Sweden’s Gulag: Anti-Sharia Activist, Åsa Westerberg, Arrested & Abused By Secret Police (Video)

Sweden’s Gulag: Anti-Sharia Activist, Åsa Westerberg, Arrested & Abused By Secret Police (Video)

Sweden’s Gulag: Anti-Sharia Activist, Åsa Westerberg, Arrested & Abused By Secret Police (Video)

Sweden is being swept by a strong wave of murder, violent assault, rape, gang rape and sexual assault, in addition to the ever-present terror threat. Instead of using its limited resources to protect its citizens from the violent onslaught against them, Sweden is waging war on its citizens for daring to speak out against the same violent onslaught from which the state is failing to protect them.

Sweden’s War on Free Speech

Åsa Westerberg is a Swedish free speech activist who has been arrested and terrorized for speaking out against the intolerance, abuse and misogyny under Sharia.

Westerberg has been the target of harassment campaigns by migrants and their open border leftist supporters for sharing the effects that Sweden’s suicidal mass-migration crisis has had on her country. These campaigns include harassing Westerberg’s family and friends, trying to brand her as a hateful racist, bankrupting her, trying to ruin her career and mass reporting her to police for ‘thought crimes’.

Special anti-“hate” government goon squads have responded to the lefts request with stunningly totalitarian tactics. Westerberg was first subjected to a house raid.

The three police officers, two men and one woman, systematically went through her apartment and rooted through her belongings. They photographed in her wardrobes, bureaus and in the apartment which caused her to start questioning the police’s actions. While a police officer was photographing her lingerie , she asked what this had to do with her Facebook posts.

A number of mobiles and a computer were taken by police from Åsa’s home and when they left the scene a police officer threatened that he could easily start burning her apartment, which another police officer responded by pointing out that his colleague is a fire investigator.


After the home raid, police went to Westerberg’s workplace, where they conducted another search, and confiscated a computer owned by the company she works for.

Westerberg was also subjected to a brutal arrest by police who broke into her home and abused her during the arrest. She was then taken to a gulag-esque detention center and thrown into isolation for several days, where she was pressured to undergo a DNA test with the threat of further isolation.

Despite being stalked arrested and physically attacked, Westerberg has refused to stop giving a voice to Swedes suffering from the effects of the radical left’s policies of mass Islamic and third world immigration.

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Asa Westerberg’s Speech — Many thanks to Kronans Martell (Ullis News) for the translation;

The black man from Skåne, Sweden who encouraged the killing of all the whites and to take over — He continually talked about the white race and the black race and how much he hates the whites. But he is still not a racist! But I am!? 

I criticize ideologies which are misogynistic to the core, which sanction pedophilia and hatred, threats and violence; in short it is a disgusting ideology. This makes me a racist!? Because I criticize such ideologies.

The police have drilled my door on two occasions.It was carried out by the new Swedish Opinion Police in which there is a large investment.

The same police don’t have resources to investigate gang-rapes, mass shootings, thefts …There aren’t resources to investigate them? 

But if you dare to criticize a pedophile and a false prophet who 1,400 years ago spread a lot of dung to secure his now perverted interests — How dare you criticize him!? Then bang! The police will suddenly show up out of the blue!

Especially if you have become a target for another pedophile and animal-abuser who brags on the media about mass-reporting 1,500 normal Swedish citizens for so-called “incitement to racial hatred”.

For such cases, they have an unlimited amount of resources and come immediately. 

The first time [I was arrested for opinion expression] was in April 2016.

Back then I had my Facebook account and followers.

A group of people who were employed by the police authority came early in the morning to my house.

They banged on the door as if there were a fire in the building. They rushed into my apartment and they said that they had a search warrant,

I didn’t get it; I was lost! I didn’t know what it’s all about. I said,

“I haven’t committed any crime, you must have chosen the wrong person.”

The officer said, “You expressed racist views on gypsies and Muslims.”

Oh, hold on a second!

I criticize ideologies and criminal lifestyles.I haven’t expressed any racist views. Are you guys joking or what?!

They were in the apartment searching everywhere, carelessly making a massive mess. I suddenly realized that this is not OK.

I wanted to know what I’m accused of, but they couldn’t disclose that information. They asked me to follow them to my workplace and to let them in.

I didn’t know what my workplace has to do with “incitement to racial hatred”. They couldn’t answer that question, either! I got angry! They sneaked around and took pictures of every drawer and even my underwear.

To spell it out clearly, they behaved in a very vulgar and rude manner.

I got angry and I locked the door and I said to them, “I start working at 12:00 today, what about you?” One of the guys became very angry and he said, “for f***’s sake, behave yourself, otherwise this house might catch on fire.”

It was revealed later that he was a fire inspector who was employed by the police in Västberga (Stockholm), and he had nothing to do with accusations of “incitement to racial hatred”.

And the next day, I went to the police station with a friend. When we got there, the authority said that there is no preliminary investigation against you and not even the issue of a search warrant for your house.

“You must have been fooled.” I had the name of the man who threatened me with “this house might catch on fire.”

I can’t say his name; if I do, I might get into trouble as I once did before, so I won’t repeat it now.

The bottom line is there wasn’t actually any preliminary investigation issued, and there has never been a search warrant for the house.

What they did was completely [illegally] done out of their own initiative.

The police didn’t have any right at all to drill and break in through your [apartment] door. What they have done is worse than the “crime” they are accusing you of.

In normal circumstances, the search warrant would be illegal.

On the other hand, there is the case of the illegal search warrant for a house in 2016.

So I let [the police] open the door and I was sending the footage online to YouTube

Those guys who arrested me then were at least civilized.

They took a sample of my DNA without providing any explanation why the prosecutor required my DNA.

Considering that the “crime” I was accused of was “expressing my views on the internet”, “How would they use my DNA?” Would they use it as a search tool to learn what I have written on the internet?

I don’t think there is any of my DNA there!

Anyways, the second incident was a little bit more violent.

It started with the pedophile animal abuser who runs a terror-hate network Who is an ex-police officer, and I can’t name him [because of the police], but you still know who I mean.

He is obsessed with me, and he runs a mass-reporting campaign. Because of his continuous accusation I was apprehended by the police.

On the second occasion, they came in by drilling my door. I was waiting for them to come in. I intended to follow them completely willingly.

I was filming it while the security cameras were on as well.

They rushed into the apartment with pointed batons, they knocked me down onto the floor. They literally beat me so harshly until I bled here on my jaw.

When one of the police officers slammed me against the wall, he slammed me against the kitchen cupboard until it burst. They handcuffed me from behind; they literally kicked the s*** out of me.

I was taken to the same prison in Kungsholmen [Stockholm].

I was interrogated by the “Common Ethical Foundation” police authority. I said that I will report this arrest to the police because of aggressive violence, and asked for a doctor to check me out.

But they refused!

The policewoman who was there… she looked very “feminist”; she was also working for the “common ethical” police.

She asked the officers who assaulted me to mention that I violently refused to comply. Which I absolutely didn’t!

And I had the security cameras filming all of this; the system was controlled by my phone, which they confiscated when they arrested me.

After a lengthy series of ifs and buts, I was able to eventually meet my lawyer. I asked them to “give me the phone first so I can show the footage to my lawyer, and then you can do whatever you want with it.”

They refused! I said, “I hope the videos are still on my phone when I get it back!”

She said, “Yes, sure; we aren’t allowed to delete anything from your phone.” I know, but I still hope that they remain on my phone when I get it back.

Do you think they remained in my phone when I got it back? No! I’m also suspicious that they have probably bugged my apartment, even though I don’t have any evidence; it’s just a feeling.

Because when they knocked me down on the floor, two of the three big fellows, two of them seemed to be from the “baseball league” (violent and secret dirty cops).

All the police officers had their badges on and showed their names

except those two who knocked me down. One of them discovered the security camera and asked me, “Do you have cameras?”

I said, “Maybe,” and I smiled a little. Suddenly, he became mild and nice after being brutally violent.

I asked him if I could see his ID badge. This is very interesting; if someone knows what it is, there are many police officers around here who can probably explain later.

They showed their IDs. The only visible parts were their images, the police label, but their names were completely redacted.

I don’t know what their names were; there were some sort of numbers, but I don’t know who they are.

These are not the normal and usual police who are assigned to such cases.

I thought right away of “the baseball league” (violent secret dirty cops) when I first saw them.

I have also published a video on YouTube explaining the first break-in and door-drilling and how weird it was.

It’s very remarkable that they use such means to ‘counter crime of expressing opinion’ while the [same police authority] is incapable of arresting gang-rapists, but is capable of arresting ‘criminals of expression’.

The police won’t drill into house of the pedophile and animal abuser who mass-reports people like me; they can’t drill through their doors.

They don’t even drill the doors of child-rapists and animal killers. But they can certainly drill my doors!

This is what I mentioned as remarkable!

Germany to Force Internet Providers to Hand Over Data, Passwords of People Accused of “Hate Speech”

[Don’t ever let them tell you Germany is part of the free world. Thought control is a live and well.]

Germany to Force Internet Providers to Hand Over Data, Passwords of People Accused of “Hate Speech” December 21, 2019 https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/12/21/germany-to-force-internet-providers-to-hand-over-data-of-those-accused-of-hate-speech/

Angela Merkel’s government is preparing a new bill that will force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to hand over data, including passwords, of those accused of engaging in “hate speech” online. Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht, a member of the Social Democrats (SPD), is preparing the bill, which will force service providers, email hosts, online retailers, and others to give the government the usernames, passwords, IP addresses, and more of suspects, MDR reports. Lambrecht was slammed by many over the proposal, with Hamburg’s data protection officer Johannes Caspar calling it an attack on privacy.

“The fight against the ugly phenomena of right-wing extremism and hate crime apparently acts as a door opener for a comprehensive expansion of state control powers,” he warned.

