Police State Australia: Victoria – Australia’s COVID Autocracy


Victoria: Australia’s Covid autocracy

Freedoms, once surrendered, can be impossible to recover. Nick Cater
13th August 2020

Victoria: Australia’s Covid autocracy

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The pandemic is revealing more uncomfortable truths by the day, like our willingness to abandon our freedoms and traditions at the first whiff of grapeshot.

Governments mistrustful of citizens have been too quick to respond to risks to public health with coercion, rather than simply appealing for a civic-minded people to do the right thing.

In Australia there has been a level of official control seldom seen since the convict era. There has been barely any opposition. A people once prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice of lives in defence of liberty is surrendering its freedom on the pretext of saving lives.

It is teaching us that when we dispense with the checks and balances that make democratic governments better than they otherwise might be, there is an exponential increase in the number and scale of state-induced blunders.

Exhibit A is the state of Victoria, where Covid-19 has recently spread through the community in what might be called a second wave if there had been a first wave, which there wasn’t. Podcast Why the working class turned Tory spiked

When Britain, the US and much of Europe were struggling with mass outbreaks in April, Australia and New Zealand had the virus under control thanks largely to the prompt closure of borders.

It might have stayed that way but for a breach of quarantine security in Melbourne, where inadequate supervision of returning Australians in hotel quarantine allowed infected people to escape.

The loss of life has so far been slight: around 40 deaths per million in Victoria and fewer than 15 in the rest of Australia, compared with around 700 in Britain and around 500 in the US.

Yet the elevated risk was enough for Victoria’s premier, Dan Andrews, to declare a State of Disaster for only the second time in Victoria’s history. Andrews, incidentally, was responsible for declaring both of them. R

Victoria became an autocracy overnight, granting unfettered power to a premier unaccountable to parliament and freed from the rule of law. The police have turned from citizens in uniform to the enforcers of ministerial declarations, most of them quite absurd.

Melbourne has become the first city in Australia to fall under a curfew. Andrews’ predecessors felt no need for one during the First World War, Second World War, the Spanish Flu pandemic or the 1923 police strike when violent mobs rampaged through the city and overturned a tram.

Yet the outbreak virus from China which currently kills a small proportion of those it affects in the general population, and a negligible percentage of people below retirement age, was considered grave enough to suspend democracy and the rule of law.

The bridge over the River Murray on the Hume Highway linking the Victorian city of Wodonga and Albury in New South Wales has become Australia’s Checkpoint Charlie, the free world on one side and tyranny on the other.

Those tempted to swim across should know that police and army reservists are patrolling the Murray’s northern banks assisted by helicopters and drones. Up to six months in jail awaits those without papers.

Melbourne residents who leave their homes between 8pm and 5am face a $5,000 fine, imposed by police not the courts. Fines will also be issued to anyone who, a) is caught without a mask; b) exercises for more than an hour; c) wanders further than 5km from home; d) is judged by police to be shopping excessively in the small number of shops allowed to stay open; e) gets married; f) overnights in the house of someone other than their designated intimate partner; g) goes fishing; or h) plays golf.

Like the villain in a dystopian novel, Victoria’s democratically elected premier is interfering with citizen’s private lives in a manner most will have imagined impossible in a nation settled by the heirs of Magna Carta.

In his masterful book on the Anglosphere, Dan Hannan praised Australia as a country where the libertarian philosophy of John Stuart Mill was made flesh. Hannan might care to revisit that bit, as Victoria breaks record after record in the contest of illiberalism, employing all the available instruments of modern surveillance to keep its citizens in check.

If the premier and his officials know how many cases of infection can be tolerated they are keeping it from the citizens. No one knows how long the lockdown measures will end or what comes next.

The consequences for the Victorian economy, which accounts for a quarter of Australia’s GDP, are growing exponentially. The price of shutting down business today is the loss of future opportunity. The effects of this recession will be felt for a generation at least. The most deadly effects of the virus may be reserved for the elderly and sickly, but the biggest losers will be those in the prime of their life.

Much of what we are losing cannot be counted in dollars and cents. Freedoms, once surrendered, can be impossible to recover.

We dishonour the victims of early tyrannies to make comparisons, tempting as it might be.

The assumption of emergency powers to fight a real or exaggerated threat is the oldest trick in the manual of despotism. Countries ruled by tyranny are frequently those from which millions long to flee, just as they do in Victoria right now, if only for a holiday.

The erosion of democracies typically begins with the indefinite suspension of parliament, as the Victorian state parliament has been.

Autocrats are drawn to centrally planned economies, with the inevitable mismatch of supply and demand. Residents of Victoria, the food bowl of Australia, face shortages of meat and other essentials and the prospect of rationing for the first time since the Second World War.

Autocracies are notorious for the proliferation of permits and the checking of papers. In Victoria a permit is required to travel, to work or cross the border. Military are being used as auxiliary police, police powers have been drastically increased and punitive fines introduced.

Citizens are encouraged to act as informants against their employer and also neighbours.

There has not been one guarantee that all or any of these crackdown laws will be repealed.

