The Charter has not stopped Canada’s slide toward tyranny — John Carpay, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

The Charter has not stopped Canada’s slide toward tyranny

Posted On: April 13, 2022

John Carpay, The Post Millennial

April 17, 2022, will mark the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms becoming part of Canada’s Constitution. The Charter reduced the sovereignty of Parliament by giving judges far more power to strike down laws as unconstitutional.

Prior to 1982, courts could strike down federal laws for violating provincial jurisdiction, and strike down provincial laws for violating federal jurisdiction. But apart from enforcing the proper division of powers between two levels of government, court rulings that invalidated legislation were exceedingly rare. Prior to 1982, Canadians who disagreed with a law essentially had only one recourse: using the democratic process to change or repeal the law which they deemed to be bad. With the Charter, Canadians could, in addition to using the democratic process, try their luck at challenging a law in court, by arguing that the law violated one or more of the fundamental freedoms of conscience, religion, expression, association and peaceful assembly, or other Charter rights and freedoms.

It all sounds wonderful, of course. But section 1 of the Charter has proven repeatedly to be a rotting fly in the ointment of the intended civil liberties medicine. Section 1 permits politicians to trample on Canadians’ Charter rights as long as the government’s lawyers can concoct a justification which will thereafter persuade a court that the violation was “reasonable” in a free and democratic society. As the Judicial Freedom Index makes clear, some judges trust politicians and admire governments a great deal, while other judges are more sympathetic to individual freedom.

Canadians who assert their Charter rights will typically have to wait for years before a court rules on whether the government’s violation is “reasonable.” Long waits are caused primarily by Canada having too few courts and too few judges. During the years that it takes to litigate a case, governments typically continue on their merry way of violating citizens’ rights and freedoms. Armed with easy access to billions of tax dollars, governments lack the incentive to obtain rulings quickly. The shortage of judges and courtrooms further enables governments to delay a speedy resolution of Charter claims. Justice delayed is justice denied.

All constitutions claim to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The 1977 Constitution of the Soviet Union is only one example. As a workers’ paradise, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was so wonderful that the communists made it illegal to leave and move to another country. Article 50 guaranteed citizens “freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly, meetings, street processions and demonstrations.” Article 51 enshrined “the right to associate in public organizations that promote their political activity and initiative and satisfaction of their various interests.”

Article 52 guaranteed “freedom of conscience, that is, the right to profess or not to profess any religion, and to conduct religious worship or atheistic propaganda.” Article 55 guaranteed the inviolability of the home: “No one may, without lawful grounds, enter a home against the will of those residing in it.” Article 56 exalted “the privacy of citizens, and of their correspondence, telephone conversations, and telegraphic communications” while article 57 declared that “citizens of the USSR have the right to protection by the courts against encroachments on their honour and reputation, life and health, and personal freedom and property.”

It all sounds wonderful, of course. But the Soviet Constitution severely limited citizens’ rights “in accordance with the aims of building communism” (Article 51).

The Constitution explained that the citizen of the classless communist society must be “moulded.” Article 39 specified: “Enjoyment by citizens of their rights and freedoms must not be to the detriment of the interests of society or the state” as determined by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Article 6).

The utopian goal of communism and the utopian goal of a world with no Covid: both ideologies have been used to trample human rights and constitutional freedoms into the ground.

Canada’s federal and provincial politicians should be embarrassed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Charter on April 17. No provincial premier has actually apologized for the repeated and flagrant violations, since March of 2020, of citizens’ freedoms to move, travel, associate, assemble, worship, and exercise control of their own bodies by deciding what medical treatments they will or will not receive. Federally, Parliament’s Liberal-NDP majority imposes unscientific discrimination against the “misogynist, anti-science, racist, extremists” who have not received two Covid shots, in spite of the fact that vaccinated Canadians get the virus and spread the virus.

Our Charter at 40 has not prevented us from moving rapidly towards a tyrannical system in which Canadians are slaves of the state. More and more, Canadians are managed and controlled by politicians and bureaucrats in ways similar to how farm animals are managed and controlled by the farmer. Ultimately, Canada’s survival as a free society that respects the dignity of every human being depends not on the Charter or on how courts interpret it, but on the extent to which Canadians truly cherish our freedoms, and are willing to suffer and sacrifice for them.

The charter that defends rights, but also tells government how to quash them

The charter that defends rights, but also tells government how to quash them

Not everyone is inclined to cheer the charter as a bulwark of liberty. ‘We are less free today than 40 years ago,”’ said John Carpay, president of the JCCF Author of the article: Tristin Hopper Publishing date: Apr 15, 2022  •  April 15, 2022  •  7 minute read  •  91 Comments

The notwithstanding clause is how provincial governments can consistently maintain legislation, such as Quebec's Bill 21, that are a pretty obvious curb on fundamental freedoms.
The notwithstanding clause is how provincial governments can consistently maintain legislation, such as Quebec’s Bill 21, that are a pretty obvious curb on fundamental freedoms. Photo by Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia/File

The decision was a surprise to Canadians, where any number of similar challenges had failed.

Time after time during the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian governments imposed extraordinary public health measures that seemed to be naked infringements on Canadians’ charter rights. Mandated church closures that violated protections on “freedom of religion.” Bans on gatherings that curbed “freedom of association.” Border and travel strictures that undermined charter guarantees on mobility rights.

But the courts didn’t care. Whenever a pandemic case hit the docket, courts “erred too far on the side of deferring to government,” Joanna Baron, the executive director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, told the National Post.

Sunday marks the 40th anniversary of Canada repatriating its constitution, a process that included passage of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The charter has often been praised as one of Canada’s leading modern accomplishments and its “gift to the world.” But it’s also one of the world’s only constitutions that explicitly gives the state a roadmap on how to quash the very “fundamental freedoms” it cites. It’s why, four decades in, not everyone is inclined to cheer it as a bulwark of liberty.

“I cannot think of any freedom … that the charter has brought to us,” said John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, a group that has been particularly active in challenging pandemic mandates and defending the organizers of Freedom Convoy. “We are less free today than 40 years ago,” he said.

If governments are looking to do an end-run around charter-enumerated rights, there are two primary sections of the document they turn to. Section 1, which is literally the first line of text in the charter, explicitly states that rights and freedoms are protected in Canada only to “reasonable limits.”

According to an official government of Canada guide to the charter, the purpose of this section is to remind Canadians that “rights can be limited by law so long as those limits can be shown to be reasonable in a free and democratic society.”

The notwithstanding clause allows provincial governments to knowingly pass legislation that treads on a fundamental freedom.

If such a legislative override had existed in the U.S. Constitution, many of the most iconic Supreme Court decisions of the civil rights movement might not have mattered. Brown vs. Board of Education — the 1954 decision that struck down school segregation — could simply have been ignored by states invoking the notwithstanding clause.

In Quebec, it’s how provincial governments can consistently maintain legislation that are a pretty obvious curb on fundamental freedoms. Bill 21, a provincial law passed in 2019, bars government employment to any Quebecer who wears religious garb such as turbans or hijabs. Any charter challenge against Bill 21 would likely be a slam dunk on the “freedom of religion” clause, but Quebec would simply be able to soldier on with the law by invoking the notwithstanding clause.

Okanagan Freedom Events & Initiatives, April 23-24, 2022 — Kelowna, Penticton, Osoyoos, Victoria

Don’t miss these important dates! And Remember to bring two friends with you!    PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES   Thank you, Vlado Z. for the photos in Penticton on April 17th     Planning Meeting Dates will be announced soon.   Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Every Tuesday at noon

Meet at his office   301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square).  ——————- o0o ——————-   PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY  image.png

Miss a week and you miss a lot!   –       This Sunday’s speaker: To be announced in our Weekend Update edition on Friday.   OTHER ATTRACTIONS Come visit our friendly volunteers at the tables. Informative handouts. Druthers and other independent journals. Check out the other cool items at our table – books, bumper stickers, key chains and… Pocket size Canadian Charter and Bill of Rights and Freedoms booklets. Fits purse or pocket, easy reference right at your fingertips!   The local chapter of Action4Canada will have its own tables there for information, too.   RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  

OK FALLS – Saturday, April 23, 11:30 AM across from the Esso Station

 OLIVER EVENTS- Saturday, April 23 Town Hall 12 Noon Oliver Town Hall

  OSOYOOS EVENTS- Saturday, April 16 Town Hall ***NEW TIME 11 – 12 NOON
KELOWNA EVENTS Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. MEGA Rally @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- followed by a MEGA March and highway rally Because it ain’t over! Guest speakers: Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada Chris Schaefer – world expert on masks David Lindsay – CLEAR (Common Law Education and Rights) Emcee : Jacquelyn Rose 



Please share with family and friends!

