Freedom Events in the Okanagan, August 18 – September 2, 2023


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter


–      Rallies and local events

–      Petition in Support of Natural Health Products

–  Support Premier Higgs – Petition

–  Life After Vaccine Injury


–      Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 54 – Hold the Line Book Tour

–      Druthers The July and August editions at our rallies! Donations are always appreciated.

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FAMILY FREEDOM EVENTS – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.


Thank you to all the AMAZING folks that keep FREEDOM alive. Mary Lou is away for a few weeks and is so happy others have stepped in to keep our Sunday’s a Freedom Day. ~ thank you!!!

With holidays and other conflicts in dates, we will not have an official emcee this Sunday at the rally. Elsie and several regulars will be there, and the sound system will be too. So, step right up and share the news with each other. And if one of you wants to take the lead at the mic, do a little prep beforehand by checking the updates in our email, and share progress on ongoing projects such as NCI and NHPPA actions to deregulate natural products, please go ahead.

Now being held at Lakawanna Park during the summer months

Moving to Lakawanna Park for the summer gives our events a more family-friendly name and environment as part of reaching out to the community around us. Lots of families at the beach. Lots of folks are out strolling.

Laureen’s table with important information and a petition to end BCs Bill 36.

Elsie’s table with Druthers newspapers, Vaccine Choice Canada handouts and more, for parents and curious others.

Local speakers always, and Surprise Guest Speakers frequently!

And sometimes… wait for it… Derrick’s mobile freedom billboard!


Please arrive early (12:30) to help set up the stage and the tables, and to invite passers-by to join us.

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.  Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————-  OTHERS’ EVENTS   ·      Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna  ·       
Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. ·       
Local A4C – Every Tuesday at Noon Protesting with Purpose: Richard Cannings 301 Main Street Penticton ·        
Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately. ——————————————- o0o————————————————-   EVENTS    Kelowna September 2ndimage.png

——————————- o0o————————————-   Action of the Week
Petition in Support of Natural Health Products
The Federal Conservative Party of Canada has issued a petition in support of Natural Health Products. They have taken a strong stance against Health Canada, whose clear purpose is to bankrupt the NHP industry and eliminate all the ‘alternative” Natural Medicine Practitioners who rely on NHP’s. Please consider signing and sharing widely:

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Support Premier Higgs  
Premier Higgs has supported keeping parents involved in the lives of their children when it comes to life-altering decisions, such as changing their gender identity. Please sign this petition in support of Hon. Blaine Higgs in his stand for parents in New Brunswick.
  ——————————- o0o————————————-   WORTH A LOOK    image.png
Life After Vaccine Injury
Insights To Move Forward – Mama Bears interview with Ted Kuntz (25:31) 

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From BC Solidarity Movement

Well, what do you know? Maybe some of us weren’t that crazy after all… Had to do some research on this one as it’s not easily available on the Government of Canada website. However, we are attaching some of the links you can look up to get more information.  This link takes you to the site directly. They are working in conjunction with the Public Health Agency of Canada and RCGT Consulting Inc. Had to do some research on that last company but they are legit and being employed by the government. See the following links for more info.

Go to the Government of Canada website. Type in Vaccine Injury Support and you will get a multitude of options. (This one is a great read regarding the Canadian Armed Forces!

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 Are you on their list?

Freedom Rising is a successful Canada-wide initiative where leaders across the country have met for the past two years to strengthen the efforts of individuals, organizations, independent media, and citizen journalists. As a result, hundreds of individuals and groups are working together more collaboratively and effectively. We are excited to announce that BC Rising has been created for leaders to facilitate a similar type of momentum right here in our beloved province of British Columbia. 

BC Rising will strive to embrace the efforts and values of the nationwide Freedom Rising, with the intention to build connections across the province of BC and to focus on issues and initiatives specific to BC. 

Sign up and be INFORMED!!


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Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue Issue 54 – Hold the Line Book Tour


This newsletter is now delivered only every 2 weeks~ Life is meant to be enjoyed and summer is the time to do it!

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Phew, we did it! We made another powerful issue of Druthers and printed another 250,000 copies, because of all your love and support. THANK YOU. A few of the important topics in this month’s paper:
• UNDRIP – The U.N.’s plan to take our lands. Remember, we are supposedly going to own nothing and be happy.
• COUTTS BOYS – Many Canadians still are unaware of these 4 men in Alberta who are being held as political prisoners from the Freedom Convoy. They are still being held in a remand centre well over 500 days now! • 1884 – Take a look at this famous story and see how it parallels what we are seeing in the world today.
• THE MEDIA RECIPE – Learn how to recognize the long time formula the media uses to manipulate & mislead us.
• MAJOR SCANDAL – It was recently discovered that 74% of all sudden deaths were vaccine-related. Wow. Get all your loved ones reading this!
• 15 MINUTE CITIES & THE METAVERSE – Have a peek at what life in the future may be like if the globalists have their way with us.
• PROPHESIES OF A RUSSIAN DEFECTOR – Exploring the long-game plan to disassemble America and rebuild it with a totalitarian government. • CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING – A first-hand account of a journalist who dug a little deeper than ‘they’ wanted him to. >> GO TO FUNDRAISING PAGE  
Read August Issue Online. Pick up the July edition Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t.    The online edition appears before the print edition and the printed version of the August issue will not likely arrive in the Okanagan until mid-August. The link above is for the September edition. As a former newsletter publisher, I am very familiar with production cycles and the need to finance each production before you hit the presses. Our contribution from funds raised at our rallies for the August issue was only $100.   We urge you to drop a few dollars in the Druthers box at our rallies each week. The price of a Tim’s or Starbuck’s take-out latte each week would make a huge difference to the number of copies that can be printed.   DRUTHERS was able to print an extra 5,000 copies for the Okanagan because of our Penticton4Freedom donations to the June edition ($500), but continuing support is needed to keep the paper coming. Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing and distributing Druthers copies in your area.                                                                                            Mary Lou Read DRUTHERS

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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.

And receive lots of ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) (if you want them) 

A Huge Thank You goes out to Gina, for putting together the weekly P4F newsletter and making sure it shows up in your inbox every week.

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


CAFE & Canadian Nationalist Patriots Protest Race Huckters Whose Bullying Led to Toronto Principal’s Death

Gus Stefanis alongside Paul Fromm and his Canadian Association for Free Expression supporters (About CAFE protested the KOJO institute August 18th 2023.

KOJO institute Anti-Racism instructor Kike Ojo-Thompson (Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Consultancy – KOJO Institute consulted Toronto Principal Richard Bilkszto before his suicide.

‘Your Job in This Work as White People Is to Believe,’ DEI Instructor Tells Principal Who Later Committed Suicide…

Former Toronto principal accused of ‘white supremacy’ during ‘diversity training’ commits suicide – Rebel News…

What Anti-Racism Instructor Told Toronto Principal Richard Bilkszto Before His Suicide

We surprised them with our presence and gave them hell with the megaphone!

Please Subscribe and Like the video on the YouTube channel!

Paul Fromm protests KOJO institute Aug 18th 2023

Support our efforts with donations!

We are not a registered political Party with Elections Canada right now so we can’t issue tax receipts.

