Penticton Herald – 

Penticton NOW – –

And attached, you’ll find Shar’s letter to the editor (and others of influence). Powerful writing, Shar! You might want to forward this letter to other media and individuals as well, as a wake-up call. If you do, don’t send it as an attachment or a link, since all government, health and possibly media might now be using fear of computer viruses as a reason not to click links or open attachments. Put it right in the body of your email.


There was a fair amount of interest in continuing the quest to eliminate SOGI 123 materials from schools and libraries and to respect parental rights to keep children out of classes that they object to. So…

Stop SOGI Zoom Meeting – Thursday, September 28 at 7 p.m. Pacific time

o   RSVP by reply email, phone or text for a link to zoom 780-908-0309


1.     To share resources forparents, grandparents and other concerned citizens,

2.    To build on the momentum from the Million March 4 Children and keep the movement to remove SOGI from our school curriculums

3.    To brainstorm what else we can do to keep the pressure on.

I hope to see you there!  ~ ML

And a message from the Million March Registration Team

Dear valued march liaisons:

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who stepped up to make this Canada-wide movement possible during the #1MillionMarch4Children. Your efforts allowed people to raise their voices, not only across our nation, but also around the world. The Canadian people, who are truly awesome, embody the incredible spirit that makes our country great, and that spirit shines brightly in all of you.

Rest assured, we are not here for a fleeting moment; our commitment is to amplify our voices even further as we move forward.

Thank you!

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October 8th 5-7 pm

Maria HO and her band entertained us at the July 17 event at Skaha Lake Park, hosted by members of the Penticton Freedom Frequency. It’s great to have the opportunity to welcome her back in town. Bar food is available. No cover charge. First Come, First Served—no reservations required or taken.


  ——————————- o0o————————————- ACTIONS OF THE WEEK This week we ask you to attend an event!!!!   OUR SUGGESTION Is to “attend” the video of the NCI Commissioners’ Interim Report on line HERE 46:38   You can also find the published report and Ches Crosbie’s letter to Prime Minister Trudeau at  ACTION ITEM: Embed a copy of Crosbie’s letter to Trudeau to your local MLA and MP as a reminder that they can run, but they can’t hide.   ———————————— o0o————————————-   Worth A Look ———————————— o0o————————————- A Powerful and Compelling Speech by Pastor Art   After years of suffering harassment and persecution at the hands of the Alberta courts and top politicians, Pastor Artur is finally free. Pastor Artur Pawlowski was in a Lethbridge Courtroom on Monday September 18th, where he received a jail sentence of 61 days after he was found guilty related to a charge for delivering a sermon at the Coutts, Alberta border blockade in February of 2022. Pastor Artur is an innocent man who has been unlawfully harassed, threatened, detained, imprisoned, held in solitary confinement, tortured and falsely accused and now convicted of crimes that he did not commit. While Pastor Artur maintains his innocence, with plans to appeal his conviction, he felt Justice Gordon Krinke delivered a fair sentence which credited time-served in pre-trial custody allowing him to walk out of the courtroom a free man. Pastor Artur is coming out of this stronger then ever, determined to continue to expose evil, seek justice, love mercy, feed the homeless, serve his community, and to work at the political level to protect faith, family and freedom. We want to thank all those who responded to the Call to Action in July and signed the petition to support Pastor Artur, the Independent media for getting his story out there, and to everyone who prayed for him and his family through this trying time. ———————————— o0o————————————-  

Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 56 – Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, Jordan Peterson Legal Updates HERE

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THIS IS IT! If you have been waiting for an extra powerful issue of Druthers to have delivered to your community, this is the one. Druthers Neighbourhood Mail service is truly the easiest way to make a tremendous difference in your own local area. Just tell us which postal code area you would like delivered to, how much of a budget you have to invest in waking up your community, and then let us know. We will handle the rest and within a week or two, your neighbours will have this important issue of Druthers delivered anonymously to their mailboxes. Order here or get more info:   CAN WE MAKE IT ANY EASIER? Yes we can! To make this as simple as possible, you don’t even need to place an order on the website. Just send us an etransfer for one of the amounts referenced below, include a postal code as a note in your etransfer and we will manually enter the order. Send etransfer to YOU WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS! Your neighbours & Canada Post will NOT receive your info, meaning the papers will be delivered and nobody will know it was you who ordered it for them. BONUS OFFER: To give you a little more encouragement and a bit of an extra thanks, everyone who orders neighbourhood mail service this month will be offered the 1st year of our collectors’ packs for free. (See the collectors packs here) This is a great way to explore the roots of this project. You will receive a reprint of each of our first 12 issues from December 2020, to November 2021. To receive your collectors pack, be sure to email us your mailing address after you place an order for Neighbourhood Mail. From the founders and publishers of Druthers. >> GO TO FUNDRAISING PAGE

 REMEMBER that there is a Druthers donation box at every Penticton4Freedom rally. We

Batch those donations and send a monthly e-transfer to Druthers with our gratitude.

