Once Again, A Target of Bigotry
IHR Credit Card Processing Shut Down 
Dear Friends,
Recently the company that had been processing our credit card donations and orders abruptly cancelled its account with us.
This means that we are temporarily unable to accept credit card donations. (Similarly, our IHR Store site is not able to handle credit card orders.)
Behind this new attempt to shut us down is a systematic campaign by bigoted but prominent groups. It’s similar to the well-publicized effort four years ago by influential New York politician Dov Hikind, a zealous Zionist with a record of bigotry, that shut down our credit card processing for several months. (See Countering a Zionist Campaign To Shut Down Institute’s Credit Card Processing )
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In spite of relentless smears, intimidation and pressure, we are confident that we will overcome this latest challenge.But as ever, our effectiveness depends on backing from men and women like you!
More than ever, it’s important to raise awareness about the powerful forces that promote war, injustice and oppression, and which put Jewish-Zionist interests ahead of what’s best for America and humanity.
Faithfully yours,
Mark Weber

Director, Institute for Historical Review

P.S. Please mail your check or money order donation to: IHR, P.O. Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659, USA


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Internet Censorship Ramps Up as Second “White Nationalist” Website Has DNS Seized

Internet Censorship Ramps Up as Second “White Nationalist” Website Has DNS Seized
It now appears that the Jews in the USA have found a much better way of circumventing the U.S. Constitution’s freedom of speech laws. No long, drawn-out court battles in order to shut down someone’s website like what happened to me and my former site Just transfer the right to censor out of the hands of the government to Jewish controlled private sector tech industries and bingo! any website criticizing the Jew agenda is potentially subject to the same injustice now being meted out to Stormfront and the Daily Stormer. 
What shall we do when we can no longer express ourselves publicly?

Internet Censorship Ramps Up as Second “White Nationalist” Website Has DNS Seized

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The ongoing program to censor the internet of all dissenting views took another step forward with the news that the “Stormfront” website—one of the oldest pro-white sites on the web—has had its Domain Name Servers (DNS) seized, only a few weeks after the “Daily Stormer” domain was seized in similar fashion.
Whatever one thinks of either of the sites in question, the precedent has now been set that any website, espousing any view, can be forced offline through this method—with apparently no recourse whatsoever.
“Stormfront’s” DNS is held by the Network Solutions company, and, as explained on that company’s website, a Domain Name Servers (DNS) is the “Internet’s equivalent of a phone book.” This server “maintain[s] a directory of domain names and translate[s] them to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. This is necessary because, although domain names are easy for people to remember, computers or machines, access websites based on IP addresses.”
The DNS associated with a domain name translates it into a “machine friendly” IP address (which is a string of numbers separated by decimal points) and directs an internet connection to the correct website.
As shown on the “Whois” domain lookup service, Network Solutions has placed the “Stormfront” website’s DNS in a “clientDeleteProhibited; clientHold; clientTransferProhibited; clientUpdateProhibited” status.
According to the “Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is the nonprofit organization responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces of the Internet, a “clientHold” status “tells your domain’s registry to not activate your domain in the DNS and as a consequence, it will not resolve. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes, non-payment, or when your domain is subject to deletion.”
The other status reports (“clientRenewProhibited,” “clientTransferProhibited,” and “clientUpdateProhibited”) all make it impossible for the legal domain owner to move or even access the domain. This is, without any doubt, pure theft of a legally-owned domain name.
This was also exactly what happened with the “Daily Stormer” website as well.
It is unclear whether this was the result of the domain registrar companies or of ICANN. The latter organization used to be under the control of the US government, but it was transferred into private ownership in late 2016—a move which has left the right to be on the internet in the hands of a handful of tech industry companies.
Ultimately, this means that any website, anywhere, could at any time, have its domain name seized by unknown and unseen people, and effectively be erased from the internet. It is an issue which goes far beyond “left” or “right,” and cuts to the very core of fundamental rights of speech and freedom of expression.
Clearly, the only solution to this matter is to put ICANN back under government control, in the same way that government issues driving licenses, building permits and so on. Leaving the right to determine who can, and who cannot, be on the internet, to the whim of a handful of big tech company individuals, is a highly dangerous step which can have ramifications far beyond a handful of “white nationalist” websites.

RCMP Continue to Harass Brad Love – Voice of the Working Man

RCMP Continue to Harass Brad Love – Voice of the Working Man


Paul Fromm is Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression at Out of compassion for the world the Brian Ruhe channel brav…

Fields of Athenry – A Tribute to Ernst Zundel

Fields of Athenry – A Tribute to Ernst Zundel

A tribute to free speech campaigner and one of the world’s greatest dissidents, Ernst Zundel. 
Fields of Athenry is an Irish folk ballad which tells the tale of Michael, sentenced to be deported to Australia for having stolen corn during the great famine, leaving his wife Mary and their young child behind. 
Thus, the song echoes the plight of Zundel, imprisoned for also rebelling against the Crown in his search for historical truth. Upon his release from jail, Zundel was forced to live separated from his wife, Ingrid, until his recent death in his home country of Germany.

A tribute to free speech campaigner and one of the world’s greatest dissidents, Ernst Zundel. Fields of Athenry is an Irish folk ballad which tells the tale …

Musical wishes,

ANTIFA is Prime, Paid and Ready For Trump’s PHX Rally Tonight

ANTIFA is Prime, Paid and Ready For Trump’s PHX Rally Tonight

Friends and Associates:
I tried to do a screen shot on a Twitter showing a Phoenix Ad for paid protestors tonight at the Trump Rally.
This event starts at 7pm PDT 4pm EDT and should be one of the MOST hard hitting rallies ever !! Both Senator Snow Flake and Insane McCain have stated their opposition to Trump being in town, two seditious traitors that need to be replaced.
The Phoenix Mayor stated that he does not want Trump in “his city” and has instructed the president to be “respectable.” (B.S.)
The word is…President Trump is not expected to pardon Joe Arpaio tonight, but let’s hope he does…because that alone will send the ANTIFA / La Raza thugs into a frenzy for the PHX mayor to deal with.
For those interested, you can monitor the “mayor’s” Phoenix Police communications from anywhere in the world as the chaos in Phoenix explodes.
Hint: Look at the number of listeners and select the one agency with the most listeners. There’s nothing to download, therefore…ignore the download button.
You will hear communications from officers inside the rally and outside as it happens in real time.
—-Dave Bertrand
From The Desk of  Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.)  Int’l Airline Freight Captain on the DC-8 stretch jet / B-727 series 200 jet & First Officer  DC-6 prop & DC-10 wide-body jet), 72′ to 76′ U.S. Army Veteran (Military Police) ‘Comms Sergeant’ (Korea), Law Enforcement (State), DHS Trained Counter-Terrorism Instructor for HWW, Border Security Specialist, Political Analyst  and Activist to help “Make America Great Again” while exposing the “Deep State” shadow government enemy.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write  and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prev

LEADERSHIP: Scheer Condemns Arson & Pro-ISIS Graffiti Sprayed On Trinity Baptist Church While Trudeau Remains Silent

LEADERSHIP: Scheer Condemns Arson & Pro-ISIS Graffiti Sprayed On Trinity Baptist Church While Trudeau Remains Silent

While Trudeau remains silent on this hatred towards a Canadian faith community, Andrew Scheer shows leadership by speaking out against it.

As I reported on Friday, the Trinity Baptist Church on Burlington, Ontario was set on fire, and then defaced with pro-ISIS graffiti.

View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on Twitter

“ISIS” spray painted in 3 spots around Appleby Line church. Overnight fire is considered suspicious, investigation ongoing.

As I said at the time, “While our political elites have been busy talking about events around the world, there has been disturbingly little attention or condemnation of what appears to be an ISIS-inspired arson of a Canadian house of worship. Such attacks on places of faith need to be condemned, whether they happen at a Church, Synagogue, Mosque, Temple, or other place of religious worship.”

So far, Justin Trudeau has shamefully remained silent, which is a total failure of leadership on his part.2

By contrast, Andrew Scheer has now spoken out against the hateful arson and graffiti:



ERNST ZUNDEL MEMORIAL, TORONTO, August 16, 2017. Friends of the late publisher and holocaust skeptic, Ernst Zundel, and supporters of free speech gather to celebrate a remarkable man.


​ Transgendered Threaten Protest & Jordan Peterson Cancelled Out of Ryerson

Transgendered Threaten Protest & Jordan Peterson Cancelled Out of Ryerson
Hi Students in Studies in Propaganda, 
I hope you are having a good summer.  Just to touch base, I will be doing “CENSORSHIP” in the Fall.
UNITE THE RIGHT was backed by the ACLU, the speakers were booked and approved months before.  Given permission by the Federal courts.
Soros money paid for the riot with “ANTIFA” so the Republican speakers would not be heard.  One of my students phoned me from Charlottesville and told me it was all actors in “ANTIFA”.  
Here in Toronto, Professor Jordan Peterson was booked to talk at Ryerson last Thursday (August 17).  There was violence threatened by the trans-gender group so that it was shut down.
It was so Orwellian now that anyone who desires a debate is called a NAZI.  So I will be talking most of the Fall on Censorship where it comes from and who is making the money on it and what is the real goal of the perpetrators.
I think lectures will start around the middle of October.
Sydney White
Investigative Journalist
Studies in Propaganda
Professor Peterson is a fierce critic of cultural Marxism and transgendered delusions insisting people call them by weird pronouns, depending on the state of their hormones on any given day.He produces a stream of fascinating and spirited You Tube videos.