On Feb. 25th our usual anti-vaxx EVENT was swamped by the Save-our-Ancient-Forests demo. A crowd of 3000 marched along Douglas street to the Legislature., in a festival mood, bearing lots of witty signs and costumes. Led by Indians in full-on regalia, drumming and yowling and singing in their language. The parade paused at the main intersection for the de rigeur communist chant of “So So So Solidarity!” Cops everywhere NOT wearing their hats. Polite and orderly, so Canadian. Half a lifetime ago, I cut over a million board feet of lumber with my toy sawmill. So – jaded old codger that I am re the forestry issue – it came off as a religious service to the gods of the aboriginals.
Rock’n’roll millionaire Neil Young made a cameo appearance. The guy who once upon a time was an icon of “anti-establishment-arian-ism’ now dictates that fans must prove they’ve submitted to the Quack-zzeeen in order to get in to his concert. Yeah, you do have the trophy wife Mister Young, but we’re the ones who are still out here “rockin’ in the free world”. Compared to whom your limosine liberal pals are poseurs.
A guy my vintage, there supporting the Old Growth bunch, complained that they cannot get their message through to their MLAs. Which means the New Democratic Party machine has lost touch with a key demographic of traditional supporters. It’s all just show-biz … made for media puffery.
Camp-followers show up once a year to watch the Indians uluate on cue for the cameras — always good for a color pic on the front page of the Timely Colonic. But that’s not what we do … two and a half-years at it. Our weekly presence keeps the issues visible in the faces of the Members of the Legislature. We engage real human beings out in the fresh air, invaluable feedback from the electorate — something very rare among MLAs hiding out behind locked doors at constituency offices. We are the nucleus around which His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is coalescing. Present tense. And if that isn’t good enough for you, send me better ideas. I’ll arrange for you to speak at the next WWF Rally in May.
The previous Saturday was a World Wide Freedom Rally. As I arrived at 11:30 am, the rain was stopping. By 1:00 pm, the sun was out. So, we were blessed with the mild maritime winter weather for which Victoria is famous. Lots of faces we haven’t seen for a while. About 500 warm bodies showed up. 200 standing on Belleville Street. 200 in the audience for the speakers. The protocol office directed that the speakers were to set up on the East side of the drive instead of the steps right in front of the main door. Which worked out better because the crowd stood on dry pavement, rather than the sopping-wet lawn.
Suffice to say the speakers were excellent. Doctor Stephen Malthus called bill 36 = the Health Occupations and Professions Act = “a mirage. If you don’t bow to it, it has no power” I got a kick out of speaker Chris Vlek mentioning “ the crack ”. and “I want to light a fire” figuratively. Resonating Leonard Cohen’s verse = “there’s a crack in every thing. That’s how the light gets in” I’ve been pondering ? where is that fatal flaw in the power structure ? … so we can hammer-away at it, til the brittle toes of the idol, fracture.
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. In all seriousness, America is in the state pamphleteer Samuel Adams found himself in 1776. To the colonies on the Eastern seaboard he preached that he was “setting brushfires in the minds of men”. And so are we. Handing out 500+ copies of DRUTHERS Pandemic Papers and COMMON GROUND in a few hours gladdens my heart.
Shortly after noon on the 18th, the Veterans came marching down Douglas Street to the Cenotaph with 100 more of our folks. The provincial Parliament building is a zone of spiritual warfare. Our God, the God of Israel, commands that when we go to in battle, musicians and singers go first. No mere co-incidence, then, that Freedom Rallies across Canada are led by pipers as we congregate around the Cenotaphs in towns and cities. We are walking the walk, kilts an’ a’. Witnessing at the gates of the City, proxies for millions of sympathizers.
Thomas Dalyrymple put it
“When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse,
when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil and is some small way to become evil one-self.
One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control”
Lately I’m reading Power of the Powerless by Vaclav Havel. He lived through the disintegration of communism in Czechoslovakia. It’s rich. One takeaway is : when one finds himself under totalitarian-ism, the antidote at the personal level, is : doing the simplest thing that you know to be True. No matter the scale. Showing up at Freedom Rallies is such a courageous act … fellowshipping with others who reject the Lie.
Two years ago a guy costumed as the Grim Reaper showed up for a while at our superspreader GATHERINGS, to mock us. He’s conspicuous by his absence these days, as the toll of sudden deaths directly consequent from the Quack-zeeen, is UN-deniable. Daily, information surfaces, connecting the dots as to how the Crime of the Century was committed. The layers of the onion are peeling-back so it is evident the whole SARS2Covid19 thing was concocted by the US A Department of Defence. See the post on the website of Dr Henry Makow
> RFK Jr : 138 Companies Involved in COVID Vaccine. “They’re all military contractors.”
RFK Jr. confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt
“Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaxxines. They slap their labels on ’em but it was a Pentagon project.”
This confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, who showed how the Pentagon’s Operation Warp Speed was able to completely circumvent Federal Health Regulations by using what’s called in bureaucratic-speak, an “Other Transaction Authority”, which they used to contract with the bioweapons manufacturers to literally produce the bioweapon.
This was discovered in Pfizer’s motion to dismiss Brook Jackson’s case, when they attached another contract called an Other Transaction Authority – OTA contract – saying in effect, they had no obligation to conduct valid clinical trials because the only goods and services they were providing to the US government, according to this contract are a “large scale manufacturing demonstration for a prototype”.
Under the terms of the OTA, Pfizer may have had no obligation to conduct a valid clinical trial or to be in compliance with any of the regulations that govern clinical trials. In other words, OTA did for the financial contracting side, what EUA did to the drug regulation side.
In short, the fake “clinical trials” were a PSYOP to convince people to get the injections.
Christian McCay put together a piece of performance Art in the form of a coffin decrying MAID *. At the end of the speakers, it was then delivered to the head office of the Ministry of Health. The monsters in high places call it Death with Dignity, but God Almighty says “All they who hate me, love death.”.
* medical assistance in dying. Euthanasia came to Canada on little catfeet of euphemism.
At our protest there’s always a few drive-by cheap shots. Outweighed by dozens of vigorous enthusiastic honks commending us. And Paul responding with his trademark FREEDOM !! in his parade-square voice. You have to be there, beside him, to appreciate the decibel level this guy musters !!
One of the regular pricks in our flesh, is, a miserable 76-year-old man with the rictus grin of Alzeheimer’s, who makes a point of coming by weekly to bother women. Last Saturday, I contained myself long enough for him to finish spewing his bile while Brenda dished it back at him. As he departed, sputtering, I sounded off “we’re still here !!”
Gordon S Watson Metchosin British Columbia February 27th 2023 A. D
Who or what is WWD and WWR , anyway?
World Wide Demonstration and World Wide Rally are two parts of a grassroots GLOBAL Unity For Freedom movement. We started in Spring of 2021. World Wide Demonstration (WWD), is the collective demonstration including all the grassroots rallies participating in as a World Wide Rally (WWR). As this can get a bit confusing, I felt it best to share that information here to dispel any myths that there are two different organizations.
Founded by a lady in Germany, it soon became too large for any one person to manage. So, a group of dedicated individuals from multiple countries took on the task to become a core team. This team helps to navigate the world wide platform. This group is run as a democratic team, and does its best to keep decisions as local as possible, and only step in when necessary. There are five basic values that this group stands for:
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Movement
- Freedom of Choice
- Freedom of Assembly
- Freedom of Health
WWD/R seeks out giving a voice to the grassroots movements, refraining from including political, or celebrity voices. We feel it is important to make sure that the true grassroots movements are given a global platform. Each rally is locally run, but must demonstrate and adhere to these principles in order to be included in the World Wide Demonstration. I hope that this helps to clear up any misconceptions about the structure of WWD/R and brings confidence as to Victoria is chosen to be a host as an authentic grassroots movement.