The German minister defended herself and the bill, claiming that the passwords and data would only be requested as part of a court order and only in serious cases.

“It is not a question of asking for passwords en masse, it is a completely wrong representation and not at all the point and purpose,” she said.

Populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Joana Cotar said the proposed legislation was a “fight against the free Internet” and argued it would be used to silence citizens critical of the German government. The far-left Die Linke agreed with the AfD, accusing the government of setting up a surveillance state.

Germany already has one of the most draconian sets of laws concerning “hate” on social media, including approving legislation imposing fines of up to 50 million euros on social media companies who do not remove hate content in what the government considers a timely manner.

The German authorities are also known to engage in large-scale raids of citizens accused of spreading “hate speech” online, with a 2016 raid seeing 60 homes searched across 14 states.



17 December, 2019 By Rev. Ted Pike

President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently rejected by the US Senate for Committee consideration. See the Senate Bill here:, and See the Executive Order here:   S852 can make a “hate criminal” of any student, teacher, administrator or even employee of U.S. Public Education who strongly criticizes Israel. It says they can be arrested for the crime of “anti-Semitism&lrquo; and “intimidation&lrquo; of Jewish students on campus. They then can be punished under the harsh “anti- discrimination” rules of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


But S852 also has Christians as its primary target. It contains eleven examples by which the U.S. Government can identify and prosecute any Christian in Public Education who is deemed an “anti-Semitic hate criminal”. Making such a determination is simple according to S852’s example 9. It says that any Christian who agrees with the frequent New Testament “claims of Jews killing Jesus” is guilty of “Classical Anti-Semitism”. Most Jews believe that the Christian charge that the Pharisees persuaded the Romans to kill Christ smears Jews as “Christ killers”, leading directly to the “Holocaust™”. Since the “anti-Semitic” New Testament led to so much Jewish suffering, S852 must presume that anyone distributing such “hate literature” should be prosecuted. https://womenfightantisemitism.org/ihra-definition-of-antisemitism

Remember, S852 is no longer just another Jewish ADL hate crimes bill, designed to entrap Christians.
Rather, S852 and its insidious intentions toward Christians is now Federal Law. It must, by command of the President, be considered to provide the fairest, most enlightened and workable standards by which not only the U.S. Department of Education, but all levels of Government help him, as Pastor John Hagee vowed, “to root out and destroy” the curse of unrestrained criticism of Israel.


Unfortunately, most Christians are unaware that President Trump has destroyed our First Amendment free speech rights to criticize anyone, Including Jews and Israel, without fear of arrest.
Yet, aside from prayer, there is one very effective way to begin to reverse what Trump has done. It’s by many hundreds of “TruthTeams” — groups of lovers of freedom bringing the whole truth to Trump’s massive soft underbelly, Evangelical Churches.
You and your friends can reproduce this article on 8.5 x 14 paper, preferably by the thousands. Then select the first Church you will visit. Call beforehand for the exact time Church usually ends. When you arrive station yourselves (with hundreds of extra flyers) to cover all exit points to the parking areas. Be neatly dressed and smiling. Tell them: “We are very concerned that President Trump’s recent Executive Order outlawing speech critical of Israel in public education violates our First Amendment rights. Would you like to learn more?”

Below is a tear off petition to Trump which millions of Christians can be persuaded to sign and mail to the White House.

If you are the only person in your area to undertake this project, don’t be daunted. You can always come back repeatedly. Once one Church has been reasonably reached, by a single person or group, go on next week to another Evangelical Church until you have covered all in your area. Thus, as a result of only one hour a week, hundreds, perhaps thousands, may be weekly awakened to Trumps dictatorial ban on free speech. Think of the result if hundreds of “TruthTeams” visited churches in America weekly!

Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/Conservative watchdog group. An international authority on ADL hate crimes legislation Rev. Pike’s many writings and radio and YouTube broadcasts have played a powerful role in defeating the “Equality” and “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” this year. His activism is chronicled at Truthtellers. org and he may be contacted at npntedpike@gmail.com

Print this 8.5 x 14 flyer: there is a tear-off petition to mail in to the White House.

You may also view this email in a web browser at the following link: https://truthtellers.org/alerts/Take-Action-Against-Trumps-End-Of-Free-Speech-Decree.htm

Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/Conservative watchdog group.An international authority on ADL hate crimes legislation Rev. Pike’s many writings and radio and YouTube broadcasts have played a powerful role in defeating the “Equality” and “Antisemitism Awareness Act” this year. His activism is chronicled at Truthtellers. org and he may be contacted at npntedpike@gmail.com

Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization. 

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject. Call (503) 631-3808.

The freedom-saving outreach of Rev. Ted Pike and the National Prayer Network is solely supported by sale of books, videos and your financial support. All gifts are tax-deductible.


