Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson on The Transgender Agenda, Misgendering, the RCMP & The Decline of Our Society

Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson on The Transgender Agenda, Misgendering, the RCMP & The Decline of Our Society
[To Henry Makow] Further to the reference in your twitter feed, about  the $50,000 penalty for ‘mis-gendering’ the complainant in the Ogre vs. Whatcott thing :

in fact : about 4 years ago, I moved  to Sidney British Columbia.  Driving a taxicab around town gave me a special perspective on the quiet, prosperous charming little burg.   I encountered a certain RCMP officer but I did not know her name at that time.  She was unremarkably just a lumpy broad with a crewcut lesbian hairstyle, in a rumpled regular duty  RCMP brown uniform with the yellow stripe down the pantleg, I’d guess not more than 40 years old. Back in my day  you’d never see an RCMP officer so sloppily dressed. I found it curious that she was obviously in such poor physical shape for a police officer.

A few years later,  I had trouble at the house I was renting ;  street people, to whom I’d rented rooms – not knowing  how verminous they are – had turned on me.  It was pan-demonium.  The cops were there 9 times in the last 3 weeks before I vacated as the place before it was  demolished.  This particular officer, then the RCMP Watch Commander, attended  a couple of the incidents. She was instrumental in cooling-out the altercation by taking charge of the little witch who was the worst troublemaker.   For which I was grateful.  I had no complaint about the officer’s  policing. She was always pleasant to me when we’d cross paths on the street, later.   At that point in time – spring 2018 – the woman RCMP officer had a noticeable beard, but it was very thin like a teenage boy.

A few weeks ago ( early 2019 )  driving the cab out to the ferry, a passenger remarked that she worked as a civilian employee at Sidney North Saanich RCMP detachment.  In a roundabout delicate way, I mentioned that I’d seen the RCMP officer with a more-or-less full beard. And my understanding was,  that the RCMP dress code prohibits an officer having a beard.  The passenger told me that the uniform code had been changed very recently.  Without me asking, she told me the name of the particular officer whom I’ll call Corporal X.   Even though I’d described the police officer as a woman,  my passenger was careful to refer to Corporal “X” as “he“.
century ago, Canadians considered the Bearded Lady a freak of nature, to be pitied. They were found in sideshows when the Circus came to town.   Yesterday I saw her go by on patrol in the Commander’s car. Worst of all,  as the Mao-ists informed us :  “political power flows out of the barrel of a gun!” .   Corporal X wears a loaded sidearm on her hip,  with power to imprison someone if he were to disobey the Order uttered by the BC Human Rights Commission arising from the case of Oger versus Whatcott. In that Soviet-style showtrial, we saw the naked face of evil … when the Tyrant figures she controls the Man with the Gun.  Namely =  fanatical Devyn Cousineau,  one of the ‘change agents’  seconded by BC’s Attorney General to ensure that thepolitical opponent of the New Democratic Party was vilified as an Enemy of the State.  If there’s one thing the antichrists cannot abide, it’s the prophetic type such as Bill Whatcott,  out in the public square,   denouncing sin … naming names. The Free Press is   the People’s Friend, The Tyrant’s Foe

I can’t help an ironic smile when I go in to the local copshop and see the big poster on the wall …    A classic image of a Mountie in full red serge, posed on a coal black horse, against a picturesque mountain backdrop. The propaganda we all grew up with … so far-removed from the present reality.   Would the white Christian men who made up the Force a generation ago …  upon whose dedication to duty our respect of the RCMP was based  … countenance ( so-called ) “trans-gender-ism” ?  Would they take orders from a female demanding to be addressed as a male?   What would they say about 2 Sodomites disgracing their uniform by dressing in it as they  ostensibly!  got “married”?

Like it or not, the Oger Whatcott ruling is the last word on “hate speech” in this poor suffering Dominion.   Cousineau’s Order  puts me in a quandary.   I had given Bill $60 to publish his flyers.  Even though I announced that I was his accomplice in the dastardly deed,   the Tribunal wouldn’t let me come on the hearing as an Intervenor.  So I have not yet had my say as to the validity of the 104 pages of Cousineau’s gobble-de-gook absurdity.   When I do, one of my chief arguments will be that when my Dad marched away from the RCR Barracks in London Ontario, in 1940, he assumed he was going to war against the very same mindset of the God damned fascisti as I face, here, 2 generations later. It cannot be that one of the foundational precepts in this country – preaching of the Gospel —  is illegal.   Adolph Hitler and his pals were national socialists who sent their critics to concentration camps  : Devyn Cousineau & the NDP are international socialists who send their critics to gaol.     See the difference?

