Video: Christian Heritage Party Leader interviews Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott and Mr. Hoogland update

Video: Christian Heritage Party Leader interviews Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott and Mr. Hoogland update

Dear Friends,

Rod Taylor and I just did an interview together and I am quite happy with it. We discuss King vs Whatcott as it pertains to freedom for Christians to speak to the moral and political issues of the day. We also talk about how I became an activist for the cause of Christ and my life as a criminal before coming to Christ. We also talk about how the Canadian judicial system responded when I was an actual criminal, hijacking buses, committing robberies, etc…. and how it responds today to non-violent speech and “thought crimes.”

Update on Rob Hoogland: Praise the Lord! Canada Post walked back from terminating their reliable 20 year plus employee over a Facebook Post he made on the company page criticizing their promotion of homosexuality and transvestite pride.

Seeing as Mr. Hoogland is returning to his job Tuesday, I closed the fundraiser I made for him and sent the money I raised ($100) to help him a little bit with groceries for the couple weeks he spent suspended without pay. One other friend notified me he sent some cash directly to Rob to also help him out. Kudos to that friend for being kind enough to help a man of no social stature, for no other reason than to be an unconditional blessing to a guy in need. It is sad that there is fear in Canada of incurring punishment or job loss for helping Christian/conservative causes and individuals.

I pray this video edifies you and thank you those who chipped in a little to help Rob out and those who prayed for him during his time of need.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott