Bias Form” Encourages School Kids to Report on Each Other for Opposing Marxism.

Loudoun County in Virginia is sparking controversy by encouraging parents and students to report on other students’ “biases” through an anonymous form.
Loudoun parents who recently formed themselves into a political action committee named “Fight for Schools” called the new, anonymous “Bias Reporting” form an “Orwellian move from Loudoun County Public Schools.” The committee of parents see the form as a symptom of cancel culture, saying it “asks students to anonymously cancel each other.”
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The form allows students to “denote if they wish to have the incident followed up at their respective school.”
“The specific reason behind this action step is to utilize it as a means to amplify and elevate student voice,” claimed a Loudoun spokesperson via email, adding that a 2019 “Systemic Equity Assessment” had “revealed some students who felt marginalized or had experienced bias.” According to the Washington Times:
“The results reportedly will be used to identify ‘staff professional learning opportunities’ and to generate ideas for discussion at meetings hosted by school Student Equity Ambassadors.
The Fight for Schools PAC was created by a local parent in April, and its advocates have been at odds with school officials for months.”
The group began a petition campaign earlier this month in order to remove six out of nine Loudoun county school board members who the PAC says are pushing critical race theory in schools. Interim Superintendent Scott Ziegler denied that critical race theory is being used as a “framework for staff to adhere to” in the county. Critical race theory is a Marxist-influenced way of viewing American history mostly through the lens of race.
The National Pulse previously reported on the targeting of parents who opposed critical race theory in schools by a group that included six members of Loudoun’s school board. The latter group, led by school board member Beth Barts, was sharing the personal information of anti-critical race theory parents in the district.
Critical race theory (CRT) is sparking outrage across the country while schools continue to push the CRT agenda. Last week, a group calling themselves “Parents Against Critical Theory” hosted a “Save Our Schools” rally at a local middle school in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Maryland’s largest school system, Montgomery County Public Schools, is currently working on an “Anti-Racist System Audit” which is costing them over $454,000. The audit, begun in November, is being conducted by the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium, which declares itself dedicated to “increasing access to a high quality education for culturally, linguistically and economically diverse learners.”
A spokesperson for the Montgomery County Public Schools told the Washington Times that the audit is meant “to examine systems, practices, and policies in school culture that create barriers to equitable outcomes for students, staff, and families.” Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, however, uncovered evidence from the audit that a recent curriculum for at least one school in the district, Thomas Pyle Middle School, focused heavily on what were termed white supremacy and “White privilege,” the latter being partly defined as having a good relationship with police.
Meanwhile, President Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again” was listed as “covert White supremacy,” just below actions and words such as “lynching” and “the N-word” during a lesson for the middle school. A school district spokesperson denied knowing about the middle school’s social justice course and refused to comment.