You can etransfer to:

or send cash and cheque to:
Gus Stefanis
PO Box 55588 Cedar Heights
Scarborough, On M1H 3G7

I can also accept credit card here:

Thank you,

Gus Stefanis
Canadian Nationalist Patriots

An English Rose not a Dutch TULIP

  Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, August 18, 2023

An English Rose not a Dutch TULIP

The Church of England and the other national Churches descended from her is a Reformed Catholic Church.   From the English Reformation on Anglicans have disagreed among themselves as to which word should be stressed.   High Churchmen stress the Catholic, Low Churchmen stress the Reformed.  I am a High Churchman and stress the Catholicity of the Anglican Church.   By this I do not mean that I stress what the Anglican Church has in common with the Roman Church, but what the Anglican Church shares with all the Churches organically descended from the first Church in Jerusalem – the Catholic faith confessed in the ancient Creeds especially the Nicene-Constantinopolitan, the Apostolic government and priesthood, the Gospel Sacraments, liturgical worship, and the doctrines, practices, customs and traditions that are the heritage of all Christians in all Churches.    Now Anglican High Churchmanship underwent a change in the nineteenth century due to the Oxford or Tractarian Movement of the 1830s.   The pre-Tractarian High Churchmen generally called themselves “Orthodox”, did not regard the English Reformation as a regrettable mistake, had no problem identifying as Protestant as well as Catholic, and had little to no interest in reintroducing practices jettisoned in the English Reformation, let alone new ones that Rome had introduced in the Council of Trent.   After the Oxford Movement many High Churchmen preferred the term “Anglo-Catholic”, saw the English Reformation as something to be regretted, avoided the term Protestant, and introduced liturgical reforms based on Rome’s Tridentine model.   Although my own High Churchmanship is far closer to that of the older pre-Tractarian model, I don’t agree with the judgement that a certain school of Low Churchmen have been making as of late that the Oxford Movement was a disastrous betrayal of Anglicanism.   I think that despite a tendency among some of the Tractarians to embrace as Catholic what was merely Roman, the reverse error of the Hyper-Protestants who reject as Roman what is truly Catholic, the Oxford Movement was overall more for the good than otherwise.

In saying that the Anglican Church is Reformed Catholic I do not mean that it is a compromise between Catholicism and Protestantism, a middle ground that is neither the one nor the other, which is the image that the familiar expression via media unfortunately tends to conjure up.   The Anglican tradition is both fully Protestant and fully Catholic.   It is however a via media within both Protestantism and Catholicism.   The Anglican expression of Catholicism is not entirely that of the Roman Church nor that of the Eastern Orthodox but is somewhere between the two.   Our Episcopal hierarchical structure is closer to that of the Eastern Orthodox, for example, but we confess the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed with the filioque clause.   As a via media within Protestantism, it is often said that Anglicanism is a via media between Wittenberg and Geneva, meaning between the Lutheran and Calvinist expressions of Protestantism.   I don’t think anybody would be foolish enough to think us closer to Zurich.  

That brings me to the topic of this essay, which is another claim made by the same school of Low Churchmen referred to in the first paragraph.   In my last essay which was on the topic of Hyper-Protestantism I addressed certain similarities between this school and the Hyper-Protestants.   Here I wish to address their claim that true Anglicanism is not just Protestant generally, but Reformed in the sense of the specific form of Protestant theology that the word Reformed denotes in denominational titles such as Dutch Reformed or Reformed Baptist.   That type of theology is often called Calvinist, although this is misleading, and it is usually contrasted with Arminianism, which is even more misleading, and most misleading of all it is claimed that Arminianism is a close relative of Romanism.   Why these things are misleading will become clear when I give some background history to Reformed theology.   First, however, I clarify that what I will be arguing against is the claim that the Articles of Religion, which in their final form were adopted by the Church of England in 1571 as part of the Elizabethan Settlement, are distinctly Calvinist, not as opposed to Arminianism which did not exist in 1571, but as opposed to Lutheranism.    While this claim has some validity when it comes to the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, it is completely false when it comes to soteriology which is where our focus will be, and is utterly laughable when it comes to any other topic.

Thomas Cranmer, who was consecrated and installed as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1533 during the reign of Henry VIII was the principal leader of the English Reformation until the reign of Mary in which he was removed from office and executed.   An even more conservative Reformer than Dr. Luther, at the beginning of the English Reformation he was a Christian humanist of the same type as Erasmus and his reforms took the Patristic period rather than what was going on in continental Protestantism as their model.   Over the course of his career he became more influenced by the continental Protestants, at first the German Lutherans, then towards the end of his life, the Calvinists.   When, after the brief interruption of the English Reformation during the reign of Mary, Elizabeth I acceded the throne, the English Reformation took an even more conservative turn.   In 1559 she ordered the Black Rubric excised from the Book of Common Prayer.   This had been inserted into the Order for Holy Communion in the second Edwardian Prayer Book (1552) as an attempt at compromise between Scottish Calvinist Reformer John Knox’s argument that Communion should be received sitting and Cranmer’s conservative defence of kneeling, but it ended up more radical than either Cranmer or Knox, by asserting the Zwinglian view of the Sacrament (mere memorialism).   When it was eventually re-inserted into the Prayer Book it was in the Restoration edition (1662) and with the Zwinglian language excised.   In 1563, Archbishop Matthew Parker led Convocation in revising the Forty-Two Articles of Religion that Cranmer had drafted towards the end of Edward’s reign.   After a few more tweaks they become the Thirty-Nine Articles of 1571.   The Article on the Lord’s Supper excludes both the Roman doctrine of Transubstantiation and Zwinglian memorialism.   While what it affirms sounds closer to Calvin’s view than any other continental Reformer, it needs to be compared with how the same Article read in the Forty-Two Articles.   Language that specifically excluded the Lutheran view was omitted from the final version.   That language reads:

Forasmuch as the truth of man’s nature requires that the body of one and the self-same man cannot be at one time in diverse places, but must needs be in some one certain place, the body of Christ cannot be present at one time in many and diverse places. Because (as Holy Scripture does teach) Christ was taken up into heaven, and there shall continue unto the end of the world, a faithful man ought not, either to believe or openly to confess the real and bodily presence (as they term it) of Christ’s flesh and blood in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

These words explicitly state the Calvinist position and include the reasoning that is the basis of the Lutheran accusation that Calvinists are crypto-Nestorians.   They were excised from the final version that became cemented as the official Anglican doctrine in the Elizabethan Settlement.   In their place was put the following:

The Body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten, in the Supper, only after an heavenly and spiritual manner. And the mean whereby the Body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper is Faith.

The result was that in the Thirty-Nine Articles, Article XXVIII  (it was Article XXIX in the Forty-Two Articles) either a) affirmed a milder, more watered down, version of the Calvinist doctrine or b) was deliberately made ambiguous enough to allow for both Lutheran and Calvinist interpretations and exclude only the Roman and Zwinglian.   The overall tenour of the Elizabethan Settlement, which was to minimize divisive stances so as to maintain peace in the realm and Church, and the fact that if Parker et al. wished the Article to endorse the Calvinist position over the Lutheran they could have left it unedited, suggests that b) is the correct understanding here.

It was during the reign of Elizabeth that a decidedly Calvinist element arose in the English Church that called for reforms that greatly exceeded those of the Settlement.   These are historically remembered as the Puritans and towards the end of Elizabeth’s reign Richard Hooker provided an Anglican answer to their arguments, especially as expressed by Thomas Cartwright, in his Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie.   In the Jacobean and Carolinian reigns, the next generation of Puritans became more extreme both in their Calvinism and their demands.   They accused Orthodox Churchmen like Bishop Lancelot Andrewes, who oversaw the translation of the Authorized Bible in King James I’s reign, and Archbishop of Canterbury William Laud, of Arminianism for opposing their excessive preaching of predestination although it is highly unlikely that either man, both of whom tended to ignore contemporary theologians of narrow schools in favour of the Church fathers, was influenced much or at all by Jacob Arminius and his followers.   They also accused the same of being closet papists.   Here we see the first instance of this Calvinist linking of Arminianism with Romanism that has resurfaced in the contemporary school that I am addressing.   The second accusation was also ludicrous.   Andrewes, in his responses to Cardinal Bellarmine, and Laud in his published Conversation with the Jesuit Fischer, were the closest thing the Church of England had to the scholastics who had arisen in the Lutheran and Reformed Churches (think Johann Gerhard and Martin Chemnitz for the Lutherans, Zacharias Ursinus and Francis Turretin for the Reformed) to answer the new arguments from a new generation of Roman apologists such as said Cardinal Bellarmine who were armed with the re-articulation of Roman doctrine that had come out of the Council of Trent.   At any rate, the Puritans became so extreme that they, having taken control of Parliament, fought a civil war against King Charles I, captured, illegally tried, and murdered him, then established an interregnum under the protectorate of the tyrannical Oliver Cromwell who in his quest to rob the English people of all joy cancelled Christmas and Easter, shut down the theatres, outlawed games, sports, and other amusements outside of religious services on Sundays (the only day of the week people weren’t working), stripped the Churches of artwork and organs, imposed a legalism that out-Phariseed the Pharisees, and basically did everything in his power to prove H. L. Mencken right when he defined Puritanism as “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy”.   Their revolt against their king would become the inspiration towards the end of the next century of the French Revolution which in turn became the model for all subsequent Communist revolutions.   Since the Puritanical party in Parliament became the Whigs after the Restoration and Puritanism in North America developed into the Yankee culture of New England, Puritanism can be said to be the source of the major evils of the Modern Age – liberalism, Americanism, and Communism.   Whether consciously or not, the Puritan revolt against King Charles I was itself modelled after an earlier such revolt.   As Dr. Johnson put it “the first Whig was the devil”.

After the Restoration, which was when the British, sick to death of Puritanism, restored Charles II to his rightful throne, and restored the Church of England to the pre-Puritan status quo, the Puritan Calvinists divided among themselves into the Nonconformists, those unwilling to accept the restored Church of England who left and formed schismatic sects, and those for whom the restored Church of England was acceptable, who became the first Low Churchmen or as they were called at the time, Evangelicals (this was one of the first, if not the first, use of this term with a narrower sense than “Protestant”).   In the eighteenth century, Arminian Low Churchmen first began to appear due to the influence of John Wesley, and these introduced a new emphasis on experience into Evangelicalism.   The embrace of strict, academic, Reformed theology by many evangelicals in the Twentieth Century is, perhaps, a reaction to what became an over-emphasis on experience in the revivalist heritage of evangelicalism, and what we are seeing in this new school of Low Church Calvinism may be the Anglican expression of this phenomenon.

Their claim that Anglicanism in her Articles of Religion is specifically Reformed in the sense of Calvinist is not born out by an examination of the Articles.   It is also rather anachronistic because what they mean by Reformed theology or Calvinism had not yet been formulated in the way we know it today at the time the Articles received royal assent.   This may seem a strange thing to say, since John Calvin died in 1564, but what is called Calvinism today was formulated over sixty years after his death in response to a dissenting movement that had arisen within the Reformed tradition.   Theodore Beza, Calvin’s prize pupil and his successor in Geneva, had articulated a version of the doctrine of predestination that anyone with an ounce of humanity had to reject.   Impiously inquiring into the secret counsels of God, which is arrogant and forbidden to humanity, he had come up with the doctrine of supralapsarianism.   That is a big word that basically means that God first chose people to damn to hell, then decided to let them fall into sin so He would have grounds to damn them.  In 1582 – eleven years after the Articles of Religion – a Dutch Reformed student by the name of Jakob Hermanszoon, better known by the Latin version of his name Jacob Arminius, came to Geneva to study under Beza.   Later that decade he was ordained a pastor in Amsterdam and was asked by the Ecclesiastical Council there to defend Beza’s doctrine of supralapsarianism against Dirck Coornhert who had rejected it.   Arminius attempted to do this but found that he could not honestly do so and began to develop a modified form of Reformed theology that emphasized free will rather than predestination.   He died in 1609 and the following year, the year before the Authorized Bible was published in England, his followers published The Five Articles of Remonstrance, stating their views on election, predestination, and free will.   In 1618, the Dutch Reformed Church convened the Synod of Dort to answer this document and the following year published its Canons, of which there were five, one for each Article of Remonstrance.   These have ever since been called the Five Points of Calvinism and are usually placed in a slightly different order than they appear in the Canons of Dort so as to make the acronym TULIP – Total Depravity (or Inability), Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints.

Just in case you failed to pick up on that, the five points regarded as definitive of Calvinism today, were formulated in 1618-1619 in response to Arminianism, itself a response to supralapsarianism, a doctrine first taught by Calvin’s successor rather than Calvin himself.   Arminianism, therefore, rather than being a “sister of Romanism”, is most closely related within the various schools of Christian theology, to Calvinism itself.   Calvinism versus Arminianism, is an in-the-family dispute within the Reformed branch of Protestantism.   Calvinism and Arminianism disagree on all five points – that is kind of the point – although in other areas, they are closer to each other, than to any other form of Christianity, including the other Protestant traditions.   The five points also separate Calvinism from the other Protestant traditions.

Before looking at our Anglican Articles note how Lutheranism and Calvinism, agree and disagree on these matters.   Lutheranism and Calvinism are both monergistic (salvation is entirely the work of God not a cooperative effort between God and the one being saved) and Augustinian, and so both can affirm the first point of Calvinism at least if it is understood as the Augustinian concept of Original Sin, that the Fall so affected human nature as to make man utterly helpless in the matter of his own salvation and dependent utterly on the Grace of God.   Calvinists sometimes elaborate this in ways other Christians cannot affirm, such as claiming that the Image of God was wiped out by Original Sin.  Lutherans can also affirm unconditional election, but they reject double predestination which includes the concept of reprobation (predestination to hell) which Calvinism affirms.   So there is agreement between Lutheranism and Calvinism on one and a half points of Calvinism.   On the other points there is disagreement.   Lutherans most definitely do not believe in Limited Atonement – it conflicts with their understanding of the Gospel as a proclamation of Objective Justification accomplished for all human beings in Christ, that each human being must receive by faith for it to be validated as his own Subjective Justification.   Nor do they believe in Irresistible Grace.   God’s will, when worked through His Own power directly, is irresistible, but when God works through intermediate means, other wills can resist His own.   In the case of salvation, the salvation God accomplished for the world in Jesus Christ is brought to individuals through the intermediate means of the Gospel, which in both forms, Word and Sacrament, has in itself sufficient Grace to produce faith in the human heart, but because that Grace is conveyed through intermediate means, it is resistible rather than irresistible.   If someone believes it is entirely due to the Grace in the Gospel, he adds nothing of his own to it, if someone remains in unbelief, this is entirely due to his own resistance, and there is no answer, no simple one at any rate, to the question of cur alii, alii non (why some, not others).   On Perseverance both Lutherans and Calvinists affirm that the elect will persevere to the end and receive final salvation, but Calvinists combine this with the concept of perpetual justification – that after one is initially justified, this justification persists and is not lost through subsequent sin, a doctrine that among Baptists and Plymouth Brethren is often affirmed without Perseverance – and Lutherans do not, teaching that someone who commits Mortal Sin after initial justification loses it until he repents and is forgiven.

So where do our Articles stand on all of this?

Well, unsurprisingly the only points directly addressed are the first two, on which Lutherans and Calvinists mostly agree.   Articles IX and X, “Of Original or Birth Sin” and “Of Free-Will” respectively, affirm the Augustinian view of these things against the Pelagian.   Article XVII is entitled “Of Predestination and Election”.   Here it is in its entirety:

Predestination to Life is the everlasting purpose of God, whereby (before the foundations of the world were laid) he hath constantly decreed by his counsel secret to us, to deliver from curse and damnation those whom he hath chosen in Christ out of mankind, and to bring them by Christ to everlasting salvation, as vessels made to honour. Wherefore, they which be endued with so excellent a benefit of God be called according to God’s purpose by his Spirit working in due season: they through Grace obey the calling: they be justified freely: they be made sons of God by adoption: they be made like the image of his only-begotten Son Jesus Christ: they walk religiously in good works, and at length, by God’s mercy, they attain to everlasting felicity.

As the godly consideration of Predestination, and our Election in Christ, is full of sweet, pleasant, and unspeakable comfort to godly persons, and such as feel in themselves the working of the Spirit of Christ, mortifying the works of the flesh, and their earthly members, and drawing up their mind to high and heavenly things, as well because it doth greatly establish and confirm their faith of eternal Salvation to be enjoyed through Christ, as because it doth fervently kindle their love towards God: So, for curious and carnal persons, lacking the Spirit of Christ, to have continually before their eyes the sentence of God’s Predestination, is a most dangerous downfall, whereby the Devil doth thrust them either into desperation, or into wretchlessness of most unclean living, no less perilous than desperation.

Furthermore, we must receive God’ s promises in such wise, as they be generally set forth to us in holy Scripture: and, in our doings, that Will of God is to be followed, which we have expressly declared unto us in the Word of God.

Note there is no affirmation of Reprobation in this Article.   Lutherans as well as Calvinists can confess it.   Indeed, the second paragraph can almost be taken as an affirmation of the Lutheran understanding of the doctrine against the Calvinist.   Compare what it says about the doctrine being a comfort for the godly and not something to be excessively and indiscriminately preached because it can have a deleterious effect on the ungodly with Article XI of the Formula of Concord.   Paragraph 89 of the Solid Declaration of that Article reads:

Moreover, this doctrine gives no one a cause either for despondency or for a shameless, dissolute life, namely, when men are taught that they must seek eternal election in Christ and His holy Gospel, as in the Book of Life, which excludes no penitent sinner, but beckons and calls all the poor, heavy-laden, and troubled sinners [who are disturbed by the sense of God’s wrath], to repentance and the knowledge of their sins and to faith in Christ, and promises the Holy Ghost for purification and renewal, 90 and thus gives the most enduring consolation to all troubled, afflicted men, that they know that their salvation is not placed in their own hands,-for otherwise they would lose it much more easily than was the case with Adam and Eve in paradise, yea, every hour and moment,-but in the gracious election of God, which He has revealed to us in Christ, out of whose hand no man shall pluck us, John 10:28; 2 Tim. 2:19.

Limited Atonement (or Particular Redemption), the idea that Jesus died only for the elect is not affirmed in the Thirty-Nine Articles, and indeed, Limited Atonement contradicts both Articles II and XXXI.   Article II, which is about the “Word or Son of God, which was made very Man” ends with the affirmation that He “truly suffered, was crucified, dead and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for all actual sins of men” and Article XXXI, “Of the one Oblation of Christ finished upon the Cross” reads:

The Offering of Christ once made is that perfect redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction, for all the sins of the whole world, both original and actual; and there is none other satisfaction for sin, but that alone. Wherefore the sacrifices of Masses, in the which it was commonly said, that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, were blasphemous fables, and dangerous deceits.

There is no affirmation of Irresistible Grace (or Effectual Calling for Calvinists who are allergic to TULIPs) in the Articles and it is not consistent with the language used of the Sacraments in Article XXV:

Sacraments ordained of Christ be not only badges or tokens of Christian men’s profession, but rather they be certain sure witnesses, and effectual signs of grace, and God’s good will towards us, by the which he doth work invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and confirm our Faith in him.

Remember, Grace that is conveyed through intermediate means is Grace that can be resisted.    Now, for the final petal in the TULIP, let us turn to Article XVI “Of Sin After Baptism”.  This Article reads:

Not every deadly sin willingly committed after Baptism is sin against the Holy Ghost, and unpardonable. Wherefore the grant of repentance is not to be denied to such as fall into sin after Baptism. After we have received the Holy Ghost, we may depart from grace given, and fall into sin, and by the grace of God we may arise again, and amend our lives. And therefore they are to be condemned, which say, they can no more sin as long as they live here, or deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent.

The language here strongly suggests the Lutheran position without explicitly affirming it against the Calvinist.   Note the words “deadly sin willingly committed after Baptism”.   This is the concept of Mortal Sin as it is understood in Lutheran theology.   Calvinist theology does not allow for a concept of Mortal Sin which is probably why the expression is avoided.   The possibility of departing from grace is affirmed, although in such a way that it is only the heresy of those who say that once you become a Christian you cannot sin again that can be definitely said  to be denied here rather than the Calvinist doctrine of perpetual justification.   What is most strongly affirmed, that repentance and forgiveness are available to those who sin after Baptism, is believed by all orthodox Christians, and what is condemned, earthly sinless perfectionism and the unavailability of forgiveness, are ideas asserted only by the looniest of wing-nuts.   Overall, the Article reads as a statement of the Lutheran view, worded carefully so as not to offend Calvinists.

From what we have just seen, those who would say that the Articles of Religion are Reformed in the sense of Calvinist as opposed to Lutheran, are clearly in the wrong when it comes to soteriology.   The Articles lean Lutheran, but in such a way as to not exclude Calvinists.  On the Lord’s Supper, they lean Calvinist, but in such a way as to not exclude Lutherans.   On Church government they are clearly not Calvinist – they affirm the Episcopal government shared by every Church everywhere before the sixteenth century, retained by the Anglican Church and by some Lutherans.   On the very matter of deciding what from the pre-Reformation tradition can be retained and what must be jettisoned they affirm in Article XX the normative principle which they share with the Lutheran Augsburg Confession rather than the regulative principle of the Calvinists and Anabaptists.

Those Low Churchmen who think the only true Anglicans are Five Point Calvinists clearly haven’t got a clue what they are talking about. — Gerry T. Neal


The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents

Paul Fromm

Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994

     The Wrecking Crew Tries to Remake Canada 

 *  Trashing the history of Canada’s European founding/settler people

*   Toppling statues

*  Cancelling Canada Day

*   The new passport

Talk given in Hamilton, Ontario, August 6, and Toronto, Victoria, Regina, and Winnipeg

Lawyer John Rosen Convinces Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott to Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada

Lawyer John Rosen Convinces Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott to Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada

The old Supreme Court of Hungary located dowtown Budapest, close to the Danube River

Dear Friends,

After a discussion with my lawyer John Rosen, I have reluctantly decided to return to Canada to appeal my latest Ontario Court of Appeal decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Prime Minister Blackface (Left) and Justice Lorne Sossin he/him (Right) believe in gender ideology and despise freedom of speech.

To see Lorne Sossin’s he/his corrupt decision that will likely get him an appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada by Prime Minister Blackface himself go here: Advertisement

I was adament that appealing to the Supreme Court of Canada was a waste of time and that appealing to the Hungarian government for asylum as a persecuted Christian made sense, given my personal circumstances. (Prosecutor wants 18 months incarceration for a flyer that doesn’t likely violate any law in Hungary and definitely didn’t violate any law in Canada a few years ago.)

To see the flyer Justice Sossin he/him and his two fellow Trudeau appointees think might be hate speech of a sort that harms vulnerable homosexuals marching in the Toronto shame parade with silhouettes of Christ on their crotches by causing “emotional distress,” or that might have caused some Joe Sixpack to have feelings of “detestation, and villification” towards the pink speedo brigade after reading it go here:

Anyways, Mr. Rosen and his assistant lawyer, a young lady by the name of Mindy I think, countered that they can see “significant errors” in the judgment and that I really should appeal it. Looking at the flyer from the the point of view of common sense, according to how I see the world, I agree there are “significant errors” in the ruling. I actually see how a homosexual activist like Nick Mule’ could prejudice a judge or jury to find me guilty of so-called “hate speech,” but I don’t see how Mr. Mule’ can help a judge or jury come to an honest decision regarding my flyer’s legality.

Mr. Mule when under cross examination demonstrated that he could pick apart my sentences and photographs, deny what they actually communicate, and read all kinds of nasty motives into my literary work. The problem with this is Nick Mule’ is not me, and he cannot get into my head to read my motives. His idea that my flyer contains “tropes” to spread “hatred” is not true.

Even under intense scrutiny from the LGBT activist infectious disease specialist Mona Loutfy who discredited herself by being less than honest under cross examination, and who tried to mislead the court in her personal crusade to have me convicted of a “hate crime; it was found most of my flyer was substantially true (prevalence of hepatitis amongst homosexuals, prevalence of HPV of the rectum, etc….) and the parts that came up less than 100% accurate were only dated, (more homosexuals died of AIDS at an earlier age when I was a nurse than today thanks to modern anti-retrovirals that were not available when I was practicing); no evidence came out that I was lying (unlike the Crown’s infectious disease specialist).

Sadly, Mr. Mule’ and it seems the Ontario Appeal Court that ruled we need to hear from him, has no interest in the truth of my flyer. The truth won’t likely matter so much as the impugned motivations of alleged hatred and ill will that I am alleged to have, this will be discussed as the driver of my flyer. Advertisements Report this ad

To see the flyer that is heading to the Supreme Court of Canada go here:

However, Mr Rosen and Mindy weren’t looking at the appeal from the angle of Bill Whatcott’s common sense. They see significant legal and technical errors in the Ontario Court of Appeal judgment and they believe there is a good chance the Supreme Court will feel compelled to address these errors.

My initial thoughts, while listening to Mr. Rosen was, I didn’t actually care if there are appealable errors. The Supreme Court is very expensive and 100% of pro-family lawyers thought I was winning the 2013 Whatcott decision and they were wrong. Being out of Canada has it’s down moments. I don’t know Hungarian and I don’t quite know what to do here. If I elected to stay in Hungary and ask for asylum, there is no guarantee the Hungarian government will accept my claim and for months I would be compelled to reside in a somewhat spartan, semi secure, refugee centre. But the streets of Hungary are clean, you see no drug addicts, garbage, needles, etc… littering the capital city’s streets.

The streets of Hungary are safe everywhere, people seem more honest, and crime is much lower than in Canada. No Hungarian kids and almost no adults are identifying as homosexual, gender confused, bisexual or furry. Cancel culture doesn’t appear to be a thing here. You won’t lose your job for saying Bruce Jenner is a man. People here are normal and the past three weeks has convinced me the Canadian government, academia, justice system and media are actually really spiritually sick and corrupt.

Our media and government has a religious devotion to so-called harm reduction, critical race theory, gender ideology, climate alarmism, etc…. Our broken justice system likes to pontificate a false and harmful narrative that non-white criminals are chronic victims of systemic racism and therefore somehow merit ridiculously light sentences that fail victims and law abiding taxpayers. The false “harm reduction” narrative is an absolute disaster for Canadians. Overdoses have never been been more common, whole cities are being turned to garbage as junkies and discarded needles litter the streets, emergency wards are swamped with opiate and meth overdoses and normal patients suffer. Hungary and Singapore are testimonies that safe, clean streets, and normal people is possible. I have not seen a single drug addict shooting up on a sidewalk or dude in a dress demanding that I should call him a woman in either Budapest or Szeged.

Anyways, I thought God wanted me in Hungary and I prayed for His guidance in regards to this matter and when the negative decision came down from the Ontario Court of Appeal, I really thought God arranged for me to be in Hungary and that I am meant to live out the rest of my life here. But now I am confronted with new information. So, I prayed again, maybe God does want me to fight another round in our courts, though I have no confidence in their neutrality or sense of fairness when it comes to socially conservative Christians. Advertisements Report this ad

I talked to one of my long time friends and supporters in Vancouver. She appreciates John Rosen’s work on my case and offered to donate some money to the Supreme Court appeal, if I decided to come back and appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal decision. Mr. Rosen agreed to launch the appeal for $10,000 with an understanding there is no guarantee I can raise anything close to what an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada costs in the future. There really is no church, lobby group, legal group, etc… backing my court battle.

Most “respectable” Conservatives prefer to fight safer battles, such as gun control, Blackface’s insane spending habits, vaccine mandates, etc….. Those fights are all worthwhile, but Romans 1 and Leviticus 20 is clear God is opposed to homosexual perversion. It really is not about two consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom. The harm this sexual agenda has caused to children, our healthcare system, our education system and indeed to our civil liberties; not to mention truth its self, is tangible and severe. This Ontario Court of Appeal decision that I must go on trial again is clear evidence that speaking truthfully and in good faith about the LGBT agenda is fraught with serious and life altering risks. Truth is no longer a solid defense in Canada when it comes to so-called hate crime cases.

I am a controversial and less than perfect Prophet that has been given this calling. It really seems only God and a handful of loyal friends has walked with me through this long seven year trial. It also seems clear God has persevered me this far, but I have no answer how, and it often seems precarious, though He is faithful.

O God, you know my folly;
    the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you. Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me,
    O Lord God of hosts;
let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me,
    O God of Israel.
For it is for your sake that I have borne reproach,
    that dishonor has covered my face.
I have become a stranger to my brothers,
    an alien to my mother’s sons. For zeal for your house has consumed me,
    and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.
When I wept and humbled my soul with fasting,
    it became my reproach.
When I made sackcloth my clothing,
    I became a byword to them.
I am the talk of those who sit in the gate,
    and the drunkards make songs about me. But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord.
    At an acceptable time, O God,
    in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.”
Psalm 69:5-13

I will be back in Canada soon and if God so desires and enables it, we will see what happens when this case reaches the Supreme Court of Canada.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

“Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.2 Corinthians 7:1

Some Common Sense on the Globalists’ Radical Gender Ideology From the Christian Heritage Party

Some Common Sense on the Globalists’ Radical Gender Ideology From the Christian Heritage Party: Quit Whining and Do Something!

Tue, August 15, 2023   |   Author: Vicki Gunn   |   Volume 30    Issue 33 | Share: Gab | Facebook | Twitter   

Have you ever reacted to something you’ve read by thinking that everything you hear from that writer is negative . . . “This is wrong . . . That is wrong.” Always something to complain about. Is there nothing that the writer sees in this world that is happy, worth celebrating, or positive?

I understand that! When we look at the shape of our country, as far as the status of women and children, we tend to see a lot of problems: flawed laws; immoral laws; gender confusion; men entering women’s shelters with evil intent; the list goes on. The scary thing is that is only the topic of women and children. There is so much more in this country that Canadians should be aware of—must be aware of.

It would be really, really nice to say that all is well in Canada. We live in a perfect country . . . a little bit of heaven on earth.

But, wouldn’t that be denying reality? Wouldn’t it be like saying, “peace, peace, when there is no peace”? (Jeremiah 6:14)

When God looks at the condition of Canada . . . our Canada . . . the one for which we are stewards . . . does He say that things aren’t too bad? That His people should just live and let live? That His people should just cede the territory to Satan and keep a low profile while we’re here? Does He care about the roles of women and men?

Or does He look at His past words, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him,” (Genesis 2:18) and wonder why the suitable helper is being tossed to the wolves? Why are men pretending to be women? Why can’t people define what a woman is? It’s not hard. God Himself clearly says that He created only two sexes, “…male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27) Why are our women and girls being hung out to dry by our ‘woke’ elected representatives and by those who aren’t standing up to protect them?

The loss of recognition of women’s distinct role in society, sadly, reflects a reversion to more primitive times when women were mere chattel. “What is a Woman?” is such a simple question. The proof is biological! Men and women are distinct, and there are only two options.

Yet, by confusing things and taking away women’s right to be distinct, our society has abandoned women. Yes, we can still vote, but we no longer have recognition of who we are or protection from those who seek to harm us.

Women who experience violence at the hands of their stronger partners have no truly safe place to go. There used to be women’s shelters, but today, these have been become bogged down in a culture war that allows biological men access to women’s shelters. We need only look to such examples as Cody D’Entremont, who entered a Windsor, ON, women’s shelter as a ‘trans’ and now is charged with sexually assaulting a woman there. Or perhaps Shane Green. Or perhaps Christopher Hambrook.

These were just the women’s shelter assaults that came up on a quick search. How many more are there? Women are tossed out as fodder to satisfy a myth that a biological male can become a woman. The only password needed is “trans.”

It’s time for women to stand up for women’s rights and the men who love them to stand up and protect their beloved wives, mothers, sisters, and friends.

A woman’s washroom or change room is not a spot for biological men. It is a place for women. Women are vulnerable in these gender specific locations, which is why society has segregated men from women in these facilities in the past.

Our children and grandchildren in public schools are being required to share washrooms and change room facilities. Check out this Toronto Star article for some of the harsh realities young girls are faced with in washrooms—urine on the toilet seats, dealing with menstruation in a crowd of boys, boys peeking under the stall doors, boys flashing the girls. How can we allow that to happen to our daughters?

CHP Canada recognizes that men and women are not the same. In view of the confusion in the world about what a woman is, we provided a webpage to help people. But there is more to this battle. It’s not just about women and girls having no protection in women’s shelters, washrooms or change rooms, it’s about protecting those we love from obviously dangerous situations. This involves every Canadian.

Supporting—with your money or your vote—mainstream political parties that have surrendered to the ‘woke’ gender ideology, only approves their foolish notion that a woman is anything but an adult female. It approves young girls being humiliated in school. If these political parties will not protect our girls, then they do not deserve to be your elected representatives. They are not representing the best interests of young girls, or women, or the men who love their families. It’s time to stop the nonsense by telling them, with your vote, that you will not support the humiliation of our mothers, wives and daughters. It’s time to learn what’s going on; forget the whining phase; and do something.

If you don’t have a CHP candidate, it’s time to start an association and build before the next election.

Our children deserve better! Let’s do our best to deliver it to them.

The Vengeful Grinding of the Ontario “Justice” System: Ontario Court of Appeal orders Bill Whatcott to go on trial again for Gospel flyer delivered at Toronto Homosexual Parade 7 years ago

The Vengeful Grinding of the Ontario “Justice” System: Ontario Court of Appeal orders Bill Whatcott to go on trial again for Gospel flyer delivered at Toronto Homosexual Parade 7 years ago

Naked Sodomite is delighted as he receives one of Bill Whatcott’s “Zombie Safe Sex Packages” from a courageous Christian Truth Activist who had to disguise herself as a “Gay Zombie Cannabis Consumer” to march in the 2016 Toronto Homosexual Pride Parade and deliver this much needed Gospel and accurate health information to this poor lost soul.

To read the unanimous three judge decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal written by the Justice who doesn’t assume you know he is a male and wants to help you out by letting you know he is Lorne Sossin he/him go here:

Justice Lorne Sossin he/him reasoned I needed to be retried because Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Goldstein didn’t properly consider the “expert” contributions queer liberationist Professor Nick Mule could make in determining whether or not my Gospel flyer is “hate speech.” From R vs Whatcott:

[43]       Professor Mulé testified about how the identifiable group would perceive the flyer. Professor Mulé explained how the tropes of anti-gay discrimination, present in the flyer, impact the community. The perspective of the target community is not only relevant per se in an analysis of hate speech, but it is critically important to an assessment of whether the challenged speech causes “emotional distress” to the members of that community: see Ward v. Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse), 2021 SCC 43, 463 D.L.R. (4th) 567, at paras. 62, 75, 83-84. The perspective of the gay male community as it relates to the tropes present in the flyer might strengthen (or diminish) the hatefulness of Mr. Whatcott’s communication.

[44]       Emotional distress caused to individual members of the group is one of the pressing harms that anti-hate speech laws aim to address. The second, identified in KeegstraTaylor, and Whatcott (SCC) is the social impact of hateful speech against a targeted group. “If a group of people can be considered inferior, subhuman, or lawless, it is easier to justify denying the group and its members equal rights or status”: Whatcott (SCC), at para. 74. Professor Mulé’s evidence aimed to help the trier of fact situate Mr. Whatcott’s communication via the flyer in its social and historical context.

[45]       In sum, the trial judge failed to address whether situating the flyer in its social and historical context was necessary for the trier of fact to determine whether the text, images, and the flyer as a whole, relied on stereotypes and tropes about gay men that expose them to feelings of detestation and vilification in the eyes of the reasonable member of society.