We have the September issue in stock at our rallies, too.

Read September Issue Online. Headline: 15 Minute/Smart Cities


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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


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Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley Wants Premier Smith to Expel an MLA From the United Conservative Caucus for Attending Pro-Family Rally

Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley Wants Premier Smith to Expel an MLA From the United Conservative Caucus for Attending Pro-Family Rally

[Alberta has just seen cancel culture at its craziest. The leader of the oppostion NDP has demanded that Premier Danielle Smith expel “Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said United Conservative Party MLA Jason Stephan (Red Deer-South) should be kicked out of caucus for going to the One Million March for Children. 

“Shouldn’t be anywhere near the caucus,” said Notley at a Thursday press conference. 

“Long since should have been kicked out.” 

One might as what business is it of nosy Notley who sits in another party’s caucus?

Stephan said at the One Million March for Children in Red Deer on Wednesday, governments and school boards are making gross mistakes with blanket rules based on rare exceptions, especially when it means keeping secrets from parents.

“It’s a very serious manner for government to interpose themselves between families and children,” said Stephan. 

“Parents have a sacred, moral duty to their children that pre-exists government.” – Paul Fromm

Notley demands removal of UCP MLA who spoke at One Million March

Rachel Notley
Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said she warned people about the United Conservative Party wanting to take their pensions.  Courtesy Rachel Notley/YouTube

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Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley said United Conservative Party MLA Jason Stephan (Red Deer-South) should be kicked out of caucus for going to the One Million March for Children. 

“Shouldn’t be anywhere near the caucus,” said Notley at a Thursday press conference. 

“Long since should have been kicked out.” 

Stephan said at the One Million March for Children in Red Deer on Wednesday, governments and school boards are making gross mistakes with blanket rules based on rare exceptions, especially when it means keeping secrets from parents.

“It’s a very serious manner for government to interpose themselves between families and children,” said Stephan. 

“Parents have a sacred, moral duty to their children that pre-exists government.”

Notley said Stephan’s removal should “have been the first thing the premier said this morning.” 

To all of the sexual minorities in Alberta, she said they are loved, respected and their human rights are as important as everyone else’s. She added there are many people who will fight hard to ensure that never changes. 

When she watched a video from a child at one of the rallies making hateful comments, she said it broke her heart. While children are not born with hate in their heart, a person convinced this child to spew hate. 

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith did not condemn these comments. Notley called it “one of the most profound failures in leadership that I’ve ever seen.” 

She concluded by saying this hate must be condemned. 

“And the fact that the premier is normalizing it by allowing one of her caucus members to participate in this is appalling,” she said. 

Senate Committee recommends “every action necessary” to combat “residential school denialism”

Senate Committee recommends “every action necessary” to combat “residential school denialism”

By Lindsay Shepherd – August 3, 2023 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedin

The former justice minister, a federally-appointed “special interlocutor,” an NDP MP, and now a Senate committee are all desperately trying to stop Canadians from questioning the narrative that thousands of indigenous children are missing in “unmarked graves” at former residential schools.

In May 2021, the Tk’emlúps First Nation of Kamloops, BC sensationally announced they discovered the remains of 215 children in unmarked graves. 

In reality, their ground-penetrating radar found 200 soil disturbances which were possibly caused by septic field drainage tiles. 

No remains have been uncovered.

Reliable evidence pointing to thousands of unmarked graves at residential schools is still lacking, yet the Standing Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples has recommended that “the Government of Canada take every action necessary to combat the rise of residential school denialism.”

The committee’s July 2023 report, “Honouring the children who never came home: Truth, education and reconciliation,” states, “Denialism serves to distract people from the horrific consequences of residential schools, and the realities of missing children, burials and unmarked graves.” 

