On February 3, former political prisoner and editor of the satirical tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS Dr. James Sears was arrested at gunpoint in the parking lot having just seen his parole officer for his regular visit. He is charged with “breach of probation”, but has not yet (as of February 12) received the particulars or the paperwork. He will have a hearing by telephone on February 17.

As part of our mission to support freedom of speech and the victims of tyrannical censorship laws, the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE)  held a protest outside the Toronto South Detention Centre located at 160 Horner Ave, Toronto, ON M8Z 0C2,  Sunday afternoon, February 13. Whew, it was cold.

The website of the poisonous taxpayer-funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network suggests that the issue may be comments he made in jest about Teresa Tam in his talk after CAFE gave him the George Orwell Free Speech award soon after he got out of jail. We have a strong suspicion we know which liberty-hating individual in Ottawa made the complaint.
Those of us who cherish freedom owe it to our values  to demonstrate and support Dr. Sears. These protests matter. Guards told him last fall that they knew for a fact that CAFE’s protests — six in all last year — were a factor in his being granted early parole.

* Amnesty International defines a  “prisoner of conscience” or political prisoner as  a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of their political, religious or cultural views. Both Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine are political prisoners — jailed because they criticized politically powerful minority groups. Free speech activist Raychyl Whyte has been lobbying Amnesty to adopt Dr. Sears as a “prisoner of conscience”

* A lasting disgrace is that only one mainstream media writer has  criticized this attack on freedom of the press, which they regularly condemn if it occurs in Hong Kong or the Philippines.

JAMES SEARS PROTEST February 13 2022 1.JPG


Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner,
Toronto South Detention Center,
160 Horner Ave,
Toronto, ON
M8Z 0C2
_______________________CAFE (The Canadian Association for Free Expression)P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3

Bill Whatcott “Hate Law” Verdict for Criticizing the LGBTQ Agenda to be Delivered December 10

Dear Friends,

An important prayer request and a reminder. The verdict for my so-called “hate crime” trial will be rendered at the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto, ON on Friday, December 10th at 11:00 am, Eastern Standard Time, which is 8:00 am Pacific Standard Time.

Pray that Justice Goldtein renders a just verdict based on the evidence and that his judgment is free of political interference and personal self interest considerations.

Those who wish to attend in person can do so at 361 University Ave, Toronto. Those who wish to hear the verdict on Zoom will be able to do so. Mass Resistance California’s Director Arthur Schaper can provide Zoom links to those who wish to hear the verdict online. Please try to send your request for a link to Arthur 24 hours in advance.

Arthur Schaper’s e-mail is:

In Christ’s Service,
Bill Whatcott

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Released from Prison on Parole

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Released from Prison on Parole

TORONTO, October 1, 2021. The six protests organized by the Canadian Association for Free Expression outside the South Toronto Detention Centre played a definite role in political prisoner Dr. James Sears’ release on early parole this morning. “Believe me, those protests helped you get early parole,” a guard had told Dr. Sears.

Dr. Sears emerged bearded and very thin, but cheerful,  after serving four months of a 12 months sentence (the maximum) for writing satire of Jews and radical feminists, contrary to Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code).

He told supporters who hugged him and gave him a bouquet of flowers that he had gotten on well with fellow prisoners and most of the guards. The prison food was, he said, “garbage better than hospital food, but not as good as army food.”
“Freedom of speech is dying in Canada and will die because too many people just don’t care. People may have to leave this country for freedom.”
A new generation of free speech activists will have to join the fight, he explained.
“People should not be afraid of prison,” he told his supporters. I’m 58 years old and survived,” he said. In prison, he wrote 300 pages of several books, including a fictitious  prison romance, based on reality, he grinned, between a political prisoner and a female guard.

Several bad things happened to him in prison. “I was kept for 27 days in isolation. That was illegal. The maximum is 15.” Even worse, prison authorities never gave him the legal papers he needed to argue his appeal. They ended up in his property bag.

He said, as part of his probation, a propaganda course on anti-social behaviour. He looks forward to this as he hopes to convert the teachers.
“I was a first time offender,” he said, “but I was sentenced to a year in prison — the maximum! One of my  cellmates, who wished me the best of luck as I left, had been sentenced to  nine and a half weeks. He’d stabbed a man, stolen a truck and had been found with a quantity of fentanyl.” Just as in the old Soviet Union, common criminals are seen by the state as a sympathetic class. On the other hand, political dissidents receive the harshest treatment of the law. “Hate speech,” he said, “is considered the worst of the worst.”