I stood as a candidate in the BC provincial election in 2001.  I expect to do so again. Last time round, I had some very harsh things to say about the NDP ; all true.    There’s more of the same, and worse, that needs to be said, now.   Do I have to put me-self in jeopardy of going to prison, for publishing my political and religious opinion, which is ; that the New Democratic Party administration in BC is nothing less than Marxist thugs in 3 -piece suits … antichrists whose handmaids from Hell – Cousineau, Juricevic and Trerise –  formally outlawed the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven?

How the above relates to the curiousity of Corporal; X the bearded lady RCMP officer, is :

Cousineau’s wicked Order in the Oger Whatcott Order thing, legitimizes the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regiment policy re   ‘trans-gender-ism” …  a textbook demonstration of how the Frankfurt school of Marxists do their damn’d’st …  sabotaging genuine Christianity so sexual perversion becomes normalized.   No mere co-incidence that the lame-stream newsmedia published not a line of print,  informing the public what’s going on in the office of the RCMP Commissioner.    You sure didn’t see a fullpage article in the Trawna Grope & Flail about trans-gender-ism polluting police forces.  Rather =  puff-pieces as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau crows about his new version of “Core values” in this post-national state.  All the while he and his treasonous pals in high places undermine the very foundation of the Dominion  = ie.  presumption that we are a white, Christian society.  Evidence that Justin Trudeau was sired by Fidel Castro, is overwhelming, for those who can muster the intellectual honesty to examine the facts.  No surprise then that ‘the apple didn’t fall very far from the tree’.  Papa Fidel would be so proud of him … infiltrating the soft underbelly of capital-ism by stealth.    The antichrist Marxists know full well what they’re doing = installing rebellion to God at every position  in the institutions of government.

the ruling of the BC Human Rights Tribunal in the  Whatcott v. Oger matter is of utmost importance to all right-thinking Canadians : penalty of $55,000 against Whatcott … $20,000 of it punishment for  “mis-gendering”  the pathetic creature, Oger the Ogre ( or is it the other way ’round? )  … for the sake of him publishing his political and religious opinion during an election, mind you!   It directs Bill Whatcott  henceforth, to use the pronoun “he” when referring, in public, to the man in the dress, Complainant Ronan aka Morgane Oger.  Or go directly to gaol. ‘And no more posting to social media/ the public square, your quibbles about how  color of law was used to disguise Oger’s mental illness’.

Words fail me to define how profoundly evil is Cousineau’s monstrosity.   Suffice to use the Biblical language :   Wrong was put in place of right : right is now called ‘wrong’.    Such absurdity cannot be allowed to stand.  The good news, is: this too = the bizarre fad of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria =  will pass. But it’s going to take some ugly skirmishing and persistence and serious amounts of $$s  in the courts and on the hustings to re-establish our right to freedom of the Press.

Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

Metchosin British Columbia
April 30 2019

Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson Seeks Transcripts of Oger v Whatcott Tribunal

Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson Seeks Transcripts of Oger v Whatcott Tribunal


On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 3:30 PM Kelly, Ainsley AG:EX <> wrote:

Dear Gordon,


Thank you for your email. I am writing to advise you that the Tribunal Registrar Steven Adamson is away from the office until April 29, 2019 and will respond to your inquiry after his return.



