‘GLARING HYPOCRISY” Update on Police Raid on German Dissident Alfred Schaefer

INTERVIEW: Police Seize Holocaust & 9/11 Truther Alfred Schaefer’s Computers, Papers, etc.

‘GLARING HYPOCRISY” Update on Police Raid on German Dissident Alfred Schaefer

(GLARING Hypocrisy) The above video is a 29-minute interview, recorded Friday, August 19, 2016, with Alfred Schaefer, a German-Canadian Holocaust and 9/11 truther and video producer. Early Thursday morning, Alfred and his wife Elfriede’s house was visited by two German criminal police officers who, after providing a search warrant, took possession of Alfred’s computer equipment (e.g., Mac, drives, iPad), various papers and even his iPod.

Alfred is the brother of Monika Schaefer, the German-Canadian woman who, alongside Alfred, produced the Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust video that has garnered much media attention around the world. GLARING Hypocrisy interviews with Monika are available here andhere, with additional GH coverage here.

As part of the above interview with Alfred, he discusses the video entitled, A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner, which he posted to his YouTube channel on August 14.

We suggest you watch this brief but potent discussion between Alfred and Gerhard Ittner, who was unlawfully abducted from Portugal and imprisoned for five years for denouncing the lies of the Jewish Holocaust. But — as we like to see here at GLARING Hypocrisy — the import of their discussion reaches far beyond the Holohoax into the present-day Jew World Order tyranny that has all of humanity in its crosshairs. Notably, Ittner had already sent Alfred’s video to all of the judges in Germany before the Schaefers received their home visit from the Kriminalpolizei.

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German Thought Police Raid Dissident Videographer Alfred Schaefer and Steal His Computers

German Thought Police Raid Dissident Videographer Alfred Schaefer and Steal His Computers

PATHETIC! Once again, old communist Angela Merkel’s thought control goon squad has swept down on a dissident, raided and ransacked his home and stolen his computers. News just in: ” “Finally, the police raided today the home in Bavaria on Lake Starnberg of Alfred Schaefer, the German + Canadian retired IBM executive whose amazing videos (with those of his sister Monika) on the so-called holocaust stories and 9/11 have terrified the authorities.”

Alfred Schaefer, who made the “Sorry Mom . . .” video  —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0_BZphQ7Qo , 89K views)
has had his house raided by police in Bavaria.   All his computers were taken.
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Ironically, the Basic German Law of 1949 brought in during the Allied occupation guarantees freedom of speech. However, just as with notions of “liberte” or the “freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of speech and freedom of the press” guaranteed by Mao-lover Trudeau I’s mendacious and weasely Charter of Rights and Freedoms, no one in the increasingly repressive West takes these promises seriously.
The New Unhappy Lords eager to flood the White world with the Third World and replace us with their grim New World Order are in a panic that more and more once complacent people are on to their game and to the phony New Religion of Holocaust designed to keep the masses ashamed, guilty and accepting of imposed “diversity.”
As a German Canadian, I am outraged that my father’s and mother’s generation sacrificed part of their youth and many sacrificed their health or their lives in a fratricidal war against fellow Europeans. Idealistically, they THOUGHT they were fighting for “King and country and democracy.” That, of course, was not the real agenda, but they were well intentioned and brave and that is what they imagined they were fighting for. What a sham, what a waste, what a shame to see the leaden hand of thought dictatorship smashing down door and seizing computers all for the non-violent expression of a person’s opinion. That’s the very thing my parents’ generation thought they were fighting against.
Paul Fromm

A German Dissident Speaks Out – Gerhard Ittner — About and in Support of Monika Schaefer

After the phenomenal success of Monika’s wonderful fiddle tune and the recognition that it enjoyed worldwide, this dialog is a suitable followup.
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Preview YouTube video A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner


A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner