The Donatist Dilemma & How This Church History Applies to Church Leaders’ Cowardice During COVID

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Donatist Dilemma & How This Church History Applies to Church Leaders’ Cowardice During COVID

In the early centuries of Christian history the orthodox had to contend with hundreds of heretical and schismatic movements.   Except among apologists and ecclesiastical historians, only a handful of these are remembered by name today.   Gnosticism, the first proponents of which challenged the authority and teachings of the Apostles themselves, was not the name of a specific heretical movement but the collective term for a large class of heretical movements.     Valentinianism, after Valentinus of Alexandria, was one such movement that was widespread in the second century and was the main heresy against which St. Irenaeus of Lyons wrote.   The ideas that the term Gnosticism usually brings to mind today more properly belong to Marcionism, named after Marcion of Sinope.    Historians are divided as to whether Marcionism is properly classified as Gnostic or whether it is best regarded as a heresy that deviated from both Gnosticism and orthodox Christianity.

The heresies that are still widely known by name are the major heresies that were addressed by the four earliest ecumenical Councils, the two that put together the most basic and fundamental of Christian Creeds (1) in the fourth century, i.e., the First Council of Nicaea (325 AD) and the First Council of Constantinople (381 AD), and the two that resulted in the Christological clarification of the Definition of Chalcedon in the fifth century, i.e., the Council of Ephesus (431 AD) and the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD).   In one way or another the heresies addressed by these Councils deviated from orthodoxy as to the Person and Nature of Jesus Christ.   Arianism, which takes its name from Arius of Alexandria and which was the principal heresy addressed by the Creed-forming Councils of the fourth century, denied the full deity of Jesus Christ and taught that He was a created being possessed of a lesser divinity than the Father.   Nestorianism, named after Nestorius of Constantinople, the principal heresy addressed by the fifth century Councils, stressed the distinction between the divine and human natures of Jesus Christ to the point where the unity of His Person was compromised.   This latter is a good illustration of the general nature of heresy which is not, as is often supposed, merely “wrong doctrine”.   Heresy is a truth taken out of the context of other equal or more important, balancing truths, and so twisted by exaggeration into an error that is far more dangerous than something that it is merely and entirely false.   G. K. Chesterton in his biography of William Blake (1910)said that “A fad or heresy is the exaltation of something which, even if true, is secondary or temporary in its nature against those things which are essential and eternal, those things which always prove themselves true in the long run”.   T. S. Eliot in After Strange Gods (1933) wrote that “the essential of any important heresy is not simply that it is wrong: it is that it is partly right.”

If we were to poll Christians, asking them to name and rank a few of the early heresies, it is unlikely that we would find many for whom Donatism would be at the top of their list.   Indeed, while I hope I am too cynical and am completely wrong in this, I suspect that if we were to instead provide that name and ask people to identify it, many would associate it with Donatello, the fifteenth century Florentine Renaissance sculptor – or the Ninja Turtle who bears his name. 

Donatism has nothing to do with either sculptor or Ninja Turtle, of course.   It takes its name from the fourth century figure Donatus Magnus, a priest from the Berber settlement of Casae Nigrae in Numidia, which is now the town of Negrine in Algeria.   With Donatus and his followers, it was not a dispute over doctrine that separated them from the orthodox Church as it was with the aforementioned heresiarchs Valentius, Marcion, Arius and Nestorius and their sects, but rather a dispute over practice.   It would be more accurate therefore to describe Donatism as schismatic rather than heretical, although the schism, as we shall see, eventually corrupted the doctrine of the schismatics.   It deviated from orthopraxis (sound practice), however, in much the same way that heresy deviates from orthodoxy (sound doctrine) – by taking a part of sound practice and emphasizing it to the point that other parts fell by the wayside.    The part of sound practice they so over-emphasized was holiness or separation from the world. (2)

The Donatist schism had its origins in the persecution of Christians in the reign of Diocletian.   This was the largest and harshest persecution of Christians in the history of the Roman Empire.   Previous persecutions had usually been local affairs, conducted with the authority or at least toleration of a regional governor.   This one came down from the very top and in theory covered the entire Empire, although in actuality certain regions were far more severely affected than others.   The severity of this persecution made it unpopular which contributed to the Roman Empire’s reversing course ten years after it began and issuing the Edict of Milan which legalized Christianity throughout the Roman Empire and granted it protection against persecution.

North Africa was a region that was particularly severely affected by the Great Persecution, as it had been during the lesser persecutions of the previous century.   It was almost, in a sense, the epicentre of the Persecution.   In 302 AD, Diocletian had issued an edict outlawing the Manichaeans, ordering that their leaders be burned along with their books and any of their followers who didn’t recant.   The Manichaeans were the followers of Mani, a third century Persian religious teacher who blended ideas from Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Gnosticism, and whose teachings were noted for their dualism.   Their teachings had spread from the Persian Empire westward and had become particularly influential in the academic centres of Egypt and North Africa. (3)   Diocletian had been persuaded that they were a subversive movement acting on behalf of the Persian Empire to infiltrate and weaken Rome.   Later that year, Diocletian’s ire would fall upon orthodox Christians when St. Romanus, a deacon of the Caesarean Church, denounced the pagan sacrifices that took place in his court at Antioch.   He was already ill-disposed towards Christianity because he blamed Christian members of his court for the failure of his attempts at divination after the Roman victory against the Persians in the Battle of Satala and the renewal of peace with the Sassanid dynasty.   Diocletian was, therefore, already half persuaded when his co-emperor Galerius (4) began to talk him into extending towards orthodox Christianity the same policy he had taken towards Manichaeism – persecution with the end of total extirpation.   While he initially proposed a more moderate persecution, his resistance to Galerius’ proposal was overcome when the two sent away to the oracle at the Temple to Apollo in Didyma and were told that Apollo was silent because of the presence of Christianity in the Empire.   In February of 303 AD, he and his co-emperors began issuing a series of edicts that forbade Christians from assembling to worship and ordered the Christian Scriptures and other Christian literature to be burned, Christian Church buildings to be destroyed, and Christian clergy to be imprisoned and stripped Christians of all the legal rights of Roman citizens.

Although all Christians were targeted by this persecution, the clergy – the bishops and priests who led, taught, and officiated in the Churches – were particularly hit hard.   While many of these remained faithful to the point of martyrdom, many others did not.   These handed over their copies of the Bible to the Roman soldiers to be burned.    Often they handed over the names of other Christians as well.   This earned them the label traditores, meaning “those who handed over” which is the root of our word traitor.  (5)

Mensurius, who was Bishop of Carthage at the time, removed the Scriptures from the Church building and hid them in his own home, substituting heretical writings in their place for the soldiers to seize.    While he thus cleverly avoided becoming a traditor himself, this act was not exactly impressive to those who contrasted his example unfavourably with that of those who submitted to arrest, torture, and death.   It did not help his image any that the contrast was particularly great with his own predecessor in the See of Carthage, St. Cyprian, who had been martyred in the earlier persecution under Valerian, less than half a century prior to this.   Mensurius then forbade the Carthaginian Church from honouring as martyrs any who initiated their own martyrdom by defiantly turning themselves in to the Roman authorities.    Needless to say, he was far from being the most admired bishop in the Christian Church at the time.  

