Freedom Events, Rallies, Court Hearings in the Okanagan: 15 Minute Cities; Druthers, National Citizens Inquiry Etc.

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Please forward 

“It Ain’t Over”

Where have all the men gone?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”


NOTE: Due to the volume of work required in filing a response to this Petition, which we are doing personally as we do not have a lawyer involved, I will not be able to provide much updates in this week’s newsletter. This may be the case for next week as well. Thanks kindly for your understanding. This Petition to ban rallies in downtown Kelowna is one of the most vicious attacks on our freedoms in this province, and will affect everyone and is going to require much more work to ensure we file the best defence possible.

I have been working on our response to this attack for weeks now, reviewing over 60 case law and authorities, several with over 500 paragraphs! I have to now pause just for this week & devote attention to the “falsified assault charge” against me, which trial continues this coming Tuesday, May 23, at 9:00 a.m. as noted below.

Thanks kindly for your understanding.

Trial Update and hearing dates this week

The Kelowna Courts of Injustice

May 23 (9:00 a.m.) May 24-26, 2023 9:30 a.m.

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

After an incredible two days in court March 1st and 2nd, everyone finally got to see what the fuss is all about – and the shock even in the media was visible everywhere in the courtroom. Even opposition media, who came out in droves hoping to see some incredible fight scene to label me with, were amazed and dismayed at what truly occurred. The video, taken by one of our loyal supporters clearly showed that THEY (security guards) pushed into David, not the reverse. And more evidence is yet to come.

Now that everyone in the courtroom has seen the video of what really happened, even some media who were present were surprised at what occurred. I guess they were hoping for some wild fist fight that of course simply did not happen…as the video shows, THEY assaulted me. Thank you for all your support!

IMPORTANT NOTE – Just to NO to unlawful searches:

Please do not bring bags, purses, knapsacks etc. as the corrupt Sheriffs will likely be trying to search everyone going into the courtroom. I would prefer that we do not give up our Constitutional right to be free from unreasonable searches while we are exercising our Constitutional right to open court!

Our next protest/rally is set for:

June 3, 2023 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna

Update — Petition to ban Kelowna Protest/Rallies

The Petition and supporting Gov’t affidavits to ban our protest rallies have now been served upon David, on Monday at 4:30 p.m. We have until June 9, 2023 to file our response.

All documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing: Details of our position cannot be released just yet, however it will be interesting to expose their corruption as we move along. Once our responding materials are filed, we will post them on line as well.

Unfortunately, this case will have significant repercussions for every protest rally in British Columbia, and indeed, in Canada, as it is being heard in a superior court in the province. This will be an incredibly complex case. Donations would be very much appreciated. Etransfers can be done to: or cash donations can be mailed to: PO Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton BC V2A 8K8

Please stay tuned for more updates.

See Cash is King Poster for businesses below!! The City of N. Vancouver is now attacking protestors there!



Rashid, thank you for your relentless fight to save humanity. Your physical presence will be missed, but the mistake the establishment made is that you are now boundless and more capable of helping us than ever before and we know your work is far from done.

Rest in peace and God bless you and your family Dr.Rashid Buttar.

You can watch the full interview we did with Rashid and David Icke here… it is more relevant than ever:


Thank you to Danielle and Alicia so much for all their incredibly hard work for these events and productions!!

To learn more and support please visit


Share share share‼️



Lions Gate Christian Academy

919 Tollcross Road

North Vancouver

The Hidden Healthcare Crisis

To learn more and support this cause please visit

Will be live-streamed on Facebook Live


Vernon and VCC Petition to Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix

Thank you to Darren in Vernon, and Ted with Vaccine Choice Canada

Hi Everyone!

Please sign this petition! It is demanding an immediate halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC! This is an educational petition designed to wake up the masses to prevent people from further death and disabilities from the vaccine. 

We are asking everyone to make this petition go viral! Please share it out through social media, emails, chat boards, forums and any people or groups you can think of. Please go online to find emails of government employees or professionals (i.e. dentists, naturopaths, chiropractors, doctors, nurses, police, mayors, council members, School Board members) and send them the petition. 


Acting together, we will win!


This is amazing information on what is becoming an incredibly important issue. The details behind what our governments and military are doing is as important to know as all other rights and freedoms issues.

Thanks to Bettina for all her dedication and hard work on this vital topic.


Contact Bettina

Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Thank you, Nadia for all your hard work and dedication to freedom!!!

Please Spread to Your Groups
Climate Truth Action Group Goes Provincial
Takes Actions Against 15 Minute Cities and Digital ID’s
The New RDCK “Climate Action Plan” is now public. The budgets tell us the framework of the future. Climate action plans, urban planning and land use by-law changes may herald in 15 minute cities and the social credit system. Involvement from everyone is needed. There are definite game’s afoot

A newly formed multi-regional Climate Truth Action Group is taking action and inviting farmers, homesteaders groups and freedom groups across the province to sign up to attend zoom meetings to join the delegations forming across the province to ask questions and educate their representatives before plans are approved.

If you care about freedom, please join the team and zoom meetings which can be accessed through this link. You don’t want to miss this first meeting scheduled for April 5th. Please pause your VPN to open this invitation.




Smart Cities
First, they will promote them as being convenient.Then they will promote them as supporting the environment.Then they will promote them as being voluntary.Then they will become mandatory with fines.Then you will be prohibited from traveling unless you comply with gov’t legislation and orders.Then you’ll be prohibited from traveling unless you are part of the gov’t.
Even your dogs will not be allowed more than 15 min from home

Samantha Edwards Report –
Unmasking the Smart City Agenda



Smart Cities

First, they will promote them as being convenient.

Then they will promote them as supporting the environment.

Then they will promote them as being voluntary.

Then they will become mandatory with fines.

Then you will be prohibited from traveling unless you comply with gov’t legislation and orders.

Then you’ll be prohibited from traveling unless you are part of the gov’t.

Even your dogs will not be allowed more than 15 min from home

Samantha Edwards Report –

Unmasking the Smart City Agenda


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!





In the absence of rallies every Saturday, we don’t get the funding we used to that allowed us to print all the resources we provide at the CLEAR booth, as well as the inserts that go into the Druthers newspapers for our Sunday paper deliveries. Thanks to your past donations, we have delivered over 8000 copies of Druthers, plus various inserts, in Kelowna and W. Kelowna, with lots more to go!

Future protests are being strategically planned right now for City Hall, the courthouse, and other locations.

Many people believe that the COVID-19 issue is over – and it is not. Freedom is a multi-generational struggle, where we hope to leave a better place for our children. Other serious issues are lurking ominously in the near future that we will need to focus on: 15 min cities; legal actions; digital ID and digital currencies to start. These will require ongoing research and production of signs and materials for public education. The digital ID and currency issues are two of the most critical and going to involve significant amounts of education for people.

Please help with your donation by etransfer to: You can also mail cash (this remains safe) by Expresspost to: P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton, BC, V2A 8K8. Cash of course, would be the preferred method to protect everyone’s privacy.

These are unfortunately the only methods available right now to accept donations outside of the monthly rallies. Everything we do is on a volunteer basis and if you are not able to volunteer, your cash donation is what keeps the freedom wheel turning.

We do need volunteers to join our Fundraising Focus Group. If you are good at event planning and have some time to devote to organize regular fundraising occasions, please come see Linda at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact

We need volunteers who are:


Can work independently

Able to collaborate with others

Responsible and Dependable






If you possess these qualities and want to make a difference right now as a Freedom Activist, please add your name to the Volunteer List at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact to get more information.

Freedom requires time, energy or money. Thank you all for your help, in any form you are able to assist with. Everything you do for the sake of freedom is a seed planted. And although you may not see where it lands, trust that it will grow and bear fruit! Otherwise, why have the City, Province and Feds continually tried to shut us down?!! We are effective with one of the lowest vaccination rates in BC and Canada – thanks to YOU!


Sunday PAPER  Deliveries Next delivery day:
MAY 21, 2023

(Weather Permitting) 

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP! 
Every Sunday at 11:30 am 

Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.

We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House

Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want

Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again

You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra

We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer

Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants 

Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone.

Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

1 Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy
It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative. Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.  For Business owners:Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere: 


The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.  


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!

Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which
institutions near you
Support Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being
supported by a rapidly growing number
of provincial and federal governments,
financial institutions, networks for
payments and for identity verification,
technology service providers, strategy
and integration experts to name a few…

New signs???
Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer
in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions,
including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a
better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears
to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your
own signs for upcoming threats, including

Digital ID
Digital currency and no cash
Climate change fraud
Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions

Ed Kallio

CLEARBITS is on hold until our response to the Petition is
filed. Thank you for your understanding.


Providing awesome, professionally sanctioned materials and information against
the COVID and other vaccines in Kelowna

The Epoch Times (note, thanks to Google, you have to look at the 4th screen to
get their home page, just by searching for Epoch Times)

 Just say NO to Digital iID




Immediate Halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC!