Those who grew up with pride in their country and its part in overcoming the great 20th-century tyrannies are understandably shocked at how much we appear willing to surrender for benefits that are as yet unspecified.

We shouldn’t be surprised at the tacit compliance of the media, which, by and large, has not seen fit to challenge the measures. Journalists, like some politicians, have a professional interest in exaggerating the threat. ‘All quiet on the Covid-19 front’ is not a story worthy of page one.

With time, the Andrews administration’s draconian and illiberal stage-four lockdown will come to be seen as a monstrous administrative mistake that has compounded the effects of the blunders that allowed the virus to run wild.

Let’s hope at least that the lockdown slows the general rate of infection, since the government seems incapable of protecting nursing-home residents any other way.

Even if it does, we are bound to ask if the result was worth the months that will have been added to the recession, the swelling of the ranks of the long-term unemployed and the shrinkage of the small business sector, the engine of the economy. And the freedoms citizens have been forced to relinquish, with no guarantee they will get them back.

Nick Cater is executive director of the Menzies Research Centre and a columnist with the Australian.


Saturday, August 15, 2020   Stuart Park, Kelowna  BC   12:00 noon

Just a reminder to come out and support our message to all levels of Government, that we are vehemently opposed to all forms of their lockdown, Constitutional violations, social restrictions, and lies.  This is the most important and critical issue in our lifetimes and if we continue to just obey, we will soon find ourselves in a similar situation to Chinese Communism – but in our country.

We need as many people as possible

for our rallies!

If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!

Bring at least two friends!!!


For an excellent video of how the Scamdemic likely started, and how they keep the fraud going, and the true reasons behind it that very few people discuss, check out this 11 min video:


I’ve seen videos from this guy in the past, and his material is just awesome.


Unfortunately, the mass of information coming at us from all over the world right now is truly an information overload.  It is important remain focused at all times on the issue:  the COVID-19 virus is not a pandemic, and the actions taken by all levels of Governments, are unprecedented, unsupported and Constitutionally impermissible.

Despite the ongoing actions in various courts, we cannot simply sit back and wait months or until next year for decisions.  We must as much as possible, refuse to comply with their unconstitutional orders and demands.  We must do what we can not just to educate others, but to get them to act likewise. 

Remember, Governments to a large degree don’t care how much you complain, as long as you comply.  We must do both – complain and refuse to comply.  Are there risks – absolutely.   They are minor compared to what our ancestors took for our diminishing rights and liberties today however.  Please keep that in proper context.


To date, the Kelowna RCMP still have not acted on our complaint with respect to the criminal letter written to and published on Castanet.  More inquiries will be made and I will contact them by Monday, as 10 days should be sufficient for a decision to be made.


To date, no defenses have been filed in the Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC) case in Toronto by any defendants.  It is anticipated that either they will file them shortly, or will file them in conjunction with expected Motions to Strike.  Defences were required to be filed under Ontario Rules of Court within 21 days and they have not yet done so.

Admittedly, with a 191 page Statement of Claim, this may be considered extraordinary circumstances, and rules of court are malleable to some degree.  So it may be another week or two before their defences are filed, which will be of incredible interest.

As of today’s date, no defence has been filed either by the B.C. Gov’t to the Chinese doctor who filed her application in Chilliwack to force the B.C. Gov’t to make mask wearing mandatory. 

I note here that no where in any of B.C.’s legislation or Orders from Bonnie Henry, does it state that they operate notwithstanding the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  Interesting.


Recently Canada’s top doctor Theresa Tam, who worked with and had longtime close ties to Red Chinese dominated WHO, has publicly stated that the lockdown, restrictions and compulsory masks and social distancing, ie: the society shift, will continue for a minimum of a couple of years.  Premier Ford of Ontario has said likewise.

How can they do this – one asks?  Because people comply.  For no other reason.  And it is not sufficient for the public alone to refuse to comply – businesses must quit being proxies for these Communist/SocialistGovernments (parts of all these tyrannical governing philosophies exist today), and doing indirectly what the Governments are Constitutionally prohibited from doing directly. When business owners realize the COVID scam and start refusing to even suggest social distancing and/or masks, then we will begin to achieve success. 

I strongly urge everyone who knows someone who owns or knows someone who owns a business, to come out and learn from our knowledge on all aspects of the COVID scam, from the faulty models, to faulty testing procedures, to corrupted and manipulated statistics, to empty hospitals, to social re-engineering of our society.

Accepting another two months of this tyranny, is a travesty and begins to normalize this type of activity. In two years, without our intervention and refusal to comply, it will become the norm.  This is the same procedure followed over and over again in our history – call the rights and freedoms deprivations or restrictions, temporary, and then they never are removed, or if they are, it is only partially, amounting to an ongoing Constitutional creep against our cherished and rapidly diminishing rights and liberties. 


The United Kingdom has just been caught red-handed falsifying COVID stats.  From the Daily Telegraph in England:


The official Covid-19 daily death toll may never be brought back following an investigation into Public Health England’s method of counting it, the Telegraph understands.

The conclusions of the review, which was ordered by Matt Hancock after it emerged officials were “over-exaggerating” deaths from the virus, are expected this week.

