White nationalist endorses Tanya Granic Allen’s Tory leadership campaign

A U.S. civil rights organization describes Paul Fromm’s association as working “against the Canadian Human Rights Commission to defend anti-Semites, racists and Holocaust deniers from persecution ….”

Paul Fromm is director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which is “dedicated to free speech, immigration reform, and restoring political sanity."
Paul Fromm is director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which is “dedicated to free speech, immigration reform, and restoring political sanity.”  (RENÉ JOHNSTON / TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO)

Tanya Granic Allen’s campaign to be leader of the Progressive Conservatives has received the endorsement of a self-proclaimed white nationalist.

Paul Fromm tweeted Friday “Check out Tanya Granic Allen for PC Leader. I just joined,” and included a link to a registration form on Granic Allen’s website.

Fromm is director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which is “dedicated to free speech, immigration reform, and restoring political sanity,” according to its website.

Read more:

PC leadership candidate Tanya Granic Allen knocks better-known rivals, blames low student test scores on sex ed

Opinion | Thomas Walkom: Veer to the right in Ontario PC leadership race risks party’s election chances

Your 5 Ontario PC leadership candidates: A Ford, a Mulroney, an unknown, the former leader and the favourite

The Southern Poverty Law Center, an American civil rights organization that tracks hate groups, describes Fromm’s association as working “against the Canadian Human Rights Commission to defend anti-Semites, racists and Holocaust deniers from persecution under hate crime and human rights legislation.”

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Fromm’s teaching licence in Peel region was revoked in 2007 due to his participation in white supremacist groups and events.

“All of us have a right to participate in the political process,” Fromm told the Star, and said he’s looking to become a member of the PC party.

“I admire someone who comes more or less from the outside, who has taken a strong stand.”

He said the PCs under Patrick Brown “have strayed far, far, far from the feelings of many people in the grassroots,” mentioning among other things the support for “that ridiculous sex-ed program, which I think is offensive to all sorts of people,” referring to the Liberal government’s revamped sexual education curriculum introduced in 2015.

Granic Allen, a social conservative, has been outspoken in her opposition to the new curriculum. Her campaign did not return the Star’s request for comment Saturday regarding Fromm’s support.

The PCs will announce their new leader on March 10.



TORONTO, February 22, 2018. It was billed as a town hall meeting to discuss anti-racism. Called by Beaches-Woodbine MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith and local MPP Arthur Potts, the sponsors invited two anti-racist heavyweights, Pakistani Moslem MP Iqra Khalid, who introduced the notorious M-103, anti-Islamophobia motion last year which sparked outrage across the country, and Michael Coteau, the Minister Responsible for Anti-racism — no kidding there really is such a position in lesbian Kathleen Wynne’ cabinet. And just to be ever so diverse and politically correct, the meeting was held in the basement of  the Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church on Gerrard Street,
About 150 packed the steamy church basement. There was standing room only.
It was Orwellian to hear four politicians who have deeply drunk the poisoned Kool Aid of equality. For them if results are not equal, then there is a systemic problem and government must fix it to make results equal.
Organizer Erskine-Smith told people with cellphone cameras: “Film us politicians but not the audience.” Everyone ignored him, includiing the media,.
Things went badly for the anti-racists almost from the beginning. The opening speaker was lanky Lisa Kinsella, who, with husband Warren, has led a three-year anti-free speech jihad to try to drive local satirical newspaper YOUR WARD NEWS out of business. Lisa Kinsella, apparently, is trying to use her freshly burnished anti-free speech and anti-racist credentials to secure the trendy leftist vote in a run for the local councillor’s  Ward 32 seat left vacant by the retiring Margaret-Mary McMahon.
Mrs. Kinsella ticked off the various things she and her husband had done to try to suppress YOUR WARD NEWS. Long-time Liberal party activists, they had pressured the then minister in charge of the Post Office, Judy Foote to issue a rarely used bit of police state power — an Interim Prohibitory Order to deny both the editor, Dr. James Sears, and the publisher Leroy St. Germaine the right to send ANYTHING, not just YOUR WARD NEWS, through the mails. 
“Isn’t that denying government service to people?” a man in the audience demanded to know.
She ignored the question and droned on: “We shall do whatever it takes to shut down this hate rag.”
A squeaky voice  called out a propos of nothing: “Paul Fromm, get the fuck out of here.”
No one seemed to notice. Kinsella concluded: “There is no place for a publication preaching bigotry and hate in this community.” Acknowledging YOUR WARD NEWS‘ fighting spirit and determination to keep publishing, she added that the battle to silence YOUR WARD NEWS is “a marathon not a sprint.”
Then, master of ceremonies Erksine-Smith introduced Iqra Khalid, the bubbly smiling well made-up sponsor of M-103. Referring to hostile messages she had receive for promoting the anti-Islamophobia motion, Erskine-Smith marvelled : “As a White man, I would never be subject to such comments.” [I wondered whether he had ever read some of the hateful things said about White nationalists or people who question political correctness.]

A middle aged man, reminded Erskine-Smith; “It’s OK to be white.”
Iqra Khalid smiling said: “Yes, it’s okay to be white or black or yellow.”
She tried to downplay the threats to free speech implied  in M-103. Canada is so wonderful because of its “diversity” and “inclusion” she said. We just have to improve on it.
“Define Islamophobia.” a member of the audience demanded.
Another reminded her: “You wouldn’t answer this question in Parliament.”
A brown man, perhaps East Indian shouted:’ “Don’t vote Liberal. Vote Conservative.”
He was menaced by several white anti-racists who sprang up shouting at him: “Racists out!”
Miss Khalid resumed her sunny ways generalities about promoting diversity,
Another member of the audience demanded:  “How does Islam treat minorities?”
Another asked: “How does Islam treat women?”
Eventually a definition was given of Islamophobia. It is “the irrational fear of or hostility to Moslems.”
“But what is irrational?” a member of the audience wanted to know.
To give the panel complete control over questions, people had to submit them in writing.
Several persistant members of the audience were not to be silenced. Finally, MP Erskine-Smith gave two the microphone for short questions. A woman with a purple hat asked: “Does political Islam exist with the imposition of sharia law as its goal?”
Iqra Khalid dodged that one — her family has close ties with the radical Moslem Brotherhood: “I am not here to talk of ideology or religion.”
“You’re a fraud,” a man yelled at her.
Things were spiralling out of control The politically correct group-think of the Cultural Marxists was being challenged from many quarters and by people of various colours. Organizer Erskine-Smith explained the lack of police presence: “We did not want the police here as some people were disturbed by a police presence,” he said, referring to Negroes. Actually, although the event was held in a Negro church, only about 10 per cent of the audience was Black. The Jewish Defence League, listed in the U.S. as a terrorist group by the F.B.I.’ had promised to attend. Warren Kinsella had tweeted in advance that he was attending: “But now that an Islamophobic hate group is coming, I’ll be there in full Peaky Blinders mode.” Peaky Blinders were a vicious English street gang from the 1930s. It’s not clear who Kinsella had in mind as a “hate group.” Also, I saw no evidence of the JDL.
To try to ease the fears of some members of the audience, MP Erskine-Smith said it wasn’t “Islamophobic” to criticize a religion for, say, not treating women equally or being against LGBTQs, the alphabiet soup of the sexually weird. What was wrong, he clarified with a burst of fog, was to oppose a person just because of his religion.
MPP Arthur Potts added: “Everyone’s opinion is valued. It’s all about being tolerant.”
The final speaker was Michael Coteau, the cabinet minister in charge of anti-racism. Traditional voters tend to oppose government preaching at us and telling us what to think, but, then, this is Kathleen Wynne’s Ontario. Coteau was born in England in Yorkshire of an English mother and Grenadan father. He grew up in Flemington Park, an area with a lot of Negroes and a lot of welfare housing.
He has the gift of the gab. “We spend $68-million per year to police and incarcerate people in Jane/Finch” a heavily black, high crime area in northwest Toronto. If Negroes could achieve better, this money could be spent elsewhere, he explained. “We have to identify the causes of disproportionate outcomes,” he said. [One possibility Is the catastrophic 82 per cent illegitimacy rate among Negroes which leads to poverty, children being brought up by single mothers and often drifting into gangs.]
Then, in an unusual leap, he predicted: “Nigeria will be number 10 in terms of wealth by 2050 and Canada will be 25th.” Where he came up with this nonsense he didn’t say. He seemed to be arguing that, if we could improve the living standards of Negroes in Canada, we wouldn’t fall behind Nigeria.
MP Erskine-Smith worried: “The fastest growing proportion of the prison population is Black.” That’s true, but his implication was that somehow this was unjust or unequal. Despite our perrmissive legal system, that Blacks end up in prison in numbers much greater than their proportion of the population is no mystery. They commit more crimes!
“There’s a very scientific process to address disparity of outcomes,” Mr. Coteau insisted.
A member of the audience challenged the notion that only Whites are “racist.”
MPP Coteau agreed. “Go to Peel Region and black kids are fighting against brown kids and Chinese are fighting black kids.”
“Separate the races,” shouted a member of the audience to some applause.
“If the First Nations (Indians) had done that you wouldn’t be here.” This illogical silliness struck a small but loud cadre of supporters as a brilliant piece of wit and they gave sustained applause to the Minister in charge of anti-racism.
MP Erskine-Smith and the other politicians began to talk out the clock.
The crowd was told that “the UN praises Ontario as the world leader in anti-racism.”
“What does that have to do with M-103?” a member of the audience wanted to know, trying to get the meeting back on topic.
MP Erskine-Smith said he had been shocked when he learned recently that “90 per cent of children apprehended by Children’s Aid in Manitoba are aboriginal. There’s a great deal of racism,” he insisted — the old belief in equal outcomes blinding him to the more obvious conclusion: that there is a disproportionate degree of child abuse and neglect among many Indians!