Dr. Malone

Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


June 3, 2023

12:00 pm Stuart Park

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!

May 28, 2023
 12:00 noon
Vernon Freedom Rally
12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park
Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


Oliver Freedom Rally

MAY 28, 2023 12:30 pm Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


Kamloops Freedom Gathering
MAY 28, 2023 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


Penticton Freedom Rally

MAY 21, 2023 1:00 p.m.

Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!


Freedom Rallies in Okanagan, May 6-7: Kelowna, Oliver, Kamloops (May 6 ) & Penticton (May 7); National Citizens Inquiry, Vancouver (May 2-4)

Please forward 

Rally’s and Events 

It Ain’t Over” Where have all the men gone? “

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



NOTE: Due to the volume of work required in filing a response to this Petition, which we are doing personally as we do not have a lawyer involved, I will not be able to provide much updates in this week’s newsletter. This may be the case for next week as well. Thanks kindly for your understanding. This Petition to ban rallies in downtown Kelowna is one of the most vicious attacks on our freedoms in this province, and will affect everyone and is going to require much more work to ensure we file the best defence possible.
Thanks kindly for your understanding.

May 23-26 are the next hearing dates for the falsified charges against me, at the courthouse in Kelowna. Now that everyone in the courtroom has seen the video of what really happened, even some media present were surprised at what occurred. I guess they were hoping for some wild fist fight that of course simply did not happen…as the video shows, THEY assaulted me.
Thank you for all your support! 

Our next protest/rally is set for:
May 6, 2023 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna

Update — Petition to ban Kelowna Protest/RalliesThe Petition and supporting Gov’t affidavits to ban our protest rallies have now been served upon David, on Monday at 4:30 p.m. There will be 21 days to file a reply under the rules.All documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing: Details of our position cannot be released just yet, however it will be interesting to expose their corruption as we move along.Once our responding materials are filed, we will post them on line as well.Unfortunately, this case will have significant repercussions for every protest rally in British Columbia, and indeed, in Canada, as it is being heard in a superior court in the province.Please stay tuned for more updates. 

See Cash is King Poster for businesses below!! 

Breaking News:

Unfortunately, a gov’t appointed judge in Alberta just convicted Pastor Artur Pawlowski of several charges in relation to the Coutt’s border crossing protest.

Let’s hope his challenge will be successful to this legislation. And there remains appeals

From: Stand Up Vernon!
Sent: April 30, 2023 11:15 AM
Subject: BC Conservative/Truth & Freedom Movement

It appears that the BC Conservative party is supporting our Truth & Freedom Movement ideals. Some of our key people are in the process of writing policy with the BC Conservative team. It is necessary to be involved in the political process to achieve our vital goals in support of truth & freedom in BC. Through the political process, we will be able to see where the electoral people stand on important issues. It is also a great way to educate the public.

As you may have heard, John Rustad has been kicked out of the BC Liberal party for speaking truth. He is now the leader of the BC Conservative party.

The Conservative Party of British Columbia AGM 2023is being held onJune 3rd, at 9:30 am, at the Delta Hotel in Vancouver. Our local riding requires six delegates to go the AGM and vote. You must join the Conservative Party to become a member in good standing (paid membership) for 21 days prior to becoming a delegate.

Click on the link above in order to become a member. If you are not interested in becoming a delegate, you are still free to join and buy a membership. BC is in a dire state, and needs a serious change in governance!

We are formulating an action group and looking for leaders to spearhead this group. Respond to us through this email only if you’re interested in joining the group. Please state the provincial riding that you reside in. All the information we currently have is in this email.


Attention: All healthcare professionals and public working to stop Bill 36

You are Invited to the Parliament Buildings in Victoria!

Date: Thurs, May 4, 2023

Time:9:45 am– arrive early – head to the Gallery for Question Period & petition presentation.

10:00am – 11:00 am– watch the Question Period in the gallery and John presenting the Bill 36 petition.

John Rustad will introduce people in the gallery if he has their names ahead of time. So, Dr. (name), Nurse (name), fired Dentist (name), etc.

11:00 am Press Conference– proceed to the 2ndfloor, one set of stairs down from the gallery.

Location: Parliament Buildings 614 Government Street, Victoria, BC

Event:           Join and support John Rustad, MLA Conservative Party leader, at the BC Legislature for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

  • John Rustad is holding a press conference at 11:00 am following Question Period.
  • He needs YOU and a crowd of concerned voters around him.
  • This is our chance to better inform the media!
  • URGENT! We need to fill the public ‘gallery’ of the legislature (167 seats) with both health care professionals and patients.
  • This is our opportunity to send a clear message to ALL our elected representatives that doctors, dentists, nurses, naturopaths, chiropractors and all health care professionals will not be constrained in providing truthful information to patients, nor will they violate the privacy rights of patients to appease the collection of Big Data by the gov.
  • please email if you are a doctor, nurse or medical practitioner that will be present and would like John Rustad to mention you.


  • NEW Bill 36 packet!
  • Newly released Bill 36 Packet with materials to hand out to medical/health offices now available!!!
  • Includes a cover letter, poster, postcards (patient and health professional) and flyer
  • Edits in process – please revisit in the next few days for exciting updates; please wait to print large quantities while this is in final review




Walk4Revival May 6th City Hall 11-12

Action Night May 12th 6-8 Harvest Church

The Kelowna Courts of Injustice

May 23 (9:00 a.m.) May 24-26, 2023 9:30 a.m.

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

After an incredible two days in court March 1st and 2nd, everyone finally got to see what the fuss is all about – and the shock even in the media was visible everywhere in the courtroom. Even opposition media, who came out in droves hoping to see some incredible fight scene to label me with, were amazed and dismayed at what truly occurred. The video, taken by one of our loyal supporters clearly showed that THEY (security guards) pushed into David, not the reverse. And more evidence is yet to come.


Hearings on May 2-4 in Langley, B.C.

National Citizens Inquiry

Watch the National Citizen’s Enquiry Live in Vancouver, BC (May 2-4)).

Watch for presentations on Day 2 by Dr. Charles Hoffe ( and Ed Dowd (statistics expert).


Thank you to Danielle and Alicia so much for all their incredibly hard work for these events and productions!!


British Columbians lives are at stake every day that we are without our healthcare workers.

This is an event you cannot afford to miss!!

100% of all proceeds donated will go to The Canadian Society for Science and Ethics in Medicine which represent our brave doctors and healthcare workers who are spearheading a judicial review in Supreme Court to have the government show their data & the reasonability of their mandates and get this shut down, once and for all! 💯

The butterfly effect starts here, but will surely make its way across this country if we don’t all get behind them now! We need world wide support with this endeavour as BC is arguably the most TYRANICAL province in the nation, if not the world at present.

To learn more and support please visit


Share share share‼️



Lions Gate Christian Academy

919 Tollcross Road

North Vancouver

The Hidden Healthcare Crisis


An industry forced into silence, is silent no more. Once named heroes, fired and now forgotten, continue the fight to save lives in a shocking peek behind closed doors.

What was already a fractured system is now being forced into collapse.

The Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine is a group of brave doctors and healthcare workers who have come together to stand against a government turned on its people.

British Columbians lives are at stake every day that we are without our healthcare workers. Hear their heart wrenching stories and their plea for help.

This is an SOSPlease SHARE

Live Premier with Doctors Panel Q&A

May 13th Doors open @ 6pm

919 Tollcross Rd

North Vancouver BC

Entry: By Donation

This is an event you cannot afford to miss!!

To learn more and support this cause please visit

Will be live-streamed on Facebook Live


Vernon and VCC Petition to Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix
Thank you to Darren in Vernon, and Ted with Vaccine Choice Canada 

Hi Everyone!
Please sign this petition! It is demanding an immediate halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC! This is an educational petition designed to wake up the masses to prevent people from further death and disabilities from the vaccine. 

We are asking everyone to make this petition go viral! Please share it out through social media, emails, chat boards, forums and any people or groups you can think of. Please go online to find emails of government employees or professionals (i.e. dentists, naturopaths, chiropractors, doctors, nurses, police, mayors, council members, School Board members) and send them the petition. 


Acting together, we will win!


Geoengineering Free Canada is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: The TRUTH about Geoengineering
Time: May 13, 2023 10:00 AM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 968 1577 2772
Passcode: 735038
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,96815772772#,,,,*735038# US (San Jose)
+16892781000,,96815772772#,,,,*735038# US

This is amazing information on what is becoming an incredibly important issue.
The details behind what our governments and military are doing is as
important to know as all other rights and freedoms issues.

Thanks to Bettina for all her dedication and hard work on this vital topic.  


Contact BettinaEmail: 
Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook
This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Thank you, Nadia for all your hard work!!!