One expected recommendation would be to stop daily reporting altogether and move to a weekly official death toll instead, a government source said on Sunday night.

The review has been “looking at all options,” the source said.

On July 17, the Health Secretary asked PHE to urgently investigate the way daily death statistics had been reported, leading PHE to say it was “pausing” the daily release.

It came after Oxford University experts revealed a significant proportion of the daily out-of-hospital death toll relates to patients who recovered from the virus weeks or months earlier.

Under the previous system, anyone who has ever tested positive for the virus in England was automatically counted as a coronavirus death when they died, even if the death was from a car accident.

By contrast, Scotland and Wales operate a cut-off threshold of 28 days after a positive test, after which a death is not assumed to be virus-related.


Meanwhile Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, reportedly holds the view that excess deaths are the best measure to use, which will be unaffected by the PHE review.

PHE had defended its previous approach saying there is “no World Health Organisation-agreed method” for recording deaths from coronavirus.

Dr Susan Hopkins, PHE’s incident director, has said: “Although it may seem straightforward, there is no WHO agreed method of counting deaths from Covid-19. In England, we count all those that have died who had a positive Covid-19 test at any point, to ensure our data are as complete as possible.”

This is amazing and no different than in Canada.


David Icke posted an interesting video recently.  640 doctors in Europe are condemning COVID-19 as a fake story.  I would strongly urge everyone to keep updated on their proceedings in the near future.


6:10         It is a fake story all over the world

6:50         COVID is not different from the normal flu

8:35         They have established a newspaper with 500 000 circulation

10:10       We have facts to show that it is a scam – need to discover who gets the benefits and who has the power to create it

Further to this, the Committee that was created in late June/July 2020,

has had an interesting meeting featuring three doctors on its panel. 

8:21         COVID is the same seriousness as the flu

9:30        There are no longer enough sick people in Germany to even test vaccines upon anymore.  The new types of vaccines are now RNA based, meaning that they can change genetic make up.

This is really scary folks.


Recently in the Washington Examiner, more odious results were announced in relation to the effects of prolonged use of masks, causing significant increases in gum disease.  This is no surprise since much of the material leaving the body gets trapped in the mask and breathed back in, some of which remaining in the oral cavity – to grow and multiply.


The subsequent problem is that excessive gum disease can result in much more serious health problems, such as heart conditions or strokes.

In another privacy violation, BC is hiring 500 people to help establish contact tracing.  This will happen without our consent and we will not even know if we are being tracked.  It is critical to never install any such apps, remove if you have them, never answer any calls from anyone you don’t know, and refuse to ever talk to anyone from the gov’t on your private health matters. Indeed, you should be questioning even talking to your doctor on these types of issues. Colds and flus for the most part can be dealt with normally, with mega-Vit C, rest, etc.  Advising any doctor that you even have a cold now, will lump you in for possible mandatory testing, and faked results.  There has never been a better time to stay away from doctors than today.


Conservative Leadership Candidate Derek Sloan Says Compulsory Masks Are An Affront to Our Freedoms

Wed., Aug. 12 at 6:55 a.m.

During these unprecedented times, politicians at every level of government, and of every political stripe, have allowed their “inner autocrat” to emerge.

Basic liberties, such as our right to come together to work, worship, or see our friends and relatives have been limited or completely eliminated.

An entire society of healthy people has been locked down, bringing the economy to a standstill, and millions have been forced into unemployment.

The autocrats have had a taste of unprecedented control, and now they want more. These same people who brought us the lockdowns are now making mask-wearing compulsory.

In Canadian law, the onus is on politicians to justify laws that diminish the realm of personal choice. Enforcing mask wearing based on the fearful projections of illness and death made in March, rather than on the realities of August, is unjustifiable. Forecasts made in March predicting the numbers of dead and sick people caused by the virus have turned out to be wild over-estimates.

We now know that COVID-19 has posed almost no threat to children. We know that four fifths of COVID deaths have occurred in nursing homes, and the victims were the elderly and those already sick.

Statistically, healthy adults are under greater threat from car accidents than they are from COVID-19. The realities of August do not justify the overreach of mask mandates. They are justified by power-hungry autocrats in the name of control and compliance.  If we fail to guard our rights with extreme vigilance in a time of crisis like this, we can lose them forever. These mandatory mask mandates have no end date on them.

Just last week Dr. Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer said that the coronavirus pandemic may continue for years, along with measures like mandatory masking and physical distancing, even if researchers manage to discover a vaccine.

She needs to be fired. We need to take these threats to our liberties seriously. Canadians who want to wear a mask should wear one, wherever they want to, but I remain 100% against making masks mandatory.

Shockingly, in a CONSERVATIVE leadership race, I am the only candidate that has spoken out against this infringement on our civil liberties.

I also remain 100% opposed to ever making a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory. If freedom matters to you, please donate today to help my team “Get Out The Vote” in this critical stage of the campaign.

Sincerely, Derek Sloan Member of Parliament https://www.dereksloan.ca PS: Standing for the freedom of Canadians, without apology, is what sets me apart from my leadership rivals. To help me win this leadership race, please chip in today.