If you want to know more about “expert” Nick Mule’ and his valuable “academic” contributions on important subjects, such as kink, BDSM, doing sodomy while high on meth, the importance of legalizing the doing of sodomy in public parks, and queering social work, go here:

No doubt Lorne Sossin he/him is on to something when he wants the next trial judge to consider the “expert” wisdom of Nick Mule’ in figuring out whether my flyer is “hate speech” for which the Ontario Attorney General is on record for putting out a Canada Wide Arrest Warrant and is seeking 18 months incarceration.

By the way what does this flyer say that is so complicated and serious that it needs Nick Mule’s wisdom; one acquittal, and more than seven years after the fact, to help a judge determine whether or not my flyer is criminal “hate speech?”

To see the flyer for yourself go here:

Interestingly, a Russian group by the name of “Foundation for the Fight against Repressions” inquired about my court battles and persecutions. I looked into them a little and discovered their founder is Yevgeny Prigozhin, the owner of Wagner mercenary group. Anyways, I gave them an interview and they wrote an article with what might be quite a few spelling errors (English is not their first language), or maybe the spelling and grammatical errors are from Google translate, as I had to translate this article from Cryllic to English. There are also some factual errors regarding my numerous cases over the years, but the gist of my journey and the consequences of speaking out against abortion and homosexuality in Canada is clear enough in this Russian article.

For a prayer item, and just so you know, I am currently in eastern Europe and seeking political/religious asylum. While I had and continue to have a lot of confidence in my lawyer John Rosen; I have no confidence in Canada’s legal system, especially our Supreme Court of Canada which would be my next step. And at age 55, I don’t really feel like sitting in an Ontario Correctional Centre for the next 18 months and then starting over when I get out with a so-called “hate crime” conviction on my criminal record. Twenty years ago, this flyer would never have resulted in a hate crime investigation in Canada, never mind a charge for an indictable offence that would lead to a Canada wide arrest warrant and an unfavourable ruling from an appeals court. No police force would have laid such a charge, and no Attorney General would have issued an arrest warrant, as freedom of speech was actually a thing in Canada. Now the state of freedom of speech and religious freedom in Canada is such, that a conviction is highly likely and the conviction will likely be upheld in the higher courts.

My name Whatcott is already cited in a dreadful Supreme Court of Canada ruling which was unequivocal that truth was not a defense against prosecutions conducted by Human Rights Tribunals, see Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission vs Whatcott.

Since the dreadul Whatcott decision in 2013, the two Trudeau appointees to the Supreme Court have insured the court will be even less sympathetic to Christian speech on moral issues in the public square. I don’t believe I would be doing Canadian Christians and others who value freedom any favour by taking this flyer to the Supreme Court of Canada and setting an even worse precedent, in the area of criminal law no less.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 1 Peter 3:14,15

Establishment Censorship Works With Street Thug Violence: German media and political establishment ponder whether to ban the political preferences of a fifth of the population

German media and political establishment ponder whether to ban the political preferences of a fifth of the population

Aug 14, 2023

Since 19 June, polls have consistently placed support for the right-populist party Alternative für Deutschland at 20% or higher, making them the second most popular party in Germany – slightly ahead of government-leading SPD, and behind the CDU/CSU. Last week, Thomas Haldenwang, the head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), gave a state media interview in which he accused the party yet again of harbouring “a significant number of people … who repeatedly spread hatred and agitation against minorities.” Despite serious questions about whether Haldenwang’s repeated slander is even legal, spokesmen for all the major parties immediately declared themselves in agreement with the assessment.

It’s very important to note that Haldenwang is himself a member of the CDU. The Christian Democrats ought to be the big winners in the opposition, as Olaf Scholz’s coalition government stumbles from one crisis to the next. Yet they’re doing no better than they were in mid-2021. Angela Merkel has done the party no favours, implicating the Christian Democrats in the catastrophic pandemic response, as well as the ongoing mass migration crisis and even the ascendancy of the Green climate programme. They’ve failed to offer any real alternative to the present government, and the AfD is reaping the gains instead.

A day after Haldenwang’s renewed warnings, the German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier published an editorial in Der Spiegel, in which he condemned the AfD as directly as the dictates of etiquette permit, at one point even calling for “militant” resistance against the party:
Our constitution can tolerate the hardest and toughest disputes. It cannot, however, integrate enemies of the constitution – and we must not ignore the danger they pose. Political antagonism is one thing, constitutional hostility something else entirely.

So what is to be done? In the fight against extremism, there is a historical lesson that runs like a red thread through the earliest draft constitution set down at Herrenchiemsee – and which still applies today: A democracy must be fortified against its enemies. Never again should democratic rights of freedom be abused in order to abolish freedom and democracy. To be robust and defensible daily political life means first of all to demonstrate an openness to political debate and not to accept the trumped-up lies propagated by the enemies of freedom, whether with silence or appeasement, and thereby to encourage them. The democratic parties are required to demonstrate clear, resolute, even militant opposition …

That militant opposition is already here. On Friday night, the Augsburg AfD politician Andreas Jurca was beaten unconscious by immigrants in a targeted political attack, which left him with severe facial bruising and a broken ankle.

Hessen Antifa have also published the personal addresses of all AfD candidates for the state parliamentary elections in October. I doubt it is very easy to come by such information without help from the state.
Yesterday, SPD head Saskia Esken declared herself in favour of banning AfD, should the constitutional protectors declare the party guilty of “confirmed right-wing extremism,” something which is almost certain to happen sooner or later: “The fight against the AfD is a fight that the whole of society, all democrats, must wage together.

There’s considerable doubt about whether a ban is feasible. Oliver Maksan, writing from the Berlin bureau of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, points out that the party falls far short of meeting the criteria, even accepting for the sake of argument all the establishment characterisations about its “anti-democratic” tendencies:
The Federal Government, Bundesrat or Bundestag would have to convince the Federal Constitutional Court that the whole party, not just individual members, has included anti-constitutional goals in its programme and pursues them in a planned, militant and effective manner. …

Even the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution … does not see the AfD as a unified bloc. Its 2022 annual report still reads that “In view of the continuing heterogeneity of content within the party … not all party members can be regarded as supporters of extremist tendencies.”

Moreover, it is not enough to point to the widespread rejection of the EU, sympathies towards Russia or NATO skepticism within the party. One may think such attitudes are wrong, but they are not forbidden. What would have to be proven are genuine attempts to eliminate the free democratic basic order, specifically the principles of democracy, human dignity and the rule of law, in whole or in part.

I might share Maksan’s optimism if Covid hadn’t happened. Clearly the German state will do whatever it wants and worry about how to justify it after the fact. Maksan is more convincing in his argument that the process of a formal ban would involve protracted procedures, and contribute enormously to AfD support in the meantime. It is a risk that the BfV seems to be on the verge of accepting:
“The political centre is currently melting like ice in the sun,” a high-ranking East German BfV official recently told WELT on background. In the East, he said, there are now districts where it is not merely 20 to 30 percent voting for the AfD, but as many as 40 or 50 percent.