It was a warm sunny Autumn morning: “I have been released from one prison into a COVID prison,” he said to applause from the free speech supporters.

He promised that he’d be writing about  “the toxic culture” among the prison guards.
Video, courtesy of Leslie Bory.

Whatcott “Hate Crime” Trial and Wuhan Virus Tyranny Update

Whatcott “Hate Crime” Trial and Wuhan Virus Tyranny Update

High School students being lied to by being told they have to wear face diapers “to be safe” when outside playing outside sports. These students are being abused by being forced to wear face diapers that impede good airflow when doing strenuous exercise.

Dear Friends,

The past week in Toronto has been quite surreal. While awaiting trial for my ministry to the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016, I overnight became a citizen who is now legally unable to participate in many activities that were once taken for granted.

Ontario’s so-called vaccine passport is now in effect. I visited 3 restaurants in the Toronto area and have been kicked out of all three of them. The truth is none of the restaurant workers wanted to kick me out. They are as much victims of this deceptive state sponsored coercion as I am.

After getting kicked out of three restaurants I decided to try my luck at a Tim Hortons and went with my friend Jack for a coffee and a Chili. We got to the till and gave our order without face diapers on and I actually thought I was going to be able to enjoy a coffee and snack with my friend just like any other citizen. Sadly, after we paid the young girl at the till asked for our proof of vaccination. It then occured to me that all sorts of gender confused men from Bruce Jenner to Ronan Oger claim to be women and they are never asked for proof. In fact in my BC human rights case my lawyer asked for proof from Mr. Oger that he was a woman (thinking truth might be a defense for me) and we were told by the adjucator that our request was outrageous and hateful and our request for proof Ronan was a woman was denied.

At that moment when the young lady asked for my proof of vaccination, in my mind I did understand that I was born a Pfizer vaccinated person, incorrectly born into an unvaccinated body. I explained to the lady I was a “transvaccinated person.” She looked at me and asked “what is that?” I explained to her that it is perfectly reasonable to assume “if Bruce Jenner is a woman, you should assume I am transvaccinated, and serve me my coffee without the need of me proving it.”

The young lady got the manager who demanded me and Jack put face diapers on and show proof of vaccination. He didn’t seem open minded enough to accept my argument that I feel like I am vaccinated and therefore I am, so sadly me and Jack were not able to enjoy our coffees and snacks indoors.


“We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

I am an unvaccinated Canadian, demonized by the media, and all three levels of government; banned from restaurants, and the target of a narrative that the vaccinated Canadian’s face diapers and two shots of Pfizer will only work so long as the unvaccinated get two shots of Pfizer and wear a face diaper. Rather than submit to this charade or get bullied into a shot we have concerns with, Jack and I discovered something better than going to Tim Hortons. We drove a few miles north of Toronto and trapped ourselves a nice squirrel.

Our squirrel after it was decapitated and gutted

Anyways, after gutting the squirrel we skinned it and then put it whole into a pressure cooker.

Bill and Jack’s recipe for squirrel soup: 1 1 litre of water in pot 1 Squirrel (after squirrel is skinned and cleaned, rub sesame seed oil and seasoning salt on carcas before putting into pot) 2 large potatoes (diced) 2 garden carrots (diced) 1 head of brocolli (dice to small pieces) 1 large yellow onion (diced) 8-10 cloves of garden fresh garlic (diced) 1 table spoon Himalyan salt 2 dashes Sriracha Sauce Pressue cook on high for 2 hours

After two hours of pressure cooking the squirrel meat became so tender it fell off the bones and this soup was even more tasty than Tim Horton’s chili.
I was on this Go Transit bus heading to my lawyer’s office. Click on the link below to hear the recording that abused passengers every 60 seconds for the entire duration of the trip. A reasonable question to ask would be if the vaccine is so effective why is Go Transit forcing their vaccinated passengers to wear face diapers?