“Of real concern to the committee is the small group of vocal individuals who try to undermine Survivors’ accounts of the hardships and abuse they experienced during residential schools.”

Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves Kimberly Murray was one of the committee’s witnesses. 

Murray has previously written in her own report that “Urgent consideration should be given to legal mechanisms to address denialism, including the implementation of both civil and criminal sanctions.”

In her report, Murray also claimed that grave-diggers were showing up to the Kamloops site in the night with shovels, hoping to dig up childrens’ bodies. The local RCMP detachment told True North they had no reports of such incidents.

In response to Murray, Liberal MP and former Justice Minister David Lametti said he is open to “a legal solution” to “outlaw” questioning the residential school narrative.

According to Hymie Rubenstein of the Indian Residential Schools Research Group, this is an attempt to criminalize debate on important indigenous issues.

“This might be legally unprecedented if enacted and probably easily challenged as an infringement of the Charter’s free speech provision,” said Rubenstein.

“It may also be redundant given existing hate law legislation.” 

The Senate committee did not respond to a request for comment.

True North also reached out to newly-appointed Justice Minister Arif Virani to ask if he would continue David Lametti’s project of outlawing “residential school denialism,” but his office offered no response.


Anti-Freedom Goons Try to Disrupt Victoria “Hands off our Children” Rally: Hallowe’en Came Early at the Precinct of the B. C. Legislature

Anti-Freedom Goons Try to Disrupt Victoria “Hands off our Children” Rally: Hallowe’en Came Early at the Precinct of the B. C. Legislature

The Apostle Paul said “I speak as a fool speaks”.  Thus, sarcastically I say >  the anti-SOGI rally was a win-win-win for all participants.  The parental rights faction did have their say  –  for 45 minutes – ‘til menace from the trans-activists became palpable.  At which point Sgt. Lucas told the rally’s organizers to turn off the microphone, declaring “we cannot guarantee everyone’s safety”    The collection of weirdos and lewd fellows of the baser sort were delighted they manifested pan-demon-ium at the very ‘gates of the City’ =  the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria.   The cops could congratulate demselves that, at least, no blood was spilled.

You couldn’t ask for a nicer day in quaint prosperous peaceful little Victoria. On the lawn at 11 am Wednesday 20 police officers in uniform moved around in good humor.  But as they congregated,  the trans-activists were in the mood for trouble. By the time the speakers started at noon it was obvious that twenty police wouldn’t be enough to keep the Peace and Dignity of His Majesty the King.   As well as the cops, there were eight private security guys in the speakers’ enclosure.

Main theme of the Event, was ; rights of parents to moral instruction of our children supercedes what is being taught in provincial public schools called SOGI*.   The weren’t expecting such a large contingent of opposition, with signs and flags and banners saying  : “SOGI saves lives”. ie. that ‘society must acknowledge gender dysphoria as normal or else children will commit suicide’.  

By noon I counted 300 fairly-normal looking people around the speakers’ enclosure. Plus 1000 warm bodies plenty obviously there for no good reason but to shout down the speakers. The mob soon pressed in on the line of police standing firm around the speakers. Of course, scuffling started. Trans-activists purposefully got past the police. Exactly as called for by the union leaders,  the goon squad fomented assaults,  so the organizers were genuinely in danger.   Just before the cops pulled the plug, I was 10 yards from Megan Murphy at the microphone.  The decibel level of noise from the mob was as high as a rock concert.   Particularly disgusting,  was,  chants of profanity … a hallmark of the communists.  Which always reminds me of what my Grade 3 teacher taught us : ‘people resort to profanity when they run out of intelligent things to say’. 

In a ZOOM call a few days before,  leaders of trade and industrial unions had called for “flying squads’ to confront parental rights rallies which were scheduled in 22 cities across Canada.      Only reason the scene in Victoria didn’t qualify as a “riot” is because the cops called it off, timely.  

It can be seen as a teachable moment.  A lesson lacking in Christian circles these days … darkness is not just the absence of light. There is real Evil in the world. Those crazies in full throat demonstrated what happens when the mask of civility slips.  And that is no euphemism.  Many of them were demon-possessed.  Particularly ominous is the fad of masking their lower face with bandanas.  Wearing sunglasses with hoodies dressed all in black. Symptoms of mental disease playing out in public.   Serious trouble in the offing.

Having been through more than a few of these scenes for 3 decades, I know that the rang-i-tangs don’t show up spontaneously,  all on their own. No,  “street theatre / agit-prop”  is done by goons literally trained in communist schools.   The newspaper of record in British Columbia’s capital city = the Times Colonist = is a pathetic rag …  nothing but a propaganda outfall for the New Democratic Party.  The next day, its article about the Breach of the Peace had a full color photo of a sign with the clenched fist icon.  No mere accident … that’s the commies gloating at having done what they boasted they’d do  =  Disrupt Demoralize Destroy

It was telling that the thing had started out advertised as a project organized by the Muslims. Yet the lame-stream media said not a syllable about the 50 or so there.

On September 20th, those engaging in moral blackmail …  whose propaganda uses the word “safety” every other paragraph …  were the ones whom police identified as threatening public safety.  Old Polish joke: “They laugh. They have yet to hear the bad news’..” Or in modern parlance … what goes around, comes around.   After what played out at the Leg. I look forward with glee to when the soyboys start whinging and snivelling as their asses get kicked.   And I don’t mean,  figuratively. 

I go back so far, I recall the Maoists at UBC, ( 1968 ) holding up their little red books  chanting “Fascists have no right to speak”  ….shouting down someone warning what was going on in Red China with The Great Leap Forward.    The way their intellectual **heirs disgraced the gates of the City identifies who the Red Fascisti are these days.   Now an old codger at this sport, I think of Elvis Costello singing  “I used to be disgusted. Now I just try to be amused”.       [ ** I use that word loosely ] 

* SOGI stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. The main concept of which is, that a human being may be born in the wrong body. So he or she can supposedly “transition” to become the opposite sex.  Of course, this is absurd.    But such Insanity is a fundamental part of the curriculum in the public fool system lately.  Most parents who become aware that their children are being programmed with this non-sense, get angry.  Two generations of Christians failed to pay attention to how the public fool system had been taken over by Marxists.  Wakening from stupor,   they thrash-around. The lesson learned at the Leg. was only Round One.  Beginners found out how it goes with serious political activism.    

There is a simple remedy to the power struggle for the lives of our children > take them out of the clutches of socalled ‘professional educators’  better described as minions of the Devil. The socalled ‘school system’ does more harm than good.     Christians, especially, ought to separate themselves from the world.    Since that institution was infiltrated and overwhelmed by the antichrists, it’s up to us to do what is necessary to take back our children from pedophiles-in-power.  Home schooling is how to go about it =   the sooner the better.

Gordon S Watson Metchosin
September 22nd 2023 A. D.

Freedom Pledge from Penticton4FreedomFreedom Pledge from Penticton4Freedom

Freedom Pledge
Humanity is at a critical juncture because collectively we have failed to grasp the significance of the events
unfolding around us and to respond appropriately.
There is little argument that governments globally are exceeding their delegated authority.
To permit this unfettered abuse of power is to risk losing the natural rights and freedoms that is the
heritage of all people and the foundation of free and just societies.
History shows that humanity has often been exploited by the machinations of tyrants, opportunists,
oligarchs, and oppressors.
History further reveals that rights and freedoms are never returned willingly. Rather, it is the oppressed
themselves who ultimately reclaim and preserve human rights that benefit humanity.
One of the consequences of tyranny is that we individually and collectively affirm what we are willing to
accept from those to whom we delegate power. Tyranny also clarifies what we are willing to fight for and
perhaps even die for.
It is the duty of every human to ensure that fundamental human rights are upheld. The consequence of
failing to stand up and curtail tyranny is to risk losing all that we hold precious and to condemn future
generations to lives of servitude.
In all of the above, I pledge to stand with all those in the freedom community in resistance to oppression.
Before my Creator, my family and my community, I declare:
• I will rise up, speak up and disobey harmful and tyrannical orders, whether they come
from a domestic or foreign entity.
• I will stand in my power and authority and reclaim my innate rights and what has been
unlawfully and immorally taken from me, my family and my community.
• I will resist any attempt, by government or otherwise, to divide people or communites
from each other, or to subjugate any people to discriminate�on or harassment based on
ethnicity, faith, bodily autonomy, or freedom of choice.
• If the enemies of freedom come for anyone’s children, my neighbors, my community, or
my naton, I will resist.

I will not surrender my rights, nor those of my children and community.

(signature) (date)

CONVOY TRIAL DIARY: A Citizen’s Personal Confession By Trish Wood

CONVOY TRIAL DIARY: A Citizen’s Personal Confession

After an Emotional Day in Court

Trish WoodSep 19, 2023

Alex Honnold — on a rock face climbing without ropes

Like Alex Honnold in Free Solo, hanging onto rock walls with only his fingertips, we’ve all traversed danger and darkness without a net over the past three years. But we’ve come out the other side – almost. I’m proud I stood tall and refused the vaccine even though the isolation was debilitating and there were days it cost me my sanity. I look back on it now and wonder how I did it.

One thing I do know is that it got easier once the truckers hit the road. The Freedom Convoy brought us together, pulled us out of the shadows and reminded us that Canada is actually a good place, full of pioneering spirit and generosity. I often say that feeling of connectedness reminded me of how we came together to grieve for those sixteen kids and their support staff from the Humboldt Broncos hockey team bus who died in pursuit of the ultimate Canadian cultural event — small-town, prairie hockey.

I had nightmares about the scene at that intersection, near Tisdale, Saskatchewan and when the call went out to place hockey sticks on our front porches, my husband did it at his business and we even put one outside our door in the hallway of our apartment building. I loved that our country understood the moment.

Hockey Sticks in Toronto

I was again thinking about this story yesterday in trucker court, sitting just behind Chris Barber and Tamara Lich on trial for various charges that are not connected to any violence. They had already been arrested and yet the Crown lead evidence from February 19th — a day the Sûreté du Québec and other police forces, some dressed in black-bloc were aggressively trying to clear the streets. What I am about to say should disqualify me from reporting on the trial — but I am declaring my bias here and let the chips fall where they may.

Trish Wood is Critical is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

The scenes were surreal. Convoy protestors, sometimes nose to nose with police chanted love over fear and peace, despite the militaristic threat they faced. I believe I heard a couple of hold the line comments as well. What I saw was a study in thoughtful civil disobedience — the kind we usually applaud from historical figures. The protestors were mostly men, some of them military age and during a another era, they might have been soldiers deployed overseas. Watching them keep their cool in the face of overwhelming police power felt miraculous.

Police and convoy protestors from an unknown date.

Here is my live tweet from court:

So my confession is that I felt deeply yesterday that I should have been there, standing with those people. I supported the convoy — that’s no secret but I wonder if that was enough.

Every time video clips are lead by the Crown, I have the same reaction — how calm and in control of themselves the protestors seemed to be. That was underscored by the SQ officer on the witness stand admitting that his Green Squad broke in the midst of it to go for lunch – a moment highlighted by Tamara’s lawyer, Lawrence Greenspon.

In the meantime it’s being reported on social media that some of this country’s biggest unions are planning to disrupt tomorrow’s protests against schoolboards, teachers and ideological medicine working to indoctrinate our kids. If you ever doubted that the lone and distant Nazi flag at the trucker protest was a product of the same thinking, here is more evidence they don’t tolerate debate or opinions different from their own.

Stay critical.

CAFE Supporters Attend Hands-Off-Our-Children Rallies in Toronto, Hamilton & London

CAFE Supporters Attend Hands-Off-Our-Children Rallies in Toronto, Hamilton & London

Hands-Off-Our-Children pro-family rallies occurred today (September 20) across Canada. The Ontario Federation of Labour called out its “comrades” — their words, not ours to disrupt. They were joined by Antifa and the LGBTQ crowd. However, the forces favouring parental rights and protection of children from radical teachers and others who would impose a radical sex ed course in the schools and keep parents in the dark if their confused or mixed up kid decides she/he is a different agenda prevailed.

Under the banner “No Space for Hate”, the wacko OFL equated protection of one’s children and parental rights with “hate.” They proclaimed: “In response, the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) made efforts to mobilize “No Space for Hate!” counter-protests across Ontario to show support for and stand in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. The OFL is one of many groups that organized events throughout the country, some of which are still ongoing.”

From Hamilton, a CAFE supporter reported: “The Antifa turds were in large supply, but were outnumbered by the pro-family crowd. Lots of cops, including some on horseback. Big traffic jams due to the massive rally. A few thousand in attendance. Lots of support from motorists for the pro-family side, including some City employees in their marked vehicles.”

In London, hundreds gathered outside the London District School Board and the Red Ensign, the flag of the Real Canada, the Canada of John Diefenbaker’s Bill of Rights — protection of real rights, especially free of expression, unlike Pierre Trudeau’s phony, weasel clause riddled Charter — flew pround.

In Toronto, CAFE supporters had interesting talks with Moslems who are also worried about parental rights and keeping their children safe from woke debauchery pushed in the schools.

Canada Sentences Pastor to Prison for Speech in Which He Called Freedom Convoy Truckers ‘Heroes’

Canada Sentences Pastor to Prison for Speech in Which He Called Freedom Convoy Truckers ‘Heroes’


Artur Pawlowski in Calgary, Alberta
Facebook/March for Jesus

Frances Martel19 Sep 2023294 6:48

A court in Alberta, Canada, sentenced Pastor Artur Pawlowski on Monday to 60 days in prison for a speech to Freedom Convoy truckers in February 2022 in which he supported their protests against repressive lockdown, vaccine, and other mandates related to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

Pawlowski, who first rose to prominence for expelling Canadian police from his church for trying to shut down an Easter service in 2021, faced multiple charges, including “mischief,” a crime in Canada, and violating the Critical Infrastructure Defense Act (CIDA). The latter charge suggested that Pawlowski’s speaking to protesters on the Alberta-Montana border was an attack on the province’s road infrastructure, as he encouraged them to continue an ongoing blockade demanding the lifting of coronavirus-related mandates. Prosecutors were demanding up to ten months in prison for the pastor on the grounds that he has publicly and repeatedly denied having any remorse for his vocal opposition to lockdowns.

“I’m not ashamed of what I did. If I had a chance to do it again, I would do it again, gladly,” Pawlowski told a crowd of supporters after his conviction on Monday.

Judge Gordon Krinke reserved a conviction on the charges of attacking infrastructure, as Pawlowski’s defense had challenged the CIDA as unconstitutional, and proceedings regarding that law are ongoing. He found Pawlowski guilty of “mischief” and breaching a release order in May. The 60-day sentence handed down on Monday includes time served, so Pawlowski walked out of the court free – but with a criminal conviction on his record.

“A period of incarceration is required in order to achieve the objectives of denunciation and deterrence,” Krinke said at the sentencing, according to the CBC.

Prior to the sentencing, prosecutor Steven Johnston argued that the case, in which Pawlowski faced charges for delivering a sermon, was “not about freedom of religion and it is not about free speech.”

“In this case, the accused comes before the court with no sense of remorse,” Johnston said. “The lack of remorse, the lack of introspection is important in this case because of the fact he is likely a high risk to redo this.”

Pawlowski appeared to agree in remarks to the 200 supporters who convened to celebrate his release on Monday.

“For the past 18 months they’ve done everything in their power to force me to say that I am guilty, that I am sorry. They were forcing me to apologize, but I have nothing to apologize for,” the pastor said.

“I hope that my oppressors are listening because this is not over. This is just the beginning,” Pawlowski added, also stating that he would “gladly” repeat the actions that resulted in his arrest if he deemed it necessary:

Hundreds of supporters similarly rallied in support of the pastor following his initial conviction in May.

Canada faced a wave of protests in early 2022 that later came to be known as the “Freedom Convoy” due to the large presence of truckers using their vehicles to occupy space throughout the country in protest. Many convened in Ottawa, the nation’s capital, where they blocked the streets with their trucks, honked loudly for extended periods of time, and built a peaceful tent camp with a festival atmosphere to which many brought their children.Robert Kraychik / Breitbart News Robert Kraychik / Breitbart News

The objective of the Freedom Convoy protests was to pressure radical leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the provincial governments to end vaccine mandates – which disproportionately hurt truckers attempting to regularly travel between provinces – as well as the suspension of freedoms of assembly and religion. Protesters also demanded the full reopening of all schools, an end to mask mandates, and other restrictions.

Pawlowski was charged with criminal actions for his speech to a Freedom Convoy group that convened on the border between Alberta and Montana in early 2022, causing major disruptions in regional commerce by shutting down the road. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney ended the vaccine passport system and mask mandate for schoolchildren in place at the time during the ongoing blockade.

Pawlowski told the protesters during a sermon at the local Smuggler’s Saloon in February 2022 that they were “heroes” and encouraged them not to “go breaking the line.”

“I believe that the eyes of the world are fixed on this place right here. That’s right — this little pitiful piece of land,” Pawlowski said. “The eyes of the world are fixed right here on you guys. You are the heroes. Don’t you dare go breaking the line. … For the first time in two years, you have the power. You pack your stuff, you go to Edmonton and you will be lost.”