From: Gordon S Watson <>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 1:19 PM
To: BC Human Rights Tribunal AG:EX <>
Cc: watson.gordons <>
Subject: Publicity is the soul of Justice


Steven Adamson, Registrar

BC Human Rights Commission


following below is a 2-page letter which I faxed at 12:45 pm today to the HR Commission

please acknowledge receipt of my fax.
And also, acknowledge that you’re aware I have requested the Transcripts described.
If this letter does not suffice as a proper request, then I need to know what the BC Human Rights Commission wants, in order for me and others, to get the Transcript of the Oger Whatcott hearing

Gordon S Watson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

April 18th 2019
British Columbia Human Rights Commission

Attention : Steven Adamson, Registrar

This is the first page of 2 pages, total, faxed to 604 775 2020

Re : Oger versus Whatcott your file # 16408

1. When the first session of the Tribunal in this matter convened I was in the audience. 
My notes show that Chairwoman Juricivic stated 
‘this matter is being recorded. A transcript may be available if a person requests it stating his reasons’.
2. at paragraph 14 of the Reasons for the ruling in this matter, Devyn Cousineau folded-in a paraphrase of what Bill Whatcott had said while testifying. Apparently, a transcript has been made of – at the very least – his testimony. Unless told otherwise by you, I’m going to assume that the testimony of Ronan/ Morgane Oger has also been transcribed.

3. I wish to have a copy of the transcript of what witnesses Oger and Whatcott testified before the Tribunal. Please advise me of the cost of each item and how to go about getting them?
My Reasons for having a copy of the Transcripts are :

4. I stood as a candidate to be a member of the Legislature in the general election of 2001. 
I intend to do so in the next provincial election. An essential part of my platform will be ; informing electors and taxpayers as to the implications of what went on in the Oger Whatcott Tribunal. It is of utmost importance for Canadians to appreciate how the ruling in this matter effectively outlaws the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, as proclaimed by Jesus Christ and the prophets of Israel. The submission by Dr Lugosi on behalf of Bill Whatcott responding to the Attorney General’s position in this case, sums-up what’s at stake : liberty to participate in democracy during an election, at all. I require the transcripts of the witnesses in order to make them available to the public : this matter is a perfect example of the maxim “Publicity is the soul of Justice” The written record of what was said is crucial for them to make up their own minds about the fitness for office of candidates of the New Democratic Party … for deciding who to vote for, or not vote for.

5. The Bible tells us that “by two or three witnesses a thing is confirmed”. I was not in the room when Complainant Oger gave his testimony. But two of my friends were. They each told me that he related an incident which – ostensibly – demonstrated why the Whatcott flyer was “hate speech” i. e. because a man was so moved by it that he attempted to assault NDP candidate Oger. Ronan / Morgane Oger is a classic example of the fragile homosexual. His type will do and say anything for attention. Had such a thing really happened then he – masterful at using social media – would have maximized it in cyberspace for purposes of his campaign. The lack of any report in the public record, of anything like unto what he pretended, speaks volumes.

6. The Commission is no doubt aware that I have a complaint underway to the Attorney General as to Devyn Cousineau’s fitness to sit on that Tribunal. Cousineau is a longtime partisan political activist on the issue which is the centrepiece of the Oger Whatcott matter. There is hard evidence of her contributing funds to a group which advocates for still more special treatment for the ?L?G?B?T?Q?/whatever? people. It doesn’t take a degree in law or political science, to realize that Devyn Cousineau was biased in the very first instance. It is outrageous that the thing went ahead with her on the panel
7. The notion that Oger ‘was about to be attacked and was only saved by intervention of a police officer’, is a classic example of emotional blackmail / playing on the sympathy of the public conscience – one of the favourite tactics of the Marxists. Had such an incident taken place, Devyn Cousineau would certainly have known about it : she would have used it as part of her Reasons. The fact that she didn’t, tells us that ‘it never happened’.

8. I am unlearned in the law. Nevertheless, I am one of Canada’s most experienced laymen in the laying of private Informations. I have good reason to believe and I verily do believe that, while testifying under Oath, Ronan Oger aka Morgane Oger committed Perjury. I require the transcripts as evidence for substantiating charges against him of Perjury and obstruct/ pervert Justice.

9. The Commission will be aware that at the Supreme Court of British Columbia Lawcourts at 800 Smithe Street Vancouver, anyone may arrange to listen to the recording of a proceeding, for free. As well, a party to it may obtain a copy of the entire proceeding of his or her case, on CD …. called ‘the DARS disc’. Someone asking for it, must apply to a Justice, and swear an Affidavit that such a disc will be used ONLY for purposes of refreshing their memory. But not for publication. Then, if the Order is granted, they pay a fee of $25

10 Please advise me if Bill Whatcott or his lawyer may obtain a copy of the DARS disc of the entire hearing before the Tribunal of file 16408 ?. I need that information in order for me to subpoena them to the Process Hearing when I lay the private information against Oger.

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

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Activists Are Trying to Force Mastercard to Cut Off Payments to The Far Right

Activists Are Trying to Force Mastercard to Cut Off Payments to The Far Right
BuzzFeed News

Activists have successfully forced Mastercard to hold a vote by shareholders on a proposal which, if passed, could see the company monitoring payments to global far-right political leaders and white supremacist groups. The proposal aims to see Mastercard establish an internal “human rights committee” that would stop designated white supremacist groups and anti-Islam activists, such as Tommy Robinson, from getting access to money sent from donors using the company’s card payment services. It’s been conceived by US-based political activists SumOfUs, who want to escalate the battle against white supremacists and far-right groups from tech platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Patreon, and PayPal to one of the biggest companies in world finance, in an attempt to choke off donations.

Mark Metcalfe / Getty Images
Activists have successfully forced Mastercard to hold a vote by shareholders on a proposal which, if passed, could see the company monitoring payments to global far-right political leaders and white supremacist groups.

The proposal aims to see Mastercard establish an internal “human rights committee” that would stop designated white supremacist groups and anti-Islam activists, such as Tommy Robinson, from getting access to money sent from donors using the company’s card payment services.

It’s been conceived by US-based political activists SumOfUs, who want to escalate the battle against white supremacists and far-right groups from tech platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Patreon, and PayPal to one of the biggest companies in world finance, in an attempt to choke off donations.

Robinson and several other leading figures in the global far right have been forced in recent months to solicit donations directly on their websites via Mastercard, Visa, and American Express after PayPal banned payments to them. Facebook also disabled the donation function on Robinson’s fan page before deleting it completely.

“Spreading hate involves spending money,” Eoin Dubsky, from SumOfUs, told BuzzFeed News. “Whether it’s paying for online advertising or organising violent rallies, white supremacist groups need financial services from companies like Mastercard.”

Tommy Robinson launches his EU election campaign in Wythenshawe, England.
Christopher Furlong / Getty Image

Tommy Robinson launches his EU election campaign in Wythenshawe, England. Over several months, SumOfUs has been locked in a battle with Mastercard executives behind the scenes in order to get the new committee proposal put to the shareholders ahead of the company’s June annual general meeting. It would see the formation of a “human rights committee” at the board level, which would monitor financial transactions with designated hate groups.  Documents seen by BuzzFeed News reveal that the US Securities and Exchange Commission has given the green light for shareholders to get the chance to vote on the formation of the committee, despite staunch opposition from the Mastercard board and executives.

In the material to be sent to shareholders, the activists refer to a website called Blood Money, which tracks online payments to white supremacist groups from the likes of Mastercard, American Express, and Stripe. The website currently claims that Mastercard services are being used by groups like Counter-Currents Publishing, Covenant People’s Ministry, the United West, Sultan Knish, and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation.SumOfUs has also pointed to the activity of Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. The former English Defence League founder is running as an independent in May’s European election.  In November 2018, PayPal banned donations to the anti-Islam activist, with the online payment company saying that its services wouldn’t “be used to promote hate, violence, or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory”. More recently, Robinson has been calling on his global network of supporters to donate to his election campaign through his website, which allows payments from Mastercard.

“Having a Mastercard logo on their website also gives these groups a veneer of legitimacy, and allows those who want to donate to do so quickly and quietly,” Dubsky told BuzzFeed News.  “Mastercard also benefits, pocketing a transaction fee for each purchase or donation.”  Mastercard declined requests for comment, pointing instead to the board’s position laid out in the information sent to shareholders ahead of the general meeting.  “Mastercard is committed to treating all people fairly and with dignity, and our interest in human rights extends to all areas in which our business is involved and where we have particular expertise,” it reads. “The Board does not believe that establishing a separate human rights committee is necessary to properly exercise its oversight of this important area.”

