Chanal Pfahl, a Teacher Questioning Critical Race Theory, the Latest Victim of Intellectual Censorship Within Ontario’s Education System

Teacher under investigation for speaking out against CRT in schools

Chanel Pfahl, a 29-year-old high school teacher is under investigation for very mundane comments she made about critical race theory on a private teacher Facebook group back in February 2021.

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More and more, we hear about these fringe ideologies making their way into our publicly-funded institutions and taking reign because anyone who dares question or speak out against them is guilted into submission by way of smearing, ad hominem attacks, or is censored and punished.

All of the above happened to Chanel Pfahl, a 29-year-old high school teacher, after she made a few very mundane comments on a private teacher Facebook group in February of 2021. Her comments were in response to a post made by a teacher asking for curriculum geared toward the political movement Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the doctrine of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

The basis of her comments was that teachers should model “kindness to everyone” and that they “should speak out against any form of discrimination that they see, including those brought on by anti-racist movements.” She noted that in places like Britain, it is illegal to teach CRT without providing “a balanced, opposing view.”

These comments resulted in the launching of a formal complaint against Chanel. She was ridiculed, ostracized and othered by her colleagues. An investigation was launched by the Ontario College of Teachers, which resulted in Chanel being suspended for one week without pay.

This punishment was not good enough for the complainant. They have now escalated the complaint, and Chanel is once again being investigated by her college for comments that happened over a year ago.

As a result, we have put Chanel in touch with top notch lawyers through The Democracy Fund, who are representing her at no cost to her. We are crowdfunding her defence here.

We have also created a petition to Stop CRT from entering schools. Through the Ontario Bill 67, the Racial Equity in the Education System Act, school boards will be required to create and enforce racial equity plans. They will also penalize anyone who is perceived to be violating this mantra. You can sign our petition to Stop CRT, send an e-mail blast to your local elected representative, and chip in to cover Chanel’s legal expenses.

How Can Jason Kenney Be Considered a Christian or Populist When Yet Another Christian Pastor Derek Reimer, Arrested For Violating Injunction on Loudspeakers?

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How Can Jason Kenney Be Considered a Christian or Populist When Yet Another Christian Pastor Derek Reimer, Arrested For Violating Injunction on Loudspeakers

Over the past two years, amid stiff competition, the province of Alberta has earned the dubious distinction of having arrested the most Christian pastors in all of Canada.  Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates, and Pastor Tim Stephens have all been behind bars for refusing to bend the knee to the litany of COVID restrictions forcing them to close their churches when people needed them most.  Premier Jason Kenney put more pastors in jail over the past two years than Communist China. (We even put a billboard up reminding Albertans of that.) 

There’s also Pastor Derek Reimer. A Fight The Fines alumnus who received multiple fines for carrying on his pastoral duties when the state considered that a “high-risk” activity. He beat those fines with the stellar legal help he received thanks to our viewers’ generous donations towards his legal fees. This weekend, Pastor Derek found himself in trouble with the law once again. He allegedly violated an injunction issued to the City of Calgary, which banned honking and loudspeakers. A move clearly meant to stifle the city’s weekly freedom rallies. We covered the rally this weekend and obtained footage of the arrest from one of Derek’s congregants shortly after it happened.

The attempts by Alberta’s political class to silence religious leaders and COVID dissidents from voicing their concerns against government overreach have been a blight on the province. Details are still short on the legal implications of Pastor Derek’s arrest, but we will be speaking with him soon for his personal account of what happened.  And while we turn our attention to Pastor Derek’s plight, Pastor Artur sits under strict house arrest conditions with the legal fight of a lifetime ahead of him.  To learn more about his case and to donate towards his legal fees, please click here or visit

Yours truly,  Adam Soos 

P.S. The mainstream media has turned a blind eye to the egregious assaults on our freedom of speech and religious liberty. Only Rebel News covers the crackdown on Canadian Christian pastors fairly and accurately. If you think that’s important, please consider donating right here so we can keep telling the other side of the story when others won’t.

A Small Victory For Unvaxxed Air Canada -Employees — Deadline for Firing Extended to November 1’

A Small Victory For Unvaxxed Air Canada -Employees — Deadline for Firing Extended to November 1 
Some members received good news today and we wanted to share it with all our Free to Fly family.
Air Canada employees who stood for health freedom by refusing injections, were facing termination May 2nd. The company, late this afternoon, advised they now have until November 1st to confirm their “proof of vaccination”.

A reprieve is welcome. Several points also come to mind:
We thank every professional, passenger, all our friends, and family who work tirelessly demanding an end to extortionary mandates and a full return to employment. This has been done with unions, companies, politicians and others. Active, relentless, and multi-faceted lobbying matters and needs to continue with Air Canada.

We do not thank Air Canada for the small righting of an egregious and very much continuing wrong. This does not return millions in lost wages and benefits, the sold homes, lost sleep, fractured relationships, damaged mental health and more.
Many of our aviation brothers and sisters have already been terminated and many more are still facing the same in the weeks and months ahead. Please continue the active, relentless, multi-faceted lobbying on all of their behalf.
The CLC mandate looms large and some wonder if it fits into this about-face by one company. Please continue raising awareness and pushing back on this critical issue. If you are unfamiliar with the CLC mandate, a short video here explains it.
The narrative continues to crumble globally and you are part of that change every time you speak truth. We have plenty of updates on this via our social media platforms below. Please join us there.
Greg and Matt

London, Ontario City Council Delays Discussion of Censoring of Pro-Life Flyers

London, Ontario City Council Delays Discussion of Censoring of Pro-Life Flyers

Last week the London City Council met to discuss a proposed by-law that sought to censor the free expression of pro-life activists by banning pro-life flyers that show the truth of abortion through graphic imagery.

They decided not to go forward with this by-law, instead asking city staff to consider legislation forcing pro-life groups to stick their flyers in envelopes with content warnings.

Some councillors, such as Councillor Stephen Turner, correctly acknowledged that a city council cannot regulate the message of pro-life protestors, and voted against referring the proposed bylaw back to staff. Most city councillors voted in favour of this though.

In a few months, we’ll likely see these unconsititutional by-laws come back to London’s City Council as city staff prepare the by-law to force pro-life groups to hide their flyers with trigger warnings. Until then, we need to keep emailing the London City Council to let them know that censoring the pro-life movement is unacceptable.

Please sign our petition demanding that London’s City Council reject any by-law which seeks to censor pro-life protest. It is not the place for governments to step in and exert control over peaceful protest. Thank you for all your help in combatting these attacks on freedom of expression.

Best wishes,

James Schadenberg and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends.

Here’s the email we sent you earlier on this:

City Councillors in London, Ontario are trying to attack the free speech of pro-lifers and censor the pro-life message. On Tuesday, March 22nd, they will be debating and possibly voting on two proposed by-laws that were explicitly designed to stop the distribution of pro-life flyers that show the reality about abortion through graphic imagery. Please sign this petition demanding that all London City Councillors reject the proposed by-laws which seek to censor the free expression of pro-life activists.

Dear Paul,

I have an urgent petition I would like you to consider signing.

City Councillors in London, Ontario are trying to censor pro-life activism and hide the truth about abortion in their city.

There are two by-laws being proposed to London’s Community and Protective Services Committee that were explicitly designed to censor pro-life activists by stopping the distribution of pro-life flyers that show the reality about abortion through graphic imagery.

One of these by-laws proposes fining people for delivering unaddressed flyers to properties that have “No Flyers”, “No Junk Mail”, or “No Unsolicited Mail”. The other bylaw bans the distribution of any flyer that contains graphic imagery, with the example being “dismembered human beings or aborted fetuses” but also bans anything that “may cause or trigger a negative reaction to the health and wellbeing of any person at any scale”. The maximum fine for violating either of these bylaws is $5,000.

These by-laws censor peaceful pro-life protests and deny pro-life activists their freedom of expression, which is guaranteed to them in The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. On Tuesday, March 22nd, they’ll be debating and possibly voting on these by-laws!

Please join our campaign demanding that all London City Councillors reject the proposed by-laws which seek to censor the free expression of pro-life activists.

These by-laws were drafted largely as a response to activism that pro-life groups such as The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) have done in London in 2020, though these forms of activism have happened in London long before then from groups like London Against Abortion.

Radical pro-abortion groups such as Pro-Choice London and Viewer Discretion Legislation Coalition have been doing everything they can to censor London’s thriving pro-life movement. They’ve been crafting their own petitions and lobbying politicians, with the support of the mainstream media at every step.

So even by-laws that pretend to be neutral by censoring all flyers must be called out for what they are: an attempt by radical-leftist activists to use the government to censor their political opponents.

CCBR has stated that they believe they’re being denied their Charter right to freedom of expression, and other local pro-life groups such as the London Area Right to Life Association have stated the same.

We must not allow the government powers to be weaponized against the pro-life movement. Sign our urgent petition asking that these by-laws, and any proposal to censor pro-life protest, be rejected by all London City Councillors.

Governments must never ban the distribution of “triggering” images when they depict the harsh reality of evils that are occurring in society.

Images that cause discomfort or even have graphic material have been essential to many protest movements, whether it be ones opposing unjust wars and tyrannical dictatorships, or social evils such as slavery and child labour.

It’s always in the interests of those in power who support such evils to sanitize these evils and keep them invisible. It’s the only way their propaganda can be effective.

This is why there are bubble zones around abortion clinics throughout much of Canada, and why London is trying to punish anyone who dares to show an image of an aborted baby in public. These images decimate the narrative that abortion is merely a “women’s choice about her body” and shows it for what it really is: the brutal killing of an unborn human child.

We must stand up for our right to freedom of expression, and not let governments decide which peaceful protests are allowed, and which are not.

Please sign our petition demanding the London City Council vote against any proposal which seeks, either implicitly or explicitly, to curtail the freedom of expression of protestors and that they allow peaceful protests and conversations on difficult and controversial subjects like abortion to go on without government interference.

Thanks for all you do,

James Schadenberg and the entire CitizenGO Team

Charles Lincoln Edwards & Paul Fromm Discuss the Colossal Failure of Mainline Churches During COVID & Update The Ongoing Trucker & Freedom Protests Across Canada & The State Dirty Tricks Used to Suppress Them

Charles Lincoln Edwards & Paul Fromm Discuss the Colossal Failure of Mainline Churches During COVID & Update The Ongoing Trucker & Freedom Protests Across Canada & The State Dirty Tricks Used to Suppress Them

Gunter Deckert (1940-2022) R.I.P., German Nationalist & Free Speech Warrior

Günter Deckert 1940-2022

Posted by admin978 on April 1, 2022 · Leave a Comment 

H&D is shocked and saddened to report that our great friend and comrade Günter Deckert, former leader of Germany’s nationalist party NPD, has died aged 82. In fact those readers who knew Günter will appreciate that we could never really believe he was 82 years old, let alone that he has died. Günter always seemed the most energetic and committed comrade in the room, even when surrounded by fellow nationalists decades younger.

Born in January 1940 Günter Deckert developed a talent for languages as a very young man, first visiting London and staying with an English family in the 1950s (which was also when he first encountered British nationalists, when he happened upon a street rally of Sir Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement). He went on to study English, French and other languages at the universities of Heidelberg, Kiel and Montpellier.

A young Günter Deckert was an activist in the West German liberal party FDP from 1962-1964.

For twenty years (from 1968 to 1988) he taught English and French at German schools and colleges, until he was dismissed for political reasons. In fact the authorities had tried three times to dismiss him, but the first two attempts were defeated in the courts.

Some readers might be surprised that his initial political activism was with West Germany’s liberal party the Free Democrats (FDP) in the early 1960s, though at that time (for complicated historical reasons) it was not unusual for German nationalists (and for that matter old national-socialists) to be in the FDP.

Günter first joined the NPD in 1966 and was active during its most successful election campaigns of the late 1960s, when the party was led by Mosley’s close friend and ally Adolf von Thadden. He was a parliamentary (Bundestag) candidate for the first time in 1972 and went on to contest many federal, state and local elections. One of his best election results was in 1974 when he received more than 25% of the vote in Weinheim’s mayoral election. From 1975 to 1999 and from 2019 until his death he was a municipal councillor in Weinheim, sometimes for the NPD and sometimes for the ‘Deutsche Liste’ which he created during a time when he was forced to relinquish NPD membership.

Günter Deckert during his 2019 election campaign

Just a few weeks before he died, Günter posted his party’s official video response to the Weinheim city council budget and would have been an election candidate again this year. Last month (shortly before his illness) he was expelled from the council chamber by police for allegedly ‘racist’ comments during a speech criticising the council budget.

Günter was elected leader of the NPD – Germany’s largest nationalist party – in 1991, and remained party leader until 2005.

Following a conference in 1991 where Günter was translator for the American revisionist Fred Leuchter, he was prosecuted for ‘inciting racial hatred’. Even though he was actually translating someone else’s words, prosecutors argued that he had translated too sympathetically and had therefore committed a crime.

Günter’s case was a landmark in German legal history, because though at first convicted he won on appeal. This victory was because the appeal court ruled ‘Holocaust denial’ was not by itself criminal. In response the German parliament changed the law, making ‘Holocaust denial’ itself an offence. Consequently Günter was tried again in 1995, convicted and sentenced to five years in prison.

Günter Deckert with the Alsatian German leader Pierre Rieffel

He was imprisoned at Bruchsal from 1995 to 2000, then again for five months at Mannheim prison early in 2013.

Günter Deckert was my first German comrade. We first met in 1993 when he addressed the BNP annual rally, and we later spoke together on many platforms in Britain, Germany and France. He addressed numerous meetings of British comrades in London, Yorkshire and elsewhere in England.

Last autumn we met (and were again fellow speakers) for the last time. It seems impossible to believe that I shall never see Günter Deckert again, but his irrepressible spirit will continue to inspire our activism for decades to come.

An obituary to Günter Deckert will appear in the next edition of H&D.

Günter Deckert speaking in autumn 2021, at a private gathering also addressed by H&D’s Peter Rushton

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 2-3: Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos — Supporting Credit Unions

Click here to read in browser

Coming Rallys and Events

Move To Canada GIF

Wed the 30th at the Overpass

Feds Crushing all Political Dissent

The vast majority of people are acutely and painfully aware of the attempts by all levels of gov’ts to stifle all opposition to the unconstitutional COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns. From bylaw tickets, to criminal charges and now court injunctions obtained without notice to other parties, before compromised judges. The Ontario Ford Gov’t has increased these actions yet again.

Randy Hillier, the outstandingly fierce Ontario MPP (Member Provincial Parliament), one of the few remaining elected officials who upholds his Oath to the Monarch by exposing the COVID-19 corruption and who routinely criticized and embarrassed the Ford Gov’t in the Ontario Legislature for its COVID-19 actions, has been charged with nine (9) counts under the Criminal Code in relation to his participation in the Freedom Convoy. Charges include two counts of obstructing or resisting a police officer, one count of assaulting a peace officer, one count of obstructing or resisting someone aiding a peace officer, two counts of mischief, and three counts of counselling an unspecified indictable offence (it is expected that two of these will be mischief).

