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Well friends, it happened… As of September 23rd, we lost connection with 187,000 of you on Facebook and 27,000 more of you on Instagram. This is where the majority of our online reach came from, so this is a pretty big deal to Druthers. This is also a really big deal for all Canadians, yet many don’t seem to see or care that this is a very serious issue. But they cannot censor print This goes to show the importance of Druthers as a print media option here in Canada. With online censorship seeping in thicker and thicker, now is the time to really double down and boost Druthers to get important news & information into the hands of more people. It’s an information war… and we need more help from more people. Please donate today: Help us print more papers!! Etransfer is easiest and carries no fees: admin@druthers.net Credit cards & paypal can be used at our official fundraising page: www.donorbox.org/druthers Or send cash, gift cards or checks made out to: Shawn Jason Laplante P.O. Box 40531 Six Points Plaza Toronto, Ontario M9B 6K8 Please know, every dollar of your donation goes entirely to printing papers and shipping skids to our hubs each month (less credit card or paypal fees if applicable). Your money goes only to the printers and the shippers. We cover other expenses through subscriptions, merchandise & neighbourhood mail. Thank you. Stay strong. Stay free. Much love & strength to you all <3 Shawn Jason P.S. Don’t ever miss as issue. Get Druthers delivered right to your mailbox every month with a postal subscription: www.druthers.net/subscribe ======= HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Earlier this year, Bill C-18 passed, which basically means the government told online tech companies that if Canadians are going to share Canadian news links on their social platforms, that the platforms had to start paying the news agencies. Big tech said no way, and now all Canadian news is blocked on Facebook & Instagram, including everything we have ever posted on the Druthers social pages. Go see for yourself: www.facebook.com/druthers.net Or: www.instagram.com/druthersnews You will find the accounts are still there but no content can be seen, but only if you are in Canada. People in other countries can still see our content, though we the admins of those social pages cannot see our own content nor post anything new. The pages are essentially useless now. We cannot keep you informed of what’s going on through those platforms now. WHO IS IN THE WRONG? Facebook says the government is in the wrong for demanding money be paid to their dying legacy media outlets, and the government says Facebook is wrong for blocking Canadian news content. I say, this is all wrong!! I also say, it’s all by design. With legacy media fading away into oblivion, brought about by their own greed, lies & lack of integrity for the people, this is a superb way to temporarily push Canadians back to buying their mainstream newspapers, watching / listening to their news stations, hence increasing advertising revenues and making the corporate media more money. But also, and more importantly, it gives them better control over the narrative on whatever the political hot topic of the week is. State sponsored propaganda is about all we receive in Canada these days through the big media giants. If no news can be found online, where will people get their news fix? Yep, legacy media, which we all know by now is not honest and does not care for the best interests of the people. And now there will be no dissenting voices or room for debate. Whatever the government suits and unelected regulatory bodies determine to be true will be served up as such, even when it is clearly not actually true. THE IMPORTANCE OF DRUTHERS It is now even more important than ever to support Druthers and help this newspaper grow in reach & impact. 250,000 newspapers per month is our usual which is fabulous, but with 15 million dwellings in this country and a population of 40 MILLION people, we can do so much more, and they can’t censor print! This project is entirely people powered. We receive no government funding and have no corporate sponsors. This truly is the people’s paper and we really do need your ongoing support in order to keep printing. Did you know? We have printed nearly 9 million papers so far and given them to people coast to coast across Canada and into numerous other countries too. Let’s keep it going!! |
Tag Archives: Shawn Jason Laplante
Freedom Events in the Okanagan: Fighting SOGI, C.L.E.A.R. Rally. 15 Minute Cities
Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter
Index of Important Updates In this issue:
– Rallies and local events
– The Stop SOGI Now! Group meets again Thursday, October 5. Details below.
– C.L.E.A.R Rally – Oct 7th
– An evening with Maria Ho – Cannery Brewery – October 8
– GEO Engineering October 12
– 1 Million March for Kids October 21
– National Citizens Inquiry Recommends Immediate Halt to COVID-19 Vaccinations
– Dr. McCullough Testifies the Truth About COVID-19, mRNA Shots, and the WHO
– 15 Minute Cities in 5 Minutes
– BC 15 Minute City Coalition Event – Tuesday October 3 – 7 to 9 pm – Guest Speaker Corinne Mori
– Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 56 – Legal Updates
– Druthers call to help! The September edition is online And now available at our rallies! Donations are always needed.
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FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.
NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue where we welcome the sun again during the colder seasons.