Donations appreciated
Please either bring cash or send e-transfers to WWRVictoria@protonmail.com to reimburse me – ( Heather Kessler ) as I paid out of pocket ever since I had the honour of becoming chapter leader for the Victoria World Wide Freedom Rallies (since Sept/2021 ) Thank you
mailing address: VanIsle Threads 501 Belleville St Victoria BC V8V 2L8 Canada
On Feb. 25th our usual anti-vaxx EVENT was swamped by the Save-our-Ancient-Forests demo. A crowd of 3000 marched along Douglas street to the Leg., in a festival mood, bearing lots of witty signs and costumes. Led by Indians in full-on regalia, drumming and yowling and singing in their language. The parade paused at the main intersection for the de rigeur communist chant of “So So So Solidarity!” Cops everywhere NOT wearing their hats. Polite and orderly, so Canadian. Half a lifetime ago, I cut over a million board feet of lumber with my toy sawmill. So – jaded old codger that I am re the forestry issue – it came off as a religious service to the gods of the aboriginals.
Rock’n’roll millionaire Neil Young made a cameo appearance. The guy who once upon a time was an icon of “anti-establishment-arian-ism’ now dictates that fans must prove they’ve submitted to the Quack-zzeeen in order to get in to his concert. Yeah, you do have the trophy wife Mister Young, but we’re the ones who are still out here “rockin’ in the free world”. Compared to whom your limosine liberal pals are poseurs.
A guy my vintage, there supporting the Old Growth bunch, complained that they cannot get their message through to their MLAs. Which means the New Democratic Party machine has lost touch with a key demographic of traditional supporters. It’s all just show-biz … made for media puffery.
Camp-followers show up once a year to watch the Indians uluate on cue for the cameras … always good for a color pic on the front page of the Timely Colonic. But that’s not what we do … two and a half-years at it. Our weekly presence keeps the issues visible in the faces of the Members of the Legislature. We engage real human beings out in the fresh air, invaluable feedback from the electorate … something very rare among MLAs hiding out behind locked doors at constituency offices. We are the nucleus around which His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition is co-alescing. Present tense. And if that isn’t good enough for you, send me better ideas. I’ll arrange for you to speak at the next WWF Rally in May.
The previous Saturday was a World Wide Freedom Rally. As I arrived at 11:30 am, the rain was stopping. By 1 pm, the sun was out, so we were blessed with the mild maritime winter weather for which Victoria is famous. Lots of faces we haven’t seen for a while. About 500 warm bodies showed up. 200 standing on Belleville Street. 200 in the audience for the speakers. The protocol office directed that the speakers were to set up on the East side of the drive instead of the steps right in front of the main door. Which worked out better because the crowd stood on dry pavement, rather than the sopping-wet lawn.
Suffice to say > the speakers were excellent. Doctor Stephen Malthus called bill 36 = the Health Occupations and Professions Act = “a mirage. If you don’t bow to it, it has no power” I got a kick out of speaker Chris Vlek mentioning “ the crack ”. and “I want to light a fire” figuratively. Resonating Leonard Cohen’s verse = “there’s a crack in every thing. That’s how the light gets in” I’ve been pondering ? where is that fatal flaw in the power structure ? … so we can hammer-away at it, til the brittle toes of the idol, fracture.
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. In all seriousness, America is in the state pamphleteer Samuel Adams found himself in 1776. To the colonies on the Eastern seaboard he preached that he was “setting brushfires in the minds of men”. And so are we. Handing out 500+ copies of DRUTHERS Pandemic Papers and COMMON GROUND in a few hours gladdens my heart.
Shortly after noon on the 18th, the Veterans came marching down Douglas Street to the Cenotaph with 100 more of our folks. The provincial Parliament building is a zone of spiritual warfare. Our God, the God of Israel, commands that when we go to in battle, musicians and singers go first. No mere co-incidence, then, that Freedom Rallies across Canada are led by pipers as we congregate around the Cenotaphs in towns and cities. We are walking the walk, kilts an’ a’. Witnessing at the gates of the City, proxies for millions of sympathizers.
Thomas Dalyrymple put it
“when people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse,
when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves,
they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil
and is some small way to become evil one-self.
One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control”
Lately I’m reading Power of the Powerless by Vaclav Havel. He lived through the disintegration of communism in Czechoslovakia. It’s rich. One take-away is : when one finds himself under totalitarian-ism, the anti-dote at the personal level, is : doing the simplest thing that you know to be True. No matter the scale. Showing up at Freedom Rallies is such a courageous act … fellowshipping with others who reject the Lie.