While MPP Potts may have spoken of valuing everyone’s opinion, that was not the case with Warren Kinsella. The next day, the writer, lawyer and improbable public relations man with a manic obsession with Nazis offered this example of “inclusion” and openness to “diversity” (of opinion): “And then the pigs got up on their hind legs and started squealing. They started squealing and screeching, their little pig eyes all red, about ‘sharia law’ and Muslims ‘raping’ children and the need to ‘separate the races.’ The pigs looked human, but they weren’t. They were racists and anti-Semites and haters who roughly resembled humans, but weren’t human. They were pigs.” — Paul Fromm

Lady Michele Renouf Detained for Five Hours & Investigated Under Germany’s Holocaust Blasphemy Law


Lady Michele Renouf Detained for Five Hours & Investigated Under Germany’s Holocaust Blasphemy Law
Inline image 1

On Saturday, February 17, over 300 nationalists attended a memorial in Dresden for the nearly 500,000 German civilians killed there in British and American terror bombing on February 13 and 14, 1945. As usual, a group of Antifa came and tried to drown out the nationalists with noise. Police kept the two sides apart. Organizer Gerd Ittner was not allowed to speak because he’d been to jail under Sec. 130 (Germany’s holocaust blasphemy law). Echos of communist era repression of free speech. 

Lady Michele Renouf  was not a scheduled speaker but people recognized her as a famous model and supporter of free thinking. She was pressed to deliver an impromptu talk. She was cut off part way through by the vigilant political police. The memorial was shut down and the participants kettled and detained for four hours.
Lady Michele was taken away in a police car and detained for five  hours. An investigation has been initiated against her under Sec. 130 of the German criminal code. Her identification was checked. She was questioned and then released. Her answers will be studied by the authorities and, then, they will decide how/whether to proceed. Lady Michelle had to provide contact information for receiving documents from the court.
In an interview, Lady Michele told CAFE: “I left the Jews out of my comments. When I was in the police car, the police woman claimed I told her: ‘The Jews were gassed but that was not a holocaust.’I never said any such thing. That is one of the accusations against me.”
If the case proceeds, Lady Michele said: “I will appear in court.”
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She noted that her detention gained the rally worldwide attention from Sidney to Kosovo to Jerusalem. She noted that the fake news Associated Press (February 18, 2018) datelined its report Berlin, instead of Dresden, and fudged the full purpose of the rally, merely throwing out the soap opera smear ” a neo-Nazi rally.”
In a note today, she added: ” I regret only that my arrest caused the Dresden Memorial event midway to be closed down and that the scheduled speakers were thus frustrated in their good intentions.  Indeed I pleaded with the police to allow the event to be let go ahead, pointing out that I was invited only on the spot to give an impromptu speech [simply because some of the 300 strong audience cheers at the mention that I was among their number] and so the event as scheduled should not suffer.  But alas a police-woman lied that I had said (which she falsely attributed to me “jews were gassed but that is not a holocaust”) and so she over-ruled the others.  I was released five hours afterwards still charged with Volksvehetzung (populace incitement) Para 130.