Kelowna Online Media Castanet Publishes Letter Wishing Infection on END THE LOCKDOWN Protesters

COVID hysteria drives followers insane.

A letter calling for the infection of END THE LOCKDOWN protesters, was published by the Castanet media in Kelowna, which has refused to cover the protests.

” I believe we need an infected person to go find this group of idiots that think the virus is fake and give all the protesters a hug.If someone has the virus please go into a protest and shake hands with every protester and hug people

.Let’s see if the protesters get sick and disappear. See if the protesters believe after they get sick.Most of us know someone who has it, had it or been tested for it.To see a protest against this horrible virus makes me sick to my stomach.

I like the idea the Germans have about a COVID party. Maybe Kelowna needs one as well but except like Germany don’t ask for volunteers, use the COVID protesters.”


Melbourne Lockdown: Police Can Enter Homes Without a Warrant to Carry Out ‘Spot Checks’



Police in Melbourne, Australia now have the power to enter people’s homes without a warrant and perform ‘spot checks’ to enforce compliance with new coronavirus lockdown rules.After the state of Victoria announced a “state of disaster” in response to a spike in coronavirus cases, Premier of the state Daniel Andrews told residents, “We can no longer have people simply out and about for no good reason whatsoever.”In addition to an 8pm to 5am curfew, residents can only leave their homes outside those hours to shop for food and essential items, carry out care and caregiving, as well as daily exercise and work.The new powers also give police the right to “enter your home to carry out spot checks even if you don’t give them permission and they don’t have a warrant,” reports LockdownSkeptics.org.Controls on buying have also been introduced, restricting citizens to purchases of no more than two of certain essential items, including dairy, meat, vegetables, fish and toilet paper.As we highlighted earlier, immediately after the government announced the new draconian measures, police in their hundreds positioned themselves around residential tower blocks to ensure no one could leave.People were told they must stay in the residence in which they slept the previous night for the next six weeks. Anyone who violates the new rules faces a fine of up to $1,652, an amount which is set to be increased.As Toby Young writes, the spike in COVID-19 cases in the region could simply be due to the fact that more tests are being conducted.“Victoria tested almost 43,000 on Sunday, July 26th, twice as many as on normal days, and the peak on Wednesday could be due to the few days delay before the results come through. In addition, a percentage of the positive results are likely due to the extensive contact tracing introduced in the past few weeks, with targeted testing of those who’ve been in contact with other infected people.” “It looks like a familiar pattern: on the advice of public health officials, a political leader ramps up testing and introduces a track-and-trace programme, then, when the number of cases inevitably increases, the leader panics and introduces draconian new measures.”

Tory CandidateDerek Sloan Asks “Which Canadian big-city mayor has gone totally W-H-O?”

9:02 PM (2 hours ago)

Toronto Mayor John Tory is really excited about Ontario entering Stage 3 of reopening and bars and restaurants opening up again.

Actually, what he’s really excited about is slapping a whole lot of regulatory restrictions on them.

On Sunday, Tory sent a letter to Premier Doug Ford containing six recommended rules to be imposed on these establishments, which have absorbed a catastrophic financial hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Tory is calling for mandatory masks for all staff and patrons, earlier closing hours, occupancy restrictions, and for all patrons to provide contact information that is to be kept for 30 days, to allow for tracing as needed.

Wow! Where to begin?

Asking everyone for their contact information is not going to go over well. That’s a bit of a safety issue. They might get a lot of false information.

Again, as with the mandatory facemask rules, you have to wonder whether recommendations like these are really about protection—as is claimed—or politics.

Tory says that “experts” believe that masks keep people safer and that restaurants and bars pose a higher level of risk for the spread of the coronavirus.

Are these the same experts who were saying back in March that masks weren’t necessary outside of hospitals, and that anyone who suggested that the borders should be closed was a racist?

We all want to stop the spread of COVID-19. We’ve all made extraordinary sacrifices toward that end. No businesses have been hit harder than the hospitality industry. Many of them have closed and are never coming back.

In some cases, establishments built by generations of hard work and dedication are gone forever.

A recent Leger poll shows that a national average of 22% of Canadians will avoid bars and restaurants for as long as masks are mandatory there.

We all need our country’s economy to rebound from this setback, and bars and restaurants must be part of the resurgence. We don’t need politicians like John Tory making the hard road back even more difficult for them.

Mayor Tory’s recommendations are evidence of state overreach, which has reared its ugly head during this crisis. Using the pandemic as a cover, it imposes draconian limitations on our freedoms in the name of the common good.

Those who voice opposition are shouted down as selfish and reckless, and the statists consolidate their power.

Once given up, these freedoms will be difficult to regain.

John Tory is also calling for mandatory masks in residential apartment buildings.

Canadians who feel more comfortable wearing a facemask should be by all means do so, but masks should not be made mandatory.

Re-openings of businesses should be done responsibly and safely, but without being hamstrung by statists who, having had a taste of authoritarianism, are hungry for more.

I remain 100% opposed to making any eventual COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for Canadians.

I will continue to guard against any unjust limitations of our rights introduced in the name of public safety or other invocations of the “common good”.