Mensurius died in 311 AD, about six years after the Great Persecution had begun to wane.   The Edict of Milan was still two years away, but North Africa was governed by Maxentius (6) who had already liberated the Christians.   Caecilian, who had served as archdeacon under Mensurius, was chosen as his successor, and among those participating in his consecration was Felix, Bishop of Aptunga.   Immediately this succession met with protest.   Caecilian had been an even more zealous advocate of Mensurius’ position vis-à-vis the voluntary martyrs than Mensurius had been himself and so was most objectionable to those who found that position odious.   These then claimed that his consecration was invalid because of the participation of Felix.   Felix had been absent from his See during the Persecution and so had avoided arrest.   The opponents of Caecilian accused Felix of being a traditor, and maintained that this invalidated the consecration.

The matter was appealed to Secundus, Bishop of Tigisis who was the closest Primate (7), and Secundus with the support of 70 other bishops ruled against Caecilian.    These then chose and consecrated Majorinus, who had been a lector in the Carthaginian Church, as bishop.   With two different groups claiming two different individuals to be the validly consecrated holder of the same bishopric, a schism was born.   Each side excommunicated the other, albeit on different grounds.   Those who supported Majorinus as the validly consecrated Bishop of Carthage maintained that those in fellowship with Caecilian were tainted by association with the sins of the traditor alleged against Caecilian himself and against Felix who consecrated him.   Those who supported Caecilian excommunicated those in fellowship with Majorinus on the grounds that their actions were schismatic.   This schism was very much a local affair as outside of North Africa the supporters of Caecilian were a clear supermajority.   The Patriarch of Rome was asked to look into the matter and with the backing of the Roman Synod he ruled in favour of Caecilian in 313 AD, as did the Council of Arles of 314 AD to which the decision was appealed.   These rulings were upheld in the ecumenical Councils later in that century.   Majorinus died two years after his consecration and was succeeded in the schismatic line by Donatus Magnus and so the schism came to take the name of Donatism.

The error of the Donatists, as we noted at the outset of this discussion, grew out of a matter of practice rather than a matter of doctrine.   When it comes to the actions of the traditores, orthodox Christians and Donatists were in agreement that it was reprehensible to collaborate with the persecutors of the faith by handing over Scriptures, sacred items, and the names of the brethren.   The Donatists, however, in their zeal for the holiness and purity of the Church, good things in themselves, insisted that the betrayal of the traditores forever disqualified them from being restored to their positions of leadership in the Church and thus invalidated their every ministry from administering baptisms to celebrating the Eucharist to, in the case of bishops, ordinations and consecrations of other bishops.   As easy as it is to see where the Donatists were coming from in this, had the Lord Jesus Christ thought the same way, St. Peter would never have been restored to his position as Apostle after he denied Christ three times on the evening of His betrayal and arrest, would never have been empowered to preach the sermon on the first Whitsunday through which  three thousand souls were converted, would never have opened the door to the evangelism of the Gentiles by bringing  the Gospel to Cornelius, and would not have written the two epistles under his name that are part of the Sacred Canon.   Yet even before the denial had taken place, indeed, just before the Lord predicted it, He said unto St. Peter “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Lk. 22:31-32).   After St. Peter had denied Him, and after He had risen from the dead, He called him to feed His sheep three times – one for each denial – and then, prophesying his eventual martyrdom, repeated to him the call to “Follow Me” (Jn. 21:15-19).   The difference between the Lord’s response to St. Peter and the Donatists’ response to the traditores shows us how their emphasis on holiness was at the expense of other elements of orthopraxis such as forgiveness and restoration and thus the equivalent of heresy in practice.   Ultimately, this error in practice translated itself into an error in doctrine, the error that the efficacy of the Church’s Ministries of Word and Sacrament as conduits of the grace of God is dependent upon the spotless purity of the ministers.   The controversy over this was still raging almost a century later when St. Augustine of Hippo, than whom there was no clearer and stronger expositor of the grace of God between St. Clement of Rome and the Reformation, answered the Donatists in his De Baptismo.

What message is there in this historical episode for our own day?

There are a number of parallels between the Diocletian Persecution and the bat flu madness of the last two years.   There are huge differences too, of course.   Whereas Diocletian and Galerius saw their persecution of Christianity for what it was – a deliberate attempt to extirpate the Christian faith and religion – the governments of the present day deny to themselves that they are doing anything of the sort.  Since they allow Christians and people of other religions to “worship” online, they have convinced themselves that their having forbidden Christians and those of other faiths to meet and assemble in person for much of the last two years is not the same thing as Diocletian’s outlawing of all Christian assembly.   Having convinced themselves of this, they have also persuaded themselves that in having Christian ministers arrested for holding services where their congregations could, well, congregate is not the same thing as when Galerius ordered bishops and priests to be arrested.   They obviously see no similarities between their attempts to prevent the spread of any information that disagrees with their narrow, official, narrative about the bat flu and, indeed, to stomp it out as “misinformation” and the Roman Empire’s efforts to burn all copies of the Christian Scriptures and other sacred literature.   Some would say that because with regards to each of these parallels the difference is that what the Roman Empire did was that much more severe the comparison is therefore inappropriate.   Others will, more astutely, note that this difference is what allows today’s governments to convince themselves that they are not engaged in persecution which self-deception makes what they are doing that much more dangerous than the open persecution of the Roman Empire or in more recent times of the Communist countries.

A similar comparison could be made between the response of the Churches to the almost universal medical technocratic tyranny of the bat flu scare and the actions of the traditores.   Again, there are huge differences, but not such as necessarily mean that the Churches of the present day come out favourably in the comparison.   Complying with an order from the state that the Church not assemble is, in one sense, not as extreme a betrayal of the faith as handing over the Scriptures to be burned and handing over the names of other Christians to those seeking to arrest them, but it is a betrayal in that the teachings of the Scriptures, as interpreted by the faithful in all places and all times from the Apostles to the present  (8) is that a state ban on Church assembly is a clear and obvious exception to the Scriptural injunction of civil obedience. (9)    If it is less extreme in this sense, it is greater in that it is far more widespread than that of the traditores was.    The compliance of the Churches with these tyrannical public health orders was almost universal.   The leaders of the Churches have undoubtedly persuaded themselves that they are not guilty of the same thing as the traditores and even that their compliance with this medical totalitarianism is virtuous, an act of sacrifice for the safety and wellbeing of others, especially the most vulnerable among us.    However, just as governments are capable of more and greater oppression and persecution when they have deceived themselves into thinking that they are acting for the public good instead of oppressing and persecuting people, so this self-deception on the part of the Churches compounds rather than mitigates the problem.    Those who regard their sinful betrayal of the faith not as a sinful betrayal of the faith but as a virtuous act of self-sacrifice are incapable of the repentance and confession that the orthodox Churches of the fourth century required from the traditores before their restoration.                                                                                                                                           

This leaves anyone who is trying to follow Christ in accordance with what historically and traditionally have been regarded as orthodox faith and orthopraxis and who has not bought into the Great Deception of the bat flu madness caught on the horns of a terrible dilemma.   To anyone trying to follow Christ in this manner, Church is essential not optional.   For almost two years, however, the leadership of the Churches have acted as if the opposite is true.   They have closed their doors, tried to get us to live a lie by pretending that watching a tiny Church service broadcast online and saying the words along with them is a form of assembling together as a Church (it is not), and allowed attendance on occasions that the public health tyrants permitted provided that a stringent list of requirements all arising out of a worldly spirit of fear that would drive the sanctity out of the Church were adhered to.   The Christian leaders who have most conspicuously and admirably resisted the public health tyranny have for the most part come from sects that are either extremely schismatic, enthusiastic (in the theological sense of the word which is not a good thing), heretical – sometimes grossly so – or all of the above.  

Should the public health scare ever end, what ought we to do?

If we wait for the leaders of our Churches to acknowledge and repent of the sins of betraying the faith and leaving us without the ministry of the Church in any real sense for the duration of the public health scare before resuming fellowship with them we will be waiting a very long time and run the risk of becoming Donatists in spirit, if not in letter.

If, on the other hand, we just try to pick up where we had left off in March 2020, forgetting the entire horrible interlude, and pretending that there was no betrayal or apostasy to forgive (since offering forgiveness in the absence of acknowledgement of wrongdoing cheapens forgiveness), we will have traded the Scylla of Donatism for the Charbydis that is its opposite.

There is no obvious solution to this dilemma short of the public health scare being brought to an end with the Second Coming of Christ in Glory to judge both the quick and the dead.   Whatever we end up doing, we should devote much prayer and contemplation to the matter.

 (1)   The Nicene-Constantinopolitan, the Creed that was put together by and in the first two ecumenical Councils of the early Church, is the most basic and fundamental Christian Creed in that it is the only Creed universally accepted among all the Churches that can claim organic lineage from the Apostolic Church.   This is further attested to by the fact that the addition of a single word – filioque – to the Latin text of this Creed, was the most important doctrinal issue that separated the Eastern Greek-speaking Church from the Western Latin-speaking Church in the eleventh century.   The Apostles’ Creed is shorter and simpler than the Nicene-Constantinopolitan, but it does not seem to have ever been as universally accepted and used as the Nicene-Constantinopolitan.     The traditional account of its origin – that it was composed on the first Whitsunday by the Apostles themselves, with each of the Apostles, St. Matthias having been chosen as Judas Iscariot’s replacement already, contributing one of the twelve lines – is very old.   St. Ambrose of Milan and Rufinus of Aquileia both spoke of it as a well-established account less than a century after the Council of Nicaea.     If true, this would be an incontrovertible argument for the priority of the Apostles’ Creed over the Nicene-Constantinopolitan as the basic Creed of Christianity (not that the two, which are very similar, and could almost be taken for the longer and shorter forms of a singular Creed, contradict each other), but if true, it would be difficult to explain how it fell so quickly out of use in the Greek-speaking Churches of the East.     In its earliest form, the old Roman Symbol used in the baptismal rite of the Church of Rome – in the sense of the Church particular to that city, not in the sense of the “Roman Catholic Church”, i.e., all Churches that remained in communion with the Roman Patriarch after the Great Schism and the Reformation – it predates the Nicene-Constantinopolitan and goes back to at least the early part of the second century.   Nevertheless, although a strong case can be made that it was originally written in Greek – see Rev. John Baron The Greek Origins of the Apostles’ Creed Illustrated by Ancient Documents and Recent Research (1885) for the case that the Greek text of the Creed that Marcellus of Ancyra brought with him to Rome during his exile was the original form – the history of its usage is almost entirely Latin and Western.

(2)   “World” is the word we use in English where the Greek-speaking Church used κόσμος.   In Scriptural and ecclesiastical usage these terms have a positive sense in which they are basically synonyms of “Creation”, i.e., everything God made.   The Latinized transliteration of κόσμος as “cosmos”, a synonym for “universe”, is a secularized equivalent of this.   This positive sense of these words can be narrowed to focus on one aspect of Creation if the context requires it.   For example, the world in “For God so loved the world” in John 3:16 is Creation but with a focus on the people who live in it.    There is also a negative sense in which these words are used by the Scriptures and the Church and this is obviously the sense intended when we speak of holiness as separation from the world.   In this sense, world or κόσμος means the fallen state of Creation, human sin or rebellion against God not merely as it touches each of us as individuals, in which case the word for it would be flesh as a rendition of the Greek σὰρξ in its specialized New Testament usage, but as it permeates and corrupts human organized society.

(3)   Manichaeism had a strong presence in these places both before and after the Persecution. St. Augustine, prior to his conversion to the orthodox Christian faith of his mother, had been associated with the Manichaeans for about a decade.  He had come under their influence as a student at the University of Carthage.   This was about seventy years after Diocletian had ordered Manichaeism rubbed out.

(4)   This was the period of the Roman Tetrachy.   Although Diocletian’s treatment of the Manichaeans and Christians was undoubtedly tyrannical, in one sense he behaved atypically for a despot and divided his power with others.   Two years after becoming emperor in 284 AD, he named one of his cavalry comrades Maximian his co-emperor, assigning the Western Empire to Maximian and governing the Eastern Empire himself.   Seven years later, he named two other co-emperors, Galerius and Constantius to serve as Junior Emperors under him and Maximian.    The Senior Emperors took the title Augustus, the Junior Emperors took the title Caesar. The Tetrarchy was short lived.  Constantius’ son Constantine succeeded his father in 306 and was awarded both imperial titles.    In less than two decades he had consolidated his reign over the whole Roman Empire, although the division between East and West was lasting and would re-assert itself after his reign.   A famous episode in the process of consolidating his rule was the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 AD in which he defeated Maximian’s successor Maxentius, leaving him the sole Western claimant to the Imperial title.  This was the battle in which in response to a vision he fought under a standard bearing the ☧, the Christian monogram formed by combining X (Chi) with P (Rho) the first two letters of the word Christ.

(5)   While the word “traitor” is derived from traditor(es), the word “tradition” comes from the same source as traditor.   The concept common to both is of something having been handed or given over.   The source is the Latin verb trado “I hand over, surrender”, tradere “to hand over, surrender”, a contraction of the compound formed by combining the preposition trans meaning “across” and the verb do, dare meaning “give”.   This verb takes the form traditus “having been handed over” in its fourth part, the passive perfect participle.   “Tradition”, which preserves the passive voice of this form of the verb, means “that which has been handed over” in the sense of that which has been handed down to us from those who have gone before us and lacks the perjorative connotations of traditor(es) which is formed from the same part of the verb, by modifying it with the suffix that indicates the agent of the action of the otherwise passive form and which is pejorative because the handing over indicated in this case was an act of cowardly betrayal.

(6)   Vide supra, note 4.

(7)   The Bishop of Carthage was also the Primate of North Africa but for obvious reasons could not adjudicate this case.   Secundus was Primate of Numidia.

(8)   This is the test of Catholicity – ecumenicity, antiquity, and consent – proposed by St. Vincent of Lerins in his famous canon – “quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est” (“whatever is believed everywhere, always, and by all”) in Commonitorium 2:6.

(9)   The examples of Daniel when forbidden by Darius to pray to the true God in the sixth chapter of Daniel, and of the Apostles when forbidden by the Sanhredrin to preach and teach in the name of Jesus in the fourth and fifth chapters of Acts, set the Scriptural precedent followed by the Churches that continued to meet during the persecutions including the Diocletian. Posted by Gerry T. Neal

Hear Dr. Nagase in Penticton


Weekly on Sundays 11:30 to 2 – Penticton Freedom Rallies. The next one is this Sunday, November 14th.

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons.

Special Guest speaker! Dr Nagase will speak at 11:30 AM – Don’t be late.

 Dr Nagase, who worked in rural Alberta hospitals for more than half a decade, said he witnessed AHS cutting hospital services and beds year after year. He says over two decades under AHS, there has become a “severe bed shortage.”

“Seeing the escalation of beds cut in rural hospitals, that’s the reason for the bed shortage. Beds are cut. And if you cut enough beds in rural areas, then the patients eventually must get sent to urban areas,” said Nagase.

Nagase also discussed the issue of AHS interfering with doctors’ rights to treat their patients as they see fit based on their medical judgement and the doctor-patient relationship.

Mary Lou Gutscher

780-908-0309 image.png

Trudeau’s Internet Censorship Agenda Condemned By Google

Trudeau’s Internet Censorship Agenda Condemned By Google

“There are aspects of the government’s proposal that could be vulnerable to abuse and lead to over removal of legitimate content.”

Brad Salzberg Nov 14

A recent blog post from Google Canada tells the story. The internet giant has stated that “there are aspects of the government’s proposal that could be vulnerable to abuse and lead to over removal of legitimate content.”

In what has to be the most hated piece of proposed legislation in modern times, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has had enough. Tired of the tedium of freedom of speech, Mr. Trudeau is calling for the implementation of an internet censorship program within 100 days of return to Parliament.

In reaction, former CRTC commissioner Peter Menzies stated that “granting a government agency authority over legal user generated content  constitutes an assault on the foundations of democracy.”

Canada is currently on a path to regulating online harms that internet authorities such as Global Network Initiative, Ranking Digital Rights, internet scholar Daphne Keller and legal scholar Michael Geist have decried as among the worst in the world.

“Canadians won’t notice the strong arm of government controlling their internet posting and browsing right away. This is going to be creeping censorship – death by a thousand bureaucratic edicts.”

“The million little affronts to free speech will begin two to five years from now when the big targets have been mostly subdued.”

In other words, the stifling of diversity of opinion on the internet will unfold in the fashion of all Trudeau-led social transformations: incrementally, for the purpose of seducing Canadians into passivity and acceptance.

Another method of seduction reeks of Trudeau-brand neo-liberalism: a fusing together of draconian measures with human rights-based altruism.

The online harms bill would target online posts in five categories — terrorist content, content that incites violence, hate speech, intimate images shared non-consensually, and child sexual exploitation content.

What sensible person doesn’t want child abuse to be curtailed? On this basis, censorship Bill C-10 and Bill C-36 can be perceived as wholly benevolent– meanwhile, the devil remains in the details.

According to a National Post article from July, 2021, the Liberal government’s online harms bill would create a new regulator for illegal content with sweeping powers that critics say raise concerns about secret proceedings and Canadians’ Charter Rights:

“Its authority would include the ability to send inspectors into workplaces and homes in search for documents.”

Meaning authorities would maintain the right to walk into the homes of Canadians to investigate hate crime allegations. Memories of George Orwell’s “1984?” Or rather, the creeping phenomenon of neo-totalitarianism comes to Canada.

According to Daphne Keller, Director of Stanford University Cyber Policy Center, Canada’s proposal “is like a list of the worst ideas around the world– the ones human rights groups have been fighting in the EU, India, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, and elsewhere.”

Guess who agrees? 

– Arab Canadian Lawyers Association
– British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
– Canada Palestine Association
– Canada Palestine Support Network
– Canadian BDS Coalition
– Canadian Arab Federation
– Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW)
– Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
– Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
– Canadians for Peace and Justice in Kashmir (CPJK)
– Canadians United Against Hate
– Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land
– Community Coalition Against Racism
– Continuing Education Students’ Association
– Independent Jewish Voices Canada
– International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
– Islamic Social Services Association
– Jewish Liberation Theology Institute
– Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel, ON Canada
– Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
– PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity)
– Palestinian Canadian Congress
– Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
– South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
– Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project

That’s right–all these multicultural organizations have signed a petition that opposes Trudeau’s Canadian Internet Firewall Proposal. 

Catching our collective breath, we ponder the ramifications of a comprehensive rejection of the Trudeau government’s proposal. To what extent will this affect internet censorship?

Cultural Action Party has an opinion– the answer is to no extent at all. In this dynamic we discover an axiomatic truth regarding contemporary Canada: what government wants, government gets.

Democracy, or neo-communism? Time and again, Team Trudeau utilize the same methodology. Position the agenda as one of social benevolence. It is in the best interests of society.

According to a poll from Blacklock’s Reporter80% of Canadians believe the online content they consume is factual and truthful. 66% feel confident in their ability to tell if online content is fair and balanced.

Let CAP deliver a conclusion in our typically candid manner: no one wants what the ruling Liberal government is proposing. Except perhaps Canadian media organizations. After all, if Bill C-10 and Bill C-36 pass, it will re-route revenues lost to them resulting from the rise of alternate media– aka the internet

We arrive at the crux of the matter. In a pattern which encapsulates post-modern Canadian society, what we have here is a battle of government/media versus the people.

INTERVIEW: Air Canada employee joins the fight against vaccine passports

INTERVIEW: Air Canada employee joins the fight against vaccine passports

This is the story of one airline employee who will have a chance to defend her livelihood thanks to your generous support at

The airline industry has been at the centre of many controversies since the onset of COVID-19.

From cancelled flights with no refunds to mass layoffs, there has not been much good news, and that trend is only continuing.

Now, not only are paying customers facing exclusion from air travel based on vaccine status thanks to Justin Trudeau, but airline employees are also facing potential termination based on their vaccine status.

This is the story of one airline employee who will have a chance to defend her livelihood thanks to your generous support at

We are concealing her identity in an effort to safeguard her employment for as long as possible, but hers is a story that we thought you needed to hear.

After decades of service this Air Canada employee, who works from home and has no in-person contact with coworkers or customers, may lose her job because she is unwilling to be vaccinated.