Mama Bears Presents a six-part Mental Health Program to help our youth and parents navigate through the challenges of life, especially the difficulties faced over the last couple of years. Please join us for the first session hosted by Eric Kussin and Theo Fleury Founder and Celebrity Alliance Founder of the SameHere Movement. They will show us how the beauty of life is not how perfect it ‘should be’, but what can emerge after coming through a difficult time. The most unfortunate variable is when the victim is a child or teen, as it is difficult for them to understand this enough to seek help – even if they live in a loving and safe environment. Learn how to start the conversation with your child to understand how they are feeling and why, and most importantly how you can help them feel better. 

Happy 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms! 

Charter Website:

Saving Democracy with Brian Peckford:

We invite all Canadians to unite as one at the Provincial Capital in British Columbia to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Charter:

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher

780-908-0309 p4f logo.jpgsignature.png

Smashing Dissent — In the Dead of Night, Tyrant Doug Ford Rams Through Anti-Trucker & Anti-Protest Law

Smashing Dissent — In the Dead of Night, Tyrant Doug Ford Rams Through Anti-Trucker & Anti-Protest Law

Fidel Ford with support from the Liberals and NDP pass Bill C-100, an anti-trucker bill that cancels right to protest & allows cops to steal your vehicle & cancel your licence. Welcome to the police state

Compassionate Appeal from Former Political Prisoner & Free Speech Warrior Arthur Topham

Compassionate Appeal from Former Political Prisoner & Free Speech Warrior Arthur Topham

Dear friends and associates,
I’m sending out the url to my GoGetFunding campaign in order to raise funds to help defray legal costs associated with my application for a grant of administration in the case of my late son Shashone who tragically passed from this world on January 25, 2022.

When he passed suddenly he hadn’t left a Will and that has caused a tremendous amount of problems with his siblings and former common-law partners and his three children; one daughter and two boys. As is usual with cases like this disagreements arise immediately and so I decided to apply for a grant of administration in order to help settle his intestate possessions in a fair and equitable manner.

The details of all this are included in the narrative that can be read on the campaign site.

Given the recent actions of different funding sites, especially the GoFundMe site that the Canadian Trucker Convoy was using, many people now are very skeptical of donating to these organizations. Having said this I want to let people know that my regular email address that I’m using to send out this appeal (  ) can also be used to send e-Transfers directly to my CIBC banking account should anyone wish to donate that way.

Any amount will be gratefully appreciated. On behalf of my wife Shasta and myself we thank you.


Arthur Topham

Father of the late Shashone Topham


Shashone TophamJune 25, 1976 – January 25, 2022RIP

HAPPY EASTER — Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 16-17

HAPPY EASTER — Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 16-17

Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!



  Miss a week and you miss a lot!   It is Easter Sunday, and you may be otherwise occupied. For those who are available, remember how important it is for a group of us to show up every week, same time, same station, in support of those who are questioning the COVID narrative.     RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  

OK FALLS – Saturday, April 16, 11:30 AM across from the Esso Station

 OLIVER EVENTS- Saturday, April 16 Town Hall 12 Noon

  OSOYOOS EVENTS- Saturday, April 16 Town Hall ***NEW TIME 11 – 12 NOON****  
 KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies! Visit for Kelowna and other city updates.  

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


A NEW STATE RELIGION & THE END OF FREE THOUGHT IN CANADA — Paul Fromm & Charles Edward Lincoln Discuss Canada’s Proposed Law to Outlaw Holocaust Questioning

A NEW STATE RELIGION & THE END OF FREE THOUGHT IN CANADA — Paul Fromm & Charles Edward Lincoln Discuss Canada’s Proposed Law to Outlaw Holocaust Questioning
Will thinking Canadians be victimized by another minority flim flam?

If Holocaust Law Passes, Canada Will Soon Have A State Religion

If Holocaust Law Passes, Canada Will Soon Have A State Religion

Move over,Iran, and other theocracies, Canada may soon join you as a country with an imposed state religion. The many in Canada’s elite who loath Christianity needn’t fear: It’s not Christianity. And those who fear the aggressive conquering religion of many of our newcomers, Islam, can take comfort; it’s not Islam.

It is a self-serving tribal story called “the holocaust.” The CanadianPress reports: “Holocaust denial is to be outlawed in Canada, in a further effort to stamp out rising antisemitism. The federal government is set to make it a criminal offence to make a statement denying the Holocaust took place or condoning or downplaying the killing of Jews by the Nazi regime, except in a private conversation.

Ministers plan to use a bill enacting the budget to swiftly change the Criminal Code, budget documents show.”

What happened between Jews and the National Socialist government of Germany during World War II, would normally be considered a matter of history. An historical event can be discussed, debated or revised. When you are no longer allowed to discuss but must holler “I believe”, then we’re no longer dealing with history but a quasi-religion, where heretics or dissenters or even plain skeptics must be punished.

An historical question may be freely debated. For instance, did Abraham Lincoln like Blacks? Ironically, the Great Emancipator was a segregationist and did not think Blacks and Whites could live together and favoured a back-to-Africa programme after the Civil War. This is true but you may object and offer another conclusion and not fear jail or job loss in the U.S.A.

Should this despicable piece of thought control being snuck into the budget pass, you will not be free to dissent from the Hollywood version of World War II in Canada. Canada’s Jewish lobby groups, especially the misnamed League for Human Rights on B’nai Brith (as long a freedom of speech or belief are not considered human rights) have long campaigned to make their tribal history of WWII compulsory belief in Canada and dissent dubbed “holocaust denial” a crime. The thinking man or woman may wonder why, if an account is so manifestly true, that those with a contrary point of view must be criminalized. Do we jail people who deny that the earth is more  or less round?

The excuse for this restriction on free speech, free thought and discussion is the usual flim-flam of victimhood. The Canadian Press reports:  ” “Jewish Canadians comprise one per cent of the Canadian population yet are the target of 62 per cent of all religiously motivated hate crimes,” said Richard Marceau, vice-president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. “We live in a time of rising antisemitism.”

Firstly, these statistics do not refer to actual convictions. The term “hate crime”  means any incident — usually a mere posting on the Internet –that is critical of the group making the accusation. Hate speech is speech the accuser hates. From all the huffing and puffing aout rising anti-Semitism, you might think that synagogues were going up in flames and Jewish businesses being firebombed and individual Jews shot dead on the streets. No, you didn’t miss a news cycle. None of these things are happening. B’nai Brith has published its Annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents for over 30 years and,  unfailingly, every year reports more anti-Semitic “incidents” than the year before. Things are always getting worse for these hucksters of victimhood, who still manage to get such a seemingly hostile society to enact their legislative wishes and promote their pet projects.

As for burning or vandalized religious institutions, it’s Christian churches, 52 of them, that were the targets last Spring. Trudeau who is introducing this thought control measure took weeks to even mention these attacks. He disagreed with them but found them ‘understandable”.

Jews, according to StatsCan, are Canada’s richest minority. They are disproportionately represented in media, businesses and the professions. Their interests are solicitously listened to by politicians and the government. Whatever else they may be, Jews are not a vulnerable minority.

In fact, as the Canadian Press article points out the Federal Government is even providing special funding for Jewish interests.  MAO CENSORSHIP.jpg

“The budget set aside more than $70 million for initiatives benefiting Canada’s Jewish community. This includes $20 million for the relocation and expansion of the Montreal Holocaust Museum and $2.5 million to support the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre in Toronto.” Also, “Irwin Cotler is the prime minister’s special envoy on preserving Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism.

The budget earmarked $5.6 million over five years to support Cotler’s office.”

Why shouldn’t the wealthy Jewish community pay for funding the promotion of its own tribal history?