To see the academic papers (warning this read is comprehensive and will take you a minimum of one hour) now being ignored by government and media that conclusively show wearing face masks do virtually nothing to inhibit the spread of Covid-19 click here:

As for my trial it is scheduled to begin this coming Monday, October 4th at 10:00 am. I have been informed by my lawyer that a Zoom link will be provided the day of my trial for those who wish to witness the proceedings.

If you wish to view the proceedings on Zoom please send me an e-mail or text request and please clearly spell the e-mail address in your written request that you want me to send the Zoom link to. I have a friend who will send you the link when we receive it Monday morning.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’Lamentations 3:22-24

Another Successful Rally to Support Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears

Another Successful Rally to Support Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears

TORONTO, September 23, 2021. Today supporters of the Canadian Association for Free Expression held its fourth protest outside the Toronto South Detention Centre in support of political prisoner Dr. James  Sears. The Times They Are A-Changin’ We were joined by John McCash “John the Evangelist” who is a regular at the END THE LOCKDOWN rallies every Saturday at Queen’s Park. He brings religious fervour and a loud voice. One of his witty chants at Queen’s Park is: “We follow the Lord, not Doug Ford”. Four prison guards, masked of course, approach to tell us to keep off the prison lawn (we were on the sidewalks). Actually, as the prison is paid for by the taxpayers of Ontario and, as we are taxpayers, the property is really ours. John gave the bossy guards no quarter and berated them for being masked outdoors.

As of today, Dr. Sears has been in jail for over three months. HOWEVER, we may have some good news shortly. We must keep up the pressure and our public witness

* In January, 2019, Dr. Sears, Editor, and Leroy St. Germaine, Publisher of the satirical tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS were convicted on two counts of “wilfully promoting hate” against privileged groups (Jews  & Women) in contravention of Canada’s notorious “hate law” – Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Each was sentenced to the maximum — unprecedented for a first time offender — of a year in jail. As Leroy is of Metis heritage, he was allowed to serve his sentence at home,
* In November, 2020, under protest, Dr. Sears and Leroy St. Germaine argued their appeal by Zoom.

* On June 14, the appeal was denied and the sentences upheld. Dr. Sears was immediately ordered to prison and denied even a few hours to say goodbye to his wife and young son.

* Dr. Sears’ Application for Leave to Appeal his conviction and sentence was turned down by an Ontario judge on July 16, but Dr. Sears was NOT informed and had to learn of the decision from a friend on the outside on July 29!

* Dr. Sears is virtually incommunicado. He has contacted his wife or supporters only eight six in three weeks and then only for extremely brief conversations!.
* Many people across Canada and the world have sent Dr. Sears postcards and letters of support. After six weeks behind bars, as of July 29, he had received NONE of these letters. Maybe the COVID ate them. Finally, because of our protests, as of August 3, Dr. Sears was finally receiving his mail. Those letters are so important. Thus far, he has received letters from Australia, Italy, Britain. Romania, the United States and, of course, from across the Dominion of Canada.

* Dr, Sears complained to the prison authorities of sciatic pain but was breezily told there was only one physiotherapist to deal with the large prison population!

*  On August 14, I had a brief conversation on the phone with Dr. Sears. He is really grateful for your letters and support. He is encouraged and delighted by our protests. He is a “celebrity” in prison and rightly so.
* On August 10 and August 23 I dropped some money off at the prison for Dr. Sears’ canteen and shall leave some more later this week. I welcome your contributions. Also,  a donor generously sent him a substantial money order,
* Amnesty International defines a  “prisoner of conscience” or political prisoner as  a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of their political, religious or cultural views. Both Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine are political prisoners — jailed because they criticized politically powerful minority groups. Free speech activist Raychyl Whyte has been lobbying Amnesty to adopt Dr. Sears as a “prisoner of conscience”

* A lasting disgrace is that only one mainstream media writer has  criticized this attack on freedom of the press, which they regularly condemn if it occurs in Hong Kong or the Philippines.
* As a measure of how deranged the Ontario Justice system is the day before, Umaar Zameer, a fellow inmate at the South Toronto Detention Centre was granted bail. He’s charged with first degree murder allegedly having deliberately run over Const. Jeffrey Northrup in Toronto’s City Hall parking lot, July 2. Const. Northrup was investigating a robbery and stabbing. Typical of our secretive court system, the presiding judge placed details of the bail hearing under a publication ban. On the other hand, political prisoner Dr. James Sears was denied bail, June 14, to pursue his appeal. Clearly. satirizing privileged groups is taken more seriously by the judicial system than allegedly killing a police officer in the line of duty. “Zameer’s lawyer, Nader Hasan, told Global News in a statement on Wednesday that ‘Mr. Zameer’s family is very pleased with the outcome of today’s hearing. They welcome him home.”‘(Global News, September 22, 2021) Dr. Sears’ wife and young son would also be happy to welcome him home!




Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner,
Toronto South Detention Center,
160 Horner Ave,
Toronto, ON
M8Z 0C2
_______________________CAFE (The Canadian Association for Free Expression)P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3


Jim and Diane Present – Jim Speaks with PAUL FROMM CONCERNING THE JAMES SEARS CASE as well as Life In Canada, July 6, 2021

Jim and Diane Present – Jim Speaks with PAUL FROMM CONCERNING THE JAMES SEARS CASE as well as Life In Canada, July 6, 2021

VVV, James Sears, July 5, 2021.PNG

Jim talks with Canadian Activist Paul Fromm about the case:

Send letters:  
Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner,
Toronto South Detention Center,
160 Horner Ave,
Toronto, ON
M8Z 0C2


Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Begins His Third Week in Jail, Pending Appeal

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Begins His Third Week in Jail, Pending Appeal

TORONTO. June 27, 2021. Political prisoner Dr. James Sears sentenced to the maximum, a year in prison, for violating Canada’s notorious “hate law”, Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code remains on hold in the South Toronto Detention Centre.

His appeal of his 2019 conviction was denied in a June 14 ruling. The editor of the satirical tabloid YOUR WAR NEWS immediately sought leave from the Ontario Court of Appeals and bail, pending the appeal. He was finally able to get word to his supporters today. A combination of COVID fearfulness and the sclerotic nature of Ontario’s justice system at the best of times has kept the brilliant writer and medical doctor behind prison bars.

A judge will render his decision by Zoom. The judge must read over the materials filed and decide whether there is any merit to his application for leave. If he decides there is, Dr. Sears will be released on bail.

He is in good spirits and is hopeful.

In January, 2019, Judge Richard Blouin found Dr. Sears and his co-accused Leroy St. Germaine of “wilfully promoting” hatred against privileged groups, namely, Jews and women in his satire.

Amnesty International considers a person a “prisoner of conscience” or political prisoner if they are punished or jailed solely for the non-violent expression of their political, religious or cultural views.

Travis Patron, Party Leader, Held As Political Prisoner for Over 48 Hours by Gov’t of Saskatchewan

Travis Patron, Party Leader, Held As Political Prisoner for Over 48 Hours by Gov’t of Saskatchewan

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Canadian political leader, Travis Patron, who was arrested on February 15, 2021 allegedly for “hate speech,” has released an official statement about his ordeal. We have transcribed it here for ease of reading. The original statement can be seen below.

Patron Held As Political Prisoner For Over 48 Hours By Government Of Saskatchewan

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

Fellow citizens,

On Monday, February 15th, I was abducted from my place of residence, pulled away from my loved ones, and subjected to conditions of arbitrary containment. I was told I was being arrested for so-called “hate speech”. Yet, I have received no satisfactory response to my objection that the Provincial Government of Saskatchewan has no right to police my speech. Indeed, they lack the jurisdiction to do so and to proceed in these matters as they did was entirely unlawful and perhaps even criminal.

I was held in custody for over 48 hours at the Carlyle RCMP detachment without any ability to communication outside the administration who was responsible for holding me against my will. I, a federal party leader, was denied by my abductors all requests for a pen and paper to write a message in the name of diplomacy. After I specifically asked for the lights to be kept off in my cell so that I could sleep comfortably, the exact opposite was done, and I was shrouded in bright light with a camera pointed at me the entire time. I was told that if I did not agree to their release conditions, I could be held in custody (without trial) for a years time as well as transferred to other locations. Their release conditions included a ridiculously-broad and unjustified stipulation that I cannot “publish anything, directly or indirectly, online.” Obviously, I did not sign anything.

I made it clear that I did not understand why I was being held in custody and against my will. I made it clear that I do not believe I have done anything wrong. I also demanded to someone the Provincial Government Of Saskatchewan considers a Judge, that I be released from unlawful custody immediately. The Provincial Government of Saskatchewan lacks jurisdiction to proceed on these matters and has no right to police our speech.

Interestingly, some of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers seemed to be uncomfortable with this whole affair and uncertain as to what offense I had committed or why I was in custody to begin with. It seems there may yet be a remnant of integrity and critical thought left in the force, but it is currently under the heel of a reckless and unconstitutional administration backed by a media propaganda machine that twists the truth and deceives the public in a malicious way.

The mask has now slipped in Canadian society. We clearly do not live in a “free and democratic society.” Let this be a wake up call to many of you who seem unable to see past the lies of your culture. If you do not take a stance now these conditions will quite likely get worse. Fortunately for us, and by the Grace of God, the ability for the satanic Government of Canada to exercise their will against us is limited because we have been granted a degree of jurisdictional independence. Those who think hiding and complying with each new demand is the answer are in for a very rude wake up call and when that time comes (and it quite likely will) our constituency will not act favorably toward those who have neglected our struggle this entire time. Those who watch these developments with apathy should not be surprised when they are judged harshly.

It is my hope that anyone reading this message how understands how dire this situation is for the sake of our freedom. Although I am rather shell-shocked at this whole ordeal, I ultimately recognize it for what it is: a test. This is a test of willpower, faithfulness, and discipline. If I may say so myself, I think I fared quite well.

As far as I understand, no charges have been lawfully made in the matter. We reserve the right to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those who falsely claim otherwise.

Please consider this fair notice.

In your service,

Travis Patron

Jewish Lobby in Scotland Wants to See Dissidents Jailed

Jewish Leader in Scotland Warns Amended Hate Crimes Bill Could Protect Holocaust Deniers

by Algemeiner Staff

Islamist demonstrators displaying a Holocaust denial sign (illustrative). Photo: Courtesy of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

A two-word modification in a hate crimes bill currently being discussed by Scotland’s parliament could provide a “get out of jail free card” for Holocaust deniers, a Scottish Jewish leader warned on Tuesday.

Ephraim Borowski — director of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) — was responding to Scottish Justice Secretary Hamza Yousaf’s amendment of the proposed legislation that would raise the threshold from “likely” to stir up hatred to “intend only.”

Borowski cautioned that such a change could give protection to Holocaust deniers on social media.

“I think that the amendment that was announced by the Cabinet Secretary is retrograde, it essentially provides a get out of jail free card for something that you’ll see very often in hate-filled posts on the internet,” Borowski told Scottish news outlet The Herald.


“They are now given a get out of jail free card, because they could just say ‘oh we didn’t intend to cause offense, we were merely asking a question about whether the Holocaust happened,’” Borowski explained.

“Unfortunately antisemitism is very much on the rise these days and I take the view, therefore, that it’s the victim who needs protecting,” he continued.

Adam Tomkins — a member of the Scottish parliament and the convener of its justice committee — said that Borowski’s comments were from “quite a different perspective” to the other evidence they had heard over the past weeks.

Whatcott hate crime trial update

Whatcott hate crime trial update


by Bill Whatcott » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:46 pm



(Picture left) The “hate crime” for which I am now slated to go on trial for this coming June 2020. Handing out 3500 zombie safe sex packages AKA known as life saving Gospel literature to naked sodomites and others at the 2016 Toronto homosexual pride parade. (Picture right) Bill Whatcott poses with two Toronto police officers while taking a break from handing out zombie safe sex packages at the unGodly pride parade.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was my last day of court before my trial,

The Crown Prosecutor tried to argue quite forcefully that I had a “deep and complex hatred of homosexuals.” Multiple times during the hearing the prosecutor reiterated “Whatcott hates homosexuals” and at least once the Prosecutor asserted I have an “intense and ongoing hatred of homosexuals.”

For proof of this alleged intense (apparently selectively criminalized) emotion that I am carrying with me the Prosecutor wants to introduce social media posts and flyers that I have penned over the decades into evidence where they can pull words like “sodomite,” “freak,” and “homofascist” out of the paragraphs to establish my alleged hatred of homosexuals.