The major parties could at any moment deprive the AfD of considerable support simply by moderating their political programme. What is most ominous about these developments is the general refusal even to consider this path. As I said in another context, democracy has become for our rulers not a political system, but a series of desired outcomes. Formally democratic processes which threaten these outcomes are now considered anti-democratic and beyond consideration. It is not the AfD or their supporters who have been radicalised; many AfD statements denounced by the media as extreme and fascistic were in fact political commonplaces two decades ago. It is rather the political establishment that has grown extreme and lost touch with vast sectors of the electorate. I fear this is a unidirectional, self-reinforcing process, and that our rulers will never find their way back.

Tamara Lich Book Tour & Freedom Events in the Okanagan, August 12-17

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter


–      Rallies and local events

–      Tamara Lich Summer Book Tour

–  Mama Bears Project update – video and resources for pregnant and nursing moms

–  Smart Cities

–      Freedom Rising Newsletter –Issue 53 – Support Pastor Artur Pawlowski

                          – Support NHPPA’s Say Goodbye! Campaign locally

–      Druthers The July and August editions at our rallies! Donations are always appreciated.

——————————- o0o————————————-

FAMILY FREEDOM EVENTS – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.


Thank you to all the AMAZING folks that keep FREEDOM alive. Mary Lou is away for a few weeks and is so happy others have stepped in to keep our Sundays a Freedom Day. ~ thank you!!!

Now being held at Lakawanna Park during the summer months

Moving to Lakawanna Park for the summer gives our events a more family-friendly name and environment as part of reaching out to the community around us. Lots of families at the beach. Lots of folks are out strolling.

Laureen’s table with important information and a petition to end BCs Bill 36.

Elsie’s table with Druthers newspapers, Vaccine Choice Canada handouts and more, for parents and curious others.

Local speakers always, and Surprise Guest Speakers frequently!

And sometimes… wait for it… Derrick’s mobile freedom billboard!


Please arrive early (12:30) to help set up the stage and the tables, and to invite passers-by to join us.

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few.  Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————-  OTHERS’ EVENTS   ·      Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna  ·       
Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. ·       
Local A4C – Every Tuesday at Noon Protesting with Purpose: Richard Cannings 301 Main Street Penticton                    – Next Planning Meeting August 15th at 4:30 p.m. – Winepress Church ~ ·        Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately. ——————————————- o0o————————————————-   EVENTS   HOLD THE LINE image.png
Tamara Lich Summer Book Tour Experience the power of shared vision and come together for positive change in individuals’ lives and society as a whole.      Fearless leader Tamara Lich will be joined by various special guest speakers including Ted Kuntz, Shaun Newman, Turi Johnson and more.    Meet and Greet to follow the special guest speakers.   Tamara’s book, Hold the Line, will be available for purchase.  Please consider donating.     Limited seating is available, reserve your tickets now for the following events: Wednesday, August 16th  Salmon Arm – 7pm – Salmar Classic Theatre. Thursday, August 17th  Vernon – 11am – Prestige Inn. Thursday, August 17th  Kelowna – 7pm – Sandman Hotel & Suites.   Tickets can be purchased at, or email for more information.   ——————————- o0o————————————-
WORTH A LOOK   Mama Bears Update – Protecting Pregnant and Nursing Mothers           While there, check out the Mental Health Program         The introductory video is two hours long but filled with information and the page has multiple resources available as well.      The Mama Bears Project was originally all about COVID-19, and the group has taken on a new focus – to become a complete resource for Canadian parents. Their new website is a great start and worth a look. Their process includes a call-out to other child-focused organizations to reach out and provide links to their materials as well. As well, they are engaging in a number of major campaigns through collaboration with those other groups, in particular, partnering with the Canadian Covid Care Alliance as the research arm to provide science-based evidence.   It’s All About the Children It’s Okay to Wait Education is the first step before meaningful action can be taken ——————————- o0o————————————-   Smart Cities  NEW! BC 15-Min Smart City Coalition Subscribe today to the new weekly BC 15-Min Smart City Coalition newsletter for details and zoom invites: click here   Part 1: Geoff and Adrienne – Librti (1hr)   Part 2: Geoff (55min)  15 Minute City Presentation – Part 2 (   10-min presentation: Geoff   Questions for BC-wide? Email   Note, separate local community meetings and contact info are detailed in the newsletter.   on behalf of BC Rising     ——————————- o0o————————————-   Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue 53 – Support Pastor Artur Pawlowski  HERE This newsletter is now delivered only every 2 weeks~ Life is meant to be enjoyed and summer is the time to do it!   Of Special Note in this latest Freedom Rising newsletter is the NHPPA’s  Say Goodbye! Campaign   Next time you drop by your local health food/supplements store, please encourage them to participate in this campaign. The SOS postcard campaign put out by their membership association was steering them in the wrong direction – simply asking for a lowering of fines, rather than the deregulation of the entire industry, which is the ultimate goal of the NHPPA.   ——————————- o0o————————————-    image.png

My friends,  it has been an incredible journey so far with this grassroots, people-powered project called Druthers. With your help, we have printed & distributed an astounding ~ 8 MILLION Druthers Newspapers ~ all across Canada since this all began back in December 2020! DONATE HERE: With 8 million of these papers planting seeds of mind opening thoughts into our communities all over Canada, (distributed by 1000’s of passionate readers) you know we are having a tremendous impact in a few different ways. 1.    Sharing honest news & information helps more people recognize a bigger agenda. And when enough people see, WE WILL MAKE CHANGES for the better. 2.    For those who do already see, Druthers papers provide a powerful, FREE TOOL which they can use directly in their own local communities. 3.    For many people receiving the paper, IT GIVES HOPE to know they are not alone in their ways of thinking and seeing the world. 4.    It empowers everyone to be wisdom & STRENGTH TO SAY NO when things are being pushed upon them which they do not agree with. 5.    A wonderful, VIBRANT COMMUNITY of freedom-minded people from all walks of life has formed around this project, all across Canada, and beyond. Almost 3 years and we’re still cranking them out at just 10 CENTS per paper! It is important that we keep this project going and your support truly is the only way we are able to keep putting out 250,000 Druthers papers each month. DONATE HERE – LAST DAY – PLEASE HELP It costs $25k per month to keep 250,000 papers flowing freely, so please give generously, or whatever you are able. Every dime you contribute means 1 Druthers newspaper gets printed and then placed in someone’s hands or mailbox here in Canada. How many dimes can you pitch in this month? Much love,
Shawn Jason
>> GO TO FUNDRAISING PAGE   Read August Issue Online. Pick up the July edition Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t.    The online edition appears before the print edition and the printed version of the August issue will not likely arrive in the Okanagan until mid-August. The link above is for the September edition. As a former newsletter publisher, I am very familiar with production cycles and the need to finance each production before you hit the presses. Our contribution from funds raised at our rallies for the August issue was only $100.   We urge you to drop a few dollars in the Druthers box at our rallies each week. The price of a Tim’s or Starbuck’s take-out latte each week would make a huge difference to the number of copies that can be printed.   DRUTHERS was able to print an extra 5,000 copies for the Okanagan because of our Penticton4Freedom donations to the June edition ($500), but continuing support is needed to keep the paper coming. Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing and distributing Druthers copies in your area.                                                                                            Mary Lou Read DRUTHERS

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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.

And receive lots of ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) (if you want them) 

A Huge Thank You goes out to Gina, for putting together the weekly P4F newsletter and making sure it shows up in your inbox every week.

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Mary Lou Gutscher