More Restrictions On Movement & Savage Fines in the Pandemic Hysteria: More State Tyranny

COVID-19: NOTL store fined $880 for patrons not social distancing – on the sidewalk outside

A sign outside of Nina Gelateria asks people to practice physical distancing. (Richard Harley) Share this:


Kevin MacLean, Managing Editor May 20, 2020 | Wednesday

A store in Old Town has been fined $880 for violating a provincial order after patrons on the sidewalk outside were found to be ignoring pandemic social distancing rules.

The owners of Nina Gelateria and Pastry Shop were ticketed by a Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake bylaw officer for a violation on Sunday, May 3.

Downtown NOTL was packed with visitors that weekend, despite a state of emergency and few services being available. More than 10,000 vehicles entered Old Town that Saturday and Sunday, according to town traffic count data.

The town refused to release any details on the ticket, citing privacy statutes and the fact the matter was before the courts.

NOTL’s acting senior enforcement officer Henry Boese said he can’t talk about it. “That incident is currently with the Ontario Court of Justice and I can’t speak about it,” he said.

In response to a question asking to clarify the town’s position on what businesses should be doing on sidewalks to enforce distancing, spokesperson Lauren Kruitbosch said, “Businesses should be taking reasonable steps to enforce physical distancing within the business. Sidewalks can be used by pedestrians waiting in line to enter a store (while maintaining physical distance). They can’t however, be used for business purposes.”

Mark Martinovic, who co-owns Nina Gelateria with his wife Klaudia, confirmed receiving the ticket, a $750 set fine plus costs totalling $880. The fine has been paid, he said.

Until that first weekend in May, the shop, at 37 Queen St., was “closed on the weekends as we were just catering to our locals, Monday to Friday,” Martinovic said in a statement to The Lake Report.

The store owners heard there would be a parking ban and many bylaw officers in town for added support, “so we decided that it would be OK to open up. We have always followed the provincial guidelines in the store with signs and floor markings,” he said.

“As a take-out/curbside pickup establishment, we never had any issues with serving our sweets, pizzas, crepes or panini sandwiches safely.”

On Sunday, May 3, Queen Street was very busy. “We wish we received a warning or some communication first, but we ended up receiving a fine for not enforcing physical distancing in front of our store.”

“A big problem is that the sidewalk is shared by people waiting to get inside the store (while waiting in line) and with pedestrian traffic and it clearly presents a challenge for businesses and the town, moving forward.”

Some of the customers outside were families, who, when standing together in line, can appear to not be complying with physical distancing requirements, Martinovic said.

“But as they are a family unit, they stay in close proximity together and this is allowed under present regulations.”

“The good news since then is that we have maintained positive communication with the town and are working together to make sure we are on the same page,” he said.

Kruitbosch said the town has laid 42 charges during the state of emergency, which was declared on March 23.

“Some were laid as trespass, the majority for violation of the (province’s) emergency order. The identities of persons or businesses charged are protected by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.”

“Sloppy” Joe and the Values Test

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, May 15, 2020

“Sloppy” Joe and the Values Test

“Sloppy” Joe Baconburger was the owner of a restaurant. It was an independent eatery called the Celestial Carnivore. As you have probably deduced it catered to a meat-eating clientele. Barbecue ribs, steaks grilled to perfection, pork chops, and prime rib – these were the staples of the supper menu. Its hamburgers, fried chicken and chili con carne were all popular. The pizza section of the menu had but a single entry and that was for “Meat Lovers”. The Carnivore was most famous, however, for a sandwich.

This sandwich was a multi-layered spectacular. Forget the mere clubhouse or even the triple-decker. This sandwich had separate layers for roast beef, roast pork, roast turkey, and roast lamb. Each layer also contained a hearty portion of ham and bacon and slices of various sorts of cheese. If you wanted, vegetable fillers such as lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers would also be added, but these were optional. It was served smothered in chili and gravy. Naysayers called it “the heart attack waiting to happen” but every day people would come from near and far to order it.

One day something strange happened. Like any other day, “Sloppy” Joe arrived at the Carnivore early, pulled into his parking spot, got out of his car, and headed towards the door. Then he ran into a wall. Or at least it felt like a wall. Whatever it was he could not see it. There was nothing there to the visible eye but something was blocking his path to the entrance.

Baffled by the invisible barrier and uncertain of what to do about it, “Sloppy” Joe turned around and took a step in the direction of his car. He was unable to go any further, however, because he found his path impeded yet again by the unseen wall. Turning to his left and right, he discovered that he was boxed in on all sides.

Uttering something that need not be put down in print, “Sloppy” Joe looked around and saw his neighbour Bob walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the street. He called over to Bob, asking him to go for help, but Bob just kept walking along. “Sloppy” Joe called louder, but there was still no response. He then screamed at the top of his lungs but Bob did not seem to hear him. Whatever was keeping him from leaving or entering his business was apparently also trapping all sound.

Eventually Bob looked around and saw “Sloppy” Joe at which point “Sloppy” Joe began to gesture as best he could within the confines of his transparent cage. Bob shook his head and said “Better stick to cooking Joe, that pantomime act is never going to sell.”