However it was nice to know that one other officer tried to relieve me of my guilt for the event closure by suggesting, to my surprise, that the audience would have preferred to hear my speech!  It was also nice to know that comrades who had not the chance to speak held no hard feelings, even after being kettled for four very chilly hours afterwards in the street, for they cried “ It is time to defeat the enemy, they stole our good comrade Lady Michelle”!  Sweet.  I treasure their warm loyalty.  In all events, as our English comrade, Richard Edmonds likewise re-assures me, that owing to my ad lib and arrest for Volksvehetzung (populace incitement) Para 130 “you have certainly put the demo on the world map; I think otherwise it would have passed unnoticed”. There does seem to be 10 pages worth and mounting on Google, astonishing.

We shall now see what the authorities decide to do about me (goaded on, one can expect, by Dr.Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre who long ago noted “Renouf is very dangerous” [for being credible] plus the Israeli “settler” who incites across Facebook “Send Renouf ricin in a get-well card” [with impunity].  Prison is a waste of time politically, but an enforced chance to learn German could be nice!”

Alfred Schaefer, himself several times charged under Sec. 130 rejoiced at the turn of events: ” The commemoration on 17 Feb for the bombing of Dresden in 1945 was a great success. People all around the world are WAKING UP! The shutting down of this event has helped us gain much wider attention than we could have hoped for otherwise.”
The publicity for this event, which the press has recently tried to ignore, has rocketed worldwide. I thank Gerd Ittner for this very partial list of write-ups of this event.








Dresden Memorial Meeting Closed by Police & The Speech I Couldn’t Give — Richard Edmonds

Dresden Memorial Meeting Closed by Police & The Speech I Couldn’t Give — Richard Edmonds

On the week-end just past, German Nationalists held a public demonstration in the centre of Dresden to mark and to mourn the  victims of the Allied (British) bombing of that defenceless city. I was present to speak at the rally, but unfortunately the Police closed the rally down before I had a chance to speak. You may know already that my friend, Lady Michele Renouf, was arrested at the rally.

The commemoration of the bombing of Dresden February 1945:

Here is the translation of the speech which Richard Edmonds intended to make in the centre of Dresden , 17th. Feb. 2018.

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Friends, my name is Richard Edmonds. I am British and I have travelled here to Dresden to say that the bombing of Dresden in February 1945 was a crime, a crime which was committed by the British government. As we know, in the final weeks of the Second World War, hundreds of British bombers mercilessly attacked this city. The blood of the victims stains and besmirches the hands of the government that ordered this dreadful attack.

It was Churchill’s government which ordered the attack on Dresden. And it was Churchill’s government which started the bombing war: the bombing war which deliberately rained terror, mutilation, fire and death onto the homes of millions of defenceless civilians, women, mothers, children and old folk. And the British government openly and shamelessly confirmed in the official history of the British Royal Air Force that it was Britain that started the dreadful and pitiless bombing war. I quote from the official history of the Royal Air Force:

“It was we British who started the bombing war which aimed deliberately to target civilians.” End of quote.

Fact: it was British bombers which deliberately bombed the German city of Muenchen Gladbach as early as April 1940; in the early summer of 1940 British bombers repeatedly bombed the towns of the Ruhr district. The reaction of the German government against these repeated bombing attacks on German towns and cities came only months later. For example, the notorious attack by the German Luftwaffe on Coventry came as late as November 1940.