National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97

The left’s attack on free speech

The left’s attack on free speech: deplatoforming, firing, doxing. “You Have the Right (Duty) to Remain Silent.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uKabyhUid8 : deplatoforming, firing, doxing. “You Have the Right (Duty) to Remain Silent.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uKabyhUid8

The Barbarians Are At The Gates

The Barbarians Are At The Gates

Free speech is under assault from  “anti-fascists”
by Tim Murray

You don’t fully comprehend the enormity and critical importance of the immigration issue in Canada until you have walked through an “Antifa” gauntlet, felt their shoving, heard their deafening and robotic chants and smelled the human feces they have left behind. If you don’t believe me, just ask the almost one hundred law-abiding, peaceful people who paid for a ticket to listen to a presentation at UBC on Wednesday evening,October 9. The talk was given by former UNB professor Ricardo Duchesne and Mount Royal University Professor Mark Hecht. In case you didn’t know, “Antifa” is short for “anti-fascists”, which is what these hooligans fancy themselves as. It has to be the most inaccurate name of the century.


Antifa followed their standard plan. They arrived early so some 20 to 30 of them could be in place to block the entrance to the building where the talk was to occur. The ones blocking the door were all males. They dutifully conformed to the Antifa dress code : All wore black masks over their faces. Only their eyes were exposed. Two unmasked female Antifa protestors stood at another location. All were loudly chanting “Fuck off Nazi scum.” Their chants could be heard blocks away. All the males locked arms to prevent anyone from getting through the building’s front door and into the room where the two professors were to speak. Some UBC Security personnel did try to escort people through the Antifa mob.However, the Antifa mob pushed and shoved as much as they could to delay or block anyone who wanted to enter the building.
In so doing, they succeeded in intimidating many of the women ticket holders. An undetermined number left in fear. 
The door into the building led to a corridor which had doors into the lecture room where the talk was to occur. A number of windows are on both sides of the doors. The Antifa mob stood in front of the windows and pounded on them for close to two hours in an attempt to drown out the voices of the two professors addressing the group. Luckily, the sound of the pounding was muffled sufficiently to allow the two professors to speak and be heard. As Professor Hecht began his speech to the backdrop of pounding, he made an apt comment: “The barbarians are at the gates.” Indeed. 
Just before that comment, Hecht had smelled the stench of (most probably) human feces that one of these righteous barbarians had no doubt planted. The smell was particularly strong for those who had unfortunately chosen seats that were closest to it. The feces could well serve as a symbol for the fascist methods of this “anti-fascist” movement.  

(1) Is it illegal to wear face masks at such events? Was Antifa’s obstruction illegal? If the answer to both is yes, then the full weight of the law should descend on Antifa heads. UBC buildings and land are public property. Yet Antifa acted as if it owned the property and had the right to stop anyone from entering it.  
(2) Why were the RCMP and UBC Security so unprepared and unable to bring in enough re-inforcements? Antifa has acquired a solid and universal reputation for thuggery. Quite likely, Antifa was inspired by Canada’s so-called “Anti-Hate Network” (CAHN), a recently-minted clone of the corrupt US Southern Poverty Law Center. That U.S. group provided CAHN with start-up funding. CAHN its CEO and its UBC imitator must be investigated. Tolerance of Antifa’s outrageous conduct only whets Antifa’s appetite for more. 
(3) What should UBC do now? UBC administrators have to make it clear that obstruction of events like that of Wednesday, October 9 are not to be tolerated. That means that arrests have to be made when shameless obstruction happens. It does not mean that UBC should ban future talks. So-called “hate speech” needs a complete re-think. The answer to Antifa’s obstruction of free speech is more speech. Professor Duchesne and Professor Hecht have important contributions to make to Canadian society. Antifa bullies do not.
 (4) Who else has to be held to account? Here are some starters : Canada’s education system; its cowardly and quisling political class; and many of its institutions such as its disgracefully-biased and quisling CBC and much of our mainstream media. These groups are lighter versions of Antifa, but they are still Antifa. All have cultivated and encouraged other versions of Antifa. All are in serious decay.

 "There's nothing more dangerous than a 
shallow-thinking compassionate person."

Garrett Hardin

Commissioner of Canada Elections Says He Can’t/Won’t Do Anything About Anti-Racists Doxing Supporters of the Canadian Nationalist Party

Commissioner of Canada Elections Says He Can’t/Won’t Do Anything About Anti-Racists Doxing Supporters of the Canadian Nationalist Party

Publication of names of Canadian Nationalist Party members – Our file: 2019-0303-5

Labonté, Réjean Thu, Dec 19, 4:01 PM (2 days ago)

Mr. Fromm,

Thank you for your correspondence dated September 17, 2019 concerning the publication of names of Canadian Nationalist Party members.

The Commissioner of Canada Elections is responsible for ensuring that the Canada Elections Act (the Act) is complied with and enforced.

We have reviewed your communication and, as the circumstances described do not contravene any provision of the Act, the issue you raise cannot be pursued by our Office. As a consequence, we will now close our file.

For more information about the Office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections, please visit our website at: www.cef-cce.ca.