Justin Trudeau has long shown that he’s no friend of individual freedoms — except in the Ukraine, of course. Early on in the growing list of federal government COVID restrictions, members of his government mused about censoring “misinformation” on the Internet. In 2021, they brought in Bills C-10 and C-36, both of which involved severe restrictions on free speech. Neither became law as Parliament was prorogued  for the election.

“Those of us who support freedom of speech and freedom of thought have a real battle in the months ahead to fight this latest descent into tyranny and now into a state imposed pseudo-religion,” says Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 9-10: Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos

Click here to read in browser 

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 9-10

Coming Rally’s and Events

Please forward to your freedom loving friends

More MSM deception & lies/omission

In an excellent interview, lawyer Keith Wilson for Brian Peckford and Tamara Lich, noted that when the gov’t obtained an injunction to prohibit the trucks from honking their horns in Ottawa, the Judge conceded that “…provided the terms of this Order are complied with, the defendants and other persons remain at liberty to engage in a peaceful, lawful and safe protest.” So in the face of a court judgment admitting that the truckers had a Constitutional liberty for their protest, the Trudeau Gov’t still declared an emergency, beat people, damaged their vehicles and denied our Constitutional freedoms in the process. Interesting how the MSM failed to tell Canadians that the Judge recognized that the truckers had the right to be there in the first place.

Only 9% of Canadians have caught COVID, 99% recovery rate

Not surprisingly, we have been promoting for 18 months that the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) that BC Public Health Officer Bonnie the Commie Henry relies upon, is not an accurate reflection of the seriousness (or lack thereof) of COVID-19. It is the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), or the number of people that have died that were infected.

In Canada, at most, only .09% of Canadians have caught the virus, with a 99% survival rate, or. 0009%. Considering that a large percentage of infections are never reported, this increases the number of infected people and increases the percentage who survived!

The average flu IFR is about .01-.02%. For almost the entire past two years, the IFR for COVID-19 has been the same or lower than the flu.

Back pay?

More people are starting to return to work, with many getting back pay for their time off on unpaid leave for refusal to subject themselves to the experimental gene therapy treatment. Sadly, far too many people have still lost their jobs with no back pay and no call backs. Employers should be absolutely financially responsible to these people.

Horgan the Infected

Premier Horgan concedes he has COVID-19, but with “mild symptoms” because he is fully vaccinated. Hmmmm. These experimental injections were initially promoted to prevent transmission. When that became obvious as to not be working as promoted, they were claimed to reduce symptoms. Horgan and many others who were vaccinated, remain symptomatic and in a transmittable stage of the infection. This provides further evidence dispelling all claims that we need to be vaccinated to prevent others from getting it. Horgan is and can still transmit to others even with mild symptoms.

A cruise ship with 100% vaccination rate on board, recently was hit with an outbreak! So rather than admit that the vaccines don’t work…the CDC is recommending a 4th vaccine and 5th in the fall.

Masks = dumbed down children

Not that any mother really needs to be told this (well, maybe millions of mothers masking their kids do), a recent study confirmed that mask wearing by children has left many, if not most, “…struggling with crawling, using the toilet independently and making friends.” A further German study confirmed that reading skills have droped significantly with the mandatory use of masks on toddlers. Children born two years ago will only know adults with masks on. Is this normal? OR SAFE? Undoubtedly, it will leave our country with a large number of uneducated children as they grow older. By 18, they will likely have the education that we (+50) had by age 12. Is there any better way to destroy a country than be destroying their intelligence – and then invading?

More sports withdrawals

Recently a whopping 15 people have bowed out of the Miami Tennis Tournament, citing illness. People are asking why – but no one dares say it was because of the vaccines do they?


Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

April 9, 2022

Dress Warm! +6 Temp brrrrrrr

Kelowna Freedom Rally

12:00 noon Stuart Park

Featured Speaker: Lorin

Thrive movement & Creating Community Connections


April 9, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!


April 9, 2022 12:00 noon,

Oliver Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


April 9, 2022 12:00 noon,

Osoyoos Convoy/Freedom Gathering

1:00 p.m. Road #2

Convoy leaves Vernon at 9:30 a.m.


April 10, 2022

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!