The role of Churchill’s government in initiating the bombing war and its increasing barbarism is clear. For example the leading British official and Secretary of State at the British Ministry of War, James Spaight, described in his official book, “ Bombing vindicated”, and I quote:

“We British started the bombing war which was aimed deliberately at civilians living in homes hundreds of miles behind the fighting front-lines.” And the British Secretary of State, member of Churchill’s government said that “we are proud, proud of what we did”: Quote from “Bombing vindicated”. These are the words of the British Secretary of State and member of Churchill’s war-time government. Hundreds of thousands of civilians fell victim to the British and American bombing war. It is of course a war-crime for a soldier to aim his weapon at a civilians. The British and Americans gave themselves permission a million times over to commit this particular war-crime. And Churchill’s Secretary of State was “proud” of what they had done. One sees the source the of the cold-blooded barbarism.

In war-time Britain there were principled individuals who publicly spoke out and condemned Churchill’s merciless bombing war. One of these brave individuals was the British academic, Charles Percy Snow, and I quote:

“The British plans to bomb and to destroy German working-class residential areas, were plans motived by a deep sadistic impulse to kill thousands of women and children.” And Charles Percy Snow continued, “ What will future generations think of us Britons ? Will future generations say that we were but wolves in the form of men ? Will future generations think that we British forswore our humanity ? They will have the right to say so. “ End of quote.

As a British person in the centre of Dresden here on this day of mourning, I would like to say that with all decency, the present British government should apologise to the German people for the crimes committed by Churchill’s government and in particular for the sadistic impulse of Churchill’s government to murder defenceless civilians, mothers and children.



Red Ice TV
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.

Alfred Schaefer – Thought Criminal Monika Schaefer Arrested and Imprisoned in Germany

In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.

Published on Jan 27, 2018

Alfred Schaefer is a German producer whose videos are aimed at exposing the propagandistic nature of the mainstream media. His videos outline how the hostile elite that are in control of much of Western Civilization have managed to subjugate entire populations and their political leadership through psychological conditioning. Alfred Schaefer joins Henrik for a discussion about the consequences of challenging the accepted view of the Holocaust. The program begins with Alfred describing what it was like to grow up in Canada with German ancestry amid an accusatory climate of Holocaust remembrance. He describes his sister Monika’s newly found skepticism of the prevailing historical view of the Second World War and her subsequent video productions. Alfred recounts how Monika was arrested in Munich because of her videos that challenged the prevailing mainstream consensus concerning the Holocaust while attending the trial of Sylvia Stolz, a lawyer on trial for so-called Holocaust denial. Henrik and Alfred discuss with incredulity how pursuing historical inquiry can lead to criminal charges and imprisonment. In the members’ hour, Henrik and Alfred talk about the fractured nature of facts surrounding the nature of the Holocaust itself and the need for further research. The conversation then addresses the migrant crisis and how it constitutes a threat to Western civilization and how it can be viewed as a destructive companion phenomenon to Holocaust guilt and other Leftist propaganda. The conversation turns to the freefall of the mainstream media, how people crave alternative media sources, and the importance of outlets like Red Ice. Henrik speaks to the risk involved with pursing the truth about the migrant crisis, its origins, and underlying motivators. The discussion then turns to the seeming contradictions of population replacement. Henrik and Alfred go on to discuss the severity of the current geopolitical situation as an existential crisis; the importance of pursuing moderate solutions to avoid widespread conflict; and much more. Help keep us ad free, sign up for a membership at https://redicemembers.com You’ll receive full access to our extensive archives. Stream or download over 1400 programs, including radio shows, videos TV segments & our live show Weekend Warrior. ♥ SHOW US SOME LOVE ♥ HELP US GROW Donate: https://paypal.me/redice Donate Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies: BTC: 15GFG2CVA6Ftq4w7dRuug9CQCsyrpeN1XG BCH: 1KVGWkLd5YuRxKNrVhExX8WiPCi4pGtey8 ETH: 0x90a0F323F58412eBfe086055831655A1c0D9E3B4 LTC: Lc8aHwQ91EMr4dTcCcdNVLhBxTf5GUhPjP More Red Ice TV & Radio: https://redice.tv/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/redicetv Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/RedIceCreations Listen to us on Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/red-ice… Subscribe to our YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/RedIceRadio RSS feeds: https://redice.tv/rss


DRESDEN, January 17, 2018. You may have thought that Germans, especially in the East, regained their freedom when the Wall came down in 1989. Nothing could be further from the truth. Communist secret police and censorship were replaced with anti-free speech laws and the grip of Cultural Marxism and the fanatical new religion of holocaust, a state religion which treats any deviations from its dogmas as heresy with the heretic deserving of fines and jail. That is why Canadian Monika Schaefer is now in prison since she was snatched attending lawyer Silvia Stolz free speech trial in Munich, January 3.
Today, German nationalists and supporters converged on Dresden for the annual commemoration of the Allied bombing of this non-military target on February 13-14, 1945. Estimates range up to 500,000 as the number of civilians blown up, buried, burned to a crisp, vapourized by terror bombing or machinegunned by strafing fighters over a three day period.
One of the major speakers was Lady Michele Renouf of Britain. Part way through her speech, because she obliquely questioned the new religion of holocaust by saying the only people holocausted in Europe were the Germans (especially in the firebombing of cities like Dresden and Hamburg), the police shut the rally down.
Alfred Schaefer reports: ” They shut us down as Lady Michele Renouf was talking because she had quoted the desire of the controlled British government to baste 900,000 Germans in Dresden, just like one bastes a duck in the oven. They fell short of the 900,000 and had to accept the basted 500,000 Germans.   Any deviation from the official “deserved deaths of 25,000 Nazis” is punishable by imprisonment and called incitement to hatred. It is not legal for Germans to mourn their basted ancestors.  It is mandatory that they crawl on their stomachs because of the six million lampshades that they made from those poor poor Jews after they gassed them. Any questioning this is also punishable by prison. That is, of course, why Monika is now serving her proper and just prison term. She should not have apologized to her mom.”
The Sydney Morning Herald (February 19, 2018) reported: “German police are investigating an Australian-born British woman for suspected incitement after she questioned the Holocaust during a far-right protest in the eastern city of Dresden. A spokeswoman for Dresden police says Michele Renouf was one of two people being investigated for remarks made at the … i rally on Saturday commemorating those killed in the 1945 Allied bombing of the city.

Videos of the rally posted online show Renouf saying the only Holocaust perpetrated in Europe was against German civilians. Publicly denying the … murder of an estimated six million Jews is a criminal offence in Germany.

Dresden police spokeswoman Jana Ulbricht said on Sunday that officers ordered the rally dissolved after determining that two speakers had broken the law.

Letter to Arthur Topham from Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer (Canadian held since January 3, 2018 in German Maximum Security Prison)

Letter to Arthur Topham from Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer (Canadian held since January 3, 2018 in German Maximum Security Prison)
Today is DAY 40 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 
Dear Reader & Supporter of Free Speech,
On Friday, February 9, 2018 Radical Press received a long-awaited letter from Monika Schaefer who has been held in a German prison in Munich since January 3, 2018. At the time of writing her letter (Jan. 25) Monika had still not been allowed to receive visits from her family. It is my understanding that this has now changed and her brother Alfred’s wife has been to see her on more than one occasion.
As one can see from reading her letter Monika is in good spirits and appears to be coping well with her unjust loss of freedom. A great measure of her positive mental state appears to be the result of all the letters and cards that she’s been receiving. It’s hoped that readers will continue to write to Monika and send words of encouragement and love.
Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München
A note regarding the poster/graphic above. It would be deeply appreciated if those who have websites or blogs could post the image on their sites or on Facebook. This will help to spread the word about not only Monika but also the other three marvellous women who are sacrificing so much for the sake of Truth and Historical Revisionism. Search engines like Google, etc. pick up these posters and when people search on the net they show up as constant reminders that we are living in very dangerous times and our freedom of speech is quickly evaporating like morning dew in the desert. I’m also enclosing a pdf of this poster below for those who can utilize it for specified purposes.
We need to keep the plight of these courageous women at the forefront of our efforts and try to draw their plight to the attention of more and more truth seekers.
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”
Monika Schaefer’s Letter to the Radical Press
Received Friday, February 9, 2018
Letter #1
25. January 2018
Dear Arthur and Shasta,
Words can hardly describe the joy I felt upon receiving your letter of January 8th, and the wonderful picture/graphic that you created. My heart pretty near burst right out of my rib cage. Thank you Arthur for all you are doing – I have seen from other correspondences that you put together a good list of contacts for people to write letters to, and that kind of thing.
For 21/2 weeks I heard nothing from the outside world, and then suddenly the flood of letters started arriving. Oh my goodness, I was in pretty good spirits before (all things considered), but receiving these letters REALLY lifted my spirits.
Life for me has simplified, in terms of day-to-day. My biggest concerns in the first while were about all the logistical stuff on the home front. I haven’t been permitted a phone call yet, nor a visit, and I have no idea if any of my letters to my brother have gone through, so of course those logistical concerns just stressed me out for awhile. But basically I just resigned myself to having faith that my friends and family would take care of things.
. . . As I mentioned, life has suddenly become quite simple. Time expands and shrinks simultaneously. I could write books already about the interesting experiences in prison, and it seems like a long long time ago when they locked me up. On the other hand, the days flow one into the next very quickly, as the simple punctuations of daily life go round and round. I am keeping healthy and well, in mind, body, spirit and heart & soul. It is wonderful to know that Truth and Light, and indeed God, is with me. I know that.
During my last free night at Alfred’s, I had a remarkable dream, in which I was walking in a circle, with a bunch of other people, all walking rather slowly, heads slightly bowed forward, kind of shuffling along. Going counterclockwise. After my first full day here, I bolted upright in bed and gasped, as I realized that what I had seen in my dream (3 days earlier) was the daily hour outside in the courtyard, the “Hofgang”. The circular walk in the dream was the same general size as the courtyard here, and people walk round and round counterclockwise. That was not the first time in my life that I was shown something in a dream. But it has been rare.
I can assure you, about that “Hofgang”, that my head is not bowed, and I am NOT shuffling along. I either go vigorously, or sometimes a few of us play ping pong or volleyball. We have a lot of laughs and good moments. 
I’m in a cell with 4 others. We have our moments, sometimes difficult, but mostly okay, and sometimes good conversations. Sleep is sometimes hard to come by as we have one vigorous snorer. Earplugs don’t work so well – Oh well – This time shall pass.
I pray that you are both well.
Mehr Licht!     
… and much Love to you!





Alison Chabloz, English singer & satirist on trial for her songs, interviewed on THE DAILY KENN by Charles Edwards, Paul Fromm, David Gaharry & Kenn Gividen.




Image may contain: 2 people, child
English singer,  Alison Chabloz,  on trial for satirizing holocaust survivors
tales greeted by supporters  outside London Court, January 10, 2018

London “free speech” club being demonised and threatened by pro-censorship Hate-Groups

London “free speech” club being demonised and threatened by pro-censorship Hate-Groups
February 6, 2018

On January 28th THA TALKS featured an interview with David Parry, who as well as being a guest presenter for THA also runs “The Extremist Club”, a free speech club in London that has been running since 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAqikT49NLU&t=1296s. Your News Wire also caught up with David for an interview, and we can now lay out the whole story.

David’s Free Speech Club is now being targeted by extreme pro-censorship activists and entirely false things are being reported about him and the club on the website of “Hope Not Hate”

David is a marvellous example of the English eccentric. He is a multi-faith practitioner with a deeply spiritual perspective on life. He is also the Rev David Parry, ordained priest of the Old Catholic Church. And his motive to facilitate opposing groups talking to each other is funny notions like “if we listen to each other we can understand each other and solve our common problems”. David is a Liberal in the true classic sense, someone into Freedom: for everyone.

As he tells THA TALKS: “I am very cross and unhappy. This is lying, mis-representation, this odious and poisonously toxic invective, aimed at myself, without the slightest regard for professional ethics or accuracy”

“Extremists club” started in the summer of 2014, and for 3 years it operated completely harmlessly and non-controversially. A crowd of around 30 would gather in the pub, listen to speakers, and challenge their positions in Questions & Answers. Beer was drunk, commerce was engaged, everyone was happy, and people listened to each other.

And the name “Extremists club” was just a joke, in the 17th century Britain had “radicals” clubs and the idea was just a new version of that. Left wing and Right wing would meet and seek common ground where they could find it, and in that, David Parry was certainly about “good work”.

