Whatcott’s September 2, 2019 update

Postby Bill Whatcott » Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:48 am

Bill handing out flyers in front of the BCHRT on the first day of his trial, December 11, 2018

Dear friends,

These past couple weeks have been quite busy.

The mediation date for Jonathan Yaniv’s British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) complaint against me has been set for:

October 16th, 2019, from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm

For those unaware, Mr. Yaniv is seeking $35,000 in damages for my flyer and preaching that referred to him as a man and criticized his predatory complaints against 16 female estheticians who he attempted to coerce into waxing his genitals.

Here is the preaching session that I am being prosecuted for

Strangely, the BCHRT has insisted the “mediation” be conducted via telephone conference.

“Given the high conflict nature of the complaint, the Tribunal has determined that the most appropriate method of mediation is by teleconference.”
Danyka Wadley, Resolution Clerk

Mediation is generally done face to face with a mediator. If my mediation session with Mr. Yaniv is so “high conflict” that it is not safe for us to be in the same room together with a mediator then I am not actually sure what the purpose of the mediation is????

Anyways, tomorrow Monday, Citizen Go is holding a demonstration outside the Toronto CBC headquarters to voice our opposition to CBC’s “Drag kids” tv program.

In spite of concerns being expressed that the children depicted on the “Drag Kid’s” program are being exploited and the outrage expressed by many taxpayers at seeing gender confused young children in sexually suggestive poses on their tv screens, CBC in their usual fashion is ignoring the taxpayer complaints and imposing this harmful tv program on Canadians whether they want it or not.

Tomorrow I will be going to show my support for Citizen Go’s worthy protest. If you wish to go it will be held:

CBC Toronto headquarters, 250 Front St. W,
Monday, September 2nd, 12:30 to 2:00 PM.

On Thursday, September 5th, 2019 I will be back in the Ontario Superior Court again at 391 University St at 9:30 am for what is known as a Rowbatham hearing.

This is to see if I will qualify for government funding for my legal defense for my upcoming January 6th, 2020 so-called “hate crime” trial.

The Crown Prosecutor offered to support the application on my behalf for state funding so long as I would agree to pay $100 a month for perpetuity until the legal bill is paid in full and the $100 a month payable amount would be open to reassessment in the future at the Ontario government’s discretion.

Given that I didn’t ask for this trial and given that the debt that I would be agreeing to take on will likely run into the multiple tens of thousands of dollars whether I win or lose, and given that my earning capacity is less than that of the average Canadian, I told Mr. John Rosen (the lawyer who has been kind enough to work on this application on my behalf) that the terms are not acceptable. A life time of debt to the Ontario government whether I win or lose the criminal trial would definitely be a loss for me.

As for my other case with Mr. Morgane Oger, the NDP Vice President transvestite, who had me prosecuted by the BCHRT and fined $55,000 for telling Vancouver voters in a flyer that he is a biological male and that God did not want them to vote for him, there is no news yet on the appeal. However, the guy seems to still be bothered by my existence. Notwithstanding that I am not even residing in his province and I have issues more pressing than him in my life, Mr. Oger decided to publish malicious and delusional statements on his foundation website that I have threatened him with a rifle and that he needs continual police protection at his children’s school and his home, and warned those reading his website that I will likely kill someone if I am not dealt with.

Yup, that’s the guy who “Conservative” MP Michelle Rempel decided to fundraise for last year so that his foundation could be well funded to prosecute people who “misgender” him.

I note another “Conservative” MP had this to say about the “Morgane Oger Foundation” a foundation whose only purpose as far as I can see is to prosecute Canadians who dare to publicly disagree with Mr. Oger’s views on LGBT issues and now has delusional slander on its website:

“The role of the Morgane Oger Foundation is needed in Canadian society.”
Karen Vecchio, Conservative MP, Elgin, Middlesex, London

My advice if you really care about Conservative values and freedom of speech is don’t waste your vote on the so-called Conservative Party of Canada. The Christian Heritage Party or if you don’t have a CHP candidate in your riding than a People’s Party of Canada are the two parties truly committed to freedom of speech and the CHP is unambiguous in its commitment to protect the God ordained natural family from state intrusion.

In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott

“The earth, O Lord, is full of your steadfast love; teach me your statutes!”
Psalm 119:64

Jim Rizoli Discusses THE ZUNDEL TRIALS and Reparations Continue

Jim Rizoli Discusses THE ZUNDEL TRIALS and Reparations Continue

1985, 1988 – June 20, 2019
Contact Jim via Email – mrtapman@gmail.com or
Diane at dianekayking@hotmail.com
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Jim and Diane, Part 1/2 FreedomPalooza, June 2019 Freedom of Speech: Who is at the CORE of Villainy!!!

Jim and Diane, Part 1/2 FreedomPalooza, June 2019 Freedom of Speech:
Who is at the CORE of Villainy!!!


Jim and Diane discuss the attack on Free Speech where the jews use the BOOT AT OUR NECK (AKA the holohoax) to affect our suppression and the oppression of everyone everywhere. Diane presents various cases and instances of national (U.S.) AND worldwide JEWISH attempts to oppress the peoples.  Jim reviews the key tenants of the holocaust and WHY it is relevant to us because the jews use it to insinuate themselves and control EVERY aspect of our lives.

Part 2 and more of the FREEDOMPALOOZA speakers will be sent out when processed by Vinnie, the videographer. so


German Political Prisoners

Here is an updated list of GERMAN POLITICAL PRISONERS, and note Sylvia Stolz new 18-month residence (ROT THEM). Then check out our links below.

WRITE TO SYLVIA STOLZ at the following address:

Sylvia Stolz
Münchener Str. 33
86551 Aichach


Write to Ursula Haverbeck at the following address:

JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede
z. Hd. Ursula Haverbeck
Umlostraße 100
33649 Bielefeld

Write to Alfred Schaefer:

Alfred Erhard Schaefer
Stadelheimer Str. 12
81549 Munich


Justivollzugsanstalt Brandenburg A.D. Havel,
Inhaftierter: Horst Mahler,
Anton-Saefkow-Allee 22,
14772 Brandenburg,  

Jim Rizoli’s new YOUTUBE and first posting.
Jim Rizoli and Diane King Links

Jim Rizoli:  Holocaust Denier Extraordinaire and proud of it.


BRIGHTEON – https://www.brighteon.com/channel/jimrizoliDIANE KING‘S BRIGHTEON – Diane King

https://www.brighteon.com/channel/dianekaykingJIM RIZOLI’S BITCHUTE







(Jim) MR. TRUTHER(mrccfiile@gmail.com)  

Mr Truther – YouTube
Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Sign in. Watch Queue Queue

MR TRUTHER (Jim’s New YouTube) 






The FOURTH OF JULY, A Short Reminder


We enjoy our patriotic holidays, ESPECIALLY the 4th of July – allegedly celebrating our independence from tyrannical rule. (Why is it that we have descended into the abyss of tyranny YET AGAIN!!).

Galations 5:1 – Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Essentially, like Ben Franklin said to the woman as he exited the constitutional meeting – who asked him, “Do we have a republic or are we still part of the British empire.”  He said, “Madam, we give you a republic – see how long you can keep it.”

Once the jews took hold of us, we were headed hell-bent for slavery and again submitting to that yoke of slavery.  But we carry on as if we have this freedom, tenuous even now, our freedoms hanging on by a thread.

Every nation, no matter how wretched their past is allowed to have the expressions of their national heritage – EVERYONE EXCEPT ONE.

DIANE KING Discusses The FORGOTTEN PEOPLE and the denial of their right to have their national heritage.

