Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan in January: Kelowna, Penticton, & Vernon

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan in January: Kelowna, Penticton, & Vernon

Common Law Fundamentals Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship Let’s begin by first announcing two extremely important rallies upcoming in the next few weeks. Regular rallies are listed at the bottom as per usual. Your support and presence, especially at these next two rallies, is critical to maintaining our exposure to the world, of the gov’t and media corruption.

World Wide Rally and MEGA Rally is coming to Kelowna!

January 22, 2022

Stuart Park 12:00 Noon

Including downtown Kelowna march, and Hwy Rally to follow!

Hosted by Singer/songwriter Jacquelyn Rose

Christy Derksen – From Vancouver singing O’Canada

Presently scheduled speakers:

Marcus Ray

Supporting and rallying local businesses for freedom


KGH nurse, forced to be vaxxed unwillingly, Jennifer will discuss the life altering side effects of this vaccine assault

Ted Kuntz

One of the most inspiring speakers in Canada on vaccines, and co-founder of Vaccine Choice Canada


Blackout Mainstream Media Rally

Ongoing lies, misleading comments, omission of material facts, admissions that the B.C. Gov’t have told media to not give people who love freedom or are opposed to Bonnie the Commie a “platform”, libelous and defamatory statements, and representing freedom lovers as the enemy, has required more vigilant activities to expose the media fraud in the Okanagan.

Colin Dacre of Castanet has been one of the more vocal criminals in this regard, intentionally portraying freedom activists as conspiracy theorists and other false labels. Many of his comments truly amount to nothing less than pure libel. Other reporters have reported in a similar manner.

Almost all rallies in Canada have been peaceful, yet the media continues to falsely label us being associated with racist and violent groups and spreading misinformation. No one is immune, as Maxime Bernier has learned.

We would not be in this position had the media asked the appropriate damning questions of our Governments and Bonnie the Commie right from the beginning. The primary reason for the destruction of our rights and freedoms, and the ignorance of Canadians, lies directly with the compromised media.

We would not be here if the media correctly reported that the problems at hospitals lie not with the number of cases, but with the number of nurses and doctors who have quit or resigned rather than be vaxxed.

Lies include:

that the injection is a vaccine when in fact it has no actual viral particles in it – it changes your DNA

that activists are violent right-wing people, who are racist and extremists. Nothing is further from the truth. We never see pictures of violence at Canadian rallies – just peaceful marches and demonstrations

reporting gov’t press releases with no verification of statistics – most of which are direct lies or lies by omission

that we need to wear masks, when it is physically impossible for masks to prevent viral transmission (and not telling the public Bonnie the Commie has admitted this under oath)

refusing to inform the public that the PCR test is not the gold standard for COVID-19 testing, but fool’s gold, does not test for live viruses and has a 97.5% false positive rate at gov’t testing cycles

that vaccines do not prevent viral transmission, but, if and when they work, only reduce the symptoms

deaths are reported as COVID-19 even if people die from other causes

hospitals have been routinely seen to be empty – not overfilled

any problems at hospitals are because medical personnel are quitting en masse, rather than be subject to the experimental jab

that we don’t believe in science, when everything we promote is scientifically based and in fact, we do believe in science, just not their junk science….and…

Castanet has criminally published letters from people advocating those infected with COVID-19 to come to our rallies and intentionally infect people!!

…and on it goes



CASTANET 11:00 a.m.

455 Lawrence Ave. Kelowna

Bring your signs exposing media corruption.

Bring your A4C media Notices of Liability to serve on Castanet.


Keep on Trucking!!

Following on the heels of the Quebec Government’s decision to back off from firing all non-vaccinated nurses, and the New Brunswick Government’s decision to back off their threats prohibiting all non-vaccinated people from shopping even for food, the Federal Government has now retreated from its decision that all truckers had to be vaxxed before January 15, 2022. With at least 12 000 truckers refusing to vaccinate, the Federal Government had no choice but to retreat or face serious supply chain problems.

Next time you see them on the road, or at your diner or hotel, thank your truckers!!!


Anti-Vax Tax

Recently Quebec Premier Legault, pictured demonstrating the size of his brain, has declared that it will impose a tax upon the unvaxxed. In politics nothing happens by chance. Less that one day before Quebec announced its recent health tax, the Minister of Health, who clearly knew this was coming, resigned.

In other words, if you don’t agree to let your employer or the State commit the criminal offence of assaulting you, they will tax you for refusing to be assaulted.

Our concern is that these types of cases begin in Quebec, under their civil code. Then the adverse judgments are applied in all common law provinces. For example, in response, Ontario has recently declared, that they will not follow suit.

British Columbia will not follow Quebec, the province’s Health Minister, Adrian Dix, said on Tuesday.

I can say, definitively, we will not be proceeding with a similar measure in B.C.,” he told reporters at a briefing.

Alta has recently opined that it will not follow La Belle Province either.

In Manitoba, in a carefully crafted statement, the Gov’t said: “We’re certainly not looking at something like that now.” The implication is clear – it will be coming just not right now.

These and other provinces are merely waiting to see what happens with the inevitable Quebec challenge under the civil code, to then comply with adverse court rulings, passing the buck onto the courts. It won’t be the last time during this falsified pandemic, that gov’ts have stated a position only to reverse it months if not weeks later. This time, they will simply claim they had to follow the court’s decision.

Quebecers need to oppose this unequal tax on your right to choose what goes into your body.


Constitutional Creep – Declare all provincial offences to be administrative and charge fees to defend yourself

Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship

The common law principle above herein, could not be more appropriate to the present situation in our country – on all fronts. Constitutional creep is now the new norm. Beginning in 2013, Alta. began this administrative creep by denial of court protections for drinking and driving. Now they are expanding this to all driving tickets. YOU will be presumed guilty and have to pay to challenge these tickets!!! And if you lose…more administrative penalties. The Alta. Gov’t further intends to expand this to all provincial offence tickets. Drinking was easily sold to the public due to the effects this caused which meant all of us had to forego some of our rights and liberties, (appropriate for China maybe).

Instead of an independent judge, you appear before a gov’t appointed biased adjudicator, with significant limitations on what evidence you can submit, and no appeal process only a limited judicial review. And YOU have to pay for this hearing!

Make no mistake, judges are one of the foremost lobbying force behind these changes. They simply want to see these ‘piddly’ little cases taken out of the courts so they don’t have to deal with them, though the publicly stated reason is to: “make …roads safer while restoring justice system capacity.” Please tell us how stripping you of your fundamental procedural and Constitutional rights to natural justice and procedural fairness, will make the roads safer? By having less people win in court?

This is a cryptic way of stating that due to gov’ts in the past penalizing every action on the highway, mismanagement, judicial laziness, and COVID-19 fear mongering, the courts were backlogged.

Every time changes are made for expediency or for ease, or safety, YOU lose your fundamental Constitutional and/or procedural guarantees. NEVER forget this. It’s like a new menu at your favorite restaurant – you just know the prices are going up despite any new products being offered. Menus are not changed, with corresponding costs, for nothing. Similarly, changes to the system only occur for your detriment. When was the last time you read a statute and said to yourself: “Wow, I’ve just gained more rights or liberties!”?

Don’t think for a moment this won’t come to your province. All courts are backlogged in every province and they will use this as a scapegoat to screw you and make YOU pay up front for it.


CLEAR Telegram

With over 600 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness. This is a private group for trusted people and friends only. Our rules are simple:

CLEAR Telegram Group


Rallies and events

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle. Our objective is to retain more rights and freedoms each year for our children.

Our attendance is our display to the world, of our belief and commitment to freedom.

Weekly Rallies

Bring at least two friends who care about freedom!


Saturday January 15, 2022 12:00 Noon Stuart Park

Join the largest Freedom rallies in the Okanagan!

Dress Warm – We will be going back to the Highway this weekend!!


Sunday January 16, 2022 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Main & Warren St.

Say hi to Mary-Lou, supporting the largest Freedom Rallies in the South Okanagan!


Saturday January 15, 2022 12:00 Polson Park

Say hi to Darren, supporting the largest Freedom Rallies in the North Okanagan!

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, October 23/24


NOTICE: Kelowna Wednesday rallies will be on hold this week while we focus on our upcoming MEGA Rally. We will begin Wednesday rallies again on Wed. October 27th.
MEGA Rally pixUpcoming RalliesKelowna CLEAR MEGA Rally Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021, 12:00 noon at Stuart Park,

Featuring:Tanya Gaw from Action4Canada
Creator of the Notices of Civil Liability. Discussing the success of these Notices and her most recent court action in B.C. against Bonnie the Commie et al.

Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice CanadaOne of the most inspirational speakers in Canada. Updates from the founder of the most knowledgeable group, and one of the most knowledgeable speakers in Canada on all aspects of vaccine issues.

Dave Shearer, Owner One Eyed Budgie
One of B.C.’s first businesses to refuse to enforce mask orders and a staunch advocate for freedom.
The Difference between Power and ForceDave MechintonDiscussing his recent KGH vaccine related injuries, and their cover-up responses.Meet and greet all our awesome speakers!These big rallies have in the past, sent strong messages to the Gov’t and Bonnie the Commie, that there are a lot more people opposed to their lockdowns, than they admit!!

We need your support for this huge event and hope you will show up to support our speakers, and our march through downtown Kelowna.Please bring at least 3-5 friends and/or supporters to our rallies each week.Bring your signs! With other provinces passing stricter and stricter legislation, and BC close behind, we all have an obligation and need to spread the word about our weekly rallies. Now is NOT the time to leave our beautiful province, but to rally the troops around our cause. Our children and families deserve nothing less.
______Vernon Rally Saturday, October 23, 2021 12:00 noon @ Polson Park
Say hi to Heather who is supporting the largest Northern Okanagan rallies.
______Kamloops Saturday October 23, 2021 12:00 noon @ Riverside Park
Say hi to Glen and Corally supporting the best rallies in the Kamloops area.______Penticton Sun. Oct. 24, 2021 12:00 noon @ Warren & Main St.
Say hi to Mary-Lou supporting the largest rallies in the Southern Okanagan.
IMG 3680-1-467x350Quebec nurses score victory!Thousands of united health care workers stood united at the Quebec Legislature against mandatory vaccines at work. After setting a deadline of Oct. 13 for all health care staff to be vaccinated or fired, on Oct. 12, Quebec M of H, Christian Dube, blinked first and announced he was extending this date until Nov. 30, as over 22 000 unvaccinated or partially vaccinated workers. Make no mistake, come Nov. 30, if the workers stay united, they will win! Dube acknowledged the system would collapse without these workers.
In Freedom

C.L.E.A.R. downtown march rally this Saturday!

 C.L.E.A.R. downtown march rally this Saturday!
C.L.E.A.R. Rally instagram photo of 2 million views. ILona MC and Bobbie with front line nurses. 2 Weeks after C.L.E.A.R. rally features The Front-line Nurses, Bonnie Henry and her gang of thieves send muzzle orders to the Kelowna region!! Could that have been due to the now 2 million likes and views of Bobbie expressing deep regret of getting vaccinated… and us publicly praying for her vax/jab healing? Let’s keep going as we are clearly making a difference!
Thank you to Kyle Cardinal – For those of you who would like to see the C.L.E.A.R. rally with the FrontlIne Nurses – please click here.
Ted Kuntz will be speaking at C.L.E.A.R. downtown Kelowna march rally this Saturday on August 14, 2021 at noon accross from City Hall in Stuart Park. Come and Join us ….. and bring a friend!
photo 2021-05-16 22-36-40 Caption goes here Ted Kuntz, being one of the original founders of Vaccine Choice Canada (, is Kelowna’s very own beloved Experimental Vaccine expert! Ted has been through much to come to the understanding that he has in order to share it with us! We are thankful that after much travel he will be back this Saturday!
Quote of the day
I would rather listen to a baby crying all day long, than listen to Bonnie Henry!!! {A. Prouse}
photo 2021-07-06 00-46-34 three 1 Caption goes here David Lindsay, another of Saturday’s speakers, is often presumed to be a lawyer as he specializes in court procedures, research, and constitutional and legal issues. He has authored a 250 page book highlighting his experiences which is being made available to view at the C.L.E.A.R. table.

David remains one of the original founders of Common Law Education And Rights and will be sharing on further legal options to support non-vaccination at work.
Better Business Standards
logo-nobackground-5000 2 Better Business Standards is seeking to launch on-line signatures with by the end of next week.
So you can tell your British Columbia friends and family that they will be able to sign the petition on line holding Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Mike Farnworth accountable for their illegal activities.
Are you ready to protest next week at Kelowna’s Interior Health? Stay tuned..

END THE LOCKDOWNS! This day, first organized in Germany, will be celebrated in over 50 countries by the freedom loving resistance!

END THE LOCKDOWNS! This day, first organized in Germany, will be celebrated in over 40 countries by the freedom loving resistance!

Over 50 Countries and a dozen Canadian Cities participating!!!

11:30 a.m. gathering        Stuart Park, Kelowna

12:00 noon start time
Confirmed speakers:

David Lindsay    CLEAR – Common Law Education and Rights Initiative
Ted Kuntz          Vaccine Choice Canada

Raoul Taylor      No New Normal

Dr. Stephen Malthouse     B.C Medical Doctor 

Dr. Judy Mikovits               U.S. Medical Doctor and Author, The Case Against Masks   Live stream

Two Amazing European Speakers

Downtown march and Highway 97 Rally will follow!

Bring your friends and families down for this awesome international freedom assembly.

In freedom

David LindsayCLEAR

Hatchet Job on New ANTI-COVID Tyranny Tabloid DRUTHERS byGov’t-funded, BMO-funded Anti-Free Speech “Canadian Anti-Hate Network”

New Covid Conspiracy Newspaper With Extremist Ties Eyes Canada-Wide Distribution

A new newsprint and online publication is making the rounds at Ontario’s anti-lockdown protests. Billing itself as a source for information not affected by government or big tech censorship, after only one issue Druthers has already made itself a home for fringe voices and ideas.

By Rayne Posted on December 18, 2020

New Covid Conspiracy Newspaper With Extremist Ties Eyes Canada-Wide Distribution

Druthers, a new print paper devoted to Covid conspiracies, launched its first edition in Toronto on November 28. Claiming 25,000 hard copies in circulation and an online edition, it is receiving a lot of buzz in anti-mask/lockdown circles. 

A second issue is planned for January 1, and editor Shawn Jason Laplante, who goes by Shawn Jason online, announced that a partnership is in the works with Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC).

The status of this arrangement is unknown, and Laplante told the Canadian Anti-Hate Network he was “just exploring some ideas,” when asked for comment. 

He presented it to his supporters a little differently.  

“I just received a phone call from Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada and it looks like we are joining forces to make Druthers even bigger and deeper reaching!” Laplante wrote in the private Druthers Facebook group on December 4. 

In the print edition, all of page two of the paper’s first issue was devoted to a press release from VCC.

While he told us there wouldn’t need to be a newspaper without the “rampant censorship” seen in society, his goal is to reach national circulation of half a million copies.  

Current funding for the paper is coming from a mixture of sources, including crowdfunding, ad and merchandise sales. Laplante states on his GoGetFunding page that $3,000 is all that is needed to produce and distribute 25,000 copies, and that $5,000 would enable him to complete a publishing run of 50,000. For the upcoming January 1st edition, he has raised $1,680 as of December 6. Assuming all the supporters who advertised their business ventures in the first edition paid for the space, he brought in approximately $1,125 through advertising sales. 

Laplante, who appears to be based in Toronto, writes in his first editorial that Druthers’ creators are “explorers of truth” who “love and care for all of humanity.” While this may be what he would like people to believe, it is not the case. 

Dave Bolton of Newmarket, who is working closely with Laplante on Druthers, is the father of Mike Bolton, another frequent anti-lockdown protest attendee who describes himself as a fascist Atomwaffen Division supporter. 

The paper is being promoted by the anti-Muslim ACT! For Canada’s website, alongside white nationalist and former University of New Brunswick professor Ricardo Duchesne’s Council of European Canadians, QAnon content creator Amazing Polly, and The Epoch Times, among others. 

The paper was also promoted by a user on the notorious white supremacist forum Stormfront. RykerB posted a description of the project that appeared on other sites, including ACT! For Canada: “This is exiting [sic] news! The first issue of this new newspaper is complete. 25,000 physical copies have been printed. Druthers thanks everyone for their love and support in bringing this to fruition. This weekend they begin distributing the hard copies freely around Toronto & neighbouring cities. In addition to the physical newspaper there are also digital, and online versions.” 

In response, Laplante stated he was unaware of the promotion on Stormfront and ACT! For Canada.

“Druthers is being talked about everywhere by many people. I’m not a hater at all. Quite the opposite,” he said. “Heck, I don’t even hate the globalists who I believe are committing massive crimes against humanity right now.”

In addition to the expected anti-vax, anti-mask rhetoric, and articles about how to organize a protest march and how to navigate relationship challenges that may arise when one’s significant other is not on board with anti-mask beliefs, Druthers also dips into the far right side of things by recommending “websites of interest” including The Corbett Report, Rebel Media, Dan Dicks’ Press For Truth, Lamont Daigle’s The Line Canada, and Hugs Over Masks, among others. 

An article entitled “Panopticon: COVID-19 and the reign of terror” by self-described “environmental journalist” Guy Crittenden raises eyebrows with its heavy reliance on QAnon ideas and assorted conspiracies, comparison of global COVID responses to Nazi eugenics and the Holocaust, while leaning on a thinly veiled antisemitic trope that globalists are “not connected to spirit.” 

When asked about the content of the articles, he acknowledged that “some people will call some articles conspiracy theory,” but said his paper is about “exploring truths rather than trying to be a voice of authority.”

At first glance, 48-year-old Shawn Jason Laplante appears to be an unlikely publisher of such content. Indeed, some of his friends even called him out for an October 4th Facebook post promoting his favorite YouTube channels including Wayne Peters’ What’s Up, Canada?, Dan Dicks, and Amazing Polly, among others. 

A self-described “Reality Alteration Specialist,” Laplante, a home renovator and carpenter by day, has poured his passions into his many side projects that, until now, promoted love and peace while selling T-shirts and coffee mugs. 

His most successful venture was I Love You Pass It On, or ILYPIO, an admittedly endearing effort to spread little love cards around the world to make people smile. He boasts that he got the cards into over 800 communities worldwide, and his T-shirt made it into a couple of music videos and was even promoted by Darius McCrary of Family Matters fame. 

In an ironic twist, back in 2015 Laplante organized teams to give out free hugs around Toronto, which almost seems like training for what was to come in 2020. However, at that point, it does not appear that he was telling his friends to “keep an open mind” when it comes to far-right/racist material. 

In June he asked for volunteers to take over the management of the ILYPIO project, stating in the comments, “I’m feeling drawn to step up my activism game. Iloveyoupassiton was always intended as a form of activism, but lately I am moving towards more aggressive activism… As the powers that be have upped their game recently, so must I.” 

This new aggression is leading Laplante to boost people like antisemitic conspiracy theorist, David Icke on his social media and within the pages of Druthers. 

Icke is a one-time British football player known for his promulgation of the theory that most major world leaders are a race of reptilian and pedophilic aliens. Icke is also a decades-long superspreader of conspiracies and misinformation — he claims that “Rothschild Zionists” control the world, that Jews financially supported Hitler during the Second World War, and that Jews were behind both the 9/11 terror attack and the 2008 recession. 

Icke has also argued that schools should permit the study of Holocaust denial. 

Recently, Icke was banned from YouTube after promoting the idea that COVID-19 was actually caused by 5G technology. 

Laplante said in a comment that he was unaware of Icke being antisemitic. 

Also, appearing in the pages is controversial Aylmer pastor Henry Hildebrandt, who is making news for his hardline anti-mask leadership of his congregation. Twenty years ago Hildebrandt courted controversy when he fought the Children’s Aid Society to maintain the right to strike his children and counsel his congregants to carry out similar discipline in their families. 

While Laplante is careful to say he doesn’t fully agree with some of the individuals and organizations he highlights, at some point fellow travellers become fellow believers and it is very concerning where this new venture will lead him. In a brainstorming thread on Facebook, Laplante proposes targeting COVID testing centres with his propaganda while others suggest handing out flyers to parents outside schools at drop-off/pick-up times. 

“I don’t propose people distribute newspapers at COVID testing centers,” he said when asked, “but offering up a flyer with some information about the tests isn’t a bad idea.”

Laplante and Druthers illustrate the dangers that come when New Age or anti-vax proponents mix with racists and other far right actors. A strong belief in seeing the goodness in everyone coupled with an attitude that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” leads to an increasing suspension of common sense and moral judgement while pursuing the common goal of fighting covid safety measures. 

It remains to be seen whether Druthers will continue to grow or will fall flat despite the support and assumed injection of funds from VCC, but one thing is certain: Laplante has strayed significantly from his proclamations of equal love and care and it may take a significant change for him to return to that worldview.  

With files from Elizabeth Simons and Kurt Phillips.


KELOWNA. December 12, 2020. “This is the biggest freedom rally the Okanagan has ever seen,” Dave Lindsay shouted as he greeted the over 2,000 people who had gathered here for the Mega END THE LOCKDOWN Rally at noon. They came from Lilooet and Kamloops, from Salmon Arm and the Lake Country, from Vernon and Armstrong, from Keremos, Penticton, Okanagan Falls and Oliver. One caravan even drove up from Vancouver. As the cavalcade from Salmon Arm and Vernon drove down the highway their honking horns and anti-Lockdown banners drew many thumbs up and supportive honks.
The rally opened with the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer. Singer and songwriter Jacqueline-Rose warmed up the crowd as latecomers continued to stream in.
Then, Dave Lindsay of Penticton, Chairman of C.L.E.A.R. (Common Law Education and Rights Initiative), who has organized the weekly Kelowna Rally since April had the crowd cheering with an attack on Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health: “Bonnie Henry is trying to steal Christmas from us. Have as many people in your house as you want to.” “And,” he added to laughter and more cheers, “Bonnie the commie will never get another Christmas present!”
Mr. Lindsay noted: “COVID has divided families and it’s divided mine.” He charged that the government’s position is a mass of lies and misinformation. “The PCR test they use ha 10 major flaws. It can have an up to 95% error rate. So, why are we using this test?The death rate in B.C. was going down before masks were made mandatory in indoor public spaces. Now, the death rate is going up!”
In a nurses’ case, several years ago, “Bonnie Henry gave testimony that masks  are not effective,” but now she’s imposing them on British Columbians. “Bonnie Henry, you’re not a hero,” Mr. Lindsay concluded and the crowd took up a chorus of “lock her up!”
Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, also spoke. He outlined the terrible damage done to his son by a vaccine and the years of suffering before the lad’s premature and untimely death.

Thanking the R.C.M.P. for helping the rally co-ordinate its march, Mr. Lindsay directed the crowd out from Stuart Park for a parade through the downtown part of Kelowna. Police blocked off one side of the road. The freedom fighters, including many couples with children and even some with babies in strollers stretched more than 10 city blocks. The joyous crowd, with not a mask in site, frequently broke into chants of “freedom” “no more lockdowns!” and, at several points, “Oh, Canada.” Many people along the route gave a thumbs up, many passing cars honked in approval. A few signalled disapproval, including one old lady, masked and alone in her car, who flashed the middle finger at the freedom parade.

After the parade many of the freedom fighters lined the sidewalk along Harvey Street where traffic inbound to Kelowna crosses over a bridge spanning  Lake Okanagan.
The afternoon, however, ended on a sour note when rally organizer Dave Lindsay was presented with a $2,500 fine by the R.C.M.P., a fine that the court-wise Mr. Lindsay intends to challenge vigorously.
Once again, CAFE, which has backed all END THE LOCKDOWN protests since they began in Vancouver in mid-March, attended with a number of supporters from up and down the Okanagan.

A good overview of the lawsuit Vaccine Choice Canada has launched against the federal & Ontario governments and others. It’s a matter of individual liberty

A good overview of the lawsuit Vaccine Choice Canada has launched against the federal & Ontario governments and others. It’s a matter of individual liberty.… Preview YouTube video The Max Bernier Show – Ep. 38 : Rocco Galati on suing the government