It’s unclear whether the proposal stands a chance of succeeding at June’s meeting. But the move to confront such a big, mainstream company like Mastercard over issues like the funding of white supremacy and the far right comes after action from smaller, online financial platforms like PayPal and Patreon in the area.  PayPal has banned payments to Robinson, US far-right group Proud Boys, and Canadian anti-Islam activist Laura Loomer. It also acted against several US anti-fascist groups because the company had no tolerance for groups that promoted “hate” and “violence”.  Last year, Patreon banned YouTuber Sargon of Akkad over a 2015 video that featured the Gamergate leader repeatedly saying the n-word in a Google Hangout with the alt-right. According to the New York Times, Sargon of Akkad, whose real name is Carl Benjamin, had 3,000 subscribers and was being paid $12,000 a month on Patreon when he was removed from the site.

In a recent YouTube video, Benjamin and Robinson talked about being de-platformed by social media companies. But Robinson also suggested that he has long-term fears beyond the big tech companies.

“I am being completely un-personed,” Robinson said. “What’s next—my mobile-phone contract?”

Mark Di Stefano is a media and politics correspondent for BuzzFeed News and is based in London.  Contact Mark Di Stefano at

Facebook Continues Its War on Dissent: Farrakhan, Alex Jones, Yiannopoulos, Loomer & Other Critics of Jews & Moslems Banned By Silicon Valley Censors

Facebook Continues Its War on Dissent: Farrakhan, Alex Jones, Yiannopoulos, Loomer & Other Critics of Jews & Moslems Banned By Silicon Valley Censors

In an all out war on politically incorrect dissent, Silicon Valley censors at Facebook banned a host of “dangerous” voices on Thursday. These included Nation of Islam leader Minister  Louis Farrakhan, talk radio host Alex Jones, two-time Congressional candidate Paul Nehlen, and commentators Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos and Paul Joseph Watson. So, it’s “dangerous” voices who are being banned. Can we expect a ban on those promoting communism or abortion? Likely not.
Now more than ever, freedom lovers should start demanding that the Silicon Valley tyrants, who have virtual monopolies, we treated by legislation as public utilities that are compelled to serve ALL customers, without discrimination, in this case, on the basis of their controversial views.
Was Facebook founder and head Mark Zukerberg, a prominent Jew, just obeying the directive set out in a totalitarian demand made by Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon this week? The Jerusalem Post (April 30, 2019) reported: ‘The only way to stop antisemitism is to criminalize it, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon told reporters in New York on Monday. ‘The time for talking and having a conversation is over,’ Danon said. ‘What Israel and the Jewish community around the world demand is action – and now.’ Danon …   said that those who engage in antI-semitism ‘must be punished. Whether it is here at the UN [or by] political leaders, editors, policy pundits or college professors, it does not matter. Antisemitism should have no place in our society,” he continued. “Until it becomes criminal, this bigotry will persist; it will fester.'” So, criticism of Israel or Jews should be criminalized. It just so happens that many of the recently banned people have been critical of Jews. The others, interestingly, are critical of radical Moslems (Laura Loomer).

To his credit, President Donald Trump rallied to the defence of freedom of speech and these freethinkers: ” On Twitter Friday night (May 3, 2019), President Donald Trump railed against ‘the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms” and complained that conservatives were being unfairly pushed off social media.” (The Slatest, May 4, 2019). If the seven banned people were being silenced for “dangerous ideas, ? he asked, “.“Why is @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN, @MSNBC allowed to be on Twitter & Facebook.  “Much of what they do is FAKE NEWS!” 
Paul Fromm

Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones and other ‘dangerous’ voices banned by Facebook and Instagram

Jones and his media outlet InfoWars had previously been banned from Facebook (FB) in August 2018, but had maintained a presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. On Thursday, Jones and InfoWars will be barred from Instagram as well.
Other people banned on Thursday included Paul Nehlen, an anti-Semite who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2016 and 2018, and fringe right-wing media personalities Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos and Paul Joseph Watson.
“We’ve always banned individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless of ideology,” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement provided to CNN Business. “The process for evaluating potential violators is extensive and it is what led us to our decision to remove these accounts today.”
A Facebook spokesperson told CNN Business the company goes through a lengthy process and takes into consideration a number of factors before determining an individual to be “dangerous.”
The Facebook spokesperson said such factors include whether the person or organization has ever called for violence against individuals based on race, ethnicity, or national origin; whether the person has been identified with a hateful ideology; whether they use hate speech or slurs in their about section on their social media profiles; and whether they have had pages or groups removed from Facebook for violating hate speech rules.
In some instances, when Facebook bans an individual or organization, it also restricts others from expressing praise or support for them on its platforms, the spokesperson said, adding that the company continues to view such action as the correct approach. That policy may not apply to any or all of the people banned Thursday, however.
The spokesperson added that Facebook will remove groups, pages and accounts created to represent the banned individuals when it knows the individual is participating in the effort.
Some of the individuals who were designated as “dangerous” responded to the ban on their accounts in the brief period between when Facebook announced the ban and when Facebook scrubbed the accounts.
Loomer, for instance, denied in an Instagram post that she ever violated the company’s terms of service. Loomer asked people to follow her on an different platform, adding, “Looks like you guys will probably never hear from me again.”
Yiannopoulos also published a final post on Instagram.
Watson used Twitter, from which he has not been banned, to write, “In an authoritarian society controlled by a handful of Silicon Valley giants, all dissent must be purged.”
Farrakhan, Jones and Nehlen did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Some critics questioned why Facebook banned the accounts in one fell swoop on Thursday, instead of taking action against the accounts at the time they were determined to have been in violation of the company’s rules. These critics suggested the announcement was designed to generate positive publicity for the company, which has a history of being slow to act on such matters and of only taking action after facing pressure from the public.
It is possible it simply took Facebook a significant amount of time to reach a decision on whether to label the individuals as “dangerous.” In late March, Business Insider obtained emails showing Facebook executives in an intense debate over whether or not to take action like this against Jones.
At the time, a Facebook spokesperson told CNN Business, “As this email correspondence shows, we continually monitor and review whether people are involved in organized hate on our platform. We’ve already taken down InfoWars’ Facebook Page, but Alex Jones has a network of presences online and we are evaluating how to appropriately enforce our policies against him as an individual. We’re committed to being diligent and will share an update when that process has run its course.”

CITIZENSGO Campaign Against Canada’s”Gay Loonie” Banned & Attacked

CITIZENSGO Campaign Against Canada’s”Gay Loonie” Banned & Attacked

We have been absolutely overwhelmed by all the words of encouragement from our CitizenGO members across Canada. After I sent out my e-mail last Saturday explaining how we have been attacked and banned over our “Gay Loonie” campaign, many of you wrote in to offer your support.
This was a real blessing to us here at CitizenGO Canada. It spurs us on to keep standing for the truth – and also to plan our next steps.
But first, let me share some of that encouragement with all of you…

“It is indeed a tragedy when people of faith can no longer speak the truth about God’s natural laws. We are living at a time when it appears that ‘wrong is right and right is wrong’. Our free speech is eroding if we allow radicals [to] relieve us of it. They seem to encounter no opposition in their ‘freedoms’ but they wish to limit ours. We must stand up for what we believe is right or we become part of what is wrong! We know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah!” – C.O.

“I was born in a country where free speech was a right of everyone. That would be CANADA. Free speech now seems to be slotted to those who yell out obscenities at those they disagree with as ‘it is their right’. Up is down and down is up. Pray for eyes, ears, and hearts to be opened.” – R.O.

“We, as a family, are so behind you! Keep fighting, keep strong, and keep the FAITH! May GOD work a miracle here that He may be praised!” – M.A.

“Thank you for speaking the truth, I agree we should have the right to speak.” – A.D.

“I will never accept this coin as legitimate Canadian currency, and if I find any in my possession I will take to the bank and demand that they take it back in exchange for real currency. I encourage all decent Canadians to do the same. Justin Trudeau may approve of this disgusting lifestyle, but he cannot force this filth down our throats. We must fight him in ALL ways that are available to us, and take our country back.” – B.C.

“Apparently, it is hateful to critique a pro-LGBT dollar coin, but it is NOT hateful to shut down Canadian Christians for sharing their perspective. I am also reminded of the attacks our brothers and sisters face all around the world: the bombings of churches.” – A.K.

“I will never use these coins, as it is against my beliefs – nor will my children, or grandchildren. Society is going to hell in a handbasket. Everything that is right is now deemed wrong, and everything that is wrong is deemed right…It is a slippery slope!” – K.T.

“Our monetary tools should not be politicized or used to virtue signal.” – S.H.