Soon thereafter one of his employees arrived for her morning shift. She waved to “Sloppy” Joe and said hello as she moved toward the restaurant entrance but did not seem to notice anything was amiss. When she got as close to the door as “Sloppy” Joe was, however, a look of surprise came over her face and then, as she turned in all directions, one of panic. “Sloppy” Joe realized that she was trapped too. One by one, his employees showed up, and each in turn got trapped within an invisible box.

“What will happen when my customers start to show up?” “Sloppy” Joe asked himself.

He did not have long to wait. The first customer, one of his regulars, showed up like clockwork at the time the restaurant normally opened its doors to the public. He too found himself stuck between the mysterious unseen walls. The same happened to every other customer that arrived after him.

Before long the area around the restaurant was surrounded by people, trapped in place by invisible boxes. There was approximately six feet of space between each of them.

All of a sudden, a loud maniacal cackle came descending upon them from above. Looking up, they saw a man standing on top of the restaurant, holding a device that resembled a cross between a machine gun and a video camera. Groaning inside, “Sloppy” Joe recognized the man as Dr. Tofu Veggiebrain the notorious mad scientist and leader of an animal rights/environmentalist activist group that wanted to make veganism mandatory and which had been targeting him and his restaurant with harassment of various sorts for years.

“How do you like my latest invention, ‘Sloppy’ Joe?” Dr. Veggiebrain asked. “I call it the Insta-Mime. Soon you and all others who murder and eat our animal brothers and sisters will be trapped between invisible walls in the world’s most despised form of performance art forever.”

It looked like he might be right. Within an hour the police, fire department, and other emergency services had been called in and they could find no way of releasing anyone from the invisible boxes. The police wrote “Sloppy” Joe and each of the others a ticket for breaking the by-law against public displays of pantomime and then took off.

Soon, however, word of the strange impromptu mime session outside of the Celestial Carnivore got out and within a couple of days it made its way to the Marshmallow Monks (1) in the Carpathian Mountains. They immediately contacted “Eddy” Johnson who rushed to the scene as Reaction Man, (2) battled Dr. Veggiebrain, and freed everyone from their invisible prison. Since this is not an actual episode in The Adventures of Reaction Man but merely an essay illustration in which he makes a cameo appearance, I will not elaborate on the details, but will instead skip ahead to the aftermath of the trial of Dr. Veggiebrain.

After Dr. Veggiebrain was convicted criminally, “Sloppy” Joe filed a civil action against him to recover the losses his business suffered over the period in which he, his employees, and his customers had been mimed. It was not difficult to obtain a ruling in his favour for the law on the matter and the principle of natural justice underlying that law are quite clear. If you deliberately harm somebody else’s business he is entitled to compensation.

Things became complicated, however, when Dr. Veggiebrain said that he would not contest the ruling and would gladly pay the damages – but only on the condition that the Celestial Carnivore sign a statement of agreement with his vegan values and convert to serving only plant-based food.

Whereas most judges would not agree to such a stipulation, “Sloppy” Joe was unfortunate enough to have Justice Bob Baddecision of the Ontario Inferior Court hear his case. Judge Baddecision, who as we know is a close friend of Lucy himself and is prone to live up to his last name, (3) considered Dr. Veggiebrain’s stipulation to be entirely reasonable, and ordered that it be carried out.

You have likely already figured out the point of this story. Therefore I will make my commentary brief.

A man’s business is his livelihood. If your actions are demonstrably responsible for harming or destroying another person’s business, by the laws of natural justice you are required to compensate him for this damage. You do not get to hold the compensation to which he is entitled hostage until he meets your demands. If you attempt to do so you are guilty of a form of blackmail or extortion.

Over the past two months many people have seen their businesses suffer to the point of insolvency. This was not due to substandard goods, poor service, or other faults of their own. Nor can it be attributed solely to causes which are outside human control and for which no human agency can be held responsible. The coronavirus did not destroy these people’s businesses. Government ministers and their health officers did with their mandatory social distancing regulations, shelter in place orders, and lockdown of so-called “non-essential” businesses and services. This is why these businesses are entitled to government assistance at this time. Such assistance is not a “bail out” nor is it socialism, although it will have the same long term effect as these of saddling generations to come with an unthinkable tax and debt burden. It is certainly not the government being compassionate, no matter how much Captain Airhead tries to dress it up in these terms. It is the government paying compensation for damage it has itself inflicted.

This is why the government has no right to impose a values test on the small businesses that apply for such compensation. Since the government put these businesses in danger of bankruptcy, justice demands that the government pay restitution. As the party that has committed the injury, the government does not get to hold back this restitution until the party that has sustained the injury agrees to support abortion and the alphabet soup agenda. Its values test is a form of extortion.

Don’t let Captain Airhead get away with it.

