Commissioner of Canada Elections Says He Can’t/Won’t Do Anything About Anti-Racists Doxing Supporters of the Canadian Nationalist Party
Publication of names of Canadian Nationalist Party members – Our file: 2019-0303-5

Labonté, Réjean | Thu, Dec 19, 4:01 PM (2 days ago) |
Mr. Fromm,
Thank you for your correspondence dated September 17, 2019 concerning the publication of names of Canadian Nationalist Party members.
The Commissioner of Canada Elections is responsible for ensuring that the Canada Elections Act (the Act) is complied with and enforced.
We have reviewed your communication and, as the circumstances described do not contravene any provision of the Act, the issue you raise cannot be pursued by our Office. As a consequence, we will now close our file.
For more information about the Office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections, please visit our website at:
Yours truly,
Réjean (Rej) Labonté Enquêteur principal | Senior investigator Commissaire aux élections fédérales | Commissioner of Canada Elections 30, rue Victoria Gatineau (Québec) K1A 0M6 Tél : 819.939.2072 ou | or 1.855.759.6740 (sans frais|toll-free) Télécopieur | Fax: 819.939.1801 Courriel | Email : |
De : Labonté, Réjean
Envoyé : 26 septembre 2019 08:05
À : ‘Paul Fromm’
Objet : RE: MY ORIGINAL COMPLAINT IN JULY and the Doxing ; our file 2019-0303-5
Well received Mr. Fromm. I will have a look at this material.
The Commissioner of Canada Elections file number looking into this is: 2019-0303-5.
As stated, your complaint appears to fall under the category of privacy law. As for Elections Canada, Section 541 of the Canada Elections Act, is quite clear insofar as the application for Party registration is available for public inspection upon request.
If one of your concerns is with Elections Canada making this information available for public inspection, you may want to pursue this angle with them. It appears to me that Elections Canada’s intention is to reach an equilibrium between privacy concern and transparency of the political process.
As stated before, if the publication of names of Canadian Nationalist Party supporters constitute an intimidation or threat to these persons, you may wish to report the matter to police of competent authority.
As for the office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections, and me as an investigator, my mandate consists of enforcing and ensuring compliance to the Canada Elections Act. As it stands, I have not thus far identified anything about your complaint that falls under the Commissioner’s mandate.
I invite you to keep me apprized of developments and to identify items that may fall under the Commissioner of Canada Elections mandate. As such, you may want to peruse our web page at
Réjean (Rej) Labonté Enquêteur principal | Senior investigator Commissaire aux élections fédérales | Commissioner of Canada Elections 30, rue Victoria Gatineau (Québec) K1A 0M6 Tél : 819.939.2072 ou | or 1.855.759.6740 (sans frais|toll-free) Télécopieur | Fax: 819.939.1801 Courriel | Email : |
De : Paul Fromm []
Envoyé : 26 septembre 2019 04:48
À : Labonté, Réjean
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;
Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director
July 15, 2019
Elections Canada.
Dear Sirs:
Today I filed a verbal complaint with one of your employees, Michael by name. I now wish to make this a formal complaint.
It has come to our attention that a group calling itself the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, with a website by the same name, has declared its intention to widely publicize the names and address of the 250 who will have signed as members of the Canadian Nationalist Party, when it obtains formal registration as a political party
In their July 10 statement this group of anti-democratic fanatics stated: “The Canadian Anti-Hate Network will publish the names of 250 members of the neo-Nazi Canadian Nationalist Party if they are successful in becoming a registered political party. We plan to publish these names and their cities of residence as soon as they become public, and will encourage local media to run stories naming neo-Nazi supporters in their communities. … This kind of naming and shaming is part of our mandate of exposing hate groups to make sure communities are well-informed, and to ensure that there are significant, nonviolent social consequences for supporting hate groups.”
This ugly bullying threat is libellous, as well. We have studied the platform of the Canadian Nationalist Party and found that the group would more accurately be described as traditional Canadians and populists, not National Socialist wannabees. CAHN, who boasts longtime anti-free speech campaigners like Bernie Farber and Richard Warman as board members, seeks to intimidate citizens from their right to vote as they choose. Furthermore, even if the aims of the party were national socialist in nature, they still have every right to exist and campaign.
Canadian Anti-Hate Network Board member Evan Balgord, a former assistant to Toronto’s Mayor John Tory, enthused: “Employer concerns are a natural consequence of supporting a neo-Nazi party. Practically, however, we won’t have the time to research 250 individuals. Local media might. I’d note they can avoid that consequence by emailing Elections Canada and withdrawing their support. – Evan”
Then, as a further step to interfere with the secret ballot and the right of citizens to freely choose the party they prefer, the CAHN offers a carrot: “If any of members of the Canadian Nationalist Party want to avoid being named and facing the social consequences of supporting a neo-Nazi party, they can email Elections Canada at to withdraw their support.”
The threatening tactics of the CAHN are no different than posting goons armed with clubs outside polling stations reminding voters not to vote the “wrong” way.
We call upon Elections Canada to investigate the campaign by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network to intimidate voters and further to take all available action against the goons of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. We may have reason to cfear foreign interference in the Canadian election process but it is clear that there are some omesic forces seeking to do the same thing.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm