Restore the Bank of Canada to the purpose of funding infrastructure projects in Canada.
Eliminate usurious private lending institutes.
– Abolish Income Tax.
– Re-examine The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Is “The Charter” a legal constitution or not?
– Eliminate any central bank digital currency.
– Audit the federal government by a consortium of private citizens.
– Paper ballots in all jurisdictional elections, including hand-counts. No ‘voting machines’, no electronic tabulations.
– Investigate thoroughly all covid-19 related activity, including cancelling all vaccine contracts. All colluding with already know criminal cv-19 related activity prosecuted, incarcerated, and de-pensioned.
– No mandatory medical dictates.
– Keep all pharmaceutical company lobbies out of all government and citizen activity.
– Stop the process of codifying vitamins, herbs and all natural health products.
– Allow natural health procedures to serve the people.
– Repeal MAID. People can end their own lives without the taxpayer involved.
– Stop murdering people before they are born – it is a child’s body.
– A 100% moratorium on immigration. Deport all international criminals and illegal entry individuals.
– Stop funding the U.N., and remove Canada from U.N. membership.
– Stop funding the entire women’s lobby to end all unfair advantages to females only.
– Investigate the R.C.M.P.
– Stop the aboriginal money extraction industry. Everyday Canadian tax-payers today should not be forever paying for what the monarchies did hundreds of years ago.
– Investigate aboriginal tribal and band councils regarding where received money was spent. Accountability.
– Allow freedom of speech. Repeal any legislation restricting what can be said or written.
– Stop government expansion. We have enough laws and government departments.
– Continue drilling for oil.
– Keep foreign investment out of local resource extraction. Allow Canadians to develop such industry. -Thoroughly investigate the current majority in Parliament.