2 years ago a guy costumed as the Grim Reaper showed up for a while at our superspreader GATHERINGS, to mock us. He’s conspicuous by his absence these days, as the toll of sudden deaths directly consequent from the Quack-zeeen, is UN-deniable. Daily, information surfaces, connecting the dots as to how the Crime of the Century was committed. The layers of the onion are peeling-back so it is evident the whole SARS2Covid19 thing was concocted by the US A Department of Defence. See the post on the website of Dr Henry Makow
> RFK Jr : 138 Companies Involved in COVID Vaccine. “They’re all military contractors.”
RFK Jr. confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt
“Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaxxines. They slap their labels on ’em but it was a Pentagon project.”
This confirms the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, who showed how the Pentagon’s Operation Warp Speed was able to completely circumvent Federal Health Regulations by using what’s called in bureaucratic-speak, an “Other Transaction Authority”, which they used to contract with the bioweapons manufacturers to literally produce the bioweapon.
This was discovered in Pfizer’s motion to dismiss Brook Jackson’s case, when they attached another contract called an Other Transaction Authority – OTA contract – saying in effect, they had no obligation to conduct valid clinical trials because the only goods and services they were providing to the US government, according to this contract are a “large scale manufacturing demonstration for a prototype”.
Under the terms of the OTA, Pfizer may have had no obligation to conduct a valid clinical trial or to be in compliance with any of the regulations that govern clinical trials. In other words, OTA did for the financial contracting side, what EUA did to the drug regulation side.
In short, the fake “clinical trials” were a PSYOP to convince people to get the injections.
Christian McCay put together a piece of performance Art in the form of a coffin decrying MAID *. At the end of the speakers, it was then delivered to the head office of the Min de Health. The monsters in high places call it Death with Dignity : but God Almighty says “All they who hate me, love death.”.
* medical assistance in dying. Euthanasia came to Canada on little catfeet of euphemism.
At our protest there’s always a few drive-by cheap shots. Outweighed by dozens of vigorous enthusiastic honks commending us. And Paul responding with his trademark FREEDOM !! in his parade-square voice. You have to be there, beside him, to appreciate the decibel level this guy musters !!
One of the regular pricks in our flesh, is, a miserable 76-year-old man with the rictus grin of Alzeheimer’s, who makes a point of coming by weekly to bother women. Last Saturday, I contained myself long enough for him to finish spewing his bile while Brenda dished it back at him. As he departed, sputtering, I sounded off “we’re still here !!”
Gordon S Watson Metchosin British Columbia February 27th 2023 A. D
Who or what is WWD and WWR , anyway?
World Wide Demonstration and World Wide Rally are two parts of a grassroots GLOBAL Unity For Freedom movement. We started in Spring of 2021. World Wide Demonstration (WWD), is the collective demonstration including all the grassroots rallies participating in as a World Wide Rally (WWR). As this can get a bit confusing, I felt it best to share that information here to dispel any myths that there are two different organizations.
Founded by a lady in Germany, it soon became too large for any one person to manage. So a group of dedicated individuals from multiple countries took on the task to become a core team. This team helps to navigate the world wide platform. This group is run as a democratic team, and does its best to keep decisions as local as possible, and only step in when necessary. There are 5 basic values that this group stands for:
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Movement
- Freedom of Choice
- Freedom of Assembly
- Freedom of Health
WWD/R seeks out giving a voice to the grassroots movements, refraining from including political, or celebrity voices. We feel it is important to make sure that the true grassroots movements are given a global platform. Each rally is locally run, but must demonstrate and adhere to these principles in order to be included in the World Wide Demonstration. I hope that this helps to clear up any misconceptions about the structure of WWD/R and brings confidence as to Victoria is chosen to be a host as an authentic grassroots movement.
Donations appreciated
Please either bring cash or send e-transfers to WWRVictoria@protonmail.com to reimburse me – ( Heather Kessler ) as I paid out of pocket ever since I had the honour of becoming chapter leader for the Victoria World Wide Freedom Rallies (since Sept/2021 ) Thank you
mailing address: VanIsle Threads 501 Belleville St Victoria BC V8V 2L8 Canada