More People Outraged at Hamilton City Council Refusing to Hear Paul Fromm on Free Speech

More People Outraged at Hamilton City Council Refusing to Hear Paul Fromm on Free Speech
To Chad Collins (Councillor):
Hi. I read about this today and am very disappointed by council. Paul Fromm is an advocate for freedom of expression and such freedom is ours granted by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and as such is the supreme law of the land. Further spelling out what this means is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which Canada is a signatory. Especially pertinent is article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Also relevant is article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. 

The city and council have acted appallingly of late. The considerable outlay of time and effort to craft by-laws that are clearly designed to block individuals from exercising their Charter rights is inexcusable. The dismissal of a city employee who performed his duties faithfully at the behest of demands for his removal by Marxist hatemongers is no less objectionable. Because of activities the employee may have engaged in on his own time, although entirely within the law, may indicate that he holds or held political views that are not currently fashionable merits his dismissal or coerced resignation makes the city of Hamilton look like a grim Marxist satrapy in the old Soviet Union – only missing a show trial with pro forma confessions of the purged apparatchik.
From these two episodes I was interested in asking just who is driving this Marxist anti-constitutional agenda the city has chosen to pursue and just what is it about these hate-driven steerers of city governance that makes council feel compelled to follow their dictates but today I read of the motion you and councillor Merulla put forward that was unanimously backed by council. I am unimpressed by your virtue signalling although it was predictably favourably painted in the Spec. That is because it is merely doubling down on the same pattern of dismissing the Charter rights of some citizens simply because they hold differing political opinions. In other coverage, the Marxist saturated Spectator lies outright or is deliberately deceptive in their reporting and it seems like many on Council take the narrative as presented by Spec writers as accurate. It is not. Just as an example, the often mentioned clash that happened in Gage Park between Christians and masked Antifa terrorists only descended into violence after the LGBT militant side assaulted the Christians. The Spec first reported the opposite and I wrote to them to correct them referring to the best video recording of the event. I don’t believe my words alone were persuasive to them but in the mentions since then, the Spec doesn’t claim that the Christians started the violence but their phrasing is slick and gives this impression to a reader who does not know better, and so is still deliberately deceptive. You should go and speak to people in the city to get a better idea of the prevailing street level opinions people have towards masked Antifa criminals as well as the rapid influx of 3rd world populations into our communities for which we have not been asked for our consent. If you and council see fit to turn away a citizen who advocates for the founding stock of white Europeans who created a nation, Canada out of the wilderness that was here before them, then in fairness you should also turn away all special interest groups including black lives matter movements, LGBTQ+ groups, and every ethnic group present here. To reserve this shabby treatment for only a backer of rights for whites and no one else is evidence of the racism prevalent in the current Marxist orientation. In fact, Marxism is inherently racist – against whites. Quit it immediately and move to push overt Marxists out of city governance for the reason that their calls to violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of this country are incongruous to any role serving city residents. 


Rob Janosevic

Blogger Jeff Goodall Weighs in With Support for Fromm’s Appearance at Hamilton City Council

Blogger Jeff Goodall Weighs in With Support for Fromm’s Appearance at Hamilton City Council  
“Re “Infamous white nationalist Paul Fromm wants to address city council on free speech” (Andrew Dreschel Aug 31): I particularly notice Councillor Sam Merulla’s statement that he opposes Fromm’s bid to address council because “he’s a known white nationalist.” I see also that Fromm “happily agrees” to being a white nationalist. And what on earth is wrong with that? We have Black Lives Matter advocating for blacks, and any number of advocacy groups acting on behalf of different races and nationalities. Indeed, Canada’s foreign policy decisions are often based on domestic political considerations, rather than what is best for Canada… why should the people who founded this country not be allowed to have and pursue their own interests? Why the double standard?”
Jeff Goodall