Yours truly,

Réjean (Rej) Labonté Enquêteur principal | Senior investigator Commissaire aux élections fédérales | Commissioner of Canada Elections 30, rue Victoria Gatineau (Québec) K1A 0M6 Tél : 819.939.2072 ou | or 1.855.759.6740 (sans frais|toll-free) Télécopieur | Fax: 819.939.1801 Courriel | Email : Rejean.Labonte@cef-cce.ca  

De : Labonté, Réjean
Envoyé : 26 septembre 2019 08:05
À : ‘Paul Fromm’
Objet : RE: MY ORIGINAL COMPLAINT IN JULY and the Doxing ; our file 2019-0303-5

Well received Mr. Fromm. I will have a look at this material.

The Commissioner of Canada Elections file number looking into this is: 2019-0303-5.

As stated, your complaint appears to fall under the category of privacy law. As for Elections Canada, Section 541 of the Canada Elections Act, is quite clear insofar as the application for Party registration is available for public inspection upon request.

If one of your concerns is with Elections Canada making this information available for public inspection, you may want to pursue this angle with them. It appears to me that Elections Canada’s intention is to reach an equilibrium between privacy concern and transparency of the political process.

As stated before, if the publication of names of Canadian Nationalist Party supporters constitute an intimidation or threat to these persons, you may wish to report the matter to police of competent authority.

As for the office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections, and me as an investigator, my mandate consists of enforcing and ensuring compliance to the Canada Elections Act. As it stands, I have not thus far identified anything about your complaint that falls under the Commissioner’s mandate.  

I invite you to keep me apprized of developments and to identify items that may fall under the Commissioner of Canada Elections mandate. As such, you may want to peruse our web page at https://www.cef-cce.ca/


Réjean (Rej) Labonté Enquêteur principal | Senior investigator Commissaire aux élections fédérales | Commissioner of Canada Elections 30, rue Victoria Gatineau (Québec) K1A 0M6 Tél : 819.939.2072 ou | or 1.855.759.6740 (sans frais|toll-free) Télécopieur | Fax: 819.939.1801 Courriel | Email : Rejean.Labonte@cef-cce.ca  

De : Paul Fromm [mailto:paul@paulfromm.com]
Envoyé : 26 septembre 2019 04:48
À : Labonté, Réjean

Canadian Association for Free Expression

Box 332,

Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;

Website http://cafe.nfshost.com

Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director

July  15, 2019

Elections Canada.

Dear Sirs:

Today I filed a verbal complaint with one of your employees, Michael by name. I now wish to make this a formal complaint.

It has come to our attention that a group calling itself the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, with a website by the same name, has declared its intention to widely publicize the names and address of the 250 who will have signed as members of the Canadian Nationalist Party, when it obtains formal registration as a political party

In their July 10 statement this group of anti-democratic fanatics stated:  “The Canadian Anti-Hate Network will publish the names of 250 members of the neo-Nazi Canadian Nationalist Party if they are successful in becoming a registered political party. We plan to publish these names and their cities of residence as soon as they become public, and will encourage local media to run stories naming neo-Nazi supporters in their communities. … This kind of naming and shaming is part of our mandate of exposing hate groups to make sure communities are well-informed, and to ensure that there are significant, nonviolent social consequences for supporting hate groups.”

This ugly bullying threat is libellous, as well. We have studied the platform of the Canadian Nationalist Party and found that the  group would more accurately be described as traditional Canadians and populists, not National Socialist wannabees. CAHN, who boasts longtime anti-free speech campaigners like Bernie Farber and Richard Warman as board members, seeks  to intimidate citizens from their right to vote as they choose. Furthermore, even if the aims of the party were national socialist in nature, they still have every right to exist and campaign.

Canadian Anti-Hate Network Board member Evan Balgord, a former assistant to Toronto’s Mayor John Tory, enthused: “Employer concerns are a natural consequence of supporting a neo-Nazi party. Practically, however, we won’t have the time to research 250 individuals. Local media might. I’d note they can avoid that consequence by emailing Elections Canada and withdrawing their support. – Evan”

Then, as a further step to interfere with the secret ballot and the right of citizens to freely choose the party they prefer, the CAHN offers a carrot:  “If any of members of the Canadian Nationalist Party want to avoid being named and facing the social consequences of supporting a neo-Nazi party, they can email Elections Canada at info@elections.ca to withdraw their support.”

The threatening tactics of the CAHN are no different than posting goons armed with clubs outside polling stations reminding voters not to vote the “wrong” way.

We call upon Elections Canada to investigate the campaign by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network to intimidate voters and further to take all available action against the goons of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. We may have reason to cfear foreign interference in the Canadian election process but it is clear that there are some omesic forces seeking to do the same thing.