“[A] propaganda coin shoved in our face is a constant reminder that you will accept this way of thinking whether you like it or not. It is a way of saying the lifestyle is to be acceptable by everybody, which in truth is not. I will not be told by a government how to think.” – F.G.

“No thank you, I will take four quarters please.” – S.A.

Very Successful CAFE Meetings for Revisionist Videographers Diane King & Jim Rizoli (Toronto & Hamilton)

Very Successful CAFE Meetings for Revisionist Videographers Diane King & Jim Rizoli (Toronto & Hamilton)



A very successful weekend. Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Revisionist videographers Diane King & Jim Rizoli, Japanese journalist Grace, who covered Dr, James Sears sentencing, and Christian Klein, President of the Committee of German Expellees. CAFE held two packed meetings in Toronto & Hamilton featuring Diane King & Jim Rizoli. Dr. Sears made a guest appearance Saturday to a thundering ovation

Senate’s ethics committee recommends Lynn Beyak be suspended without pay

Senate’s ethics committee recommends Lynn Beyak be suspended without pay


[In Cultural Marxist Canada, in the reptilian grip of an alien ideology, no one, not even a Canadian Senator is safe. In the interest of public debate, allowing many, not just narrowly approved, voices to be heard, Senator Lynn Beyak posted letters critical of Indians  she’d received on her website. The Senate  Ethics Committee recommends that she be stripped of her pay for the remainder of this Parliamentary session and be sent off to political re-education school on racism. An independent thinker, Senator Beyak was earlier kicked out of the Conservative caucus because she had the temerity to state that the Indian Residential Schools, established to educate native Indians from far flung communities in an effort to take them from the Stone Age to the edge of the modern age in one generation, were not all bad and that many of the staff were caring and dedicated people. Her balanced view was heresy in Ottawa where the demonization of Whites is a moral imperative.

Press reports are too prissy to give us exactly what the offensive letters said. CBC News (March 20, 2019) gave  this summary: “Five of the letters contained racist content, suggesting that Indigenous people are lazy, chronic whiners who are milking the residential-school issue to get government handouts.” It sounds like small potatoes. These critical views, right or wrong, are widely held in Northern and Western Canada. Why should they be silenced?]

— Paul Fromm]

The Senate’s ethics committee is recommending that Sen. Lynn Beyak be suspended without pay for the duration of the current Parliament, over letters about Indigenous people she has posted to her website in March 2019.

The Senate’s ethics committee is recommending that Dryden Sen. Lynn Beyak be suspended without pay for the duration of the current Parliament, over letters about Indigenous people she has posted to her website.


The committee’s recommendations include that Beyak attend educational programs at her own expense related to racism toward Indigenous people in Canada.

The committee’s report also says the Senate administration should be directed to immediately remove five letters from her website if she won’t remove them herself.

The Senate ethics committee was tasked with recommending appropriate remedial measures or sanctions for Beyak based on findings from the Senate’s ethics officer.

The officer reported in March that the Ontario senator posted letters on her Senate website that contained racist content and therefore breached two sections of a code of conduct for senators.

Beyak could not immediately be reached for comment in response to the Senate committee findings.

Dr. James Sears & the Sentencing Drama: YOUR WARD NEWS is a Safety Valve that Heads Off Violence

Dr. James Sears & the Sentencing Drama: YOUR WARD NEWS is  a Safety Valve that Heads Off Violence
Videographers Jim Rizoli and Diane King  were in Toronto and Hamilton speaking for the Canadian Association for Free Expression, and Dr. James Sears was asked to
say a few words. Please spread this video far and wide. I We want EVERYONE to know that “evil Nazi holocaust revisionists” spoke to a large group of free speech supporters in

Toronto, and a convicted hatemonger opened for them. And CAFE was proud to present this courageous free speech Christian saint, Dr. Sears, to open the meeting

Faith Goldy Rejects White Guilt & Explains That Toronto Wasn’t Stolen from the Indians

Faith Goldy Rejects White Guilt & Explains That Toronto Wasn’t Stolen from the Indians


Faith Goldy sets the record straight. At 24:08, she says: “We are on the tract of land are on the traditional land of the settlers of Upper Canada, formerly known as York, legally purchased from the Mississaugas.” This is a great refutation of the lying guilt mongering intro to this and other public meetings that suggests we stole the land from the Indians.
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