Pawlowski posted an extended recording of his speech on Rumble on Monday.

Pawlowski has faced a barrage of other criminal charges for his opposition to restrictions on freedom of assembly and other civil rights violations by the Trudeau government during the pandemic.

Pawlowski first faced police trouble for holding an “illegal” Easter service in April 2021, attracting six police officers who tried to shut it down. Pawlowski forced them out of his church, disparaging them as “Gestapo Nazi communist fascists” and “psychopaths,” and continued his service. Police arrested him a month later for continuing to serve his faithful, contrary to the religious restrictions imposed by Canadian officials:

In addition to fines, travel restrictions, and imprisonment, the Canadian government attempted to force Pawlowski to read a government statement every time he condemned civil rights violations in the name of the pandemic, which stated in part, “The majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19 [sic].”

Pawlowski appealed the many charges against him for performing the responsibilities of a pastor, and in July 2022, an Alberta court of appeals agreed, ruling that his arrest and many fines and other punishments were illegal.

Trudeau, who memorably confessed in 2019 that he had worn blackface so often he did not remember every instance in which he did so, has condemned those who opposed his civil rights violations, calling them “racist, misogynistic … anti-vaxxer mobs,” accusing Freedom Convoy supporters of “hateful rhetoric” and mocking them as “tinfoil hat”-wearers and “a few people shouting and waving swastikas.”

Maxime Bernier Announces a Busy Week Opposing Gender Ideology

We have a big week ahead of us in the fight against gender ideology.

There are two major protests opposing gender ideology in schools.

On Wednesday, September 20 there will be the 1 Million March 4 Children with demonstrations taking place across the country.

Parents will be pulling their kids out of school and assembling at City Halls and Legislature buildings to show that the sexualization of children is unacceptable.

A couple days later on Friday, September 22, my friends Billboard Chris and Josh Alexander will be hosting an Education Over Indoctrination protest in Toronto.

I expect these protests are going to be massive. The biggest we’ve ever seen in opposition to gender ideology.

And the Radical Left has taken notice.

This weekend we learned that the Radical Left is mobilizing across the country in counter protests.

And they have shocking institutional support.

Footage leaked from a “rapid response” meeting held by the Ontario Labour Federation with over 100 representatives of major labour unions across Canada’s largest province. You can watch the footage by clicking here.

The rhetoric they use is disturbing. They proudly refer to each other as “comrades”. They describe parents concerned about what is being taught to their children as fascists.

They believe anyone who doesn’t agree with childhood transition is “fundamentally racist, fundamentally anti-immigrant, and fundamentally queer and transphobic”. Ironically, the lead organizers of the 1 Million March 4 Children are first and second generation Muslims…

They discussed intimidation tactics to scare reasonable Canadians from participating, or to make sure they regret that they did.

Unions across Canada also made public statements, including the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), and the British Columbia Federation of Labour.

OPSEU described concerned parents as “hate groups”, CUPE Ontario described them as “the ultra-conservative right”.

Let that sink in…

In 2023, believing that children shouldn’t be taught that they are “born in the wrong body” and that the solution is pharmaceuticals and unnecessary surgeries makes you part of a hate group or the “ultra-conservative right”.

These people are unhinged!

They do not believe in parents’ rights. They believe the state knows best and should be able to raise your children with their modern, hyper-progressive values, and everyone who disagrees is a bigot or a fascist.

Since when is it the role of unions to intervene with peaceful protests? This has nothing to do with labour rights, or collective bargaining.

They do not stand for workers, they are nothing more than the foot soldiers of the morally depraved elites. Whether they realize it or not.

In fact they are the extremists! They are the ones imposing a harmful and radical ideology on a generation of our children. They are the ones confusing our children and offering permanent life altering pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures as the solution.

It is crucial that as many people attend these protests as possible.

It is not enough to be vocal on social media. We must take to the streets and demonstrate that the silent majority stands against this child abuse.

We will expose these people as the extremists they are.

On Wednesday, I will be taking part in the 1 Million March 4 Children in Ottawa. Please join me if you can, if you’re not in the area you can click this link to find details on the march in your area.

On Friday, I will be with Josh and Chris in Toronto. Details on the poster below.

Please share these posters, and attend a protest in an area near you.