Mr. Hillier vehemently denies these allegations, stating: “So unless handshakes or warm embraces are now considered assault, I have no idea,” he said.

Mr. Hillier was expected to turn himself in to the OPP at 7:00 a.m. EST. This tells me that there was likely a warrant issued for his arrest. A bail hearing followed. Truly the MLAs and MPs in Canada have committed treason to the Monarch, our common law and the Coronation Oath.

Mr. Hillier was released on a $35 000.00 bond and an order restricting his Constitutional rights to freedom of speech and mobility by ordering him not to post on social media about the “Freedom Convoy”, COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates, nor can he attend or provide support to supporting organizations or causes. He is barred from downtown Ottawa except for appointments with his lawyer. *

* As an interesting aside, though to no surprise, the CTV publishes damning commentary from three members of Mr. Hillier’s constituency, and did not publish any commentary from many of the people there who supported him. This is typical of MSM who only publish the Gov’t narrative.

Sadly, the Hon. Member of the Legislature has announced his retirement this coming summer, leaving the Ford Gov’t completely unaccountable for their actions.

We hope all Canadians will rally to support not just Mr. Hillier, but all those who have been charged by the OPP and/or RCMP.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy


Wednesday, March 30, 2022 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Landmark District Overpass

1717 Harvey St., Kelowna

Last year in Kelowna, we had 1000 people join us in support of the doctors of this province, at the overpass over Harvey St., across from the Rec Centre.

With more looming threats from the recent Order of Bonnie the Commie, requiring health care practitioners to give up their privacy rights to the State, our naturopaths, chiropractors and other health care professionals, need out support more than ever.

Please join us this coming Wednesday, 12:00 – 2:00 once again at the over pass to show our support for our health care professionals.

Not all is at it appears. The recent Order dated March 7, 2022, is being pilloried in the media as a change from the Gov’t, no longer compelling mandatory vaccination as a condition of working, but only to relinquish their private, personal health information to the Gov’t in order to work. However, this appears not to be the case, as seen in the quoted section below from this Order.


1. By March 31, 2022, a college must record each registrant’s vaccination status.

2. A registrant must, upon request of their college and in the manner required by the college, provide proof of vaccination, or of an exemption to the college.

Section 1 is self-explanatory, despite its clear privacy violations. However, s. 2 is more problematic. It permits the College to demand proof that the medical professional has been vaccinated. There is no reason for this other than to empower the College to deny the right to practice if the medical professional is not vaccinated. I can see no other reason for demanding proof that the person has been vaccinated, as opposed to proof of vaccinated status. The former says yes or no, the latter requires proof. I think that there is more here than we have been told.


Support Local Credit Unions B.C. Interior Savings Credit Union

As a Freedom Fighter, are you aware that you are now considered a “Domestic Terrorist” by our Canadian Federal Government?

To end the Trucker’s Convoy in Ottawa, Christia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, instructed FINTRAC (Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada) to view all Freedom groups, including anyone associated with them, as TERRORISTS. This allowed for widespread bank-account seizures of law-abiding citizens.

While we know the banks are corrupt and in bed with the Government, Credit Unions are member-owned and should function more independently to protect their members’ best interests. They did not.

However, for the short-term, small Credit Unions are the safest banks for cash. But we need to communicate with the Board of Directors to find out where they stand. Right now.

Interior Savings Credit Union is having their Election for four Board of Directors until April 6/22. If you are an ISCU member, take the time to send each candidate the following questions and see what their responses look like. At the very least, they will be made aware that members are informed and concerned about ISCU’s trustworthiness as a financial institution. Go to and click to vote in order to view the candidates’ profiles. Here are the questions we should email to every single candidate:

  1. Do you believe that FINTRAC (Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada) has a right to freeze the accounts of member-owners of ISCU?
  2. Do you believe that FINTRAC’s actions over the last two months against Canadians who have stood up against discrimination is right and justified?
  3. How will you protect the right to financial privacy for ALL of your ISCU members, no matter what their race, language or gender is, or what their personal choices are with regards to their religion, sexual orientation or medical choices may be?
  4. Are you aware that at least two ISCU branches implemented discriminatory forced-masking policies this past year, refusing entry and service to share-holders who did not wear masks?
  5. Do you realize that the managers of these branches can be held personally liable and can possibly face criminal charges for their actions?

