Transgendered Threaten Protest & Jordan Peterson Cancelled Out of Ryerson
Hi Students in Studies in Propaganda,
I hope you are having a good summer. Just to touch base, I will be doing “CENSORSHIP” in the Fall.
UNITE THE RIGHT was backed by the ACLU, the speakers were booked and approved months before. Given permission by the Federal courts.
Soros money paid for the riot with “ANTIFA” so the Republican speakers would not be heard. One of my students phoned me from Charlottesville and told me it was all actors in “ANTIFA”.
Here in Toronto, Professor Jordan Peterson was booked to talk at Ryerson last Thursday (August 17). There was violence threatened by the trans-gender group so that it was shut down.
It was so Orwellian now that anyone who desires a debate is called a NAZI. So I will be talking most of the Fall on Censorship where it comes from and who is making the money on it and what is the real goal of the perpetrators.
I think lectures will start around the middle of October.
Sydney White
Investigative Journalist
Studies in Propaganda
Professor Peterson is a fierce critic of cultural Marxism and transgendered delusions insisting people call them by weird pronouns, depending on the state of their hormones on any given day.He produces a stream of fascinating and spirited You Tube videos.