First of all a big THANK YOU to Elsie, who has always been there with our literature table,
reaching out to anyone curious enough to come out to any of our rallies.
While she takes a well-deserved break, Judy and Paula are stepping up to make sure we always have
important information available for passers-by and regular attendees at our events.
In case you missed last week-
Chuck – a 32-year veteran of law enforcement with many years as a criminal investigator shared insights into the politicization of policing in Canada. There was lots of opportunity for Q&A and an open mic for announcements and updates on local events, including a celebration of the 1MillionMarch4Children.
The Freedom Convoy opened the eyes of people from around the world to what is going on in Canada. And the Million March moved the freedom movement out of the echo chamber and into the mainstream because we hit a sore spot with the powers that be, over their indoctrination of children in government schools.
Building on the energy and success of that March, several of us determined to Stop SOGI are meeting again to plan our approach for the coming months.
You are welcome to join us at our next Zoom meeting, this coming Thursday, October 5 at 7 p.m. to make sure we never stop pushing until the SOGI agenda in our schools has been completely defeated. With a possible second Million March 4 Children on October 21, we have to start now to plan and prepare for the event.
============================================= This week October 1st – A special invitation goes out to those who attended the Million March 4 Children on September 20, to share our experiences and talk about what we learned during that experience. We know something is coming as the cold season approaches, and we must be prepared. Future dates: October 8 – Donald Lee, author of “What The Hell is Going On? (the Web of Fraud that is Enslaving Everyone and How We Can Escape to Freedom) will be stopping by to share new insights from his time on the road this past year. Donald is an engaging speaker, speaker, full of stories and insights. Plan to be there! Miss a week and you miss a lot! |
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ EVENTS · Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna · Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. · Local A4C – Every Tuesday at Noon Protesting with Purpose: Richard Cannings 301 Main Street Penticton · Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately. ——————————————- o0o————————————————- EVENTS |
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October 8th 5-7 pm
Maria HO and her band entertained us at the July 17 event at Skaha Lake Park, hosted by members of the Penticton Freedom Frequency. It’s great to have the opportunity to welcome her back in town. Bar food is available. No cover charge. First Come, First Served. No reservations required or taken.

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More Info coming…. Join us for a planning meeting Thursday, Oct. 5 at 7. Reminder and link will be sent on Wednesday.
A snapshot of some of those who attended the September 20
Million March 4 Children in Penticton. Love those signs.
——————————- o0o————————————- ACTIONS OF THE WEEK This week we again ask you to attend an event!!!! ———————————— o0o————————————- Worth A Look |
———————————— o0o————————————- National Citizens Inquiry Recommends Immediate Halt to COVID-19 Vaccinations The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released the first recommendations of its four independent Commissioners following an investigation into how Canada’s governments responded to COVID-19. They compiled the evidence of experts and victims proving that the government’s mantra of Safe and Effective was a lie. The Commissioners recommend that: · A full judicial investigation of the process under which the Covid-19 vaccinations were authorized in Canada must be carried out. Criminal liability, if discovered, may be dealt with under existing Canadian law. · The current use of Covid-19 vaccines in Canada that were authorized under the revised provisions of the Interim Order and the newly revised Food and Drug Regulations, should be stopped immediately. The Commissioners’ recommendations are based on testimony provided to the Inquiry indicating that the conventional evaluation and endorsement process for vaccines was not adhered to by the Canadian Government in their evaluation of the COVID-19 vaccines. Access The Commissioners Interim Report on the NCI website Included is a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Send a copy to your MP and MLA to help open their eyes. Video of Commissioner’s Press Conference – Sept 14 Citizen-Led Inquiry Asks Ottawa to Cancel COVID-19 Vaccine Approval – Epoch Times NCI Website ———————————— o0o————————————- |
Dr. McCullough Testifies the Truth About COVID-19, mRNA Shots, and the WHO It’s time to pull out from the World Health Organization. Dr. McCullough explains why. (17:35) WATCH ———————————— o0o——————————— 15 Minute Cities in 5 Minutes VCC Director Joel Sussmann gave a powerful explanation to the Aurora City Council September 20th, 2023 on the dangers of 15 minute cities. The standing ovation said it all.(8:02) WATCH Join the BC 15-Min Smart City Coalition – Tracy/Nadia BC 15-Min Smart City Coalition – biweekly meetings, Tuesdays 7-9pm Next guest speaker: Tues, October 3rd; 7-9pm Guest speaker Corinne Mori (https://kootenaytribe.ca/) |
Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 56 – Tamara Lich, Chris Barber, Jordan Peterson Legal Updates HERE
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Well friends, it happened…
As of September 23rd, we lost connection with 187,000 of you on Facebook and 27,000 more of you on Instagram. This is where the majority of our online reach came from, so this is a pretty big deal to Druthers. This is also a really big deal for all Canadians, yet many don’t seem to see or care that this is a very serious issue.
But they cannot censor print!
This goes to show the importance of Druthers as a print media option here in Canada. With online censorship seeping in thicker and thicker, now is the time to really double down and boost Druthers to get important news & information into the hands of more people.
It’s an information war… and we need more help from more people.
Please donate today:
Help us print more papers!!
Etransfer is easiest and carries no fees: admin@druthers.net
Credit cards & paypal can be used at our official fundraising page:
Or send cash, gift cards or checks made out to:
Shawn Jason Laplante
P.O. Box 40531
Six Points Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K8
Please know, every dollar of your donation goes entirely to printing papers and shipping skids to our hubs each month (less credit card or paypal fees if applicable). Your money goes only to the printers and the shippers. We cover other expenses through subscriptions, merchandise & neighbourhood mail.
Thank you. Stay strong. Stay free.
Much love & strength to you all <3
Shawn Jason
P.S. Don’t ever miss as issue. Get Druthers delivered right to your mailbox every month with a postal subscription: www.druthers.net/subscribe
Read September Issue Online. Headline: 15 Minute/Smart Cities
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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?
Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.
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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!
Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!
~ Mary Lou Gutscher
Hatchet Job on New ANTI-COVID Tyranny Tabloid DRUTHERS byGov’t-funded, BMO-funded Anti-Free Speech “Canadian Anti-Hate Network”
New Covid Conspiracy Newspaper With Extremist Ties Eyes Canada-Wide Distribution
A new newsprint and online publication is making the rounds at Ontario’s anti-lockdown protests. Billing itself as a source for information not affected by government or big tech censorship, after only one issue Druthers has already made itself a home for fringe voices and ideas.
By Rayne Posted on December 18, 2020

Druthers, a new print paper devoted to Covid conspiracies, launched its first edition in Toronto on November 28. Claiming 25,000 hard copies in circulation and an online edition, it is receiving a lot of buzz in anti-mask/lockdown circles.
A second issue is planned for January 1, and editor Shawn Jason Laplante, who goes by Shawn Jason online, announced that a partnership is in the works with Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC).
The status of this arrangement is unknown, and Laplante told the Canadian Anti-Hate Network he was “just exploring some ideas,” when asked for comment.
He presented it to his supporters a little differently.
“I just received a phone call from Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada and it looks like we are joining forces to make Druthers even bigger and deeper reaching!” Laplante wrote in the private Druthers Facebook group on December 4.
In the print edition, all of page two of the paper’s first issue was devoted to a press release from VCC.
While he told us there wouldn’t need to be a newspaper without the “rampant censorship” seen in society, his goal is to reach national circulation of half a million copies.
Current funding for the paper is coming from a mixture of sources, including crowdfunding, ad and merchandise sales. Laplante states on his GoGetFunding page that $3,000 is all that is needed to produce and distribute 25,000 copies, and that $5,000 would enable him to complete a publishing run of 50,000. For the upcoming January 1st edition, he has raised $1,680 as of December 6. Assuming all the supporters who advertised their business ventures in the first edition paid for the space, he brought in approximately $1,125 through advertising sales.
Laplante, who appears to be based in Toronto, writes in his first editorial that Druthers’ creators are “explorers of truth” who “love and care for all of humanity.” While this may be what he would like people to believe, it is not the case.
Dave Bolton of Newmarket, who is working closely with Laplante on Druthers, is the father of Mike Bolton, another frequent anti-lockdown protest attendee who describes himself as a fascist Atomwaffen Division supporter.
The paper is being promoted by the anti-Muslim ACT! For Canada’s website, alongside white nationalist and former University of New Brunswick professor Ricardo Duchesne’s Council of European Canadians, QAnon content creator Amazing Polly, and The Epoch Times, among others.
The paper was also promoted by a user on the notorious white supremacist forum Stormfront. RykerB posted a description of the project that appeared on other sites, including ACT! For Canada: “This is exiting [sic] news! The first issue of this new newspaper is complete. 25,000 physical copies have been printed. Druthers thanks everyone for their love and support in bringing this to fruition. This weekend they begin distributing the hard copies freely around Toronto & neighbouring cities. In addition to the physical newspaper there are also digital, and online versions.”
In response, Laplante stated he was unaware of the promotion on Stormfront and ACT! For Canada.
“Druthers is being talked about everywhere by many people. I’m not a hater at all. Quite the opposite,” he said. “Heck, I don’t even hate the globalists who I believe are committing massive crimes against humanity right now.”
In addition to the expected anti-vax, anti-mask rhetoric, and articles about how to organize a protest march and how to navigate relationship challenges that may arise when one’s significant other is not on board with anti-mask beliefs, Druthers also dips into the far right side of things by recommending “websites of interest” including The Corbett Report, Rebel Media, Dan Dicks’ Press For Truth, Lamont Daigle’s The Line Canada, and Hugs Over Masks, among others.
An article entitled “Panopticon: COVID-19 and the reign of terror” by self-described “environmental journalist” Guy Crittenden raises eyebrows with its heavy reliance on QAnon ideas and assorted conspiracies, comparison of global COVID responses to Nazi eugenics and the Holocaust, while leaning on a thinly veiled antisemitic trope that globalists are “not connected to spirit.”
When asked about the content of the articles, he acknowledged that “some people will call some articles conspiracy theory,” but said his paper is about “exploring truths rather than trying to be a voice of authority.”
At first glance, 48-year-old Shawn Jason Laplante appears to be an unlikely publisher of such content. Indeed, some of his friends even called him out for an October 4th Facebook post promoting his favorite YouTube channels including Wayne Peters’ What’s Up, Canada?, Dan Dicks, and Amazing Polly, among others.
A self-described “Reality Alteration Specialist,” Laplante, a home renovator and carpenter by day, has poured his passions into his many side projects that, until now, promoted love and peace while selling T-shirts and coffee mugs.
His most successful venture was I Love You Pass It On, or ILYPIO, an admittedly endearing effort to spread little love cards around the world to make people smile. He boasts that he got the cards into over 800 communities worldwide, and his T-shirt made it into a couple of music videos and was even promoted by Darius McCrary of Family Matters fame.
In an ironic twist, back in 2015 Laplante organized teams to give out free hugs around Toronto, which almost seems like training for what was to come in 2020. However, at that point, it does not appear that he was telling his friends to “keep an open mind” when it comes to far-right/racist material.
In June he asked for volunteers to take over the management of the ILYPIO project, stating in the comments, “I’m feeling drawn to step up my activism game. Iloveyoupassiton was always intended as a form of activism, but lately I am moving towards more aggressive activism… As the powers that be have upped their game recently, so must I.”
This new aggression is leading Laplante to boost people like antisemitic conspiracy theorist, David Icke on his social media and within the pages of Druthers.
Icke is a one-time British football player known for his promulgation of the theory that most major world leaders are a race of reptilian and pedophilic aliens. Icke is also a decades-long superspreader of conspiracies and misinformation — he claims that “Rothschild Zionists” control the world, that Jews financially supported Hitler during the Second World War, and that Jews were behind both the 9/11 terror attack and the 2008 recession.
Icke has also argued that schools should permit the study of Holocaust denial.
Recently, Icke was banned from YouTube after promoting the idea that COVID-19 was actually caused by 5G technology.
Laplante said in a comment that he was unaware of Icke being antisemitic.
Also, appearing in the pages is controversial Aylmer pastor Henry Hildebrandt, who is making news for his hardline anti-mask leadership of his congregation. Twenty years ago Hildebrandt courted controversy when he fought the Children’s Aid Society to maintain the right to strike his children and counsel his congregants to carry out similar discipline in their families.
While Laplante is careful to say he doesn’t fully agree with some of the individuals and organizations he highlights, at some point fellow travellers become fellow believers and it is very concerning where this new venture will lead him. In a brainstorming thread on Facebook, Laplante proposes targeting COVID testing centres with his propaganda while others suggest handing out flyers to parents outside schools at drop-off/pick-up times.
“I don’t propose people distribute newspapers at COVID testing centers,” he said when asked, “but offering up a flyer with some information about the tests isn’t a bad idea.”
Laplante and Druthers illustrate the dangers that come when New Age or anti-vax proponents mix with racists and other far right actors. A strong belief in seeing the goodness in everyone coupled with an attitude that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” leads to an increasing suspension of common sense and moral judgement while pursuing the common goal of fighting covid safety measures.
It remains to be seen whether Druthers will continue to grow or will fall flat despite the support and assumed injection of funds from VCC, but one thing is certain: Laplante has strayed significantly from his proclamations of equal love and care and it may take a significant change for him to return to that worldview.
With files from Elizabeth Simons and Kurt Phillips.