List of Candidates:

  1. Karri Brinnen email: Tel: 250-826-3775
  2. Ken Christian email: Tel: 778-257-0898
  3. Don Grant email: Tel: 250-718-6937
  4. Caroline Grover email: Tel: 250-300-4757
  5. Gordon Kirkwood email: Tel: 204-792-4328
  6. Daphane Nelson email: Tel: 250-852-0939
  7. Laura Thurnheer email: Tel: 250-575-6377

If anyone gives you an answer that you like, make the effort to vote for them before April 6, 2022.


Freedom Rallies

April 2, 2022

Kelowna Freedom Rally

12:00 noon Stuart Park

Featured Speakers:

Marcus Ray The importance of hope
Lori and James – serving
A4C Notices of Liability


April 2, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!


April 2, 2022 12:00 noon,

Oliver Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


April 2, 2022 12:00 noon,

Osoyoos Convoy/Freedom Gathering

1:00 p.m. Road #2

Convoy leaves Vernon at 9:30 a.m.


April 3, 2022

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!


Move To Canada GIF


Planet Lockdown: Update on Truckers Protests in Canada and the U.S.



Hi this is James Patrick, bringing you an update on the Trucker Convoys of Canada and the US.

As many of you know a peaceful convoy of truckers descended upon Ottawa to protest the vaccine mandate in Canada. Truckers who have to drive goods back and forth over the US / Canadian boarder were required to be vaccinated or loose their livelihoods.

One particularly insane edict issued by Canada last year mandated that by November 30th, a Canadian had to be vaccinated to EXIT Canada! Trapped in their own country like in the Soviet Union, vaccination proof was required to enter a bus, train, plane and Canadian boarder guards require vaccine proof to drive out of Canada, their supposedly free country! As a result central American countries like Mexico and Nicaragua were innundated with Canadians that fled their country to before November 30th, 2021. What has the world come to that we have vaccine refugees! And why is the media praising such authoritarian madness? People need to wake up and stop complying immediately or the actions of those running the show will only get more brazen and murderous.

So back to the Truckers. The convoy arrived to Ottawa, Trudeau disappeared for 5 or more days with memes swirling making fun of him. He refused to even meet and discuss anything with the Truckers and slandered them as racists, misogynists and bigots. As a side note: this has become too often today, people blocking one another and not dealing with each other face to face due to cell phones and social media. It’s so important to deal with one another and grow from the challenges it brings. We don’t grow unless we face our fears!


After a week Trudeau called for an end to the protests and after two weeks he declared a state of national emergency and called in the thugs to put an end to the protests. Police and what looked like mercenaries descended upon the peaceful protests and conducted mass arrests. Most of the trucks were stolen from the truckers and the mayor of Ottawa announced they would be auctioning off the trucks to pay the city’s expenses the shutdown caused. So the city racks up bills and blames the truckers for shutting down the city around the Parliament building? What about all the bankruptcies caused by the unending covid restrictions? Can government vehicles be stolen and auctioned off to pay for all the loss of livelihoods that caused? Not a chance.

The Canadian federal government went further and froze bank accounts of the truckers. 39 Canadian truck companies involved with the protests were shut down and those who donated through GoFundMe were warned that they would be investigated for funding terrorism. The $8M donated through the site was frozen and GoFundMe said it would donate the funds to different charities and later backtracked and returned the money to the donors. What Cowards! Planet Lockdown also had our GoFundMe closed back in early 2021 after a month of operations. $8,000 was donated until we had our account closed with no reason at all was given. We just received some amorphous message. Most of these tech companies are just cowards. They politicize everything and stand for nothing but false mottos. It’s times like these that real brave men and women shine while those that go along with the narrative prove their spineless servitude to evil.