Sincerely yours,

Paul Fromm


Sleazebag Warren Kinsella & His Paid Efforts to Smear Maxime Bernier & Keep Him Out of the Leaders’ Debate

Recordings reveal details of campaign to attack Maxime Bernier, PPC as racists before election

Strategist Warren Kinsella told his Daisy Group employees ‘Hamish and Walsh’ would be asking about results

Andrea BellemareKaleigh Rogers · CBC News · Posted: Nov 26, 2019 2:00 PM ET | Last Updated: 8 hours ago

New details have emerged about the campaign by Warren Kinsella’s Daisy Group to attack Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada in the lead-up to the federal election campaign. Kinsella, pictured here with his then-wife, Lisa Kirbie Kinsella, wanted to target Bernier as ‘racist’ and ‘a white supremacist.’ (Spencer Gallichan-Lowe / CBC News)

Audio recordings shared with CBC News reveal political strategist Warren Kinsella told employees working on a campaign against the People’s Party of Canada that leader Maxime Bernier was a “racist” and a “white supremacist” who would be “easy” to expose in the lead-up to the federal election campaign.

Dubbed “Project Cactus,” the campaign against Bernier and the PPC was run by Kinsella’s political consulting firm, Daisy Group. Kinsella made the comments during a staff meeting about the campaign in May.

“I want the hatred you have for Maxime Bernier to wash over you as a purifying force,” Kinsella tells his staff in one recording, made during a meeting on May 16. “There’s nobody in the country doing what we’re doing to Max Bernier.”

The recordings were provided to CBC News by a source who was present for the meetings and asked not to be named, due to concerns about retaliation.

In that same May 16 recording, Kinsella is heard telling staff that “Hamish and Walsh” will start to ask what Daisy Group is delivering on Project Cactus if they don’t start “spilling some blood.” Kinsella again refers to both “Hamish and Walsh” in a separate meeting discussing Project Cactus on May 30.’A purifying force’0:49″I want the hatred you have for Maxime Bernier to wash over you as a purifying force,” Warren Kinsella tells his staff in this recording. 0:49

In response to questions from CBC News, Kinsella would not say who he was talking about in those recordings. A source previously said the campaign was conducted on behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Hamish Marshall was the Conservatives’ 2019 federal election campaign manager, while John Walsh is the former president of the Conservative Party and was a co-chair of the election campaign.

In a recording, Warren Kinsella is heard telling staff “Hamish and Walsh” will start to ask what Daisy Group is delivering if they don’t start “spilling some blood.” Hamish Marshall, pictured here left of Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, was the federal election campaign director for the Conservatives but says he had no role in overseeing any project with Daisy. (CBC)

Marshall denied having had any oversight role in Daisy Group’s campaign.

“I have never monitored (or overseen or any other synonym) any project or anything with Daisy or any Kinsella person or entity,” said Marshall in an email to CBC News when asked about the recordings.

John Walsh declined to comment on Daisy’s work. 

“I was happy to serve as the volunteer chair of the 2019 Conservative party nation(al) campaign. My duties in that capacity ended on election night when I, sadly, did not deliver a victory for my leader, Andrew Scheer,” said Walsh in an email to CBC News.

He added, in response to questions about Daisy’s campaign: “I’m not sure what is being referred to in your email and will have no comment.”‘Hamish and Walsh’0:25In a recording, Warren Kinsella is heard telling staff ‘Hamish and Walsh’ will start to ask what Daisy Group is delivering if they don’t start “spilling some blood.” 0:25

A spokesman for the Conservative Party said the party doesn’t comment on election strategy, but follows all rules and election laws.

In October, the Globe and Mail first reported — and CBC News subsequently confirmed — that Daisy Group was behind the social media campaign to highlight xenophobic statements made on social media by PPC candidates and their supporters. Since then, Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer has refused to state whether his party had enlisted Daisy’s services for the campaign.

When contacted by CBC News on Monday and told about the recordings, Kinsella issued a statement, which he also published on his personal website.

“We do not discuss client matters publicly. It is up to the client to make public the relationship,” Kinsella wrote. 

“The extremism found in the People’s Party of Canada is far worse, and far more pervasive, than anything I experienced before,” he wrote. “We were, and are, very proud to shine a light on the many extremists found in the People’s Party of Canada.”

‘Walsh is watching’

In the same recording of the May 16 meeting, Kinsella’s wife (from whom Kinsella says he is now separated) and former partner at Daisy, Lisa Kirbie Kinsella, tells the room that “Walsh” texts her when he approves of their work. 

“Walsh is watching on Cactus,” she says. “He texts to me and will be like, ‘That was awesome.’ Like on the Rempel stuff? So he’s watching.”

Maxime Bernier publicly criticized Michelle Rempel in multiple tweets in May, accusing her of being “aligned with Far Left transgender activism” and criticizing the fact that she had blocked users on Twitter.

Maxime Bernier@MaximeBernier

I wonder what @MichelleRempel thinks of the story about the BC father who could be arrested for family violence if he refers to his daughter as a girl.

Does she support free speech and parental rights?

She seems to be pretty aligned with Far Left transgender activism.

View image on Twitter

9259:35 AM – May 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy742 people are talking about this

Kirbie Kinsella responded several times on Twitter to Bernier’s criticism of Rempel, accusing him at one point of “hostility toward women.”

“I do not discuss business matters with the media. This includes commenting on staff or clients, or confirmation or denial of rumours,” wrote Kirbie Kinsella in an email to CBC News. “Further, I am no longer a member of Daisy’s management and cannot speak on Daisy’s behalf.”

During the recording of that May 16 meeting, Kinsella can be heard telling staff to cast Bernier as a racist and refers to his past experience working on federal election campaigns.

“We actually have a white supremacist trying to become prime minister of Canada,” Kinsella says. “I’ve run campaigns depicting Preston Manning, Stockwell Day, Kim Campbell, depicting them as racists.

“None of them were. But I was successful at depicting them as racists. This guy actually is a racist. Okay? So it’s low-hanging fruit.”

In his statement to CBC News, Kinsella clarified this comment.

“I have proudly been exposing and opposing racism for more than 30 years,” Kinsella wrote. “As a political assistant, in 1990, I documented known white supremacists joining Preston Manning’s Reform Party. In 1993, I documented Kim Campbell’s inadequate response to the presence of actual neo-Nazis in the Canadian Airborne Regiment.”

“In 2000, as a political advisor, I documented the presence of known racists in Stockwell Day’s Canadian Alliance,” Kinsella continues. “After lots of research, I concluded none of those leaders were in any way racist. However, their parties had a problem in those days, which was well-known.”

A spokesperson for the People’s Party of Canada told CBC News that “Kinsella wrote similar things on his website and Twitter” and that Bernier “believes these statements are clearly defamatory and is keeping all his legal options open.”

Lisa Kirbie Kinsella and Warren Kinsella. In his most recent statement, and in previous statements about the campaign, Kinsella has said that the work ended on June 29, one day before the pre-writ period and spending limits came into force and that the details were always going to be disclosed. (Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press)

Kinsella: Scheer just ‘needs to maintain a pulse’

In the same recording of that meeting, Kinsella says he expects Scheer’s popularity to grow during the campaign and the Liberals to keep sinking, based on ballot tracking data released that week — which had the Liberals under Justin Trudeau slipping under 30 per cent of the vote in a projection.

“They (the Liberals) are heading towards winter. He’s going to start saying all kinds of stuff to save his ass,” Kinsella says of Trudeau, adding that Scheer “just needs to maintain a pulse” to win the election.

Kinsella was a frequent critic of Trudeau during the election and shared or retweeted critical stories about him online.

Elsewhere in the recording, Kinsella exhorts his staff to be vigilant in their efforts.

“All of you are capable of doing it but I need somebody who doesn’t sleep, basically. I had one kid who did it. His name’s Ahmed Hussen. He’s now the minister of immigration,” says Kinsella. Hussen was named minister of families, children and social development following the election.

“I would walk in and he’d have been up listening to 1010 at 4:30 in the morning and say to me, ‘Here’s what they said’ and I’m like, ‘F–k, let’s go,’ right?'”

Workers discussed continuing into pre-writ period

Tweets attacking Bernier specifically on a Twitter account called STAMPtogether run by Daisy stopped on June 29, one day before the pre-writ period and spending limits came into force. Under new election rules, any group that spent at least $500 on election advertising during the pre-writ period was required to register with Elections Canada as a third party advertiser.

In the recording from May 30, Daisy staffers discuss registering as a third party with Kinsella. They talk about buying Facebook ads for another client and then discuss whether they might have to register if they “do a spend” for Cactus.

“I don’t think Hamish wants us to, I think,” says Kinsella, adding, “Walsh is in Saudi Arabia.”

“It might not be a bad idea to do some paid tweets for STAMP before June 30 just to get our followers up, so then when we get to June 30 we have more followers,” says a staffer in response.

In his most recent statement, and in previous statements about the campaign, Kinsella has said that the work ended on June 29 and that the details were always going to be disclosed. He added that “we have proactively reached out to Elections Canada and disclosed everything we did up until June 29, 2019, when our work ended – as the law requires.”

A separate body, the Commissioner of Canada Elections, investigates any complaints related to elections.

“The Commissioner of Canada Elections does not comment on whether or not the office is carrying out an investigation into a particular matter. This is in keeping with the confidentiality provisions of the Canada Elections Act,” wrote spokesperson Michelle Laliberté in an email to CBC News.

Free Speech Director Paul Fromm Harassed by CBSA  

Free Speech Director Paul Fromm Harassed by CBSA
MISSISSAUGA. November 30, 2019. I arrived bleary-eyed this morning at 5:30 on Air Canada after short, amazing vacation in South America. However, I would have to put up with an intrusive nearly hour and a half of harassment by Canada Border Services Agency agents. As former New York Yankees’ catcher Yogi Berra used to say: “It was deja vu all over again.” For over 20 years, I have been subjected to on again off again harassment by Customs Canada, now Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for my political views.