The Crown Prosecutor pulled the word “freak” out of a January 2019 post on this site where I referred to this guy walking around with a pride flag stuck out of his bum as a “freak.” Here is the post the Prosecutor cited as evidence of my “hatred of homosexuals:” viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10744&p=26366&hilit=pride+flag+bum#p26366

When you engage in behaviour worthy of ridicule what am I supposed to call you? In my world if you run around naked with a pride flag sticking out of your bum you are a freak…… For a Prosecutor to use my reality based assessment of a homosexual’s highly public behaviour as evidence of criminal intent worthy of 18 months incarceration is highly disturbing and I wonder when Canadians will wake up and forcefully demand their God given right to speak sanely once again?


While the word “sodomite” is a behaviour based word that is pejorative in the Bible, so are the words “adulturer,” “thieves,” and “sorcerers” pejorative in the Bible. In my circle of friends I have people who have stolen, who have committed adultery, and who have engaged in homosexual acts. In Canadian law we can quite correctly seperate acts of adultery and stealing from a person’s innate genetic make up. We know people may experience seemingly irresistable urges to steal or sleep with someone’s spouse, but we also know that people are morally responsible when they commit this behaviour and that people who engage in this behaviour will often change, especially when they seek moral guidance and desire to change these unhealthy behaviours in their lives. Sadly, with homosexual behaviour there is a huge disconnect with reality and it seems time tested rules that apply to other sexual behaviours are hysterically attacked and in some cases even criminalized when they are applied to homosexual behaviour. Truthfully critiquing homosexual behaviour and pointing out its harm is now simply called “hate” and is banned.

Of course Christians condemn stealing, but don’t hate people who steal and we will always condemn sodomy (even though the Prosecutor doesn’t like me saying it, sodomy does have significant economic and social costs that are being born by all Canadians) but that does not mean we hate sodomites. In fact we know thieves and sodomites (and all other sinners) can change.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11

But heck now Bill S202 has passed first reading and it seems to me the homosexual activist media is pushing this bill with complete garbage stories of multitudes of homosexuals committing suicide after being told by some evil and crazy Christian therapist that they can change their sexual behaviour if they are motivated to do so, and now our homosexual activist Prime Minister is supporting the bill which will make such Christian counselling an indictable offense punishable by up to five years in prison.

And yet the Prosecutor pulled the word “homofascist” out of my writings and acted like this particular word is a made up delusion and more evidence of my “intense and ongoing hatred of homosexuals.”

Is it possible that this word might actually apply when referring to Canadian politicians and LGBT activists who want to see Christian counsellors put in prison for 5 years or Christian activists jailed for 18 months who hand out “zombie safe sex” packages on the streets of Toronto during “Pride” month?

Please pray for truth and true justice to prevail in this hate crime case.

It looks like my trial is definitely going forward for June 2019. The trial will last a month and I will need to be in Toronto for two weeks before the trial begins to work with my lawyer.

No money is needed for legal expenses as that is covered by legal aid now, but I will need some donations to survive for the 6 weeks that I will be forced to reside in Toronto for my trial.

At this point in time there is no news on my appeal in Whatcott vs Oger where I (as predicted) lost in the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) the case that Mr. Ronan Oger prosecuted me for saying he was a man and that God did not want Vancouver-False Creek residents to vote for him during the last provincial election. The penalty for refusing to call him a woman during my hearing and for participating in the provincial election by advancing a reality based perspective, based on an orthodox Christian perspective, was a whopping $55,000 fine.

No news yet on when my trial date is coming in the Jonathan Yaniv vs Whatcott case either. In this case Mr. Yaniv is seeking over $35,000 in compensation from me because I refered to him as a man and criticized his prosecution of 16 female estheticians who he dragged to the BCHRT for refusing to wax his balls.

As Canada moves further away from the God who created us and who desires Lordship over our lives, it seems we are inventing ever stranger notions of what justice and human rights looks like. Please pray for God to deliver Canada from this darkness that is gripping our land and that He will have mercy and heal this land so that we can have leaders capable of discerning real justice and pray the Canadian people will see their need to repent and turn to the Living God so they can be reconciled with their Lord and the Saviour of their souls once again.

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14