Attorney Glen Allen fights the Multi-Headed Hydra of SPLC

Attorney Glen Allen fights the Multi-Headed Hydra of SPLC

Latest communique to supporters

From: glen allen [mailto:glenallenlaw@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2019 10:50 PM
To: glen allen; glen allen; Glen Allen
Subject: 6th Update from Glen Allen re Allen v. SPLC lawsuit

Friends, Donors, and Interested Persons,


As before and always, I thank you for your continued financial and moral support for my lawsuit against the SPLC, Heidi Beirich, and Mark Potok.


I mentioned in my  April 2, 2019 update that the SPLC defendants had until April 15 to file their reply memoranda in further support of their motions to dismiss my complaint.  They asked for an extension until April 24, which I granted, and they filed on that date.  Their reply memoranda, in my judgment, were superficial, especially with regard to my RICO and common law claims.  But of course, the decisive question is not what I think but what Judge Blake thinks, and she has not yet rendered a decision.


On April 25, I asked for a hearing on the SPLC’s motions but Judge Blake has not responded.


If any of you would like to see the SPLC Defendants’ reply memoranda, let me know and I will send them to you.


Please know that I will greatly need your continued donations whatever Judge Blake’s decision may be.  If she denies the defendants’ motions to dismiss, in whole or in part, my case will proceed into discovery — e.g., document requests and depositions — which will be expensive but extremely interesting given the result scandals at the SPLC.  If Judge Blake grants the motion in its entirety, I will appeal to the Fourth Circuit and perhaps even the Supreme Court.  The issues raised by the SPLC’s outrageous behavior, for which it has escaped justice for so many years, certainly merit appellate review at the highest levels.


My best to all of you.  Thank you for joining me on this journey!





“Soph” takes the world by storm

“Soph” takes the world by storm

Of Erik Forsell ,2019-05-17



MEDIA. The 14-year-old American “Soph” is getting harder attacked for her Youtube videos. Jewish opinion makers hang out and harass her publicly. But Soph’s videos are spreading like wildfire across the West.

The now 14-year-old “Soph” has made about 40 videos since she started doing Youtubevideor videos three years ago. Now, Jewish lobbyists are trying to get her banned from Youtube, even though she considers herself too young to belong to a political camp, and therefore does not engage in ideologies but only on issues. Although in a video, she hardly attacks the bad effects of communism.

If she gets another note on Youtube, she is shut down, and you have to follow her on for example BitChute instead.

The reason why a child who speaks about political issues has almost one million followers is that she is extremely politically incorrect when, among other things, she criticizes how the adult society abuses children for their own lusts – because she does not avoid the necessary multicultural problems. But she addresses a wide range of topics related to social and social issues.

Unlike previous youths who were shut down from Youtube for their political views, as the Hitlerist Evalion, who later changed his boyfriend and at the same time changed ideology and instead became a Leninist, Soph pays homage to no ideology.

Important issues for Soph are how children are treated by the adult world, not least by oppressive religious systems such as Islam and Judaism that allow child marriages both abroad and in the United States. She also deals with the widespread pedophilia in the film and TV industry in her videos, as well as what woman power and ” white power ” mean to her.

The hat train has started
It is the video “ Be not afraid ” that has created a lot of media rubbish. It is a film in which she breeds Islam for the institutionalized pedophilia where girls of her own age are treated as merchandise and are given away to old disgusting men.

The video prompted the Jew Joseph Bernstein who is a writer for Buzzfeedto in an article go out hard against the young girl and criticize her for everything he could think of: Islamophobia, racism against black, spread fear of pedophilia and at the same time dress their arguments in “napkin thin evolution psychology. “.

But Soph has long been criticized for anti-Semitism, and that’s probably why she is loosely hanging in her social accounts.

In the video Child marriage is legal , she criticizes the fact that child marriage is legal in all US states except in Delaware. That state has an absolute limit of 18 years as the minimum age to enter into marriage, says Soph.

In the other states there are loopholes in the laws where children can marry “with the parents’ permission” which in practice means that families marry the children to old men.

At the same time, there are no laws that make it legal for the child to differ from his / her spouse, as she is not of age and thus is not legally permitted to apply for divorce.

Low in number, 167,000 children have been subjected to forced marriage in the United States between 2010 and 2017, says Soph, mainly in the weight of oppressive religious systems.

The worst countries in the world are Muslim countries in Africa and the Middle East, but other religious communities are also guilty of forced marriage for children, and these are also increasing in the United States with all foreign religious cultures.

In the Jewish state of New Jersey, 4,000 children are married between 1995 and 2012. Soph points out that in some Jewish orthodox associations, the marriage age for girls is 12 years, and that Catholic law allows for marriage to boys aged 16 and 14 years old.

– So, yes, one can say that common religious values ​​are about sexualizing their daughter as early as possible, probably to tie her to the fireplace before she can learn too much at school, and marriage makes it so much easier for men rape little girls, says Soph.

In the video she criticizes the Democrat and Orthodox Jew Gary Schaer as 2018 ensured that a law against child marriage in New Jersey was stopped from voting in just a few minutes before it was to be discussed.

He did so by referring to the fact that it would be offensive to “certain religious” societies, as even the previous New Jersey governor, Chris Christie , had said.

The prevailing double standard is difficult to deal with.
Many of Soph’s videos deal with the double standard of the adult world. Most annoyed is Soph on all comments about her youth.

“I’ve talked to peers in other schools who say that if they express something positive about Donald Trump , they get quarreled for expressing hatred,” says Soph in an interview with Alex Jones at InfoWars. Jones has already been banned from several Jewish-owned and controlled platforms on the internet.

– If I had been super-left, they had not called me “brainwashed” and “exploited”, and they would say that I know what I’m talking about, not that it’s just about teenage rebellion. Then they had kissed my feet. It’s really a weird double standard. As with types such as Greta Thunberg , they never say that she is exploited, that she is brainwashed [because she has “the right” message].

Alex Jones believes that Soph is unusually good at conveying and reaching out with messages.

“Soph is verbal and well-informed about things,” says Alex Jones, who says that he has talked to her parents and that they help her with perhaps ten percent input, but she is herself on her legs as she delivers her message.

Sophs currently most chased critics, above mentioned Jewish Joseph Bernstein, receive a lot of support from so-called anti-racists but are also hacked by vloggers like Paul R. Ramsey .

Bernstein recently published a tweet in which he urged his followers to kill a white heterosexual man on their way to work.

At Bernstein’s call for murder of white, Ramsey tweets in response that he writes an article on Jewish power and extremism and asks Bernstein for an interview on the subject.

With his videos, Soph shows that people of low age can have such sensible arguments as old men who want to maintain an old and Jewish power order.


Blogger Jeff Goodall Weighs in With Support for Fromm’s Appearance at Hamilton City Council

Blogger Jeff Goodall Weighs in With Support for Fromm’s Appearance at Hamilton City Council  
“Re “Infamous white nationalist Paul Fromm wants to address city council on free speech” (Andrew Dreschel Aug 31): I particularly notice Councillor Sam Merulla’s statement that he opposes Fromm’s bid to address council because “he’s a known white nationalist.” I see also that Fromm “happily agrees” to being a white nationalist. And what on earth is wrong with that? We have Black Lives Matter advocating for blacks, and any number of advocacy groups acting on behalf of different races and nationalities. Indeed, Canada’s foreign policy decisions are often based on domestic political considerations, rather than what is best for Canada… why should the people who founded this country not be allowed to have and pursue their own interests? Why the double standard?”
Jeff Goodall

The Courage of Leroy St. Germaine & the Arrogance of the Censors

The Courage of Leroy St. Germaine & the Arrogance of the Censors


Catch the arrogant free speech enemy Bernie Farber say: “You can’t come here and promote hate.” Leroy St. Germaine is Metis. His family has been here for hundreds of years. In contrast,Farber’s father was among the horde of refugees this compassionate country let in after WW II.