In the late 1990s, I had two book bags containing over 90 titles including  Irish Myths seized and held as possible “hate propaganda”. In the end, I got almost all the titles back. In 2008, Customs Canada stole by laptop because I would not provide them with the password so they could snoop. [The law has now changed and gives the CBSA snoops the right to rifle through your cellphone or laptop. So much for the “right to privacy” government agencies love to invoke to hide information THEY don’t want their taxpayer employers to have!].
On arrival nearly a week before in Latin America, that country’s border force subjected visitors to a quick swipe of their passport, a photo and an impression of their thumbprint before welcoming them with: “Enjoy your stay in ….”


​On arrival back in my own country, I proceeded with passport and customs declaration in hand to an area where there is a bank of machines. You insert your passport. The machine reads it. Then, you insert your customs declaration and the machine reads it and shoots you back a photocopy. At least, that’s the way it’s supposed to work. The machines are temperamental. I tried three several times each without success. I then headed in a line to present my failed paperwork. I was sent on to an inspector at a wicket. As I arrived to line up, a couple ahead of me had just been cleared by the 25-ish male agent. I headed up to the wicket. Oozing attitude and authority, he snapped: “Get back. You’re supposed to wait to be called.” I’m a veteran traveller. This must be some new rule he invented after an unhappy Friday evening with his girlfriend. I rolled my eyes and took two dramatic paces back. I was then told I could come forward. He scanned my passport and scribbled some numbers on my declaration sheet.
I had an uneasy feeling that as proof of his power Attitude Guy was sending me on to secondary inspection. After I had retrieved my suitcase from the luggage carousel, I headed to a final check where you present your customs form to an agent. Sure enough,  I was being sent on to secondary inspection. I spent about 15 minutes waiting to see an agent. Others at secondary inspection seemed to have bulging suitcases perhaps with contraband. One had two pets and their paperwork. She was seen by several agents, sent inside for some further processing and cleared. I seemed to be the last weary traveller standing. At last, I was summoned by a short totally bald agent — the Bald Guy. In this “transparent” open society none of these bureaucrats has names. It must be for their own security!

The Bald Guy scanned my passport, stared and stared at the computer screen, and then began a laborious series of questions: Where had I been? How long? Where had I stayed? He kept returning to this question. Firstly, as a Canadian citizen, I had an absolute right to return. The only real issue would be whether I was carrying any contraband — endangered animal parts, currency over $10,000 in value (I wish), “hate propaganda” (whatever that is) or goods in excess of the duty free limit. [In my case, a mere $55 worth!] Frankly, where I stayed — at a hotel, at a hostel, in a packing crate under a bridge — was none of this man’s business? It was part of the psychological warfare, though, Then, more questions. What do I do?  I told him I was a director. Of what? “The Canadian Association for Free Expression.” He wrote that down, but got the name messed up. What does it do? I gave him a brief description of our work. But what does it matter, I wondered?
He then took my camera and rapidly went through the pictures. “You have a lot of pictures,” the Bald Guy observed. [It’s a camera. That’s what it’s used for, I thought.] Ah, ha. “Where was this picture taken?” he demanded. I asked him to turn the device so that I could see, “Was it in Thailand?” I wasn’t there. “I think it was in Japan,” I told him. Some dozen pictures later, he saw more Oriental writing. “Where was that taken?” In Japan, I told him. Somewhat later, he found a picture of me and a woman. “Is that your wife?” No, I replied, a friend. And on and on. All of this time wasting interrogation was utterly irrelevant.
Next, the Bald Guy turned his attention to my laptop. He looked at the icons on the screen and some photos. Ah, ha! Another discovery. There was a video I had recorded: CBSA Harasses Canadian Traveller. What was that about?” he demanded. [The sort of thing you’re doing now, I thought to myself.] In my role as a director of a free speech organization, I had been phoned by a young man who had some teeshirts seized on his return from Germany. They were heavy metal teeshirts from bands he’d heard. “What did you do?” he insisted. “I told him what his rights were.” “Were they Nazi teeshirts?” he quizzed. “I don’t know,” I told him. “I never saw them.” [Again, what did any of this third degree matter?]
Now, it was on to my bag of reading material. He pawed through a number of newspaper clippings. Then, he discovered two old Spanish textbooks. “Are you learning Spanish?” Sherlock Holmes asked me. “I’m trying to,” I answered.

Finally, it was my suitcase’s turn to be searched. I had two small tins of tea. He showed no interest. They might have hidden cocaine. I had two carefully packaged wine bottles. He showed no interest. There were some clothes, as you’d expect.
I could see he was bored. He told me to close up the suitcase. He handed me back my passport. “You’re good to go.” I had been detained an hour and a quarter with the Bald Guy.

The interrogation had served no purpose except to delay me and harass me. Ernst Zundel told me customs agents would regularly detain him for three hours every time he returned to Canada. It’s all part of the soft tyranny imposed by our government that is eager to welcome back and “rehabilitate” ISIS fighters. — Paul Fromm