Time to Renew (for 2022) & Help CAFE Survive Financially

Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 416-428-5308
Website http://cafe.nfshost.com
Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director
November 11, 2021 CAFE supporters welcome Dr. James Sears on his release from prison
Dear Free Speech Supporter:
Time to Renew (for 2022) & Help CAFE Survive Financially
It’s Remembrance Day and we recall with respect the bravery and sacrifice of Canadian men and women who fought and sometimes perished in war — wars ostensibly for freedom (but that’s another story). As I shall explain a bit later, those freedoms have been vacuumed away and, sad to say, many Canadians just don’t care. We have a monumental job to nudge more Canadians into caring. I am asking you to renew your subscription to the Free Speech Monitor (still just $20.00) and to send us a special Christmas gift donation. Quite frankly, CAFE is hanging on by a thread. Many of you have suffered financially because of the COVID lockdown hysteria — jobs lost, businesses closed. One of our key sources of income is meetings across the country. We see our supporters and they donate or buy books or videos. For much of the past 19 months meetings have been impossible. For instance, we have held just two in Toronto this year. Thus, a special Christmas donation to CAFE would be a huge help.
Good News: Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Free on Early Parole
First, some good news. Dr. James Sears, the editor of the wickedly satirical YOUR WARD NEWS, was freed from the South Toronto Detention Centre — too late for Thanksgiving — on October 14, in early parole, having served four months of a 12-month sentence (the maximum) for “wilfully promoting hatred” against radical feminists and Jews. He emerged gaunt but smiling and unbroken. CAFE played a role, we are told, in his release. CAFE, from the start, has supported victims of Canada’s notorious hate laws. We staged six protests outside the prison for Dr. Sears. He became an immediate celebrity among both the prisoners and the guards. One guard sneered after one of our protests to Dr. Sears: “There were only 11 of your supporters at the protest.” Another guard retorted: “But that’s 11 more than any other prisoner has ever had here!” The protests also informed astonished prisoners and guards what Dr. Sears’ crime was — satire, jokes, the written word — not assault or theft or DUI. Many came to know Canada’s hypocrisy. We selectively preach about human rights but still toss dissidents in jail. We also contributed to Dr. Sears’ canteen or prison account. However, best of all, in the mysterious alchemy involved in parole decisions, apparently our protests had a positive effect. “Believe me, those protests helped you get early parole,” a guard told Dr. Sears. His co-accused, publisher Leroy St. Germaine also received a year in prison, but, because he was of Metis ancestry, got to serve his time under house arrest. Nevertheless, although 80 years old and not in the best of health Leroy came out to several of our protests in support of his old friend Dr. James Sears.
Freedom of Speech — Many Canadians Just Don’t Get It & Just Don’t Care
If you haven’t already done so, please read the lead article in the Free Speech Monitor (October, 2021) which accompanies this letter. Entitled “Freedom of Speech: Many Canadians Don’t “Get” It”, it references a recent Leger poll that found that 40 per cent of Canadians felt we had less freedom to discuss controversial topics today than a decade ago. Good, but only 40 per cent? With protests and public gatherings even religious gatherings banned or severely restricted for months over the past two years, with protesters fined and pastors heavily fined or jailed, how can only 40 per cent even see there’s a problem? What should be done about “hate speech”, whatever that is, on social media like Facebook and YouTube and Twitter — outlets, unlike most of the mainstream, largely Fake news media that remain open to dissident voices? Pathetically, 46 per cent of those surveyed felt the government should regulate or ban content it “considers hate speech” and 69 per cent supported social media monitoring (spying) and banning content they considered “hate speech”. In January, 65 per cent of Canadians said they’d support a nightly curfew — that’s house arrest, punishment without charge or trial — to fight COVID, even though they doubted the effectiveness of curfews! (Canadian Press, January 19, 2021)Now, that’s some special kind of stupid! Interestingly, the same poll found that 21 per cent said their own mental health was bad or very bad. [It shows!] Perhaps, many Canadians had been scared witless by the relentless media and government fear mongering about an illness with a 99.7 survival. The dangerous thing is that, if substantial numbers of Canadians don’t cherish or care about their liberties, governments which are full of control freaks won’t either. Also, implicit in all this is that our freedoms come from the government — they can stingily dole them out a little, when we’re good, and yank them back when we’re bad. THAT’S NOT THE NATURE OF OUR ANGLO-SAXON LIBERTIES! These liberties are inherent to our nature and, if you’re Christian, they are intrinsic to your nature as a human being, a child of God.
Well, the Charter and the Courts Will Protect Us from The Theft of Our Rights?