Please Spread to Your Groups
Climate Truth Action Group Goes Provincial
Takes Actions Against 15 Minute Cities and Digital ID’s
The New RDCK “Climate Action Plan” is now public. The budgets tell us the framework of the future. Climate action plans, urban planning and land use by-law changes may herald in 15 minute cities and the social credit system. Involvement from everyone is needed. There are definite game’s afoot

A newly formed multi-regional Climate Truth Action Group is taking action and inviting farmers, homesteaders groups and freedom groups across the province to sign up to attend zoom meetings to join the delegations forming across the province to ask questions and educate their representatives before plans are approved.

If you care about freedom, please join the team and zoom meetings which can be accessed through this link. You don’t want to miss this first meeting scheduled for April 5th. Please pause your VPN to open this invitation.



Smart Cities
First, they will promote them as being convenient.Then they will promote them as supporting the environment.Then they will promote them as being voluntary.Then they will become mandatory with fines.Then you will be prohibited from traveling unless you comply with gov’t legislation and orders.Then you’ll be prohibited from traveling unless you are part of the gov’t.
Even your dogs will not be allowed more than 15 min from home

Samantha Edwards Report –
Unmasking the Smart City Agenda


Know Your Rights: Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us! And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!


Fundraising and Donations 

In the absence of rallies every Saturday, we don’t get the funding we used to that allowed us to print all the resources we provide at the CLEAR booth, as well as the inserts that go into the Druthers newspapers for our Sunday paper deliveries. Thanks to your past donations, we have delivered over 8000 copies of Druthers, plus various inserts, in Kelowna and W. Kelowna, with lots more to go!

Future protests are being strategically planned right now for City Hall, the courthouse, and other locations.

Many people believe that the COVID-19 issue is over – and it is not. Freedom is a multi-generational struggle, where we hope to leave a better place for our children. Other serious issues are lurking ominously in the near future that we will need to focus on: 15 min cities; legal actions; digital ID and digital currencies to start. These will require ongoing research and production of signs and materials for public education. The digital ID and currency issues are two of the most critical and going to involve significant amounts of education for people.

Please give generously by etransfer to: or our endeavoursto educate the public we will not be able to educate people as effective as we are doing now. You can also mail cash (this remains safe) by Expresspost to: P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton, BC, V2A 8K8. Cash of course, would be the preferred method to protect everyone’s privacy.

These are unfortunately the only methods available right now to accept donations outside of the monthly rallies. Everything we do is on a volunteer basis and if you are not able to volunteer, your cash donation is what keeps the freedom wheel turning.We do need volunteers to join our Fundraising Focus Group.

If you are good at event planning and have some time to devote to organize regular fundraising occasions, please come see Linda at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact

We need volunteers who are:
Can work independently
Able to collaborate with others
Responsible and Dependable

If you possess these qualities and want to make a difference right now as a Freedom Activist, please add your name to the Volunteer List at the CLEAR booth this Saturday or contact to get more information.

Freedom requires time, energy or money. Thank you all for your help, in any form you are able to assist with. Everything you do for the sake of freedom is a seed planted. And although you may not see where it lands, trust that it will grow and bear fruit! Otherwise, why have the City, Province and Feds continually tried to shut us down?!! We are effective with one of the lowest vaccination rates in BC and Canada – thanks to YOU!  

Sunday PAPER  Deliveries 
Next delivery day:
April 30, 2023

(Weather Permitting) 

 Sunday PAPER  Deliveries Next delivery day:
April 30, 2023

(Weather Permitting) 

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP! 

Every Sunday at 11:30 am 

Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.

We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House

Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want

Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again

You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra

We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer

Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants 

Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone.

Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

Contact Linda at

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War: 

1 Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:Knowledge is power! 


2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters


New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy
It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative. Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency! It will cost them too much in lost business.Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.  

For Business owners:

Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere: 


The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.  


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out! 

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases! 

Thanks Nadia for this link:

Find out which
institutions near you
Support Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being
supported by a rapidly growing number
of provincial and federal governments,
financial institutions, networks for
payments and for identity verification,
technology service providers, strategy
and integration experts to name a few…

New signs???
Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer
in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions,
including privacy violations.
Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a
better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears
to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your
own signs for upcoming threats, including

Digital ID
Digital currency and no cash
Climate change fraud
Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions

Ed Kallio

CLEARBITS is on hold until our response to the Petition is
filed. Thank you for your understanding.


Providing awesome, professionally sanctioned materials and information against
the COVID and other vaccines in Kelowna

The Epoch Times (note, thanks to Google, you have to look at the 4th screen to
get their home page, just by searching for Epoch Times)

 Just say NO to Digital iID

Immediate Halt to the COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC!

Dr. Malone

Including our own media

Freedom Rallies  “It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


May 6, 2023

12:00 pm Stuart Park 

Join us for important announcements on the local and legal scene, and informative speakers!

Vernon Freedom Rally

APRIL 29, 2023 12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


Oliver Freedom Rally

May 6, 2023 12:30 pm Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

May 6, 2023 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


Penticton Freedom Rally

May 7, 2023 1:00 p.m.

Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Freedom Rallies & Events in the Okanagan, March 11-12: Kamloops, OK Falls, Oliver, Osoyoos, Penticton: Kelowna, April 1: Dave Lindsay Trial Continues, May 23-26; GeoEngineering Free Meeting, March 18

Click here to read in browser

Please forward

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”

Where have all the men gone?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



Our next protest/rally is set for:

April 1, 2023 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna

The Kelowna Courts of Injustice

May 23-26, 2023 9:30 a.m.

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault

After an incredible two days in court March 1st and 2nd, everyone finally got to see what the fuss is all about – and the shock even in the media was visible everywhere in the courtroom. Even opposition media, who came out in droves hoping to see some incredible fight scene to label me with, were amazed and dismayed at what truly occurred. The video, taken by one of our loyal supporters clearly showed that THEY (security guards) pushed into David, not the reverse. And more evidence is yet to come.

Two more security guards, including a Paladin security official and an IH official are yet to come, as well as at least three police officers, and defence witnesses.

The amount of money being spent on this case truly shows that it is political in nature – not criminal.


See you on the Island! If you can’t make it out there, we have you covered. Join us on Zoom and follow the events live.




Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!


Support our Pastors and Supremacy of God against draggers

All Provincial ministers and officials, as well as Federal, have all sworn an Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Office to the Monarch (Oaths). They are the agents of the Monarch…if the Monarch cannot take specific actions, nor can his/her officials and Ministers – or Judges. Delegates have no more powers than the delegator.

Recently, Alberta Pastor Derek Reimer was released on unspecified conditions, only after he agreed to be released on health issues, from jail.

Paster Reimer was charged for mischief and causing a disturbance – the ‘go-to’ charges of police when nothing else applies.

In his attempts to protest drag queen events sexualizing our children, he was assaulted and beaten by parents who clearly care not for their children (or are the parents protecting their own perverted inclinations?). The video has gone viral around the world and despite this – these parents have not been charged with assault, and should be.

Opposing child grooming and child sexualization, is not a hate-crime, as Calgary’s Sikh Mayor Jyoti Gondek promotes. It is our dutiful protection of our children and our founding laws of God, which clearly Mrs. Gondek does not support and should not be in Office on that basis alone.

These activities are clearly the antithesis of that which God has taught us. Though our Municipal officials do not take these Oaths to the Monarch, they cannot be permitted to not take them. Provincial officials cannot refuse to take these Oaths and cannot delegate or permit people in these legislative Municipal corporations to do that which they cannot do.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Matthew 18:6 

God is the supremacy of our law and always has been, yet He has never been more under attack than today. And look at the results in society – our culture is being destroyed from within, our families are being destroyed, and morals and ethics have been virtually removed from society.

Gov’ts are placing tattooed police officers who will just follow orders in all our police forces, to give them the “look of authority.” (is this now a job requirement?)

Queers, drag queens, sky high divorce rates, loss of Christianity and massive non-Christian (read Communist) immigration, statutory supremacy of politicians over God’s laws, Communist and other non-believing judges, and other treasonous activities, are destroying our society and the laws which founded our once great nation.

We need to support the few pastors who have the courage to stand up on God’s laws against these corrupt and criminal politicians.

Do not look to the Charter for the Supremacy of God – look to the founding Constitutional document of our Commonwealth – the Coronation Oath of the Monarch, for it is there that the Monarch gets all their powers and their duties are severely restricted.

The Monarch cannot Constitutionally give Royal Assent to any legislation/rules/regulations/orders/decrees/policies etc. that are contrary to God’s laws and principles in the Bible. They are prohibited by their Oaths from so doing.

If they do – they either lied while taking their Oaths, or they are lying now by breaking their Oaths. This includes creating Municipal corporations that do not have to take these Constitutionally required Oaths.

For anyone wishing to learn the most comprehensive information available on this issue, as well as property and personhood, and the limits of Parliament and the Legislatures, you can avail yourself of this incredible documented Webinar Series, Common Law Made CLEAR by emailing us at: to get information on how to register. This is the most comprehensive information in Canada, and all completely and thoroughly supported with our sources for you to verify!


Sunday Paper


Next delivery day: March 12, 2023

(Weather Permitting)

Add your name to the delivery list and make sure to check your email on Sunday mornings for confirmation that our paper delivery will take place that day

Make sure you arrive before the designated time so we can all get going ASAP!