Worse still, she already had COVID and has lab-confirmed COVID-19 antibodies. Despite her natural immunity, and the fact she works from home, Air Canada is not willing to make any reasonable accommodations for her.

We met up with this client for an interview to learn more about her story, after which we joined Sarah Miller of JSS barristers, who is serving as legal counsel for the client at no cost to her, for a legal update on the plan moving forward.

This is just one of countless stories we are telling across Canada.

These stories matter because for every person that is brave enough to share their story, there are undoubtedly countless people at home going through something similar.

These aren’t just stories; they are also vital legal defences which may set the precedent for employees facing termination based on their vaccine status. We are counting on your help now more than ever to keep up this fight, please sign our petition and give what you can at

People’s Freedoom Network

Are you new to Peoples Freedom Network? Welcome!
These are critical times. At a time when our future depends on our
communicating with one another, we’ve become isolated.

We are inviting you to join us and hundreds of others in growing this
Network nationwide. Every week you will receive breaking news, from
the same source that sent this to you, with information the government
and mainstream media are keeping from you— action alerts, updates,
good news to uplift you and insights to empower you. The links will
fire you up. You’ll know what is happening and will be able to move
knowing others are with you.

Ultimately this Network will make it possible to mobilize millions in
support of nation-wide actions to regain our rights and freedoms.

YOUR ACTION: It’s easy! Send this email in a BCC (blind copy) to
at least 5 recipients, more if possible: groups you are in,
acquaintances and friends—and then keep the list for next week
(More will come and people will be depending on you.)

Updates are sent out every Wednesday. If you not get a notice by the end fo the week, go to
where these mailouts are also posted. Download them every week and continue sending them on to keep the

MESSAGE #8 /21-10-27
THE TIDE HAS TURNED. Remarkable things have been happening and more will be coming.
Thousands of Police across the country are letting their superiors
know they will no longer follow orders that violate the Oath they
took to protect the public and defend the Charter of Rights:
OVER 500 Ontario Police are suing the Province for breaches of
the Constitution, the Charter and the Bill of Rights, and they are
claiming for damages.

Police in Alberta and British Columbia are planning similar action.
Police On Guard, another organization of thousands of police
officers, has filed a lawsuit against Federal, provincial and
municipal governments which challenges the emergency measures.
Mounties For Freedom has sent a powerful open letter to RCMP
Commissioner Brenda Lucki in which RCMP Officers and
investigators equate current government mandates with crimes against humanity. The letter leaves no doubt of the
fraudulence and criminality of this plandemic and was endorsed by 50,000 officers and public in only 5 days!
911 Onside Over 15,000 Canada-wide first responders, RCMP, Ontario Provincial Police, municipal police
enforcement, firefighters, DND military and paramedics are joining in resistance to govt overreach

YOUR ACTION: o>> Spread this information. Make it part of the conversation in the country. People need to
know what the media is not telling them. o>> Read and sign the open letter. o>> Deliver it to your local police
detachment. o>> let fire department and paramedics know about TAC911 Zoom calls (see the top of page 3).
o>> Send it to the local news networks so they know they cannot hide the news. o>> Remember: police are us.
Click these links for Updates Resources Legal Info and Actions
For too long we have tended to be in a
negative, low energy place of fear, anger,
frustration and powerlessness that has
given others the power to control and
divide us. This must end.
Let us consciously register and celebrate
every breakthrough and turnaround, count
our successes daily. By changing the
conversation in Canada we can make the
positive outcome inevitable.
The future will be what we imagine it to be.

GOVERNMENT MISCALCULATED. The vaxx pass they believed would force people to give up and accept the
jab has instead ignited a firestorm of creative resistance that has been missing for the past year and a half.
People are not taking it lying down, they are moving ahead. They are pushing back. We are at a turning point
that will lead to the collapse of the government. The storm is building.
GOOD NEWS: Those in government could not have imagined what
this body of motivated, creative and upset people, tens of
thousands of highly qualified professionals: nurses, doctors, police,
first responders, firemen, tradespeople, teachers, pilots and
paramedics, support staff and administrators, is capable of.

We are seeing the power of people standing together and saying.
“Who needs you!” and setting out to create alternative, independent, free and parallel systems of health,
education and travel, leaving the old corrupt system to muddle in the overwhelm created by their being fired.
•Ezra Wellness The new multidisciplinary health service described in our PFN Mailout #7 has been
launched with the opening of its first clinic October 26th in Grand Forks BC. It will be followed in short
order by dozens of clinics in BC and Alberta that will grow into a parallel wellness system across the
country staffed with the dismissed hospital staff and health workers wanting to serve the public denied
access to hospital care by government mandates.
•Free to Fly represents over 2000 pilots, flight attendants, ground and support staff and is setting out to
establish an independent jab free air service similar to successful initiatives being taken in the States.

YOUR ACTION: Our strength comes in standing together. Find ways to join with others, supporting each other
in navigating this outrageous challenge dropped into our lives. Talk with colleagues. Plan options and
strategies. It is our creative alliances—our humanity—that will see us win this. This too shall pass.

“Alone we
can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller


It’s simple. Government will bluff people
into doing anything it wants until the day
we realize that standing together,
We the People have the power

Click these links for Updates Resources Legal Info and Actions
The past year many of us freely
gave away our freedom because we
did not know our rights, the science,
or the people making decisions that
changed our lives. Jefferson was
right when he said that you cannot
have both freedom and ignorance.
YOUR ACTION: Read the Charter of
Rights and the resources at Action 4
Canada and Vaccine Choice Canada.
Join with others. Power and creativity
is in numbers. Look for alliances at
work and friends of like mind at
home. It’s possible to bridge
separation with employers who are
also being coerced.
YOUR ACTION: Get together. Discover
your strengths and find ways to cover
your weaknesses. Know your red
lines. Plan ahead. Develop strategies.
Many of us have been trained our
whole lives to “go along”. in times
like these that leads to feelings of
confusion and powerlessness. Taking
action is the antidote. It empowers us
with a sense of purpose. Joint action
builds connection and confidence.
YOUR ACTION: The following page
and links below offer many initiatives,
actions and groups you can join.
The of Freedom
What Colour are you? The Colours of Freedom
document will help you understand what is
happening today. It describes the journey to
finding and empowering the lion in each of us. TAKE ACTION CANDA (Link here)
TAKE ACTION CANADA is a dynamic collective of high motivated and creative individuals contributing their passion,
ideas and expertise in developing initiatives countering the crimes and excesses of the current tyranny in Canada. If
you have an idea you want to move with or skills to contribute, Take Action Canada has a “Let’s get it done!” ethic
that welcomes anyone prepared to lead or support initiatives. Check them out. Their website says it all!
(EVERY) THURSDAY: Oct. 28; Nov 4, 8 – 9 pm ET
911 Police and First Responders–Strategy, Tactics and
Updates Link here Please register in advance.
(EVERY) SUNDAY Oct. 31, Nov 7 8 – 10 pm ET Take Action
Canada General Meeting Link here Updates on initiatives.
(EVERY) MONDAY Nov. 1, 6 – 7 pm ET
911 1st Responder’s Outreach Group Link here. Join our
outreach Zoom call with Michael Spadafora, Vincent Gircys
and our PRSD Psychiatrist. Sign up to join call.
TUESDAY November 2 @ 8 – 9:30 pm ET Vaxxport –
Employment – Know your rights Link here
We share ideas and resources against mandating vaccines.]
(EVERY) WEDNESDAY Nov. 3, 8 – 9 pm ET
Students Taking Action in Canada Link here
For post-secondary student unfairly treated by this pandemic]
(EVERY) WEDNESDAY Nov 3, 9 – 11 pm ET Take Action
Canada General Meeting Link here Updates on initiatives.
VACCINE CHOICE CANADA (VCC) is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit society founded in June 2014. Their mission is to
empower families to make educated, voluntary, and fully informed decisions when considering vaccination. So VCC
naturally has become a leader in opposing the lethal COVID jab campaign. VCC is solely supported by donations from
its members. To become a member and support our work as a volunteer, please email the chapter nearest you.
LIST OF CURRENT CHAPTERS (With Chapter leader name and contact email) If you don’t see a VCC Chapter in
your area, you might consider becoming a Chapter leader (email
Calgary — Natasha
British Columbia
Comox Valley BC — Marion
Coquitlam BC — Queenie
East Vancouver BC — Nika
Kelowna BC — Fran
Lake Country BC — Christina
Prince George BC — Krista
Smithers / Telkwa BC — Amy
Vernon BC — Heather
Victoria BC — Amy
Kleefeld MB — Sheena
Newfoundland and Labrador
Trinity NL — Karen
Springdale NL — Alexandria
Nova Scotia — Fiona
Barrie-Orillia-Simcoe County ON — Emily
Toronto ON — Rachel
Kitchener/Waterloo ON — Erika
Prince Edward Island — David
Quebec — Sylvie
sectionquebec.vcc@protonmail.comADVANCE MEDICAL DIRECTIVE
1. In case of emergency, I, _________________________,
do not consent to ANY COVID-19 vaccination, testing,
ventilators or Remdesivir as is my right. It is an indictable
offence to violate my right to refuse these treatments or
to withhold any medical care because of it.
2. If I need treatment for COVID-19, I insist that
the treating physician use effective alternatives
such as antivirals, vitamins C & D3, quercetin,
zinc, HCQ, ivermectin and inhalers.
1. In case of emergency, I, _________________________,
do not consent to ANY COVID-19 vaccination, testing,
ventilators or Remdesivir as is my right. It is an indictable
offence to violate my right to refuse these treatments or
to withhold any medical care because of it.
2. If I need treatment for COVID-19, I insist that
the treating physician use effective alternatives
such as antivirals, vitamins C & D3, quercetin,
zinc, HCQ, ivermectin and inhalers.
1. In case of emergency, I, _________________________,
do not consent to ANY COVID-19 vaccination, testing,
ventilators or Remdesivir as is my right. It is an indictable
offence to violate my right to refuse these treatments or
to withhold any medical care because of it.
2. If I need treatment for COVID-19, I insist that
the treating physician use effective alternatives
such as antivirals, vitamins C & D3, quercetin,
zinc, HCQ, ivermectin and inhalers.
1. In case of emergency, I, _________________________,
do not consent to ANY COVID-19 vaccination, testing,
ventilators or Remdesivir as is my right. It is an indictable
offence to violate my right to refuse these treatments or
to withhold any medical care because of it.
2. If I need treatment for COVID-19, I insist that
the treating physician use effective alternatives
such as antivirals, vitamins C & D3, quercetin,
zinc, HCQ, ivermectin and inhalers.
Attn: Medical Personnel
Consider this your official and personal Notice of Liability.
Name: _________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
Source: © 2021 All Rights Reserved
Attn: Medical Personnel
Consider this your official and personal Notice of Liability.
Name: _________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
Source: © 2021 All Rights Reserved
Attn: Medical Personnel
Consider this your official and personal Notice of Liability.
Name: _________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
Source: © 2021 All Rights Reserved
Attn: Medical Personnel
Consider this your official and personal Notice of Liability.
Name: _________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Date: __________________________________________
Source: © 2021 All Rights Reserved
Action4Canada accepts no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that occur as a result using this Advance Directive.
If you do not agree to what is specified on the above card please do not sign or use it. It is not intended as medical advice and
you should consult your personal healthcare professional before use.
Cut out the above Advance Directives following the outer dotted lines and fold each one in half.
Fill in your name on the front and your full legal name, signature and date on the back.
Then tape the each side of the completed Directive to your Care Card, leaving the top edge of the Care Card visible.
Finally, take a photo of the Advance Directive attached to your Care Card for future evidence of your wishes.Freedom Rising and People’s Freedom Network accept no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that occur as a
result of using this Advance Directive. If you do not agree to what is specified on the above card pease do not sign or use it.
It is not intended as medical advice and you should consult your personal healthcare professional before use.

Heads Up — Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan & Worldwide Freedom Rally in Kelowna, November 20


Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


Weekly on Sundays 11:30 to 2 – Penticton Freedom Rallies. The next one is this Sunday, November 14th.

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons.

Wednesday, November 10th – 6:15 p.m. – Next Penticton Planning Meeting –       6:15 p.m. Meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site – in the parking lot on the NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue. We will be carpooling. Finger food potluck, too. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available. 

** We will have Notice of Liabilities for signing at the Rally’s – If you need help to start your own Notice of Liability, please ask we have people that can help.

Let’s jump on this one and help drive up the signatures.

We started the delivery process to all city councillors and need one for the CAO too given we want to be ‘inclusive’.

All people need to do is click on the link, scroll to the bottom, and enter their name, email address and date.  What’s best is they don’t need to be a resident because if they want to use the recreation centre gym, which is open to the public, they must disclose personal medical information which is a violation of privacy and unethical…

I’d like to send it to the CAO on Monday if we can get a hundred or more signatures.

Thank you!

Wayne Llewellyn


Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon



Other Important items

Please send this email to at least 5 contacts on your list. This is an effective way to spread the word.

This is a common initiative of various freedom groups, individuals, and organizations from across the country as a grassroots way to encourage others to speak out and to boost their courage knowing that thousands, even hundreds of thousands of others are also doing this same thing. 

Please take some time to look at the link or the attachment!

There is important information to read and share.

Remember when sending this email to your contacts, use the BCC method, that way peoples email addresses stay private.

And with your help, soon to be millions!

If you wish to join the CLEAR Kelowna email list as well, please reply with “add to CLEAR Kelowna list”. Or go to the link and put yourself on the list.