(1) To learn more about the Order of the Marshmallownians see “Brother Moonpie and the Devil’s Apocalypse.
(2) “Eddy” Johnson previously appeared in The Adventures of Reaction Man: Episode One – The Origin and The Adventures of Reaction Man: Episode Two – Reaction Man Versus the Marxist Zombie Army.
(3) Justice Bob Baddecision of the Ontario Inferior Court and Lucy the gender-confused devil feature in Lucy’s Day in Court and Justice for Minnie?
Posted by Gerry T. Neal at 6:30 AM Labels: “Sloppy” Joe Baconburger, COVID-19, Dr. Tofu Veggiebrain, Justice Bob Baddecision, Justin Trudeau, Marshmallownians, mimes, Reaction Man, values test, vegans

Sacrificing Billions to Save Thousands?

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, April 24, 2020

Sacrificing Billions to Save Thousands?

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
– Rudyard Kipling

The way the World Health Organization, our power-hungry politicians, the technocratic boobs with tunnel vision who are our health apparatchiks, and the cheap harlots of the mainstream media talk about it, one would think that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a real life equivalent of the artificially engineered, antibody resistant, superflu which wipes out most of the world’s population in Stephen King’s 1978 novel The Stand and the various adaptations thereof. It is not. Although it is possible that like the weaponized flu strain in the novel, it escaped from a laboratory, that of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, it is not remotely comparable in terms of lethality. It is basically a normal strain of bat influenza that has jumped species to humans, that has been spreading rapidly due to it being new to the species and thus our having no built up immunity to it yet, but most people are not at risk of anything worse than the ordinary flu from it. Those who are most susceptible to developing the severe and potentially lethal form of pneumonia that it can produce are the same people susceptible to catching pneumonia and dying from H1N1 and the other, ordinary, seasonal strains of the flu.

From the beginning of this pandemic it has been apparent that the WHO’s claims with regards to the lethality of this virus have been greatly exaggerated. Although the press in its daily reports has used “staggering” and similar scare words to describe the rising death tolls, the numbers themselves have not supported the use of such adjectives. Not when taken in context at any rate. COVID-19 has not become the leading cause of death, it is nowhere close to it. The overall number of deaths from all causes for the period of this pandemic has not risen astronomically in comparison with the number for the same period in other years. Indeed, in some areas that have been particularly hard hit by COVID-19 this number has been down from recent years.

In most countries, the epidemiologists’ original projections of expected deaths from this disease have been radically revised downward. At some point the mortality rate will have to undergo a similar radical adjustment. Contrary to the lies of the health authorities and the media, the official death count for COVID-19 is not too low but too high. Even though the vast majority of people who have caught this virus and died have had multiple other conditions that also contributed to their demise these have all been classified as deaths from COVID-19. If deaths from regular influenza were counted the same way the mortality rate for the flu would be much higher than it is. Similarly, the other number that goes into the mortality rate calculation is much too low. Since a large number – as many as fifty percent some estimates put it – of those who contract the virus are completely asymptomatic, the total number known to have been infected is obviously much, much, lower than the true number of infected. Indeed, when we consider that international travel in and out of Hubei province was allowed long after the initial outbreak began there – and long after Red China shut down travel from that province to the rest of their own country – during a period in which Western countries, sick with a liberalism far more lethal than this virus, resisted imposing travel restrictions on China, it is almost certain that the virus had made it into all of our countries long before we noticed that it had arrived.

Since the potential lethality of this virus has been hugely exaggerated, the extent to which the repugnant, totalitarian, Communistic measures being taken almost everywhere are “saving lives” is also exaggerated. In pointing this out I do not wish merely to throw water on those currently engaged in a nauseating orgy of self-congratulatory, backslapping, tripe over their efforts to save lives by sacrificing our freedoms, but to contrast the low number of lives saved with the potentially much higher number of lives endangered by the same measures.

While I am no fan of Karl Marx – Groucho is much more my style – and am of the firm opinion that he was wrong about almost everything, there are a few rare exceptions to this. One such exception was the sentence with which he opened his letter to Louis Kugelmann on July 11, 1868. He wrote “Every child knows a nation which ceased to work, I will not say for a year, but even for a few weeks, would perish.” With this sentence he introduces an argument that is neither interesting nor relevant to the subject at hand, but the sentence itself states an obvious truth, one very similar to that which is found in the verses by Rudyard Kipling quoted at the beginning of this essay.

The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus continues to be remembered to this day for his theory about population size and the food supply. Human beings, Malthus argued, can increase our food supply through improved means of production, but if we do so the natural human response will be an increase in reproduction. The increase in reproduction will be faster and larger than the increase in food production so that the growth in population size will exceed the increase to the food supply and as a result there will be famine, poverty, starvation, disease and death. His essay on the Principle of Population was first published in 1798. He expanded and revised it in 1803, and published several further editions with minor revisions before his death in 1834. From that day to this, it has inspired several prophecies of doom, the most famous of recent times being the 1968 bestseller The Population Bomb by Stanford University’s Paul Ehrlich which predicted that hundreds of millions of people would die in the 1970s from starvation due to overpopulation. That, of course, did not happen.