Every Sunday at 11:30 am

  • Sign-up on the Newspaper Delivery list so that you get an email confirming the deliveries for each Sunday. With winter in mind, we will only do this if roads are bare and it’s not snowing. The advantage of delivering this time of year is that nobody is hanging out in their front yards except for the odd snowman.
  • We meet at the Capri parking lot between A&W and De Dutch Pannekoek House
  • Bring a large bag for carrying the papers if you want
  • Grab a free small Kelowna mapbook that can help you get situated. Your cell phone will be tracking and tracing you. Learn how to read maps again
  • You will be provided with a printed google map of the area you will be delivering to. Bring a yellow marker to indicate which streets you completed. You may run out of papers or you may end up with extra
  • We ask that with every paper you deliver, you remove the inserts and place them in the mailbox in front or behind the paper. That way, someone who may hastily throw out the paper will still be forced to see each individual flyer
  • Please deliver only one paper per mailbox, regardless if you have different papers (we usually have a combination of different papers and editions). Some houses may have up to 4 mailboxes; put one paper in each as they are for different tenants
  • Sign up as a Volunteer to participate in one of the many focus groups we are working to organize. Most people are too busy to commit to fighting for freedom. I guarantee you will have plenty of extra time after Canada becomes a full-fledged communist country and your jobs & businesses are gone. Time to add freedom-fighting to your list of priorities. Much of the help needed can be done at home and even one hour per week will be helpful. Even if you don’t want to join a specific group, maybe you have something you can offer to help out. Let us know!

3 Simple Things Freedom Activists can do to WIN this War:

  1. Spread the Word by delivering papers and flyers everywhere:

Knowledge is power!

2. Replace your cell phone with a flip phone:

Think of your apps as TRAPS!

3. Use CASH:

Hand out the “Use cash cards” and “pay cash” business posters



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out everytime you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

See if any business will place either or both of the following signs on their front doors (from Freedom Rising):


Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further health, property, rights and freedoms restrictions


Ed Kallio



NOTE: Bill C-9 is currently in the Senate, to amend the Judges Act. I will discuss this in more detail in next week’s newsletter, suffice it to say here, that changes do not happen without a reason. This new legislation appears, at first glance, to make it even more difficult to get rid of corrupt or incapacitated judges, and removes the Minister out of the picture. In other words, it is creating another unelected body, with no minister accountable for its actions. More to come.


Del Bigtree – The 10 Greatest Lies of COVID-19


Two high-level memos allege Beijing covertly funded Canadian election candidates”

Another Trudeau scandal. And rumours on Parliament Hill are alleging that he is possibly going to prorogue this session of Parliament after the budget is tabled.


Alberta introduces firearms act to counter federal

anti-gun measures”

Interestingly, as David is now challenging the Constitutionality of the RCMP-BC agreements to permit the RCMP to police in the Province, Alberta is now considering restricting the RCMP as well to combat Federal policing incursions into their area of legislative supremacy.


Unvaccinated athletes getting notice they can’t compete at Indigenous games”

If all the unvaccinated are prohibited from competing in sports, then only the vaccinated will be collapsing – need anything more be said?


EXCLUSIVE: In Calgary, free speech now counts as


Calgary begins to eliminate free speech. Hurting someone’s feelings, or talking in public in a manner someone else finds offensive, will now result in liability for bylaw charges and fines.


COVID charges dropped against Hildebrandts”

“COVID 19 mandates are political in nature and not based on science,” says Hildebrandt in the release.

“I am encouraged some Crown Attorneys are beginning to prioritize the prosecution of serious criminal and quasi-criminal offences. Prosecuting individuals such as Pastor Hildebrandt, whose wrongdoing was attending a public rally and giving a speech critical of government policy, has always been a waste of the court’s time,” said (counsel) Fleury.


Including our own media


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


April 1, 2023

12:00 pm Stuart Park


March 11, 2023 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap

Freedom Radio


March 11, 2023 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


March 11, 2023 12:30 pm

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:30 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


March 11, 2023 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

March 11, 2023 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


Penticton Freedom Rally

March 12, 2023 1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

City of Kelowna Goes to Court to Ban David Lindsay of C.L.E.A.R. & Freedom Rallies — Yes, in Canada, Not North Korea

City of Kelowna takes aim at ‘freedom rallies’ and their organizer

By Kathy Michaels Global News Posted January 18, 2023 4:42 pm

FILE. David Lindsay is the focus of a city of Kelowna lawsuit.
FILE. David Lindsay is the focus of a city of Kelowna lawsuit. Global News

A notorious anti-COVID-mandates protester is facing a lawsuit from the City of Kelowna, B.C., that would potentially stop him and his like-minded companions from using public spaces for their so-called “freedom rallies”.

The City of Kelowna names David Lindsay, John and Jane Doe, and “persons unknown” in a petition filed this week and asks the courts for, among other things, a declaration that reinforces several existing bylaws and an order that would authorize Mounties to “arrest and remove” protesters who are contravening that bylaw by using downtown parks and street corners for processions and marches without written permission from the city.

The city is also asking that the same groups refrain from selling their merchandise, or erecting tents without the approval of the city and creating a nuisance with their public address and voice amplification equipment in such a way that disturbs the “quiet, peace, rest and enjoyment” of individuals and the public.” Story continues below advertisement

Read more: COVID-19 protest organizer charged with two counts of assault

According to the petition, Lindsay and company continue to contravene the provisions of the city’s bylaws by continually carrying out what the city calls unlawful events, and it is therefore entitled to an injunction to require them to cease such activities without the required permits.

The petition states that Lindsay is the co-founder and spokesman of the unincorporated association known as “Common Law Education and Rights” or C.L.E.A.R.Click to play video: 'Kelowna RCMP explain the criminal code that applies to the Remembrance Day disruption' 0:57 Kelowna RCMP explain the criminal code that applies to the Remembrance Day disruption

“In or about 2020, the respondent Lindsay began and continues to organize, lead, and carry out weekly ‘Freedom Rally’ events every Saturday at Stuart Park,” the city states.

These events include erecting gazebo-style tents in the park, setting up and using amplified sound system equipment and a megaphone on public roadways to make speeches, “in a manner that is liable to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort, or convenience of individuals or the public.” Story continues below advertisement

Read more: Well-known anti-mandate protest leader skips court date, warrant issued

There, they also sell merchandise, loiter in public roadways and walk in group parades.

All of these activities, according to the city, have been flagged and multiple bylaw contravention notices have been issued.

“The authorities in the municipal bylaw enforcement context are clear that where a breach is established, the discretion of the court to refuse to grant an injunction to enforce a bylaw is narrow and is reserved for rare cases, for example where the   injunction would not properly address the mischief the bylaw is aimed at preventing,”Click to play video: 'Kelowna mayor says protest in front of hospital was misguided' 1:07 Kelowna mayor says protest in front of hospital was misguided

Lindsay is a staple in B.C.’s court system, having been involved with multiple court cases and ultimately being flagged as a vexatious litigant. Story continues below advertisement

Last February he was charged with two counts of assault following an incident that took place outside of Interior Health’s building in downtown Kelowna during the summer of 2021.

That matter is headed to court in the next couple of months.

Freedom Rallies for the Okanagan, December 31 & January 1, 2023 — Kelowna, Vernon, Kamloops, OK Falls, Osoyoos, Penticton & Freedom News

Click here to read in browser

Please forward

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”



Freedom Convoy

voted The

Canadian Press

Newsmaker of

the Year

JOIN US in celebration of

their contribution to freedom

Freedom Convoy Tribute 2023

– Canada Unites the World!

In recognition of the incredible national & international effect Canadian truckers have had for freedom, supported all over the world, we are remembering their contributions and sacrifices on the 1st anniversary of their arrival in Ottawa earlier this year on January 28.

Join us on January 28, 2023 at McCurdy Corner in Kelowna, B.C. for an all-day convoy in the B.C. Interior!!

More information to come shortly.

Supported by: CLEAR & The Resistance


Contact Bettina


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.


Sign this Petition NOW! 41 651 signatures to date

+456 since last week!



We need a truly independent inquiry – not some committee where the arbitrator is appointed and the terms and conditions set out by the Prime Dictator of Canada.

Here is the Petition:


Be a witness – do something!!!


Returning next week!


Know Your Rights: 

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)


From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom at Saturday’s Kelowna Rallies and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.

Withdraw money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$


Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further restrictions



CLEARBITS: Will return next week!

Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

December 31, 2022

+3° – Cloudy  (subject to change without notice!!! Lol – dress warm – NO SNOW!!!!)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


December 31, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan

Shuswap Freedom



December 31, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls

Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


Decemer 31, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


December 31, 2022 11:00 a.m.

Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall



Freedom Gathering

December 31, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park



Freedom Rally

Jan. 1, 2023

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, Nov. 12 & 13: Kelowna, Vernon, OK Falls, Oliver, Osoyoos, & Penticton; The Return of Forced Masking?