It’s a fond thought that Trudeau I’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, crippled by a weasel clause as it is, will protect your rights to freedom of speech, freedom to practise your religion, freedom of assembly. Thus far the Charter has proven as useful as a wet piece of Kleenex in a puddle during this pandemic. In several cases, the courts have said: “Well, yes, the restrictions imposed by the Medico-Stalinists violate your rights, but it’s all in a good cause. So, there!” Law Professor Bruce Pardy warned: “Ten days ago, the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench was the latest court to rebuff a constitutional challenge to COVID restrictions on civil liberties. Chief Justice Glenn Joyal ruled that provincial public health orders were constitutionally justifiable, joining courts from around the country in embracing the official COVID narrative and defending the authority of the pandemic state. [The case, argued on behalf of several religious groups by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms introduced 2,000 pages of academic testimony and four qualified expert witnesses, including the former Chief Medical Officer of Health of Manitoba. They challenged the scientific validity of the very basis for the COVID case count so lovingly cited by lockdown proponents — the PSR test.] Over the past 19 months, lockdowns, masking rules, traveller quarantines, closed borders, business restrictions, and now vaccine mandates have made Canadians less free than they have ever been. Yet so far, Charter challenges to COVID rules have been spectacularly unsuccessful. During COVID, the Charter has been useless!” (National Post, November 3, 2021)
Cancel Culture Where Dissent Can Get You Fired & Your Life Ruined On A Mere Complaint
Canadians like to think of themselves as “nice” people: We are polite and always apologizing. This self-congratulatory view is often wrong. All too frequently many Canadians are vicious, destructive nasty people. This is the environment we live in. Consider the Lavallee sisters and a boyfriend: ” Two Ontario sisters have been awarded $100,000 in a defamation suit against an activist who started a social media campaign against them, alleging a Snapchat video they made mocked the murder of George Floyd. The sisters, Shania and Justine Lavallee, were both fired from their respective jobs at Boston Pizza and Canada Border Services Agency in the spring of 2020, shortly after the social media campaign began. The Ontario Superior Court decision by Justice Marc Smith said that Solit Isak, who identifies as Black, initiated a ‘brutal and unempathetic campaign to destroy the lives of two young women.’ According to the ruling, Isak made dozens of posts about the sisters after viewing a screenshot of a Snapchat video made by Shania Lavallee, which were quickly amplified by social media and the news media. The screenshot showed Justine being pinned down by her boyfriend, who had his knee on her back and was holding her arms back. Isak viewed the image shortly after Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer—setting off a summer of protests about racial injustice—and believed the Snapchat post mocked his death. In the court ruling Isak admitted she never saw the video, and the sisters said the video was just play fighting, and they had no intentions of invoking Floyd’s death. … The court also never saw the video, as it was deleted by Snapchat, but accepted the word of the sisters and two of their friends who saw the video that there was no attempt to mock Floyd.” What exactly does it mean that Isak ‘identifies as Black’? Is she Black or is she a blue-eyed redhead who wishes she was Black? Her lobbying also got the boyfriend fired. Terrible as her behaviour was, equally vile were the reactions of those businesses and government bodies that blithely fired these people on mere complaints. There was no due process. Oh, and the big irony: Despite the French sounding name, the Lavallees are Eskimos! We have much to do to try to claw back some of our lost liberties!
The Challenge
Doug Christie prophetically warned us after three decades battling for free speech in Canadian courts: “Don’t look to constitutions or bills of rights or charters of rights and freedom for the liberties you have. You only have such freedoms as you are prepared to fight for.” Since 1983, CAFE has been in this fight, promoting freedom of speech by assisting the victims of censorship, by publishing our monthly newsletter, the Free Speech Monitor, by presenting daily, timely information on our website http://cafe.nfshost.com, by holding meetings (COVID crackdowns permitting) and rallies and by producing numerous videos like these recent ones:
* DO CANADIANS HAVE THE WILL TO CLAW BACK THE RIGHTS STOLEN FROM THEM DURING COVID? — talk by Paul Fromm, in Vancouver, October 28, 2021 https://www.brighteon.com/bb297ff3-7073-46e3-a4eb-696f639749d7
* “I Voted for Max & the People’s Party of Canada” — Where the Election Leaves Us & the Looming Soviet State of Cancelled Rights in Canada. Hamilton, October 17, 2021. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/james-sears-is-free-from-prison-october-14-2021_c5sRVOzALQard4N.html
* Paul Fromm on the Great Reset & Trudeau’s Plans to Stifle the Internet — Talk Given at Vancouver, July 17, 2021. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZUEeqRICKSO2/
To continue, we need your help.
I thank you in advance and gratefully wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas. You might want to consider buying some of the historic Doug Christie dvds on the back of the enclosed coupon and using them as Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm
CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
The Wuhan Flu has cramped CAFE’s operations, especially holding meetings, as we do across Canada. This has slashed our income. Nevertheless, we have maintained our publishing schedule, bringing out the Free Speech Monitor each month and, of course, maintaining our very active website — http://cafe.nfshost.com. Can you help make up the financial shortfall? Send CAFE a Christmas gift. Make your cheque payable to CAFE.
__ Orders from the other side of this coupon for Christmas gifts & stocking stuffers. $____.
___Please renew my subscription for 2022 to the Free Speech Monitor ($20).
___ Wuhan Flu or not, I am one of Canada’s tiny band of free speech freedom fighters. Here is my donation of $______ to assist in CAFE’s work so that more people “get it” about the importance of freedom of speech in these times of fear, hysteria and power grabs by control freaks.
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Christmas Gifts & Stocking Stuffers: The Best of Doug Christie
“The Battling Barrister” Doug Christie, the premier Canadian
free speech lawyer of his generation has been gone for eight
years but his words live on.
__ FREE SPEECH CRISIS IN CANADA by Doug Christie. Toronto, December 11, 1991.
DVD. $10.00
& THE INTERNET by Doug Christie, Toronto, October 16, 1997. DVD. $10.00
“The Battling Barrister” Hamilton, March 26, 1998. DVD. $10.00
Real History Conference, 2001. Cincinnati. DVD. $10.00
__ THE LADY JANE BIRDWOOD CASE by Doug Christie. London, England. 1995.
DVD. $10.00
Paul Fromm. August 6, 1999. DVD. $10.00