CAFE Blast Ontario Human Rights Tribunal for Imposing the LGBTQ Agenda on the Town of Emo & Mayor Harold McQuaker


TORONTO, WEDNESDAY, December 18, 2024. Supporters of free speech ranging in age from 18 to 88, gathered on this rainy afternoon outside the offices of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. There was an ominous police presence

The rally, organized by the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) was to support Emo, Ontario Mayor Harold McQuaker and the Emo town council victimized by a recent ruling of the tribunal. Their crime? They failed to proclaim Gay Pride Month and raise the rainbow flag. [The town doesn’t even have a flagpole!]. The mayor rightly noted that the town hasn’t proclaimed Straight Pride Month either.

For their common sense position, reflecting the will of their voters, the mayor was fined $5,000, the town $10,000 and the Mayor is to attend some Maoist political re-education training. The Mayor has refused to pay or to attend such demeaning propaganda. However, the complainant Borderland Pride has managed to loot the money out of his account.

CAFE has warned for decades that human rights commissions are mortal enemies of free speech and independent thought. The Tribunal went further, trying to compel speech the victims do not believe in.

Mayor Harold McQuaker is a free speech hero. He should get the Order of Canada for standing up to minority tyranny.

On the same day, the Emo Town Council filed an application for Judicial Review (appeal) of the Tribunal decision.

Elmo Mayor Will Not Pay Fine For Not Declaring Gay Pride Month & Will Not Attend Maoist Indoctrination Sessions

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  1. Toronto & GTA

WARMINGTON: Mayor says he refuses to be bullied or pay fine for not flying Pride flag

Joe Warmington

(Toronto Sun, Dec 02, 2024)  •  Last updated 3 hours ago  •  8 minute read


A Northern Ontario mayor fined for voting against flying a Pride flag says he will not be bullied into paying the $5,000 penalty.
In this file photo taken on Nov. 20, 2022, a community member’s silhouette is seen through a Pride flag while paying their respects to the victims of the mass shooting at Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Photo by JASON CONNOLLY /AFP via Getty Images

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A Northern Ontario mayor who was fined for voting against flying a Pride flag at his town hall says he will not be bullied into paying the $5,000 penalty.

Nor will Mayor Harold McQuaker be taking LGBTQ training as he has been ordered to by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO)

And, McQuaker, insisted he won’t cave to demands that he must host a Drag Time story hour in the local library, either.

Canada may be a free country in some places. But not in Emo Township — 380 kilometres west of Thunder Bay on the Canada-U.S. border. In this township, defying LGBTQ demands can not only land you a stiff fine, but also an order to attend a re-education camp, too.

This story which has had coverage in the United States and Europe is happening in Premier Doug Ford’s Ontario where they can’t seem to keep repeat gunman from being let out on bail but they can throw the book at a soon-to-be 77-year-old rural mayor of a tiny village.

“I utterly refuse to pay the $5,000 because that’s extortion,” McQuaker told The Toronto Sun



Whether Emo, located across from Minnesota, pays its $10,000 fine from the HRTO will be decided Tuesday.

“I have a lot of respect for our four councillors,” said the mayor. “We have a special meeting of council, and they will decide that and what to do next. Either pay the fine or appeal it?”

Their choices are simple: Either buckle and bend to the pressure being brought on them by the OHRC and a local Pride group or tell them to go pound salt.

“The Township shall pay to Borderland Pride the sum of $10,000 as compensation for infringement of the Code,” said HRTO Commissioner Karen Dawson in her Nov. 20 ruling. “Mayor McQuaker shall pay to Borderland Pride the sum of $5,000 as compensation for infringement of the Code.”

Emo Township in Nothern Ontrario has been ordered to a $10,000 pay a fine by the Ontario Human Rights Commission for not voting to fly a Pride flag -- photo courtesy of Borderland Pride
Emo Township in Northern Ontario has been ordered to a $10,000 pay a fine by the Ontario Human Rights Commission for not voting to fly a Pride flag — photo courtesy of Borderland Pride

She added “Mayor McQuaker and the Township’s current CAO shall complete the OHRC eLearning Module, titled Human Rights 101, and provide proof of completion of same to Borderland Pride within 30 days of the date of this decision.”

It sounds like a prison sentence — only tougher than most criminals ever receive. It also shows when the motion was brought to council in 2020 to fly a Pride flag for Pride month, it was not a request but a demand, punishable by fine should council not play ball.

Now You Can Be Forced To Say What You Don’t Believe: Ontario town fined $10,000 for refusing to celebrate pride month

Ontario town fined $10,000 for refusing to celebrate pride month

Emo, Ont. was also cited for not flying a pride flag, despite not having a flag pole

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Author of the article:

Tristin Hopper

Published Nov 27, 2024  •  Last updated 6 hours ago  •  6 minute read


Emo welcome sign
The Emo welcome sign pictured in 2011. Photo by Flickr/J. Stephen Conn

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First Reading is a daily newsletter keeping you posted on the travails of Canadian politicos, all curated by the National Post’s own Tristin Hopper. To get an early version sent directly to your inbox, sign up here.

An Ontario town has been fined $10,000 and its officials ordered to complete mandatory “human rights” training after it refused to celebrate Pride Month.