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over”


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Trudeau threatens a return to restrictions if vaccine uptake doesn’t increase

Oct. 17, 2022 – Western Standard


Ontario’s top doctor urges mask wearing, warns mandate could return

Oct. 13, 2022 – Global News


November 9, 2022 CFRA 580 Ottawa


The narrative is shifting now from restrictions to privacy violations – especially medical

Druthers Pick Up Assistance Required

Hi everyone. Up until now, Sarah has diligently picked up the new editions of Druthers each month for people to distribute. CLEAR has been actively involved in distributing these weekly in Kelowna, with the assistance of wonderful volunteers.


Sarah needs someone to pick up the Druthers from the Diamond delivery depot at 2805 Acland Rd, Kelowna

Around the first week of each month.

We need someone to pick them up now, in November and drop them off at Sarah’s place.

Can you please help? Delivery of Druthers is critical to supporting freedom in British Columbia and provides Canadians with unprecedented information and articles that MSM simply won’t touch!

Please email us at: if you can help pick them up. There will be about 200 bundles, with 100 to a bundle.

Thank you!


Geoengineering Free Canada | Facebook

This group is to educate people and try to put a stop to the geoengineering and poisonous chemtrails they spray in our skies.

Remembrance Day

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the Remembrance Day many of us will never forget. Although I’ve been chomping at the bit to share the truth about what happened, it would not benefit me to reveal details before this goes to trial. However, having this bogus charge laid against me has turned into a great opportunity for gathering “intel.” As an accused, you are entitled to something called “disclosure” which comprises all the evidence they have against you. And if you’re not satisfied with all the information provided, you can request more. I am currently still waiting for this further disclosure which Crown has requested from the RCMP.

What I have received so far has been quite revealing. I have now identified the culprits who instigated the disruption that day. If you were present, you were probably just as perturbed as I was as to why certain veterans stormed the stage and desecrated a ceremony designed to honour them and our fallen soldiers. They earned a badge of shame that day for their disgraceful behaviour. As individuals who promised to serve & protect Canadians, they demonstrated utter ignorance of the meaning of the word “freedom.” Considering the fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of veterans across Canada were kicked out of their legions and denied entry to their own Remembrance Day ceremonies last year due to unlawful mandates, there is no better expression to describe these people’s mental state than “Cognitive Dissonance.”

I will set the record straight on a couple of points. This was planned to be a respectful, albeit unconventional, ceremony to acknowledge the danger to our freedom and honour the soldiers who fought and died to preserve it. Our poster boy was Leo’s Uncle Charles who was an airman shot down and killed in Germany during WW2. The Resistance had NOTHING to do with any of this. They were merely there as part of the audience and were targeted by MSM because of their identifiable gear. Those who disconnected the sound system did not care about freedom. And the Veterans who yelled, stormed the stage and bullied me with their sanctimonious venom were insulting the memory of every fallen soldier in Canada’s history.

I stand by every word in my speech that day and here it is again, just as valid as it was one year ago:

Remembrance Day Speech 2021

“This is obviously not a conventional Remembrance Day ceremony. Because our city and local legion have dropped the ball.” The West Kelowna legion, however, IS hosting a Remembrance Day Ceremony. Want to know how they are showing appreciation for the freedom our soldiers died for? People who want to attend have to be double-vaxxed, show their VaxPasses, wear a Mask, AND practice social distancing! Ladies and Gentlemen, the levels of Cognitive Dissonance have shot through the roof!

I believe this particular Remembrance Day has more significance than ALL the ones we’ve had since WW2. As many of us here realize, we ARE in the midst of WW3. But it’s been a quiet, sneaky, devious war based on lies. No shots were fired. No bombs have exploded. There’s no Sherman Tanks rumbling down our highways. But we have been attacked.

The tactics being used are old, tried and true. Our families and friends have fallen prey to the propaganda trick. They fell for the narrative, “hook, line and sinker.” By using fear as a tool, our enemy has taken away people’s ability to reason and to acknowledge common sense. When you’re gripped by fear, you find yourself in “fight or flight” mode. Only, the “foe” they are so scared of is invisible. You’ve got to hand it to them, the enemy is brilliant, you can’t deny that. But we ARE winning this war. Because Truth always trumps Lies, Good always trumps Evil, Right always trumps Wrong and God always trumps Satan.

Every war waged in history was manufactured by the elite to create more power and money for themselves on the backs and blood of innocent soldiers. These brave men and women didn’t realize what they were really signing up for. But their intentions were good and they were committed. There was no turning back. Wars leave scars. Psychological trauma, mutilated bodies, lost lives. The fear these soldiers felt during battle WAS real. And the freedom they sacrificed their lives for has been ours to enjoy ever since. They have passed us the “freedom” baton and it is our responsibility to ensure we take it to the finish line.

There is no “sitting on the fence” in this war. You don’t get to be a spectator and watch the match to see who’s gonna win. You’re either on God’s side or the Devil’s side. Our families and friends still have time to choose the right side. Because, if you’re not listening to your heart, your gut and your soul right now, you are part of Satan’s army. God’s army is forgiving. We accept and love Turncoats! They WILL be welcomed with open arms! When you fill your heart with love, fear disappears!

We want to invite people to tell their stories starting with Leo, so he can get back to videotaping this ceremony. If you want to share your wartime story or that of a loved one who perished, please line up by the stage and everyone will get their turn. Afterwards, we can just mingle and talk FREEDOM!”

Leo’s Speech for Pilot Officer Charles Beauregard

Leo never got to properly honour his uncle last year due to the mayhem caused by the disrupters. So we, will do it here:

  • My uncle Charles was born in 1916 in Courval, Saskatchewan to a family of 9 kids.
  • He started off his military career as a Rocky Mountain Ranger in 1940.
  • He then enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force in Vancouver in 1942 at the age of 26.
  • He got his Air Gunner’s Badge in 1943 and then headed overseas.
  • He joined the 101 Squadron on April 6, 1944.
  • On May 21st, he was appointed Pilot Officer.
  • Two days later, he was functioning as a Special Wireless Operator on a Lancaster Bomber when his plane was shot down in Dortmund, Germany. The pilot survived but the crew didn’t make it.
  • On his obituary, it stated that he wanted to be a Pilot and was prepared to die for God, Country, Friends and Family.

Thank you for your sacrifice, Uncle Charles. We’ll make sure it’s not in vain!”


Justice for the Vaccinated Tour

More Tour Dates Coming!!!

Dr. MalthouseDr. Hoffe

Dr. Hoffe with the Tour Bus





We need a truly independent inquiry – not some committee where the arbitrator is appointed and the terms and conditions set out by the Prime Dictator of Canada.


The Constitutionality, Definition & Types of Property

Interpretation of the Income Tax Act

Years in the making…

Next Webinar is on Nov. 10, 5:00 pm PST

Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for

years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.

This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!

  • If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
  • Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
  • Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
  • How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
  • What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have

And much, much more…this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!

We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!

By registering to this Webinar series, you will have

downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!

All webinars have a password that is provided to you to access each show you wish to receive, or if you register for the series, all webinars.

Never forget important information again!

For more information, go to:

For registration information, email us at:



Public Emergencies Act Hearings


Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

To make submissions, go to:

You may also wish to view some further instructions at:

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year. For live streaming, see:

Thank you to the Koot family for these updates!


Lawyer collapses during Emergencies Act inquiry, delaying proceedings

Interesting how they won’t release info due to respect for the family – they can’t hide this any longer!

We still pray he will be ok.



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

Recently it has been announced that as of Oct. 6, merchants will be allowed to charge customers a fee for paying by credit cards.

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.

Withdraw money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.




Hands-on Help!!!

Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR rally cards and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure, and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the mail boxes in Kelowna

See these inserts below

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address to Linda & Nikki.

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each – only about 90 min.

Each Sunday we will meet at a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.

Many recipients continue to thank us for delivering these to their doorsteps!

Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.





From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom at Saturday’s Kelowna Rallies and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:


New signs???

Even though COVID-19 restrictions are, for the most part, no longer in effect, other freedom issues have arisen as gov’ts use the cover of COVID-19 to introduce other more formidable liberty restrictions, including privacy violations.

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle – our legacy is to leave a better place for our children, not simply to quit after an issue appears to be over and anger diminishes; and of course, it rarely is truly over.

We urge you to provide designs ( and/or your own signs for upcoming threats, including Digital ID

Digital currency and no cash

Climate change fraud

Further restrictions





Fact – Thanks Raoul

in 2019 only 11% of people polled would support the idea that the planet is ruled by a hidden, self-serving, cabal.

In 2022 people who operate on that assumption is now 44%.

Will this idea be a general consensus accepted as part of the world view of MOST people by 2024?


To hell with that!’: Saskatchewan premier slams Trudeau’s radical climate agenda



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

November 12, 2022

+1° – Partly Cloudy  (subject to change without notice!!! Lol – dress warm – NO SNOW!!!!)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


November 12, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


November 12, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


November 12, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


November 12, 2022 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

November 12, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


November 13, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, November 5&6: Kelowna, Kamloops, Oliver, Osoyoos, Penticton; The Castanet Cowards (the Fake News Media); C.L.E.A.R. Webinar; The Doctors’ Tour

Castanet is without doubt one of the most evil, negligent, and gov’t biased reporting services going.

Click here to read in browser 

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Trudeau threatens a return to restrictions if vaccine uptake doesn’t increase

Oct. 17, 2022 – Western Standard


Ontario’s top doctor urges mask wearing, warns mandate could return

Oct. 13, 2022 – Global News

Justice for the Vaccinated Tour – Kelowna

Dr. MalthouseDr. Hoffe

Dr. Hoffe with the Tour Bus

The Tour Bus at Kelowna City Hall, Sat. Oct. 26, 2022, supported by The Resistance!

Thank you Sarah for this incredible poster!

We were so excited to have Dr. Hoffe and Dr. Malthouse join us at the Sat Freedom Rally in support of the presentation that evening in West Kelowna.

Their presentation was simply amazing. Dr. Hoffe has incredible and professional statistics presentation and information he shared with us and Dr. Malthouse provided some great humour and a wonderfully hopeful message for the future.

And a very grateful thank you for all the volunteers who assisted on Saturday night.

Plans are being made for a future tour to the East as well!

Almost 800 people showed up to see the Doctors just throughout the Okanagan!!

We do support truth and freedom in B.C.

The MSM however is a different story.


Monday, Oct. 28, 2022 – CASTANET

See this link for the wonderful video of the Doctor’s attempts to talk with The Castanet Cowards.

The Doctors and their crew came back to Kelowna to stop at the office of Castanet on Monday morning. Their objective was to expose their false allegations in their articles about the Doctors, and to have them interview the Doctors to obtain the truth, including the harm done in the experimental injections.

Spineless cowards in Castanet refused to come out and do an interview, despite being caught on video waving to the Doctors.

I personally called Castanet officials to let them know that these Doctors wished to talk to their reporters. I was rudely told twice that they did not wish to talk to them. Clearly these reporters are wimps and cowards – they will attack people from behind the desk but when it comes to face- to-face meetings, even peaceful ones, they cower under their tables for cover.

A wonderful member of our local rally group contacted Castanet as well. A newsroom official, who declined to release his name provided his lame response was that Castanet reporters would not talk to them because they are not doctors. Dr. Hoffe is presently still licenced to practice medicine in British Columbia. I do not believe Dr. Malthouse is, however, I believe he has simply retired.

The Castanet rep further claimed that people had adverse reactions and were sick before the experimental injections, ignoring of course SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) which has never occurred in the past at all.

Castanet is without doubt one of the most evil, negligent, and gov’t biased reporting services going.

Please call Castanet at 250 420-5575 and demand to know why they continue to write untrue stories about these doctors and others who oppose the gov’t vaccine actions, but refuse to interview them to hear both sides of the story.




We need a truly independent inquiry – not some committee where the arbitrator is appointed and the terms and conditions set out by the Prime Dictator of Canada.


Years in the making…

Next Webinar is on Nov. 10, 5:00 pm PST

Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for

years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.

This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!

  • If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
  • Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
  • Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
  • How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
  • What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have

And much, much more…this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!

We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!

By registering to this Webinar series, you will have

downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!

Never forget important information again!

For more information, go to:

For registration information, email us at:

The Death Trap (AKA Kelowna General Hospital)

I don’t know about you guys but time seems to be going by at warp speed! And if you’re actively fighting this war, that’s a good thing! If you’re busy doing something, anything, to help expose and share the truth, you are being productive for the cause and you’re making a difference!


Every little thing you do to fight back against the lies and deceit is having a positive effect, even if you can’t see it. Some places like the hospital have not been challenged much and that is why they continue to successfully enforce their anti-health rules. After all, hospitals are “ground zero” for the deceit that fueled the whole plandemic. It’s a tricky place to deal with. I don’t know how any good and decent people are able to continue working there with integrity, but if there are, God bless them. But most doctors and nurses there are now seasoned serial killers. They’ve been getting away with murder while being handsomely compensated for their efforts for almost 3 years now. They have become desensitized to the genocide they are contributing to. Although it’s a waste of time to try and comprehend what kind of beings work in that environment, and getting harder by the day to blame ignorance for their actions, God is clearly more patient and forgiving than us.

Most of us are avoiding the place like the “Death Trap” it is. And the only time one of us might end up in that ominous establishment is if we find ourselves suffering from a serious health crisis or to visit an unfortunate loved one. In the event either situation comes to pass, be prepared. Use the documentation provided by Action4Canada to protect yourself and dig in your heels. These people are bullies whose power comes from your unwillingness to stand up to them. They are on a greed-fueled power trip only because no one has called them out. They know nothing about health. They know lots about drugs. They feel that their $40,000 education and the fact that they memorized 5,000 drug names makes them experts on how to heal people. They are Big Pharma minions and their souls are on the line. Your courage to stand up to these sanctimonious drug-pushers is required to jolt them into reality and the fact that they are crapping all over their Hippocratic Oath.

Although you are stressed out at having to go there for whatever reason, the fact is you have a legitimate reason for being there, which puts you on the front lines to stand up for freedom. The rest of us can’t do it for you as we would likely be forcibly removed. This is a heavy burden that you need to find the courage to bear. But Action4Canada has many tools you can use to back you up. You will feel empowered and justified with these legal forms in hand to make your case:

  1. Make sure you carry the “Covid Advance Medical Directive” in your wallet at all times. Doctors are using protocols designed to kill you. This card stipulates you do not want these treatments and it is legally binding:
  1. Missing from this card is a stipulation about blood transfusions. Canadian blood is tainted by the Covid Jab. At the bottom of the Medical Directive, write down in red ink “No Blood Transfusions” in the event one is required. For surgeries, you can save up your own blood beforehand. If case you have an accident, find an un-jabbed friend who shares your blood type who would be willing to donate and add his/her contact info next to this card in your wallet.
  2. Have a “Mask Notice of Liability” with you. Not only are masks useless for protection, they cause harm. Every experiment conducted in hospitals indicated the transmission of viruses was higher where doctors wore masks during surgery as opposed to those who didn’t. Mask-wearing is nothing more than a cult-based symbol of compliance with zero science to back it up.

  1. Forced Covid Testing? Don’t acquiesce! False positive results are the reason Bonnie Henry keeps justifying this plandemic. Keep this Notice of Liability with you:
  1. Rapid Antigen Tests? Just another means to violate your body. Say “no thank you” and give them this Notice:

  1. Bring a “Vaccine Notice of Liability” with you. Make sure you give it to a Nurse/Doctor to attach to your file. These people are either pure evil or brainwashed cult members. They are dangerous. It’s up to you to protect your body from harm:
  1. While in hospital or a care home, you may need someone to speak on your behalf or vice-versa. Here is a “Representation Agreement” that allows you access to your loved one and gives you authority to make medical decisions on their behalf. This can provide peace-of-mind for anyone who may be incapacitated and need someone to be their “lifeline.”

These forms represent just the tip of the iceberg from Action4Canada. Use them to educate people when you have the opportunity to do so. Remember, you are doing a favour to everyone you serve a Notice to. Knowledge, Truth and Facts have power and everyone deserves them to make informed decisions. All who ignore this information will be subject to very serious repercussions, legal and spiritual. Wear God’s armour and stand firm in truth. Not only are you on the right side of history, you’re on the winning side of history!




New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

Recently it has been announced that as of Oct. 6, merchants will be allowed to charge customers a fee for paying by credit cards.

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.

Withdraw money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.




Hands-on Help!!!

Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR rally cards and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure, and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the mail boxes in Kelowna

See these inserts below

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address to Linda & Nikki.

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each – only about 90 min.

Each Sunday we will meet at a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.

Many recipients continue to thank us for delivering these to their doorsteps!

Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.





From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom at Saturday’s Kelowna Rallies and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:


Public Emergencies Act Hearings


Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

To make submissions, go to:

You may also wish to view some further instructions at:

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year. For live streaming, see:

Thank you to the Koot family for these updates!




Crisis as excess deaths soar to levels higher than during Covid pandemic

Excess deaths are stubbornly high and show no sign of slowing, despite a fall in coronavirus cases. 

More evidence of damage from vaccines.



RCMP opens investigation into extrajudicial Chinese police stations in Canada

Will China instruct the RCMP to come up nothing after their investigation?

Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

November 5, 2022

+3° – Partly Cloudy  (subject to change without notice!!! Lol – dress warm)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


November 5, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


November 5, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


November 5, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


November 5, 2022 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

November 5, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


November 6, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Freedom News in the Okanagan: Freedom Rallies in Vernon, Kelowna, OK Falls, Kamloops, Oliver, Osoyoos & Penticton

Click here to read in browser 

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”


Sept. 27, 2022

Recommended Kelowna Candidates:

Brian Rogers Councilor

Glendon Charles Smedley Mayor

Ron Cannan Councilor

School Dist. #23 Trustee

Chris Fieber (ParentsVoice BC)

B.C. Doctors continue to courageously trailblaze! Don’t miss out!

Kelowna will be part of the 2nd leg of this tour. More info will be forthcoming in the near future. Stay tuned!

Years in the making…

Next Webinar is on Sept. 29, 5:00 pm PST – an awesome start to a Webinar series!

Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for

years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.

This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!

  • If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
  • Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
  • Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
  • How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
  • What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have

And much, much more….this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!

We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!

By registering to this Webinar series, you will have

downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!

Never forget important information again!

For more information, go to:

For registration information, email us at:

Freedom Lover or Freedom Activist?

Paper Deliveries

Freedom Lovers appreciate freedom. Freedom Activists fight for it. If you’re not a Freedom Activist, you will loose the freedom you love. The days of watching the brave people stand up for freedom are over. It’s time to become one of those brave people because if you’re not actively exercising your rights every day in every way, your loss of freedom will be your burden to bear.

What does a Freedom Activist do when government breaks the law and tells you they are taking your rights away? Exercise them! Because they can’t actually take anything away from you. They use fear tactics to get you to GIVE them away. And once you do that, good luck getting them back in this lifetime.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll discuss what types of things you can do as a Freedom Activist. Today, we’ll talk about the power of sharing truth, facts and information.

Knowledge and education are the key to informing people who are still living under media’s spell. These people will never come to our rallies, and many probably never even heard of us. So, we have to reach out to them! A small group of die-hards have been distributing Truth-based papers like Druthers, Pandemic Papers and Common Ground since the middle of August. Each paper is stuffed with 2- 3 flyers including a Rally Card (with a link to last spring’s Grand Jury discussions), a Mask &/or PCR Flyer and an Informed Consent brochure. Different inserts are used depending on what stock is available at the time.

We have received encouraging feedback from some recipients who felt alone until they saw the paper in their mailbox. Although we may occasionally run into an unappreciative individual, the potential benefits to thousands of people as a result of us planting these “seeds” makes it worthwhile.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! It takes about 1 1/2 hrs. for two people to cover an area provided on a map. With 4 – 6 people each Sunday, we’ve been delivering an average of 500 papers per week. Even if you have mobility issues, you can do rural areas by driving from place to place and have a passenger who can drop off the paper in each mailbox. The more volunteers that help, the more people we can reach before the snow flies. We are not planning to do this forever. This is not about becoming newspaper boys and girls. Once people see the paper and the flyers, they are provided with enough info and resources to take action and learn more if they wish.

What’s great about this endeavour is there is almost zero confrontation. You don’t need to have conversations with anyone. People don’t feel pressured to accept or read something new. The media has conditioned their captive audience to have a knee-jerk reaction against anything that questions the narrative. So, this makes it very difficult to have intelligent and logical conversations with people. But in the privacy of their own homes, away from prying eyes and peer pressure, there is a greater chance that they will read and consider the information. Especially since the mandates have not returned yet, there is less pressure to conform. That is why it is SO CRITICAL to get the information out there NOW!

So please sign-up on the flyer distribution sheet at our CLEAR booth at our Sat. rallies, to get the emailed location and be there for 11:30 am on Sundays. If you arrive on time, we can divide the papers and get the deliveries done quick so we can still have time to enjoy the rest of our day. Remember, many hands make for light work!

Here are just three of the inserts we distribute every week, in each Druthers and/or Pandemic Papers:


Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!

Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.




Thank you Ted for this inspiring pix!!



If you want the criminals out of power – we need to run for office – NOT RUN AWAY!!!

37 B.C. mayors win by acclamation after standing unopposed

These Mayors, many of whom are likely corrupt to the core, have been returned to office simply because no one ran against them. How can we complain if we don’t oppose them?

Vote only for people who value freedom!

Municipal Elections



From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom on Saturdays and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!

Or watch here:


Is it OVER????? No.

Everyone is aware that the previous lockdown restriction in relation to traveling were set to expire on Sept. 30. But what was then to happen? Recently the Federal Government has publicly announced that it is dropping quarantine and isolation requirements, as well as the mask requirement for flying or riding on trains. From MSM:

But as we have said, the danger is not over. These gov’t officials continue to state that it is their God-given right/power to bring these restrictions back at any time they “deem” it necessary or even just advantageous to so do. Put another way, your rights and freedoms are simply toys for the gov’t to play with as it wills. It stops when it gets tiresome, and they will start again when they desire to play with you again.

We need to make sure that these govt’s know that they can never do this again…ever.

Rumours are already circulating as to why this is happening now. Trudeau has already publicly stated that he will be running for the Liberals again in the next Federal election. Why would these comments be made at this time? Clearly, he is priming people for the inevitable, knowing that he cannot rely upon the NDP support for too much longer.

Another reason for dropping these restrictions is that the Feds know that almost all deaths due to COVID-19 (putting aside for the moment the falsified PCR test results and manipulation of actual co-morbidity causation), have been among the triple vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. They know that masks and vaccinations, with or without quarantine, are simply not working – and cannot work.

I submit that a further reason is to bolster the Gov’ts defence in the Pickford Constitutional Challenge, alleging that the challenge is moot because these restrictions are no longer are in place. I suspect that they will not get far with that defence, while simultaneously admitting that they can put these restrictions back in place at anytime and are prepared to so do.

View the information on this link below for some of the best analysis on the Federal Gov’t’s corrupt manipulation of COVID-19 statistics.


Hands-on Help!!!

Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR rally cards and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure, and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the mail boxes in Kelowna

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address to Linda & Nikki.

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each – only about 90 min.

Each Sunday we will meet at a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.

On a recent Sunday, a recipient of our flyer delivery was so inspired, he immediately assisted to deliver flyers for the rest of the day!! Thank you!


Public Emergencies Act Hearings

NOTE:Allegedly due to an unexpected surgery for the Commissioner Paul Rouleau, these hearings, if you wish to make submissions, have been delayed one month and are not set to start on Oct. 13 and to end in November.

Date: Sept. 19 – Oct. 28 (Oct. 13 start now)

Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year.

NOTE: See if you can contact Paul Rouleau and determine how you can make submissions to this inquiry, especially if you have new or important information to share that has been kept from Canadians by our corrupt Gov’ts and media.



Did the COVID Unvaccinated Fare Better or Worse Than the Vaccinated? The Results Are In

To no surprise – in OUR favour!


Europe suffers horrifying 755% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids


Pfizer accidentally proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

October 1, 2022

+25° – Sunny  (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


October 1, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


October 1, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


October 1, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


October 1, 2022 11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

October 1, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


October 2, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, August 27 & 28 — Mega Freedom Rallies & Ocean2Ocean : Kamloops, Castlegar, Kelowna, Penticton, OK Falls, Oliver, & Osoyoos

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over”


Thank you to Dr. Malthouse for his wonderful presentation this past Saturday in Kelowna and all his dedication and sacrifices!


August 27, 2022







Saturday, August 27, 2022

Zoom call info:

David Lindsay is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CLEAR Meeting – Pastor Artur Pawlowski

Time: Aug 27, 2022 1:00 PM PST (BC)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 797 6721

Passcode: FREEDOM


Thank you to The Resistance for their incredible support for freedom in Kelowna!


From Vaccine Choice Canada

With over 150 people in attendance for this past opening preview, we are grateful for their support of this VCC incredible documentary.

Please obtain a copy from Tom on Saturday and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!


The Brave

With knowledge comes responsibility. And for most of us who recognized the fraud that was officially launched in March 2020, we never imagined that it would still be going strong 2 1/2 years later. But we underestimated the power of Mainstream Media. The most filthy, corrupt entity on earth has our loved ones under its spell. To date, no one has figured out how to neutralize MSM, so they continue to hold the world hostage. But, just like people in the health field, government employees, educators etc., media is comprised of human beings who possess free will. The Soul Test taking place is exposing these peoples’ materialistic priorities and lack of faith.

Everybody just wants this to end “presto pronto,” but listening to an expert speak about the Book of Revelations the other night was a reminder that we all need to buckle up for a very long and bumpy ride. The “great awakening” that Ted Kuntz keeps referring to is happening in very slow motion. We will need lots of popcorn to see this movie through to the end. That is, of course, if all you are doing is sitting and watching this gong show.

Many people did not sit on their laurels once the PLANdemic was announced by various demons throughout the world. Many took immediate action; writing letters to various officials, organizing rallies to bring awareness to the public, posting truth bombs online etc. Many of these Canadians were outspoken enough to merit recognition in The Brave book series by Lani Gelera. So far, there are three books in this series and the second edition (Speaking Truth to Power) features several of our local heroes including Ted Kuntz, Mitch Murphy and our very own David Lindsay.