There is obviously a flaw somewhere in Malthus’ theory. The question is where. According to the popular Demographic Transition Model, first developed by Warren Thomson in 1929, the problem is with his understanding of human nature. According to this theory, as societies progress towards industrialization they pass through stages and, after they have achieved a certain level of industrial development, fertility rates drop drastically and population size stabilizes. While the demographic history of Western countries and other developed countries such as Japan in the twentieth century would seem to bear this interpretation out, explaining its having passed into conventional wisdom, it has not gone without challenge. Dr. Virginia Deane Abernethy of Vanderbilt University, for example, in her book Population Politics (Transaction Books, 2000) gave several examples of empirical evidence that goes against the theory, making the case that popular late twentieth century progressive efforts to combat Third World overpopulation and poverty with policies based upon the assumption of the DTM, such as foreign relief and liberal immigration to the West as a population safety valve, have not worked as the model would have predicted but have, if anything, made the problem worse. The sharp decline in fertility that developed countries have experienced since the end of the post-World War II Baby Boom is better explained by other aspects of the transition to modernity, such as a severe weakening of the traditional idea that producing posterity is a duty we owe to our ancestors, than by industrial prosperity itself.

The other leading explanation of the flaw in Malthus’ theory is that he vastly underestimated our capacity to improve and increase the food supply. This explanation is also borne out by the history of the twentieth century and much more consistently than that of the DTM.

Now, if this explanation of what went wrong with the predictions based upon Malthus’ theory is the correct one, and I believe it is, then what could potentially happen when we have a global population of 7.8 billion people and we shut down the economy all over the world, jeopardizing out ability to produce food at this improved and increased capacity?

Why, lo and behold, we have just discovered where the potential for a death rate as a high as the one in Stephen King’s book is to be found.

Yes, shutting down the economies of practically every country in the world, is indeed a move that will put the food supply in jeopardy. When those who produce and sell food are almost the only ones allowed to be open they are essentially being asked or told to work for nothing, for nobody else is producing anything with which to pay them. Yes, governments are printing and handing out fiat money by the gazillions, but money has no intrinsic value. Its role in the marketplace is to be a convenient stand-in for real goods. The X number of dollars that you pay someone for Y amount of magic beans, represents the cow that you would have traded in a barter exchange. Perhaps that is a bad example, because both beans and cattle are sources of food, but I think it still gets the point across. If only category of producers are allowed to actually produce anything for sale in the market, the currency that is exchanged in that market will rapidly become worthless, and those producers will become overburdened and start to fail. It is estimated that nine million people in the world die from hunger every year. It is responsible for half of the deaths of children under the age of five. This is over three times the number of people known to have been infected with COVID-19. It is about fifty times more than the number who have died after contracting the virus. As of this writing, the number who have died from hunger in 2020 so far is almost three million. That’s about fifteen times the number who have died after contracting COVID-19, whether the virus was the primary killer or not. The measures being taken to combat COVID-19 will drive the number who die from hunger up and by considerably more than they can bring the number who die from COVID-19 down.

There are those who would say that this is the intentional and deliberate true purpose of the global lockdown. I would not go that far. The problem with the interpretation of events as being the intended outcome of a very powerful and malevolent cabal is that it requires assuming that politicians, bureaucrats, technocrats, and the like possess an almost superhuman level of competence. In reality, these are people who think they are Sherlock Holmes, when they are actually Jacques Clouseau – the Jacques Clouseau portrayed by Peter Sellers in Blake Edwards’ Pink Panther films, not the version of the character more recently portrayed by Steve Martin. Unlike the latter, who is able to scrape together enough deductive reasoning to actually solve the case by the end of his movies, Sellers’ classic interpretation of this character was of a bumbling, clumsy, nincompoop whose incompetence is matched only by his vanity and arrogance, and who succeeds only through an extraordinary degree of sheer accidental luck.

That having been said, large scale global depopulation has been one of the chief goals of the environmentalist wing of the United Nations and its ultrawealthy backers like Bill Gates, George Soros, and the late Maurice Strong since at least the 1992 “Earth Summit” at Rio de Janeiro that produced the famous – or, depending upon your perspective, infamous – action plan “Agenda 21.” These people represent the most extreme version of one of the two distortions of Malthus that have been around since his own day. While his detractors, like Victorian novelist Charles Dickens, unjustly accused him of heartlessly wishing upon people the famine, poverty, and death his theory predicted, his supporters, especially those of more recent times, have advocated measures to combat overpopulation that he himself would have found morally repugnant, such as abortion, infanticide, and totalitarian state control of reproduction. Those who want the world’s population reduced by as much as eighty to ninety-five percent are the worst example of this sort. The overlap between the institutions such as the United Nations and individuals such as Bill Gates who advocate this radical agenda and those behind the global lockdown is certainly worth taking note of.

Whether intentional or merely the result of the kind of stupidity that is the unique property of technocratic experts – “I had no idea my solution to Problem X would create the much worse Problem Y because that is not my field of expertise” – the potential lethality of the measures being taken to combat COVID-19, far exceeds that of the disease itself.
Posted by Gerry T. Neal at 6:14 AM Labels: Agenda 21, Bill Gates, Blake Edwards, COVID-19, George Soros, Groucho Marx, Karl Marx, Maurice Strong, Paul Ehrlich, Peter Sellers, Rudyard Kipling, Stephen King, Thomas Robert Malthus, Virginia Deane Abernethy