Mary Lou Gutscher


Time to Renew (for 2022) & Help CAFE Survive Financially

Time to Renew (for 2022) & Help CAFE Survive Financially

Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 416-428-5308


Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

November 11, 2021                                           CAFE supporters welcome Dr. James Sears on his release from prison

Dear Free Speech Supporter:

Time to Renew (for 2022) & Help CAFE Survive Financially

                It’s Remembrance Day and we recall with respect the bravery and sacrifice of Canadian men and women who fought and sometimes perished in war — wars ostensibly for freedom (but that’s another story). As I shall explain a bit later, those freedoms have been vacuumed away and, sad to say, many Canadians just don’t care. We have a monumental job to nudge more Canadians into caring. I am asking you to renew your subscription to the Free Speech Monitor (still just $20.00) and to send us a special Christmas gift donation. Quite frankly, CAFE is hanging on by a thread. Many of you have suffered financially because of the COVID lockdown hysteria — jobs lost, businesses closed. One of our key sources of income is meetings across the country. We see our supporters and they donate or buy books or videos. For much of the past 19 months meetings have been impossible. For instance, we have held just two in Toronto this year. Thus, a special Christmas donation to CAFE would be a huge help.

Good News: Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Free on Early Parole

                First, some good news. Dr. James Sears, the editor of the wickedly satirical YOUR WARD NEWS, was freed from the South Toronto Detention Centre — too late for Thanksgiving — on October 14, in early parole, having served four months of a 12-month sentence (the maximum) for “wilfully promoting hatred” against radical feminists and Jews. He emerged gaunt but smiling and unbroken. CAFE played a role, we are told, in his release. CAFE, from the start, has supported victims of Canada’s notorious hate laws. We staged six protests outside the prison for Dr. Sears. He became an immediate celebrity among both the prisoners and the guards. One guard sneered after one of our protests to Dr. Sears: “There were only 11 of your supporters at the protest.” Another guard retorted: “But that’s 11 more than any other prisoner has ever had here!” The protests also informed astonished prisoners and guards what Dr. Sears’ crime was — satire, jokes, the written word — not assault or theft or DUI. Many came to know Canada’s hypocrisy. We selectively preach about human rights but still toss dissidents in jail. We also contributed to Dr. Sears’ canteen or prison account. However, best of all, in the mysterious alchemy involved in parole decisions, apparently our protests had a positive effect. “Believe me, those protests helped you get early parole,” a guard told Dr. Sears. His co-accused, publisher Leroy St. Germaine also received a year in prison, but, because he was of Metis ancestry, got to serve his time under house arrest. Nevertheless, although 80 years old and not in the best of health Leroy came out to several of our protests in support of his old friend Dr. James Sears.

Freedom of Speech — Many Canadians Just Don’t Get It & Just Don’t Care

                If you haven’t already done so, please read the lead article in the Free Speech Monitor (October, 2021) which accompanies this letter. Entitled “Freedom of Speech: Many Canadians Don’t “Get” It”, it references a recent Leger poll that found that 40 per cent of Canadians felt we had less freedom to discuss controversial topics today than a decade ago. Good, but only 40 per cent? With protests and public gatherings even religious gatherings banned or severely restricted for months over the past two years, with protesters fined and pastors heavily fined or jailed, how can only 40 per cent even see there’s a problem? What should be done about “hate speech”, whatever that is, on social media like Facebook and YouTube and Twitter — outlets, unlike most of the mainstream, largely Fake news media that remain open to dissident voices? Pathetically, 46 per cent of those surveyed felt the government should regulate or ban content it “considers hate speech” and 69 per cent supported social media monitoring (spying) and banning content they considered “hate speech”. In January, 65 per cent of Canadians said they’d support a nightly curfew — that’s house arrest, punishment without charge or trial — to fight COVID, even though they doubted the effectiveness of curfews! (Canadian Press, January 19, 2021)Now, that’s some special kind of stupid! Interestingly, the same poll found that 21 per cent said their own mental health was bad or very bad. [It shows!] Perhaps, many Canadians had been scared witless by the relentless media and government fear mongering about an illness with a 99.7 survival. The dangerous thing is that, if substantial numbers of Canadians don’t cherish or care about their liberties, governments which are full of control freaks won’t either. Also, implicit in all this is that our freedoms come from the government — they can stingily dole them out a little, when we’re good, and yank them back when we’re bad. THAT’S NOT THE NATURE OF OUR ANGLO-SAXON LIBERTIES! These liberties are inherent to our nature and, if you’re Christian, they are intrinsic to  your nature as a human being, a child of God.

Well, the Charter and the Courts Will Protect Us from The Theft of Our Rights?

                It’s a fond thought that Trudeau I’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, crippled by a weasel clause as it is, will protect your rights to freedom of speech, freedom to practise your religion, freedom of assembly. Thus far the Charter has proven as useful as a wet piece of Kleenex in a puddle during this pandemic. In several cases, the courts have said: “Well, yes, the restrictions imposed by the Medico-Stalinists violate your rights, but it’s all in a good cause. So, there!”  Law Professor Bruce Pardy warned: “Ten days ago, the Manitoba Court of  Queen’s Bench was the latest court to rebuff a constitutional challenge to COVID restrictions on civil liberties. Chief Justice Glenn Joyal ruled that provincial public health orders were constitutionally justifiable, joining courts from around the country in embracing the official COVID narrative and defending the authority of the pandemic state. [The case, argued on behalf of several religious groups by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms introduced 2,000 pages of academic testimony and four qualified expert witnesses, including the former Chief Medical Officer of Health of Manitoba. They challenged  the scientific validity of the very basis for the COVID case count so lovingly cited by lockdown proponents — the PSR test.] Over the past 19 months, lockdowns, masking rules, traveller quarantines, closed borders, business restrictions, and now vaccine mandates have made Canadians less free than they have ever been. Yet so far, Charter challenges to COVID rules have been spectacularly unsuccessful. During COVID, the Charter has been useless!”  (National Post, November 3, 2021)

Cancel Culture Where Dissent Can Get  You Fired & Your Life Ruined On A Mere Complaint

                Canadians like to think of themselves as “nice” people: We are polite and always apologizing. This self-congratulatory view is often wrong. All too frequently many Canadians are vicious, destructive nasty people. This is the environment we live in. Consider the Lavallee sisters and a boyfriend: ” Two Ontario sisters have been awarded $100,000 in a defamation suit against an activist who started a social media campaign against them, alleging a Snapchat video they made mocked the murder of George Floyd. The sisters, Shania and Justine Lavallee, were both fired from their respective jobs at Boston Pizza and Canada Border Services Agency in the spring of 2020, shortly after the social media campaign began.    The Ontario Superior Court decision by Justice Marc Smith said that Solit Isak, who identifies as Black, initiated a ‘brutal and unempathetic campaign to destroy the lives of two young women.’  According to the ruling, Isak made dozens of posts about the sisters after viewing a screenshot of a Snapchat video made by Shania Lavallee, which were quickly amplified by social media and the news media. The screenshot showed Justine being pinned down by her boyfriend, who had his knee on her back and was holding her arms back. Isak viewed the image shortly after Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer—setting off a summer of protests about racial injustice—and believed the Snapchat post mocked his death. In the court ruling Isak admitted she never saw the video, and the sisters said the video was just play fighting, and they had no intentions of invoking Floyd’s death. … The court also never saw the video, as it was deleted by Snapchat, but accepted the word of the sisters and two of their friends who saw the video that there was no attempt to mock Floyd.” What exactly does it mean that Isak ‘identifies as Black’? Is she Black or is she a blue-eyed redhead who wishes she was Black?  Her lobbying also got the boyfriend fired. Terrible as her behaviour was, equally vile were the reactions of those businesses and government bodies that blithely fired these people on mere complaints. There was no due process. Oh, and the big irony: Despite the French sounding name, the Lavallees are Eskimos!  We have much to do to try to claw back some of our lost liberties!