Everyone who sees the corruption taking place has a duty to resist it and expose it. It’s been an ever-changing landscape that has seen us go from warning that COVID-19 was as harmful as a cold/ flu to warning about the dangers of the jab to now trying to educate people about vax injuries and all the other wonderful plans the Globalists have in store for us. We can never stop educating people. And these days, although many are offended at the mention of God, I predict that Jesus Christ will become a Superstar again once people are faced with their own mortality as truth is exposed in the cold, hard light of day. In time, the MSM spell will lose its potency and many will realize they have not been standing on solid ground.

We are all brave for standing firmly in truth. Every time you speak the truth during this era of oppression, you are being brave. Please continue to exercise your power using you own special gifts and abilities to combat the blanket of deceit that evil is trying to bury us under. Sign up as a Volunteer at the booth, join us when we organize a newspaper delivery day, use the Notices of Liability to educate people and hand out brochures wherever you can. Don’t worry about those who won’t listen, focus on those who will. If you need inspiration, come get a copy of the “Speaking Truth to Power” book at the CLEAR booth on Saturdays and find out how ordinary citizens accomplished extra-ordinary things.

As David has mentioned many times, there are three ways a person can contribute to a worthwhile cause: you can offer your time, energy or money (or any combination!)



Each Sunday we are delivering Druthers Publication, including CLEAR and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the people in Kelowna

Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive

But we need YOUR help!

Our objective is to deliver 1000 Druthers + inserts on Sundays until we have exhausted all copies. Then at least once/month for all new editions. We have several more Sunday deliveries to do to catch up

There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies

Please join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address, with Linda & Nikki

We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each. This takes only about 90 minutes

Each Sunday we will meet in a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:00 a.m.

Last Sunday a recipient of our flyer delivery was so inspired, he immediately assisted to deliver flyers for the rest of the day!! Thank you!



Public Emergencies Act Hearings

Date: Sept. 19 – Oct. 28

Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa

Live streaming

Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.

Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year.

NOTE: See if you can contact Paul Rouleau and determine how you can make submissions to this inquiry, especially if you have new or important information to share that has been kept from Canadians by our corrupt Gov’ts and media.



More Canadians are challenging the unconstitutional travel apps and restrictions.

Chinese database with 2.5 million user info, including addresses, IDs, birthdays, and movement history, was leaked in 2019, leaving everyone open to hackers determining their location.



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

August 27, 2022

+25° – Cloudy  (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!

Includes the CLEAR



August 27, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

New time for August 27

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


August 27, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


August 27, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!


August 27, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

August 27, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


August 28, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

“Because it Ain’t Over” — Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan July 30-31: Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, OK Falls, Oliver, & Osoyoos

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over

We will not get boosters every nine months!


July 30, 2022

Tamara Lich is released!

In a most fortuitous turn of events, freedom activist Tamara Lich has just been released from custody on July 26, 2022. However, it is not only her release that is of significance, but the terminology utilized by a Superior Court of Justice that has materiality.

Ms. Lich was appearing before a Superior Court of Justice on a review of the decision of a JP to refuse to release her earlier this month. This, after she was arrested and held in custody for a week, for political purposes, simply to prevent her from appearing to the freedom Canada Day celebrations.

Judge: The likelihood to re-offend and the risk to the community remains low.

While on release, there has been strict compliance with the conditions save for the picture with Mr. Marazzo, and there is a very live question about whether there was a breach at all.

Two JPs opined the case for the Crown was strong. However, two Superior Court justices noted the challenges of the Crown’s case. I share that view.

Ms. Lich is not charged with sedition or inciting a riot. While the protests were of national import…the charges here relate to minor offences in the Criminal Code I find it highly unlikely this 49yr old woman with no criminal record…would spend any more time in jail.

This is a strong notice to the Crown, that their case is visibly weak, a finding shared by two (2) Superior Court Justices. These Justices are far higher in rank than some lowly, politically appointed JP who merely follows orders.

It is further notice to the politically motivated Attorney General, that even if it now goes to trial and a conviction is entered, Tamara will not be spending any more time in jail.

This is a strong warning to the Crown. For a Justice to issue these strong statements, before a trial and upon the evidence presently available, implies a stern message of a weak case upon the Crown. If the Crown had truly stronger evidence, it would have been presented at the original bail hearing and no such evidence was provided.

Congratulations to Tamara and hopefully not only will she remain out of jail permanently now, but there is a ray of hope she will be able to eventually file claims against the government for their corrupt and criminal actions against her.



Municipal Politicians – Part 1

Choose your six talking points and know them well. By keeping your topics generic, you will appeal to the majority and more likely to get your foot in the door.

Here are some examples of general topics that will resonate with people:

  1. Property Taxes: you can declare that you will work to stop the seizure of homes for non-payment of property taxes. There are multiple ways that people can pay this tax debt and the city should work with home-owners to find a solution that is feasible. Auctioning off someone’s home for $100,000 (worth $500,000) for non-payment of a $2,000 tax debt should not be an option.
  1. Bicycles and pathways: bring back the bicycles for rent. Scooters do not offer any health benefits but bicycles do. Create more bike paths throughout the city to make it safe for cyclists to travel.
  1. Provide petty criminals with the help they need. Deal with the root cause of the problem instead of wasting time and resources putting them through the court system’s revolving doors. Homelessness, drug use and petty crime are symptoms of deeper problems. Acknowledge and help these individuals face their issues so they can get back to contributing to society in a positive way.
  1. Clean up and maintain city garbage and recycling receptacles as well as public washrooms. Many remain broken for years while public facilities are not cleaned and maintained regularly. These low-skill maintenance jobs could be given to homeless people participating in a recovery program.
  1. Eliminate Paid Parking Meters. This is nothing but a cash grab and people should have the right to park for free on city property. A token could be put in the slot to regulate time limits instead and tickets would only be issued if the token expired.
  1. Stop the destruction of residential family neighbourhoods with zoning that allows two residential buildings per lot. Kelowna is not geographically designed to accommodate a million people. The fast & furious building of multi-family units and sky-rises means less quality of life for everyone. Backyards should not be considered a waste of space.
  1. Reduce the salaries of the mayor & councilors and put that money towards the homeless problem in Kelowna which has skyrocketed. For example, public outdoor patios are now unavailable to the public because homeless people have taken them over.
  1. Stop the RCMP practice of rotating officers in and out of the city for short-term periods. We need officers who plan to live here long-term so they care about the city and the citizens they should be serving and protecting. As well, officers are trained to reply to all inquiries with pre-programed, rehearsed responses. We need human beings with the ability to communicate, not robots.
  1. Stop the current city council practice of picking and choosing which topics they will consider while cancelling any one’s voice that they don’t want to hear. Right now, if they don’t like your issue, you don’t get to speak to council.
  1. Encourage and support small business ownership. We need to educate business owners about their rights to operate and make a living. Small Business is essential to maintain a thriving society. They are the fabric of our community and should not be discriminated against while foreign big box stores are afforded different privileges so they can profit at the expense of the small business owner’s demise.
  1. Public schools need to be over-hauled. Children are not being taught the important, basic skills required to become independent, fully-functioning adults. Basic hand-writing skills, basic mathematics, financial responsibility, respect for the environment, social skills, Canada’s Constitution etc…
  1. Start programs that encourage healthy eating and regular fitness routines to educate people on how to take responsibility for their health. Teach people about the amazing powers of a healthy immune system so they don’t waste their money on unnecessary drugs that only mask symptoms.

Whatever other ideas you come up with, avoid hot-button words or subjects. Thoroughly research each topic and make sure you offer feasible, practical solutions to the problems that you want to deal with as councilor/mayor. In Part 3 of this series, I will discuss tips on what you need to do to promote yourself to establish name recognition.


On a sad note, four (4) Ontario doctors recently died shortly after mandatory vaccines were required for their fourth shot.

Truth-seeker Steve Kirsch acquired a note pertaining to these deaths:

“Please share – 3 physicians at Mississauga hospitals have died this week. 1st memo Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Thursday. Cause of death wasn’t shared in the memo, but how many times have 3 doctors died in 1 week, days after the hospital started administering the 4th shot to staff” This is in addition to the physician who worked at North York General who died this week while out running. How many more “coincidences” will people accept? These shots need to be pulled.”

Now in the Toronto Sun, they are quoting a press release issued by the hospitals involved, disclaiming the deaths are linked to the vaccine. Interestingly, the reporter goes to list the co-morbidities that each doctor allegedly had, but insist the vaccine had nothing to do with their deaths.

At no time, were any denials made that the doctors had not received the vaccines in the past week. One doctor allegedly had lung cancer. How can a doctor with lung cancer be working, especially when such employment requires constant walking all day.

No express denial of vaccine causation was even stated for Dr. Hannam, who was simply reported as dying of sudden cardiac failure at only 50 years of age. Heart failures and problems are most often connected to these vaccines, so it is unquestioned that these hospitals took a few days to have a prepared statement issued to cover up the facts.



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

July 30, 2022

+33° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


July 30, 2022  12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


July 30, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 30, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 30, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


July 31, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Dr Daniel Negase hoists our Flag