Emo is a township of about 1,300 people located in the far west of Ontario, along the border with Minnesota.

In a decision handed down last week, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ruled that Emo, its mayor and two of its councillors had violated the Ontario Human Rights Code by refusing to proclaim June as “Pride Month.”

The town was also cited for failing to fly “an LGBTQ2 rainbow flag,” despite the fact that they don’t have an official flag pole.

The dispute began in 2020 when the township was approached by the group Borderland Pride with a written request to proclaim June as Pride Month.

Attached to the letter was a draft proclamation including clauses such as “pride is necessary to show community support and belonging for LGBTQ2 individuals” and “the diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression represents a positive contribution to society.”

Emo was also asked to fly an “LGBTQ2 rainbow flag for a week of your choosing.”

Borderland Pride then asked Emo to “email us a copy of your proclamation or resolution once adopted and signed.”

The draft proclamation sent to Emo Township.
The draft proclamation sent to Emo Township. Photo by Borderland Pride

Although symbolic proclamations are standard fare in larger municipal governments such as Toronto or Hamilton, this didn’t happen all that often in Emo.

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“The record indicated the Township did not receive many requests for declarations or proclamations or requests for display of a flag,” the subsequent Tribunal decision would read. In a single 12-month period they received only four — two of which were from Borderland Pride.

Tribunal hearings would also reveal that Emo doesn’t really have a central flag pole, aside from a Canadian flag angled over the front door of the Emo Municipal Office.

Nevertheless, Borderland Pride’s draft proclamation was tabled before a May 2020 meeting of the Emo Township Council, where it was defeated by a vote of three to two.

The claim of discrimination ultimately hinged on a single line uttered by Emo Mayor Harold McQuaker. When the proclamation came up for consideration, McQuaker was heard to say in a recording of the meeting, “There’s no flag being flown for the other side of the coin … there’s no flags being flown for the straight people.”

As Human Rights Tribunal vice-chair Karen Dawson wrote in her decision, “I find this remark was demeaning and disparaging of the LGBTQ2 community of which Borderland Pride is a member and therefore constituted discrimination under the Code.”

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Dawson also ruled that given the “close proximity” of McQuaker’s comment to his nay vote — that too “constituted discrimination under the Code.”

The five days of hearings into the case would also include Emily Saewyc, a professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Nursing who was cited as “an expert on the LGBTQ2 community.”

“Dr. Saewyc testified that one of the ways that negative speech contributes to harms is through tacitly encouraging others to imitate that discriminatory speech,” read the decision, which cited Saewyc’s claim that U.S. President Donald Trump inspired “hate and violence” against the LGBTQ community.

Emo Municipal Office
The flag over the front door, which does not appear in recent photos of the municipal office, appears to be Emo’s only township-owned flag display infrastructure. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

The Human Rights Tribunal ultimately ordered the Township to pay $10,000 to Borderland Pride, and for McQuaker to personally pay them another $5,000.

This was lower than what Borderland Pride had been seeking; they wanted $15,000 from the township and $10,000 each from the three councillors who voted no.

But McQuaker and Emo’s chief administrative officer were also ordered to complete an online course known as “Human Rights 101” and “provide proof of completion … to Borderland Pride within 30 days.”

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The course is offered by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and their latest edition opens with an animated video telling viewers that the Human Rights Code “is not meant to punish.”

Students are also told that “it doesn’t matter if you didn’t intend or mean to discriminate … it’s the impact on the person that matters.”

In a statement celebrating the decision, Borderland Pride noted that Emo joins both London and Hamilton in the category of Ontario communities that have been “sanctioned for refusing to adopt proclamations in support of their local Pride organizations.”

In 1995, Hamilton Mayor Bob Morrow was fined $5,000 for refusing to proclaim Gay Pride Week. That same year, London, Ont., was similarly fined $10,000 for refusing to officially recognize Pride weekend.

Borderland Pride said Emo was “explicitly warned” about the 1995 examples, but “ignored those cautions.”

This is an apparent reference to an April 2024 letter that Borderland Pride sent to Emo on the eve of its Human Rights Tribunal hearing, threatening an “impending national public relations tire fire for your council and community” if it went ahead.

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The township was told they could avoid the hearing only if they apologized, imposed mandatory “diversity and inclusion” training for council, agreed to undisclosed financial terms, pledged to green-light future Pride proclamations without edits and provide free facilities for a “charitable drag event … the proceeds of which will support the Emo Public Library.”

Borderland Pride also said it would return one third of their financial reward to the Emo Public Library, but only if the library hosted a “drag story time event” on a “date of our choosing.”

April 2024 letter sent to Emo Township.
April 2024 letter sent to Emo Township. Photo by Borderland Pride

This is the second time in four months that Borderland Pride has won a five-figure award via legal action. In August, the group won a $35,000 small claims court judgement against a Fort Frances man who wrote a Facebook post saying a Borderland-organized all-ages drag show was a “pedophile show.”

In a statement to Dougall Media at the time, Borderland Pride director Douglas Judson outlined his intention to continue imposing “consequences” on anyone else who attacked them.

“As a lawyer who does this work that means I’m going to start taking people’s houses and their vehicles and their toys and draining their bank accounts and garnishing their wages because no one is going to stop behaving this way until there are real consequences,” he said.