The Challenge

                Doug Christie prophetically warned us after three decades battling for free speech in Canadian courts: “Don’t look to constitutions or bills of rights or charters of rights and freedom for the liberties you have. You only have such freedoms as you are prepared to fight for.” Since 1983, CAFE has been in this fight, promoting freedom of speech by assisting the victims of censorship, by  publishing our monthly newsletter, the Free Speech Monitor, by  presenting daily, timely information on our website, by holding meetings (COVID crackdowns permitting) and  rallies and by producing  numerous videos like these recent ones:


* “I Voted for Max & the People’s Party of Canada” — Where the Election Leaves Us & the Looming Soviet State of Cancelled Rights in Canada.  Hamilton, October 17, 2021.

* Paul Fromm on the Great Reset & Trudeau’s Plans to Stifle the Internet — Talk Given at Vancouver, July 17, 2021.

                To continue, we need your help.

                I thank you in advance and gratefully wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas. You might want to consider buying some of the historic Doug Christie dvds on the back of the enclosed coupon and using them as Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers.

                                                                                                                Sincerely  yours,

                                                                                                                Paul Fromm


CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

The Wuhan Flu has cramped CAFE’s operations, especially holding meetings, as we do across Canada. This has slashed our income. Nevertheless, we have maintained our publishing schedule, bringing out the Free Speech Monitor each month and, of course, maintaining our very active website — Can you help make up the financial shortfall? Send CAFE a Christmas gift. Make your cheque payable to CAFE.

__ Orders from the other side of this coupon  for Christmas gifts & stocking stuffers. $____.

___Please renew my subscription for  2022 to the Free Speech Monitor ($20).

___  Wuhan Flu or not, I am one of Canada’s tiny band of free speech freedom fighters. Here is my donation of $______ to assist in CAFE’s work so that more people “get it” about the importance of freedom of speech in these times of fear, hysteria and power grabs by control freaks.

Please charge ______my VISA#________________________________________________________________

Expiry date: __________ Signature:____________________________________________________________________


Address: ______________________________________________________________________________


Christmas Gifts & Stocking Stuffers: The Best of Doug Christie

“The Battling Barrister” Doug Christie, the premier Canadian

free speech lawyer of his generation has been gone for eight

years but his words live on.

__ FREE SPEECH CRISIS IN CANADA by Doug Christie. Toronto, December 11, 1991.

DVD. $10.00


& THE INTERNET by Doug Christie, Toronto, October 16, 1997. DVD. $10.00


“The Battling Barrister” Hamilton, March 26, 1998. DVD. $10.00


Real History Conference, 2001. Cincinnati. DVD.  $10.00

__ THE LADY JANE BIRDWOOD CASE by Doug Christie. London, England. 1995.

DVD. $10.00



Paul Fromm. August 6, 1999. DVD. $10.00

Upcoming Freedom Events in Penticton


What are you doing on Saturday afternoon? How about hanging out with some very cool folks?image.png

2:00 PM Karaoke fun – Join us at Dan and Shirley’s house for songs and Potluck. Bring a dish, a smile, and warn up those voices (or not, its okay)  

If you have been to their house in the past, head on up for 2PM, if you need the address call 236-687-2732 for directions.

Weekly on Sundays 11:30 to 2 – Penticton Freedom Rallies. The next one is this Sunday, November 7th.


Remember to set your clock BACK 1 hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons.

Penticton Sign Making Event. Sunday, November 7th 2:00 PM Potluck Dinner to follow Bring a dish to share

Please meet at the Sunday Rally and we will give directions to the house that has been offered for us to create sign making magic.

Wednesday, November 10th – 6:15 p.m. – Next Penticton Planning Meeting –       6:15 p.m. Meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site – in the parking lot on the NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue. We will be carpooling. Finger food potluck, too. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available. 


Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon

Sunday November 7th 1:00 – 3:00PM United Workers Peaceful Protest

 1701 Harvey Ave. Pedestrian Overpass – Landmark District

Other Important items

Please send this email to at least 5 contacts on your list. This is an effective way to spread the word.

This is a common initiative of various freedom groups, individuals, and organizations from across the country as a grassroots way to encourage others to speak out and to boost their courage knowing that thousands, even hundreds of thousands of others are also doing this same thing. And with your help, soon to be millions!

If you wish to join the CLEAR Kelowna email list as well, please reply with “add to CLEAR Kelowna list”. Or go to the link and put yourself on the list.

If you want to unsubscribe from this list: (Heavens, No!) Simply reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject line. Thank you.

Mary Lou Gutscher


Slovenian Prime Minister: Antifa Is ‘International Terrorist Organisation’

Slovenian Prime Minister: Antifa Is ‘International Terrorist Organisation’

Janez Janša, prime minister of former first lady Melania Trump’s home country of Slovenia, has labelled the far-left extremist group Antifa an “international terrorist organisation” following violence in France over the weekend

Prime Minister Janša made his comments on social media network Twitter, saying: “Antifa is a global terrorist organization. Supported by the capital of financial speculators forging profits at the expense of the chaos caused by the operation.”

The Slovenian leader was reacting to a post by American journalist Andy Ngo which highlighted Antifa violence over the weekend in the French city of Nantes which saw the far-left extremists attempt to disrupt a meeting of the conservative writer and French presidential hopeful Eric Zemmour.

According to a report from the newspaper Le Figaro, around 600 far-left extremists gathered in Nantes to oppose Zemmour on Saturday and some chanted for his death and clashed with police.

“We know who Joseph Stalin was, we know the hundreds of thousands of deaths he caused, these people are only his distant descendants,” Zemmour said in reaction to the far-left extremists.

Footage of the violence, as well as graffiti calling for Zemmour to be murdered, was reported by French journalist Clément Lanot.

Prime Minister Janez Janša is not the first world leader to label Antifa as a terrorist group. Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump urged former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to designate Antifa as a terrorist group earlier this year before leaving office.

The year prior, former U.S. Attorney General William Barr stated that Antifa members were involved in violence that amounted to domestic terrorism.

“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” Barr said.

In 2019, when President Trump first discussed declaring Antifa a terrorist group, left-wing figures across Europe, particularly in Germany, reacted by declaring their support for the extremist group.