Whatcott “Hate Crime” Trial and Wuhan Virus Tyranny Update

Dear Friends,
The past week in Toronto has been quite surreal. While awaiting trial for my ministry to the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016, I overnight became a citizen who is now legally unable to participate in many activities that were once taken for granted.
Ontario’s so-called vaccine passport is now in effect. I visited 3 restaurants in the Toronto area and have been kicked out of all three of them. The truth is none of the restaurant workers wanted to kick me out. They are as much victims of this deceptive state sponsored coercion as I am.
After getting kicked out of three restaurants I decided to try my luck at a Tim Hortons and went with my friend Jack for a coffee and a Chili. We got to the till and gave our order without face diapers on and I actually thought I was going to be able to enjoy a coffee and snack with my friend just like any other citizen. Sadly, after we paid the young girl at the till asked for our proof of vaccination. It then occured to me that all sorts of gender confused men from Bruce Jenner to Ronan Oger claim to be women and they are never asked for proof. In fact in my BC human rights case my lawyer asked for proof from Mr. Oger that he was a woman (thinking truth might be a defense for me) and we were told by the adjucator that our request was outrageous and hateful and our request for proof Ronan was a woman was denied.
At that moment when the young lady asked for my proof of vaccination, in my mind I did understand that I was born a Pfizer vaccinated person, incorrectly born into an unvaccinated body. I explained to the lady I was a “transvaccinated person.” She looked at me and asked “what is that?” I explained to her that it is perfectly reasonable to assume “if Bruce Jenner is a woman, you should assume I am transvaccinated, and serve me my coffee without the need of me proving it.”
The young lady got the manager who demanded me and Jack put face diapers on and show proof of vaccination. He didn’t seem open minded enough to accept my argument that I feel like I am vaccinated and therefore I am, so sadly me and Jack were not able to enjoy our coffees and snacks indoors.
“We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
I am an unvaccinated Canadian, demonized by the media, and all three levels of government; banned from restaurants, and the target of a narrative that the vaccinated Canadian’s face diapers and two shots of Pfizer will only work so long as the unvaccinated get two shots of Pfizer and wear a face diaper. Rather than submit to this charade or get bullied into a shot we have concerns with, Jack and I discovered something better than going to Tim Hortons. We drove a few miles north of Toronto and trapped ourselves a nice squirrel.

Anyways, after gutting the squirrel we skinned it and then put it whole into a pressure cooker.
Bill and Jack’s recipe for squirrel soup: 1 1 litre of water in pot 1 Squirrel (after squirrel is skinned and cleaned, rub sesame seed oil and seasoning salt on carcas before putting into pot) 2 large potatoes (diced) 2 garden carrots (diced) 1 head of brocolli (dice to small pieces) 1 large yellow onion (diced) 8-10 cloves of garden fresh garlic (diced) 1 table spoon Himalyan salt 2 dashes Sriracha Sauce Pressue cook on high for 2 hours

To see the academic papers (warning this read is comprehensive and will take you a minimum of one hour) now being ignored by government and media that conclusively show wearing face masks do virtually nothing to inhibit the spread of Covid-19 click here: https://www.justfacts.com/news_face_masks_deadly_falsehoods
As for my trial it is scheduled to begin this coming Monday, October 4th at 10:00 am. I have been informed by my lawyer that a Zoom link will be provided the day of my trial for those who wish to witness the proceedings.
If you wish to view the proceedings on Zoom please send me an e-mail or text request and please clearly spell the e-mail address in your written request that you want me to send the Zoom link to. I have a friend who will send you the link when we receive it Monday morning.
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” Lamentations 3:22-24