While all this was going down a US trucker convoy was forming called the Freedom Convoy. They vowed to descend on Washington DC and lock it down. Over a two week period they crossed the country and got closer to DC. They noticed that advanced military surveillance aircraft was following the convoy across the country, which is a total violation of posse comitatus, utilizing military measures against the domestic population. The US Freedom Convoy saw the chaos and confiscation of trucks that occurred in Canada and worried the same would occur to their convoy so decided upon a different strategy. They encamped 90 minutes outside of the city in Hagerstown Maryland at the Speedway and had many discussions with law enforcement to make sure they wouldn’t run afoul of the law. They were told if they entered DC they would all be arrested so the decided to not enter the city, but circle the beltway everyday, driving the slowest legal speed limit. The police have responded by closing exits around the capitol building which caused intense traffic as well. They just departed DC on their way to California to oppose one of the harshest covid bills proposed that would strip us of all freedoms. Their press release is attached.

I visited the convoy within the first 3 days of them arriving DC and interviewed 5 of the truckers. Here are 4 of the interviews with them:

The People’s Convoy | Trucker Interview: Mike

The People’s Convoy | Former Army Ranger: Samuel

The People’s Convoy | Trucker Interview: Nate

The People’s Convoy | Trucker Interview: Jeremy



Please donate to our ongoing interview series…..

Upcoming interviews to release: Astrid Stuckelberger, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough and Scott Jensen Update!

Please consider joining the cause and making a donation using credit or debit card, or cryto.

Slow Crawl from Hamilton to Caister Centre to Support Truckers’ Freedom Rally

Slow Crawl from Hamilton to Caister Centre to Support Truckers’ Freedom Rally

HAMILTON, Saturday, March 26, 2022.Fantastic Slow Crawl from Eastgate Mall, Hamilton to Caister Centre. About 200 vehicles. Moving barbecue and fellowship. Here’s the crane that hoisted the Canadian flag for a month at the Ottawa rally, with the national anthem and a prayer. The Fake News media never shared that information. That would contradict the Deep State fear propaganda of “violence”, |”neo-Nazis” and “sedition”. These are decent working class Canadians upset at the theft of their jobs and their freedoms.

Canadian Veteran James Topp Is Walking Across Canada to Protest the Freedom Crunching Mandates

If you only consumed your news from the legacy media, you would have no idea that Canadian Armed Forces veteran James Topp is walking from Vancouver to Ottawa to protest the government’s mandates.

Here at True North, we’ve been covering Topp’s journey from the very beginning.

This week, Topp crossed into Alberta from British Columbia via the Crowsnest Pass, completing the first 1000km of his protest march.

Topp launched his 4200km journey from the Terry Fox monument at B.C. Place in Vancouver on Feb. 20 and plans to reach the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the nation’s capital in June.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, read my latest report on Topp’s march to Ottawa here.

Paul, I believe Canadians should be aware of Topp’s ambitious mission. This is why I’m telling his story on True North.
Why isn’t the legacy media covering this story?

The reality is the majority of legacy media outlets in Canada receive millions in government handouts courtesy of the Trudeau government.

In order to cover Topp’s story, legacy media outlets would have to acknowledge the inconvenient facts of the government’s mandates.

So-called journalists in the legacy media refuse to criticize or even question the government out of fear that their funding could be pulled. 

This isn’t right. How can a media outlet be fair and critical when they’re in the pockets of the government? I don’t believe they can. 

This is why True North is so important.

We tell the other side of the story – and we don’t receive government handouts.

Thank you,
Harley Sims Editor & Civil Liberties Reporter