But perhaps that is a frightening thing for some people. In the summer of 2017 a young man started to attend, who introduced himself as Eric Helstrom: although it now seems very unlikely that was his real name. For “Eric” wasn’t there for fair play. He covertly recorded people and re-edited them salaciously, then tried to interest Channel 4 in broadcasting his footage. Fair play to Channel 4, they told him to beat it, but it seems Helstrom’s accusations have reached other ears.

Especially, Helstrom’s tall tales are being reported unquestioned on the website of “Hope Not Hate”… “Hobson also spoke on the same subject at The Extremists Club in October 2016, a small monthly discussion group based in Soho, founded by Turner and prominent right-wing occultist David Parry. Raymond was seen entering an Extremists Club meeting in April, which was addressed by veteran anti-feminist and Nazi-apologist Claire Khaw, who was due to speak on the importance of establishing a one-party theocracy in the UK to eradicate the “matriarchy.” (and they also had a go at free speech podcast THA TALKS).

^ Which is the typical “we don’t like people being allowed to speak” talk from them!

Hope not Hate is a sinister “political charity” that also gets payments from the British State and the European Union to maintain a private surveillance database of UK “Extremists”. “But Hope not Hate” has extreme positions of its own: Extreme Globalism, Extreme Europhilia, Extreme activism for mass uncontrolled immigration. And in their eyes, to be “Extreme” is to commit the simple offence: of disagreeing with THEM! Blogspot “Nope Not Hope” tracks “Hope Not Hates” activities and reports on their goings-on http://nopenothope.blogspot.co.uk/

The issue of violent disruption of lawful political meetings continue to raise higher and higher as an issue in Britain. The basic requirements of tolerance and respect for opposing views democratic discourse, and free society, depends upon, are being trampled on by yahoos who are so politically immature they can only think shouting and barging about with empty slogans equals “doing politics!”

Popular Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has just had a fracas with an invading mob at a meeting at University of West of England, Friday 2nd Feb 2018. One young man was right in Rees-Mogg’s personal space, members of the audience were afraid a knife could have been pulled https://order-order.com/2018/02/02/rees-mogg-protester-identified-momentum-corbynista/

And two months ago, columnist Katy Hopkins was driven out of delivering a speech at a lawful meeting in Lewes: https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/news/police-called-ill-prepared-for-katie-hopkins-event-in-lewes-1-8266081

And those are just a couple of recent examples, from many more, that the political allies of “Hope Not Hate” get up to!

Truth is, people fear free speech when they fear the free marketplace of ideas. Behind the desire to censor is the fear that ones “enemies” ideas are more attractive than ones own. But the reality is, exposing the ideas to the people, is the true test of democracy. Its for the people to make the ultimate verdict on what ideas are good ones: and what ideas are bad!

For many years “Hope Not Hate” hounded the British National Party (BNP). Indeed, its whole identity was based on its opposition to the BNP in its early years and “Hope not Hate” celebrated its success at keeping the BNP censored and off the airwaves, through their pressure on broadcasters. And sure, the BNP were down the “knuckle dragging” end of the spectrum. But the more “Hope not Hate” demonised the BNP, the stronger the commitment of the members become to stick together. People glue together against being bullied. While “Hope not Hate” pocketed big government pay-outs for its “charity work”, its campaign against the BNP did nothing to reduce BNP support. It was only when the BNP did well enough electorally in 2010’s Euro Parliament vote to gain 1 MEP, that the BBC stopped listening to “Hope not Hate” and put leader Nick Griffen on BBC Question Time. Actually being allowed to hear and see Nick Griffen in action, was repulsive to the majority of the audience. There was a “Car-crash” interview effect: the BNP collapsed the next day and has not been heard of since!

The simple fact is, “Hope not Hate” has a dark side, a political charity running private surveillance is deeply disturbing, it cheers censorship, while being entirely ineffective at reducing extremism: and threatens to criminalise free speech to suit its own bigotry and prejudice.

David Parry sums it up beautifully:

“This madness must stop! We were sent blessings this evening from the Socialist Workers Party… who told me we all end up in the same Jail if this continues…”

In light of these problems, the club is now reforming to the “Free Speech Club” and next meets on February 27th, at the Kings Head, Westmoreland Street, Marylebone, from 7pm. If people want to discover what all the fuss is about, they know what to do! https://www.facebook.com/events/2096910773919063/
